• Published 31st Dec 2020
  • 4,164 Views, 66 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts - castillom2

After Sora abused the power of waking, he ends up in the world of Equestria. The keyblade wielder and the elements of harmony are ready for adventures together.

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Friendship is magic part 2

Previously on My Little Pony: Friendship Hearts. The unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle and her friend Spike the baby dragon were tasked with checking on the preparations over in the town of Ponyville. While on their way, they both were having a little discussion of the unicorn making friends, which she pushed aside.

When they got their, they met the keyblade wielder, Sora. Twilight was annoyed by his nature but decided to let him tag along, thanks to Spike encouraging it. The trio went all over Ponyville to check on every little detail. Checking on the catering with Applejack, The weather with Rainbow Dash, the decorations with Rarity and the music with Fluttershy. Through out it all, Twilight grew more and more annoyed.

When she got to the Golden Oak Library, she was shocked, seeing that Pinkie Pie through her an entire welcoming party. The unicorn grew incredibly angry at it all. The party, the ponies and especially the carmel pegasus. She ended up yelling at all of them, especially Sora, to just leave her alone.

At the celebration, Sora was in a slump for what Twilight had said to him not too long ago. He quickly stopped, telling himself that he would be her friend, no matter what. As soon as Princess Celestia was supposed to show up, a swarm of black tendrils ended up barging in, revealing a dark being, Nightmare Moon. As too make matters worse, a bunch of black creatures made themselves known, the heartless.

The residents of Ponyville started running around in a panic. Twilight Sparkle quickly went into a library, looking for a book to help her out. Sora of managed to find her, But the unicorn quickly used her magic to pin him to a wall, Not trusting him. The other girls Twilight met that day ended up showing up in the library as well, telling Twilight that Sora wasn't a bad guy but she refused to listen. It's not until Sora asked If she believed the both were friends that her sense's came back. The unicorn asked the keyblade weilder what they had to do.

Now the continuation:

Sora looked at her a bit confused. He was being pinned to a wall not to long ago but she was now showing a little compassion towards him. He finally asked, "What do you mean?"

Twilight explained what she wanted to know, "I just want to know three things. What are those creatures, how did you use magic and who are you?"

Sora saw he had no other way of getting through this. The world order may be important but a friend's trust matters more. "Those creatures are the Heartless, monsters that are drawn towards the darkness in people's hearts. Their main goal is to plunge a world in darkness by finding Its keyhole. They also follow orders from beings who's darkness is strongest."

The six mares were taking this all in. Applejack asked the Pegasus, "How do we beat them then sugarcube?"

Sora ended up bringing out his keyblade while holding it in his mouth, "This is the keyblade, a sword made of magic and light, it's the only thing that can beat the heartless." His words weren't clear but the six managed to understand what he was saying.

Rainbow came up and asked "Wait, me and Applejack hit them which turned them into black dust. What's that all about?"

Sora replied to the teal pegasus with "Things like physical attacks and magic can take down heartless but only the keyblade can take them out for good."

Twilight then asked "Now for the final one. Who are you?" Sora was going to have to work his way around this one. While he didn't like it, he had to not reveal everything to them. Sora then got ready to answer the question.

"I'm a keyblade wielder. Someon- I'm mean, some pony who has a keyblade. I go around and help defeat the darkness. As to how I could use magic, the keyblade lets me due to it being a magical weapon. That's how I can use it without being a unicorn." Sora finally answered as much as he could. The six seem satisfied with the answers they were given.

Rarity looked worried and exclaimed her concern, "Not to worry any pony but how are we supposed to take down that horrid Nightmare Moon?"

This was Twilight's turn to help out, "I've studied the legend of the mare of the moon for some time. Apparently long ago, she was defeated by mystical artifacts known as the Elements of harmony. The thing is I don't know where to start looking!"

Sora came up with a book in his mouth, he mumbled "How about here?" He gave the book to Twilight. She examined the title and read it out loud.

"The Elements of harmony reference guide? Where did you find this?" She asked, surprised Sora found something helpful.

The caramel stallion coughed a little shyly and said with a low tone "It was under the E section over there." as he pointed with his hoof.

Twilight just opened the book, she flipped through many of the pages trying to find something that could be helpful. "Let's see, c'mon. Ah, here! There are six elements of harmony. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty." Twilight then looked a bit concerned before then stating "But the last one Is a complete mystery though. The last known location of the Elements is the old ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It's current location is the---"


"The Everfree forest!!!" Screamed the ponies, minus Sora. The seven were now just outside of the horrid forest. It looked as horrible as the screams of the mares implied. There were weeds growing everywhere, creating an old and creepy looking imagery for the ponies.

