• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,186 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

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The ticket to my answers

The ticket to my answers

After the fiasco with Nightmare Moon yesterday, Sora had been invited by Princess Celestia herself to vhave a talk with her at the royal castle in Canterlot. Sora, being accompanied by Twilight, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, were at the train station, waiting for it to arrive. "I still can't believe that Princess Celestia invited you to her castle. It must be a real honor!" Said Pinkie Pie while jumping up and down. Twilight then stopped the pink mare by putting a hoof on top of her head.

The unicorn looked at Sora and asked, "Are you sure you don't want us to come with you? Canterlot is a pretty big place."

The pegasus shook his head, "No need. I'll be fine Twilight, Princess Celestia just invited me to talk over some Keyblade wielder business, really" he said with his jolly tone. Sora looked at Applejack to apologize, "Sorry I can't help you today at the farm."

The orange mare put on a smile, "Don't need to be sorry, ya just go and do what ya need to do. Twilight will help out, right?" Applejack looked at the pony in question.

The unicorn replied happily, "Of course. Me and Spike would be happy too." The dragon didn't seem to mind. He got up on Twilight's back and laid down.

Spike then said, "No problem. If I can be your assistant, farming a few apples will be a piece of apple pie." The train finally arrived. Sora looked back to see it in all it's multi colored glory. It looked like a toy made for little girls with how beautifully colorful it was, maybe enough to send your eyes in a sugar rush. The other ponies were getting on, Sora looked back at the six and Spike, saying his goodbyes. "I'll see you all soon!" He then walked over intoo the kart, inside Sora saw many ponies taking their seats, talking to each other and what not. As soon as he found a seat, he looked out a window and waved goodbye to his friends, so did the mares and dragon with the train starting to leave.

Finally, Sora would get some answers as to why he was here, Why he is a pony and why Celestia exactly needed him. The pegasus laid down on the seat as a pony would. He felt a little sad with a mixture of boredom. Sora looked to the seat next to him and saw an old looking stallion. The stallion was red with a gray mane and tail, along with a cutie mark of a monkey. He said while looking at Sora, "Hello there younging, How are you?"

Sora figured it was for the best to maybe start a conversation to pass the time while making his way to Canterlot, "Oh, just fine sir." The pegasus then went back to sitting in silence. It was a very awkward silence as none of them said anything for a little while.

The old stallion decided to start the conversation again, "Did I ever tell you about the time I got a muffin without using any of my own money?"

Sora looked back at the old Stallion. He couldn't have thought that was something good to start up a conversation with. "No sir, we just met."

The old Stallion then explained the story, "I was walking to the bakery to get some, but then I realized I didn't have any money. When I got to the counter, a nice blue mare came in and gave me my order. I was about to tell her I couldn't pay but then a few bits came into the counter by the wind. It was the luckiest moment of my life. I should have brought the muffins with me though, you see….." and at that moment Sora started blocking the noise the old koop was making as he looked outside the window. Hopefully the girls back at Ponyville were having a better time then he was. Sadly he was wrong.


At Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight and Applejack have harvested a large amount of apples. They were walking back to the barn as Spike was looking through the apples on Twilights saddle. Sadly the good looking ones weren't good looking enough for him so he just tossed them out while saying, "Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope." The mares continued walking forward, not noticing the dragon dropping the apples.

"Thanks again for helping me out, Twilight. Since Sora's not here, I sure love the help." Twilight was happy to hear that.

The purple unicorn replied to the earth pony, "No problem at all Applejack. I'm glad the goal is lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry." Twilight was thinking back to Sora. Eh, he could take care of himself. Right now she should probably focus on working and food.

The dragon looked back and said, "I know, right?" While continuing to look throughout the saddle.

The unicorn didn't like that. Mostly because he didn't do anything, "Please Spike. You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked." She was right. The baby dragon did nothing all day but lay on her back and toss out apples.

The dragon was still digging, "Exactly. You two are taking so long, I missed snack-time." he said a little smugly. All that time spent working definitely did something to the purple unicorn.

Twilights stomach rumbled, she looked a little embarrassed. "Eh, I guess we better get some food. We didn't get anything to eat ever since we went to go see Sora off this morning." Spike was still digging, finally he found what he was looking for.

"Aha!" He pulled out a big, shiny, juicy apple out of the saddle.

Twilight looked in cheer. Finally she could ease her hunger. "Oh Spike, that looks delicious!" She said while licking her lips.

