• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 2,199 Views, 111 Comments

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!! - Azure129

Discord, Celestia, and Luna have lived in peace for years. But when Twilight's student-Luster Dawn -'reforms' Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the chaos master and pony sisters end up involved just like the old days (as do many others). Chaos, ho!

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Chapter 6: A Little Less Action, A Little More Conversation

Everyone really needed to sit down and have a good meal before sorting out everything that had occurred in the castle from last evening to this morning. And fortunately there was plenty of breakfast to go around since Discord had snapped his fingers earlier to start the food preparing itself just before the whole Sombra problem started…and had sort of forgotten to snap it to stop. The chaos master and pony sisters entered the kitchen to find platters filled ceiling-high with pastry and pancakes and fruit salad, and there was about three feet of orange juice on the kitchen floor.

However amusing the chaos, Discord did at least stop the breakfast assembly line and clean up the juice. The packed plates floated themselves out to the table as they were, though: he figured the meal would be even more interesting that way.

Now all the castle inhabitants were seated in their former chairs from the tea party yesterday, grabbing food and filling glasses and relishing a moment of ease after their harrowing morning. And Discord held Celestia’s hoof under the table because twenty-fifth anniversaries only happened once in a lifetime. They were both smiling a little to themselves.

Twilight was frowning a bit though as she observed Luster Dawn. The little pony had her head down with her eyes focused on her plate in thought. Food had been served to her as the platters were passed around, but she was just rolling a cinnamon roll back and forth on her plate. Tirek and Chrysalis ate a little and would glance at her sometimes with a frown then look away with a stubborn pout. And Cozy Glow had her head down too, but her eyelids were heavy and she yawned sometimes. All of that fighting and plotting had to tire a little pony out, Twilight supposed.

Flurry Heart, meanwhile, observed Cozy Glow closely, her brow furrowed in thought. And Cadance observed her daughter, curious about the intent look on her face.

Luna just watched everyone and sensed how easily the table might fall back into awkward moments and unspoken words and doubts that should be dealt with rather than swept under the rug. There was still work to be done. She spoke up. “Well, that was certainly the most lively morning we’ve had in a while. It may sound strange to say but…thank you for the adventure, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow.” She nodded to them.

The trio pouted, and Cozy Glow looked away.

Celestia cleared her throat and nodded. “Yes, it has been a while since we were in battle. It was fun to try again.”

“Yeah.” Discord grinned as he finished putting tobacco on his croissant. “Starting the day that chaotically was almost like an unexpected present.” He chuckled and Celestia giggled

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. “A present? What’s so amusing about the idea of a…” Then she smelled the air and scoffed; her nose wrinkled. “Ugh, there’s something ‘special’ about today for you two, isn’t there? But what?”

Discord grinned and glanced at Luna who glanced back at him. “I finally reminded Tia.”

“Yes,” Celestia nodded to Luna with a smirk, “And thank you, sister, for leaving me in the dark.”

Luna chuckled. “He insisted on surprising you if you didn’t recall on your own. Who am I to deny my brother-in-law some fun?”

Twilight blinked, and her eyes widened. “Something special?” Her horn glowed: a large datebook full of notes and bookmarks appeared. She flipped through the pages and her eyes widened. “Oh no! I was so caught up in preparing for this reform party that I forgot.” She made the book disappear. “Celestia, Discord, Happy Anniversary!”

“I was wondering when someone was going to say something,” Cadance remarked with a smirk. “I almost wanted to plan a surprise party for you for this morning, but I figured we should wait until things had settled down considering the way dinner ended last night.”

“Happy Anniversary, Auntie Celestia and Uncle Discord!” Flurry Heart smiled and her horn flashed with magic, and some sparkly confetti rained down on the table.

“It’s your anniversary today? And you still let me have my dinner here?” Luster Dawn blushed, her eyes wide. “Thank you both so much! I don’t know what to say. I’m really sorry again for destroying a lot of your house.”

Discord waved her off. “Don’t worry - we told you, it was fun!”

Tirek sighed, his look dry. “Do I want to know how long exactly you two have been committed to this saccharine relationship of yours?”

Discord turned to Celestia then put his free arm around her waist to pull her close and dip her back a little. “Twenty-five years - right, mistress of chaos?”

Celestia giggled more, her eyes hazed. “Twenty-five years, prince of the sun.”

He chuckled, his forehead meeting hers.

“Can you two please stop? Please….” Chrysalis growled in a tone that had a touch less annoyance and a touch more sincerity. They glanced over to see that she was blushing teal and looking down. Her stomach gave an audible grumble.

They sighed and separated - though they went back to holding hoof and hand under the table. “You know,” Discord polished off a pastry, “if you went over to the side of giving love instead of just taking it, displays of affection like that would be more enjoyable than bothersome for you.”

Chrysalis hissed. “Don’t tell me how to live.”

“Just pointing it out.” He shrugged. “Relationships are oodles of fun.”

“Discord, drop it,” Tirek replied flatly just as Chrysalis was clearly about to go off on one of her proud rants. She glanced at him with a rare look of gratitude for a moment before resuming her usual scowl and going back to her food.

Cadance found the exchange very interesting.

Discord raised an eyebrow then looked to Cozy Glow. “Cozy, any input? Want to fire an insult at me, tell one of those two to shut up, say love is gross…?”

She sunk down in her chair and scowled even more. She wouldn’t open her mouth.

Celestia smiled a little. “You’re probably tired. Eat, please. And if you need to rest you can go back to your room.”

Cozy Glow sunk so low she was almost below the line of the table, and she scowled so deeply her eyes looked like they had shadows around them. Tirek and Chrysalis glared at her then sighed and looked down at their plates with an angry huff.

Flurry Heart’s mouth quirked to the side at the sight. Cadance smiled a little at her daughter.

And Twilight was looking at Luster Dawn again…who was looking at the trio with a scowl.

The trio were just sitting there, all brooding and gloomy and isolated just like yesterday.

Luster Dawn finally spoke to them. “Is this how it’s going to be?”

Tirek and Chrysalis glanced at her. Cozy Glow turned away.

Luster Dawn stood up on her chair to bring herself eye level with them. The others around the table stopped eating and watched as she went on. “Is this how it’s going to be? Tirek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow… You’ll just do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences, act mad and sad and bored when you get caught, then go right back to all the anger like nothing ever happened?”

“Hey, we helped fight against Sombra! Both times!” Tirek replied, even if the conviction in his voice was a little weak.

Chrysalis nodded. “We’re not cheerful, happy-go-lucky, goofy imbeciles like certain other creatures. You knew that about us going in. If all you want to do is change us then…” she hesitated but her pride made her finish her thought, “then you’re just like every other stuffy pony we’ve met.”

“No, I’m not.” Luster Dawn scowled, a tear at the corner of her eyes. “And you knew that about me going in. And helping against Sombra doesn’t make summoning him any better. Do you want to be so full of bad feelings all the time? Is that just…the only way you know how to be?” He scowl softened a little, and she frowned.

Twilight bit her lip and raised a hoof but stopped herself. Her student had to do this on her own.

Tirek and Chrysalis pouted in confusion. They glanced at each other then quickly away. “I don’t know…” Tirek mumbled.

Chrysalis hissed under her breath. “It’s more genuine for us than being other ways…”

Luster Dawn took a breath and sat down again. “Has anything ever made you want to let yourself be a different way? Not to make other creatures happy…but to let yourself feel better?”

Chrysalis blushed teal. Tirek considered and then his eyes went down and he frowned. Cozy Glow flew up slowly. “I’m leaving.”

Luster Dawn reached out a hoof, but Flurry Heart was quicker. “Cozy Glow,” she said in her Captain of the Guard tone, “Grown Ponies stay at their post no matter what.”

Cozy Glow paused and her look darkened. She scrunched up her face but finally sat back down. She eyed Flurry Heart. “You’re lucky I’m tired and have nowhere else to go.”

Flurry Heart’s serious look bore just a trace of a smile. She looked to Luster Dawn and nodded for her to continue.

Luster Dawn blinked a couple times. She addressed Cozy Glow gently. “Cozy Glow, is there anything that ever made you want to be better - all the time?”

“No!” She shot back. “I’m just a little kid. I didn’t exactly get a chance for much life experience!”

“Well then,” Luster Dawn went on, “maybe we could all work on finding you something together. Because I think Tirek and Chrysalis might already have something of their own to—“

“Absolutely not!” Chrysalis hissed.

“Nope, we’re not talking about that!” Tirek shook his head and crossed his arms. “Public humiliation and vulnerability and sharing were not part of the deal, especially with all of our old enemies.”

Luster Dawn considered. “I think it’ll be better to get things out in the open before we leave here. And if we knew what you want for yourselves, we could come up with a plan for how to help you.” She blinked. “What if we broke up into some small groups? You could each go with whoever makes you most comfortable. You’d talk, and then when we’re ready you three and I can discuss your conclusions.”

“Look, the most we’ll agree to is talking about all of this in private with you back at the castle in Ponyville…” Tirek started.

“I don’t think…I want to talk to the three of you alone right now.” Luster Dawn looked down, frowning. “You lied to me. You used me to get here. And you didn’t even say you’re sorry. I thought we were friends.”

Tirek and Chrysalis frowned deeply.

Cozy Glow finally turned to Luster Dawn. “We are. But this is as good at friendship as the three of us can get with anyone else.”

Luster Dawn wiped away a tear from her eye and looked at Cozy Glow seriously. “I don’t believe that.”

Tirek and Chrysalis shared a hesitant glance. Chrysalis swallowed and did her best to keep her voice from seething. “Perhaps…if you will talk with us more later at the castle about the situation between the four of us along with what we want going forward…we might be willing to participate in these ‘small support groups’ you’ve suggested right now. But we get to pick who we talk to!” Chrysalis hissed.

