• Published 31st Dec 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

  • ...

New friendships are magic

New friendships are magic

Sora was falling. He had done it, He has defeated Xehanort along with the entire organization. The battle between the two sides of light and dark has gone on for years at this point but finally, it came to an end. Just as that though, Sora had to sacrifice himself in order to save a close friend. This was the price to pay for using the power of waking to chase hearts around.

Sora was still falling through darkness but for some reason started to fall faster. The stars finally started appearing behind the keyblade wielder, along with the moon and the entire night sky. Sora was still falling, even faster as he started to heat up. He basically became a shooting star at this point and was showing no signs of slowing down.

* * *

At Sweet Ppple Acres, a nice little farm where the apple family spent their time bucking apple's for a living, there was a little filly with a cherry red mane and tail, pink bow and yellow body outside at night, looking at the sky with wonder.

"Ah, Apple bloom, why in equestria are yah here by yourself at night?" said an orange mare with a blonde mane and tail along with a cowboy hat.

"Oh, hey Applejack, Ah was just looking at the night sky for a little while." replied Apple Bloom.

Applejack just smiled as she went to go sit next to her. "Alright but hurry up, tommorow we got lots of bucking for us in the morning." They both were looking at the night sky, until something caught Applejack's eye. "Looky here Apple Bloom, a shooting star, make a wish now."

The filly closed her eyes and made her wish, the one thing she wanted out of her entire life. 'Ah wish to finally get my cutie mark.' The two sisters kept gazing at the sky until they noticed the shooting star was still coming.

The shooting star ended up crashing near Sweet Apple Acres on a grassy field leaving behind a crater. Applejack and Apple Bloom saw this along with waking up a big red stallion. Applejack, Apple Bloom and the red stallion quickly went to go check it out. They looked inside the crater and saw a caramel pegasus with a spiky brown mane and tail, black clothes with colored highlights along with a silver crown necklace. "Big Mac, can ya carry him back home?" asked Applejack

The red stallion simply replied with "Eyup." as he put the Carmel pegasus on his back with the three starting to go back home.

* * *

Sora started waking up, his sight was a little dazy at first but he quickly got his vision back. 'Uh, what happened to me- oh.' Sora was quickly hit with the realization of what he did. The one thing he was warned not to do. "The power of waking isn't for chasing hearts around." Sora mumbled to himself as he then started to stand up. He then realized that he has four legs as well as being a Carmel color. He then looked around and finally found a mirror, he looked at his reflection, outside he was now a caramel colored pegasus. "I guess this is what I have to look like to fit in this world, whatever this world is." He then noticed something on his flank that caught his attention. It was a small blue heart which caused him to yell in surprise. "WHY IS THERE A TATOO ON MY BUTT!?" yelled Sora as then a small filly entered the room.

"Oh looky here, yer awake." said the little filly as she then went up to go talk to the stranger. "I'm Apple Bloom, and who might you be." she asked.

The caramel pegasus replied to the little filly with "Sora, do you happen to know where I am?"

"Oh, y'all in Sweet apple acres now." said Apple Bloom with Sora just standing there trying to not loose his head over the situation.

"Apple Bloom, there ya are." said an orange mare as she then noticed Sora. "Oh, you're awake now. Good to see yah ain't have any injury's from last night." said the mare as she then introduced herself. "I'm Applejack, come down now, ain't want y'all to stay here all day." Sora and Apple Bloom quickly followed as they went downstairs into the kitchen where a Big red stallion and an old lime green mare where standing. Applejack then introduced them to Sora, "Alrighty then, The Big Red stallion standing over there is my big brother Big Mac, over there is granny smith and y'all already met Apple Bloom." she then waved her hoof pointing at her sister who was next to the pegasus.

Granny Smith then decided to speak up while inspecting Sora "And just who might y'all be sonny?"

Sora simply replied with "I'm Sora ma'am." with a goofy yet little worried grin on his face.

Granny smith continued the conversation "And we're ya from Sora? It's not every day a pegasus just comes crashing down out ah nowhere." while still looking at him suspiciously.

"Oh, I don't remember but really far away that's for sure." said Sora while still trying to keep the lie.

"Where are yah going to stay then?" Asked Apple Bloom with a little frown.

"I don't know. I'm sure I can find a place to stay, thanks again for everything." said Sora as he was going to go out the door before being stopped by Applejack.

