• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,180 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

  • ...

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Volume II - Chapter 9: Hot stuff! The Fiend Vs. The Ghostrider!

There was no other way to say it. Starlight Glimmer was bored. It's been a few hours since Red left off to god knows where and she didn't know what was taking him so long. She was sat on Red's couch, playing a game known as Doompunk and drinking a beer she grabbed in the fridge, making herself at home.

After shooting on what must be the thousand monster that crossed her path, she dropped the controller on the couch and slowly sighed in frustration. She finished her beer and frowned when she saw it was already empty.

"God damnit." She mumbled. She gets on her feet and began a lazy walk towards the small kitchen, then, she noticed a picture frame on the wall. It was showing Red wearing a santa hat who was frowning and rolling his eyes, accompagnied by a little girl with blue hair wearing reindeer antlers and a red nose, sat on his shoulders. She was showing one of the brightest smile Starlight ever saw in her life.

"Who's that?" She curiously asked herself. Red never talked about her and she didn't imagined that, Red of all people, would hang out with a little girl that must have at best twelve years old.

"Meh." With a shrugg of her shoulders, she continued her walk towards the fridge. When she opened it, she heard a loud bump coming from the appartment. "Eh, strange fridge." She said. But when she heard another bump, she realized it wasn't coming from the fridge but from Red's room. "Red? Is it you? Please, tell me it's you." She asked, carefully watching the door, ready to run away from any threat.

The door of Red's room opened, revealing Red wearing his costume but without his mask on and his hood was down. "Yeah, it's me."

"Phew." Starlight exagerated, faking weaping out a sweat from her forehead. "I thought it was another Hydra member trying to kill me... Or worse, kidnap and torture me."

Red gave her an odd look, "You tell me you prefer to be killed than kidnapped?"

Starlight just gave him a shrugg and smirked, "What can I say?" She said, laying on the wall, "I'm very intolerant of pain."

Red sighed and turned away, "And I'm intelorant to your bullshit."

"That wasn't very nice of you, mister grumpy." Starlight responded, with a frown.

"Listen Starlight," She heard Red's voice coming from his room, "We don't have time to waste." Then his head appeared in Starlight's vision, "We have to go... Like, right now."

"W-What?" She asked. She walked towards Red's room and stand next to the door. "Is it... Hydra?"

"No, it's worse." Red replied, packing some clothes in a big bag. When he finished, he closed it and dropped it on the ground. Then he raised his head up and stared in Starlight's eyes. "It's the SHIELD."

"The..." Starlight stared at him with big eyes, taking a step back. "Oh no, you're right, it's worse!" She exclaimed, "It's FAR worse!"

Red raised an eyebrow and watched her curiously, "Well.. Yeah that's sucks but... What's going on, do you know them? I mean, personally. Did you ever worked with them?"

Starlight sighed and looked away, "I used to work for them... A long time ago, before I ever met you. But back then, the SHIELD was corrupted from the inside, by Hydra. The Avengers... well, when they still existed, always fought against Hydra, they were like, their worst enemy. And when the Avengers realized that the SHIELD was corrupted, they acted."

Red frowned. He knew who the Avengers were, he did his homeworks after all, they were the world's greatest heroes. But three years ago, something happened and the Avengers splitted. Black Widow and Ant-man disappeared without a trace, Thor returned to Asgard, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are now both working together at Stark Industries and finally, Captain America... Died. Of course, Red didn't knew personnally any of them, but he made sure to study them, one never knows when you have to fight an Avenger. He felt ready to fight Black Widow, Iron Man or Ant-man if he ever has to, but Thor and Hulk proved to be a problem even for him.

"And they made it, right? They kicked out Hydra?" Red asked knowing that heroes like them weren't the type to admit defeat. He was like them on that point.

"Of course they did, they're the Avengers! The world's most powerful heroes! Well, at least they were... Anyway, after all that, I left. Without telling anyone of course, I wanted to be left alone. Can you imagine how stressful and scary it was? Being in the middle of a war of metahumans?"

"Yeah, I know the feeling." Red nodded.

"And since then, Hydra is trying to kidnap me like, maybe two or three times in the month? Anyway, since they got their ass wooped, they're not as powerful and threatening as they used to. All I had to do was working for someone more powerful than them. And it worked! At least, until last night. I wonder why they decided to try again this time?" She said, scratching her chin.

'Someone more powerful?' Red thought to himself.

She followed Red who was packing stuff he cared about in another bag, a smaller one. She saw him put a few games and Green Lantern comic books, an anime figure, some papers, and then he stopped infront of the picture frame. He sighed and took it, putting it in the bag. "Because they realized that the SHIELD was trying to get you too? If they're not as powerful as before, they must be scared of them."