“Yes, I’ll agree on those conditions, I suppose,” Tirek grumbled. “And we’re making this quick. I’m not staying in this mad house for longer than I have to.”

Cozy Glow just shrugged, but she didn’t fly away.

Some of Luster Dawn’s frown left. “Okay. But… at least try to talk to the people you came here for — the one’s you felt you most wronged in the past.”

“No promises.” Cozy Glow mumbled.

“Discord, I guess that means you’re with me,” Tirek replied flatly.

“Then that means Celestia and I are with you.” Discord teleported himself and Celestia over. “It’s our anniversary and we’re doing everything together,” he quickly added when Tirek rolled his eyes. “Besides, Tia’s great at advice and helping.”

Celestia nodded. “I’d like to help, Tirek. I promise, no displays of affection while we talk.”

“Fine…” Tirek sighed, rubbing his temple.

“I’ll go with Chrysalis then.” Cadance stood up and walked over to Chrysalis.

Flurry Heart was ready to jump up and join her mother (as extra protection and as someone Chrysalis had almost wronged by almost messing up her parents’ wedding) but hesitated. Her eyes went to Cozy Glow. “I know she didn’t come here for me, but I’d like to go with Cozy Glow.” She looked to Luster Dawn who nodded then to Cozy Glow who didn’t indicate that she was opposed to the idea. Flurry Heart joined the little pony at her side.

Luna considered. “Well, since Cozy Glow came here for the pony sisters and Celestia is already occupied, I suppose I’ll go with Cozy Glow and Flurry Heart, and Twilight can go with Chrysalis and Cada—“

“I reject Twilight!” Chrysalis hissed loudly, her green eyes glowing and her wings flaring.

Luna and Twilight looked at her with wide, confused eyes.

Chrysalis took a very deep breath and regained some composure, though she was blushing teal in her cheeks. Cadance was smiling very much, but trying to hide it. “I would prefer the moon pony sister for professional reasons. Besides, Twilight seems adept at handling young ones.”

Twilight sighed. “I’ll go with Cozy Glow and Flurry Heart. Cozy was my student once anyway.” She teleported over.

Luna just shrugged and joined Cadance and Chrysalis.

Luster Dawn smiled a little and faced the groups. “I’ll give you all some time to talk and then each of you can report back here to me with your results and we’ll go from there.” They nodded back to her.

Celestia considered. “Discord, why don’t we go to your cottage for privacy with Tirek?”

“If there are a bunch of hidden traps and passageways there, I’m not moving from this spot,” Tirek announced.

Discord chuckled. “Oh of course not — all the chaos is very upfront and only interactive if you intend to interact with it. And I’ll be sure to keep it down to a dull roar anyway since we’ve had a long morning.” He snapped them away.

Twilight cleared her throat and smiled a little. “How about our group goes to the library? It’s big and quiet and comfortable.”

Cozy Glow sighed deeply. “This is just like school all over again.”

“I think the library is good,” Flurry Heart agreed. “It’s a nice, secure place.” Twilight teleported the group teleported away.

“Can we go outside?” Chrysalis asked. “This castle has reeked of a low level stench of overly sweet love since I got here, and it's starting to nauseate me.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, we can go to the gardens out back.”

“Oh, that lovely spot with the lavender and roses would be perfect,” Cadance agreed.

Chrysalis’s look went dry. “Oh yes, I’m sure this won’t be infuriating for me at all.”

The group disappeared.

Luster Dawn let out a deep sigh. For a moment she considered making a scroll appear to take a lot of notes on events of the last few days. But really deep down, she knew most of all that she needed to rest, especially considering her long night and daunting morning. So Luster Dawn went over to a sofa at the center of the throne room, laid down, and let herself drift off to sleep for a peaceful morning nap. She was soon smiling in ease.

In a flash of magic, Discord, Celestia, and Tirek appeared in Discord’s cottage.

Tirek glanced around. “After you were reformed you chose to live in this odd little cottage? Really, Discord, you used to aspire to so much more. And if you two are married, why keep this place anyway now that you have the castle?”

“Because I love this place!” Discord beamed, unphased, as flew up and gestured to everything. “This was a little piece of chaos I made for me, and it came out perfect. I’d always have friends over in the past to see all my chaos up close. And now Tia and I visit on weekends. We like the sights.” He winked at Celestia who smiled more, then he flew over to Tirek. “I’ll put on some tea, and then we can get started.”

“I’ll get the tea, Discord.” Celestia walked over to the kitchen. “You take a moment to get started with Tirek. I’ll join you both soon.” Discord hesitated but then nodded. Celestia winked at him and left the room.

Discord landed and sat on a big overstuffed armchair and turned to Tirek. “Have a seat.” He gestured to the sofa. “It’s okay to take a load off. One of the many perks of being reformed is that you have a chance to relax so much more often.”

Tirek climbed onto the sofa and rested his full lower body across it. “I really don’t know why we're doing this ‘talking thing’ if everything’s fine and we’re free to go since we helped fix the Sombra fiasco. Are we free to go?” He raised an eyebrow and arms crossed. "I have to tell you, I’m fine with heading back to Ponyville to continue our little reform project with Luster whenever you’re ready to let us. But if you don’t let Chrysalis go as soon as possible she’s going to have such a fit. She has been exceptionally tempestuous lately. And if Cozy Glow doesn’t get a nap soon and a chance to tucker herself out with a good flight or some baking or low-level scheming, she’ll figure out how to summon far worse than Sombra.”

“Let’s not worry about Cozy and Chrysalis right now.” Discord rested his head on his paw. “I think this little mini intervention is supposed to be about you.” He raised an eyebrow, eyeing Tirek. “You know, I hadn’t thought about it until Twilight brought it up but…I suppose you and I really were friends very briefly at one point.”

“I was using you for power. Don’t get nostalgic on me, Discord.” Tirek replied dryly.

“I didn’t say it was a good friendship. But it was a connection of some kind,” Discord simply replied. “Your friendship with Chrysalis and Cozy Glow seems better somehow, even if you three do have a lot of compatibility issues.”

“I didn’t come here to be judged.”

“Don’t change the subject. And speaking of which, let’s get to the point.” Discord furrowed his brow and tented his fingers. “When Luster asked if you had anything in your life that made you want to be better all the time, you thought of something. The quicker you tell me what it is, the quicker we can get through this conversation and help you.”

“I am not going to just magically open up to you like we’re best pals! I’m not your little pony friend or your nocturnal sister-in-law or your wife!” Tirek crossed his arms.

Discord shrugged. “No, I suppose not. But speaking of my wife, even if you don’t want to open up to me, you’ll open up to her. She has that effect on creatures. And maybe a lady’s touch is just what we need here.”

He waited for Tirek to protest. But the centaur just glanced to the side in thought for a moment, his brow furrowed. “Does…Does Celestia keep up with affairs in other realms even though she’s retired?”

Discord raised an eyebrow as Celestia entered the room with a tray of hot tea and cups. “Did I hear my name?”

Tirek blinked then glanced away with a shrug. Celestia set down the tray and took a seat in the armchair on the opposite side of the sofa. “Can I help you with something, Tirek?”

Tirek gripped his hands but then took a deep breath. “If I ‘talk’ to you two, it’ll be under two conditions: one, nothing I say leaves this room unless I give express permission.” Discord and Celestia nodded. “And two…you two need to stop pouring on the affection when we get back to the castle. I know it’s your anniversary — congratulations. But enough. It’s mildly disturbing to me watching you both, but you’re practically torturing Chrysalis on multiple levels, especially after how drained she is from the battle this morning. Deal?”

Discord and Celestia glanced at each other, blushing slightly, then nodded.

“Of course, Tirek.” Celestia assured. “We don’t want to cause her any distress. It’s been a long time since we were around changelings who feed on love but you’re right; we should remember how challenging it can be for them to be around others.”

“I won’t so much as blow a kiss to Tia until your group is gone — chaos’s honor.” Discord held up his hand.

Tirek eyed them then sighed and slumped a little on the sofa. “Very well.” He cleared his throat. “Anyway, Celestia… is there any news from my homeland?”

Celestia blinked. “Well…nothing extreme. Your brother has continued to rule for the last few decades. There have been no wars and the people are happy from what Luna mentioned last time she visited.”

“Your sister has been there recently?” Tirek’s ears perked up and he looked to her.

Celestia nodded. “In her retirement she acts as an ambassador to various distant lands. She can teleport there more easily than other ponies. It’s been a few years since she visited your home, but she brought back excellent reports. Your land has really thrived under Scorpan.”

Tirek hesitated. “Did she mention anything about…other members of the family?”

“Not too much. She did have tea with your grandmother, who she said was very nice. And…she said Scorpan visited your father in the magic prison, but she herself didn’t go. Your mother was traveling at the time, and I’m afraid she didn’t see her either,” Celestia explained.

Discord considered. “Were you actually best friends with your brother, Tirek? Was that part of what you told me in the past the truth?”

Tirek looked down in thought, his brow furrowed. “He was quieter than me, weaker too… but I trusted him. We trusted each other. We kept each other safe from father… or I would distract father so he could spend time quietly with mother. Grandmama was harsh but fair with us both. There were good times… But then he betrayed me.”

“I know that story,” Discord quickly countered, “and all he did was stop you from betraying Equestria for its magic. He made a personal sacrifice and saved others—he’s a leader, that’s what a leader does. Friends can’t support you if you’re not being a good friend.”

Tirek glared. “He got me caught, trapped, and tossed aside in a weakened state for a thousand years! He did something bad too! And he probably hasn’t thought about me once!”

A teacup broke. “Of course he has! He’s thought about you every day!”

Discord and Tirek blinked and turned to see the broken cup on the floor and Celestia with tears in her wide eyes staring at the centaur.