"Now hold on Sugar cube, if ya don't have a place to stay, why not here with us?" Applejack suggested.

"Really, he can stay!" Yelped Apple Bloom while jumping up in down.

"Eyup." said Big Mac

Granny smith put down her guard, he wasn't anything to be suspicious of. "Ah shoot, what the hay." She said with a nice soft grin.

Sora began to smile, "Really, you'll let me stay here?" said Sora with a nice warm smile.

Applejack quickly spoke again "In exchange though sugar cube, y'all have to work on the farm with us."

Sora only had one way to respond to that "Ok, I can agree to that. So where can I begin?" he asked

Granny smith quickly sat him down before saying "We can start by fattening ya up, yer nothing but skin and bones."

Sora quickly tried to defend himself, as being told that your not exactly strong looking hits pretty hard, "Hey, I'm not that skinny, I swear." Even though Applejack and Apple bloom haven't known him for too long, they knew they were going to have a good time with Sora being apart of the Apple Family.

* * *

After eating breakfast, Sora and Applejack went outside. "Alrighty, wait here now. I'm gonna go get the buckets for bucking. In the meantime, try familiarizing yourself." She then went off leaving the pegasus alone

Sora then inspected himself a bit more. "If I have wings, that means I can fly, right?" said Sora. He then went back to get some distance and then started running forward as he then jumped trying to flap his wings, but instead of flying, he ended up crashing into a tree, hard. "Yeah, this might take some getting used to."

Applejack came back with the buckets along with seeing Sora on the ground. "What happened sugar cube? If your trying to buck the trees then you have to use your head in a different way." said Applejack with a little bit of smugness in her tone.

She then went up to a tree and kicked it with her legs causing the apples to fall and land on the buckets. Sora observed this and went to go try it himself, knocking a good amount of apples in his bucket.

"Well I'll be, your a natural Sora." said Applejack. She was definitely impressed that the pegasus had that much strength on his legs.

Sora replied with his typical smile, "Hey, compared to you, I'm a rookie." The two ponies spend the rest of the day bucking apples with Apple Bloom and Big Mac joining later in the day helping out.

* * *

They all managed a good harvest for the day. Sora and the Apples were taking a break before continuing on again, and what better way then by eating an Apple. Apple Bloom later than stood up and inspected Sora's Cutie mark. "So what does your cutie mark mean exactly Sora?" She asked with Sora quickly growing embarrassed.

He turned around quickly and said
with a few stutters "He-ey, pers-onal space please!!!".

Applejack saw this and decided to scold her, "Apple Bloom, that was mighty rude of you!" She yelled before Apple Bloom quickly stepped back and put her head down.

"Ahm sorry Applejack, I was just wandering was all." said Apple Bloom with Sora interjecting into the conversation.

"It's alright Applejack, guess I was just startled was all." he said going back to being calm. "What's so important about these, um, cutie marks"? Asked Sora with Apple Bloom interjecting in surprise.

"What! You don't know what a cutie mark is!! It defines what yah going to be for the rest of y'all life!! It shows what makes you special from every pony else!!". After hearing all that, Sora finally understood why they were such a big deal.

"Oh sorry, guess I hit my head harder than I thought." said Sora looking at his Cutie mark. "I guess mine means that my special talent is just me being me, going around and helping however I can."

Apple Bloom seem satisfied with the answer and went back to work with Big Mac. Sora went up to Applejack to ask her something, "Hey Applejack, why is Apple Bloom so interested in getting her cutie mark?".

AppleJack responded with a sincere tone, "She just wants to find out what her specialty is. At her age, it makes sense. Don't feel bad about it, she'll get over it one day, at least ah hope." The four ponies continued to buck the remaining few trees. They all finally finished and went inside to go get lunch started.

Granny Smith went up to Sora. "Hey, why don't yah go to ponyville and get to know the town a little. Wouldn't be best if we kept ya here now would it."

Sora seemed to like the idea, "Alright, thanks Granny smith." as he went out the door.

* * *

Sora finally arrived at ponyville and was just filled with happiness. Every building is colorful and unique, the ponies that walked around were just as colorful as the town. Many of them had their own unique color, structure that truly made them look, well, special. It was like a little girls fantasy here, there were rainbows, bright colors and cheer everywhere. Sora continued to walk, looking all around him at the marvel of this place.

Sora was observing all of Ponyville, enjoying his walk until someone or in better terms, somepony tackled him. She appeared to be a light pink mare with a dark pink mane and tail, along with blue eyes and three balloons for a cutie mark.