"Yeah but, I've always been wanted by the SHIELD, but they never tried to attack me when they found me, they only tried talk to me, and believe me, it happened a few times, and I always managed to found my way out." She wiped her nails on her arm and then take a look at them with a confident smirk. "Am I not great?" Then she scratched her chin, "But I wonder why they're changing their tactics now, did they only realize that I'm the biggest genius of the twenty-fisrt century?" She asked, putting her vest on. She followed Red who was turning off all the lights. She followed him in his bedroom.

"Nah." Red simply replied, turning the light off and closing his bedroom door, Starlight next to him.

"You're right, they probably knew it already." She said

Red frowned and stopped what he as doing. He gave a frustrated growl, Starlight's cocky attitude was starting to get on his nerves, especially in a critical situation like the one they were now. "Okay Glimmer, now you're going to listen to me." He stated, facing her.

"Hey! You don't need-"

"NO!" He yelled, "Shut up!" He ordered. Starlight shut her mouth and glared at him. "Now, we're going to leave the city, and I hope you're happy because I had a life here!"

Starlight chuckled, "Eh, you had a life?"

"Exactly!" He stated, "I made an awesome group of friends and I even have two girls that I care about now! Yeah, don't make that face, I'm the first one surprised. I didn't think I could ever love or trust someone since what happened with Blue."

Starlight didn't say anything, she knew who Blue was but she never met her, she was Red's sister. Red briefly explained to her that they both tried to kill each other at some point, not long before Red was send to this world. But the scientist woman was surprised by that statement. She knew Red had trust issues and he wasn't the kind of person to get all touchy-feely and emotional. To know that he made friends wasn't something that would've crossed the mind of Starlight Glimmer. She knew him as a lone wolf, just the fact that he actually worked in pair with that Spider-girl surprised her the first time he told her.

"And now, I must throw it all away because of you!" He screamed. Starlight was looking at the ground. He wasn't the kind of person to get a tantrum or just... Get mad. But Starlight knew that when he was like that... The best was just to nod and shut your mouth.

"I... Didn't really asked for your help..." She muttured. To be honest with herself, Starlight never imagined she would see Red again, and she never tried to reach him, because she knew he never would've helped her. But the fact that he immediately started to help her without asking her permission bedazzled her.

"Yeah, well you must be glad I'm helping you, because wiithout me, you wouldn't last two hours in the city with Hydra AND SHIELD after you." He stated.

"But... Why?" Starlight asked.

"Why what?" Red aid with a frustrated sigh.

"Why are you helping me?! You must hate me! You have to hate me! I used you and faked out to be your friend to be closer to your powers Red!" She yelled at him.

"But as you said, you wanted to help people." He stated, now calm, changing mood abruptly.

Starlight smirked and laughed, "Come on Red, we both know that I'm not a woman who's only black or white. Yeah I wanted to help peoples... At least, the ones who has the means to. I'm not a good person Red!"

Red knew she wasn't a good person. He was a good judge of character. But for him, there was no people trully good or evil. Just bad choices and the consequences that follows.

"I don't believe you." Red simply said.

"Well, it's all the truth!" She stated.

"Not about that. I don't believe you faked out to be my friend." He explained, putting his mask on. "After all we've been through together, all the meals we shared, all the laughs we had. Don't tell me it's not what friends do together. I was a lonely man and you a lonely woman. We both needed the support of someone." He frowned, "And you know I wasn't a good person either back... Home. I told you what I did and do you remember what you told me?" He asked.

Starlight searched through her memories and finally, remembered what he was talking about. She had a small sad smile, it happened more than two years ago now, and he still remembered.

"You told me that-" Red started.

"The most important thing, is that you regretted what you did. With the good determination, you can change and be-" Starlight continued.

"A better person." They both finished in unisson.

"And then, I said that I wanted to be a better person, and that I will." Red said. He showed his hand to Starlight, "And now... I'll ask you Starlight... Do you regret what you did? Do you want to be... A better person?"

Starlight watched his hand, and raised her head to face him. She could see in his eyes that he genuinely cared. With a tear flowing down her cheek, she bit her lower lips. It wasn't the Red she used to know, he changed, he learned to trust people, to be good to them, to help them. If he did... Then maybe she could do it too?

"I..." She started, grabbing Red's hand. "I'll never erase what I did but... If there is someone to prevent evil peoples llike Hydra to get to my work it's... Well, me." She stated.

"Don't forget about me." Red added, "If that's what you want to do. I'm ready to help you."

"You are?" Starlight asked with big eyes.

"Of course, that's what friends do." He said, "I learned that not so long ago."

Starlight chuckled, "What did those friends do to you?"

Red rolled his eyes, "Not talking about it."

Starlight calmed down and finally, giggled. She didn't knew why but... She was glad to hear that. She needed to hear that. At least she has one friend. "It's funny. I thought that, with time, you would become one of the strongest person in this world, even stronger than the Avengers or this strange wizard man." She said between two giggles.

"So what? Are you saying I'm not strong?" Red aksed, no anger could be heard in his voice, just a genuine question.

"You did became stronger, but not as I expected." She quietly said. "You didn't became stronger for yourself, but for the people you now care about."