Discord blinked and quickly flew over to her. He patted her shoulder. “Darling…”

“What…? I don’t understand…” Tirek started.

Celestia touched Discord’s arm with her hoof. “It’s okay. I need to say this—for their sakes.” Discord nodded and returned to his chair. She turned to Tirek. “Your brother loves you, he misses you, and of course he thinks about you! Yes, I’m sure it hurt you to be caught and punished and locked away. But betraying you didn’t come easily for him like betraying Discord did to you decades ago. Making that choice was agonizing! And however much you haven’t forgiven him, he hasn’t forgiven himself! Not if you two are still so far apart!” He gaze hardened. “I banished my sister for a thousand years. I approached her on the eve of a horrible plan she had, I demanded she stop, and when she didn’t I fought her right in our own home. And in the end for the sake of everypony I sent her away. I couldn’t look at the night sky for centuries afterwards. I had horrible nightmares. And some days I was so lonely… And I knew that even if she came back to me she might not forgive me. And it took me until she returned to truly forgive myself even though I did the right thing as a leader.”

Tirek’s look had softened considerably. “But, I…our situations aren’t exactly the same. You don’t know what Scorpan…”

“Scorpan ‘betrayed’ you just before my battle with Luna,” Celestia went on. “He remained in Equestria for a little while and talked to us about it because he was too upset by what he’d done to go home yet.”

Tirek frowned and his ears fell.

Celestia’s voice was a little calmer now. “No matter what happened I know he hasn’t stopped thinking of you. Years ago when he heard you had first returned and found out you were doing evil again he couldn’t face you—not because he didn’t miss you but because he couldn’t bare to possibly be the one to seal you away again. He loves you, Tirek. So if his rejection or acceptance of you are a concern, don’t let them be. As soon as my sister was back in my hooves for the first time after her banishment, I held her tight and haven’t let her out of my life since.”

Tirek was quiet for a moment. “But…he won’t trust me. And I don’t think I can trust him.”

“You’ll have to relearn how to trust each other,” Celestia explained simply. “Luna and I did it. And I’m grateful each day.” Discord smiled as her calm returned.

Tirek considered.

“You and Chrysalis and Cozy learned to trust each other,” Discord added softly. “It’ll be like that…and maybe even easier since you and your brother had something good at the start to begin with.”

“We’re not saying it’ll be simple or that it won’t take time,” Celestia went on carefully, her look faraway for a moment. “But I do know it won’t happen until both of you start trying. And when it does happen…” a small smile returned, “you’ll have little good moments again, like the ones you used to have together. And then they'll grow. And then it’s better.”

Tirek’s look had softened. Now he sighed deeply. "What am I going to do? Cart Chrysalis and Cozy back to my homeland? Between the travel and the process of…reconciling, you’re talking a period of moths, maybe even a full year.”

Discord and Celestia glanced at each other. Discord looked back to Tirek. “You three really have gotten close, haven’t you?”

Tirek raised an eyebrow.

Discord smiled more. “You could go by yourself: they’d be here when you got back. Unless you’d really miss them that much.”

“I would NOT miss—“ Tirek huffed. “It’s just…frankly…” He huffed again, blushing a little.

Celestia raised an eyebrow then blushed a little herself. “Pardon, Tirek, but…is there something more to your friendship with Chrysalis?”

Tirek and Discord’s eyes widened, and then they both scoffed and held back some laughter.

“Oh Tia! Sometimes I forget how vastly different the circles are that we used to run in!” Discord wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.

“Courting Chrysalis! Obviously not!” Tirek chuckled.

Celestia glanced in confusion between the two boys.

Discord got himself under control and shrugged. “Apparently Tirek knows Chrysalis well enough to know that she’s more into females than males.”

“Of course.” Tirek rolled his eyes. “I asked her once if there had ever been a king of the hive. Got treated to a forty minute rant about how she had always been queen and would hardly tolerate a king mucking up her reign. And though a queen at her side would be more tolerable, she would still never share her title with another.”

“Honestly, I was shocked when I heard she’d impersonated Cadance to marry Shining Armor instead of Shining Armor to marry Cadance,” Discord added. “But I guess she figured a princess would catch on quicker than a smitten former captain of the guard.” He shrugged. “But for a relationship that isn’t part of an evil coup, yeah she prefers the ladies.”

Celestia smiled more, her eyes bright. “Do you think that’s something she’d like? To have a relationship? She’s talking to Cadance right now. Maybe if Cadance introduced her to a nice mare…”

“And that’s where I’m going to have to cut off this conversation.” Tirek held up a hand. “The three of us have a code of trust between us: I’m not airing what I know of her personal affairs with you. All I’ll confirm is that she and I are just friends. And I repeat my requirement that you two cut out the emotional displays when we’re back at the castle.”

Best friends, I’d say,” Discord added.

Tirek scowled a little but rather than protest he just shrugged and slumped against the sofa. “Chrysalis and I are the grown-ups. We work together to manage Cozy Glow. And Cozy Glow manages us in return in her own way. The three of us…keep each other together. We…ugh, sort of rely on each other now. Not just for villainy but just…to be okay. And frankly I’m the most stable one - if I go, what’s to stop Chrysalis from giving into all her rage issues? Or Cozy from stumbling into yet another angsty episode that leaves us all doomed? And…maybe I like having them around too. They give me something to focus on besides power. I feel better having that.”

Discord and Celestia shared a meaningful look. Celestia spoke. “Sometimes…friends need to spend some time apart, especially if their relationship has problems. It’s good that you rely on each other but…it’ll be better if you can function on your own too. Twilight and her friends don’t live near each other anymore because they had to pursue their own callings. But that change has only helped each of them grow and their friendship too.”

“They meet once a month,” Discord chimed in. “I’m not saying you have to do that—you could meet more often to start or even just spend a few days at a time apart to begin with. But the point is, a little break might not be the worst thing. And I bet you’re stronger than you think you are now. I bet you could be okay and focused for a little while on your own.”

Tirek glanced from one to the other. He swallowed, his look uneasy. “I don’t like this. Talking to you two feels too easy. And I don’t like how I’m understanding your advice even though I don’t relish the idea of taking it…”

“You’re being reasonable, Tirek,” Discord tried not to chuckle. “Trust me, it gets less confusing as you experience it more.”

Tirek rolled his eyes but his look remained pensive and almost accepting. “I will think about it…”

Celestia and Discord smiled.

Celestia cleared her throat. “Well, then, I think that’s progress. Would you like to return to the castle or is there anything else you’d like to talk about?”

“Just one thing,” Tirek scratched his head and glanced at Discord. “Back when we met after I escaped Tartarus and partnered up…were you planning to betray me too or did you genuinely want to be friends?”

Discord blushed a little but smiled. “I genuinely wanted to be friends. Betraying you never even crossed my mind.” He frowned a little. “I know I should have expected it, but when you betrayed me it hurt a lot…even before the I realized how much it hurt that I betrayed Fluttershy and my friends.”

Tirek sighed and tilted his head. “So…you were getting soft even back then.”

He pouted. “My friends make me strong. I’m a better me this way, and I like it.”

“Hmm…” Tirek looked up at the ceiling in thought, “maybe I’ll like it too eventually. It’s been happening whether I’ve wanted it to or not. Maybe if I stop fighting, it won’t be so bad…”

Discord smiled a little. “It’s actually fun. I think you’ll have a good time. We could even hang out some time if you wanted. You could come to guys night with me and Spike and Big Mac and Shining Armor—Cheese Sandwich comes too these days when he can, and that guy knows how to party. We do everything from playing Ogre and Oubliettes to crashing Las Pegasus!”

Tirek perked up, almost desperate. “A guy’s night? Please, yes, please! I don’t care if it’s a nonsensical board game or a full blown vacation - It’s been so long! It’s been…centuries! Ages! I wasn’t even old enough to appreciate the last one of those I had with my brother!”

Discord chuckled. “We’ll arrange something.”

“He does plan the best outings.” Celestia assured with a smile.

Discord held his head up proudly and flexed his hands. “Yes, even in my says of softness and retirement I’ve still got it! It's always a fun night with the Chaos Master!”

“Well…perhaps we could start there…and then I’ll see about planning a trip to my brother…if I feel like…and if Chrysalis and Cozy Glow agree,” Tirek mumbled, but his look was eager, curious, thoughtful. Instead of frustrated or bored he finally seemed excited about something.

Discord and Celestia shared a satisfied smile.

Queen Chrysalis, former ruler of the hive (or ruler of the hive in unjust exile, as she preferred to call herself) was not amused.

Cadance and Luna had led her out to a garden overgrown with bright flowers and delicate vines and ancient trees, they had brought her to a sunny clearing overlooking the lake at the castle’s edge, and then they had laid down in a patch of soft lush grass. And Cadance was sniffing a patch of daisies at her side, and Luna had taken the spot in the shade, and there was a loathsome little white butterfly that kept trying to perch on Chrysalis’s nose. Chrysalis couldn’t stand the dainty creature anymore and finally took a few snaps at it, missing the winged thing though until it finally fluttered away. By now Luna was smiling at her and Cadance flat out giggled. And Chrysalis had had enough.

“I’m not doing this.” She stood, wings fluttering in anger. “I don’t want to go back to Tartarus or to being stone or to the badlands, but if I spend one more minute in this silly place with Princess Lovey Dovey and Princess One Flew Over the Moon, I will unleash an attack of pure rage the likes of which you have never seen.”

Luna sighed, resting on her side in the shade. “I do wish you had met me as Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis. I think she could have given you a run for your money with that temper.” She eyed the changeling carefully. “I see much of my former self in you, Chrysalis. All of that anger is draining. You don’t have to let it overwhelm you.”

