• Published 6th May 2020
  • 6,156 Views, 572 Comments

The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume II - Chapter 11: Stir up a hornet's nest

The moon was up high in this starry sky of a February night. One could think that because the north part of the city was quiet, nothing was happening there. But sometimes, the quiet places were the most dangerous.

“I still think that this is a bad idea.” Spider-girl stated.

The young super hero and black cat were both standing on a rooftop, watching carefully at the entrance of one of Fisk’s warehouse. Black Cat told her that Fisk used this place to stock amounts of weapons. There was also a lot of money hidden in that place. Around the warehouse were some thugs guarding the place, Sunset guessed they were gangsters, all of them wearing bikers attire.

“Oh c’mon Spidey.” Black Cat teased, giving Sunset a nudge in her ribs, “It’ll be fun. And don’t forget, we’re maybe stealing, but that’s for a good cause. And the person who owns that money’s a jerk, so you’ll be doing this city a great favor.”

“Even so! I mean, stealing…” Sunset sighed, “We wonder what Celestia would say.” She added under her breath.

“Who’s Celestia?” Black Cat asked, a curious glare on her face.

Sunset cursed herself for not holding her tongue, “No one.” She quickly said.

It was true that their main objective was to steal the money. Sunset wasn’t really on board with that but… She was desperate.

“So, what’s waiting for us inside?”

Black Cat grinned and glared back at the warehouse, “You see,” She started, “Fisk never gets dirty. He always hired low life criminals of any kind to take care of his dirty work.”

“I’m surprised no one ever tried something against him.” Sunset said, “I mean, we thought the Green Goblin was ruling over the city. Someone as powerful as Fisk should be a threat to him.”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that.” Felicia explained, “Before Fisk, or even before the Green Goblin, there was three big gangs ruling over the city. One disappeared, one was ruled by Hammerhead and the other one by Tombstone. When Fisk arrived from New York, around five or six years ago, everything changed. He quickly took control over everything. At first, people tried to fight him, but in vain, they were all crushed like Hammerhead. Tombstone now works for him.” She finished pointing at two bikers standing in front of the warehouse’s doors. “Doing his dirty work.”

“And what about the Green Goblin?” Sunset asked.

“Well, he quickly became a pain in the ass for Fisk. But now, it seems they found some kind of agreement because both of them are ruling over the city now.” Black Cat stated, “But if you want my opinion right now, I’d say Fisk is the more dangerous because he’s not afraid to show himself in public. He’s that close to become mayor after all. I’m surprised he didn’t try anything against the guy running against him… Yet.”

“And who’s running against him?” Sunset raised an eyebrow under her mask. She wasn’t into politics, she had no idea someone was running against Fisk.

“Haven’t you heard? Meh, I guess you’re not into politics that much, like me. Well, it’s-Oh look!” She exclaimed, pointing a finger towards a biker that just arrived. Sunset immediately guessed he was important, his bike was bigger than the ones already parked, and he was tall, like really, really tall. He was bald and had skin as white as snow. “That’s Tombstone.” Black Cat said.

“He seems like a tough guy.” Then, Sunset scratched her chin, “He kinda reminds me of Sheamus.”

“Who’s that?”

“Nevermind,” Sunset said, “So? What? Are we going in there and just beat the crap out of them?”

“As lovely as it sounds,” Felicia started, “No. Tombstone isn’t a regular guy, his skin is as hard as steel. I don’t know if we can take him down.”

“An invincible guy?” Sunset started to lose her temper. “Then, what are we doing here?

“Chill out.” Black Cat reassured her, “As strong as he is, he’s not invincible… I think. Besides, we don’t have to take him down, I just need you to distract him and his goons while I sneak in the back and take the money.”

“But… What about all the weapons in here? We can’t have those in the streets.” Sunset stated.

Black Cat rolled her eyes, “Still a damn Samaritan I see.”

Sunset crossed her arms, glaring at Felicia under her mask.

“All right, all right…” Felicia said, raising her hands in front of her, “What about after you got his attention, I call the police before taking the money.”

“You… Will call the police?” Sunset had a hard time believing her.

“If that’s what it takes for you to be on board with that,” She smiled at her, “Then yes.”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile, “Then we’re on board. All right, let’s do this.”

“Oh and, Spidey.” Felicia said, “Stop talking about yourself in the fourth person… It’s creepy.”