"Meh." Red shrugged, turning around and opening the window. This wasn't something he was comfortable speaking about right now. But it was true that, since he met Rainbow Dash and Wendy, his goals have abruptly changed. He arrived in this city as an unknown vigilante, and he was now a hero several people counted on, even if he hated to call himself a hero.

"Red." Starlight called, making his turning his head to see her.


"Why are you helping me?" She asked, one last time.

She couldn't see it, but she knew Red was smirking under his mask. "I told you, because we're friends."

Starlight looked at her feet and smiled, "Last time you said we weren't."

"Well, I'm a liar too. See? We've got a lot in common." He stated.

"Thank you." She muttured, making it unable to be heard.

"Hm?" Red raised an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

"Nothing! Now let's go, like you said, we don't have time to waste."

"That's the spirit." He flatly stated.

He put his hood on and helped Starlight jumping out of the window, directly on the emergency staircase. He closed the window behind him and Starlight started to walk down the stairs.

"Hum, Starlight?" Red called.

She turned around and looked at him, "What?"

"We're going up actually." He said.

"Ha." She just said, blushing.

She resumed her walk, this time in the right path, Red right behind her. They arrived on the rooftop of the building and Red walked towards the edge watching the streets, Starlight right next to him.

"So? What now? We're both looking very dumb staring down like that." She stated.

"Hold on to me." He said.

"Wow, Red, I know I'm a good looking woman and I'm not saying I'm not interested, but now isn't exactly the right time for theses sorts of things." She replied to him, her cocky attitude back, resulting in Red giving her a dark glare. She gulped and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Holding on now." She quietly said.

Red grabbed her by her waist firmly. "Don't fall." He simply said. Not letting Starlight say a word, he lets out his transformation. Around his eyes, his skin was turning black, and claws formed to replace his hands. He jumped, cracking the edge of the roof under him, leaving a trail of red electric arcs behind him as he soared through the sky.

Starlight lets out a squeel and then buried her face in Red's neck, "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..." She said repeatedly. She slowly opened one of her eyes, looked down, and screamed.

Sunset was sat on the edge of a roof, her feet swinging in the void. She looked at the sky and sighed. The rest of the night took place peacefully, not even a police siren could be heard. Sunset was just waiting to hear news about how it went with Spitfire and Red. Her gaze fell to the streets, watching the passers-by walking on the sidewalks and the roads filled with cars. Those kinds of city never sleeps and are living by day as by night.

She took her phone in her hand and looked at her wallpaper, a photo of her and her five friends of High School. Her eyes stopped on Rainbow Dash,the girl she was now used to call her best friend, and slowly put her phone back in her pocket. Whatever the result between Red and Spitfire's fight was, she knew Red and Rainbow would never see each other again. Sunset truly was sorry for her athletic friend, but she couldn't have someone like him around her. Not now that she knew all the things he lied about or didn't told her. And she also knew Red didn't really liked Rainbow, he just approached her to be closer to Sunset.

'And Rainbow Dash fell in love with him because he's the first boy showing interest in her, Rainbow isn't the kind of girl to be popular around boys.' She mentally stated.

But even knowing that, something felt wrong.

'Did I do the right thing?' Sunset asked herself. 'Yeah... I did. He was a threat for us and my friends... right?'

She remembered all the time she spend with Red the past months. Despite being a jerk and snarkier than Sunset was, he was a good bass player, overall a good person and a good friend towards Sunset and the girls. He was joking a lot with Pinkie Pie, he gets along well with Rarity and Fluttershy, he became good friend with Applejack and there was all the things between him and... Rainbow Dash. Did he trully lied about all that? Did he trully do all this just to get close to Sunset?

'Yes. He did.' A dark voice resonated through her head.

'Yes. I can't go wrong about that.' She thought, 'I know evil, I've been there after all. If someone is able to tell if someone is good or bad, it's me.'

"I just hope things will go smoothly with Spitfire." She said outloud. She had a nervous chuckle, "What am I saying? This is Red... The Fiend, we're talking about. Of course things won't go smoothly..."

The young hero was so lost in her thoughts she didn't heard the steps behind her.

"Well, well, what have we here?" Said a voice Sunset didn't heard the past few weeks.

Sunset turned around and saw a beautiful woman wearing a leather suit, silver hair flowing in the wind.

"Sup?" Black Cat said with a peace sign of her hand.

"Cat..." Sunset said quietly.

"Nice suit." Black Cat added, walking in her direction.

Sunset turned her gaze back to the street, "What do you want? If you wanna fight, I'm not in the mood right now."

"Why would I fight you?" Black Cat said putting a hand on her chest, looking hurt. "Aren't we friends?"

"Uh..." Sunset didn't know what she could respond to that.

Black Cat took place next to her and sat down, "No snarky comment? Or not even a little joke? Are you sick?"