“And I for a fact know you don’t entirely hate it here,” Cadance added to Chrysalis. “You’re just frustrated. But there’s a little glimmer of love in your heart deep, deep, deep down that I can feel…”

“Get out of my heart!” Chrysalis hissed, her eyes flaring neon green as she snapped her jaws at Cadance.

Luna instantly came to attention and powered her horn with a defensive scowl. But Cadance held up a hoof. “It’s okay, Luna. She’s right…I shouldn’t have pried. I’m sorry.”

Chrysalis settled down a little. “Of course you shouldn’t have pried. Only changelings at the moment of conquest are worthy to peer into people’s hearts and see the truth. And however similar to a changeling you are with that love magic of yours, you’re not one.”

Cadance pouted. “I don’t look for truths hidden to me—just truths that are clear. And then I help the love bloom.”

“Except for right now with that little parlor trick of taking a peek inside of me to feel superior,” Chrysalis quipped back.

“And I already apologized. And I won’t do it again.” Cadance replied sincerely.

“Ladies, please.” Luna spoke up, looking from one to the other. “Let’s not get off on the wrong hoof. I know you both have some history, but we are here to help; and possibly even to become friends.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes.

Cadance put on her best smile. “I do want to help you too, Chrysalis,” she finally managed. “It’s been a while since what happened between us. We could move forward?” She hesitantly held out a hoof.

Luna looked to Chrysalis eagerly.

Chrysalis eyed the hoof. “I’m not big on touching…”

Cadance frowned. “But you had a group hug with Luster and the others…”

“What I do with them is none of your concern!” Chrysalis shot back. “But…I will agree to move past our little misadventure.” She smirked to herself. “Besides, if you can let go of the past, I definitely should be able to as well. You were more humiliated than I was back then. Do tell Shining Armor I say hi when you get home.”

Luna bit her lip and glanced at Cadance, unsure of what the Princess’s reply would be to such baiting. But Cadance took a deep breath, held up her hoof then released the breath as she extended the hoof in front of herself. Her usual poised smile returned. “You don’t have to work so hard to change the subject, Chrysalis. We’re here to talk about you. So let’s talk.”

“An excellent idea.” Luna used her magic to pull some lavender from the garden place it on the ground between them. “Some lavender will help us all feel calm, especially after all the excitement we’ve been through lately.”

“I don’t want to be calm.” Chrysalis pouted, yet as soon as the scent of the fresh lavender hit her, her wings relaxed a little and her gaze softened just slightly. She pouted but then snatched some of the purple flowers and kept them close like a dragon guarding her keep.

Luna smiled. “Now then…why don’t you tell us your thoughts on your future.”

“I’m not going back to any kind of prison, I told you that.”

“No one said anything about prison,” Cadance quickly added. “We just want to go over your options. And your goals. Your dreams…”

Chrysalis sighed, her look dry, and turned to Luna. “Okay, I’m willing to agree to a truce with the love princess, but I can’t have a conversation with her as cutesy as this. Maybe you and I can just talk. You seem a mare made of tougher stuff, Luna.”

Luna smiled, hopeful to keep the peace. “We can keep the conversation less emotional. And since you seem…hesitant, Chrysalis, perhaps we could make some suggestions and you can let us know your opinions.”

“As long as it gets me out of here eventually, fine, proceed. I’m too tired to run off anyway.” She held the lavender closer.

Cadance and Luna nodded to each other.

Cadance considered. “Do you still want to go back to the hive and rule it?”

“Ugh,” Chrysalis huffed. “It could be the way it was, then of course. But now I hear tell it’s just a collection of colorful, sappy changelings buzzing about and hugging all day. An utter disgrace. And tell me that foolish Thorax is still running things…”

“Actually he retired a few years ago,” Luna replied. “He wanted to spend more time traveling and visiting friends. He put a new leader in charge.”

“Probably an even sappier one than he is.” Chrysalis seethed a little. “There’s no point in me going back to rule if there’s no one who will follow my lead. And I’m not going to start pouring love out of my body and become a colorful clown like the rest of them.”

“I think how a changeling looks after they start sharing love is connected to how they feel inside,” Cadance offered. “You won’t be super colorful if that doesn’t feel right for you.”

“Indeed,” Luna added. “In my travels to the hive, I’ve learned that the changelings now believe the inner joy you feel from giving love simply reflects itself in your outward appearance. If your joy is more subdued, your appearance will be as well. For example, Pharynx is a rather serious changeling, and he is darker hued.”

“Oh, the sake of me, I forgot Thorax even turned my greatest warrior.” Chrysalis rubbed her temple.

“Have you ever tried giving love instead of taking it? Or have you ever wanted to?” Cadance asked with interest.

Chrysalis glared at her. “None of your business, princess. But no, and I would prefer not to.”

“And you don’t have to right now,” Luna quickly interjected. “Let’s move on. Perhaps you have some other plans for you life in mind.”

“Well,” Chrysalis considered, “For quite a while, of course, my plans have been centered on revenge against all of Equestria’s royalty. But at this point I’d settle for a place where I could just roam freely as the last changeling true to her nature.”

Cadance and Luna’s looks went a little dry. Luna sighed. “Perhaps…a clearer picture of your future would be better to hold on to?”

“Or at least one where it doesn’t sound like you want to prowl the nation draining love from other creatures,” Cadance added. “You understand that you can’t do that, right? None of us will let you hurt ponies, and I especially won’t let you hurt them about love.”

“I didn’t mean I wanted to go about randomly attacking people like some kind of rabid windego!” Chrysalis shot back. “Tirek and Cozy and I could find some place to live. And then I can feed off of the love of any animals I find or any creatures who happen to wander too close and have a little extra to spare. Especially in this overly sentimental nation, that’s pretty much every creature.”

Cadance frowned and was about to protest but Luna smiled and spoke first. “Well, part of what you just suggested sounds like a promising concept to pursue.” When Chrysalis raised an eyebrow along with Cadance, Luna went on, “You would like to stay with Tirek and Cozy Glow as a group. Have they perhaps become like a family to you?”

Chrysalis hissed. “Changelings have no family! There is only the hive and other members of the brood!”

“Family isn’t just who you’re related to.” Cadance smiled. “Family can be whoever you choose to fill that role in your life—whoever you share that love with. Shining Armor and I became family through love, and so did Twilight and I!”

“I DON’T WANT TO SHARE LOVE!!!” Chrysalis stomped her hooves on the ground.

“Okay, okay…” Cadance managed after a stunned moment with Luna. “But…you do want to share the next part of your life with Tirek and Cozy Glow for now.”

Chrysalis nodded, calming down a little. Luna added a sprig of lavender to her pile. Chrysalis pulled it close and inhaled. She gazed at the purple flowers and her face softened for a moment. Then she shook her head. She was pouting but had lost the antagonized scowl once again. “I don’t see why we wouldn’t stay together for now. We are stronger together. And we’re the only ones who seem to understand each other. Though I have no idea what’s gotten into Cozy Glow lately.”

“She’s a child.” Cadance shrugged with a sheepish smile. “Children make mistakes.”

“She is an exceptionally intelligent child,” Chrysalis replied. “She knows better than to willfully endanger everyone, including Tirek and I, on a whim.”

Cadance tilted her head then smiled a little more. “You’re proud of her.”

“Proud she couldn’t be brainwashed by that friendship school into becoming another sappy pony and instead took the initiative go seek her rightful dues as a superior creature at all costs? Yes, quite.” Chrysalis nodded.

“But perhaps you’re also proud of how you and Tirek have cared for her and guided her ever since you three came together?” Luna suggested.

“Yes, that too.” Chrysalis nodded, head high. “We allowed her to reach her full potential.”

“And you want to stay with her to see her full potential keep being fulfilled,” Cadance went on.

Chrysalis sighed. “At this point I’ll admit I don’t know where her potential is going. But for all of our sakes in including hers, no, I don’t think she should be left alone.” Her look darkened.

“I agree.” Luna’s brow furrowed in thought. “Leaving alone a creature in pain is never the answer. It leads to more rage and frustration and mistakes.”

“Hmm,” Chrysalis smiled a little, “I really do forget sometimes that you’re the pony sister who took a little trot to the dark side. Yes, exactly. Frankly I think Cozy really does have the potential to destroy us all if pushed enough. But if she’s kept reliant on Tirek and I, that won’t be a problem. He and I are officially too exhausted to go along with grand plans for world domination - we made that abundantly clear to her last night when she freed us from our rooms.” Chrysalis stretched a little and rested her head on one of her forelegs.

“But,” Cadance tried, pushing the main point, “maybe if Cozy Glow learned to rely more on herself it could be good. You guys could still play a role in her life but maybe she’s frustrated because she needs a change.”

Chrysalis shrugged. “It’s your doom if you want to try making her a totally independent pony. I could always just transform into a rock if she mounts a coup and wait for the carnage to blow over.”

Luna cleared her throat. “Yes, well, let’s suppose Cozy Glow just needs some time in a new environment for her own sake, and that becoming more independent will lessen her evil predilections instead of encouraging them. That would leave you and Tirek alone. Would you want to go off with him somewhere if he wanted to?”

“We have a delicate balance, the three of us.” Chrysalis raised her head in thought. “Tirek is too demanding, I’m too impulsive. We would mostly fight, then not talk to each other, have a momentary truce, then fight again. We need Cozy to break up the monotony.” She sighed. “Though I suppose to a very minor extent, I would miss him as well as Cozy Glow…from a practical standpoint.”

“Well then,” Luna’s smile brightened. “Is there any life you could imagine just for you? Any particular thing you want to do. You realize that, without the hive, in a way you are just like Celestia and I - a former ruler retired and with full freedom to pursue other interests. Celestia occupies herself with Discord and small adventures. I occupy my time being an ambassador to foreign lands and practicing animal husbandry with some of the larger and more challenging magical creatures of the forest.”

