• Published 6th May 2020
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The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume II - Chapter 12: Oh, the Misery

“So, is this the place?” Rainbow Dash asked, her arms crossed, standing in front of the apartment door. She blew some air on the bang of hair blocking her view and looked at the girl standing next to her.

“It appears to be.” Fleur replied, focused on double checking the address on her phone.

Both girls met up after school when Fleur had called Rainbow Dash telling her that it was time to pay Red a little visit. They both stood in front of the apartment, the pink haired girl had found the address written in Red’s school files. One of the perks of being president.

“Should we… knock?” Rainbow asked, butterflies in her stomach. She wasn’t exactly sure what to do.

“Of course we should, that is common courtesy.” Fleur took a gracious step forward and, with three gentle knock on the door, she cleared her throat. “Hello?” She called.

Both girls waited for an answer, but none came. They stared at each other and Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders.

“Maybe he’s isn’t home at the moment?” Fleur stated.

Rainbow knocked harder than Fleur, “Yo Red, it’s me RD.” She called.

“Not what I would call a proper way to ask for someone, but let’s move on.” Fleur whispered, mostly to herself, annoyed by Rainbow Dash’s brutal way.

Once again, nobody came to answer. Rainbow Dash grunted in frustration.

“What should we do then?” Fleur scratched her chin, “I mean, it’s not like we can simply break in, right?” She asked, looking at Rainbow Dash.

With a smug, Rainbow simply stated, “Of course not…”

Fleur Dis Lee gave her an odd look, “Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

Rainbow Dash then took the door handle and prepared herself to push the door open with her shoulder.

“Rainbow wait-” Fleur tried, but Rainbow already pushed herself against the door.

The door easily swung open and, not ready for so little resistance, the athletic girl fell face first on the ground.

“Oh, it seems it was open.” Fleur taunted with her melodious voice, she had a hard time containing her smirk at the view of Rainbow Dash on the ground.

Rainbow slowly got to her feet, a hand rubbing her nose, “Yeah, no shit.”

“I get the impression we’re in some sort of polar, this is so exhilarating.” Fleur graciously entered the apartment and closed the door behind her. “So, what are we looking for exactly?”

“Something that could help us found out where he is.” Rainbow replied.

The girls looked around and both of them quickly understood that something wasn’t right here. The apartment was clean and in order but Rainbow could feel that something was wrong.

“Something’s off.” Rainbow stated, walking through what seems to be the living room.

“Maybe he did move away.” Fleur replied.

“Nah.” Rainbow denied, shaking her head. She pointed toward the Xbox next to the TV, “I know him, he’s never going to leave his Xbox behind.”

Fleur rolled her eyes at that statement but didn’t said anything. Rainbow walked toward the nearest drawer, under the TV, and she started searching inside.

“Found something interesting, Rainbow Dash?” Fleur asked, looking over her shoulder.

The smell of lavender coming from Fleur Dis Lee was kind of pleasant, and Rainbow Dash didn’t like that feeling. “You know, it’ll be a lot quicker if you helped me.” Rainbow stated, with an annoyed tone, turning her head in the other way to escape the smell.

Fleur sighed, “As you wish.” She graciously turned around and started a delicate walk toward the kitchen.

Both of them were unaware about the fact that a small, almost invisible, hidden camera was watching them from the left corner of the living room.

Fleur Dis Lee opened the fridge and saw that it wasn’t empty. “Isn’t this strange, why is the fridge still full? Why wouldn’t he have emptied the fridge before leaving?” She then muttered to herself, “Or maybe he didn’t have a choice.” She then started to imagine that Red was a secret agent from the beginning and he had to run away because his cover was busted. “I think I read too much.”

She closed it and opened the drawer next to the sink. It was full of papers of any kind, but something caught Fleur’s attention. It was a picture of Red and a little blue haired girl at the arcade, they seemed to be playing a game where you had to push the buttons in rhythm with the music. The girl seemed to have a lot of fun.

“Who is this girl?” Fleur asked, mostly to herself. “She sure is adorable.”

Rainbow Dash, her, had moved to what seemed to be Red’s bedroom. She started to open the drawers but quickly closed them when she saw it was filled with his underwear.

“No way I’ll go through that.” She said while blushing, shaking her head.

She draws her attention to the bed and crossed her arms. She hummed for a moment before kneeling next to it and looking under it. She saw that a wooden plank under the bed was displaced, the perfect place to hide something. She had to crawl under the bed to get to it.

“Ah!” She exclaimed, grabbing the plank and moving it away. She couldn’t clearly see what it was in there, but she managed to grab it.

“Found something interesting?” Fleur Dis Lee asked behind her.

Rainbow Dash gasped in surprise and hit her head on the slats under the bed. “Ouch!”

She got out and rubbed the back of her head, “Don’t surprise me like that!”

“What is that?” Fleur asked, pointing to what Rainbow was holding in her hand.

“Uh?” Rainbow looked at it and saw it was a mask. A low red mask, representing the bottom part of the face of a dragon. “I… Don’t know. It’s cool though, maybe he was into cosplay?”

“But why would he hide it under his bed?” Fleur frowned, “He sure didn’t want someone to find it.”

“Maybe he’s… Ashamed about it?” Rainbow tried.

“It doesn’t sound like the Red you and I both knows.” Fleur said, taking the mask in her hands to take a closer look.

“I’m starting to think that… None of us really knew him after all.” Rainbow muttered.

She stared at the mask and hummed. ‘Why do I get the strange feeling that Sunset might know something about it?’

“Oh, right!” Fleur remembered, taking a picture out of her pocket. “I found this in the kitchen.”

Rainbow looked at it, an eyebrow raised, before remembering who it was. “Of course! Wendy! She knows where Red is! She has to!”

“Wendy?” Fleur asked, “Never heard of her before, who is she?”

“She’s… Well I don’t really remember. But I do remember that she and him are very close.” Rainbow stated.

“That’s a lead then.” Fleur smirked.

“I don’t know Fleur… She’s just a kid.” Rainbow scratched the back of her head.

“Do you want to know where he is or not?” Fleur asked her with a pout and a frown.

“I do… I just…” Rainbow took another look at the red mask. “Let me try something first.”


“Spider-Girl and Black Cat working together! Is this the end of our city?” Sunset read from the Daily Bugle newspaper. “I think it was the smart move to stop sending him pictures.” She said tossing the newspaper aside. She sighed and fell forward, her face colliding with the kitchen’s table. “Great for my integrity, but now, I’m broke.”