Sadly, Spike ended up eating the whole thing in a couple of bite's.

Twilight yelled at the dragon, "Spike!" The dragon looked back at her, he only responded by moving his shoulders up and down. After he finished the apple, he covered his mouth. He let out a small burp of fire.

The fire manifested into a scroll with a little gold emblem on it. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia." Said Twilight. She wondered what could Princess Celestia need of her?

Spike opened the scroll, cleared his throat and read it out loud, "Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of, eh, yadda yadda yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest." Spike didn't really seem enthusiastic about that.

Both the mares were a different story, they both yelled "The Grand Galloping Gala!" They then cheered as loud as you would expect a girl to.
The dragon then burped again. This time the fire turned I to two tickets. The dragon quickly got them in the air with his claws. Twilight took the tickets with her magic, "Wow, great! I've never been to the gala. Have you, Spike?" she said in, giddy.

Spike didn't exactly care about the gala,he shook his head, "And I plan to keep it that way. I don't want any of that girly frilly frou-frou nonsense." He said while making a little choking motion.

Applejack didn't see it that way, "Are ya kidding! It's more then that! I would love to go." She said. She then started to daydream of what she could do there, "If I had an apple stand set up, ponies would be chowin' our tasty vittles 'til the cows came home. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres? Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixin' up 'round here. We could replace that saggy old roof, and Big Mac could replace that saggy old plow, and Granny Smith could replace that saggy old hip. Why, I'd give my left hibd leg to go to the gala!"

Since Spike didn't want to go, Twilight thought it would be better to use the ticket for the orange mare, "Oh, well in that case, would you like to—". She was interrupted by Rainbow Dash performing a crash landing on them.

While they were all in a pile, Rainbow Dash asked "Are we talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?"

The others quickly got back on their legs. Applejack later then said "Rainbow Dash. You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples. What were you busy doing? Spyin'?" The orange mare came up and gave her a little stink eye.

The rainbow pegasus looked calm and said "No, I was busy napping, and I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket?" She pointed with her hoof to the tree she was napping in to prove herself valid.

Twilight looked a little shooken "Yeah, but—".

As always, Rainbow interrupted her again and similar to Applejack began to day dream. "YES! This is so awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now! Everyone would be watching the sky. Their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly Rainbow Dash! I would draw their attention with my Super Speed Strut. Then, I would mesmerize 'em with my Fantastic Filly Flash. And for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze! The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be incorporated into their routine, and then welcome me as their newest member."

The Rainbow mare went up to Twilight's face and grabbed it close to hers, "Don't you see, Twilight? This could be my one chance to show 'em my stuff. You gotta take me!" Applejack came in and bumped Rainbow Dash.

The orange farm girl said, "Hold on just one pony pickin' minute here. I asked for that ticket first."

Rainbow Dash got up close to Applejack now, "So? That doesn't mean you own it."

Applejack then challenged the rainbow pony, "oh yeah? Well I challenge you to a hoof-wrestle. Winner gets the ticket." They then went up to a tree stump and placed their hoofs on it, they both started to arm wrestle but Twilight quickly blew it off.

"Girls, these are my tickets, I'll decide who gets it, thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don't you think?"

The other two mares went back and toward over who should have it.

"Drummin' up business for the farm?"

"chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?"

"Money t' fix Granny's hip."

"Living the dream."

Twilight was torn at the moment, "Oh my, those were all pretty good reasons, aren't they?" Her stomach was still grumbling this time louder than before, "Listen to that, I am starving. I don't know about you, but I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach, so I'll, uh, think about it over lunch and get back to you two, okay?"

Both mares agreed to that, "Okay" they said as Twilight left with Spike. As soon as she was gone the two mirrors and went back to their little macho match.


Back with Sora who we left with the old stallion not too long ago. The pegasus and the old guy were getting off the train as it finally arrived at Canterlot. "... And that's how I saved my village from an attack, oh there's my daughter. Gotta go kid." Said the old stallion as he went off leaving Sora alone.

He was so irritated by him during the ride, good thing he no longer has to deal with it. Sora looked over to see if he could find some pony to help him out. He then heard a voice coming from in front of him, "Hey, you there. Are you Sora by any chance?" The pegasus looked in the direction of the voice, seeing a big white stallion. He had purple armor with gold and blue highlights. His mane and tail were blue as well along with haviy a horn, making him a unicorn.