“Oh, crap!”

The inside of the warehouse was filled thugs packing boxes inside trucks. Some boxes wide open showed that it was full of weapons and explosives, enough to start a war. There must be around twenty bikers, without forgetting the big one.

The ground was filthy, wet and murky. Every steps the criminals were making could be easily heard thanks to the puddles of water.

“Be careful with those, you idiot!” Tombstone barked at one of his men who was dropping a box in the back of a truck, with his deep menacing voice, “I don’t want them to explode in our faces.”

“S-Sorry boss!” The thug quickly apologizes.

Tombstone grunted and made a sign for his goons to continue what they were doing. He walked towards a wall and leaned against it, lighting up a cigar. Little did he know that someone was crawling on the ceiling just above him.

Sunset, making herself as quiet as she could, studied the place. She counted exactly eighteen bikers, and Tombstone. She also spotted two thugs in the back, both of them hidden behind a container, smoking cigarettes. Spider-girl smirked and crawled in that direction. When she was above them, she shoots a web in a beer can a few meters behind, making the thugs turn around in alert.

“What was that?” One of the bikers asked, unaware of his companion getting caught by a web behind him and disappearing towards the ceiling.

When the thug got stuck, Sunset shot a web to his mouth before he could scream. “WeI should call myself Spider-ninja.” She said, quickly correcting herself.

When the thug underneath her turned around, he realized that his friend disappeared. “Mikey?” He asked, “Mikey this is not f-” Quickly, he got the same treatment as his companion, and got stuck on the ceiling with a web on his mouth.

“Shhhhh-” Sunset said, putting a finger on her mouth.

Luckily for her, the warehouse was big and had poor lighting, and thanks to her black suit, she was totally invisible.

Now that those two were taken care of, she crawled toward the center of the room. She saw that seven of the bikers were all sat at a table, taking a break and drinking beers. She smirked when she saw what was suspended above them, three wooden crates that looked heavy.

She glanced at the small window on the other side of the room and watched as Felicia draw a circle with her claw before taking the glass off. She then passed her arm though and opened the window without any noise. Black Cat looked in Sunset’s direction and winked at her, making Sunset blush a little. Just a little.

The thugs innocently played a card game when one of them started to hear a small squeak, like someone was unscrewing something. He raised his head up and his eyes grew wide when he saw three wooden boxes falling right on them.

“Watch out!” He screamed, jumping away.

The others were not that lucky and got crushed under the now destroyed crates.

“What is going on here?!” Tombstone barked, angrily stomping in that direction.

“Don’t worry, they’re still alive, the crates were empty.” Spider-girl called, now spotted. “Hey… Now that I’m closer, you’re even uglier than I thought.”

“Spider-girl!” Tombstone yelled, pointing a finger in her direction.

“Really?!” Sunset gasped, looking everywhere around her, “Where?!”

“Kill her!” Tombstone ordered to his remaining goons.

Sunset smirked under her mask, ‘Is that enough of a distraction for you Feli?

The young hero jumped from where she was to avoid the bullets one of the goons was shooting in her direction. She landed on a container and shoots a web on the thug’s weapon to draw it in her direction, “I’ll take that, thanks you.”

“H-Hey! It was my birthday present…” The thug whined.

When one of the gang member grabbed a shotgun, Tombstone stopped him. “Wait! It’s too dangerous, those containers are filled with explosives, do you want to kill us all?!” He then glared back at Spider-girl and cracked his knuckles. “You guys take the trucks to the delivery point. I’ll take care of her.”

Sunset frowned when the goons obeyed the orders. She jumped from where she was standing, preparing herself to intercept them. “Oh no you don’t-” She was stopped by Tombstone’s punch right in her face, sending her back where she came from.

“You’re dealing with me, little girl.” Tombstone stated, taking his leather jacket off.

Getting on her feet with a growl, Sunset gritted her teeth. “I guess… We should take care of you first then.”

Sunset shot a web on the ceiling and swinged in his direction, he was going to punch her but of course, she saw the blow coming and dodged it pretty easily by letting go of the web and by sliding under him. She got distracted when she heard the engines of the trucks beginning to leave the warehouse, and even with her Spider-sense, Sunset couldn’t dodge Tombstone’s punch in the back of her head.