She raised her head up when she heard the front door opening and someone entering the house. “Sunset, I’m home.”

“Sup Luna?” Sunset called, getting on her feet and walking toward the fridge.

“I’m… good.” She replied, an ounce of uncertainty in her voice. While Sunset was taking a drink from the fridge, Luna entered the kitchen. “Listen Sunset, I have to talk to you about something.”

“Sure, what’s up?” Sunset asked, turning around to face Luna, her back to the wall.

Luna sighed and sat at the table. “Come sit with me, please.”

Sunset rolled her eyes, “Sure.”

She sat next to her and Luna looked at her in her eyes. “Sunset… I’ve received some complains at school about… Your attitude lately.”

“What?” Sunset raised an eyebrow, and with a confident smirk, added, “I’m a sweetheart.”

“Sunset…” Luna took her serious tone, it wasn’t as strict as Celestia’s but Sunset gulped anyway. When she took that tone, it wasn’t good. “You almost started a fight with Lyra a few days ago… If Applejack hadn’t intervened…”

“She had it coming okay?!” Sunset rose to her feet. Instantly losing her temper, which surprised Luna. “I did everything I could to make this fucking school finally accept me, I stopped being a monster and I did everything I could to be forgiven. I even sang a freaking song! And I don’t know what this school has with songs, but they love them!” She said, remembering how she lost her crown only six months ago. “If after all that, they still want to hate me, then so be it! I don’t care as long as they don’t come to annoy me, I’ll stay away from them.”

“Sunset…” Luna started.

“But Lyra…” Sunset ignored her, “From the beginning, she never stopped fucking around with me, I did everything I could to be nice to her but she refuses to give up! I tried to ignore her okay? But at some point, she has to stop taking me for a bitch.”

“Sunset, calm down.” Luna calmly said, putting her hand on Sunset’s, “I know what you’re going through okay? I-”

“No you don’t!” Sunset moved Luna’s hand away.

“Yes, I do.” Luna frowned. She gets up from her seat and put both her hand on Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset turned her gaze away. “Sunset look at me.” Sunset didn’t comply. “Sunset, look at me!”

With a sigh, she faced Luna and saw that, she wasn’t furious or mad, she was concerned. “I know what it is to be an outcast okay? You and I we… Have a lot more in common than you think. Back in my youth I… I wasn’t a very good person. My sister she… She was very popular, she was beautiful so every boy in high school loved her, she had perfect grades, she was athletic, she was sweet and kind.” Luna sighed, “So of course, the teachers and our parents expected me to be the same as her, you know? After all, I was Celestia’s little sister. And that’s all I was for them… I wasn’t Luna, I was Celestia’s little sister. But, I wasn’t as smart as her, I wasn’t as pretty as her, and god knows I wasn’t as kind as her.”

It was the first time Sunset was hearing that story, before she even realized, she was sat at the table next to Luna.

“There was this boy at our school, Tirek…” Luna sighed, she started playing with a bang of her hair, “I was in love with him. But he and I were totally opposite, he was the captain of the football team, I didn’t do sports, he was popular, I was an outcast, he was friend with everybody, I did not have a single one.” Her hand began trembling and she felt Sunset grabbing it. “But one day I… Gathered all the courage I could and asked him out.”

“What did he say?” Sunset asked, afraid of the answer.

“He laughed at me.” Luna muttered with sadness, “It could have stop at that you know. But it didn’t. The next days, I became his, and his friends, favorite whipping girl. They stole my bag and threw it in the pool, they wrote insults on my locker, they punched me when nobody was watching…”

“And Celestia?” Sunset raised an eyebrow, “Was she letting all of this happen?”

Luna had a small laugh and smirked, “She was too busy maintaining her perfect grades to notice a single thing.” Luna’s smile dropped as quickly as it came, “I hated her.” She admitted, “And one day… I was walking through the corridors of Crystal Prep, preparing myself to another day of hell… When I saw…”

“W-What did you saw?”

“T-Tirek and Celestia kissing.” Luna said in a breath.

Sunset eyes grew wide. “Luna I’m so s-”

“This isn’t the end of the story.” Luna said. “After that I… I don’t exactly remember what happened. It all happened so quickly. When I finally came to my senses, I was standing in the middle of the corridor, everybody was watching me in horror, and screaming was the only sound I could hear in the hallway. But it wasn’t coming from the students, no, as I turned my head, I saw Celestia, watching me with the most horrified look I saw from her, and when I looked next to her… I saw Tirek on the ground, screaming in agony as he was putting both his bloody hands on where is left eye… used to be. As I watched my hands, they were covered in blood and a pair of scissor was in my right hand.”

Sunset put her hand on her mouth in horror. “H… How…”

“I don’t know how it happened. As I told you, I don’t remember it clearly. But at that moment I felt an urge inside me… Something took control of my body… I know it sounds crazy but… I don’t know how to explain.” She sighed, “Anyway, after that, I was sent to juvie. My parents… Never spoked to me again. I was in a bad place, and I became very, very bad. From whipping girl, I quickly became a bully. Not long after that, I escaped from juvie to stole a car, steal booze in a shop, I even joined a gang at some point. I even had a nickname…” She laughed at that memories, “Nightmare Moon.” Sunset saw a single tear, rolling down Luna’s cheek. “Boy, I was so stupid…”

Sunset was at a loss for words, she had no idea Luna had to go through all of that. But a question was burning her lips. “Luna… How did you get out of that life?”

“I got help… from the last person I would’ve guessed.” Luna stated.

A long time ago…

There was a time when Canterlot City wasn’t as colorful and jovial as it is now. In the past, gangs were ruling over the city and the police was overwhelmed. Canterlot didn’t had any hero to look after it like New York had with Iron Man. And the Mafia boss, Hammerhead, was ruling over the streets with an iron fist.

A young Luna was punching a boy laying on the ground in a dark alley. She was wearing a black dress under her leather jacket, she had black makeup on her face, and had big leather boots with iron reinforcement at the end.

“P-Please, I don’t have any more money.” The boy pleaded.

Luna laughed, “I know.” She said with a final kick in the boy’s abdomen, making him cough more blood. “Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind.”