Sunset sighed, putting her left hand on her face, "I'm just tired." She looked at Black Cat and gave her an odd look even if the silver haired woman couldn't see it, "And where have you been? It must've been weeks since I last saw you."

"I took some time for myself... Even thieves deserves some vacations. Happy new year by the way." She replied with a wink of her right eye. "But even if I wasn't here... I couldn't stop thinking about you." She said.

Sunset stiffened and stood up, "W-What are you saying?" She asked taking a few steps back, blushing heavily under her black mask.

Black Cat jumped on her feet and slowly walked towards Sunset with a sensual behavior. Walking back and not looking where she was going, Spider-girl found herself bumping into a wall, Black Cat now just an inch from her, the palm of her right hand against the wall next to Sunset's head.

Sunset could clearly see Cat's grin growing harder, she tried to grab the lowest part of Sunset's mask but the teenage girl stopped her, gripping the thieve's hand.

"H-Hey!" She called.

"What?" Black Cat said, "Am I... Not your type? Maybe you don't swing that way, but if that's the case, I could easily change your mind." She taunted.

"What? It's not that you're not my type but-" Sunset tried.

"Oh, it's settled then." Cat stated, drewing her face closer.

Sunset breathed hard and she could feel her face and another part of her body that she couldn't, or didn't, wanted to think about right now, getting hot.

Black Cat grabbed her mask and Sunset didn't tried to stop her, in fact, the more she was thinking about this, the more she... Wanted it.

'And... What about Twilight?' She thought. 'Oh come on, it's not like we were in a relationship with her, right? Well yeah, that's true but... I... I lov- Oh stop! Don't say that we love her! We like her that way just because she's the first friend we made that wasn't forced to be our friend!' Sunset mentally shook her head, 'How can I think that?! The girls trully wanted to be my friend!... Right?' She took a break in her intern monologue. 'Yeah... Because Princess Twilight Sparkle asked them! Exactly! And now we know exactly what we want to do!'

Black Cat slowly rose the lower part of Sunset's mask, just on top of her nose. She put her hand on Sunset's cheek and grinned.

"What are you-" Sunset started, but she was cut short by the lips of Black Cat landing on her own.

At first, she couldn't move, feeling the time getting slower. She looked at Black Cat's face who had closed her eyes and was enjoying the moment. Slowly, Sunset closed her eyes too and put her arms around Black Cat's neck. Black Cat chuckled and pressed her body harder against Sunset's, intensifying their kiss. Sunset could feel Cat's tongue making it's way in her mouth and she welcomed it with pleasure. The kiss lasted for a few more minutes before Black Cat broke it, a line of drool connecting their mouth.

She was glaring at Sunset with a smirk. "That was intense." She simply said.

"Y... Yeah." Sunset admitted. "But what was that all about?"

"Well, last time we saw each other, when I got home, I couldn't sleep. Because I couldn't stop thinking about you and..." She stated, "I think I might have a little crush on you." She added with a giggle. "I realized that, after all the jewelry and money I stole, I've finally found what I was looking for all this time."

"Me?" Sunset asked.

"You." Cat nodded. She put her hand on where her heart was and blushed, "Every time I think about you, my heart beats quicker, my face gets hotter, and the only thing I wanted to have was you." She admitted, "I even stopped stealing just for you to like me!"

"You... You did?" Sunset asked. If this was true, then maybe...

"Well, I stopped stealing from anybody. I just steal from bad guys now." She admitted, looking away.

"That's an improvement... I guess." Sunset stated. "So... You truly love me?"

"Yes!" Cat quickly responded, "I do!"

"Can I... Trust you?" Sunset tried.

"Of course you can." Black Cat nodded. "And you? Do you love me?"

"No." Sunset replied, making Black Cat pout. "Sorry... But I do like you though."

Black Cat sighed but smiled, "That's okay, I'll make you fall in love with me. You'll see!" She took off her mask and Sunset could clearly recognize her now. She saw her the day they visited Discorp with her school. "My name is Felicia Hardy." She greeted, "Nice to meet you."

Sunset chuckled and took off her mask too, surprising Black Cat. "And I'm-"

"Stop." Felicia stated, "I don't want to know, I'm just fine with knowing you only as Spider-girl." Then taking a closer look at her face, Black Cat eyes grew wide and she exclaimed, "Wait! I know you! I saw you at-"

"Discorp. Yeah, was on a tour with my school." Sunset said.

Black Cat laughed, "I can't believe this, I'm in love with an high schooler." Then she scrutinized Sunset from top to bottom and licked her lower lips with a pur, "At least you're hot."

"Would've you still loved me if I wasn't so good looking?" Sunset asked. She knew she was hot, she always knew that.

"Of course." Black Cat said, "I fell in love with who you are, not with how you're looking. But don't make me say what I didn't said, I'm happy you're hot."

"Uh, you're an interesting character." Sunset said with a chuckle.

"That's what everobody says." Black Cat said.

