• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,866 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 12: Eat the Rich

Sunset Shimmer knew exactly where the guard armory was. Not that it was hard to find considering it faced the guard barracks and had half a platoon guarding it at all times and some of the thickest wooden doors in all of Equestria. The throne room’s doors may have been larger, but the ancient oak doors of the armory had barely taken a scratch from the damage Tirek and company had caused during their destruction of the castle. Not that it mattered since said enemy had not been interested in armor, weapons, or potions.

According to the guards who were standing with their polearms at the ready, Captain Tempest Fury had warned them of Sunset’s impending arrival and that she was already inside. Sunset had no idea what the captain had in mind for her, but if it involved a giant, scary, glowing axe to keep the nobility in line she liked where this was heading.

Sunset entered the cavernous chamber lit by low luminous mage lights. There were no decorations to speak of and the room smelled of blade oil, and the cedar that comprised most of the shelves. Sunset then took notice of an old earth pony guard at the desk near the front door, who was still built like a tank, inspecting some armor before dropping it back into a crate. She was about to speak when the old stallion spat on the floor and kicked the crate away.

“Sloppy damn work, I tell ya!” He gave Sunset the stink eye and unholstered a throwing ring from his side that was once favored by ancient earth pony warriors, a chakram if she remembered correctly. “You see this?! This is vintage! Made by hoof, forged and hammered with love and pride! A thousand years old and it could still take out a new polearm staff and crack the armor of almost anythin’ that comes off the lines today. Absolute garbage they are hoofin’ over to those poor snuffies I tell ya! Good thing we got them dragons on our side now ‘cause otherwise them foals ain’t nothin’ but walkin’ crunchies!”


“Oh, I heard of you, girl. The flamin’ sword or some fancy shit like that. They say you got fight in ya! I believe ‘em. I heard ya took on the lieutenant commander in a staff fight in the ring the other day. No magic! Now that must’ve been somethin’ ta see! Name’s Ironside, I was a soldier for a long damn time, don’t ask how long, I done gone forgot how long ago I signed up, but I still serve. I may not have much soldierin’ left in me, but my mind’s sharp and I keep track of all the shit that comes in and out of this here place. If you’re lookin’ for the capta'n she is in the back, diggin’ somethin’ out. Must be somethin’ special if she is gettin’ it out for a princess.”

“I’m not… you know what that’s fine. Which way did she go?”

“Here,” said Tempest, returning with an old crate in her green magical aura that matched her eyes. Tempest looked at Ironside and motioned to the door.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it, some secret shit or somethin’ can’t let even the old war horse see what you been hidin’ from my inventory, eh?”

“It’s from my personal effects, which is how it would appear on your manifest, you old mule.” Ironside barked out a laugh at the insult. “Besides, you’ll see it soon enough just like everypony else.” Ironside saluted and limped out of the armory, closing the thick wooden door behind him.

Tempest opened the top of the crate and a fine layer of dust waft in the air. Sunset waited where she sat for Tempest to finish with whatever nostalgia she was lost in. Sunset knew that lost in memory look well, she had found herself doing it more often than she cared for. The vermilion unicorn shook her head and lifted out a dulled golden object. Sunset thought it was a crown, but took a step closer and found that it was a cross between a light duty helm and a ceremonial circlet with a single red fire ruby in the center placed just below the opening for a unicorn horn. At first it just looked pretty, but upon closer inspection with her magical senses Sunset could feel the gem hum with stored enchantment power.

“My great grandmother was an interesting pony, or so I’m told. I never met her. She had a rough fillyhood, a hard time making friends, and it only got harder on her after an ursa broke her horn. She had to completely relearn how to control her power, for which she had quite a bit. She was stout, tall, nearly all lean muscle and she knew how to throw that weight around in battle. She even defeated all the princesses once in a surprise attack on Canterlot. I don’t suppose you remember that?”

“It happened while I was in the other world. I heard the attack was so swift that a single expeditionary force overwhelmed the few defenses that were at the ready and she used some of the most advanced petrification orbs ever created to neutralize three alicorns in a single preemptive attack. It was some damn impressive magic and combat from what I was told. Too bad it was for the bad guy.”