The boy quickly got on his feet and ran away. Luna put her hand in her pocket to see what kind of loot she had today. “Geez, only fifty bucks? Are the people here poor or what?”

“Hey Moon, how’s work?” She heard a masculine voice calling her from behind.

Luna smirked and turned around, facing a man that only was a few years older than her but was twice her size. He had a white skin and had no hair. “Not good.” Luna stated, “And you Lonnie?”

“I already told you to call me boss…” The man took a puff of his cigarette and with a smug, showed her what was in his hand.

Luna eyes grew wide, “Where did you found all of this money?”

“Some rich girl wasn’t at the right place at the right time.” He simply stated with a smug.

“Nice.” Luna replied with a smirk, “So, what’s the plan?”

“With this money I think I’ll be able to hire a guy or two for… The big thing tomorrow night.” He said with a wink.

Luna was thrilled at that statement, “Can’t wait Tombstone.”

Lonnie rolled his eyes, “I already told you, don’t call me by that name. I don’t like it.”

“Why, I think it’s cool.” Luna shrugged. “Anyway, you got somewhere I can sleep tonight? My old place is infested with rats…”

“Yeah sure,” He laughed, “Follow me.”

They both walked through the dark alleys of the city and after a thirty minutes walk, arrived in front of a dilapidated apartment complex.

“Third floor, first door on your left.” He said, giving her a pair of keys. “It’s not very clean, and it stinks like shit in there. But, there’s no rats.” He stated, “You’ll love it.”

Luna grabbed the keys, “Thanks Boss, I owe you one.”

“Nah, you don’t owe me nothing. That’s the least I could do.” He stated before turning around and walking away with a sign of his hand.

Luna was glad that she met him a few months ago, he was the only friend she ever had. He wasn’t judging her, and he was ready to help her no matter what. They started to form a crew with a few of his mates and soon, they became a notorious gang. Nightmare Moon’s and Lonnie’s name started to become quite known in the underground world of the city.

She started to climb the stairs of the apartment complex and stopped when she felt someone was watching her. She looked to the left and saw a girl, maybe a bit younger than her, watching with fear and apprehension, from her apartment door. The girl was familiar to Luna, she swore she already saw her somewhere.

Luna frowned and barked, “What ya’ lookin’ at?!”

The girl gasped and slammed the door shut. Making Luna burst into a repulsive and indecent laughter. She finally arrived at destination and opened the door. The smell suddenly attacked Luna’s nose and stung her eyes.

“Geez’, what the fuck, someone died in here or what?” She said to herself, slamming the door behind her.

The apartment was practically empty if it wasn’t for the small couch that could at best welcome two person, a small table in the kitchen and the microwave in bad shape. She guessed the walls used to be white, but were now turning to black because of the mold.

With a shrug, she quickly made herself comfortable. After a cold shower, because of course the place didn’t have hot water, and a quick meal composed of instant noodles she found in one of the drawers, Luna sat on the couch and tried to get some sleep.

She woke up in the middle of the night because someone was knocking loudly on her door. Luna abruptly stood up, in a really bad mood, walking furiously towards the door. Whoever it was, she was going to make them regretting waking her up.

She swung the door open and barked, “Why the fuck would you knock on people’s door in the middle of the fucking ni-” She didn’t finish when she saw who was standing in front of her. It was someone she didn’t saw in years, and to be honest, someone she never thought she would have seen ever again.

“Hello, Luna.” Celestia simply greeted.

Luna was in shock, she just looked at her with big eyes, not knowing what to do or say. Celestia, seeing that her sister was waiting for her to make a move, tried a little smile.

“Can you… Let me in?” She kindly asked.

Luna stared at her blankly for a long time, before taking a simple step to the side, letting enough space for her sister to enter the apartment.

“Thank you.” Celestia stated, before entering.

Luna closed the door behind her and waited for her sister to say something.

“So…” Celestia started, looking around the apartment, “Is this where you’re staying?” She took a closer look to the walls and saw it was covered in mold. With a disgusted look she added, “This is… nice.”

“What do you want?” Luna finally managed to say.

Celestia sighed and turned around to face her little sister. “I came to… See how you’ve been.”

“How did you know I was here?” Luna quickly asked, ignoring the previous answer.

“Redheart told me. She lives on the second floor.” Celestia replied.

That’s when it hit her, she knew she already saw that girl somewhere. They went to the same goddamn school!

“And? What do you want?” Luna finally frowned. Her shocking state now finished, she started to feel anger toward her sister.

“It’s… Been a while since we saw each other…” Celestia said, kindness in her eyes.

“Yeah, no shit. I wonder why.” Luna spat.

Celestia sighed, “To be fair, Mom and Dad were the ones preventing me to see you.”

“Of course, reject the fault on Mom and Dad.” Luna barked, “By the way, how’s those two devil’s going?”

Celestia’s face became livid and she looked away, “They… passed away last month.”

Luna’s heart skipped a beat. She wasn’t expecting that. Everything but that.

After a minute of reflection, Luna smirked, “Eh, good riddance.” Ignoring the glare Celestia gave her, she added, “And so what? After they died you thought, ‘Oh! That’s right, I’ve still have a little sister I completely forgotten about, what if I start looking for her to fill the gap those fuckers left behind them when they died. Oh, wait, she hates me.’”

Celestia bit her lower lips, “Luna listen…”

“No! You listen!” Luna stomped on the ground, “I don’t care what you want, I have a life now and you won’t mess it up! Not again!”

“A life?” Celestia replied, losing her temper. She showed the apartment with her left arm, “Are you calling this a life?”

“Well, whatever you want to call it, there’s no place in it for you!” Luna yelled.

Celestia let out a small ‘humpf’, “Fine!” She said, “I don’t even know why I thought this would be a good idea.”

“Exactly!” Luna added, “Why in the world, after all those years, you thought you could come here and ask me how’s it been!”

“Because I love you, dumbass!” Celestia exploded.

Luna stopped and stared at her sister, whose face was covered in red. She never heard her sister saying insults before.

A tear rolled down Celestia’s cheek, “And I missed you.”

Luna frowned, and closed her eyes before calmly saying, “Get out.”

“Luna please-”

“GET OUT!” Luna screamed.

Celestia flinched and looked at her sister with sad eyes, Luna her, was looking at her with anger. How could she dare saying that she missed her?

Celestia wiped the tears that were flowing down on her face and, looking at the ground, made her way to the door, passing right next to Luna who didn’t even looked at her.

