• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,866 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 17: End of the Innocence

Princess Cadence, Empress of the Crystal Empire, listened intently, the diplomatic smile on her face fading gradually as Sunset Shimmer and Luna retold the stories of Flurry Heart’s behavior over the last several months, the fight between Sunset and Flurry, and finally what they had seen while in the dream realm. Cadence finally shook her head and Sunset immediately recognized the face of a mother who was weeping on the inside for her child’s well being while trying to put on a brave façade.

Sunset could proudly say that both her girls stayed mostly out of trouble even through those difficult teenage years, but no child is perfect, nor should they be. Aurora had a few run-ins with authority while in high school. Nothing serious, but it still brought the mama bear out to both defend and scold her daughter. It had been a slice of life, learning lesson for all individuals involved. Sunset had gained that rare insight of what it was like when the shoe was on the other foot or hoof. Sunset had recalled that Celestia had laughed at her, even going as far to writing, 'hahahahaha!' in the journal. Sunset had not been amused at the time.

“I’m… Do you think these creatures are responsible for Flurry’s behavior over the last few years years? That it's true, they have been influencing her since she was a foal?”

Luna nodded with a grim expression. “It is entirely possible. Scylla is ancient, even older than Celestia and myself and very, very manipulative. I have no doubt now she and possibly the others have corrupted the minds of many creatures through dreams over the centuries while I was away. She was… the one who facilitated my fall even if it was my own folly for leaving my mind vulnerable. If it is all true, Flurry may have been hearing Scylla’s voice for so long that she has never considered it unusual.”

Cadence nodded in turn and brought her hoof to her chest and let it out with a deep exhale. Her amethyst eyes turned to Sunset Shimmer and the goldenrod alicorn stiffened a bit. However, there was no anger, no resentment in those shining orbs. Only loving, motherly concern. “Sunset… did you… was she badly hurt from the fight?”

“I… I don’t think so, but she was trying to hurt me. She broke Sable’s leg and hurt Celestia. I… I didn’t go easy on her.”

Cadence nodded, eyes downcast. “I understand.”

“Cadence, really, I’m sorry I-”

“If Twilight is certain she is in the north we should organize search parties immediately,” Cadence stated, turning her attention to Captain Core and Fire Sapphire. They both stood and stepped back from the table.

“If you will allow us, I would like to offer myself and my soldiers as aid in the search, Your Highness,” said Gauge standing as well.

“We appreciate the offer, captain, but my troops know the terrain and can search more quickly. Your forces are better suited as rear guard and can relay information back to the princesses.”

“I have no doubt in your forces abilities or knowledge, Captain Core, but you have no pegasi or thestrals among them. A cooperative force of mixed squads will be able to cover more ground and still maintain a strong line of communication to a command center via SunLight crystals.”

Granite Core stared down at Gauge who stared up, yellow eyes unflinching. “The empire was founded by the first Earth Pony tribe that traveled to this continent. We have survived and thrived just fine without ‘thestrals’ or you feathered cousins.”

“That is quite enough, captain!” Cadence said while rising from her seat. “I will not allow further harm to befall my daughter because you or any other officer wishes to be a stubborn mule of a traditionalist. You will organize your search teams to include the pegasi and thestrals to cover more ground or I will promote another pony to captain that WILL do what I say. Are we clear?”

“Crystal, Your Highness.” Captain Core left the room gesturing for Gauge to follow. The thestral nodded to Sunset who winked back at him before he turned away.

“I will be in the throne room awaiting any news,” said Cadence before moving to leave through the door behind her chair.

“Princess Cadence!” Sunset said, causing the pink alicorn to pause. She looked back still half turned away. “Please, I would like a few moments of your time to talk, privately.”

Cadence glanced to Luna who nodded and placed a hoof across Sunset’s armored withers. She nodded after a moment of consideration and gestured for them to follow. The three alicorns walked silently through several passageways, crystal guards saluting them at every junction until they emerged in the central great hall and throne room. Cadence took a seat on the crystal throne and sighed. Sunset took that as her cue, swallowing her anxiety and began.

“Cadence, I wanted to apologize to you, which is honestly something I should have done a long time ago. I know no matter what I say will make up for how I treated you, but I’ve changed. I’ve-”

“Ponies don’t really change, you know, it’s something we like to say to give measure to that which is intangible, but it’s not true. We are always what we have always been. Ponies evolve, mature, temper perhaps, but never change who we really are.” Cadence shook her head. “Did you know I was terrified of you for the longest time? Of course you did, because you took pleasure in showing your smug superiority. You were so much stronger, magic-wise, so much smarter than I ever could be.