Tempest nodded. “After it was all said and done and things calmed down, the Storm King lay in pieces and his army scattered to the four winds. Fizzle Pop went out on her own for a bit, afraid that the powers that be would still want to charge and arrest her for her part in the attack. Later she returned at Princess Twilight’s request and became Her Highness’s first Captain of the Guard after the coronation. Even that had not been a smooth transition. They remained close friends throughout her entire term of service. I am named after her, her nickname rather. Tempest Shadow. Anyhow, Great Grand hated the official uniforms of the Canterlot Royal Guard, especially the captain’s uniform. So, she had a new ceremonial helm and armor commissioned along with two sets of custom hoofguards. Since you two are about the same height and build...”

Sunset took the circlet helm in her magic and examined it. It was beautifully crafted and was forged of both bronze and gold to form a decorative functionality. Upon closer examination Sunset could also sense complex passive defense magic emanating from the gem in the center. Tempest next set out four hoofguards that were of a similar design that were tall and would cover up to Sunset’s knees easily. Lastly, she removed a set of body armor in two sections, a chest plate that also had a fire ruby in the center at the breast bone and a back plate that might fit but would need a little modification considering her wings.

“You are giving these to me? But these belong to your family.”

“Well, I would like them back eventually, but take into consideration they are beautifully crafted and powerful. Like I said, Great Grand had a broken horn so she was always having to regulate her mana flow, which took a great deal of concentration all the time. The head gem and chest plate gem work together to take that excess power and create a passive defensive field for wearer. You could take a sledgehammer to the head and shrug it off like a bug bite. This armor is a piece of art made by the master armor crafter, Vector himself. He forged Great Grand's black armor and the reflective plate shields used by the Storm Guard. This, however, was his masterpiece. It's made to be worn and seen and it’s not doing anypony any good sitting in the box.”

Tempest paused, her eyes meeting Sunset’s. “Twilight is my princess and my friend and if you are truly serious about getting up in the big chair and helping her then yes, I want you to wear this. I don’t know what happened to you in the past or why you hate crowns and titles, you can tell me when you’re ready. Right now though I am putting my faith in you that you will get the job done and not embarrass yourself and my friend doing it. If the nobility need to see a princess looking the part of royalty then wear this armor as regalia with pride and my blessing and show those rich, bloated, nags and mules what Sunset Shimmer is really capable of.”

Carefully, with shaking hooves, Sunset closed her eyes and slid the circlet into place, it needed only a few, minor tweaks to make it fit perfectly. Tempest next did a quick modification on the armor, removing the shoulder guards and opening a few of the back plates to allow Sunset’s wings to slip through and sit comfortably at her sides. With a quick adjustment to the straps on either side the chest piece the back plate snapped into place to be secured just as the designer intended. Lastly, the hoofguards slid right on and cinched tight. The two gems sensing body heat and proximity to one another began glow faintly to indicate they were working.

Sunset lifted her PAAL from where she had set it down so that the camera eye was facing her. The device made a simulated picture snap sound. “So, how do I look?”

Tempest nodded approvingly, a rare, genuine smile on her face.

Raven took another photo. “Aesthetically, the gold blends with your amber coat too closely. I think it would look better in black, but it certainly gives the appearance of authority with the glowing gems. If my opinion matters I have to say I like it.”

Sunset secured her PAAL again, gently touching a hoof to the rings that rested just above the fire ruby at her chest. “Let’s do this.”


Celestia waited at the door to the back antechamber. The nobility and guild councilors had already settled into the throne room, chatting amongst themselves. Most of what could be gleamed was idle prattle, but it had now gone beyond the usually start time and some of the nobility began to comment on Twilight’s tardiness. Isabella was at the foot of the dais with one eye on the door, waiting for Celestia’s signal while she did her best to look calm and confident even if she did not feel it.