"I don't doubt it." Sunset added with a wink, taking a step forward and drewing Black Cat in another kiss. The thoughts and the questions she had in her head were now long gone.

Hours later...

"All I'm saying is that if we leave this city for another one," Starlight said walking behind Red, "Might as well take one were there's a beach! And sun all the time!"

"I'm done with anything sun related." Red muttered, checking in a small street if it was clear.

He walked forward, Starlight behind him. They arrived in front of a huge abandoned factory. Red opened the door and Starlight followed him.

"So where do you wanna go?" Starlight asked.

"Away from you." He said.

Starlight sighed, "Not even an hour ago you were all nice and telling me we were friends, and now you're insulting me. You really are lunatic Red, do you know that?"

"Ugh... Right, sorry." Red abruptly turned around to face her, "But I'm just sick with all your winning!"

"I-I'm not winning!" Starlight protested with a frown.

"Oh please, put me down, put me down!" Red said with his best imitation of Starlight's cries when she was holding to him jumping from roof to roof.

"H-Hey, no fair! I'm afraid of heights!" She stated.

Red sighed and didn't respond. They entered the main room of the factory and Starlight noticed that the roof had an hole in it. "What is this place?" She asked.

"This is where Spider-girl and I took out Vulture and Shocker." Red explained.

"Vulture and... Shocker?" She asked before laughing her ass off. "Is... Is this a show for twelve years old or something?"

"I would love too, believe me." Red muttured."It would mean that things would end well at least."

"And why are we here?" Starlight asked.

Red walked towards a pile of storage boxes in a corner, "After the fight, I started using this place to hide important stuff." He explained, starting to search something inside.

"Like what?"

Red found what he was looking for and showed it to her. It was fake IDs with a picture of Red on it, "Crimson Law?" She asked, surprised by this strange choice of name.

"I didn't chosed it." He stated with a frown.

Starlight raised her eyebrows and smirked, "Of course you didn't." She looked around, "Are you sure Hydra and the SHIELD can't find us here?"

"Pretty sure." He stated. Red put his fake IDs in one of his bag and faced the scientist woman. "Okay, let's get out of here before-"

"Before what?" A voice called after them, on the other side of the room.

Red instinctively put Starlight behind him and glared at the woman who was carelessly walking towards them, smoking a cigarette with her right hand, her left hand in her leather jacket pocket. She had two big guns on each side of her leather belt and a steel chain around her.

"I thought you were pretty sure..." Starlight whispered.

"Starlight..." Red replied, "I only act like I know everything."

"Nice to meet ya'll," Spitfire said, "Red," She said nodding in Red's direction, making him clunching his fists, "Starlight." She finished, nodding in Starlight's direction.

"R... Red, s-something is wrong with her." Starlight said. You see, Starlight worked a long time with meta humans and she developed something like, a sixth sense. She could feel the level of dangerosity of a meta human when she's near them. To this day, the most powerful ones she ever stood in a room with were Red and Bruce Banner. But this time, it was something from a whole different level. She never felt someone- something so powerful in her entire life.

Red felt that Starlight was trembling behind him, he didn't looked at her because he didn't wanted to leave the woman from his sight, but he hoped Starlight was okay.

"My name is Spitfire." Spitfire added.

"I don't care." Red replied.

Spitfire playfully rolled her eyes and smiled, "C'mon dude, I'm not here to threaten you anything. I'm just-"

"The enemy." Red stated. Red identified the logo on Spitfire's jacket as the same as the ones he saw on the soldiers he met at the winter ball. It was the SHIELD's logo.

Spitfire sighed, "I'm just here because I want to ask your girlfriend some questions."

Starlight blushed, "I-I'm not his girlfriend, I'm like... Ten years older!" Then she thought for a moment and said, "Well, in this world anyway."

Red growled and facepalmed, "Starlight. She knows you're not my girlfriend. She's just taunting you because she's an asshole."

Spitfire laughed at that statement.

"You taunt me too. A lot." Starlight said to Red.


"That's means you're an as-"

"Can't you see we have a bigger problem right now?!" Red exclaimed.

"Oops, sorry." Starlight said. She wasn't purposely being a smart-ass, it was just the way she was.

Spitfire was still laughing. "Geez', you guys really are good friends, I can see that. Red, you seem like you're ready to do anything to protect her, but believe me, I won't hurt her, I just want to talk to her."

"I..." Starlight said with a small voice. "I don't want to..."

"You heard her." Red menacingly said, "Now get the hell out of here or I make you."

"Eh, even if I would love to see that, we don't have to get there. Just give her to me." Spitfire simply replied.

Red turned his look towards Starlight. She was quiet, looking in Red's eyes. When Starlight was quiet it only meant two things, one is that she's drinking, the second is that she's afraid. Red could also see it in her eyes. Red chuckled and turned his gaze back to Spitfire.

"If you want her, you'll have to get past me." Red said.

"R-Red wait!" Starlight called. "You can't fight her! You know I can feel the power of metas, and she's way out of your league Red!"