“I was terrified of everypony when I first arrived in Canterlot, I was so far out of my element, but I had hoped you would help me, guide me, protect me. I know that's what Celestia wanted when she introduced us to each other. But that's not how it went, did it? Instead, you only saw me as a threat to your sad, little fiefdom that really only existed in your head. You thought I was stealing Celestia from you because she adopted me as a niece. You were rude, cruel, and you enjoyed the pain you caused me when you scoffed every time I made a mistake or a suggestion you didn’t agree with. You broke my heart, Sunset Shimmer. You were supposed to be my friend and instead you only saw an enemy. And then, POOF! You were gone and I honestly forgot you ever existed for the longest time. Then, Aunt Celestia brought along that cursed mirror for a visit and suddenly you were back in everypony’s life.”

Sunset looked up from the crystal floor she had been staring at, heart filled with shame, eyes glassy with tears about to spill over. She knew all her past sins, she remembered them all with crystal clear detail. The curse of her eidetic memory. Perhaps it was a mistake to try and bandage such bad blood after all. Cadence had no reason to forgive her and no matter what Sunset could say would be enough, especially after giving Flurry a bloody lip.

“How? How do we start over after everything I’ve done to you? How do I make it right?”

Cadence paused, a hoof blocking part of her face as she examined Sunset a moment. She then turned and stepped off her throne, standing before the goldenrod alicorn, who was a little bit taller than her now. “You know that part of my special talent is that I can sense the love inside of ponies. I can sense how much they love a partner, a friend, a family member, or even themselves. What you may not have known is I can also sense the pain of lost love and I sense much of this in you and I am truly sorry for your loss, Sunset. But that pain is not the end of you, Sunset Shimmer, not as long as you keep love alive in your heart.”

Cadence’s neutral expression softened and became a serene smile. “Twilight told me much about what happened to you on the other side of the mirror. She gave me regular updates at my request on how you were doing after the mirror was destroyed and how you made a life for yourself there. She told me how Celestia kept the truth of your origin from you. That single nugget of information could have saved both of us from so much misunderstanding and heartache. I scolded her harshly for that.

"You know I never knew my birth parents, but what she did to you, in the name of politics no less! I have no idea if that was better or worse than not knowing at all, but I know it hurt you. Through that pain though, you survived. Then, against all expectations, you tempered, you matured, you evolved, and in return you got those wings you were always after.”

“More than that, I got something even better, someone who made me WANT to be better. And she in return shared her life with me, and we had two wonderful daughters. The three of them were everything to me.” Sunset sniffled and shuddered as she fought to school her emotions, hoof moving to touch her rings.

Cadence stepped forward, pulling Sunset into a warm, full wings included hug. “You asked how do we start over, like this. I forgive you, Sunset Shimmer. The sins of the past shape us, but they do not define us. Now, please, honor me and tell me all about your daughters. I want to know if my cousin had as much fun and trouble being a mom as I had because let me tell you, Flurry Heart was a hoofful and a half!”

Sunset sobbed and laughed at the same time, squeezing Cadence back. “Oh, goddess, where to even begin!”

“How about their names, then we can compare our favorite stories, good and bad. I want to hear all about the beautiful family that helped you become the mare you are now.”

Luna turned to a guard and made a drinking gesture and the guard understood to bring refreshments.


Flurry Heart could not keep from staring at the red alicorn standing before her. Logically, it made sense that a stallion would be able to achieve ascension, but another part of her brain had only associated alicorn ascension with princesses. Clearly, calling this exquisite example of stallion a ‘princess’ would not go over well. One oddity that Flurry was not sure how she should feel about was that Aethon, for all his splendor, lacked a cutie mark. The moment of awe and lust was interrupted when a familiar voice called out in the back of her mind.

How does it feel to be free, brother?

Aethon smiled, examining his black, polished hoof. “It feels good, sister. It has been too long since I last felt real air even if it is a biting cold.”

Good, then it is time to move on to the next prison. The prisons for Scylla and Epona are east and west o-

“I’m sorry, but are you serious?! I can’t just fly off and start breaking each of you out one at a time. I’m exhausted! I need time to recover.”

Time is not your ally, Flurry. If Mother does not already know she will soon enough that Aethon is free. More pressing, Celestia’s minions are no doubt also looking for you and in your weakened state could capture and subdue you.