The solar goddess turned at the sound of approaching hoofsteps and sighed in relief at the sight of Tempest. The Captain of the Guard stepped aside and gestured with a bow for her charge to step forward. Celestia gasped and had to fight down the tears of pride and joy that threatened to break her court mask as her heart swelled. The sight of her beloved daughter in golden regalia armor, clean and brushed mane, and a hint of some sweet smelling fruit perfume that somepony must have sprayed on her at the last minute. Celestia felt that if she were to keel over dead at that moment she could cross over a happy mare, bursting with motherly pride.

“Sunset Shimmer, my beautiful daughter. I have lost count of the number of times I have dreamed of this day.”

Sunset gave her mother a lopsided, slightly too wide grin that spoke more of nervousness than excitement. “Thanks, I think. The last time I dreamed of sitting in the big chair I was still working through my megalomania phase. It usually involved me wearing your crown with a small harem of… you know what, just forget I said that. I guess I can take a small comfort in that it’s Twilight’s chair now, right? Am I rambling? I think I might have had too much coffee, no, there’s no such thing. Right, never mind, I am rambling. Is it hot in here? Is it the armor?”

“Take a breath, you’re starting to sound like Twilight,” said Tempest, moving around the two alicorns to exit. She whispered something to Isabella and then moved to the rear of the room to secure the main door. Isabella nodded and Celestia nodded in return.

“Remember,” Celestia whispered, “I will be right next to you. If you have any questions about anything, do not hesitate. I can still quickly and quietly cast privacy bubbles so that we may converse.”

“If possible, flip through the case itineraries where I can see them. I will cross reference what I can with the Equestria History and Law books you have showed me over the last few days,” said Raven, earning an arched eyebrow from Celestia.

“Uh, right. Mom, Raven. Raven, Celestia. Artificial Intelligence friend and assistant who will stay quiet so I don’t have to explain her to the whole court that wants to eat me alive,” Sunset eyed her PAAL, “Right?”

“If I hear something of note worthiness, I will vibrate to get your attention. Satisfactory?”

“Fine, I can work with that.”

Celestia snorted. “You named her Raven. She even sounds a bit like her. That is quite amusing.”

Sunset smirked, before gently touching her mother’s shoulder. “Yeah, its weird but I have my reasons. Now, Mom, in all seriousness, If I do start to… lose control, you know, ordering executions, setting ponies on fire, or transform into a red, winged demon, please, don’t hesitate to stop me.”

Celestia kissed her daughter’s cheek. “Have faith in your abilities, little sun.” With that, Celestia stepped out of the antechamber ahead of Sunset and Isabella shouted across the cavernous room.

“Silence! All rise! Day court is now in session!”

Celestia ignored the murmurs and kept her eyes forward, nodding occasionally as some of the ponies bowed respectfully. She glided past the well dressed griffon and took her place on the smaller throne. Sunset Shimmer followed her mother’s lead and kept her eyes forward as well. It started as whispers, but as Sunset approached Twilight’s throne the murmurs became louder and when she stood before the massive seat, hesitating for only a moment before taking a seat, the voices of protest had become a white noise of upheaval and objections.

“ORDER!” shouted Isabella. The most boisterous continued to talk amongst themselves. Finally, one of the more prominent lords stepped out of line and approached the throne without being called upon. Isabella scowled at him as did Celestia. It was a blatant breach of protocol and a subtle insult to Sunset to undermining her authority. One that did not go unnoticed by any present. He even refused to bow before speaking.

“This is the Day Court of Canterlot, not a circus show for you to waste our time with, Lady Sunset. Princess Celestia, I ask you with all respect, where is Princess Twilight?”

Celestia glanced towards her daughter. Do you want me to handle this?

Sunset closed her eyes for a second and opened them again with her old game face fully in place. She gestured for Celestia to remain seated. I’ve got this.

Sunset took two steps forward from the throne and summoned her flaming sword and slammed it into the marble floor with a tremendous crack that took several seconds for the echo to fade. The noble before her took a hesitant step back and Sunset smiled. You blinked.