One of them was untouched though, "Woo hoo! Let's go!" Pinkie screamed as she jumped up and down with joy while going inside.

She was quickly stopped by Twilight, "Hold it, Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own."

Sora came up to her and quickly shut down that idea, "No, it's too dangerous. The heartless are working with Nightmare Moon and its my responsibility to take care of them." Twilight was shocked, this stallion, The one who was annoying her senseless was showing determination and worry about the situation. It was surprising honestly.

He was then promptly stopped by the orange mare. "Nah way sugar cube, friends don't leave no pony behind! So forget about going in there by yourself!" Sora was about to argue back but he figured it may be best to get some help with this one. Nothing wrong with having help right. He shook his head up and down, agreeing with Applejack, "Don't ya worry, we'll be closer than apple jam on toast!"

Rainbow Dash looked at her confused with Applejack's statement, "That doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't 'stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple' work better."

Applejack was a little sheepish. She did find that a better term deep inside. "Ah darn it. Same idea though, nothen lost." Everyone seemed to agree with sticking together.

The seven of them went inside, all of them had a look of worry. The Everfree forest looked like an attraction made for Halloween with all the branches, twigs, leaves and vines sticking out of it. Twilight then decided to ask the other ponies something. "So none of you have been here before?"

Rarity just replied to her with disgust, "Oh, heaven's no! Just look around here! It's dreadful!"

Applejack decided to add to the conversation with "And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria."

Twilight was tookan a bit back by this, she then asked "What's that supposed to mean?" Very frightened of what that could probably be.

Rainbow Dash decided that this would be a good time to try and scare the other six a little. "Nopony knows. You know why?" Rainbow started moving towards Sora, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in a crawling like manner. The four ponies were starting to get scared, even the Keyblade wielder as they backed up a little.

Applejack wasn't on board with the idea. She then said in a strict tone "Rainbow, quit it." This did not work though as Rainbow Dash continued with her tall tail.

"Cause everypony who's ever come in has never come out!" Rainbow Dash's yell was just loud enough that it ended up causing the side of the cliff they were standing on to break off and fall. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy managed to fly up in time but the rest were falling at an extreme speed.

Rainbow Dash quickly got her sense's back and gave a quick order to the pink maned pegasus, "Fluttershy, Quick!"

The two quickly rushed down to catch their friends from meeting an untimely fate. Rainbow managed to catch Pinkie pie and Fluttershy catching Rarity. Applejack, Sora and Twilight we're still falling. Sora flapped his wings and managed to glide to the bottom of another cliff with a small crash landing down.

Applejack quickly used her mouth to grab onto a branch on the side but Twilight wasn't so lucky. She was falling but managed to slow down at the very end with her upper body grabbing a hold of the edge of the cliff. She looked down and saw a long fall down awaiting for her with Sora at the bottom who was fumbling a little getting back up. "Hold on! I'm a-comin!" Yelled Applejack, letting go of the branch and going down nice and easy towards Twilight, grabbing her with her hoofs. She was almost up but instead of making it, she fell with Applejack not being able to grab her In time. Luckily, Twilight managed to grab onto a branch on the side of the cliff with her mouth, it was slowly breaking off though, not being able to support her weight.

Twilight was scared, if she couldn't get back up then she might as well close the book on her life. She managed to mumble out "Applejack! What do I do?" Applejack looked around quickly, trying to find a way to help. She then looked below the cliff Twilight was hanging on, Sora was up on his legs, looking at the situation.

Applejack needed for Twilight to do one thing, "Let go Twilight!" She yelled, but Twilight wasn't on for that idea.

"What! Are you crazy!" Yelled Twilight not having faith in Applejacks advise.

Applejack tried reassuring her, "I don't have time to explain but you need to let go! I promise you'll be safe!" Applejack was still a little worried, that pegasus was the important part of this whole plan.

Twilight was still unsure, yelling "That's not true!" The branch was slowly breaking off more and more.

Applejack then yelled at her to try and get her to listen, "Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe!" Twilight's eyes became that of a puppies, growing large and wobbly. She knew that she had to trust her friends so she did what she needed to and let go.

Back at the bottom, Sora saw Twilight let go, her safety was now up to him. He saw Twilight falling down more and more rapidly. He got up with a determined look on his face, his wings couldn't fail him now.

"C'mon Sora, Remember what Rainbow Dash taught you. Flap your wings with most of your might! Push yourself forward! Then let out and glide!" Sora was doing all the steps in order, quickly flying up faster and faster, finally managing to catch Twilight in the process.