“I’m sorry.” She said, before Luna could hear the door opening, and then closing.

She waited a few minutes before felling on her knees and started crying.

That night, Luna didn’t get much sleep. She was just lying on the couch, looking at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. The apartment was in complete dark, sometimes illuminated by the cars lights coming from down the street.

She finally got up from the couch in the early morning when she heard someone knocking on the door. This time, she was too tired to even be mad, she just lazily walked towards the door and slowly opened it.

“Wow,” Lonnie started, seeing the state of Luna. “Someone had a rough night.”

“You have no idea.” Luna added, letting her friend in.

As he walked in, Luna saw that he was carrying two paper bags with him.

“What’s the deal, Moon?” Lonnie asked, dropping both bags on the kitchen’s small table.

“I saw someone last night…” Luna said, closing the door and joining him. “Someone I didn’t saw in… ages.”

Lonnie frowned menacingly at that statement, “Are they bad news?”

“Not anymore.” Luna stated, “I took care of it.”

“Good.” Lonnie nodded, “Last thing we need is someone hindering our plans.”

“What’s this?” Luna said, pointing the bags.

“This,” He replied, grabbing the bag on the right and giving it to her, “Is breakfast. Can’t work with an empty stomach, right?”

Luna opened it and saw it was French fries with a soda. “Diner for breakfast, how nice.” She said, already starting to chew on some fries.

“And this,” He said opening the other bag, “Is your work tool.”

When Luna took a closer look into it, she dropped the food she was holding on the floor and took several step back. “D-D-Dude! This is a fucking gun!” She almost yelled.

“Keep it down, would you?!” He barked at her.

Luna took a deep breath at retrieved her calm. “The fuck man?”

“You’ll need it, for… You know… The big thing tonight?” Lonnie said.

“I thought we already got over that, I won’t take a fucking gun with me, I fight with my fists!” She stated.

Lonnie laughed, “Yeah, we’ll talk about that when you’ll get shot.” He sighed, “Listen, if you don’t want to shoot anyone, that’s fine by me, but you’ll have to take it, at least for your own safety.”

Luna was going to say something but she quickly changed her mind. She knew better than arguing with a stubborn guy like Lonnie.

“And, when are we going to do it?” She asked him with a serious look on her face.

“Tonight, at dawn.” He said, “Caba’ will come pick you up around eight.” He stated before preparing to leave, “Oh, and of course, if you talk to someone about all of that…” He started.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m dead, I know.” Luna rolled her eyes.

When Lonnie left. He let Luna alone for the rest of the day. And being alone, in an empty apartment, wasn’t exactly what Luna was calling fun.

She tried to keep herself busy as best as she could for a few hours but…


Luna was bored.

She was there, sat next to the window, staring at the gun in her hand. She had never hold a gun in her entire life, and tonight, she might have to shoot someone. Was she ready for this? Once it was done, there will be no turning back.

She sighed and finally got up. She put the gun back in the paper bag and put it next to the couch. She put her leather jacket on and prepared herself to leave, she wasn’t going to stay there a minute longer, she had to do something… anything to escape this boredom.

She put on her leather boots and when she opened the door she noticed that Celestia was standing there, ready to knock on the door.

“Oh, hum…” Celestia started, looking away.

“Ugh, you again…” Luna grunted, “What do you want, now?”

“Well I…” She sighed and finally looked at her sister in the eyes. “You were right okay? I have no right to force you to be a part of your life but… I still want you to be a part of my life. I screwed up, I know. So let me get things straight.”

Luna rolled her eyes, “And how are you going to do that?”

“By… Inviting you for lunch?” Celestia tried, with a smug on her face.

Luna was about to turn her down when her stomach answers in a loud noise. Celestia giggled and Luna looked away, embarrassed. “Okay, okay, let’s go have a stupid lunch together.”

“Yes!” Celestia raised her fist in a sign of victory, making Luna more annoyed than she already was.

“Don’t make me regret it.” She added.

“Noted.” Celestia replied, the smug wouldn’t leave her face.

Luna locked the door with her key and both girls went down the stairs of the apartment complex in an awkward silence. Awkward for Luna at least, because Celestia seemed to enjoy the company. They walked down the street side by side when Celestia finally spoke up.

“I’m parked right here.” She said, pointing towards a small white Volkswagen Beetle.

Luna raised an eyebrow, “You’ve got your own car? What, did Mom and Dad bought it for you?”

Celestia crossed her arms and gave her a glare of disapprobation, “For the record, I actually worked to buy it.” Celestia opened the passenger door for her sister saying, “After you.”

Luna rolled her eyes but sat inside anyway.

Celestia was soon sat on the driver’s seat and started the engine. “She’s like my baby.” She said, talking about the car.

“So… You’re working now, uh?” Luna asked, watching as her sister carefully drove out of the parking lot.

Celestia gave her a quick glance, “So you’re making conversation now?” She said. Before Luna could say anything, Celestia said, “Yes, I work as a kindergarten teacher.”

“A teach’, you?” Luna smirked, “Eh, should’ve guessed.”

“Someday,” Celestia added, “I’ll have my own school.” She smiled, not leaving the road from her eyes, “That’s my dream, to help children develops and help them find their talents.” She giggled, “And you Luna, what do you do?”

Luna tried to found something to tell. She wasn’t going to say she was beating up people for money. She finally looked outside from the passenger window. “What are you, a cop?”

It made Celestia laugh. “Yeah, I figured… You know, if you need help to find a job or…”

“I don’t need your help!” Luna quickly barked.

“F-Forget I said anything.” Celestia said, having a hard time keeping her smile.

They both finally arrived at the nearest McRonald’s and Celestia drove towards the drive-through, where a young lady was there, waiting for any customers. When Celestia stopped the car in front of her, the teenager woke up and gave the brightest fake smile she could.

“Good Afternoon ma’am and to McRonald’s, can I take your order?” The teenager asked.

“So…” Celestia started, looking at the sign showing the menu next to the teenager, “I’ll have… Two number nine’s, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-five, one with cheese, and a large soda.” Then she remembered, “Oh right,” She turned to face Luna, “What do you want? It’s on me.”

Luna was staring at her sister, “You… You’re going to eat all of that?”

Celestia giggled and started to blush, “I’m… very hungry.”