"Hey, are you new here, cause I've never seen you before, I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your favorite flavor, favorite color, favorite dessert, oh I didn't give you my special Pinkie Pie greeting stranger!!!" Said the mare at an extreme speed. She later then got up and came back with a- weird looking wagon. She hit the red button on the wagon which caused it to sprout out flags, trumpets along with playing a nice toon and to cap it off Pinkie started dancing and singing.

"Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

A fine welcome to you

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

I say how do you do

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

I say hip,hip,hip hooray

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

To ponyville Today"!!!

The tune ended, Sora begun to stand up with Pinkie quickly showing up next to him and saying "Wait for it!!!" As a large amount of confetti came out of the wagon and blasted Sora in the face. Pinkie picked up Sora. With the introduction Pinkie put out of the way she then asked "So what's your name stranger, since I feel really bad for calling you stranger."

Sora composed himself as he then wiggled his head, "Oh uh, I'm Sora." Sora was finally able to stand up straight and said "Thanks for the warm welcome Pinkie Pie." The stallion used his hoof and swatted his mane around to get the confetti out.

Pinkie then began to talk again, "Oh no big deal Sora. I make sure to give all newcomers to Ponyville a nice warm hello. Oh, I need to throw you a welcoming party!!"

Sora was shocked by the news, "Your going to go out of your way to throw me a party, just because I'm new"?. This honestly was surprising

Pinkie simply said "Well duh, of course. My mission is simply to make as many ponies as I can happy and what makes a pony more happy than a party. Oh, I need to go get everything ready!" She then boosted off as Sora continued looking around.

* * *

Sora kept walking forward until he found a beautiful looking boutique. It had pink with little banners on top with white accompanying the color. Sora ended up walking inside and saw a bunch of gowns, tuxedos and bows hanging everywhere. "Whoever runs the place must really have a taste for fashion." mumbled Sora as he then saw a white unicorn with a purple mane, who was working on a white gown with silver linings.

The mare then noticed Sora and put everything down. "Oh hello darling, I apologize for ignoring you there. I usually don't pay attention when I'm busy working." She then stood face first at Sora, "I'm Rarity and who might yo-". She interrupted herself as she then started looking at Sora with a key eye. Said person was starting to feel a little embarrassed.

"Uh, I'm Sora ma'am." said Sora. Rarity then used her magic on Sora's clothes and started examining them.

"Oh my darling, your clothes are simply stellar! Your jacket has so much personality, the checkerboard pattern, the red highlights around it and the belts, a little excessive, but still help round it out! Who made your clothes, I simply must know!" Screamed Rarity just eager to know

Sora just Stood there and responded with "Well, Master Yen-Sid made these for me."

"A Master is right darling, oh my apologies. I just get obsessive whenever I see new clothes. So what brings you here?" asked Rarity, straightening herself.

Sora simply shrugged and replied with "I'm just looking around really, I'm new to Ponyville. I live with the Apples at Sweet Apple Acres. I figured it would be best if I got to know the place a bit better." along with finishing it off with his goofy grin.

Rarity simply chuckled at the stallion. He was just so sweet, nice and well just a joy to be with. "I hope it's not to much trouble, but could I take a few notes on your clothing?" asked Rarity.

The pegasus figured it wouldn't be too bad. "Ok sure, why not right". They both waisted the next 40 minutes just talking to each other along with Rarity inspecting and taking notes on his clothes. "Oh jolly, thank you so much darling." said Rarity. She then went to make a request, "I hope it's not a bother but could you please go retrieve something from a friend?"

Sora decided why not, simply replying with "Ok sure, what is it?"

Rarity said "Her name's Fluttershy, she lives outside of ponyville in a cottage. I lended her a teapot but she hasn't given it back yet." Sora agreed to it, going out the boutique.

* * *

Sora was walking forward, again (wow I really need to think of better ways to portray the scenario) to Fluttershy's Cottage. He continued walking on the dirt road until something stopped the Caramel Pegasus. He heard some ponies yell, not of fright but excitement. He looked up and saw another pegasus, a mare of teal color with a rainbow mane and tail. She was flying around and was about to do a loop de loop but failed and crashed into Sora leaving a small crater.

"Hey, get off!" Yelled the mare as Sora did just that.

"What?! Your the one that crashed into me!" Said Sora who was indeed very angry.