The mare opened her eyes, she was flying. She looked up and saw that Sora had managed to carry her down, saving her from her doom. Sora couldn't keep it up forever, he ended up crash landing along with rolling on the ground next to Twilight. They both managed to make it down, joining their other friends.

Sora and Twilight got up with Sora going over to check on the unicorn. "Twilight, are you hurt? Any bru-." He was quickly interrupted by Twilight going over and hugging him. He was surprised, and his face showed it. The girl who yelled at him a couple hours ago was now here hugging him. He didn't know what to do besides hug her back with a little smile on his face.

"Sorry, I hope we're not interrupting anything." Said Fluttershy along with the rest of the mares looking at their friends. Twilight and Sora quickly let go of each other with an embarrassed expression on both their faces.

The team of seven continued to move forward. Twilight's face was a little unamused due to Rainbow Dash talking about how awesome the safe was, "..and that part where you came in and catching her was awesome! You did a great job Spiky!" Said the teal pegasus while giving a small bump to the other pegasus.

Sora could reply back to her with a nice grin, "Hey, you taught me the basics of flying. Without you, I probably wouldn't be able to catch Twilight in time." Rainbow Dash took those words to heart, she also took them to her ego.

The rainbow maned pegasus then said "I guess you're right. I am a good teacher! It also makes me more awesome that I was the reason you can fly!" Twilight was getting a little bit tired of hearing Rainbow Dash go on and on about Sora saving her.

"Yes, Rainbow, we were there, and I'm very grateful, but we gotta-." Twilight interrupted herself by noticing something in the distance, a large beast with many animal parts making it up. Twilight then yelled "A Manticore!!"

The large beast roared, it being loud enough to shake the trees around it. Sora summoned his keyblade, along with the girls getting ready to fight it, minus Fluttershy. Twilight then said, determined "We've gotta get past him!" The Manticore came in trying to punch Rarity but she managed to dodge it and bucked its head with her legs.

"Take that, you ruffian!" Rarity yelled at the Manticore who simply roared again. The roar was enough to mess up Rarity's mane, she yelled in shock "My hair! Woop--" while also moving away in a hurry away from the beast.

Fluttershy said "Wait" but it was so small for any pony to hear.

Applejack then on top of the Manticores back while yelling "YEE-HAW! Git along, little dogie." It then started jumping around trying to shake her off with Applejack just embracing the thrill of the ride.

"Wait" said Fluttershy again, to avail.

The beast roared again, managing to shake her off, Applejack then salueted Rainbow Dash who went in, making a small rainbow tornado around it but the Manticore struck her with her tail. It was now Sora's turn to take it on, he smacked it with a few good swings from his keyblade. The beast tried to hit him with his tail but Sora just ran around avoiding them, he then did a dodge roll back, took his keyblade, aiming it at the beast and yelled "Fire!" A large blast of fire came in and hit the Manticore in the face, pushing the beast back.

"Wait" said Fluttershy again

Sora went back to the other five as they then began to charge at the Manticore with fool force, until a familiar pegasus came in and stopped them in their tracks. It was Fluttershy who came in, yelling "WAIT!" The six stopped in there tracks, Fluttershy then made her way over to the Manticore who looked as if he was ready to strike again, this caused the six ponies to close their eyes and look away but Fluttershy just went up and nubbed her head on his paw.

The Manticore then revealed it's open paw to the mare, who saw a large splinter logged in there, "Shhh... It's okay. Oh, you poor, poor little baby._ Said Fluttershy, calming the beast down.

Rainbow replied "Little?" The others were just standing there in shock at what Fluttershy was doing.

"Now this might hurt for just a second." Said Fluttershy as she then pulled it out with her mouth which got the beast to roar, it picked her up but instead of eating her, it began to lick her with a smile now on its face. She then giggled "Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are."

The other six just walked last the Manticore with no worth after seeing that Fluttershy had it under control. Twilight then asked her "How did you know about the thorn?"

Fluttershy just replied to the unicorn with "I didn't. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness." Fluttershy continued along with the other's, Twilight just had a warm smile on her face as she went to go catch up. Without any of them realizing it, a dark blue mist came out of the splinter and flew off

The seven kept on moving forward towards their destination. Rarity was getting really sick of all the dead life look of the scenery around her and said "My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck." They all then walked into a cave, very dark mind you. "Well, I didn't mean that literally."

Pinkie pie then said "I could have sworn we already passed a tree on the way here?"

Sora just looked confused, "I can't tell, All the trees here look alike, Dead, dull and droopy. Maleficent would love to have her castle here."

Twilight then said "That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it."