“And since Shining Armor and I are going to coronate Flurry soon, he’s taken up coaching hoofball for foals and I’ve taken up roller derby!”

Chrysalis tilted her head to the side, her eyes wide. Luna smiled a little and raised an eyebrow at Cadance.

Cadance blushed and shrugged. “What? I get to be aggressive in a situations that won’t potentially cause an international incident. It’s fun.”

Chrysalis sighed and glanced down at the flowers. “You want me to think of a hobby?”

“Not just a hobby - we want you to think of something you’d like to do for yourself,” Cadance explained. “A way to take care of yourself.”

Chrysalis quirked her mouth to the side. “Wherever I go, whatever I did…I’d prefer not to be entirely alone. Changelings don’t like isolation…”

Luna and Cadance listened, not protesting or questioning. So Chrysalis went on. “And I’d like to have something in common with the creatures I am around.”

“Perhaps you could live at the hive even if you are no longer the ruler…” Luna suggested.

“No.” Chrysalis shook her head. "Too many memories. And I couldn’t stand being ruled over by another in the place that used to be my own. Perhaps—PERHAPS—I will visit one day. But I do not wish to settle there for now.”

“And when you find these creatures you have something in common with,” Cadance urged, “what would you like to do?”

“I…” Chrysalis looked away, her brow furrowed, “I want to…” She pouted more.

Cadance and Luna waited, not pushing or suggesting - just letting her work through the admission.

“Grr…” Chrysalis huffed. “I want to…observe how other creatures live in a place where I won’t be judged or attacked. And I want to decide for myself if I’m…ready to give love and just how much of it I’m ready to give or receive freely.” She glared at the two princesses, ready to react defensively to any giggling or smugness or attempts at superiority in the face of her admission.

Instead Luna was smiling fully and Cadance clapped her hooves together with a happy grin.

“Chrysalis, tis a wonderful goal!” Luna announced. “And very insightful. The kind of thinking I would expect from a former leader.”

“You want to learn to care about others on your own terms—that’s great!” Cadance congratulated.

Chrysalis’s eyes widened and little and she looked back and forth between them. “Are you attempting to mock me?”

Luna shook her head. “Why would I mock another creature seeking a better way to relate to their world? That was my own life experience not too long ago.”

“And I’d never mock anyone looking to embrace love in their own way,” Cadance added.

They seemed sincere, and Chrysalis’s defensiveness faded. “Well…yes, I suppose my notion is well thought out and worthy of respect and admiration. But of course the problem lies in the fact that I wouldn’t know where to go. I will not return to the hive yet, and I would feel judged there anyway. But ponies here will judge me as well.”

“Not as quickly as you might think,” Luna replied. “In fact, Equestria has made wonderful strides in the last few decades. Ponies are welcoming to all creatures, even reformed ones. Perhaps you could stay in Canterlot for a little while. Twilight would be happy to put you up at her castle, I’m sure. And then you would not be too far from Luster—“

“I WILL NOT STAY WITH TWILIGHT AT HER CASTLE!!!” Chrysalis roared. She was breathing heavily. Luna’s eyes were wide in surprise. Cadance tilted her head. Chrysalis blinked then quickly added, “I-I mean to say, Luster has probably had enough of us at this point. No sense being so close to someone who is so close to her if she’d prefer I wasn’t…”

“I’m sure Luster doesn’t feel that way — you could talk to her, apologize,” Cadance quickly added.

Luna shrugged and attempted a smile again. “And Canterlot is still far away if you think she needs space… And if you still feel strange around Twilight, I’m sure you two could talk it out. And her castle is big, so you could have your own space.”

“I said no about Twilight!” Chrysalis boomed again. She was flushed now. She stared directly down at the lavender in her hooves: the purple flowers smelling nicely.

Cadance’s eyes widened and she blushed. She cleared her throat then looked away.

Luna noticed the response and looked back and forth between them, confused.

Chrysalis glanced up a little at Cadance. Her eyes widened more at the love princesses’ reaction and at the realization of something she might have let slip—a truth of the heart given freely instead of searched for. She bared her teeth, eyes narrowed. Cadance took a deep breath.

Luna looked back and further between them again. “Is there something I should know?”

“No…” Cadance said carefully.

“Never…” Chrysalis growled.

Luna’s look went dry. “You’re both abysmal liars. But very well, I’m sure if it’s important I’ll realize what’s going on eventually.”

“She might…” Cadance said hesitantly to Chrysalis.

Not if you shut up!” Chrysalis blushed a brighter teal and clung to the lavender flowers between her hooves.

Luna frowned at Chrysalis’s distress then gathered more lavender with her magic and rested it in front of her. “I will not pry, if that is what you’re worried about Chrysalis. But I’m glad the lavender seems helpful to you. Perhaps some more will ease you with whatever problem Cadance has sensed in you…” Her eyes widened; she looked at a blushing Cadance then back to a blushing Chrysalis once more.

Chrysalis groaned.

Cadance sighed.

“You’re in love with someone?” Luna asked without thinking.

“Ugh it’s more complicated than that!”

“I think it’s more complicated than that.”

Chrysalis and Cadance spoke at once. They blinked and looked at each other.

Cadance shrugged. “I can sense a lot of the subtleties of love-like feelings when they come to the surface in creatures.”

“And as a changeling I’m a connoisseur of love - I know when it’s pure and when it’s a convoluted mess of impulses,” Chrysalis finished. “And great, so you both know. If that knowledge leaves this circle I will personally make sure my ‘retirement’ involves bringing endless misery to both of your lives. And I’ll know if you tell—the only other creature who knows is Tirek and would never betray me. It’s part of our code.”

“Aw, you told Tirek?” Cadance smiled.

“No!” Chrysalis spat. “He just figured it out after observing me far too often with my stick.”

There was silence for a moment. Then Chrysalis’s eyes went very wide as she realized what she had just said. She froze completely.

Cadance glanced at Luna.

“Stick?” Luna considered. And then her teal eyes widened and her pupils shrunk.

Chrysalis saw. She huffed deeply through her nose. “So now you know too. Just great. Well, let me start by saying I’m not actually ‘in love’ with Twi—“

“You cannot have Twilight!” Luna rose up, wings spread and eyes flashing, leaning toward Chrysalis.

Chrysalis pulled back, flushed and flustered but maintaining her scowl. “And I do not want her! Not exactly—it’s a complicated situation! And why is it any of your business!”

“She is my best friend and dear companion with affections far superior to any of your own selfish whims!” Luna shot back.

“Well, I didn’t realize I was talking to the expert on Twilight Sparkle! And that’s a fine reply of friendship and understanding toward me from a former princess!” Chrysalis spat back.

“Okay!” Cadance was up and between the two mares, urging them both back with her front hooves. “Let’s all take a deep breath and discuss this like rational grown mares…”

“Twilight has already sacrificed greatly her whole life for her nation and her friends and for other creatures too. Who are you to even presume a right to anything else from her?” Luna huffed.

“Ugh, now you’re just being rude. Who are you to dictate my feelings?” Chrysalis smirked. “Are are you just that desperate not to lose your little friend to another? I’d actually be a proper challenge for her, you know.”

“Enough!” Cadance yelled in a rare motherly tone she only reserved for Flurry Heart at her most rebellious and cranky.

Luna and Chrysalis blinked and stepped back.

Cadance held her head high and resumed her normal easy smile. “Now, we are going to have a calm discussion about this situation. Chrysalis, why don’t you start and explain what’s going on? Luna, why don’t we listen and make constructive comments after we’ve heard everything she has to say. Remember this is a delicate time for her.”

Reluctantly Luna nodded and resumed lying on the grass, her steely gaze locked on Chrysalis. Chrysalis eased back into her place as well, head held up proudly. Cadance sat down and for a moment thanked the skies she hadn’t put herself in the position of ever having to raise two foals at once.

Chrysalis looked down at the flowers, scowling. Then she pulled something out from under her crown—a small purple stick that she laid in the lavender.

Cadance watched and smiled a little. Luna did not smile.

Chrysalis took a breath. “This situation started quite a while ago. I’ll try to keep the origin brief—especially since it involves an attempted crime that I don’t wish to be prosecuted for.” Luna rubbed her temple. Chrysalis ignored it and went on. “Before ‘Grogar’ gathered Tirek and Cozy and I, I hatched a plan to sew disharmony amongst Twilight and her friends. While they were all in the forest separated on some silly adventure, I created several animate copies of them using various pieces of wood I had enchanted - I lacked an army, and I needed to make up for that. I had great fun watching all of their misunderstandings. But at the end of the day, those friends proved too resilient to fall for my tricks and the copies proved too rebellious to follow my orders, so I let the magic that made them fade. I kept the stick that was Twilight though. I didn’t know why. She was so vexing to me, sometimes I just liked to scream at the stick and imagine it was her.”

Cadance nodded, her smile patient and accepting. Some of Luna’s look of anger had cooled, but she eyed the stick with a pout.

Chrysalis continued. “After Grogar brought Tirek and Cozy and I together, things became very complicated and stressful. Soon I started talking to the stick for reassurance. I’ve always had drones to agree with me, and I needed something to bounce ideas off of that wouldn’t talk back. Tirek and Cozy Glow ALWAYS talk back.” She rolled her eyes. “And talking to my stick made me remember how Twilight was always so unshakable, no matter what we did, no matter how hard we tried, no matter how much rage I showed her.” She hissed. “Eventually the idea of all that superiority and power proved more…charming to me than infuriating. And seeing how she is now, with that power expressed in her form as well, and how she is even more unflappable in the face of all my struggles…” She blushed teal. “I have a strange attraction to her that is quite a problem.”

“Not that I approve,” Luna started carefully, “but how is caring for Twilight a problem? She is one of the most caring and devoted and good mares in all of Equestria.”