Sora looked at the white unicorn and answered his question, "Oh, yes I am." The white stallion greeted the pegasus by shaking his hoof.

"Hello there Sora. I'm Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal guard. Princess Celestia ordered me to come here and accompany you to the Castle."

Sora finished shaking the Captaina hoof, "Alright, lead the way." Both of the stallions began to make their way over to the castle, passing through the other ponies.

Sora and Shining Armor were walking past the homes and shops of Canterlot. Shining Armor inspected Sora a bit more, looking at him from head to toe. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I figured you would be taller." He said jokingly.

Sora looked at himself, "Why is that?" He asked the unicorn.

Shining Armor replied his thoughts. "Oh, well when Princess Celestia said I was to bring the hero of light over, I figured he would be bolder, stronger looking and would have eyes with thousands of years of wisdom, but seeing that he was just a kid was a little shocking."

Sora let out a little chuckle, "Yeah, that's almost how everyone reacts when they find out." Sora and Shining Armor continued to walk forward.

The pegasus then started getting many stairs from the locals of Canterlot, all whispering little things about him.

"Is that him?" asked a blue mare?

"I figured he would be taller?" said a brown stallion.

"He looks kinda cute." said a little filly mare.

"He battled someone like Nightmare Moon?" asked a knight.

"Was he trained at a young age?" asked another knight?

"Maybe he was blessed by a goddess at birth?" said another?

"Is he the descendant of a former knight?" asked another.

"Do you think he can shoot pure light out of his eyes?" asked a pink mare to her green friend.

"He doesn't really look like hero material, maybe they got the wrong pony?" thought another one.

Sora wasn't really used to people talking about him like this. "Huh, looks like you started quite the reputation here" said Shining Armor.

"People are really that impressed by me?" Asked Sora a little shyly.

Shining Armor chuckled a little before replying. "He-he, well yeah, not many ponies can say that they're the hero of light. I still can't believe that you were able to go hoof to hoof with Nightmare Moon! She's Princess Celestia's sister and you managed to give her a challenge! Any pony who could do that is definitely otherworldly." The pegasus grew a nice little smile on his face. He was otherworldly, quite literally.

They finally made it to the castle doors as two other knights opened them along with bowing before Sora, with both said it in union, "Oh hero of light. You praise us with your presence."

Sora wasn't exactly feeling it though, "It's ok, no need for formalities." Both stallions then proceeded to walk inside the castle. Sora later than took notice of a look on Shining Armor's face, that of sadness. "Shining Armor, what's wrong? You look a little down."

The captain quickly put on a smile and looked back at the Pegasus, "I'm fine. It's just, my little sister used to live with me here in Canterlot, but yesterday she had to go live in Ponyville since Celestia ordered her to learn about friendship. I'm just worried about her a little."

Sora, oblivious to who his sister was just said "I'm sure your sister's doing fine, Don't worry about it." Those words were just what Shining Armor needed. His sister was Princess Celestia's student for a reason. Speaking of which, let's go back to her


Twilight was now in Ponyville with Spike and the two tickets. Spike asked the purple unicorn, "Who are you gonna give the ticket to, Twilight?"

She didn't know who to give it to. Both of her friends had really good reasons to go. Her stomach started to rumble again, "I don't know Spike, but I really can't think straight when I'm hungry, so where should we eat?"

As soon as she finished. A familiar mare came crashing through a door and into Twilight and Spike. It was Pinkie Pie, while both were on the ground, the two tickets fell on Pinkie's face. "Gah! Bats! Bats on my face! Help!" She was running around screaming for help until she finally stopped and grabbed what was on her head. "Wait, these aren't... tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala?!" She yelped in happiness, her eyes showed her excitement with how big they got. She then decided to say her reasons as to why she would like to go. "It's one of the super duper shmooperest parties ever held in all of Equestria! With the decorations, games and all of the above!" She then went to go hug Twilight senseless, "Oh thank you, Twilight, it's the most wonderful-est gift ever!"

Twilight try to clear things up with Pinky but it failed, "Um, actually—".

And just like that, another one of Twilight's friends overheard them. It was Rarity, She gasped and then said, "Are these what I think they are?" While looking at the tickets that Spike was holding.

Pinkie Pie came up to Rarity, "Yes, yes, yes! Twilight's taking me to the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot."