Flurry would have normally scoffed at such a statement, but then took a moment to look down at herself, eyes focusing on the ugly scar on her foreleg. If what her friends had said was true then it was possible that the royal guard and Sunset Shimmer were looking for her. It was painful to admit, but in her current state it was unlikely she could take on that demon in pony fur.

“You are scared, I can see it in your eyes,” said Aethon in his deep baritone voice. “You have nothing to fear as long as I am near you.”

“I know you want me to set your brother and sisters free, but I need to rest first. I’m sure if we travel back to the Crystal Empire I can get some food and rest. I know plenty of places I could rest up out of sight of the guards or my mother.”

And if they are waiting for you?

“Then I escape.”

There is another option, if you would consider it. I can give you some of my power, it will suppress your hunger and help you push through your fatigue so that you can free us. But I can’t force it upon you. You must let me in willingly.

“I… I don’t know. Aunt Twilight and Mom always warned against letting any creature even another pony have control over your mind or body.”

I understand, but you will be no help to anypony if you are imprisoned with an inhibitor ring on your horn. I’m just trying to help you, Flurry. With all of us at your side you will be able to march into Canterlot and the other princesses will have no choice but to acknowledge your superior position. We will remake the world together, Flurry, but you must have trust.

“I will consider it, but right now, let’s head back to the empire so I can get a few things.”

Aethon’s smile disappeared, but he eventually nodded. He aimed his horn at the crater wall and fired, the snow turned to steam and the rocks melted and reform as a set of stairs. Aethon then gestured for Flurry Heart to take the lead. The two alicorns easily scaled the crater with the aid of the new staircase and used their wings to shield themselves from the whipping wind and snow, which felt colder and more bitter than before. Eventually though the permanent storm was to their rear and they had an easy decent down the mountain ahead of them. Flurry was about to comment on it when a voice bellowed out from their left.

“Hold ponies!” Aethon and Flurry turned to find a small group of armed and armored yaks emerging from behind the boulders, blocking the path down the mountain. “You are on Yak land without permission! You will come with us so that our prince can decide what to do with you.”

Flurry Heart pulled her cloak aside and spread her wings to their full extent, puffing out her chest and stared down at the group of yaks. Normally that was all she had to do to get almost any other creature to cower or run, but yaks were stubborn and these ones especially so.

“Do you know who I am? I am Princess Flurry Heart of Equestria! Daughter to the Empress of the Crystal Empire, Princess of Friendship, and soon to be ruler of every piece of land the sun touches. I have what I came for and will be returning to the empire now and you would be wise to not delay me.”

Gunther stepped forward stomping his hooves to the rock. “Pony title means little here in the Forbidden Wastes. You will come with us as friend or as prisoner, but you will come with us.”

“Pathetic creatures.” Aethon stepped before Flurry and gave her a courteous bow. “We have things to do and they are impeding. Allow me to end this.”

Flurry grimaced for a moment before finally sighing. “Do what you have to do to make them move.”

Aethon grinned displaying his sharp white fangs. His horn took on a black and burnt orange glow and the air smelled of sulfur. The four yaks only screamed for a second before there was not enough left from the horn blast to be identified as yak anymore.


Twilight Sparkle looked up from the ancient tome she had on the table next to a stack of note cards and scratch parchment. While Twilight could read Old Ponish, quite fluently in fact, some of the words that Celestia’s mother used were unknown or not used in the traditional context and required further context translation. In addition to that, there was little structure to the entries, most of the pages were just filled with observations, ponderings, and occasional ramblings. Twilight was starting to suspect that Aine had no idea how to properly write complete thoughts and/or did not understand what it was like living among other ponies. Certainly not with two foals like Celestia and Luna.

Which was another thing that bothered Twilight a bit. Celestia had dismissed the books earlier when Luna had inquired about them, but there may have been more to it than a simple dismissal because the material was boring. The first tome spoke a great deal about the world as a whole and observations she had made of both the environment and other creatures. The second tome, which Twilight was excited about at first, talked about Celestia a great deal. It even gave an actual date of her birth, a fact that had been debated by many scholars over the centuries while Celestia just shrugged and said, ‘whatever you believe it is, is probably correct.’ But just like the first journal most of the information was closer in comparison to scientific observation rather than memories of a loving mother. This played into the last thing that bothered Twilight, how little was said about Luna. Like she was an accident or afterthought to their mother.

“Ughhhh,” groaned Twilight, taking a moment to rub her eyes.