“It’s not a healthy relationship for her, Luna.”

“It’s not a healthy relationship, of course, you petulant pony!”

Cadance and Chrysalis had spoken at once again. They glanced at each other with eyebrows raised.

Cadance cleared her throat. “Sorry—it’s just, now that you’re talking about it, I’m getting a clearer reading on the nature of the love. So you already know that…”

“Of course,” Chrysalis spat. “Connoisseur of love. I know the quality item versus a toxic imitation.”

“Perhaps someone could translate for those of us not intimately connected with the magic of love,” Luna asked dryly.

Cadance gestured for Chrysalis to explain on her own behalf. Chrysalis turned to the moon pony. “I have this attraction but it doesn’t come from a place of genuine affection. It is a soured love born of obsession and frustration and misunderstanding my own needs. Of course, it wouldn’t be good to share with Twilight. Even if she reciprocated, it would only drive me absolutely out of my mind—far past any kind of fun madness into raving lunatic territory.”

“Hmm, that’s a little harsher than I would have put it,” Cadance touched a hoof to her chin, “but pretty accurate overall.”

Luna’s eyes widened a little. “So then you’re not planning to pursue Twilight?”

“Of course not!” Chrysalis hissed. “But I do need to work through these feelings. And that means I should not be around her. And clearly, for the sake of our ‘friendship’, Luna, I don’t think you and I should discuss Twilight anymore. It seems to upset you and it’s making me hungry—that really is a deep love of friendship you have for her.” She inhaled deeply through her nose and sighed out in satisfaction.

“Indeed it is,” Luna affirmed with a stern look. Then she released her features again. “Very well. I do appreciate you taking into account how your feelings would affect Twilight at least.

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed. “By the way, so we’re clear, Tirek knows of my feelings and Cozy Glow might know and just doesn’t care, but Luster Dawn does not. And I would prefer not to twist that little pony’s world any further by suggesting the notion. She’s endured enough over the last day—no need to make her think I’m waiting to proposition her mentor.”

Cadance blushed and held back a small laugh. Luna blushed and pouted adorably.

“Chrysalis?” Cadance asked. “May I make a suggestion for what your feelings for Twilight might be standing in for?”

Chrysalis sighed but nodded. “Proceed.”

“I think that maybe…you might like to give love…in the sense of having a romantic relationship with another creature.”

Cadance waited, prepared for Chrysalis to deny and rage and put her off.

But Chrysalis only scowled and looked down at the lavender and the stick. “Maybe…” she finally grumbled.

Luna’s jaw fell. Cadance’s eyes brightened but she kept her internal glee under control.

“I could introduce you to some creatures,” Cadance offered. “I’m very good at matchmaking.”

“I would rather transfigure myself into a chew toy for Cerberus and let him maul me for the rest of my days,” Chrysalis replied dryly.

Cadance sighed but nodded. “Well, it was worth asking.”

Luna sighed deeply rubbing her temple. Before she could suggest they move back to the topic of Chrysalis relocating somewhere new, Chrysalis sighed, her eyes down. Her face lost all hostility for a moment; she wasn’t frowning but there was a sadness there Luna had never seen. “Do you know how difficult it’s been for me over the last twenty-four hours watching Discord and Celestia prance about in their happy little bubble of love? The agony of their ease of sharing that emotion staring me right in the face. Even if I wanted to absorb their love, I couldn’t… It’s too much. I think having it inside of me might actually…” her brow furrowed, like she couldn’t think of the right way to put it, “…it would break my heart. What I have left of one.” She blinked twice, eyes wide. Then she scowled and looked away from the two ponies, her head low.

Cadance had tears in her eyes. Luna noticed, and her own eyes were wide in concern. “Chrysalis…” she said softly, unsure of how to comfort her.

“Chrysalis…” Cadance started. Her horn glowed. A small blue heart of magic floated out of her horn. “It’s not much, not true love, but for what it’s worth…I love you. And I think you have plenty of heart left.”

Chrysalis glanced at her with an eyebrow raised…just as the little blue heart flew over and touched her horn. Her eyes widened fully and shined brightly, her wings fluttered. The heart disappeared into a blue glow in her horn, and she panted. “I… Did you just—“

“Cadance?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

Cadance smiled and shrugged. “I shared a little love with you.”

Chrysalis’s wings buzzed, and she smiled and frowned and twitched. “No, don’t do that! Not without warning! That’s the first time anyone ever freely gave me… What if it changed me?”

"The first time…ever?” Tears came to the edges of Cadance’s eyes.

“You have not changed on the outside as far as I can see,” Luna quickly offered Chrysalis for reassurance. “I’ve visited the hive on many occasions in my role as a friendship ambassador. I’ve learned that changelings only change when they first give love, not when they willingly receive it.”

Chrysalis’s breathing slowed down. She glanced at herself and saw that Luna was right: she hadn’t changed. Her cheeks remained warm though, flushed teal.

“Are you okay?” Cadance asked gently.

Chrysalis nodded. She looked at her. “Yes. That felt…” She cleared her throat. “I do not feel a hunger for love at this time. And it is the first time in a long time. Thank you.”

Cadance smiled more. “You’re very welcome. And I’m sorry if I surprised you.”

Chrysalis sighed, some of her usual pout returning. “I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to love anymore, and it vexes me greatly.”

Luna smiled a little. “Well, you don’t have to figure it out right now. Perhaps we could focus on your goal of going to another place where you can be around creatures who don’t know you but who you can relate to?”

Chrysalis nodded. "Yes, let’s move on to that subject. Now please.”

“Equestria has opened up relations with a lot of foreign lands.” Cadance smiled. “Maybe you could go to one of them for a little while.”

“I don’t want to stick out too much or to have to maintain a form that isn’t my own all the time to blend in.” Chrysalis held her head high. “I’d prefer a community that is at least semi-equine.”

“Semi-equine…” Luna thought for a moment then her eyes lit up. “Actually, there may be a solution. Not a perfect one but an acceptable one. Though I’m afraid we’ll have to coordinate with Twilight a little before it can be put into motion.”

“If you’ll take care of that part, I see no objection.” Chrysalis laid down on her side, resting against the grass - enjoying its softness and coolness for for the first time. “I only have one request. If…Luster would prefer not to have us around any longer, then I’d prefer to leave right away. But if Luster would have us around a little longer…I would prefer to spend a little more time with our group in Ponyville before departing.”

Cadance and Luna smiled a little to each other. Cadance nodded. “I think that can be arranged. And speaking of Luster Dawn, would you like to head inside now and back to her?”

“Can we spend just a few more minutes out here?” Chrysalis stretched and closed her eyes. “I didn’t sleep all night, and this lavender really is relaxing. No wonder Twilight enjoys her time with you, moon pony. Your skills must certainly relieve the stresses of royal life.” She nuzzled into the lavender.

Luna’s smile grew a little. “Yes, well…thank you. I do my best. And I think a few more minutes would be fine. We did start the day early and with a rather large battle.” Her horn glowed.

Chrysalis pulled back, an eyebrow raised in suspicion at the action.

Luna smiled more. "Would you like good dreams? That’s one of my specialities, as you heard Twilight say when I gave them to Sombra."

Chrysalis relaxed but pouted a little. “Not about Twilight?”

Luna blushed. "The moon and stars forbid, no.”

“Dreams about…being queen again and crushing others under my hooves?”

Luna sighed. “No, I offer no such fantasies. Just peaceful dreams.”

“Hmm…” Chrysalis considered, “well, that does sound more restful than the crazed domination dreams or my nightmares of being turned into all manner of colorful creature and stone and a goat until I don’t recognize myself anymore.”

Luna frowned and tilted her head. “Those are…the only dreams you ever have?”

Chrysalis shrugged and nodded.

Luna’s horn glowed brighter. “Then you are more than overdue for a peaceful rest.” She glanced at Cadance. “Cadance, I’ll have to doze for a moment to let this take full effect on her.”

Cadance nodded. “I’ll wait. We have time, I think. I feel like Cozy Glow is going to take a while to work with, and I don’t sense Discord and Celestia's love back here yet.”

Chrysalis’s features relaxed and she closed her eyes and let Luna’s magic come to her.

Luna smiled gently. “If you do find someone to share love with in your travels, please let me know. I’d love to meet them…and to see the new you if you change.”

“Of yes,” Chrysalis replied sarcastically, eyes closed. “I’ll trot her right over and become an absolute sap of emotions like Discord and Celestia. Maybe we’ll come to game night.”

“You two versus Celestia and Discord versus Twilight and I. Sounds like a plan.” Luna chuckled.

“I’d destroy all of you.” Chrysalis yawned with a grin.

Cadance giggled. “Ladies, play nice.”

Chrysalis dozed off with a yawn…and a very small smile.

Luna looked down at her with a frown. “She’s very much like Nightmare Moon—angry and confused and without peace. I didn’t mean to snap at her. I can be a bit selfish with Twilight, I suppose.”

Cadance touched her shoulder. “I care about Twilight too, Luna. And I know she’s special to you. You’re looking forward to having someone here in the castle with you one day alongside Discord and Celestia.”

“Hmm” Luna nodded, her eyes hazy already from her magic, “perhaps if I acquire a student first, I will be much calmer about the situation. And less lonely…” She blinked a few times then her head rested between her hooves on the grass. She was asleep, and her horn still glowed, giving magic to Chrysalis. Chrysalis smiled a more in her sleep.

Cadance watched them, and her gaze warmed. Suddenly she wondered what it really might have been like to have raised two fillies at once. And she decided that if Luna got a student for herself at some point, she would be sure to spend more time around this castle, especially in her retirement, just for the sake of reminiscing about raising one. She was looking forward to being a bigger part of life here in Equestria now that she would have more free time.