The teal pegasus got up and rubbed her head, "Look, let's just say it was both our faults. Hey, I've never seen you before. You new to Ponyville Spiky?" asked the mare. Giving him that little nickname for obvious reasons.

Sora scrubbed his head with his hoof and responded with "Yeah, I'm Sora, and you?"

"Rainbow Dash. So were you going?" Asked Rainbow, getting up herself.

"I'm going to Fluttershy's Cottage. A friend of hers, Rarity, wants me to go pick something up for her." Sora finally dusted himself by shaking like a dog would.

Rainbow looked at Sora oddly before asking "Why don't you just fly over there?"

Sora looked a bit embarrassed, bending his head down before saying "I kinda, don't know how to."

This shocked Rainbow Dash, "What do you mean you don't know how to fly! That's like the first thing a pegasus ever learns, didn't your parents teach you!"

Sora didn't really know what to say besides "I don't have any parents with me. I'm living at sweet apple acres at the moment."

Rainbow finally saw the big picture. This pegasus was basically an orphan in her eyes. This gave Rainbow an Idea though. "Alright Spiky, how about this. I'll teach you the basics of flying."

Sora looked a little shocked, "Really, we hardly know each other though."

Rainbow later than said "Yeah, but you could really use it and it can also count as an apology for crashing into you."

Sora simply smiled before replying "Alright then, let's go."

Rainbow Dash and Sora were in a big grassy field. The mare did a few light stretches before starting.

"First things first, when learning to fly, you first need to learn how to get off the ground. To do this you need to flap your wings with all your might. Then you need to flap them forward and when you finally get enough air, You let them out and glide through the sky. Watch and learn Spiky!" Said pony went up in the air flying, doing tricks and showing off as much as she could, with loopty loops, twirls and other tricks, she made sure that it was impressive. She finally came down, striking the landing.

It was now Sora's turn. He flapped his wings with all his might but it ended up taking him too high, he ended up crashing down, not being able to stay in the air.

"You used too much force when flapping!" Said Rainbow, disappointed.

Sora looked up from the ground and replied with "You said use all my might!"

"Ok forget I said that, just use most of your might, then push yourself forward and glide!" This time Sora tried it again.

He mumbled to himself what he needed to do. He flapped his wings with most of his might, got up a good amount. He used his wings to flap himself forward and finally let them out to glide. "Hey, I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Screamed Sora like a child learning to ride a bike.

"Make sure you look where you're flying Spiky!" Yelled Rainbow Dash before Sora ended up crashing into a tree and falling down. "Not bad spiky, You're now at least 20% more cooler than before. Keep practicing and you might increase it by 20% more."

Sora looked up still happy and said "Thanks a lot Rainbow Dash." He waved his hoof in that air, saying goodbye.

The mare started flying up in the air and saying "Anytime spiky!" as she flew off.

* * *

At Fluttershy's cottage. The pink maned mare was feeding her birds, mice and rabbits. She moved a bowl of carrots in front of one bunny. "Here you go angel bunny, make sure to finish every last one" said the pinked mane mare before hearing a knock from the door. "I wonder who that is?" said Fluttershy as she opened it, and in front of her was a caramel Pegasus.

"Hey there, are you Fluttershy?" asked the Pegasus. Fluttershy felt a little uneasy but managed to say "Yes, I-m Flutt-ershy. It's nice to meet you." with a few stutters here and there.

Sora walked in and said "I came here to get a teapot from Rarity."

Fluttershy was still a little unsure about this new face. "Oh sure. It's over here in the kitchen." Sora looked around the entire cottage, It was colorful and cozy, along with many animals eating or simply just relaxing themselves.

"Wow, there's so many animals here. Almost as many as back in the pride lands. Oh crud." said Sora, just realizing he may have broken the world order, again.

This actually made Fluttershy feel a bit more comfortable near him though. As in they both have a common interest to talk about. "Re-Really, what kinds of animals did you meet?" The mare asked.

Sora replying a bit hesitantly "Oh, all kinds, like Simba a Lion oh there was also Bambi oh and Dumbo, an elephant who could use his ears to fly and, let's see who else….?"

Fluttershy then asked Sora "How was he able to do that?"

Sora responded with a smile, "Oh, apparently he has this magical feather that let's him."

Fluttershy spoke again, "That's nice, he sounds like a good little elephant." Fluttershy started smiling and her tone was now nowhere near as low as originally. She was finally staring to warm up to Sora. But she had one question to ask him though. "What about Bambi, how is he?"