They all then started arguing a little about were they where, who stepped on who and what not. That blue mist from before was sneaking below them and made its way into a tree in the cave.

Applejack ended up walking forward, as a splash was made. "Oh wait, I think I stepped in somethin." She said as she left up her hoof with something droopy on it

Fluttershy looked around until something caught her eye as she then screamed "AHHHHHH!!"

Applejack didn't see it as something to scream over, "Relax, it just mud." She then turned around and saw just what caused her to scream. It was the tree's, but they were all glowing and had scary faces on them. Spikey teeth and what not, this ended up causing the six to scream in union, "AHHHHHHHH!"

"Hahahaha!!" They all hear. It was Pinkie pie! Giggling at the tree's. She was making faces that mocked the trees. The odd looking faces the trees had just didn't seem to faze her, she was just laughing which shocked every pony.

Sora was the first to question her laughter, "Is she laughing, or screaming in fear so hard it sounds like it!" He was clearly mad but in a concerned way. He genuinely wanted Pinkie to try and get away from the trees, so did Twilight.

She then yelled at Pinkie pie, "Pinkie, what are you doing?! Run!" Twilight and the others huddled back a bit more. Pinkie Pie looked back to see her friends.

The pink mare then said "Oh girls, don't you see?" As soon as she finished that one sentence, a nice melody started playing. It was just coming from nowhere.

This caused the carmel pegasus to look around for what exactly was making the sound by shaking his head back and forward until he looked at the other ponies asking "Where's that music coming from?"

Pinkie started bouncing around everywhere, giddy as can be. She then began, to every other ponies surprise, singing a song.

"When I was a little filly and the sun was going down…!?"

Twilight felt the need to ask "Tell me she's not..". Rarity quickly chummed in a replied "She is."

Anyway, back to Pinkie pie singing. "The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown! I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all!"

Rainbow Dash interrupted the song to ask "Then what is?" Of course Pinkie pie was going to answer that question in the song.

"She said, 'Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear.'
Ha! Ha! Ha!" When she laughed in front of the scary tree, it lost its face and went back to normal. Its creepy look was gone. The ponies were all shocked that laughing at the problem actually worked in their favor.

All the individual ponies went up to a tree and made a goofy face. Fluttershy giggled while flying near a one, Rainbow laughed at one on the ground, so did Rarity, Applejack jumped up and to laugh as well. Pinkie moved Twilight in front of one, she laughed at it too. Finally Sora went up to one and did his traditional goofy grin. All of that finally got the scary trees to turn back to normal.

"So, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky
And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...

They all finally started going out of the cave they were just in. They all continued running until Pinkie pie stopped in her tracks leading to Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Sora ramming into her and falling on their behinds. Pinkie looked in front and saw that there was a heavy river flowing through where they needed to go. The pink mares asked "How are we gonna cross this?"

Sora then heard something from far away, it was the sound of crying. "Do you all here that?" He asked, all of the mares then went to go. Check on it. They looked past some bushes and saw what, or rather who, was making the noise. It was a long, dragon looking person with purple scales and orange hair and mustache.

The tall dragon thing was screaming "What a world, what a world" while sobbing along with shaking the water to an extreme force by slamming his hands on the river.

Twilight went up and asked "Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?" The dragon monster looked at the Unicorn.

He then said "Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid" while showing his torn up mustache. He then fell into of the water splashing the other ponies head to hoof.

Sora looked at the mustache at little closer, "It doesn't seem so bad. Nothing to worry about really", he said with shaking like a dog getting his mane all spiky again. The keyblade wielder didn't exactly see it as something to be this sad about, let alone shake the water much that they can't even cross.

Rarity looked at the stallion as if he had committed a crime, "Of course it's something to worry about! How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales."

The dragon seemed to love that little compliment by replying with a "I know."

Rarity continued as they both had some back and forward. "And your expertly coiffed mane."

"Oh, I know, I know"

"Your fabulous manicure"

"It's so true!"

"All ruined without your beautiful mustache."

The large dragon than three his hands in the air yelling "It's true, I'm hideous!" In disgust at his own appearance.

Rarity than quickly put on a determined look on her face while saying "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected." She then went up to the dragon and pulled of one of it's scales off.

The Dragon screamed in pain yelling "What did you do that for?" The white unicorn then used her magic to straighten it out. This ended up scaring her other comrades, not knowing exactly what she was planning on doing.

Twilight yelled "Rarity, what are-" before being cut of by the white unicorn slashing something off.

The dragon creature yelped, before falling down. It was revealed that Rarity cut her tail with the blade made from the dragons scales. She then grabbed it with her magic and tied it around his other mustache, making him a brand new completed one.