She dropped on the floor with a grunt of pain, but Tombstone wasn’t done. With his enormous hands, he grabbed her by the legs and launched her in a half disassembled motorcycle. When she came back to her senses, she felt she was grabbed by the both side of her head and was smacked down hard on the ground, face first.

Under her black mask, she could feel the blood pouring down her nose, and a metallic taste in her mouth. Tombstone lift her up by her throat, making her choke and gasp for air.

“You’re getting ahead of yourself, little girl.” He calmly said, punching her in her stomach and tossing her on the side.

Sunset coughed more blood inside of her mask and started to get up on her feet, not without difficulties.

“Killing kids ain’t my jam, so why don’t you go back to your fancy house, little girl.”

One hand on her stomach, Sunset glared at him, “I’m. Not. A little girl!” She barked.

“Prove me wrong then.” He said charging at her.

Sunset made a web with her right wrist and grabbed it with her left hand. When Tombstone was a meter away from her, she jumped and rolled on his back. She used the web she made earlier to slip it around his neck while she was on his back and draw on it the hardest she could when her feet touched the ground. Tombstone was taken by surprise and fell hard on the ground.

He quickly stood up but was welcomed by a punch in his nose. He put both his hands on it, grunting in pain and Spider-girl kicked him hard in the chest. Tombstone was sent in the air and the young heroine shot webs from both her wrists on him and sent him to crush on a workbench.

She grabbed her stomach, still hurting from the blow Tombstone did earlier, and watched her opponent carefully.

Tombstone gets up from the wreckage, and wiped the liquid flowing from his nose. He realized with stupor that it was blood, something he didn’t see coming out of his body from ages.

“You mess with the spider? You get bitten!” Sunset taunted him.

He watched her with an incredulous look and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m… Still looking for a catchphrase.” She said.

Tombstone growled, grabbed a wooden girder next to him and lunched it in her direction. She avoided it with a somersault, avoided the motorcycle wheel coming next by slipping under it and she launched herself at him. Tombstone unsuccessfully tried to punch her but she dodged it and punched him in the jaw, making him take a few steps back.

“Not bad, little girl.” Tombstone admitted. “But is it enough to beat me?” He asked.

“Luckily for me, I don’t have to beat you.” She said, making him raise an eyebrow. “I just have to distract you.”

When he was going to ask her what she meant by that, he was hit behind the head by something. It didn’t hurt him much, but annoyed him. He angrily looked behind him to see who it was and frowned when he realized. “You!” He yelled.

“Sup, big guy?” Felicia taunted, a black sport bag around her shoulders. “Been a while, uh?”

He turned his gaze back to Spider-girl, “So, you’re working with her? And I thought you were on the good side. I can’t believe I was starting to respect you.”

“Uh, you know, coming from a criminal, what you just said doesn’t, like… Affect me at all.” Sunset said.

“You don’t get it… She’s way worse than me.” He sighed, “But it doesn’t matter I guess… because I’ll have to kill both of you.”

“You sure bark a lot.” Black Cat joked, making him angry.

“Uh, Cat? I’m not sure this is a good id-” Spider-girl couldn’t even finish her sentence that Tombstone grabbed more of the wooden wreckage and threw it angrily at Spider-girl. While she was doing her best to dodge it, Tombstone ran in Black Cat’s direction and tried to punch her.

She dodged it with a snarky smug and kicked him in the chin. It didn’t faze him at all and Felicia’s confidence dropped as quick as it came.

“Hum, is it too late to talk?” She tried.

Just when he was going to hit her with his giant fist, Sunset landed in front of him and grabbed his fist with both her hands. “Cat, move!” She yelled.

“Oh, my hero.” Black Cat playfully stated.

“Now is not the time for-” She was cut mid-sentence by Tombstone’s left kick, sending her and Black Cat right into the wall.

Black Cat grunted in pain but was helped by Sunset to get to her feet. “You never know when to shut up, uh?” Sunset asked her.

“Pot, meet kettle.” Black Cat replied.

“Eh, I guess.” Sunset shrugged.

They both starred at the white juggernaut in front of them and gulped.

“I have the money by the way so… Maybe we can, you know, get the hell out of here?” Felicia tried.

“No way.” Sunset replied, to Felicia’s dismay. “His ass should be in jail.”

“I was afraid you might say that… But how can we take him down? I’m not as strong as you are!”

“I know but… Look!” Sunset said, making a sign in a direction.