Luna couldn’t help but smirk, she remembered her sister always ate for three and managed to stay thin.

“I’ll… Have a happy meal.” Luna finally said, “And don’t forget the toy.”

Celestia turned her gaze back to the young woman who worked there, and smiled, “You heard her, don’t forget the toy.”

“Right…” The teenager said, giving them a weird look.

Celestia paid for the meals and grabbed the four paper bags, putting them on Luna. “Hey, that’s hot!”

“Have a nice day!” Celestia happily said to the young lady working there, driving away.

The drive back home was made in silence. Luna was looking at the pedestrians with a bored, tired look on her face and Celestia was focused on her driving.

They managed to get back to Luna’s apartment, or squat, and the horrible smell immediately attacked her nose when she opened the door. “Urgh, that smell…” She complained.

Celestia didn’t make any remark, to stay on her sister’s good side, and put the paper bags on the kitchen table while Luna was closing the door behind them.

“You can start without me, I need to go to the bathroom.” Luna stated.

“Mmmmh.” Celestia replied, her mouth already occupied by a bite of a hamburger.

Luna smiled, some things never changed, and walked toward the bathroom.

She quickly did what she had to do and washed her hands at the sink, before looking at her reflection in the mirror.

“Maybe… It can work?” She asked herself. Her sister really tried, so what if she tried? Could they be sisters again?

Then, Luna heard a scream in the living room and, not thinking twice, dashed through the door, opening it violently. “Celestia, are you ok-”

She stopped herself when she saw her sister was turned around, her back to Luna, facing the wall, something in her hands.

“Celestia?” Luna called.

“Luna…” Celestia started. She turned around with a horrified look on her face, holding a gun with her two hands. “W-What is that?”

Luna didn’t know what to say on the instant, so she just stared blankly at her sister.

“W-Why do you have a gun?”

“It’s…” Luna tried, “It’s not what it looks like.”

Celestia frowned with anger, “Then explain to me, now!”

The tone Celestia used didn’t pleased Luna at all, she mimicked Celestia’s expression, “And why would I owe you an explanation, uh?” Luna barked.

“You have a freaking gun, Luna! What were you going to do with that?” Celestia asked, dropping it on the couch like it was the most disgusting thing she ever saw.

“None of your damn business!” Luna said, walking toward her sister.

“Oh, you’re wrong, it is my business! You’re my sister Luna!” Celestia barked back, now a few inches away from her sister.

“I’m your sister?” Luna asked in astonishment, a hand on her chest, “Since when exactly?”

“Don’t play games with me, Luna.”

“No, no, tell me, since when are we sisters exactly? Since we were kids, you always thought you were better than me, you always had our parent’s attention and I had nothing! When I needed help in High School, you never did anything, even if you knew-And don’t lie to me about that!” She quickly added when she saw Celestia tried to say something, “Everybody knew at school that I was the whipping girl!”

“I… I…” Celestia tried. “Luna…”

“IT’S NOT LUNA, IT’S NIGHTMARE MOON!” Luna screamed in furry, pushing her sister making her fell on the ground.

Then, the front door opened abruptly, revealing Lonnie with a determined look on his face, “Moon, are you okay? I heard scream-” Then he noticed Celestia, “Who’s that?”

Luna retrieved her calm when she saw her friend, “It’s…” She looked back at her sister who was getting up, “No one. She was going to leave anyway… Right?”

“I…” Celestia tried, she gulped when she saw the looks both Luna and Lonnie were giving her, “Luna please…” She said in a hushed tone.

“I’m pretty sure she said you were going to leave.” Lonnie said, walking toward her, “Or maybe you need a hand?” He darkly asked.

Celestia gulped, holding back her tears, and looked at the ground, “I…” Finally, she pushed Lonnie out of her way and ran towards the exit, crying all the way.

“Tsss,” Lonnie watched her leave, “Who was that anyway?” When he didn’t hear any response, he looked at Luna, “Moon?”

Then, for the first time, he saw a single tear on her face.

“Moon, are ya’ cryin’?” He asked.

“What?” She quickly wiped the tear away, “Nah, I just got… Something in my eye.”


Luna was sat behind a car, next to another girl who was a year younger than her and had mid length dark blue hair, and a few piercings across her face. She knew her as Ember.

On the passenger seat was Lonnie, and on the driver’s seat was a man she knew as Caballeron. She knew little about the man, except the fact that he was a true coward. That’s why he was the driver, no one could escape the cops better than him.

“Alright, let’s get a final recap,” Lonnie said, “Moon?”

Luna sighed, “Ember and I enter by the front door and ask to see Grubber for… Work.” She said the last word while gritting her teeth, showing her discontent, “When we get to finally see the guy, Ember takes out his two goons he always keeps with him while I threaten him with my gun. I ask him kindly to order his other goons to take a night off so you can come in. And Caba’, of course, stays here.”

“As it should be.” Caballeron stated. “And maybe after that, I can buy you a drink, my sweet Nightm-”

“I rather die.” Luna quickly stopped him, glaring at him with a murderous look.

“All right, any suggestions before we start?” The biggest guy asked everyone. When no one spoke, he nodded, “Perfect. Team Ember Moon, you’re up.”

Luna and Ember both exited the car and walked toward the dark alley. “Nervous?” Ember asked Luna.

“Eh, you wish.” Luna stated, making Ember chuckle.

On the end of the alley, a young woman was watching them, trying her best not to be seen. Celestia knew she shouldn’t be there, be she wanted to make sure Luna wasn’t into any kind of trouble. So, she may have followed them when she saw them leaving her apartment a moment ago. “Luna, please don’t do anything… Stupid.” She said to herself.

The girls arrived in front of a metal door where a small hatch at eye level was closed, and Ember knocked three times with a certain rhythm. The hatch opened, revealing dark, grey eyes, “Yeah, what’ya want?”

“We’re here to see Grubber,” Luna started, then she passed a bang of her hair behind her ear and winked at the guy, “He said he could… help us.”

The door opened, revealing a thin, ugly man. He took a close look to the women and scratched his chin, “Hmm, yeah, ya girls ain’t so bad. All right.” He took a step on the side and let both women enter. “Up the stairs, third door.”

After a few step forward, Ember whispered, “It was easier than I thought, the guy didn’t even try to search us.”

Luna smirked, “And what could two young, frail and defenseless young ladies like us do anyway?”