Rarity, like the other mares, began to day dream a little herself. "The gala? I design ensembles for the gala every year, but I've never had the opportunity to attend. Oh, the society, the culture, the glamour! It's where I truly belong, and where I'm destined to meet him. I would stroll through the gala, and everyone would wonder, 'Who is that mysterious mare?' They would never guess that I was just a simple pony from little old Ponyville. Why, I would cause such a sensation that I would be invited for an audience with Princess Celestia herself, and the princess would be so taken with the style and elegance that she would introduce me to him, her nephew: the most handsome, eligible unicorn stallion in Canterlot." The stallion she was thinking off was a tall white one with a blonde mane and tail. "Our eyes would meet, our hearts would melt. Our courtship would be magnificent. He would ask for my hoof in marriage, and of course I would say, 'Yes!' We would have a royal wedding, befitting a princess, which is what I would become upon marrying him, the stallion of my dreams."

The white unicorn went out of Twilight with a look on her face that shows disappointment, "Twilight, I simply cannot believe you would invite Pinkie Pie so she can... party, and prevent me from meeting my true love. How could you?"

Spike was in the back, watching the mares talk amongst themselves, "Hey!" He yelled as a familiar bunny came in and stole the tickets from his hands.

Angel bunny was the one if you didn't find out. He brought the two tickets to Fluttershy. She was ecstatic about this but with her tone ,you wouldn't figure it out. "Angel, these are perfect." Fluttershy said very thankful.

Twilight decided to tell the mares what was going on, "Uh, listen guys, I haven't decided who to give the extra ticket to."

Both were shocked at this and yelled, "You haven't?"

Fluttershy then made herself clear to every pony. "Uh, excuse me, Twilight. I would just like to ask, I mean, if it would be all right, if you haven't given it to someone else…?"

Rarity was surprised at this, "You? You want to go to the gala?" It was shocking. Why would Fluttershy, the most shy pony in Ponyville, want to go to a party where there are thousands of ponies she's probably never met.

"Oh, no. I mean, yes, or, actually, kind of. You see…". Just like the others, she had a personal reason as to why she wants to go. She started to daydream just what she would do their. "It's not so much the Grand Galloping Gala as it is the wondrous private gated garden that surrounds the dance. The flowers are said to be the most beautiful and fragrant in all of Equestria. For the night of the gala, and that night alone, would they all be in bloom... and that's just the flora! Don't get me started on the fauna. There's loons and toucans and bitterns, oh my! Hummingbirds that can really hum, and buzzards that can really buzz. White-blue jays, and red jays, and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos!"

Twilight didn't exactly know what to say about that, "Gee, Fluttershy, it sounds... beautiful…?"

"Wait just a minute". It was Rainbow Dash, she quickly came down to confront the purple unicorn about the ticket fiasco.

Twilight wasn't exactly happy about this, "Rainbow Dash! Were you following me?"

Rainbow Dash being herself, responded In the most Rainbow Dash way, "No. I mean, yes. I mean, maybe. Look, it doesn't matter. I couldn't risk a goody-four-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody." Applejack also came into the conversation.

"Wait just a darn minute" Applejack said, "Yer trying to take my ticket, aren't you." Rainbow was taking a back by this. All the five ponies started arguing about who should get the ticket.

Twilight was being driven crazy from all of it. She tried her best to block it out but finally she had to yell, "QUITE!" All of them finally stopped and stood their listing to Twilight, "Girls, there's no use in arguing. This is my decision, and I'm gonna make it on my own, and I certainly can't think straight with all this noise..". Her stomach grumbled, still she had nothing to eat, "Not to mention the fact I still haven't eaten. I'll make my decision soon. I just need time." All the other mares went off and left her alone.

Spike and Twilight we're outside on a table, next to a restaurant. Both were looking through their menus as to what they would order. Twilight's head was laying on the table, "Spike, what am I gonna do? All five of my best friends have really good reasons to go to the gala. Applejack, or Rainbow Dash? Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy, Rarity... Oh, who should go with me?" she asked while taking off pedals from the flower in front of her. She the used her tongue to lick them all up and swallow them.

A waiter with a fancy mustache and accent came up and asked "Have you decided yet"?

Twilight, of course, yelled in an over the top fashion, "I CAN'T DECIDE!"

The baby dragon looked at her strangely along with the other ponies there. Spike cleared everything up for Twilight, "I think he just wants to take your order."

Twilight looked a little embarrassed before finally ordering what she wanted, "Oh. I would love a daffodil and daisy sandwich."