“Lord Sterling Platinum, as you said, this is the Day Court of Canterlot. You will show the throne the respect it is due before you dare to speak before us.” Sunset held her stare and Sterling’s eyes turned to the blade before him, red flame billowing from the enchanted steel. After a moment he bowed his head and so did many, but not all the others. It was a start at least. With that theatric concluded, Sunset dispelled her sword, but intentionally left the crack and hole in the floor. “Princess Twilight had a personal matter to attend to and asked me to see to the day court, under the helpful and experienced council of Celestia. If there are no objections we shall proceed.”

“This is an insult to our status pure and simple. You have no experience leading an Appleloosan criminal courtroom let alone the court of Canterlot, Miss Shimmer, you-”

“You will address me as Lady Sunset Shimmer, Lord Arbor Field!”

Arbor Field scowled. “You are no princess. You have never been coronated or shown the least bit of interest in the happenings of these halls. I see no reason to take this seriously. If Princess Twilight had more important things to do then the entire court should have simply been canceled. Anything that is said today or presented will just have to be brought up again upon Princess Twilight’s return. Princess Celestia, I implore you on behalf of my fellow constituents, take this serious and remove this… amature from our business at hoof.”

Celestia rose and stood next to Sunset also staring daggers at the nobility as a whole. “Let me once again and hopefully, for the last time, put this issue to bed. Sunset Shimmer is MY daughter and you will respect that otherwise you will be arrested and removed from this court pending investigation and trial of your status and holdings. She speaks with my approval as well as Princess Twilight’s. Any and all business you wish to discuss on the agenda for the day will be accepted or declined as if Twilight herself were standing here. However, if all you had wished to do today was waste the crown’s valuable time, then by all means, please see yourself out. We have plenty of common petitioners who would eagerly use your appointed time. There is, after all, a backlog I understand.”

Sunset held out a hoof towards Isabella. “Miss Windsong, the daily docket, if you please.” The griffon bowed, passing the paperwork to Sunset, who took a moment to flip through the papers with an intentionally disinterested expression. After making sure Raven had seen every page, she levitated the documents back. Sunset turned away from the court and gracefully sat down upon the throne. She could practically taste the discomfort and tension it gave the nobility to see her sitting so comfortably upon the grand seat of power.

“Since you have chosen to make this an issue, let’s get this out of the way right from the start. Many of you are decent ponies, you have helped enrich yourselves and your families, as any would do in your positions, but overall, you have also seen to the best interests of Equestria. However, there are some among your peers that have only seen to their own self interests. You have used your titles and positions to reap the benefits and worse than that you have taken advantage of the good nature and generosity of Princess Twilight, my friend, in the process. THAT. ENDS. NOW.”

Sunset eyed the squirming nobles and guild council. “You are thinking right now, ‘what right does she have to threaten us?’ or ‘she has no experiences here, how dare she!’ I dare much. I may have shied away from court for many years to experience all life has to offer, but never forget I was born to this life, taught the ways of this game by The Goddess of the Sun herself. Whether you consider it a blessing or a curse, I am here and I am not going anywhere. I have the princess’s ear, I have her trust, and her friendship. So, I suggest you deal with it and let’s get this dance started.”

From the back of the throne room, too far for any creature to see, Captain Fury flashed a toothy smile beneath the shadow of her helmet.

Even with the opening disrespect Lords Sterling and Field led with and Sunset’s counter play of both force and establishing the legitimacy of her authority, the rest of the morning had moved smoothly. All protocols were followed and no additional slights had been made. Most of the proposals were reasonable, the points of concern were noted and documented, and none of the other lords or council ponies stepped out of line requiring Sunset to drop the armored hoof again. Celestia had been a great comfort to Sunset even just sitting by watching and listening, occasionally having to whisper who a certain somepony was or a quick word of advice. They had only needed to privately convene on more difficult matters twice. However, after such smooth sailing, Sunset was not entirely surprised when she felt Raven vibrate against her shoulder.

Sunset looked to Celestia and the elder alicorn raised a privacy bubble. “It’s just us, what’s the matter, Raven?”