The dragon then said in gratitude towards rarity "Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful."

Rarity quickly said to the large dragon "You look smashing." Twilight quickly took a notice to what was left of the mares sacrifice, "Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail…" The white unicorn just shook it off.

"It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back." She said, while it hurt her a little having to let it go, it was for the better of someone who needed it more.

Rainbow Dash didn't exactly see it that way, "So would the mustache."

Sora looked back at the lake, the water was no longer being shaken violently. "Hey, the waters clear. We can finally cross." Twilight was the first to go.

Since the lake wasn't that deep, her upper body managed to stay on top of the water. She was then lifted by the dragons body who said "Allow me." His body made large bums that the ponies could walk on towards the other side. All of them made it except for Sora who stood behind and wondered something, "Wait, why didn't we just fly over…"

The dragon quickly placed him down with his hand and ushering him on along with saying "Hurry up now, don't want to be left behind." Sora just shook it off and continued on quickly catching up with the other six.

The mares finally made it to the other side, along with passing through some bushes with Applejack saying "Why does the forest have so many darn bushes." It wasn't really fun needing to go through so many just to exit out

The six looked up ahead. It was the old castle of the pony sisters. Twilight quickly made haste, "There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!" She kept on running forward with no stopping.

The others quickly gave chase with Sora yelling "Twilight, the bridge is not-" His words were brought to a halt by Twilight almost falling over the cliff next to the not so working bridge, she was quickly saved by the Teal rainbow pony.

Rainbow Dash then told the purple unicorn "Easy there, we don't want spikey to have to save you twice in one day, right." Along with giving her a little bump with her hoof.

Pinkie Pie looked across and asked "Now what?" finishing off with a small sigh.

Rainbow Dash quickly perked up showing her wings with saying "Duh." She than quickly flew to the other side getting the rope ready.

Sora than had an old thought from just a few seconds ago come back "Oh, right. That reminds me of something…."

Rainbow Dash was holding it steady for the other ponies to quickly come over. Suddenly, the blue mist from before came back, it passed the pegasus and went into the fog from behind her. She then heard a voice coming from deep into the fog saying "Rainbow…." In an ominous tone.

The teal pegasus yelped before saying "Who's there?" She looked around and couldn't see any pony. "I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!" She said while reading her hoofs up.

The voice spoke again, "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria."

Rainbow Dash still couldn't see who it was asking "Who?"

The mist replied back to the teal rainbow maned Pegasus, "Why, you, of course."

Rainbow Dash later than got giddy and decided to say "Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever."

The voice finally came out of the mist, revealing three pegasi in purple and black bodysuits with lightning around them. "No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts. We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent, Swiftest, Bravest flyer in all the land?"

Rainbow Dash was simply marveling in the praise, "Yes, Yes, Yes. It's all true" finishing out with a small chuckle.

The Shadow bowl leader then flew behind Rainbow Dash, came close to here and whispered "We need…. you."

Rainbow Dash simply loved that idea and said "WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal." She then went up to the rope to go get it ready for the others to cross.

The Shadow blot leader went up to stop her from doing so, yelling back "No! It's them or us." Rainbow Dash looked a little conflicted. She looked over the bridge and saw her friends waiting for her.

Twilight was getting a little worried, yelling "Rainbow, what's taking so long?"

Pinkie Pie then yelled at her saying "Quick! Sora is still questioning why we didn't just fly over the river!" With the caramel Pegasus in the back still talking.

Twilight finally noticed why Rainbow Dash was not tying the rope. "Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them." Her last few words were fogged out due to one of the Pegasus a part of the shadow bolts making the fog denser.

The leader asked Rainbow Dash "Well?"

Rainbow Dash gulped a little, she had a small conflicted look on her face before saying "You... Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no." She then flew over to the rope, tied it up and went back to her friends. The Shadow bold leader wasn't exactly happy with this. The three then turned into blue mist and left.

Rainbow Dash made it back with her friends cheering her. The seven of them then started crossing the bridge with Rainbow Dash going up to Twilight and saying "See? I'd never leave my friends hanging." Another action that struck Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn was beginning to learn something, something she should have learned a long time ago.

The group finally made it over to the castle. They were just outside a few feet away from it. Twilight took a look back, feeling like someone was watching her but she quickly shook it off and went to go join the rest.


In the old abandoned castle, the ponies were all looking around. The place was messy, shattered glass, broken chandelier and doors as far as the eye could see. This ended up reminding Sora of a place he had been to before. "This place reminds me too much of the mansion me, Donald and Goofy woke up after our one year long nap" he said with a little laughter in his tone.