Spike then placed his order, "Do you have any rubies?" The waiter didn't look amused. "No? Okay. I'll have the hay fries, extra crispy." said the dragon, a little disappointed.

Twilight quickly went back to thinking who she should give it to, "What do you think, Spike?" She asked the dragon

Spike however didn't think she was talking about the ticket, "I think we have to try another restaurant. How hard could it be to surf any dishes with jem's? It's not like their rare or anything."

Twilight was a little annoyed by that, "No! I mean what am I going to do about this ticket fiasco?"

Spike pondered for a little while, "Why not Sora, he seems like a good guy and- you would have 5 friends who would be mad at you." Yeah, there was no easy way of choosing who.

The waiter from before came back with their order, "Your Food." He said as he went back. The dragon and mare started to dig in. As soon as Twilight began though, all the Ponies outside quickly ran inside the restaurant to escape something. The waiter asked Twilight from the door, "Em, madam? Are you going to eat your food in ze rain?".

Twilight was tookan back by that question. She looked around her area, "It's not raining…" She then heard a thunderclap and looked up and saw indeed, it was raining. Though there was a little open area with sunlight instead of water coming out.

This was due to a rainbow mare from before, "Hi there, best friend forever I've ever ever had. Enjoying the sunny weather?". Twilight grew a scowl on her face.

The unicorn looked up and asked Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?" She had just told them to give her sometime to think about this and Rainbow Dash was doing the exact opposite.

Rainbow Dash tried to make it seem like she wasn't doing it for said reason, "Me? No no no, of course not."

Twilight decided to tell Rainbow Dash to stop, "Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors, so I'd appreciate it if you close up that rain cloud right now."

Rainbow Dash did just that, "Ugh, Fine." As soon as she closed it though, a large amount of rain came down and splashed all over her head. Her mane fell down along with her sandwich.

Out of nowhere, however, she taken away by Rarity, "Come with me before you catch a cold." The three were now at Rarity's boutique. Twilight smiled back at the mare, she thought 'This could not go wrong in any way' in a jolly tone. She was wrong. Twilight shook like a dog to get the water out.

Sadly she got the other mare in the room wet, she looked a little embarrassed before apologizing, "Heh heh, oops, sorry."

Rarity tried her best to act as if it didn't bother her. Her face certainly showed it. "Oh no, it's quite all right." She then went up to Twilight, moving around her in a caring way, "After all, we are... the best of friends, are we not? And you know what the best of friends do?" She asked the purple unicorn.

Twilight didn't know how to take this question, "Ugh". Rarity jumped up, answering the question for Twilight.

"Makeovers!" Rarity then pulled a room separator. Twilight was struggling with Rarity, if the noise was anything to tell from. Finally, Rarity was finished as she gave Twilight a nice little dress. The unicorn didn't know how to feel about it. Rarity praised Twilight in her new gown, "There. Oh, you're simply darling."

Twilight looked at the dress on her closer. She had to admit, it was spectacular, "Uh, yeah, it is kinda pretty, isn't it?" Spike was looking from afar, out of nowhere, Rarity came in.

"And you. Oh Spike, I have a dandy little outfit for the dashing gent." She then grabbed him, bringing him behind the divider. She ended up putting a nice little suit with puffy pants, puffy shirt and blond wig. "Oh, forgot the hat." Said Rarity as she grabbed a large black one with her magic and placed it on his head. Twilight was chuckling at the dragon. He didn't exactly like it and quickly ran off. "Oh, who needs him. This is all about you, and how fabulous you'll look at the Grand Galloping Gala." Said Rarity as she brought a mirror for the mare to look at herself. The Gala was what got Twilight to think twice.

"Wait, the Gala?" Questioned the mare.

Rarity went back to her rambling while grabbing on to Twilight. "And oh, what a coincidence. I happen to have an ensemble of my own that matches yours." She said as if she was surprised. "We would be the belles of the ball, All eyes would be on us, and then everyone would finally know, the most beautiful, most talented, most sophisticated pony in all of Equestria is Rarity the unicorn." Twilight gave Rarity a stern look. "I mean you, darling."

Twilight quickly got back and started moving forward towards her, "I see what's going on. You're just buttering me up so I give you the extra ticket. Well it's not gonna work. You're going to have to wait for my decision just like everyone else. Now if you'll excuse me, I've been trying all day just to get some lunch." She said while taking off all of her clothes that Rarity gave her.

