• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 7,940 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

A Royal Confrontation

Luna crashed into the wall behind her due to the magic blast from Twilight. As Luna fell to the floor, Celestia and the others looked at Twilight in shock. She just blasted Luna. Seizing the opportunity, Twilight used her magic to grab the scroll from Celestia while her concentration was halted. The glow around the villains ceased as they all turned to Twilight.

Celestia saw Twilight's horn glow. She was about to teleport.

"NO!" Celestia exclaimed as she spread out her wings, but it was too late.

Twilight had already teleported out of the dungeon. Luna groaned as she got back to her hooves. She snarled in anger as she charged up her horn. Luna then teleported out of the dungeon. Celestia turned to everyone else in the room with a look of sorrow.

"I'm sorry."

Celestia teleported out of the room, leaving the others shocked at what just happened.

Twilight appeared in front of the castle with panic written all over her face. She just attacked Princess Luna. What was she thinking? She had to get as far away as possible. She started to gallop away from the castle, sweat dripping from her forehead.

She came to a sudden stop when Luna appeared in front of Twilight. Twilight took notice of Luna's face. She did not look happy.

"Give the scroll up, Twilight Sparkle! We will not ask a second time!" Luna ordered.

Twilight was terrified. Why was Luna so adamant in letting these people die when they could help them? What was going on?

"Princess Luna! I don't want to fight you! But we can't let these people die when we could help them!"

Luna shook her head, "No, Twilight Sparkle. These things are not our problem! They are not of our own dimension! We do not believe that thou understand the gravity of the situation!"

"Then tell me why you're so willing to let these people die?!"

Suddenly, Celestia appeared behind Twilight. She turned around to face her mentor, expecting her to be furious for attacking her sister. She was surprised when she saw that Celestia had a sad look on her face.

"Twilight, my faithful student. If these creatures stay here in our dimension, then Equestria itself will perish. The barriers surrounding our dimension will shatter and put the lives of our citizens at risk. We MUST follow the natural order of the Multiverse."

Twilight shook her head, "But what about the Magic of Friendship? Don't they deserve the chance to be helped?"

Celestia sighed, "Not all creatures deserve to be helped. I want to help them! But the longer they stay here, the more our world is at risk! Our dimension will shatter when the barriers break. Everypony you love will die! I'm doing this for the greater good!"

Twilight gave her mentor a stern look, "Nothing ever justifies taking a life."

Luna stomped her hoof, "Twilight! Listen to us! These are threats to Equestria that cannot be helped! We will not let our subjects be threatened by Multiversal threats EVER again!"

Twilight looked confused, "Again?" she turned to Celestia, "What does she mean, princess?"

Celestia sighed and looked into her students eyes, "A long time ago, a being called The Watcher came to us for aid. We had just defeated Discord and we were returning to Canterlot."

Luna stepped in, "Uatu, The Watcher, said that the entirety of the Multiverse was under threat."

Twilight tilted her head, "By who?"

Celestia and Luna lit up their horns and casted a projection spell, showing an image of a metallic being.

Celestia frowned, "His name was Ultron. He was going from universe to universe, wiping them out into nothingness. If we didn't help The Watcher and other Multiversal heroes stop him, then our world would've been next."

The image faded away as Luna stepped forward, "It was then that we made sure that our dimension would be protected from outside threats. We casted a powerful barrier around our universe to ensure its safety. Now that its gone, our universe is exposed. The only way to ensure our protection, is to send these individuals home. Even if it means letting them die."

Twilight looked at the two in disbelief. How was this never recorded in Equestrian history? She didn't have time to dwell on that now. She needed to focus. She shook her head and said, "That doesn't mean that THESE people need to die! If we send them back after we've helped them, things will be different! They'll lead better lives! You two always believed in me! Please believe in me now when I say that I can help them! Please, I'm begging you! They deserve a chance!"

Luna had had enough as her eyes glowed, "ENOUGH, TWILIGHT! HAND OVER THE SCROLL! NOW!!!"

Twilight had tears in her eyes as she spread her wings out, "No!"

To both of the sister's surprise, Twilight took off into the sky.

Luna turned to Celestia, "She can fly?!"

Celestia rolled her eyes, "It appears that Rainbow Dash has been teaching her in their spare time. Come! We must retrieve that scroll!"

"And what of Twilight?"

Celestia sighed as a tear fell down her face, "If Twilight must be locked away in order to save our kingdom, then she will be restrained and secured in the dungeon."