When they walked through Grubber’s place, they noticed they were in a filthy brothel. The smell was almost making Ember puke, she had to put her hand to her nose, and behind all closed doors could be heard screams of ‘pleasure’ but also cries of pain. It didn’t seem to bother the guards though, who were sat at a table, playing poker.

One of them noticed the young ladies, and gave them a knowing look with a wink. If it wasn’t for the plan, Luna already would have jumped for his throat.

Ember grabbed Luna’s forearm and simply whispered, “Don’t.”

They both continued their walk and finally reached the door. Both girls looked at each other’s and nodded. Luna knocked and they heard a small “You may enter.”

They both did and carefully closed the door behind them. Grabber was a very small and chubby middle aged man. He was sat on a chair behind a desk, counting money in his hand. On both side of the door were two goons, they didn’t look that strong but they both had guns on their belts.

Grubber lifts up his gaze to look at both women and whistled, “Oh my, what is it, my birthday?” He chuckled, not noticing the look on the women faces, “What can I do for you, sweethearts?”

Luna did her best charming and sensually smile while slowly walking towards his desk. “Well… My friend and I really needed some money… And, we heard you could…” She leaned forward wand winked at the guy while whispering, “Help us.”

Grubber couldn’t refrain his smile, “I’ll do anything for beautiful girls in need.” He stated.

“That’s exactly what I wanted you to say.” Luna said. She then looked at Ember who nodded.

Ember quickly strike the guy on her left with her elbow, making him fall to his knees. The other guy, completely taken aback wasn’t ready for the punch in his nose, Ember quickly grabbed his face and struck him into the wall, making him fall unconscious and she turned around, striking the guy who was on his knees with a powerful punt kick to the face.

It all happened in a few seconds and Grubber mouth was wide open, ready to scream to his guards next room but stopped himself when Luna pointed his forehead with her gun. “One advice, don’t.” She said.

Ember cracked her knuckles before walking toward the desk, sitting on it. “Ez.” She said. She grabbed the phone on Grubber’s desk and threw it to him.

“Tell your men to take a night off, they deserved it.” Luna ordered.

“What if I don’t?” Grubber defied, sweat rolling down his forehead.

“You die.” Luna threaten. She wasn’t really going to kill the guy, of course.

He still chuckled, “Do you really think you’re the first ones to threaten me? Let me tell you, girls, dying is a risk I’ve known all my life.” He spat, “I was in this business long before you were even born.” Luna, nor Ember, noticed that the guy had pushed a small button under his desk.

Luna was starting to lose her temper, “Don’t make me.”

Grubber was defying her with a smug and Ember quickly jumped to her feet, glaring at the door. “Moon.”

“What?” Luna snapped, looking at her.

At that moment the door swung wide open and at least ten of Grubber’s men entered the room. “Boss!” One of them called, Luna recognized him as the one who winked at her.

“Don’t kill them.” Grubber stated, while Luna and Ember were back to back, surrounded by his goons, “I want them alive.”

Luna gulped, it wasn’t supposed to go like this, it was supposed to be an easy job!

She pointed the guy in front of her with her gun, trembling. She screamed in pain when one of the guys on the side hit her arms with a crowbar, making her drop the gun on the floor.

“Moon!” Ember called, she avoided a goon who tried to hit her with a baseball bat and gave him a strong head-butt, making him fall on his back, spitting a few teeth on the floor.

Luna managed to dodge another attack of the crowbar and kicked the guy right into his nuts. The guy dropped the crowbar and Luna took advantage of that to punch him in the face with all her strength, breaking his nose.

Then, someone grabbed her from behind, blocking her arms behind her. She was totally at the mercy of the guy in front of her who had a brass knuckle. She spat blood when he punched her in her stomach and quickly followed with a punch right in her face.

“You motherf-” Ember yelled, seeing that. Too focused on her friend, she was hit behind the head with a metal pipe and fell on the floor unconscious.

“Ember!” Luna called, then the last thing she remembered was the brass knuckle of the guy in front of her, directly landing into her face.

Meanwhile, in the dark alley, Celestia was still watching at the steel door. “What is taking her so long?” She asked herself.

“You know that spying often brings trouble, right?” She heard a masculine voice behind her.

She gasped, and quickly turned around and trembled in fear at the sight of Lonnie, who was at least two head taller than her.

“I-I-I wasn’t spying!” She tried, “I was… peeping?”

Lonnie stared at her from top to bottom, making Celestia shivers, then he sighed and looked in the iron door’s direction.

“Something’s wrong, she already should’ve called me.” He stated.

“What…” Celestia gulped, “What is she doing there anyway.”

“There’s this guy who thinks he owns the place. Me and my crew were supposed to pay him a visit… So he knows who’s ruling over these streets.” He frowned, “I guess something must’ve gone wrong.”

“And you’ve let her going in there on her own?” Celestia’s expression quickly passed from worry to anger.

“She’s not on her own, Ember’s with her, besides, Moon knows how to handle herself.” He stated, crossing his arms.

“No she doesn’t!” Celestia barked.

“What do you know?” Lonnie frowned, “And who the fuck are you anyway?”

“I’m Luna’s sister.” Celestia stated.

“Her… Sister?” Lonnie raised an eyebrow and looked at her in stupor, “She never talked about any sister before.”

“Eh, I can’t blame her for that.” Celestia added, looking away.

An awkward silence took place. Lonnie cleared his throat and stated, “Well, we should go in there, if they’re into trouble, we have to help them.”

Celestia’s glare was quickly filled with terror, “B-But isn’t it… Dangerous?”

“Oh,” Lonnie chuckled, “Yeah it is. We could probably die.” He looked at Celestia who was shaking, “But are you going to let your sister get hurt?”

Celestia bit her lips. She never would’ve thought to find herself into this kind of trouble but…

“N-No!” Celestia stated, a mix of fear and determination in her eyes. “I’ll come with you.”

“That’s the spirit.” Lonnie replied with a smug.

When Luna woke up, she grunted out of pain. She had the biggest headache she never had in her life. She felt blood dripping from her nose, and couldn’t clearly see in front of her because of the darkness of the room. She heard footsteps behind her and someone laughing, “Hey, Randy! I think she’s awake!”

Then, she felt someone hit her on her back and she screamed in pain.

“Yep, she is. Just wanted to be sure.” The same voice said. When the guy appeared in front of her, she recognized him as the first guy Ember had took out in Grubber’s office.