Celestia looked up from the lounge sofa she had been resting on and smiled. “Not enjoying your research, Twilight?”

“Oh, it’s fascinating, but… how do I put this?” Twilight waved her hooves as she hesitated. “Would you say that your mother was… not the most affectionate parental figure? And I find no comments or mentions of your father at all.”

“No, she was not. We knew she loved us, but her behavior often did not reflect that. She was not a hugger, to put it bluntly. Now my father, I never knew him. I asked about my father many times as a filly and once or twice as a young adult, but my mother would just say he did what he was supposed to do or that we did not need him and he moved on. Every answer was vague or a deflection of some sort. Unfortunately, I believe I adopted quite a lot of that behavior when dealing with my own subjects and students and… with Sunset.”

Twilight smiled sympathetically. “I know you feel like you were not the best mother, but it couldn’t have been easy, not with everything that was going on at the time. You tried, right? Besides, she turned out fine… eventually.”

Celestia smiled in return even if a bit strained. “Yes, eventually.”

Twilight grimaced and stepped back from the table. “You know, I think I’m going to take a break, go for a little trot around the corridor to stretch my legs. I’ll be back in a bit.”

Celestia nodded and sighed. She let out a yawn and closed her eyes for a bit. When she reopened them there was a large, black and white pony standing next to the table looking down at the two tomes, her expression one of calm curiosity. Celestia sighed again.

“I should be more surprised to see you here, but after what Sunset told me I have been expecting you to show up eventually.”

“I forgot about these tomes. I wrote them to try and help understand what I was seeing and thinking at the time. I thought if I looked back upon them, I would understand more. The mortals did not always act as I expected them to and I wanted to do a compare and contrast. I also remember having more than two.”

“They are over twenty-five hundred years old, mother, not everything preserves as well as you do. Though that is a lie in itself, is it not? Last I saw you, you were just a unicorn and much shorter.”

Aine, closed the book and shrugged. “A necessary illusion. If I revealed my true self to the villagers where you were raised, they would have worshiped me instead of focusing on you and Luna following your ascensions. That was, after all, the reason the two of you were conceived. But enough on that. Those times are long gone and if you wish to preserve the future actions must be taken or else the world as we know it is doomed.”

Celestia arched an eyebrow. “Straight to the doom and gloom then, mother? I’m not sure I am in the mood for this old game.”

“This is no game, Celestia. One of the Athanatoi has been released just now and if you and the others do not act swiftly the other three will be free and there will be little that I can do to stop them that does not involve total annihilation once that occurs.”

Celestia inspected her hoof with disinterest in her mother’s revelation. She eventually stood and stretched and began preening her wings.


“Tell me,” Celestia said, her magenta eyes hard, “Luna and I, what was our father’s name?”

Aine rolled her eyes. “This again? Fine, your father’s name was Alogo and Luna’s father was named Portho. They were both fine stallions of good health and mental fortitude and did what I needed them to do.”

“Wait, Luna and I had different fathers?”

“You would have known that if you had the other journals. Besides, is it not obvious? You look nothing alike. Now, enough of this foolishness. The alicorn child of Cadenza has done what I had thought unthinkable and released Aethon, the Fire Aspect. Admittedly, I should have put his prison at the bottom of the ocean, but that cannot be helped now. I can only assume they plan to release the others. The swiftest course of action to stop this before it goes too far would be to kill Flurry Heart. Once she is slain you and the other alicorns should be able to contain Aethon once more in a new prison.”

Celestia blinked a few times. Surely, she had heard that wrong. “I’m sorry, but did you say ‘slain’? Cadence would never agree to anypony killing her daughter and certainly would not do so herself.”

“The child has been corrupted by the Athanatoi, most likely Scylla, she was always notoriously good at combining species into new creatures and sometimes monsters. A baby alicorn would be her greatest accomplishment and a perfect workaround to the defenses I had in place. I would have seen it sooner, but they learned to hide their manipulations from my view by sending small influential amounts of their power through dreams. For the longest time I did not think they were even capable of dreaming, but they are more resourceful that I ever imagine and even I have difficulty seeing everything in the dreamscape, it is far too vast.”

“All I’m hearing is how you want ME to do this, or US to do that. When exactly are you supposed to help with this? If my assumptions about you are correct are you not Mother Creation? If so, can you not just light your horn and fix this?”

