• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,855 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 5: Gone Away

She’s gone…………………….. *illegible scrawl* My Twilight is gone.

Oh, Sunset. I’m so sorry. *wet spots form on the page*

I… I don’t know what to do with my life. I don’t know……. I *illegible scrawl*

Sunset, it’s Twilight. I’m so sorry No, I don’t have the right to say that to you. You begged me to help and I did nothing, but offer my sympathy. I failed you. You are my best friend and I could do NOTHING for you.

It’s okay, Twilight, your hooves were tied……… I know in your heart you would have moved the heavens if it had been in your power, but you put your subjects first, just like you were supposed to. You are good leader and yes, a good friend. It was wrong of me to try and beg to you.

………. What are you going to do? 30 moons is a long time to be alone. I’m… I… I don’t know what to say? I don’t know what to do to make this right. Is there anything I can do for you?

It’s not the first time I have been in this world alone. I can take care of myself….. I’m not going to kill myself. Don’t make that face I know you are making. I know both you and Mom were thinking it. I’m too much of a coward to try that. If it didn’t work, I would probably end up crippled or in a mental hospital. Twi would never forgive me if I just gave up like that.

Then promise me you will take care of yourself. Promise us both you will be safe and we will see you in 30 moons.

*illegible scrawl* I don’t want to promise something I can’t keep.

Sunset… please.

Save paper, there are only a few pages left. Goodbye.

Twilight Sparkle and Celestia exchanged looks of sympathy for one another. What else could be said that they had not already shared? A mare they both loved was once again trapped all alone in the realm of humans. Twilight now fully understood why Celestia had told her about her canyon carving outburst when Sunset had run away the first time. She may have to cancel court to deal with her own frustrations and sorrow as well.

Celestia touched the journal and sighed deeply. No, no more tears to shed, Celestia told herself, she is strong, she will survive. “Oh, little sun, why must you do this to yourself.”

Twilight turned to her old friend and mentor and wrapped herself and wings around her. “What do we do?”

“The only thing we can do. We wait and we be here for her when she needs us.”


Clovis, New Mexico: One week before alignment of portals 98 years after Lunar Lock mirror restoration

Sunset Shimmer’s fingers strummed the chords of her guitar. It was a slow tempo, slower than the song was originally meant for, but it still worked. Sad, melancholic, haunting. Sunset leaned forward and began to sing the words, careful not to touch the microphone. She had cleaned it before she started her set, but that did not mean much in such a dirty and unsightly dump as the Tumbleweed Bar and Stage. It was a typical roadside bar establishment, just a few turns away from the interstate. If you blinked you missed the place and it was honestly worth forgetting.

Like many establishments around the world it was a watering hole that attracted a dedicated flock of regulars. Some listened to the words played by the beautiful young woman in the black spaghetti string tank top and ripped jeans. Other just admired the view while they nursed their drinks. Sunset had scanned the crowd, but never focused on any single patron. All her current focus was on the music.

She had played the mic every night for the last two days and tonight would be her last before it was time to move on. Sunset had no real destination in mind. Did not know where she was going nor had she for the last year, or was it two years now? Much of it had been a blur since Twilight had… moved on. Twilight, her friend, her beloved wife, her partner in everything. Now Sunset’s only friends on this side of the mirror were a bottle of liquor and her PAAL phone that often scolded her for dangerous levels of alcohol consumption and riding her motorcycle too fast.

Sunset’s fingers continued to strum and pluck the strings. She opened her eyes for a moment and looked out over the crowd. Mostly men, young, college age with a few older ones. Most were regulars, others new, it was hard to care which since she would be gone after the sets were over and the owner had cleared her tab. Open mic performances were meant as a means to possibly attract talent scouts. Sunset knew it was also a sleezy way to get free entertainment under the disguise of exposure. Somethings never changed even with the march of time.

The song ended and a few patrons clapped, not many, which was not surprising. ‘Don’t Fear the Reaper’ played acoustic at a slow tempo was dark and beautiful, but hardly riveting. When she had come on stage two nights ago, she had played a few other songs, most of them also dark and sad, but a few had been more upbeat, just not by much.

Sunset moved to the bar to take a break while another wannabe musician took the stage and played a more modern country music cover. Sunset did not mind today’s music, but she knew the words and music to the songs that had touched her soul so many decades ago. And most of said songs were so old many of these people had never even heard them before.

“I swear, if someone commits suicide in my restrooms because of your sad ass music I am blaming you when the cops come asking.”