"You should listen to her." Spitfire said, cracking her knuckles.

"She's maybe stronger than me but she doesn't have what I have." Red stated, his eyes slowly becoming black.

"And what is that?" Spitfire asked.

"Something to fight for." Red stated, Starlight's and two other's face appeared in Red's mind.

"Red..." Starlight muttured, "I know you can't fully transform... I saw that you could only use like... twenty percent of your powers."

"It'll be enough." Red said, remembering that when he arrived on this earth, he could only use five percent of his powers. If he was using more that twenty percent of his power, his body wouldn't take it and he could be seriously hurt, even die. "There's something you forgot about me Starlight."

"Uh? Did I?" She asked.

"You know what I do when an enemy is too strong for me?" Red asked, looking in her eyes. Starlight didn't respond, "I become stronger." He finished, a dark glare towards Spitfire.

Spitfire threw her cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it. "I trully did my best to avoid this, Maria." She said to herself. "All right, let's do it Red... No, let's do it..." She smirked and her voice changed for a darker one, "Fiend."

Starlight could feel the tension in the air, the two behemoth staring at each others was filling the entire place with an overwhelming pressure for someone who is not used to it.

Suddenly, a wave of red electrical energy was released from Red's body, transforming him into his Fiend's true form. His eyes became black and his iris were glowing red, his hands became black claws, and his back had curved giving him a a wilder look.

"Twenty percent will be enough." He quietly stated.

With a surprisingly speed, he dashed towards Spitfire who was ready and waiting for him, the ground cracked under the pressure of his foot and he lets out a trail made of red sparks behind him. In a second, he was standing in front of Spitfire and launched a right fist right in her face, but instead of avoiding it or counter attack, Spitfire smiled and gave a punch of her own right into Red's fist.

The two punches collided resulting in an explosion of red sparks in Red's direction, and a torrent of flame in Spitfire's. When the flame disappeared, Spitfire who hasn't moved an inch transformed into something even Red never thought he would saw in his life. Spitfire skin was now gone leaving only bones to be seen, her skull was coated in flame and a powerful energy could be felt from her body. Taking Red by surprise, she put her two skinless hands in front of her and muttured, "Hellflame."

A burst of flame was released from her hands and hit Red at close-range. He was send flying a few meters away and landed on his back, Starlight gave a a surprised gasp, she knew this woman was strong, but she didn't exected that she could send Red fly with only one attack.

Spitfire waited a few seconds for Red to get back on his feet. When he was up, Red took one of his karate pose and glared at her, "What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"Not my type to hit someone down." The skeleton woman replied.

"And what exactly are you?" Red asked her, "In my world as in yours, I've never seen something like you."

"If you really wants to know," Spitfire added, "I'm the Ghostrider."

"The Ghostrider?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah long story, including the death of my mother, my best friend, and a deal with the devil. I lost my soul in the process, obviously." She explained.

Red frowwned, it seemed this woman has a whole story of her own.

"Now, you saw you can't do a thing against me, why don't you-" Spitfire started, her guard down.

It only took a second for Red to take advantage of this moment of overconfidence of her enemy to dash behind her with more speed that before, taking his opponent by surprise.

Red tried a round house kick in the back of her skull, but she luckily avoided it. The pressure of the kick pushed her back a few feet away, making her grin.

"You pushed me back even if you didn't touched me." She realized, "I may have misjudged you."

Red continued his assault with a punch in her face which she countered by deflecting his fist with her forearm and she tried to strike him in his belly with a fist of flame. The Fiend saw her attack coming and dodged it by falling on the ground by purpose, when he was going to hit the ground, he used his hand to propel himself in the air, giving a kick under the Ghostrider's chin, making her take a step back. Now back with both of his feet on the ground, he punched the ground with both of his fist, sending a wave of red sparks destroying everything on it's path in her direction. Seeing that she didn't have time to dodge, Spitfire waited for the last moment to unleash a torrent of flame from her body, both attack canceling each other.

"Are they equally matched?" Starlight talked to herself, both meta humans to focused on their fight to hear her. She sighed, "Unfortunatelly, no."

Spitfire came back with a fire high kick in Red's head, he blocked it with his claw and tried to punch her. She grabbed his fist in her right hand, making Red to wear a surprised look. No one ever has stopped him like that.

Spitfire mentally laughed when she saw his surprised look and took advantage that he was disturbed to send a torrent of flame with her other hand right in his face. "Hellflame!" She barked.

The attack send Red flyring in the air, Spitfire took the steel chain that was around her and launched it towards him. The steel chain wrapped itself around Red's anckle and she draw the chain towards her, bringing him back in front of her and welcomed him with a fire punch right in his face. He landed on the ground with a growl of pain. He punched the ground in frustration and slowly gets back on his feet.

"You should stay down buddy." Spitfire calmly said, "I don't want to hurt you more than I already did."