“There is an unusual discrepancy in Lord Quiet Trot’s proposal. It requests the use of royal funds for the construction of a down stream surface aquifer, but there is no approved environmental impact study form as required by Equestrian law 805 Tango Echo Seven. Also, all such construction projects require a bidding process and the noble bypassed said process and wrote in a company name that I have with reasonable certainty guessed is owned by the lord’s family. This would be a violation of fairness practices and funnel extra bits into his family’s accounts at likely an elevated cost.”

“I’m not familiar with an environmental study law,” said Sunset.

“It came about after a minotaur and his company attempted to destroy part of the Everfree forest in order to build a new fun park. I can give you the detail later, but it is not a new law and must be abided by,” said Celestia, keeping an eye on the members of the court.

Sunset nodded. “Thanks for the heads up.” Celestia lowered the bubble and Sunset stepped off the throne and strode up to Lord Quiet Trot. The faded blue unicorn stallion was thin, his mane slicked to the back of his neck to try and hide the fact that it was thinning. Sunset stood more than a head taller than him and he was trying to act cool and collected with how close she had come.

“Is there a problem, Lady Sunset?”

Sunset cocked her head to one side, her expression inquisitive like a predator deciding what would be the best way to kill its meal. “I’m just trying to think of the best way to address this issue.”

Lord Trot smiled smugly. “If you are looking to get closer acquainted, I’m sure I can make time for such a lovely mare as yourself. Perhaps a private dinner tonight at my estate?”

“If that’s your idea of a come on, you should have practiced on someone a bit more gullible first. No thanks, I’ve had better.” Trot frowned, especially at the snickers and whispers from his fellow lords.

“Fine, you want to play rough, little filly. Princess Twilight already gave me her initial approval for this project over a month ago. I have the documents and the witnesses to back that up. If you decline the final approval not only are you delaying the work of honest ponies who are just trying to earn a living, you are stepping on Her Majesty’s authority. This final proposal was just to be a formality and to cement a final number of how many bits the treasury was planning to contribute to this needed public works project. Don’t try to fill horseshoes you could not possible wear.”

Sunset snapped her wings out and they burst into flames. Several nobles gasped and stepped back, Lord Quiet Trot let out an undignified yelp and stumbled over his own legs. Sunset approached slowly, her scowl ferocious and eyes beginning to take on a distinct shade of red.

Oh, sweet Celestia save me! She’s going to murder me!

Sunset tilted her head again and examined the shaking pony before her. Had she just heard his thoughts? Sunset let out a breath and brought her wings under control, the flames returning to feathers, her eyes teal once again. That was something to investigate later.

“I apologize for the brash display, but I felt you needed a reminder who you were speaking to,” Sunset stated, her eyes darting about the room to ensure they were all paying attention. “That being said, I would very much like to see these ‘approved documents’ you claim to have that bear Her Highness’s signature. You should, however, keep in mind that I have been corresponding with Princess Twilight for over one hundred years and recognize each loop and stroke she puts in her name when she writes. Hers is a unique signature and I would recognize its authenticity immediately.”

Lord Trot was about to reach for his briefcase when he paused. “I… am not sure I have the correct documents with me today.”

Sunset smirked. “What a shame. Oh, and while you are at it looking for said approval you might also want to produce the environmental impact study form and the bid sheets for the construction that showed you gave fair opportunity to other companies to pitch their bids. You know, like the law states.”

Lord Quiet Trot nodded and slunk away with his tail between his legs. The surrounding nobles whispered amongst themselves. Surprisingly, from what she could gleam not all of it was negative. Once Sunset had returned to the throne Isabella had declared the morning session concluded. The guards took their positions to allow the doors to open and Isabella ushered Sunset and Celestia back to the antechamber behind the throne.

“That… was, I have to admit not badly done. You handled yourself well, Lady Sunset,” said Isabella, giving the alicorn a respectable bow.

Sunset bowed in return, then quickly hurried to the nearby restroom and began to vomit into the toilet.

Isabella arched an eyebrow. “Not the reaction I was expecting.”

“Sunset?” Celestia’s voice was laced with concern, but the younger alicorn reemerged a moment later waving her off.