Sunset snorted into her beer. “No respect for the classics, Rancho. Besides, they are far more likely to die slipping on your disgusting, piss and beer coated bathroom floors than from anything I did to them. Seriously, do you even own a mop?”

“Three nights, girl. Three nights I’ve heard you play my stage. ‘Hurt,’ ‘Sound of Silence,’ that one by, what did you call them? Green Day? All kinds of depressing shit. You told me you got skills and lots of songs, but shit, I should have vetted you or something.”

“Boulevard of Broken Dreams. That was a hard one to learn. And what are you complaining about? I play some songs that make me feel better, guys stare at my tits wishing they could touch them, and you pour more drinks for all the sad new people that come in. Everyone wins. You’re welcome.”

Rancho Basin shook his head. “Girl, I don’t know what happened to you, but you need to find something in this world to fix that broken heart of yours. And it ain’t at the bottom of a bottle. If you got a home, I think you should go there. Spend some time with family, I worry about kids like you.”

Sunset slid the empty bottle away, waving her hand to dismiss his comment as well as clear the heavy cigarette smoke that lingered. Her other hand instinctively moved to touch the two rings hanging from the chain right above her cleavage. “Can’t go home, my grandkids own the house and it would be awkward. Still not sure if I want to go back to the other home I have.”

“Don’t you mean your grandparents?”

“Sure, whatever you think I said. I’ve got two more songs after the blonde is done then I suppose it’s time to hit the road.”

Rancho scoffed, “Yeah, you’ll hit it alright, face first with as drunk as you must be right now.”

Sunset let out a hollow, humorless laugh, brushing the hair back from her face while she locked eyes with the bartender/owner. “That’s cute that you think I’m already drunk after two beers that are at best watered down piss.”

The blonde girl left the stage to a few whistles and claps and smiled and winked at Sunset as they passed. Sunset smiled back politely, but showed no further interest in the college age girl who say back down at her table with friends. Sunset checked her guitar to make sure it was still in tune and wiped the microphone with a napkin before dropping it on the ground.

“So, I was told I might be depressing some people in this fine crowd tonight and should play something a bit faster.” The crowd had mixed reactions from grumbles to laughs to cat call whistles. “To that I say, fuck it. I play what I want.” That got a bit more cheer out of the crowd and Sunset strummed a faster tempo.

After ‘Learning to Fly’ and ‘Don’t Tell Me What Love Can Do’ Sunset returned to the bar, setting her guitar in its case down by her stool. Not entirely unexpected, two young men approached on either side, one set a drink down in front of her.

“A little something to show my appreciating, chica. You sing real nice. Would you be interested in talking contracts? I have a small, but profitable independent studio label.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and sighed. “You’re not a talent agent. I’ve met real talent agents. While they are just as slimey, they’re too cheap and never buy you a drink before talking business. However, if you want me to drink with you, you need to buy it in front of me.” She casually pushed the glass to the side. “Dangerous world and all that.”

Neither of the two men were what Sunset would have called attractive. The shorter, rounder one had a sickly yellow skin tone and shaved head. His taller, string bean friend was appropriately green in color with short bluish hair. They both signaled the bar tender who looked at Sunset with a look that said, ‘say the word and they are gone.’ It was minutely endearing, but Sunset smiled and nodded.

“Two Jacks, neat, please, Rancho.” The bartender did as Sunset asked and placed both shots down in front her. She never let the boys touch the glasses as she drank them both back to back, letting out a growl as the burn of the dark amber liquor did its job.

Sunset eyed the drink the one had brought to the counter, still untouched. “You should finish that before all the ice melts.”

“Hmm? Oh, its fine, not really my poison.”

“Well, that’s an interesting choice of words consider the amount of drugs that are in that drink.” The yellow boy’s jaw hung open and string bean shifted uncomfortably. “Oh, was I not supposed to know that? Drat, I ruined the moment.”

“You shouldn’t accuse people of things like that. It’s very rude.”

“Yeah it is, but you know what’s worse? Drugging a naïve college girl and raping her in the back alley. You know, like you two did a week ago. Oh, and by the way, her name is Flora and she described you two perfectly. Impressive really since you nearly sent her into cardiac arrest with the amount of drugs you slipped her. She filed a police report, but they still haven’t done anything about it. Not surprising given how much they have to deal with, but still sucks. I just happened to overhear her sad story and asked her for more details, like where I might set up to lure in a set of pathetic sexual predators.”

String bean hissed under his breath in an English/Spanish mix. The two boys moved to leave when Sunset grabbed both their wrists so hard they both winced and yelped in pain.