Aine looked away, her face flat and unreadable. After a moment she looked back at Celestia who was rapidly approaching the end of her diplomatic patience. “I cannot. There are many factors at work that are driving the Wheels of Fate. Much of it is beyond my control now. Many creatures were bestowed with the gift of souls and by doing so much of your destiny is now in your hooves.”

Celestia sighed and face-hoofed. “To borrow from my daughter’s colorful vernacular I say, ‘fuck you,’ Mother.” Aine was genuinely shocked by the unexpected profanity. Her expression made Celestia smirk.

“Celestia?” Twilight said as she reentered her study. “I heard you talking to somepony.”

“It’s fine, Twilight, just another lively and infuriating discussion with my mother, just like old times.”

“Oh, okay then.”

Celestia blinked, glanced to the large, black and white alicorn who was standing next to the table then back to Twilight who suddenly found the throw rugs very interesting. Celestia let out a growl of frustration. “She can’t see you, can she?” Aine said nothing and just stood with her famous, ‘why are you being difficult about this?’ face.

“Oh, wonderful! Now Twilight thinks that I’m old, dying, and now going senile. Thank you, Mother.”

“I don’t think you are going senile. I sometimes talk out loud to my friends and loved ones that are gone too… It helps… when I’m lonely.”

Celestia nodded and smiled sympathetically. “Thank you, Twilight, but my mother is not dead, she’s just being… her.”

“There are forces at work in the universe that are even beyond me, you know this, Celestia, you have walked the path of stars, seen the cosmic forces dance in the heavens beyond Equuis. Destiny, Fate, Harmony, Chaos, Entropy, Creation. Each of these aspects have their place upon the Wheel of Fate. Who do you think you are to question it?”

Celestia closed her eyes and took a calming breath. “Now that I see my own mortality upon the horizon, I reflect upon much of what I have said and done. I question much and find myself asking, did I do the right thing?”

“That’s… many creatures ask that of themselves near the end. I know my brother did,” Twilight said barely above a whisper. Twilight shook her head and her eyes lit up. “Wait, if your mother is an immortal goddess can’t she heal you? Can’t she stop you from dying?”

Celestia turned her face to the right. Twilight could not see the dark glare that Aine was giving her. “Well? What say you, Mother Creation?”

“First, I always hated that name. Secondly, yes, I could restore you, but to do so would require life from ponies that are still alive. Life energy is one of the most complex yet mailable sources of creation magic. It can be harnessed as a powerful attack or used to extend the life of another… willingly or unknowingly.

“Alicorns in of themselves are a perversion of the natural order life cycle I created, using magic of the world itself to extend their lives. However, after… meddling by the Athanatoi, it became necessary. They perverted and transformed some of my creatures to monsters that could consume life or just live longer, like dragons. The pony tribes, even following the awakening of harmony and the winter hearth were splintered and often still at each other’s throats. They needed leadership, ponies that could withstand the centuries and stand as a symbol against the monsters. That was why I brought you and your sister into this world. That was why I tried again.”

“What are you talking about?” Celestia asked, perplexed.

“Never mind. Perhaps the young one is on to something and we should consider taking the life force from others. Considering I tied your lifeforce to the mechanism that holds the other Athanatoi in their prisons it may be a worthy trade even if it is immoral and morbid.”

Celestia rolled her eyes, turning back to Twilight. “No, she cannot save me. I would have to steal lifeforce like a necromancer to extend my life and I refuse to do that. And she used that word again. Twilight, have you ever heard the word, Athanatoi?

“Uhh… it’s Old Ponish, I know that but… yes! It was one of those odd words from the journals I had trouble with because I had never heard it before either, so I had to do a cross reference for context because I did not understand the definition. Essentially, it means children. Maybe special children?”

Celestia’s jaw hung open with her eyes wide as she began to shake. Slowly, she turned back to Aine who frowned, her ears flattening. With seething and clenched teeth Celestia hissed, “What. Did. You. Do?!”

Aine’s ears shot straight up and her eyes turned to the north. “We’re out of time. You must warn Luna and Sunset immediately that death is coming for them right now and pray they can stand their ground. I dare not do more to tip the scales than I have.”

Celestia blinked and her mother was gone. The white alicorn stumbled and Twilight immediately rushed to her side and she nodded her thanks. Once steady she began to look about, but did not see what they needed. “Damn you, mother. Twilight, you must contact Cadence at once. I fear Flurry may have unknowingly unleashed something horrible upon the world and it is coming for the Crystal Empire.”

Author's Note:

Had to post this now because this is a shit week for me and I will be busy. Merry Christmas and all that.

Questions? Comments?