Black Cat looked where Sunset was pointing and saw that one of the bearing wall was already damaged, the ceiling above was starting to crack.

“Are you thinking-” Sunset began.

“-what I’m thinking?” Black Cat finished before looking at Sunset, “Awww, look, we’re even finishing each other…”

Sunset just silently stared at her.

“Each other?” Black Cat tried again, but Sunset wasn’t playing along. Black Cat rolled her eyes, frustrated. “Sentences! Each other sentences! It’s not that hard is it?”

“AM I INTERRUPTING?” Tombstone barked from behind, making both of the girls shivering. He tried to punch Sunset but she dodged it.

“Cat! Moving to plan F!” Sunset called, avoiding another hit from the big guy.

“F?” Cat curiously asked, already running.

“Fooling the dummy!” Sunset called.

Black Cat laughed. Tombstone didn’t.

He successfully punched her in her ribs and tried to punch her in her face but she dodged it and jumped on the nearest surface, which was the window of a small room that must have been an office.

Tombstone frowned. “You won’t be the first masked hero wannabe I kill.”

“And you won’t be the first-” She quickly avoided the wooden plank he throws at her, “Hey, at least let me finish!”

He charged at her with his fist up high and she dodged at the last moment, making him completely destroy the window… and the wall that comes with it.

“Stop avoiding me!” He yelled.

“Woah, stalker alert.” Sunset stated, now hanging from a steel container.

Tombstone was mad and charged at her without thinking, like before she dodged him and the container he punched was sent away in a deafening noise.

“At an hour like this, I’m pretty sure the neighbors are sleeping. Have some respect, would you?” She taunted, landing on the wall she showed Felicia earlier.

Tombstone’s breath was heavy, he was getting tired to run after her. “You have no idea who you’re messing with, little girl.”

“Uh, a big bald douchebag?” She tried.

Tombstone chuckled, “Not me, idiot, but the person I’m working for.”

“Oh right. Another big bald douchebag?” She shrugged, “Seriously guys, why are villains always, or often, big and bald? And douchebags too. Of course.”

“You kids, you have no respect these days.” Tombstone stated.

“Well, I know for a fact that I won’t respect a crime lord like Fisk.” She sighed, “Why are you even following this guy?”

“Loyalty.” Tombstone simply replied, “You won’t get it.”

“To someone like him? You’re right. I won’t.” Sunset replied, starring at him.

Tombstone grunted and ran at full speed to where Sunset was hanging and like before at the last moment she jumped away. But this time Tombstone stopped right in front of the wall, and laughed.

“I’m not stupid, idiot! I know you wanted me to run into that wall. The ceiling would’ve fall on top of me and I would’ve been stuck!” He said, turning away to face her.

“Yeaaaah… You got me there, bud.” She simply said, putting her hands behind her head, whistling a song.

Tombstone frowned, “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“That!” He said, pointing in her direction.

“What are you even talking about dude?”

“You’re acting like it wasn’t your plan, but I know it was! I saw you pointing that wall to that thief!” He yelled angrily.

“Yep, and?”

“So, why are you acting like it wasn’t?!”

“Oooooh, well…” Sunset stretched her arms. “I never said I wanted you to run into it, right?”

Tombstone was about to say something but Black Cat’s voice interrupted him. “Watch out for the head!”

Then, an explosion came from behind the wall. The explosion’s blow made Tombstone fell forward and parts of the wall flew across the room. He growled and turned around, still on the ground and facing the ceiling. The ceiling started to crack and trails of dust poured from it.

He sighed and closed his eyes. “Shit.”

The ceiling finally reached its breaking point and began falling where Tombstone was.

Tombstone was crushed and Sunset had to jump on the opposite wall to be in safety, she hopped Black Cat was safe too. Smoke and dust filled the room and Sunset had to cough a few times to expulse the dust she accidentally breathed.

After the smokescreen disappeared, she jumped next to Tombstone to see if he was out. She saw he didn’t move, the ceiling on top of him, his eyes were shut.

“How look at him, he looks like a baby.” After a second and another cough, she said, “An ugly baby.”

He quickly opened his eyes and barked, “You little-”

Sunset quickly took a step back, “What?! How is that even possible!”

“I’m indestructible!” He tried to get up but after the fight, he was too exhausted to lift up whatever was on top of him.