“I’m fine. I just… I held it down as long as I could. The anxiety of them all… looking at me, the egotism of the court, the shit they try to pull when they think no pony is looking, this beautiful thing on my head. Goddess, I thought my heart was going to explode in my chest.”

“I concur,” said Raven. “I too was afraid your heart rate was accelerating to dangerous levels on more than one occasion.”

Celestia nuzzled her daughter who returned the affection. “I thought you did wonderful considering how they came at you and it does get easier to stomach with time, if not less stressful. You should try to eat and drink some water now.”

“Yes, we need to review a few things over your one hour break before we move onto the commoner petitions. If you both would please follow me to the dining hall.” Sunset let Isabella take the lead even though they all knew where to go. She seemed pleased to be in charge of the situation.

Tempest, who had taken her position at the back of the group trotted up next to Sunset and whispered, “Just so you know, I thought that was entertaining.” Sunset let out a relaxing chuckle and sighed in relief.


Lunch had already been prepared when they arrived at the private dining hall, a course of soup, salad, and grapes with breadsticks and fizzy water. The group of ponies and griffon ate quietly for several minutes until Isabella stood with a tea cup still in claw to begin discussing the agenda for the afternoon. She was about to speak when Luna teleported in with what appeared to be sympathy in her eyes. Two of the interdiction crystals on the wall were now smoking from over charge.

“I tried to calm her but…”

The double doors to dining room burst open directly behind Luna and the midnight alicorn cringed. A bed ragged Twilight Sparkle with wide panicked eyes, a crooked, askew crown, and frizzy mane that waved like she had just stuck her hoof in a power node stood before the group.


“Your Highness-”

“I missed breakfast! I had a breakfast meeting! I HAD A BREAKFAST MEETING WITH SOMEPONY AND I CAN’T REMEMBER WHO!”

“Twilight, its-”

Twilight began to shake and gasped even louder. “I MISSED THE DAY COURT! The nobility will move for a vote of no confidence and begin to have the monarchy disassembled and we’ll all have to move to Yakyakistan just to pay for a hut and eat moss and twigs!”

“TWILIGHT!” Sunset shouted, causing the princess to stop in mid-rant. “It’s okay, we took care of it. Mom helped me raised the sun, Isabella took care of your morning meeting, and I took over the day court so you could sleep.”

“You… you all… I… but, how, you, sun, court, but, but…”

“I have to admit she handled the court well. It was… impressive,” said Isabella, continuing to casually sip her tea.

Sunset rounded the table, wrapping her hoof around Twilight’s and brought her to the chair to sit. “Breathe, Twilight, it’s okay. You needed to rest so we took care of everything for you. I guess I should have warned you how addicting gaming can be.”

“I can’t believe I stayed up so late. I don’t even remember going to sleep at all. I just woke up and found myself on your couch and screamed when I realized I was late for EVERYTHING.”

Luna smiled as she finished a breadstick. “I heard her screaming as she panic-ran down the halls still clinging to a large black pillow. I’m sure she gave the guards quite the fright.”

Sunset smirked. “I guess I’ll need to get a new pillow since you’ve grown attached to that one.”

Twilight sat upright in her chair and straightened her crown. It was almost dignified except that her mane and tail still looked like she walked through a hurricane even with its wild ethereal magical wave. She levitated some cucumber into her mouth and nodded, finally swallowing and letting out a sigh.

“Thank you, all of you,” Twilight turned to Sunset who was still standing next to her, “I owe you an apology, Sunset. I did not think you would be able to deal with the court and you proved me wrong.”

Sunset smiled, taking the seat next to Twilight. “It’s okay, Twilight, you had good reasons to doubt. We had a few bumps at first. I probably would have set Sterling on fire if not for Mom. And I did vomit at the end trying to keep all my anxiety emotions in check. Still, I was glad to help and let you rest. You needed a day off and I’ll gladly finish the day out as well.”

“Thank you, but that’s not necessary. I’m awake now,” Twilight replied, her crown slipping to one side. The other alicorns all gave Twilight varying degrees of skeptical expressions. “I’m fine, really.”