Sora, still smiling answered "Oh, he's doing fine. When he lost his mother it was pretty bad for him, being alone for so long but now he's doing just fine."

The last part got to Fluttershy though, "He lost his mother. How though?" She ended up going back to her low tone in voice.

Sora responded with a sincere tone, "Oh, some hunters ended up shooting her. Bambi got away before they could get him though." Fluttershy looked down, her face said everything about how she felt. Sora seeing this decided to try and cheer her up. "Don't worry, it was rough but what matters is that he got to safety." This managed to work, Fluttershy got back her smile.

Sora and Fluttershy got to talk about animal's they got to meet, what they've been up to and just getting along. Sora went up to check on a rabbit up close, "Oh, hey there. Who's this little gu-" said Sora before the bunny ended up slapping him, causing the pegasus to end up falling down to the side.

Fluttershy quickly went to check on him, "Sora! Are you alright?" She asked with concern for his well being

The pegasus replied with "No, not really." as he stood up on three hooves whith one on his cheek, thanks to the the bunny.

"I'm sorry Sora. Angle Bunny doesn't really like meeting new people." Fluttershy later than went into the kitchen and brought back the tea pot. Sora and Fluttershy went out the door, going over to the town. "Sora, I hope it's not a bother but could you walk me to Ponyville?" Sora smiled warmly and nodded his head.

* * *

The two Pegasus we're walking back to Ponyville at night. It was different some how, not a single pony in sight really. "It's really quite here." said Sora

Fluttershy responded with "Do you think that every pony is alright?" The two then noticed a sign with a big red arrow on it, Sora went up to it,

The sign read "If you see this sign and are a Pegasus named Sora, follow it. If you are not Sora please still follow as you will miss a great party if you don't". Sora was taken a little bit back by this, "Well that's oddly specific but hey, what do we have to lose, right."

* * *

Sora and Fluttershy followed the arrows which led to a dark barn outside of Ponyville. "Hello, anyone there! Is there someone here who wants to attack us!" Screamed Sora before the lights finally turned on a revealed a bunch of ponies with Pinkie Pie in the middle coming out and screaming "SURPRISE!!!" Sora and Fluttershy were filled with happiness, though Fluttershy severely less than Sora, as the ponies have thrown Sora a nice welcoming party. Pinkie came up to Sora as she decided to start a conversation.

"Surprise, how are you Sora. Did you enjoy the big Surprise we through you!?" Asked Pinkie

Sora was still being taken a bit back, "Wow Pinkie, thanks a lot! This really is a great surprise!" Said Sora as went up to Pinkie to give her a hug. Pinkie hugged back Sora before going back to a Station where she brought back a white pony with blue hair, pink glasses and headphones. She then started playing some heavy music with a light show starting up.

All the ponies started enjoying themselves, Sora was just having a good time until he saw three other ponies he got to meet today. Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack were also at the party. Pinkie and Fluttershy also came to join the four as they simply had fun at the party.

Sora was blowing up balloons, competing with Pinkie pie and 4 other Ponies. He then went to try out limbo and just barely managed to make it under, He finally participated in breaking a piñata. With one lucky swing, it's candy guts spilled out.

Sora was having a conversation with two mares, Lyra and Bon Bon. He then was seeing a big white pegasus called Bulk Biceps doing some heavy lifting. Another pegasus called Durpy came and gave him a basket of muffins, Sora could only really think of her durpy eyes but quickly shook it off and went back to enjoying the party.

* * *

The party finally was over as all the guests were saying goodbye. AppleJack and Sora were walking back home until Sora stopped to See the moon. "Yah coming Sugar cube?" Asked Applejack,

Sora simply responded with "I've been to a lot of places but Ponyville is just so much fun, so beautiful and filled with life! I feel like I'm going to enjoy my stay here, no matter how long it is, thanks for everything Applejack."

The mare simply nodded in agreement. "No need for thanks, You're a friend Sora and if you feel you like Ponyville, then we'll welcome you with open hooves." The two walked back home under the night sky. Sadly, tomorrow, the keyblade wielder will have to dance with a Princess under the pale moonlight.

Author's Note:

Hey, I'm a new user here. I hope you all enjoy this retelling of friendship is magic with the hero of light in the story. hope you all enjoy the story and I hope to get to know you all well