As soon as she uttered her last word, A familiar orange mare came in, "Did some pony say lunch?" Applejack grabbed Twilight as she pulled her outside, along with having a large amount of food in front of her, all apple themed, "I got apple pie, apple fritters, apple tarts, apple dumplings, apple crisps, apple crumblers, and apple Brown Betty. Uh, the dessert, not my auntie. What do you say there, best friend?" Applejack tried her darn best to persuade the unicorn.

Twilight's stomach grumbled again, she tried her best to escape the temptation, "No. I don't know who I'm giving the ticket to, and all these favors aren't making it any easier to decide. In fact, I'm less sure now than I was this morning. Ugh!" Twilight was making her way back home to the library. She mumbled to herself, "And here I thought Sora was annoying on my first day here." She finally arrived at the Golden Oak Library, just outside the door. She went inside to find Fluttershy and her animal friends cleaning her living quarters.

Fluttershy was humming to herself a little jingle, fit for a TV show opening. Fluttershy looked down at Twilight, "Oh, hello Twilight. Me and my friends figured it would be a good idea to do your spring cleaning for you. Since your such a good friend."

Twilight didn't fall for it, "It's summer." She said, very blatantly.

Fluttershy looked a little, well, shy at this. She replied, still trying to cover rip her real reason, "Oh, well, better late than never, right? It was Angel's idea." She pointed to the bunny who was preparing a salad for the unicorn.

Twilight, with a bored look, said this. "Your doing this for the ticket. Aren't you."

Fluttershy tried her best to hide it, "Oh no. I'm doing this for my best friend." She looked back at Angel bunny who gave her a stern look. "I mean yes, I am doing this for the ticket."

The bunny went up to Twilight with a prepared salad, handing it over to her. She turned him down though. "Well this was very nice of you and angel." She said while walking over to the door. "But I'm not going to expect any favors until I have made my final decision". As soon as she took one step outside, a pink mare came up and carried Twilight outside.

It was Pinkie Pie along with five other mares with her. The mares were tossing Twilight up and down while Pinkie sang a song.

"Oh Twilight, my best and closest friend.

She's the smartest, strongest and prettiest pony I've ever met.

She's a great student and has an owl for a pet. (I think)

I'm making up this song so the writer doesn't put in the real one.

He's lazy but hey, he has to get this story done before daaaaaaaawwwwwwnnn!!!

And that is why Twilight, (that's you) will give me the ticket for the Gala! Yeah!"

"Pinkie!" Yelled Twilight at her as the mares quickly put her down. "At least the other ponies were trying to be subtle. How many times do I have to say it. I JUST WANT SOME TIME TO EAT AND THINK ABOUT WHO I SHOULD GIVE THE TICKET TO!" Yelled Twilight out loud.

Sadly every pony around heard this and quickly started surrounding her. Many upon many start coming surrounding her asking her what they could do to buy her affection and ticket.

"Wait, what ticket? What gala?"

"Have I ever told you how much I love your mane?"

"Would you like any help with your gardening"?

All of them were growing larger and larger in numbers. Twilight just grew a shocked eye while being surrounded.


Back with Sora and Shining Armor. The two stallions were making their way up to Princess Celestia in the throne room. There she was, atop on her throne with two other guards on the lower area in a ready stance. Shining went up to introducing the pegasus, "Your Highness. I present, Sora to your acquaintance." Sora made his way up to greet the Princess, He bowed before her to show his respect.

Princess Celestia went down the staircase of her throne to meet him face to face. "I wish to speak to the hero of light in private please." She said in a demanding voice. The guards and Shining Armor obeyed her command and went outside the large door, closing it on the way. Princess Celestia went back to her normal tone of voice, "Sorry about that. I just figured talking by ourselves would be best."

Sora smiled, "It's ok. Just never seen you talk in a demanding voice." Celestia chuckled at his reply.

"He-he, Many get used to it over time." She began walking to the balcony of her window with Sora following her. The ruler of Equestria opened the large window and jumped off. She used her wings to glide over to her garden, looking back to check on the pegasus. Sora tried the same but he still wasn't 100% a master at flying so he stumbled a little with another crash landing, but this time he didn't leave a crater. Celestia chuckled a little, "You seem to still fumble around in your new body."

Sora laughed a little embarrassed. He got up and shook himself, "Yeah, not used to having wings." Sora then looked up and sked his first question. "That reminds me. Why am I a pony?"