The two sisters took flight, not wanting to do this. But in their eyes, there was no other choice.

It took a minute for Twilight to realize that she was flying. But she shook off the thought and continued onward. Suddenly, Luna and Celestia teleported in front of her, halting her progress. She really didn't want to fight, she knew she couldn't win.

"Enough, Twilight! Hand over the scroll!" Luna demanded.

"Princess Luna...." Twilight started but was interrupted by Luna.


Twilight then shouted back, "YOU WERE A VILLAIN TOO, LUNA!"

That statement shut Luna right up. Twilight continued, "You threatened to put Equestria into eternal night! You banished Princess Celestia! And yet, we helped you and gave you a second chance! You act like they are beyond help, when YOU were in their exact position! So tell me, Luna. If these people don't deserve a second chance. Did you?"

Luna tried to retort, but she couldn't. There was no doubt in her mind. She knew Twilight was right. She got a second chance when she was Nightmare Moon. So why couldn't these people get one?

Celestia then spoke, her voice cracking, "Y....you're right. You are absolutely right, Twilight," tears were now streaming down her face as she continued, "We let our fear of Ultron get the better of us. I taught you the importance of friendship and second chances. And yet I won't even bother to let you help those in need. I've been a complete fool, Twilight. I'm so sorry."

It was then that Twilight flew into Celestia's chest and sobbed into it. Celestia cried as well, regretting her actions. Luna sighed, gathering the attention of the pair.

"You're right, Twilight. I've let my anger control my actions. I've been trying to get rid of them when I should have been trying to help them. I'm such a hypocrite," Luna exhaled, "Okay, Twilight. We'll try things your way."

Twilight smiled at the midnight mare as she sniffled. She was going to do things the RIGHT way.

They all teleported into the dungeon, where everyone had been waiting. Celestia stepped forward, "I am so sorry. I was acting like a fool," she turned to the villains, "These creatures need help, and it's our obligation as princesses to give them aid," she turned to Twilight, "Thank you, Twilight. Now I know why I chose you to be a princess."

Twilight blushed as everypony cheered in celebration. The cheering was ceased when Doc Ock cleared his throat.

Everyone turned to Otto as he looked at Twilight, "You could have just left us to die. Why didn't you?"

Shining smiled as he turned to Twilight, "Because that's not who she is."

Twilight smiled back to her brother. She then stepped towards the cells.

"I think I can help all of you. If I can fix what happened to you, then when you go back, things will be different, and you might not die fighting this 'Spider-Man'."

Electro raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean “fix” us?"

"Our technology might not be as advanced as yours, but our magical capabilities might be able to help you. We also have a science lab, so-" Twilight was cut off by Norman.

"I can help you. You know, I'm something of a scientist myself," he turned to Otto, "Octavius knows what I can do."

Otto scoffed, "“Fix?” You mean like a dog? I refuse."

Twilight frowned a little, "I can’t promise you anything. But at least this way you actually get to go home and have a chance... a second chance. I mean, come on. Isn’t that worth trying?"

Lizard stepped forward, "Trust me, Twilight. When you try to fix people there are always consequences."

Twilight shrugged, "You don't have to come. But if you stay here... you'll be sent back without help."

Lizard rolled his eyes, "Ah, so we go along or die. Not much of a choice, is it?"

Sandman crossed his arms, "I just want to go home."

Electro looked curious, "Well, I myself don’t want to be killed, so... what’s your plan?"

Twilight smiled, "I have it all planned out," she then turned to Cadance and Shining Armor, "I want you two to take this scroll and keep it safe. If anything happens, do not hesitate to cast the spell."

Shining them stepped forward, "No, I'm coming with you!"

Twilight shook her head, "No. If things get out of hoof, I'll need somepony I trust to keep that spell safe and cast it. Please. B.B.B.F.F.?"

Shining sighed as he gave in, "Okay. But be careful. And if I don't hear from you, Cadance will cast that spell."

Cadance nodded as they all embraced. Twilight departed from the hug and turned to the villains, "So, uh... who’s coming with me?"

The villains all looked at each other before Electro answered, "Well, I’m in. But... if this goes sideways, imma fry you from the inside out."

Twilight smiled at her friends, her plan was going to work.

Nothing could go wrong.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, a man was exiting the Everfree forest with a grin on his face. He looked around and saw Ponyville. A tendril began to wrap around him.....Only, it wasn't black.

It was red.

"Let. There. Be. CARNAGE!!!"