Sunset quickly realized he was wiggling in vain and chuckled, “Yeah well, good luck with that.” She said, pointing to the wreckages on top of him. She quickly turned her head on the other side of the room when she heard police sirens coming from the street, heading in their direction. “I guess it means it’s time for me to leave.” She turned her head back to Tombstone, “Have a great time in jail.”

She began walking away but Tombstone interrupted her, “Hey, girl.” He calmly said.

Sunset rolled her eyes but stopped nonetheless, “What?”

“So you’re working with Black Cat uh… I’m gonna give you a free advice, get away from her as soon as you can. This girl is bad luck.” He honestly stated.

“I don’t have to take any advice from you.” Sunset replied, putting her hands on her hips.

“You don’t get it, girl. She’s playing with you.” He said with a frown.

The sirens were very close now, but what Tombstone was saying was intriguing her. “What are you saying? She’s been helping me.”

Tombstone chuckled, “Then maybe I could say you something that’ll change how you see her.”

The police cars were stopping, they will be here any minutes now. Sunset quickly looked from the entrance and looked back at Tombstone. The gangster took her absence of reply for a yes and said, “Your girlfriend, Black Cat… She used to work for Fisk.”

“I’ve known that from way back, thank you.” She replied with her snarky voice.

“I’m not finished.” He quickly added with a smirk. “Now, she’s working for-”

The doors were busted open and a dozens of policemen were irrupting inside the room leaded by Shining Armor himself, pointing towards them with their guns.

“Spider-girl!” Shining armor called, “Put your hands in the air!”

Sunset silently swore and quickly shot a web and disappeared through the hole in the ceiling, while she was in the air, she could still hear Tombstone’s laugh.

After a few swing in the air, she landed on a rooftop were she saw Felicia waiting for her. She lifted the bag and smiled, “Look what Santa bring meeeee.”

She opened the bag and Sunset eyes opened wide when she saw all the money inside it.

“So what will it be, fifty-fifty?” Black Cat asked.

“I…” Sunset sighed, “I’m sorry I can’t take that money.”

“W-What?” Felicia gave her an incredulous look, “We did all that for nothing?”

“I guess… I couldn’t even stop those trucks. Now there’s a bunch of weapons running free across the city.” Spider-girl stated.

Black Cat grinned, “Welp, luckily for you, I was here, right?”

Felicia took something from her belt, a small and black device with a screen on it. When she pushed a button, it turned on and Sunset realized it was a GPS.

“Is it…”

“Yeah, I put a tracker on one of the trucks. Cuz’, you know… Better safe than sorry.” The silver haired thief said, dropping the device in Sunset’s hand.

Sunset stared at the device for a few second before taking Black Cat in a tight hug, “Oh my god, you’re a genius!”

“I know.” Cat replied with a smug.

Sunset broke the hug and glared at the bag, “What should we do with that now?”

“W-Wait, you mean I can’t keep it?”

“Feli…” Sunset stated, annoyed.

Black Cat grunted but dropped the bag on the floor, “All right, geez.”

“I’ll… I’ll take it to the police, I think it’s the better solution.” Sunset proposed.

“If you think it’s the better option…” A disappointed Black Cat replied.

Sunset grabbed the bag and stopped in front of Felicia, she put her hand on Felicia’s cheek and sighed, “Thanks… For everything.”

“Anytime.” Black Cat sincerely replied.

Sunset took a step back and stated, “Well I should get going now… See you tomorrow?”

“You know it.” Felicia replied with a seductive wink before turning around and jumping from the roof.

Sunset couldn’t help but watch her leave, a smile on her face. She shot a web and left too.

But Felecia wasn’t really gone, she watched as Sunset disappeared behind the buildings and put a device in her ear before turning it on. “It’s me, the plan worked. Tombstone is out.”

A woman dressed in a formal black suit was walking through a long, white and clean corridor. Her skin was grey like ashes, and her long wavy purple air were flowing down her back, reaching her thighs, she was wearing glasses on her perfect face giving her a more mature look. She looked like she was in her early thirties and she was holding a paperclip close to her chest.

She arrived at destination a knocked on the two massive wooden door.

“Come in.” A low voice said.

The woman entered without a sound, and slowly closed the door behind her. In front of her was a huge desk with a massive leather chair behind. The chair was turned around so she couldn’t clearly see who was sat, even if she knew who it was of course.