Celestia and Sora began to walk around the garden, Wich was a beautiful sight with the blossoming verity of flowers and bushes and trees all around. Enjoying their stroll, Celestia began her explanation. "I am the reason you are a pony. I sensed a lost heart one night." Sora looked a little confused. Until he put together who she was talking about.

"He seemed sad, hurt inside. I also sensed a special light in him. One more powerful than I have ever sensed. I figured that heart could help me with a problem. My student, Twilight Sparkle, was a very by the book pony. She was only ever focused on studying, making friends to her seemed like a waste of time. I also sensed the arrival of my sister once again. With your help, the two of them could receive the help they needed. So far, it seems I was right. I used a transformation spell on you in the process."

Sora took all that in. It was a lot to comprehend. "So, can you turn me back in anytime?" Celestia shook her head though.

"I'm afraid the spell I used was a little undeveloped. I'm surprised it worked at all, really. I don't have a way to turn you back." Sora was stunned. Though it surprisingly didn't last very long. "You don't seemed very worried about this."

Sora put on his smile and said, "Well it's not the best of new. I'm just fine here in Ponyville. Though I do miss my friends, I met so many here already. I have a place to stay with the Apple family. I even made friends with Twilight, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and others here. I don't feel like need to go anywhere anytime soon."

Celestia smiled at that. It was good to hear that he was enjoying his stay here in Ponyville, not matter how long it would be. Sora finished by saying, "The Heartless are still around to. I would need to close this worlds keyhole before they stop being a threat." The pegasus had another question for the monarch though. "How do you know about other worlds?"

Princess Celestia thought back to her discovery on the subject. "It was long ago. Some odd beings came to Equestria. They possessed the power of darkness, the same darkness your familiar with. The group were searching for something here in Equestria, a key of sorts but I never knew to what. Chasing them down were keyblade wielders, same as you. With their help, we were able to banish them far away from Equestria. They informed us on other worlds during their stay and the consequences if the secret was ever revealed to the wrong hearts."

That sounded like quite the story, but it led to an idea. "Princess Celestia, do you have any way of communicating to other worlds. A way to reach them, anything like that?"

The Princess was answer was disappointing, "No, I'm sorry Sora but we don't. The best we have is a mirror but even then, it can in no way take you back home." Sora began to pout a little, his hopes got up by the smallest of margins only to plummet down once again. "I promise you, I will try everything in my power to find a way, but while you are here, loathing will not help you. I hope you understand."

Sora thought as much, she was right. Him being sad like this was more hurtful then beneficial. His mind turned to another thought. "How is Luna, I haven't seen her anywhere in the castle since that whole Nightmare Moon incident yesterday?"

Now this one was a simple one to answer in Princess Celestia's case. "Luna is still recovering from before. Nothing to worry about, she just needs to rest for a bit." Sora sighed in relief, nice to know that anyone who fell to darkness can find the light once again. Princess Celestia figured she could probably use this for a little joke. "Why do you wish know? I hope your not developing feelings for my sister."

The pegasus cheeks turned red at her statement, "Wh-at? N-o. I was just hoping she would be fine. Besides, she's probably way older then me." He scratched his head while trying to look away from the princess.

Celestia began laughing at the keyblade wielders expense. "I jest, I jest. I apologize if I startled you like that. Though I am the responsible one, I do find fun in immature activities every now and then."

Sora was glad that was the case. Who knew a Princess would have a sense of humor. He looked up at the sky, it seemed they wasted a bit of time here. "I should get going, it's getting pretty late."

The Princess quickly stopped him however by teleporting in front of him. "Hold on keyblade wielder. I actually have something to give you." She summoned two golden tickets as the pegasus grabbed them out of the air,

"Tickets?" He asked

Princess Celestia explained this, "There for the Gala. It's a party held in my castle every once and a while. I figured you would like to come. The other is for a guest of your choosing."

Sora took the tickets and put them in his bag. "Thank you Princess. I hope I can see you again. Your definitely more fun to hang out with then King Trident."

This did bring up something else. "Actually, there is once last thing I need to tell you." The pegasus stopped as he looked at the Princess with all eye and ears. "Your situation of you being from another world along with your true form and knowledge of other worlds must stay between you and I. This includes Twilight and the other elements."

Sora wasn't expecting this, "I can't tell any of my friends about other worlds or who I really am."

"Indeed, I fear that if knowledge got out, then the consequences could be dire. It's not that I don't trust Twilight or the other elements, but these kinds of measures must be taken until I can make this information public. I do hope you understand."