"Eh, you'll-" Red didn't finished his sentence that he quickly disappeared and reappeared next to Spitfire preparing to launch he kick in her stomach.

"It won't work twice!" Spitfire called, now prepared to his trick. She was going to block it but just when he was going to hit her, he disappeared once again leaving a trail of red sparks, a reappeared behind her, his kick landing in Spitfire's back.

"-have to try a little harder than that!" He finished, while kicking her.

Spitfire flew back but quickly landed on her feet. She frowned, it wasn't going to be as easy as expected, sure she was stronger than him on many points, but he was showing that he wasn't just relaying on his powers, even without them, he was a good fighter.

She laughed. It was interesting. For the first time, she wasn't the one fighting to protect someone. She noticed the defying glare Red gave her.

"So that's what I was looking when I was fighting him back then..." She muttured to herself.

With a war cry Red gets on all fours, the black forming around his eyes growing further, his mask started to merge with his face. The mouth of his mask started to open a bit, letting a trail of smoke going out. His claws grew bigger and Starlight eyes grew wide.

"Wait Red! Don't do this!" She called to him, "You can't use more tha twenty per-"

"It's all right!" He called. He turned his gaze towards Starlight and a tear started to form on her right eye when she saw the look he was giving her. Even with this fiendish form, even if he was more looking like a super villain right now, he was giving her a kind a reassuring glare. "As long as I'm here..." He turned his glare back to the powerful skeleton in front of him. "YOU WON'T GET PAST ME!" He challenged her.

"Did he just get stronger?" Spitfire asked to herself. "What are those powers?!"

"Twenty-four percent..." Red muttured, red electric arcs appeared around him and were going wild. Starlight was sure that, even if they were inside, the lights and sounds of the fight could be heard from streets away. This display of power didn't afraid Spitfire, who silently stood still, waiting for Red to come at her. This time, Red was so fast to propel himself Spitfire swore it was teleportation, he reappeared in front of her and quickly struck the palm of his hand towards her stomach. "The Wall!" He yelled.

Starlight put her hands on her mouth, Red always thought that screaming the name of an attack before doing it was only cool in anime but cringe in real life, but Starlight told him that all good super-heroes have cool special attacks. And screaming it before doing it was something to reassure the people that they were protecting. And Starlight was the one who named this attack, she was speechless that he used it...for her.


Just before the attack struck Spitfire, she drew her guns towards Red's face and screamed, "Hellflame Bullets!" She yelled before pulling both trigger.

Both attacks hit their targets, the strike from Red sent Spitfire in a wall and the attack from Spitfire exploded right in Red's face, sending him fly in the opposite direction and landing on his back. The room was filled with smoke, resulting for Starlight to cough several times. She saw through the smoke that only one of the figures was standing in the smoke. She couldn't clearly see who it was.

But the smoke slowly started to fade away and when she saw the result, she feel on her knees and tears began to flow down her cheeks.

The hole in the roof made by the fight between Spider-girl and the Vulture was showing the first lights of the early morning.

Starlight knew it. She knew he wasn't going to beat her, but it took her to see him unconscious on the ground, and the other woman standing, to realize he really didn't had a chance.

Spitfire transformed back to her original form, and rubbed the side of her ribs. "Urgh, should've been more careful." She stated. Then she looked at Starlight and gave her a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry I had to do this to your friend. But believe me I didn't have a choice."

Starlight didn't replied, she turned her look away, refusing to look that woman in the eyes. She couldn't believe Red... The Fiend of all people... Had lost.

Spitfire sighed and looked at where Red was. He was on the ground laying on his back, his mask was off his face and his eyes were closed, his face has became normal again and his claws had disappeared, he was out. She could see her attack did more damage she wanted, half of his face was now severely burned and he was bleeding from his forehead.

Spitfire started to walk towards Starlight and stopped infront of her, making the scientist woman flinched. She took a smoke and lit it up with her thumb. She took a slow puff and look down at Starlight, "Let's go now. Please, don't make me force you, I don't want to."

Starlight stared at Red's unconscious face and cried, "Red... Please... Get up... You said that you would protect me..."

Spitfire hated that feeling. She felt like she was the bad guy in their story. All she wanted to do was help people. But seeing that face on Starlight Glimmer made her ask herself... Did she do the right thing?

Spitfire shake her head at those thoughts and grabbed Starlight by the arm. "Okay, we're going now."

"RED!!" Starlight screamed from all her might.

A loud cracking sound came from behind them and when they look where it was coming, they saw a red lighting bolt at struck the ground just where Red was.

"What happ-" Spitfire stated, but at this moment Red reappeared infront of her and landed a kick in her stomach, making her flew back a few meters away and her cigarette falling on the ground.

Half of his face was burned and the other half was coated in blood, however he was still wearing that look of determination on his face. He didn't gave up, not yet.