The mysterious man sat in the chair was looking at the city through the windows of his office. “Miss Diamond Violet. I expect you to bring me good news.” When the man talked, it was at a slow pace, clearly articulating to each word.

“I’m afraid not, sir.” The woman said, unfazed. She put her glasses in place with her middle finger and took a closer look at the paperclip in her hand. “Lionel Thompson Lincoln, known as Tombstone, has been arrested tonight. And one of our places as been busted by the police, fortunately, nothing there can rely the place directly to you, sir, and the weapons all arrived at destination, but it sure will slow us down.”

“Tombstone arrested? Since when is he that weak?” The man slowly replied.

“It seems that, somehow, Spider-girl was involved, sir.” The woman said, reading her notes.

“Oh, I see.” He chuckled, “Canterlot’s new mascot was in the game.”

“She wasn’t alone, sir.”

“She wasn’t?” He asked, “Who would be foolish enough to defy me?”

“Hardy, sir.” The woman stated, “Felicia Hardy.”

“That brat!” The man screamed out of rage. “Why isn’t she dead already?” He gets up from his chair, showing his incredible size.

“We’re still trying to find where she’s hiding sir. But…” The woman looked away.

The man turned around to face her and punched his desk, breaking it in half. “SPEAK!” he yelled.

Diamond Violet stayed calm, put her glasses in place and said, “It seems that she’s working for… The Green Goblin, mister Fisk.”

Fisk’s face became red of rage as he grabbed his enormous chair and launched it though the wall. “That damn clown!”

“Sir, if I may. You should calm down, it is not good for your blood pressure.”

The big man took a few steps forward to face her, “YOU…” He looked angrily at her but she wasn’t even blinking. He took a deep breath and found his calm. “You’re right, miss Violet.”

“I often am, sir.” The woman replied.

Wilson Fisk turned around and put his hands in his back while he started to walk, facing the city once again.

“And how are we doing in the elections.” Fisk calmly asked.

“Very good sir. Your opponent, mister Discord, doesn’t even stand a chance.”

“Perfect.” He took a deep breath and then looked behind him, in a dark corner of the room. “You! You know what you have to do.”

Diamond Rose turned around to see who he was talking about and saw a man walking out of the shadow, he was wearing some kind of white armor protection, and a skull mask. He had a sword and a shield behind his back.

“Bring me Black Cat’s head!” He ordered.

“On it, sir.” The mercenary replied with a low, robotic voice.

The next day…

The wind was still chilly and the sky was grey, but it wasn’t something like that that would stop Applejack from doing her chores. After shoveling what was left of the snow in front of her barn, she entered it and put the shovel away, next to her farming tools.

Applejack couldn’t wait for the winter to be over, she wanted to work soon, it was something that helped her get away from school and from the worries of the everyday life.

And worries, boy she had ones. She couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday, when she stopped Sunset from hitting Lyra. Even if, in Applejack’s opinion, Lyra deserved it, she couldn’t let her friend do something she would’ve regret.

Friend. Were they still friends after all? Lately, every time she crossed path with Sunset Shimmer, all they were doing was arguing and almost fight each other. Rarity said that she was just going through a rough time, being a superhero wasn’t something easy.

But for Applejack, it wasn’t an excuse to neglect her friends. But the farmer girl wasn’t the one who was taking it the worst. It was Rainbow Dash.

Since Red was gone, Rainbow Dash put in her head that something was wrong with Sunset and that she had something to do with it. Of course for Applejack, it wasn’t related at all.

Red always was an enigma, and even if Applejack thought they were friends, she couldn’t ignore the fact that it hurts. If he left without saying goodbye to anyone, then it must’ve been really important to him.

And then there was… This other thing. For the past few days, Applejack felt something was off inside her body. Last time, when she stopped Sunset, she could block her hit with the palm of her hand.

How could she do that? With her powers, Sunset was, at least a hundred times stronger than her. And three days ago, when she was doing her chores, she examined one of the trees to see if they were still in good shape after the winter, and after a small push, she uprooted the tree and send it flying a few feet away.

She still had a hard time finding what was going on, but she couldn’t tell her friends. They all had their own problems and she wasn’t the type of person to bother others with her own.

“AJ!” A high pitched voice called from the house, “Dinner’s ready!”

“Comin’ Applebloom!” Applejack called back.

She sighed and closed the barn’s door.

Author's Note:

sup guys, been a while

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