“Twilight, you just shouted about being exiled to Yakyakistan because you think the nobility will vote you out. Come to think of it I’m not even sure there is a constitutional procedure for dismantling the monarchy.”

“None that I have found as of yet,” chimed Raven from Sunset’s shoulder. Isabella looked around to find where that unknown voice keeps coming from.

“You need a break, Twilight,” Sunset said, “plus I’ve been enjoying my time with Mom. So, just relax today, read a book you’ve been wanting to catch up on, hit that to do list I know you’ve been neglecting. We’ll tell you all about it at dinner.”

“I concur that you are in need of a rest, Twilight. You do so much for everypony, but so little for yourself. Trust me explicitly when I say that road only leads to resentment of those you serve, jealousy of how free their lives are while you are chained to your throne and thankless responsibility. Underappreciated.” Luna looked at her hooves and shuddered. Nothing else on that matter needed to be said.

Twilight looked around the room at each face present and nodded a few times. Her eyes finally settled on Sunset who continued to smile warmly and massage Twilight’s shoulders with a hoof. Such a sweet, beautiful smile with cute dimples and full lips that were quite close. A perfectly brushed mane and coat and… was that Tempest Shadow’s dress circlet helm? Twilight blinked a few times, finally taking in the fact that Sunset was dressed in partial armor and hoofguards that also once belonging to Tempest. Her eyes turned to her captain standing near the corner who nodded in understanding. Twilight straightened her crown and posture once more and took a deep breath then let it out.


Sunset choked for a second on her drink she had been levitating. “No?”

Twilight turned fully to the goldenrod alicorn, looking smugly at her friend. “No. You will not return to court and I will not relax today.” Sunset was about to protest. “UNLESS! You agree to take up your rightful title and have a coronation. You want to reopen the night court and help me then you will do it as Princess Sunset Shimmer. Those are my terms.”

Twilight was not sure whose jaw was hanging open wider, Sunset’s or Isabella’s. Celestia was smiling and nearly tearing up, Luna nodded approvingly, and Tempest just shrugged. Sunset shook her head a few times to restart her brain, taking a deep breath of her own.

“I… wow. I did not see that one coming.”

“It wouldn’t be today. That would be crazy and probably cause a panic among the nobility and guilds… and Isa. Obviously, we will need to make a national announcement, send our invitations, make arrangements with caterers and coordinate with decorators, and give our allies beyond our borders time to respond to invites, but you need to choose right now if you are willing to accept my terms. If you truly want to help me, I need to know you are willing to stand next to me as an equal.”

Sunset closed her eyes, her hoof moving to touch her rings. The feel of the titanium against her fur helped calm her spiking nerves. Her entire body felt like it was pins and needles. Sunset’s hoof brushed against the metal of Tempest’s chest piece, the weight of the armor and what it represented becoming heavier upon Sunset and her soul. Can I do this? Can I stand before the court and dictate decrees as *gulp* a real princess?

“I…” Sunset swallowed again, opened her eyes and met Twilight’s gaze. They stared into one another’s eyes without blinking, Twilight’s lips parting ever so slightly and Sunset heard the faintest whisper in the back of her mind. Please don’t run away… Please, say yes.

“Sunset.” The amber alicorn turned to the sound of her mother’s voice. Celestia smiling like the rising sun itself. “You can do this. Become who you were born to be.”

Sunset Shimmer drew herself to her full height and after another moment of hesitation finally nodded. “Okay, but only with Luna’s approval… and I don’t want a crown like yours. I want one like this, except maybe in black with gold trim. I think I look best in black.”

Luna smiled. “I consent.”

Twilight practically beamed, radiating love and appreciation. “I accept your terms.”

Author's Note:

It's probably silly to laugh at your own work but the thought of a bed ragged Princess Twilight with wide eyes and crooked crown just cracks me up.

I thought long and hard about making Tempest Shadow's ceremonial armor black, but it just would have seemed too out of place if she was in fact the captain of Twilight's guard. Now her casual wear or Battle Dress Armor was probably black. I look at the armor Shining Armor wore and imagine Tempest cringing and twitching at the sight of it.

Till next week.

Questions? Comments?