“Don’t break her now, Dumdee, I want to have some fun with her first.” ‘Dumdee’ was joined by the other guy Luna guessed was Randy, who was, of course, the guy who winked at her before.

Randy grabbed Luna’s face with his hand, and looked at her carefully.

“So that’s your type, uh?” Dumdee asked, “Bad girl, dressed in black, probably has daddy issues.”

“Yeah it turns me on.” Randy grinned. “And by the end of the night, I’m the one she’s going to call daddy.”

In response to that, Luna gave him the biggest head-butt she managed. Randy fell backward holding his nose, and Luna’s headache came back.

Randy yelled in pain, “This fucking bitch broke my nose!” He said, blood pouring down his face.

“You cunt!” Dumdee barked, punching Luna in the face. He followed by another punch, and Luna’s world was starting to swirl.

“I said don’t!” Randy, who was now on his feet, stopped his mate, “I want her conscious.”

Dumdee was going to ask what he meant by that, before realizing and a menacing grin appeared on his face. “Oh, yeaaah.”

Dumdee walked behind her and grabbed her hair, pointing her in the back with her own gun he grabbed before, making her directly looking at Randy in his eyes, while Randy was starting to put down Luna’s pants.

Luna as for her, was relatively calm. She was half-way between being conscious and passing out.

So, that’s how it’s going to happen, uh?’ She thought to herself. ‘Never thought I’d lose my virginity this way. Eh, I guess I had it coming.’

When she felt her jean was totally off, she closed her eyes. It’ll soon be over.

The she felt the hand grabbing the back of her head releasing her and she heard a scream of pain.

She shot her eyes open when Randy let go of her legs and saw Lonnie, jumping at him, holding him by his throat and tackling him to the ground. He then started to repeatedly punch the guy in his face.

“L-Lonnie?” Luna said with a small voice.

Then, Celestia appeared right in front of her, tears in her eyes, holding Luna’s face in her hands. “Oh Lulu, what have they done to you.”

“T… Tia?”

With a final punch into Randy’s face now covered in blood, Lonnie stood up and walked towards both women. “I guess we made it in time.” He grabbed Luna’s pants and tossed it to Celestia, “Quick, we still have to find Ember.”

Celestia untied Luna who was bound to a steel pole, and helped her put her pants on. “Are… Are you going to be okay?” Celestia asked, when Luna gets to her feet.

“I’ll manage,” Luna stated, not believing what she was saying. “I would say I’ve seen worse but… I’d be lying.” Wiping off the blood on her face, she then realized that her sister shouldn’t be there, “Why are you here anyway?”

“I…” Celestia didn’t knew what to say, she didn’t want to admit she was spying… Peeping on her.

“I asked her,” Lonnie said, opening the door a few inches and glaring through the corridor to see if the path was clear, “Thought I could need a hand.”

“How did you even got in?” Luna asked.

“From the garage.” Celestia stated.

“Yeah, one of those jerks was heading out, I knocked him out and made our way in.” Lonnie explained.

Luna stared into Celestia’s kind eyes and sighed, “I’m… happy you’re here.” She admitted, resulting in a smile and a hug from Celestia.

“Not that I want to interrupt this emotional reunion, but we still need to save Ember and then get the hell out of this place.” Lonnie reminded them.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Luna stated, she turned around and picked up her gun. When she saw the look Celestia was giving her, she looked away, but still hold on to it. Celestia grabbed her sister’s arm and put it around her neck, helping her sister get up the best as she could. “I don’t need your pity.” Luna muttered.

“There’s a difference between pity and help, Lulu.” Celestia kindly replied.

“All clear.” Lonnie stated after a minute, opening the door, revealing the corridor Luna walked in earlier. She realized she was in one of those rooms. “All we need to do is find Ember and…”

“ARGH!” The three of them heard a masculine voice yelling from the other side of the hallway. “THE BITCH BIT ME!”

“I think I found her.” Luna stated, still holding on to her sister, trying her best to stay on her feet.

The crew quietly walked toward the room where the scream came from and Lonnie stopped the girls and quickly dragged them to hide behind a wall. Before Luna could ask what it was all about, they saw one of the door opening with two goons getting out. One was holding a baseball bat covered in blood, the other one was holding his bleeding lips.

“That stupid whore!” The one holding his lips swore.

“You should put some ice on it.” The other one advised.

When they disappeared from Lonnie’s sight, he made a sign for the girls to follow him quietly and they headed toward the door where the goons came out from.

They quickly entered the now silent room and Celestia closed the door behind Luna and herself.

The room was almost the same as the one they found Luna in. Ember, covered in blood, was tied up to a steel pole, her eyes closed. Lonnie didn’t waste any time and ran at her side. “Ember? Quit fucking around and answer me!” He called, already starting to free her.

Celestia and Luna arrived at his side and Celestia gasped at the sight of Ember, “Oh my god… How could they do that.”

“Those fuckers will pay.” Lonnie darkly stated, lifting up a knocked out Ember in his arms.

The four of them exited the room and quietly made their way to the garage where Celestia and Lonnie entered.

At the sight of the door, Celestia opened it, opening the path for Luna, Lonnie and Ember, and quickly followed them, closing it behind her.

“Leaving so soon?” They heard a voice coming from the other side of the garage.

There, Grubber was standing, behind him ten of his goons were waiting. Some of them had baseball bats, others crowbars and a few had knives.

“You got to be shitting me.” Lonnie stated.

“Lionel Thompson Lincoln.” Grubber chuckled at the sight of Lonnie, “What a surprise.”

Luna grabbed her gun, and made a step forward in front of Lonnie and Ember, pointing it to Grubber. “I’m not gonna make the same mistake twice.” She warned.

“Go ahead then.” Grubber defied her with his look and they both stood there silently. Grubber’s men slowly starting to make their way towards them.

“Luna wait!” Celestia called, running in front of her sister and spread her arms open. “Don’t do it.”

“Celestia move!” Luna yelled with a frown.

“No I won’t!” Celestia firmly stated, shaking her head, “I won’t let you make this mistake! I’m not going to abandon you, not again!”

“Don’t you get it? This is my life now!” Luna almost cried.

“It doesn’t have to be!” Celestia screamed with all her might.

“You don’t get it! I’m not your little sister anymore, I’ve changed!” Grubber’s goons were starting to get closer, she had to do something quick.