Spitfire solwly gets up and frowned at him, "H-How?!" She growled, wipping a blood trail out of her mouth

Red closed his fist and bumped it to his chest, "I told you didn't I..." He said with a trembling voice, it could be heard he was severely hurt. "You won't... Get past me."

Spitfire sighed and stood up. "I see."

She transformed back and launched herself towards Red with a fist of flame, red quickly dodged it and tried to strike her with a punch on her ribs, she blocked it and tried a headbut, but Red had the same idea, resluting for both of them to take a step backward. Red transformed his right hand into his black claw and punched her in the face making her take another step back, he tried to give her another punch but she dodged it and with a cry, release a torrent of flame with her fist in red's stomach, making him laying on the ground a few meters away. This time she jumped towards him and landed on top of him, she sat on his stomach, each of her legs on his sides and she grabbed him by the collar menacing him to punch him with her right fist.

"It's over! I won! Stay down now!" She screamed at him.

Red spat some blood and chuckled, "So this is it uh?"

Spitfire was going to land her punch but then, the weak light of the morning shines through the hole in the roof, right in Spitfire's direction. It took her by surprise and in an instant, canceled her transformation, making her go back to normal.

"Fuck! Not now-" She started.

Red didn't wasted time and grabbed both side of her head. He yelled and released all powers he still had in sending red electric arcs directly to Spitfire's head making her scream in pain. It lasted at least ten seconds before Red's arms fell on the ground, using all magic that was left inside of him made him fall unconscious. Spitfire, still sat on him, stood still for a moment, her mouth open, looking right in front of her. And then, she abruptly fell forward right next to Red.

Both of them were laying unconscious on the ground. Starlight slowly walked towards them, making sure Red was okay.

"R-Red?" She asked, standing next to him. "Red are you okay?"

Red didn't replied, his eyes were closed.

"R-Red?" She tried again.

Then a loud bump came from the entrance of the building and a bunch of soldiers wearing the SHIELD's emblem on their torso entered the room and surrounded them. They were pointing their guns in Starlight's direction.

"Starlight Glimmer put your hands up!" One of the soldiers yelled orders at her.

Starlight complied, "I... I..." She was at loss for words.

"Starlight Glimmer I presume?" A feminine voice asked her.

The woman wore the same armor as the soldiers but she didn't wore her helmet and instead of black and grey, her armor was black and green. She had black skin and long green hair going down her back, stopping at her anckles. She seemed like the most graded woman here.

The unknown woman looked at where Spitfire was laying and gave a surprised look, "Wait. Spitfire's out? You must be kidding..." She said with big eyes. She then frowned and looked towards Red, "Is it him who did this?" She asked to no one in particular.

She gave a head sign to one of the soldiers who handcuffed Starlight Glimmer, "Hey stop!Wait!" She protested.

"You!" She barked at another soldier, "Check if Spit's okay." Then she glared at two other soldiers, "And you two!" She pointed towards Red, "Take him."

"No wait! You want me! Not him!" Starlight pleaded.

"If is strong enough to take Spitfire's out, I don't doubt director Fury would want to have a word with him." She stated, not even looking at Starlight while talking to her.

"Wait! I'm begging you please!" Starlight pleaded while she was taken away.

"Urgh..." Spitfire said, waking up. "What the hell is this?" She asked, "Can you guys lay down the volume a bit? I'm having a headache here."

She stood up and faced the green haired woman. "Oh Chrysy, hey."

'Chrysy' frowned and gritted her teeth, "It's Chrysalis!"

"Yeah, yeah." Spitfire stated, she took a step froward but almost fell back on the ground. Luckily a soldier helped her stand up. "Urgh, that son of a... Put more of a fight than I thought."

Chrysalis glared daggers at the two soldiers to who she ordered to grab Red, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU TWO?!"

The two of them jumped in fear and walked towards Red.

"No please I-" Starlight started.

"SHUT UP!" Chrysalis yelled at her.

"Everyone wait!" Spitfire exclaimed. Making everyone stop. "We came for her." She stated pointing towards Starlight. "That is all we came to do."

"Are you kidding?!" Chrysalis exclaimed, "And what if Director Fu-"

"If Director Fury isn't happy about that, then I'll shove my fire fist up his ass! Understood?!" Spitfire yelled.

Chrysalis gulped and looked away, "F-Fine." She gave a head sign to the soldiers, "Leave him. And let's get home."

Chrysalis grabbed a crying Starlight by the arm and forced her to follow her despites Starlight's protestations. Every soldiers followed her. At least everyone except Spitfire. She take a look back to where Red was laying and sighed. She shook her head and decided to follow her SHIELD fellows.

A few minutes later, when Red opened his eyes, he realized that Spitfire and Starlight were now both gone. He bit his lower lips and punched the ground, a tear falling next to it.

"Am I that weak?" He asked himself, ignoring the police sirens coming in his direction.

Author's Note:

A month early because I was getting sick of having posted nothing since two months now. Hope you liked it, next chapter will be the last chapter of Red and Starlight's arc.

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