Cadance rolled onto her back, letting the sunshine warm her belly, and looked back at the castle. She wondered how her daughter and sister-in-law were faring with little Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow didn’t particularly care for libraries and Flurry Heart only cared for them when her Auntie Twilight was reading her a great adventure story or some epic history about how she and her friends had saved Equestria.

Twilight, of course, still loved libraries: especially this library. And despite the pressing nature of the current situation, she was mesmerized by the sight of all the old books for a few moments after they arrived in the room.

Cozy Glow just sighed at the giddy look on Twilight’s face. “Well, we’ve lost Twilight.” She looked at her other partner in this situation. “Flurry, you want to take a quick crack at me so you guys can at least say you tried? I’d really like to be on my way.”

“Oh no you don’t.” Flurry Heart sat right down in front of her. “You might be ready to give up on yourself, but I’m not, and neither is Twilight. Right, Auntie Twilight?”

“Copies of Starswirl’s journals from his adventures after his return… Oh I haven’t read about his experiences in Egypt in ages!” Twilight realized she was being stared at and quickly shoved the book back with a sheepish smile. She cleared her throat. “Of course, I’m here for you Cozy Glow.” She trotted over. “The books can wait, you’re more important.”

“Very convincing,” Cozy Glow replied dryly.

Twilight took a deep breath, her smile unfailing. She’d managed many students of various degrees of difficulty ever since being Cozy Glow’s teacher, and the little mare wasn’t about to sway her patience now. “You matter whether you want to or not, I’m afraid, especially to me. You were one of my first students.”

“Yeah, and look at what a great job you did with me.” Cozy Glow smirked.

Twilight flinched a little at that comment.

Flurry Heart came forward and moved in front of her aunt. “You made your own choices, Cozy Glow. We talked about this - if you want to be treated like a grown up, you have to take responsibility for your actions.”

Cozy Glow’s cheeks puffed up, her scowl deepened, and her face turned red. “Well I’m NOT a grown up! I’m a kid! A kid you ponies put into prison! A kid you ponies turned to stone! A kid who never got to grow up, and now everyone I ever knew my age is an adult and I’m alone! And that IS your fault, Twilight Sparkle! I’m stuck and I’m small and I want to scream all the time, and you did this to me!” She flew up right into Twilight’s face.

Twilight frowned very much - tears came to the corners of her eyes.

Flurry Heart help up a hoof, looking back and forth between her aunt and the little pony. “Cozy, I’m not sure that’s fair—“

“No—“ Twilight interrupted, her gaze not leaving Cozy Glow’s. “She’s right. Even if it was for the sake of Equestria, I failed her in many ways. There are choices she made, but there are circumstances I put her through. And I’m sorry, Cozy Glow.” Twilight bowed her head

Cozy Glow was breathing heavily, her wings still buzzing. “Apology not accepted. Now I’m going to leave and you’ll never hear from me again. See, we both win.”

“No!” Flurry Heart’s eyes widened. “Cozy Glow, we want you here - we want to help you. Tirek and Chrysalis want to help you. Luster Dawn wants to help you.”

“They hate me just like you should!”

“No they don’t. And I don’t either.” Flurry Heart tried to smile, but inside she felt heartbroken at what the little pony had just said.

“No one hates you, Cozy Glow,” Twilight assured gently.

“Oh yeah?” Cozy Glow thought for a moment then smirked. “Then prove it! Make it up to me by giving me the one thing I want.”

“I can’t let you hurt other ponies.” Twilight frowned more. “I won’t give you the power you’ve always searched for. But as a teacher and leader who has grown a lot since the last time we saw each other, I can help you in other ways now.”

“Forget other ponies.” Cozy Glow shook her head. “I want to be big!”

Twilight blinked.

“Look at you - look at how big you are, how strong, how magical,” Cozy Glow went on. “You have the power. I know you could change me! Make me a grown up mare!”

Twilight sighed. “Cozy Glow, that won’t replace years of actually growing up. That’ll just be a different body.”

“You owe me!” Cozy Glow shrieked.

“Okay, enough!” Flurry Heart grabbed Cozy Glow in her magic put her down on a chair, then pulled her aunt over to a chair across from it. Flurry Heart sat down on a chair between them. “Maybe having you both together wasn’t the best idea because there's too much history. But we're here now anyway, and I can be a neutral party.” She looked at her aunt. “Auntie Twilight, I know you feel bad but you won’t really…do what she’s asking, right?”

“Hey!” Cozy Glow yelled. “I thought you were at least trying to be on my side!”

“I am!” Flurry Heart yelled back. “And I'm trying to save you a lot of trouble.”

Twilight smiled a little and spoke up. “I know you are, Flurry Heart. I won’t put Cozy through the problems that her wish would cause her, even though I do feel bad for all she’s suffered.”

“I hate all of you!” Cozy Glow shouted, her cheeks flushed - she looked on the verge of a tantrum.

But Flurry Heart wasn’t going to let the young mare who wanted to be a grown pony give in to such childish and unhelpful urges. “Cozy, obviously something else is bothering you deep down - something that you think being big will fix, even if it won’t really help. Believe me, I had the same problem so many times growing up. I still have the same problem now sometimes…” She shook her head, coming back to the filly in question. “But it’ll be better if you talk about whatever’s really bothering you, and without screaming. So we’re gonna try this again. No more guilt trips, no more regrets, no more demands for transfiguration. Or I’m going to get Luster Dawn in here.”


“No, please!”

Cozy Glow and Twilight said at once. They both sighed.

Flurry Heart smiled a little. “Good. Then let’s take a deep breath and start over.”

Twilight smiled a little at her niece. “Sometimes I forget how good at diplomacy you’ve gotten Flurry.”

Flurry Heart smiled a little and shrugged. “Still better at combat training, but thanks.”

Cozy Glow slumped into the chair and just crossed her forelegs. “Stupid princesses sticking together.”

“I’m a different kind of princess,” Flurry Heart replied. “You know that. And I won’t stop until we’ve helped you. No pony left behind in this soldier’s watch.” She sat up straighter. “You want to be a grown up? Fine, act like one and let’s all talk like grown ups.”

“You heard what I want,” Cozy Glow grumbled. “If you can’t give me that, we have nothing to talk about.”

“But there’s so much to talk about,” Twilight urged. “Cozy, let’s say I did make you an adult pony. What would you do then? Where would you go? What would you want for your life?”

Cozy Glow’s scowl remained but she hesitated. She opened her mouth but then closed it. No reply came.

“Not every young pony knows what they want to do with their life.” Flurry Heart smiled a little. “That’s okay. Why don’t we start with what you like doing.”

Cozy Glow smirked and opened her mouth.

Flurry Heart held up a hoof. “Besides world domination…”

“Mmm…” Cozy Glow grumbled, “I… I should be in charge of something. I’m smart and good at it.”

“Good at it just for you or good at it for the sake of the creatures you’re in charge of too?” Twilight asked with a touch of dryness.

Cozy Glow glared at her. “Not all of us can be the touchy feely leader of the sappiest place on earth.”

“Auntie Twilight is right though, Cozy Glow.” Flurry Heart held her head high. “Being a true leader is complicated and hard and requires a lot of time and effort. I’ve been in training for it since I was little and even I’m not sure if I’m totally ready.”

“But I’m good at taking charge!” Cozy Glow protested. “You see how I handle Tirek and Chrysalis! They’d tear each other to pieces without me! Or spend all their time trying to one up each other! I get things done!” She stomped her hoof on the chair.

“Yes, you certainly do,” Twilight replied, her tone firm. “And where did my student Luster fit into everything you got done yesterday? Aside from being greatly hurt at your betrayal.”

“She…” Cozy Glow pouted. “She didn’t. I just needed to do something for me. She tries so hard to get me to like her as much as Chrysalis and Tirek do but…”

“But what?” Flurry Heart coaxed gently.

“I…” Cozy Glow scowled more.

“Please tell us, Cozy,” Twilight urged. “We have to talk this out!”

“Oh, you’re just like Luster!” Cozy Glow flew up. “We have to talk! We have to share our feelings! We have to be a positive support system for each other! Well, you want to know the truth? I can’t connect with Luster! I can’t connect with any pony because they’re all different now! They're all different, and I was left behind! And I’ll be behind forever!” She had tears in her eyes.

Twilight frowned and raised a hoof. Flurry Heart stood up and approached the little pony. Cozy Glow shifted away from her, breathing heavily, tears at the corners of her eyes. “Look at everyone! The ponies that were my age are adults! Twilight, you’re a giant! And Flurry Heart isn’t a baby anymore and she’s trying to comfort me! Luster didn’t even exist when I was sent away! I can’t—I can’t…”

Twilight had tears in her eyes.

Flurry Heart reacted on instinct and dove at Cozy Glow, wrapping her in a tight hug with forelegs and wings.

“Let me go!” Cozy Glow struggled.

“No! Flurry Heart held tighter. “You’ll feel better. Just give it a little time.”

“I’ll never feel better!” Cozy Glow laughed and cried all at once. “There's no way for me to feel better. Except to win since bad is the only thing I’m good at, the only thing I’m useful for!… and since I can’t do that I might as well run off and disappear.…and never come back.”

“No.” Twilight stood and walked over. “I think…I understand better, Cozy Glow. Maybe better than any other pony could.” She smiled a little but her eyes were down and Flurry Heart watched in confusion as some tears fell to the rug. “I know what it’s like not to change along with the creatures you know—your friends.” She looked up, more tears falling though her smile grew a little. “I should show you a picture of the girls—your former teachers. Maybe it’ll explain. I…” Her horn glowed.

“Auntie Twilight.” Flurry Heart had some tears in her eyes now too. But she couldn’t go comfort her aunt without releasing Cozy Glow from the hug. And Cozy Glow was finally starting to relax a little into her comforting hold.