“No, stay! The cops I had my PAAL call are already on their way and I’m sure they really want to hear your side of the story. Isn’t that right, Rancho?”

The owner never got a chance to reply and instead ducked for cover as Shorty produced a knife and moved to stab Sunset. She pulled String bean across her body, who cried out as the blade grazed his side. Sunset jumped to her feet and laughed bitterly while stretching out her hands and shoulders for what came next. Some of the customers made for the door while others called for help. A few others just sat and watched and set their PAALs to record.

Sunset reached out and wretched the knife from Shorty, back handing him across the ear. She stabbed the blade into the wooden bar and grabbed the laced drink, throwing it in String bean’s face. He cried out as he rubbed the burning alcohol from his eyes.


Sunset caught String bean in the side of his head with her heavy leather boot as he turned to charge. He immediately fell to the dirty floor and remained still. “Been called worse.”

Shorty stood and grabbed an empty bottle and tried to hit Sunset who looked on bored as she easily dodged the swings. Sunset dropped her defensive stance and placed her hands on her hips, jutting her chest out tauntingly at the would be assailant.

“C’mon, impress me.”

Shorty broke the bottle to sharp edges and charged. Sunset sidestepped and spun on her left foot and carried her momentum through with her right so that the roundhouse kick caught Shorty square in the back and propelled him forward where he crashed head first into a table and chairs. Sunset waited to see if he would recover, but it became irrelevant when two officers entered with weapons drawn.

Sunset looked over her shoulder at Rancho who was scowling at the entire scene. “Sorry about the mess.”


“Anyhow, Officer Vega, that’s the whole story. Or at least the part that involves me.”

Mesa Vega closed the app on his PAAL and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, we certainly have plenty of evidence and witnesses to arrest them tonight for attempted assault, but I’ll have to confirm the rape charges with the coordinating officer and the victim. I’m sure they will be lawyered up by then. And while I appreciate what you tried to do here, Miss Shimmer, this is not a game. You could have been seriously injured or worse.”

Sunset shrugged and lifted up the bottom of her shirt and showed Vega the gnarled scar on her smooth abs right above the beltline of her pants. Vega arched an eyebrow. “I’ve had worse.”

“I’m sure that scar has an interesting story behind it,” Vega paused, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t usually do this, but would you be opposed to me buying you a cup of coffee and a slice of pie then you can tell me about it? I don’t know why you stopped in town to help a girl you don’t even know out, but it was brave of you, or stupid. Either way I think it makes you interesting.”

“Thanks, but it was more happenstance than anything. I just heard her crying and asked why. I was glad to help. No one should go through something like that and not receive some justice.”

Vega nodded and smiled. “So, coffee? I know a place.”

Sunset eyed the young officer thoughtfully. He was not bad looking, certainly in good physical shape, a clean, genuine smile with nice teeth, and seemed sincere in his intentions... and it had been a while since… her last, ‘moment of weakness.’ Sunset’s fingers immediately went to the two rings held on a chain around her neck. She rubbed and clenched the rings a moment before letting out a sigh. It had been a while, but tonight was not a good night for that, even if she would never see him again.

“Hmmm… you are cute and I honestly am tempted by the offer, but I think I’m going to pass, sorry.” Sunset collected her military surplus duffle bag and guitar and walked over to the cracked and potholed parking lot. Surprisingly, Vega stayed in step beside her.

“So, that’s it? You just roll into town, sing a few songs, kick a little ass, and then leave like the wind? There has to be more to your story than that and okay, sure, maybe my overtones were a little obvious, but it really doesn’t have to be more than just coffee and talking.”

“Trust me, kid, it’s better for everyone the less you know about me.”

“Kid? Really? What are you, twenty nine? Thirty-ish? I’m getting all kind of conflicting signals here.”

“Heh. That’s me in a nutshell.” Sunset raised her PAAL to speak with it. “Raven, unlock Midnight.”

The large, pill shaped mass that had been sitting in the lot began to transform and shift into a motorcycle as the security features deactivated. Vega’s mouth hung open in awe. He had read an article in Motorcyclist Today about what was now sitting right before him.

“Is that a new Screaming Eagle? Holy hell, those things are expensive!” he eyed Sunset with new wonder and suspicion as she secured her bag and guitar to the back seat before sliding her helmet on. “Who are you?”

“A magical pony from another dimension who needs to ride like the wind because I don't have my wings here.” Sunset activated the electronic ignition and all the lights and instruments came on. The electric engine making a low hum as it warmed up. The onboard system HUD came to life inside her helmet’s visor as Raven synced with the motorcycle’s operating monitoring systems. All parts sensors were in the green, tire pressure was good, and the drive motor was finishing its warm up spins.