“I’ve changed too Luna!” Celestia stated, “And I want to get to know you… The real you! So please… Don’t do it.”

“You bitches are talking too much!” The guy Luna recognized as the one who was bit by Ember grabbed Celestia by the arm.

Celestia gasped and tried to fight him back.

“Let go of my sister you motherf-” Luna started to scream, but a blue blur entered her vision and a powerful punch landed on the guy’s face, making him fly away dropping the knife he was holding.

Ember, still covered in her own blood, glared furiously at each and every one of Grubber’s goons, she grabbed the knife the guy she just punched dropped on the floor and released her most powerful war cry. Lonnie walked next to her and cracked his knuckles. “Moon, take your sister with you and get the hell outta here.”

“But-” Luna started.

“Do it now!” He ordered.

Celestia ran at her sister’s side and grabbed her arm, starting to head towards the garage exit. One of the goons tried to follow them but Lonnie quickly intercepted him and punched him so hard it knocked him out.

Celestia and a Luna in poor condition continued their race towards the exit, Luna managed to get out first quickly followed by her sister, but something tripped her making her fell face first on the ground and dropping her gun.

“Luna!” Celestia called.

“Well, well, well, where do you think you’re going?” Grubber stated, slowly taking the gun Luna dropped.

Luna tried to jump on him but he quickly pointed her with her own gun and smirked, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He chuckled while Luna took a step back, taking place to her terrified sister. “You really pissed me off tonight you know.” He stated, “I didn’t wanted to kill you girls at first, I just wanted to give you a… Correction.” He casually stated, “But, what would I look like if I let you go away after all of this uh?”

Luna gulped and quickly took a look at a shivering Celestia.

“Goodbye, Nightmare Moon.” He said with a chuckle before pressing the trigger.

“Luna no!” Celestia quickly screamed, pushing her sister away and putting herself in front of her. Her eyes were closed, ready for the pain… that never come. She opened one of her eyes and saw that Grubber was looking at the weapon in incomprehension.

“Unloaded?” He asked himself.

At this sight, Luna thought, ‘Lonnie… You didn’t…

Celestia didn’t wasted any more time and, with a war cry of her own, she charged at him and punched him right across the face, making the small man fall unconscious to the ground.

Breathing heavily, she stared at the man for a few seconds, before looking at her sister, who was glaring at her. “Woah, remember me to, like, never piss you off.” Then, seeing that Celestia wasn’t responding, Luna smirked at her sister and walked toward her, taking her in her arms. “It’s all over Tia.”

They hugged for a few minutes before Celestia broke the hug. “W-What about your friends?” She asked.

“Eh, Lonnie’s inside, I’m more scared for Grubber’s men.” Luna stated.

As she said that, they heard the garage door open and Lonnie, blood covering his white skin, helping Ember to walk out.

“Oh my… You’re covered in blood!” Celestia screamed, putting her hand on her mouth.

Ember looked at the big guys standing next to her and chuckled, “Don’t worry, it’s no his blood.”

Present days…

“After that, I quitted this life.” Luna finished, “Lonnie surprisingly understood that I wanted to change, and even if I didn’t ask him to, he disappeared from my life. Same as Ember, even if I’ve heard from her from time to time. She’s in the military now…” Luna sighed and grabbed Sunset’s hand, “So, you see? I was in a worst place than you. And I still managed to get through it. I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I have, don’t shut down on people, talk to them and agree that sometimes… You need help.”

Sunset was holding back her tears. She bit her lower lip and took Luna in a big hug, “I’m sorry Luna…”

“It’s okay Sunset, it’s okay.” She broke the hug herself and looked at Sunset in the eyes, “Now, I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but if you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. And if you don’t want to talk to me, that’s okay, but at least talk to one of your friend. Secrets have costs, they’re not for free.”

“I…” Sunset sighed and nodded, “I will.”

Luna smiled at her and nodded. She watched the time on her phone and gasped, “Oh my, I’m gonna be late. Redheart helped me find an apartment downtown and I have a visit in thirty minutes!”

Sunset’s eyes went wide open, “Then what are you waiting for? Go!”

Luna jumped from the chair and quickly put her coat and her shoes on, preparing herself to leave. Sunset stayed at the table and was lost in her thought after the story Luna just told her. She never would’ve imagine Luna and Celestia had to go through that. She sure didn’t imagine that Luna used to be friend with Tombstone of all people. Even if it happened like, twenty years ago, she never would’ve thought Luna could be friend with a scum like him.

Well, now that she was thinking about it, he didn’t seem that bad back then.

I mean, sure, he was a thug and a gangster. But he also seemed to have heart.’ She thought to herself, ‘I wonder what happened to him, pushing him to work for someone like Fisk.’

“I’ll get pizza on my way home!” Luna called from the entrance.

“Sure Luna, be safe.” Sunset replied.

Then, when Luna opened the door, Sunset heard her talking to someone, “Oh, Rainbow Dash, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Luna said.

Sunset gulped and almost fell from her chair.

“Yeah, I was in the neighborhood and thought I could say hi… Is Sunset here?” Sunset heard Rainbow ask to Luna.

“Of course, she’s in the kitchen.” Luna pointed the kitchen to Rainbow Dash, “Well, I’m late for an important thing. Goodbye Rainbow Dash.” Luna waved as a goodbye before walking toward her car.

“Yeah, see ya’ Principal Luna.”

Then Sunset heard the front door close, and a few steps coming from the corridor.

Jumping on her feet, she looked at the kitchen’s window thinking to escape. Rainbow Dash was the last person on earth she wanted to see right now. She was staring at the kitchen’s door when she heard Rainbow Dash slowly entered, not surprised to see that Sunset was actually waiting for her.

They both stared at each other a few seconds before Rainbow Dash sighed and fell on one of the chair, making a sign of her head for Sunset to do the same. Sunset quietly did, and then Rainbow Dash threw Red’s mask on the table.

It took Sunset by surprise and the look on her face said it all.

Seeing that, Rainbow Dash frowned and crossed her arms, “Explain, now.”

Author's Note:

We finally have it, Luna's backstory and the reason why she's so overprotective towards Sunset. It was supposed to be in Vol.1 but, hey, better late than sorry.
By the way, I already knew what her story would be way before I wrote Celestia's death.

PS: I really like the character of Fleur and you're going to see her more from now on.

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