Rainbow Dash was surprised at what the pegasus has said, "You got to tell me about your life story, all the way until you got to Ponyville" while flying next to him.

Fluttershy was also interested in what he had to say, she had a warm smile while adding "Yeah, your life sounds so amazing."

Twilight then looked forward and saw just what they were looking for, "The Elements of Harmony, we've found them. Careful, careful!" She said as the mares went up to get an element down.

The elements were all these stone balls, which were the opposite of what Sora thought they would be. "That's odd, I figured they would be shinier." The girls came down along with the elements and placed them on ground next to Twilight.

Pinkie Pie counted all the elements, "One, two, three, four, five.. were missing one." She was right, one element was missing. It seemed to be the element of magic that was gone.

Twilight came in to clear things up, "The book said when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed."

Applejack was confused from all the gibberish, "What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" She asked

Twilight responded with "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen." She wanted to make sure non of them would get hurt, no pony needs to be harmed so she's not taking a chance.

Applejack and every other pony in the room understood this, "Come on now, y'all. She needs to concentrate." All of them went to the door to exit, Sora stood behind though.

He looked back and called the purple unicorn by her name, "Twilight." He said in a very worried tone.

The mare looked back at the stallion, she wondered what exactly he needed, asking "What is it?" very sincerely.

The stallion looked down a little, he was thinking of what he wanted to tell her. He boiled it down to it's core and said what he needed to, "Be careful."

Twilight was touched, the stallion stood behind for a little bit just to say for her to be safe. She had a nice warm feeling in her heart thanks to him saying that. She just smiled with a little red on her cheeks and said "I will, don't worry." The pegasus just smiled back and left to join the others outside.

Twilight then started concentrating on the Elements, using her magic on them with her horn glowing. Suddenly, the blue mist came in and started to create a small whirlwind. It ended up carrying the elements up into the air. Twilight ended up noticing this as she opened her eyes screaming "Ah!" The blue mist ended up spinning faster and faster. It finally disappeared taking the elements and Twilight with them.

The mares from outside ended up hearing the unicorns scream, "Twilight!" The six yelled. They went back to where they last left Twilight. She was gone along with the elements. "Twilight! Twilight, where are you!?" Yelled Sora as all the other ponies looked around desperately for their friend.

Rarity looked outside one of the broken windows seeing a flash of light coming from a tower next to where they were, "Look!" Pointing with her hoof. The mares all quickly rushed to where their friend was.

Twilight looked around, coughing a little. She looked around, processing we're she was now. She looked in front of her and saw the blue mist manifest into Nightmare Moon. Twilight gasped then quickly put on a look of anger on her face. Her and Nightmare Moon locked eyes with each other. Twilight then used her left hoof and started counting with it.

Nightmare Moon looked down at the unicorn and let out an evil laugh, "You're kidding. You're kidding, right." Twilight wasn't, she continued to count while charging magic in her horn which let out glow. Both mares began to charge each other, showing no signs of stopping. As soon as Nightmare Moon was close enough to the Unicorn, Twilight teleported. Nightmare Moon came to a screeching halt while Twilight made it to the other side where the Elements were. "Where's the sixth!?" She asked in surprise. The element of Magic was still nowhere to be seen. Nightmare Moon then turned into blue mist and teleported in front of Twilight. The unicorn tried harder and harder to start a spark but was quickly shoved away by the tall black mare. Twilight showed a little smile though as the Elements were sparking. Nightmare Moon grew a look of worry She then lost it as the sparks were for nothing.

Twilight was shocked, "Where's the sixth element?" It couldn't be, the spark should have done it. The elements were still left as useless.

Nightmare Moon simply laughed at the Unicorn, "You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess, or your sun! The night will last forever!" She then jumped up, breaking the elements into tiny pieces for Twilight to see. Nightmare Moon continued to laugh as her blue mist flowed around. The heartless creatures then made themselves apparent as they came out from the shadows from the floor, surrounding Twilight. Nightmare Moon finished laughing, ordering her minions, "Now, take her heart! Leave her as nothing but an empty shell!"

The heartless circled in, preparing to do exactly as they were commanded to do. One of them was raising its claw, ready to strike the unicorn. Twilight had lost all hope, she saw the situation as unwinnable. She could do nothing but close her eyes and wait for the pain. She then quickly heard a sound, that of a slash.

She opened her eyes to see that Sora had cut through one of the heartless with his keyblade on his mouth. The other mares quickly came in and bashed the heartless. "Twilight! Yer ok!" Said Applejack in a happy tone as she then quickly bucked another heartless.