Indeed Sora could. The world order exists for a reason. "Alright, I promise you Princess Celestia. I really should get going though. I wonder what Twilight has been up too?"

Celestia put on a nice Smile, "Knowing Twilight, she probably just spent the entire day reading. No adventure for her."


"AHHHHHH" screamed Twilight as she was running away from a large hors of ponies chasing her through town. She ran along with Spike to hide under a bridge. The ponies went over it not noticing her. They begin to run again with the Ponies noticing her and chasing them again. Twilight and Spike were in a baby and mother costume. As soon as the ponies pass them again, Twilight took it off and went off running with Spike. The ponies notice them again and the chase began once more. Twilight and Spike were finally cornered, all the Ponies were talking over each other for what they could do for the ticket. Twilight couldn't take it anymore and teleported her and spike out of there.

They both made it inside of the Golden Oak Library. "Quick, lock the doors!" She yelled as the dragon went to go barricade them. He also turned off all the lights. Twilight's sighed in relief. As soon as she did though the lights came back on and she noticed her friends in the room with her. She couldn't take it anymore and yelled, "I can't decide, I just can't decide! It's important to all of you and I just can't stand to disappoint any of you, and giving me gifts and doing me favors won't make any difference, because you're all my friends and I wanna make you all happy and I can't, I just can't!"

All of the ponies just had sorry looks on their faces. Applejack was the first to go up and apologize, "Twilight, sugar, I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, I don't want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad, I promise."

Fluttershy flew up and apologized as well, "Me too. I feel just awful that I made you feel so awful."

Pinkie pie was next, "And me too. It's no fun upsetting your friends."

Rarity apologized as well, "Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did."

Rainbow Dash didn't though, "Yes! The ticket is mine!" She then noticed the ugly stairs coming from her friends. She quickly flew down to comfort Twilight instead. "Oh- I mean, I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket either." Twilight smiled, she was happy to see her friends were actually sorry about how they treated her.

She saw that their was one thing left to do, "Spike, take down a note. Dear Princess Celestia,
I've learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there's not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala." the others just yelled 'What'! Spike sent the note with his dragon breathe with Twilight explaining just why she did this though, "It's okay, girls. I couldn't possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me. So I'd rather not go at all."

The others went up to Twilight to join in a group hug. Spike was in a corner making a barfing motion. That fake barfing motion though quickly became real as he was quickly trying to release something from his mouth. Applejack didn't exactly see it this way and went to go scold him, "Well wallop my withers, Spike. Isn't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentiment."

The dragon then barfed fire as it manifested into another note. Spike took it and read it out loud, "My faithful student Twilight, Why didn't you just say so in the first place?" The dragon then looked inside to bring out what was inside "Six tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Twilight and the others just yelped in happiness. While doing so, Sora came in through the door at just the right time with seeing all the others cheering. "I know I left for a long time but it was for at least 22 minutes." Rarity came up to the pegasus and hugged him harder then she probably should.

"Darling, we get to go to the Grand Galloping Gala!" She put him down though, just realizing that He couldn't go.

"Sorry you can't come with us, Sora" said Fluttershy in a low tone.

Soda just smiled and said, "What are you talking about?" He then looked into his bag and brought out two tickets, "I was invited too."

Twilight jumped up and said, "That means we can all go!" The cheers began again. Twilights stomach though quickly shut it down.

Rarity decided to fix this problem, "Don't worry darling. Allow me to treat you all to dinner." All of them went out the door cheering again.

Sora went out to Rarity, asking her, "Celestia said I could bring an extra. What should I do with the second ticket?"

Rarity decided to give him the best answer for this scenario. "Take my advice darling. Burn the second one in a fire." Rarity quickly began to follow the others. Sora was going to follow as well but he then noticed Spike in the corner sulking a little.

He heard the baby dragon mumble, "How come I don't get a ticket to the gala?" Since Sora had an extra one. He knew exactly what to do with it.

"Hey Spike. Princess Celestia gave me an extra ticket while on my visit. I was wondering if you wanted to come?" He said while showing him the ticket in his hoof.

Spike quickly took it and screamed in excitement, "For real! I mean- I have to go too? Ugh!" As soon as the dragon went out the door, Sora followed as they all went to go round out the day with some food.

Author's Note:

Next time, we will be seeing if Sora can help Apple jack in the farm. Mostly because she doesn't want the help.