A photo appeared. Twilight showed Cozy Glow. “This is from our friendship meeting last month. Do you see what I mean? How they’ve moved forward in a way I can’t, and how one day they’’ move onward without me…”

Cozy Glow looked at the picture: all those once familiar ponies, smiling and happy but now aged, except for Twilight who never would. Her scowl remained at first and she opened her mouth a few times, like she was ready to make one of her usual nasty comments. But then her lip trembled. And then her eyes widened. She buried her face into Flurry Heart’s chest and let the tears fall.

Flurry Heart held her close and patted her curls. “Shh… It’s okay. We’re gonna find a really good place for you. It’ll be better. I promise. I’ll help.”

Twilight made the picture disappear and put a foreleg around Flurry Heart on one side and a wing around Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow on the other side.

Eventually Cozy Glow’s quiet sobs stilled. She even turned her face a little away from Flurry Heart’s neck. “I’m tired…” she said softly.

Twilight smiled a little. “I’d imagine so.”

“And I…I don’t know what I want to do yet,” Cozy Glow mumbled. “But for now I guess I want to stay with Tirek and Chrysalis and Luster. Tirek and Chrysalis are the only ones like me and…they’re my friends I guess. If they still want to be. And Luster is…not so bad. So if she still wants me around…”

“Of course.” Twilight assured.

“You know, Cozy Glow, you remind me a lot of me,” Flurry Heart suddenly added.

Both princesses blinked and looked at her. Flurry Heart smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “Come on, Auntie Twilight. She’s opinionated and stubborn and impulsive and rebellious and super smart. And she has a lot of energy to work off, and she tends to destroy stuff when she’s mad. Also she can’t stand being stuck as a little cute pony. She wants to be taken seriously but she’s got to find her own way to it.”

“I’m not like some pretty princess…” Cozy Glow pouted, but her protest was weak.

“And neither am I,” Flurry Heart replied simply. “You said it—I’m a different kind of princess. I’m my own kind of pony. You are too. And I like you.” She loosened her grip a little and held up one of her front hooves to Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow looked at it—she didn’t bump her hoof but she did stay close to Flurry Flurry Heart.

Flurry Heart chuckled. “Just so you know, after all the bedtime stories my mom told me when I was little about defeating Sombra, I always dreamed of getting to fight him. And you tricked him enough to get to punch him in the nose!”

A very small smile started to come to Cozy Glow’s mouth. “Yeah, well… it did feel kind of nice. He was more of a jerk than I thought he would be anyway.” She pouted slightly. “I could have done more if you hadn’t pulled me back.”

Flurry Heart smiled more. “You used the element of surprise to get close to him to get your shot off. That was good. But going up against him full force without a plan after that would only have hurt you and made him stronger. I pulled you back so we could have you available for more attacks against him later. It’s a military strategy. Just like how you have a knack for planning schemes, I have a knack for planning battles. Do you understand?”

Cozy Glow’s brow furrowed in thought but finally she nodded. “I guess.”

“For what it’s worth I was really impressed with your natural instinct at strategizing during the fight,” Flurry Heart added. “No wonder your cutie mark is a chess piece. And you don’t have to give up that natural talent. But I think you might be happier using it in some different ways than expressing anger and taking over the world.”

Cozy Glow sighed. “I’m not a mini you - you know that, right?”

“Of course!” Flurry Heart laughed. “You’re you - but we have a lot in common and I’d like to be friends, and…maybe even a kind of a teacher. One who gets what it’s like to need a different style of learning, or a whole bunch of different styles of learning. And one who wants you to stay because I care about you and you’re worth fighting for.”

That little bit of a smile on Cozy Glow’s face grew slightly, though she blinked a few times and tried to hide it. Flurry Heart’s look warmed.

Eventually they both glanced at Twilight who they realized was looking at them with a warm gaze and an all knowing smile.

Flurry Heart met her gaze and smiled a little more too.

Cozy Glow looked back and for the between them. “What?”

Flurry Heart sighed. “Do you think my mom would go for it?” she asked Twilight.

“Come on, Flurry,” Twilight smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you insist on your mother’s permission before doing something that feels right to you?”

Flurry Heart laughed.

Cozy Glow pouted more. “Can someone tell me what’s going on? I don’t speak ‘subtle looks between princesses.’”

“Sorry.” Flurry Heart looked down at her and released her completely. She smiled at the little pony. “I have an idea for what you could do next when you’re ready. You don’t have to decide now, but…just so you know the option is available, I figured I’d put it out there.”

Cozy Glow wiped the remainder of her tears away and shrugged. “Well, I’m pretty much out of options. I mean, my only marketable skill is the ability to attempt world domination and keep villains from killing each other. And as Twilight said…”

“Neither of those are helpful during this time,” Twilight added.

“Right.” Cozy Glow sighed. “So,” she looked up at Flurry Heart, “what have you got, princess who’s her own kind of pony? I’m listening.”

Flurry Heart clapped her hooves together, her eyes bright. She explained her idea. Twilight smiled more as she did and Cozy Glow actually stopped scowling at the offer, though she did raise an eyebrow fairly high.

Luster Dawn slept lightly and not for too long. But when some extra daylight entering the room hit her eyes and she woke up, she felt so much better in every way. Everyone was safe, she’d talked to her mentor, and she’d taken a small bit of time to take care of herself. Even her dream had been good (not like the stressful ones about disappointing Twilight that she’d had ever since being sent to Ponyville). She’d imagined herself at the Grand Galloping Gala. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were there too, actually enjoying themselves and keeping their fighting down to playful banter. And Luster Dawn had been scared of joining Twilight at the head of the staircase to greet guests. But then Twilight had come down to the main floor and started dancing with her—some crazy set of steps. Twilight had even started a food fight, and everyone laughed and joined in. Then Discord and Luna and Celestia, and Cadance and Flurry were all there too. And even Twilight’s friends and old former students—Yona and Sandbar and the rest. It was fun. Luster Dawn hadn’t had fun in a while.

She smiled and sighed and stretched, then looked around the castle, peaceful without the other inhabitants. And even though she still felt a little hurt by the actions of her three charges over the last day, she was sort of looking forward to hearing their desires for their futures. And she was hoping to start by making it clear that they could all still be friends if those three were willing to try.

Luster Dawn furrowed her brow, feeling like she was missing one final thing that needed to be addressed. Then with a blink it hit her. She still had no idea where she could go to live once she left Twilight’s Ponyville castle. A house in Ponyville felt too obvious and serious, and she didn’t want Twilight to have to purchase one for her since she didn’t have nearly enough bits to buy a place on her own. The Twin Oaks Library where Twilight had originally lived was standing again—rebuilt by some of the Apple Family one year at their reunion when there had just been no space to raise another barn. But the library was more of a museum now with tourists coming in and out—not a place to live. Yona and Sandbar had offered to let her stay with them more than once, but she didn’t want to impose especially since they were planning their wedding and would be away for a while in Yakyakistan during their honeymoon. And Luster Dawn still didn’t feel comfortable staying at the dorms with her classmates. She wanted to ease her way into connecting with friendship and others.

A place just outside of Ponyville might be better, so she could have some privacy but still be close to the school and other ponies of the town. She knew the Apples had a big farm but they also had a big family, and the idea of asking to stay with them and work on the farm was overwhelming. There was Old Maud Pie—the rock expert who lived in some of the caves nearby. But Luster Dawn didn’t want to be underground. She even briefly considered asking to live in a room in the castle right here… but it was too far into the Everfree Forest. And besides, Luster Dawn didn’t want to impose anymore on her mentor’s mentors.

Luster Dawn sighed, looking out the window at the lush forest and Ponyville in the distance. She knew there was a place for her here - she just had to work through the options and figure out what it was. But for the first time, faced with a difficult task without a clear answer, Luster Dawn didn’t feel panicked about wasting hard work to choose wrong and disappointing Twilight. She was just figuring out her life in her own time and way, and she felt proud and okay.

Her only doubt was about Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. She didn’t want to leave them behind if they still wanted to live together with her. Another potential problem… But at least now she knew the best thing would be to handle the situation directly instead of doing whatever was best for them and using her work as a distraction from her own needs.

Luster Dawn felt better at knowing now that Twilight had had her own moments of indecision and doubt and slight panic. Maybe that knowledge should have made her even more nervous, giving her the idea again that she was like a mini Twilight being prepared for an impossibly great destiny. But Luster knew now that her destiny was more her own than the result of anyone else’s desires. And she knew that the uncertainty just meant she was caring and thinking and learning—growing. And that was all Twilight wanted. And Luster Dawn was strangely happy with such an unpredictable new purpose.

She turned and noticed plate of croissants filled with lemon had appeared by her resting place with a note from Discord—something he must have left her with a snap after she dozed off. She took one now and ate it with satisfaction. Lemons felt like sunrise on her tongue and inside. She was happy and in the right place for this moment at least—and she let herself enjoy that fact.

After watching the sun reach high in the sky, she heard a burst of magic behind her letting her know the first group had returned with whatever solutions they had come up with. Luster Dawn took a deep breath, brought her hoof to her chest, then exhaled and moved her hoof forward. She smiled. She could do this. She was ready to embrace what was next in the lives of her and her three unusual friends.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I hope you're all staying safe and doing well :heart:

Thank you for reading/supporting another chapter :yay: I had a good time going into some deeper emotional stuff with this one. And I had fun playing with some shipping stuff with Chrysalis and Twilight and Luna. (Also, yes, one day Chrysalis will be bringing a date to game night at the castle, and you will see all the details, lol). Next time, Luster and the villains have a talk, some big decisions are made about the trio's futures, and we get some fun character cameos :trollestia: The story is wrapping up, but there's still a few chapters left!

Take care, everyone!