Rainbow Dash zoomed in and slammed a few. One was coming from her back to attack Fluttershy who looked away in fear but Rarity used her magic to stop it midair. She then threw it near Pinkie pie who who pulled out a fruit cake from her hair and slammed in into the heartless. Applejack pulled a lasso. She did a few twirls in the air before yelling "Giddy yup!" She through the top part of it to round up all the heartless. Once they were all in one place, Rainbow Dash came from above and slammed them to the ground.

Sora shot a few fireballs, burning the heartless. He then did a horizontal slash cutting to the remaining few. Leaving him and Nightmare Moon. They both faced each other with a great passion for taking out the other showing in their eyes. Nightmare Moon was furious, she looked down at the pegasus, "Why do you keep on fighting! You are doomed to fail keyblade wielder!" She let out a blast of darkness which Sora blocked in succession. The mare charged at Sora, slamming him across with her head.

In the air, Sora flipped back and started flapping his wings. The mare summoned large pillars from the ground and threw them at him. Sora continued in flying closer and closer, shooting down the pillars with fire magic. Nightmare Moon charged another blast, ready for him. The stallion flipped forward with his wings over Nightmare Moon and landed behind her. The mare quickly turned around and unleashed her full blast, but Sora shot out a blizzard spell which let out a little trail of ice that he sled across on his hoofs, going across Nightmare Moon from below her.

The mare looked back and slammed Sora across the room into a wall. She then herself came in charging, slamming Sora right through the wall. He was launched into the air, Nightmare Moon then picked him up with her magic and slammed him down to the floor were they just were. She went over to a bent up Sora and put her hoof on his body, pinning him down.

Twilight saw all this, her friends all fighting beside her, for her safety. Just because they cared about her so deeply. Twilight finally had a grin, she called over to the mare of the moon, "Nightmare Moon! You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that? Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here." Twilight pointed to her friends behind her.

The mare, while still pinning Sora under her hoof, looked at her. She then noticed the broken shards of the Elements flowing up. The mare could only scream "What!?" Sora quickly took this opportunity and got out of her pin. He flipped back, landing next to his new friends.

Twilight announced the names of the Elements along with their user. "Honesty with Applejack." The shards of that Element flew around the orange mare, "Kindness with Fluttershy." The same thing happy with her, "Laughter with Pinkie Pie", Same thing, "Generosity with Rarity", Same, "Loyalty with Rainbow Dash", again the same thing.

Twilight then looked over to Sora, who put his keyblade on his hoof pointing forward, "And Sora. The person who brought those Elements and people together, the connection. Together they make up the element of Magic!" The Elements started rotating around the ponies, finally attaching themselves towards their respective pony. Twilight then grew the element of Magic on top of her horn. She grabbed onto Sora's keyblade as they both pointed towards Nightmare Moon. A large rainbow then game out of the keyblade, turning into a large rainbow beam.

The mare was screaming out "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" As she was consumed in the large rainbow blast along with the remaining heartless.

The ponies were all on the ground, seemingly unconscious. They all finally stood up groaning in pain. Twilight was the first to speak, "Is every pony all-" she was quickly interrupted though as Sora came in and hugged her. The mare had the same reaction he had when she hugged him after he saved her life.

The other ponies went up to the two and hugged them yelling "Twilight!" They joined together in a large group hug. Sadly they couldn't maintain it and ended up falling on each other. They were all in a pile of fallen ponies.

Sora looked up and saw Rarity was on top of him along with something new about her, "Rarity look!" He used his hoof to point at her

The white unicorn looked back and saw what just he was talking about, her tail ended up growing back. "It's back! I'll never part with it again!" She said while cuddling with it.

Though that wasn't what Sora was marveling at, "No, I mean that." He took his hoof and pointed towards Rarity's chest. She had a necklace with a purple gem in there, similar to her cutie mark. So did the other ponies as well. They spent sometimes just marveling and how cool their new jewelry was.

Applejack looked at Twilight and said to the purple unicorn, "Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spitin a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship."

Twilight smiled at that, Sora then came up and said "It's not that shocking, you all showed it many times. Rarity with that dragon over in the river, Applejack with Twilight on the cliff, Fluttershy with the Manticore, Pinkie Pie with the trees in the forest, and Rainbow Dash on the bridge. You all deserve to represent the elements."

Fluttershy looked at the Pegasus, "You were also a big part too, Sora" she said with a nice Smile.

Pinkie Pie jumped in front of Sora, "Yeah, if it weren't for you helping us with the heartless, We wouldn't have made it here in one piece. Heck, you even helped us meet thanks to you showing Twilight around." The Pegasus grew a nice smell on his face. All of them saw him as a friend, and the reason they came together. He was proud to call them his friends.