“Destination, Sunset?”

“How far can we get on the current charge?”

“Farther that your slightly inebriated exhaustion will take you before you pass out and fall off,” the PAAL replied in the helmet speaker in her posh yet snarky accent.

“Fine. Find me a hotel northeast of here near Amarillo and bring up playlist three, then stay quiet until I get close or I’ll start deleting your functions again.”

“Ah, good, playlist three. One of the less depressing one.” Music started to play inside Sunset’s helmet speakers. “However, I would like to remind you that when you delete some of my functions the only person you hurt is yourself.”

Sunset lifted her visor one last time and winked at Vega before speeding away into the night.

Two hours later Sunset stumbled into her hotel room that Raven had purchased and secured the access code key for so that Sunset would not need to bother the night attendant. From past experience Raven had learned that Sunset did not like dealing with other people any more than she had to.

It was contrary to what the A.I. program had learned about other humans Sunset’s age, who were more approachable and had vast, interconnected social networks. Sunset had no active social presence even though she had over two thousand photographs archived on the secure server.

Her owner’s behavior was strange. Raven would often skim some of the photos and see how happy Sunset was with her co-creator, Professor Twilight Sparkle, but now Sunset hardly ever smiled. Another oddity were the dates time stamped on many of the older photos. The dates marked many of them far older than they should be given that Sunset appeared just as she is now. A system diagnostic may be in order. Raven sent a note to ask Sunset for permission for such a diagnostic at her earliest convenience.

Sunset set her PAAL down on the inductive charger next to the night stand and stumble-walked into the bathroom and began to strip out of all her clothes. As she had done many times before, Sunset began to examine every inch of her body for any signs of aging. She wanted to see a grey hair, a new wrinkle, anything that would indicate that her magic was failing her like it had failed Twilight. Just. One. Sign. But there were none. Her skin was still flawless except where Sombra’s magic attacks had scarred her, her bust and ass were round and firm, and her hair was as bouncy and red and blonde as it always had been. Nothing had changed, except for how tired her eyes were. One had to know what to look for, but her teal eyes had more mileage than the orbiting space stations circling the Earth.

Sunset sighed and walked back into the bedroom and flopped on the bed, wearing only her necklace. Sunset clenched the rings in her hand and ordered the lights off then whispered a quiet prayer for good dreams.


Sunset Shimmer looked around as she stood in the foyer examining every inch of the house. They had already combed the entire outside grounds and had now moved to the inside tour. Twilight was upstairs talking with the realtor while Sunset poked her nose around the downstairs rooms. She had wanted to join Twilight upstairs, but the sudden kick in her swollen belly reminded her that stairs were not currently her friend.

“Easy in there, kid, or you’ll pop out too soon.”

“Did I miss a kick?” Twilight came down the stairs and placed her hand on Sunset’s pregnant belly and waited. She giggled and squeaked when she felt another kick. Twilight kneeled down and placed her ear just above Sunset’s distended belly button and listened carefully for any new sounds. Sunset casually stroked her wife’s hair, the third party temporarily forgotten in the intimate moment.

The realtor smiled genuinely and asked, “How far along?”

“Seven and a half months, 33 weeks. I can’t WAIT for this to be over. I’m tired of waddling and my feet feel swollen all the time now. I can't even wear my favorite boots anymore!”

“Awwww, my poor Sunny,” Twilight quickly blushed and jumped back to her feet, cleared her throat, smoothed her business dress, and straightened her glasses. Her professional composure returned, Twilight turned back to the realtor who had remained a polite distance away. “You were right, Miss Villa, this one does meet all the parameters I had laid out. I think if we can come to a consensus on the price, we can start moving the paperwork forward today.”

The realtor nodded with a professional smile. “Then I think we should make the offer I suggested if you two are certain you have the funds and can secure the rest in financing.”

“It’s… a lot of upfront costs,” Sunset said, while her mind’s eye was already picturing some of the custom décor and decorations that would go into such a beautiful blank canvas. She could probably send Rarity some photos for her opinion as well. “You know what, I’m with Twi. Let’s make the offer.”

Twi pumped her fist and the realtor excused herself to make a phone call to the seller’s agent.

When the front door opened it faded away. Sunset had not noticed at first, her eyes examining the house and her giddy wife. She remembered how excited Twilight was when the sale went through. It was their first, well really, their ONLY house. The home both their girls were raised in and later owned themselves.

A strange yet familiar sound broke Sunset from her revere, horse shoes on the tile floor. Sunset turned and found a horse had entered the house. No, not a horse, though she was as large as an Earth horse, but her wings and horn were clearly Equestrian. The white alicorn had black socks and ears and a black diamond in the center of her face from her horn to the tip of her nose. The eyes were the most striking feature however, bright teal eyes that shined with the hint of great magical power.

“I… I know you.”

The alicorn nodded and the rest of the dream came to a stop as if paused. “Yes. We have met before, twice in fact.”

“I started to think after this long that it was just a dream,” Sunset looked back at a happy Twilight, eyes closed and huge grin on her face making her glasses go askew in the most adorable way possible. Sunset reached out to her, but her hand passed through. Her hand then next went to her belly and found that not only was she no longer pregnant that she was no longer human either. Sunset sighed and examined her hooves and wings. She too was an alicorn again.

“What are you doing here?”

“Currently, admiring the details of your memory. You must have a sharp mind to have preserved it all so clearly.”

“One of the reasons I was a great student. I have a near photographic memory when I commit the knowledge or event to my long term memory. Please, don’t make me ask again.”

The dream vanished and was replaced by a clearing in a forest. Sunset had seen this forest once before she was certain of that. The alicorn before her had called it her own private dimension. “Do you remember my name, child?”

Sunset soured a bit but nodded. “Aine. Mother of Celestia and Luna.”

The large alicorn smiled and nodded, but the smile soon disappeared. “Sunset Shimmer, why are you still in this human realm?”

Sunset sat and crossed her forelegs. “Nope, you’ve asked all the questions here, answer mine before I answer another of yours.”

“Ah, quid pro quo. Very well. I invented the ability to travel through dreams. As the mind or soul rather, rests you wander, you and all other mortals open yourselves to all sorts of possibilities and realities. Your imagination, your memories, all of who you are and can be is like an unfinished book for me to examine. Much of the realm where you currently reside is dark, so little magic and energy left that it is practically lifeless and you, Sunset Shimmer, shine like a thousand stars across the cosmos of the mindscape when you dream.

“You see, the multiverse is immeasurable and ever expanding yet I never stray far from where I began, Equuis. Even from home I can see you in your human realm. A light ever on the horizon. However, my purpose tonight was specific. I sought you out because I fear my precious creation may be in danger. A threat it has not faced in thousands of years. I felt an echo of power, a quake of what is to come if the course is not corrected. Equestria, no, the whole world needs you to come home.”

Sunset scowled, growling a bit. “Did Mom put you up to this?”


“Look, I’m not opposed to going back, I have no good reason to stay here, but… I’m not the pony I was when I left thirty moons ago. I feel like I’m just a walking shell going through the motions. Besides, I’m probably better off here. If I’m lucky, maybe my magic will disappear like Twi’s did and I’ll begin to age. That will bring me at least a step closer to seeing her again, or so I hope.”

Aine shook her head. “You are aging, Sunset Shimmer, just like all living creatures, but if you think waiting it out to die is the fastest way to see your wife again then you are mistaken. Your life force is young still, strong. You have many thousands of years left in you before you will ever notice a single sign of aging. The human being you took as a wife, her circumstances were… unique.”

Sunset surged forward her horn flashing to life with an angry red flair. “What do you know of what happened to Twilight?!”

“Did you not hear me? Equestria is in danger, your friends, your mother, the very Well of Souls at the heart of the world. Do they mean nothing to you?”

“Answer the damn question?!”

Aine stuck out her hoof casually, striking Sunset in the chest. It felt like being hit by a freight train. Sunset flew backwards and skid, tumbled, and finally came to a stop when she hit a tree with a bone crunching thud.

“Are you done being childish?” Aine approached slowly as Sunset struggled back to her hooves. “You wife knew what was coming and accepted it. She is gone now. I have nothing else to say on that. Now, I implore you to see the big picture. The portal will open in a few days. If you do not return there may not be an Equestria left to return to next cycle. Then, child, you truly will be all alone and it will be all your fault.”

Sunset snarled and charged again, but passed through nothing and felt herself tumbling until she hit the floor of the hotel room in a mass of bedding and pillows. Sunset groaned and lied back down, closing her eyes. No more than a few seconds could have passed when she heard the familiar buzzing that was her journal signaling a new message.


Author's Note:

And we're back! So, in case it wasn't clear, I skipped ahead two and half years after Twi's passing. For anyone who cries afoul, trust me, Sunset was very hard on herself. There will be further mentions of her time alone in chapters to come, but for the most part nothing plot significant happened. One more chapter in the human world then back to Equestria!

Till next week!