"Their right, you know." Said a voice. A large bright light showed up in front of the broken window. It was the sun! It finally rose from its slumber and shined upon the sky. From it's light came a small orb, it made its way inside and revealed itself as Princess Celestia.

All of the mares bowed before her, except Sora and Twilight. The purple unicorn was all too happy to see her, "Princess Celestia!" She yelled as she made her way towards her teacher, hugging each other.

The Princess of the Sun said to her, "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it." As she let go and Twilight went back to standing.

Twilight felt the need to ask her teacher something. "But... you told me it was all an old pony tale."

The Princess simply smiled, correcting the unicorn, "I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well. Princess Luna!"

She looked over to where Nightmare Moon stood, their in her place was Princess Luna. She let out a small gasp as her sister continued walking forward to her. The princess only said, "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

She was very sincere, almost happy. As if a pain that had lasted centuries had been cured. She then asked her sister one thing, "Will you accept my friendship?"

Luna was crying tears of sadness. She quickly went up to her sister and gave her a hug only a sister could give screaming, "I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!" The two embraced each other. Two sisters have finally been reunited.

Pinkie Pie then stood up and said, "Hey, you know what this calls for…..?"


"A party! They were back in Ponyville. Ponies came running in. The sisters came in on a golden chariot being pulled by two white stallions. Spike finally woke up and came in, hugging Twilight.

Sora was with Pinkie pie and Rainbow Dash. Sora decided to ask the pink mare, "Why did you just say that?"

Pinkie Pie came in and explained herself, "Remember back in the castle when I said, 'you know what this calls for'. Well I was just finishing the thought."

Rainbow Dash felt the need to ask why though, "Yeah, but you said that like an hour ago?"

The pink mare with a love for pastries answered both pegasi with "I know, but imagine if you were an outside viewer who only saw pieces of the conversation."

Sora then went up to Princess Celestia. The large white pony looked down, "Ah, the warrior of light. I'm happy my efforts to bring you here have worked out." Sora looked up at her and marveled at her. She was tall, majestic and beautiful.

The caramel pegasus asked "Your Princess Celestia? You sure don't look 1000 years old." He said with a nice Smile.

The Princess smiled at that remark. Surely the best thing to tell a woman. She decided to tell the stallion something, "I wish we could talk about everything at this moment but now's not exactly a good time. Tomorrow, if you can, please come to my castle. I will explain everything about your predicament over there."

Sora had the need to ask, "Why though, wouldn't right now be better?"

The Princess grew a nice little smile and said, "We could. But you would end up missing an amazing party." Sora looked back, she wasn't lying. It seemed to be an amazing festival. They had games, food but most importantly, ponies having fun. Also cotton candy but mostly the ponies.

Twilight later than came over with a sorry look on her face. Princess Celestia asked her students, "Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

Twilight looked back at Sora and the others in Ponyville, "That's just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them".

Celestia saw exactly what her student wanted, She then simply raised her hoof and said "Spike, take a note, please. I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria. She must continue to study the magic of friendship. She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville." All the ponies then cheered at what they had heard. Sora, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy came in for a nice big group hug.

They let go as Twilight went up to Princess Celestia hugging her while giving all her thanks towards the princess, "Oh thank you, Princess Celestia! I'll study harder than ever before!"


It was now night time. The ponies were still enjoying the party but one was missing, as far as Sora could tell. He saw Twilight sitting by herself looking at the stars. He went up to tell her Twilight something. He sat next to her and asked, "Twilight, are you ok? Your missing Applejack's lasso tricks."

Twilight looked back at the Pony, "Oh sorry Sora. I was just looking at the stars for a little while." The Unicorn and the Pegasus stood their for a little while, admiring the night sky.

Twilight then said what she wanted to say for a little while. "Sora. I'm sorry, I acted like a complete jerk to you. You were just trying to help me out and make a friend but in the end I just yelled at you. Your nothing even close to an incompetent pony, your so much greater."

Sora was touched by all of her words. He wasn't exactly off the hook though. "No, I'm sorry. I annoyed you all day with my antics. I should have thought about how you felt instead of just passing it off."

Twilight smiled back. She was happy she met him and every other pony here. "Let's then agree that we were both to fault."

The stallion looked back at her with a smile and replied, "I can agree to that." They both started spending a few minutes of silence with each other under the night sky. It was truly a sight to see with these two.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. I was on vacation for a few days. I also had to rewatch the 2nd episode for this story. I couldn't do it in front of my parents since they don't know about my pony obsession so I had to watch it at night along with school and all. The only thing I hope is that you all enjoy this chapter