• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 2,208 Views, 111 Comments

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!! - Azure129

Discord, Celestia, and Luna have lived in peace for years. But when Twilight's student-Luster Dawn -'reforms' Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the chaos master and pony sisters end up involved just like the old days (as do many others). Chaos, ho!

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Chapter 4: (Slumber) After Parties

Luster Dawn hung her head as she followed Celestia and Luna past the final door holding one of the villainous trio. Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow (after having their normal amounts of magic restored by the pony sisters to help them recover from the strains of the battle) had each been put up in a simple, well-furnished, comfortable room…that was also thoroughly sealed with wards and spells of restraint. Chrysalis had gone to her room with none of her usual sneering, Tirek had gone to his room with none of his usual disdain, and Cozy Glow had gone to her room with none of her usual whining. None of them had looked at Luster Dawn, and she hadn’t looked at them either. She couldn’t right now: doing so would only bring back her feelings of sadness and shame and failure tenfold.

“Luster Dawn?”

“Pardon, Luster Dawn?”

She just wanted to disappear. She couldn’t face Princess Twilight after all of this.


Luster Dawn blinked and looked up at the sound of both Celestia and Luna saying her name. They were standing before her with looks of concern.

Luna leaned close. “Are you all right, Luster Dawn?”

Luster Dawn wanted very much to smile and assure that she was fine. After all, she barely knew these two majestic ponies, and the idea of burdening them even further seemed unfair. But she didn’t have the heart for the lie. “I…” She blinked a few times and settled on something that felt like it had at least a slim possibility of being true eventually. “I’ll be fine.” Yet tears pricked at the corner of her eyes.

Celestia came forward and gently touched the side of her face with her hoof. “Everything will be okay, Luster Dawn. And I know you don’t know us well, but if you want to talk we’re here for you. Sometimes speaking to someone who you have less of a personal relationship with can be easier.” She cleared her throat and glanced at her sister. “Luna is especially good at helping ponies who feel emotionally overwhelmed.”

Luna blinked as Celestia gave her a look and a small smile. “Oh, er, yes, yes…” A chance to try speaking to an actual student in crisis: Luna took a deep breath and proceeded. “Luster Dawn, please share with us. Keeping all of your emotions bottled up can…have bad consequences for yourself and others. Unburdening yourself is always better.” She saw more tears well up in Luster Dawn’s eyes; for a moment Luna felt overwhelmed at the sight of a nearly-crying young pony. But then she made her gaze and tone gentle. “I promise, whatever upsets you, tis not so bad and it shall pass. Even in the darkest night a full moon rises.”

“I…I let her down. I let them down… I let everyone down.” Luster Dawn closed her eyes and went to run down the hall, but Celestia blocked the way with her wing and looked to the sad mare. “Who did you let down, my little pony?” she asked so gently.

“Princess Twilight. And Tirek and Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. And Equestria,” she finally stammered.

“You have done no such thing,” Luna assured, coming alongside her, her tone serious. “I know what is it to let down Equestria. But…I believe creatures only let down others when they stop trying. Yet I have seen you do nothing but try today, Luster Dawn. You are a strong little pony.”

Luster Dawn’s eyes didn’t fill with more tears to wipe away. She considered Luna’s words. “But even though I tried, I failed.”

Luna shook her head and lowered it to meet Luster Dawn’s gaze. “No. You tried, and there was a result. You must not only think in terms of failure or success. You simply act in the best way you can and something happens, then you respond to those consequences, and from there you grow and learn. There are valuable lessons to be gleaned from any outcome life provides us. There is not just bad or good Luster.”

Celestia nodded and put a hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “My sister is very right. In my life she has taught me that there are not right and wrong ways to do things; just many different ways, all of them valid and meaningful.” She considered. “I think it would be beneficial to have Luna help break down some of your feelings right now, then you’ll see that nothing today has been so horrible.” She glanced to Luna who raised her head and nodded, ready to confidently assist the young pony. “First of all, how do you think you failed those three villains?”

Luster Dawn shrugged and sniffed. “I thought I had reformed them completely but…in the end they went back to hurting others for their own convenience. I failed to teach them friendship.”

“Tis nonsense.” Luna shook her head with a smile. “You did not know those three in the past - the Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow I saw today were civil and sometimes kind and cooperative and seemed calmer, even despite the commotion they caused. Just because they weren’t turned into model citizens doesn’t mean you did not have a deep, good effect on them. Trust me…” Her eyes took on a faraway look and she smiled a little. “The merest attempt at kindness when you’re trying to start over is…a great and meaningful comfort. Twilight Sparkle knows this fact well.”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Speaking of Twilight, Luster Dawn, you also claim you failed her?”

Luster Dawn swallowed and nodded; most of her tears were gone now. “Reforming them was my first assignment. But I couldn’t do it all the way. And also, she…she wanted me to go to Ponyville to make friends, and the only three I made turned out not to be my friends at all.”

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other, an eyebrow raised. Celestia turned to Luster Dawn. “Can you explain, Luster? Are you not getting along with the creatures at the friendship school?”

“No, they’re all nice. And I’m getting to know them slowly.” She shrugged. “It’s just, I haven’t found a deep friendship with any of them yet. But I spent so much time with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow that it felt like we had found a strange friendship.” She almost smiled. “They’d complain and grumble and fuss, but some nights we’d eat dinner together and they would make jokes or tease each other and include me. A lot of times I’d clean up messes they made but a lot of nights if I fell asleep without doing the dishes, I’d wake up and they’d be done. And sometimes they’d get mad and grumble about ‘storming Canterlot’ but they’d listen and calm down when I talked to them.” Her smile went away. “But I haven’t been able to make special friends with the students yet, no.”

Luna smiled at Luster Dawn again. “Luster Dawn, when I first came back from my banishment, I was at a loss for how to make friends. Twilight tried to help, but it took an awful lot of work for me to even feel comfortable around other ponies. And still more time for me to find some deep friendships. Not everyone connects with others at the same pace. You’ve done nothing wrong; you have opened yourself to friendship even if you’re following your own unique path about it, and that is an effort to be celebrated.”

Celestia gave Luna a hug then nodded to Luster Dawn. “And I went a thousand years without a deep friendship once.” When Luster Dawn’s eyes widened, Celestia explained. “After starting to rule alone, I had doubts about connecting with others, and others seemed to shy away from me because of my royal position. Until I took Twilight as my student and got to know her friends, I was very disconnected from friendship myself. But I had my own path to follow too.”

Luster looked from one to the other. “Really?”

Both sisters nodded.

Celestia took a breath. “Now that leaves one other matter. How do you feel you’ve failed Equestria?”

Luster Dawn blushed and looked down. “It’s…silly. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“You said it because the thought was important to you,” Luna prompted. “And if it’s important to you, then it’s not silly.”

Luster Dawn sat and wrapped her tail around her legs. “If I tell you, will you not tell Princess Twilight?”

The sisters hesitated but then nodded to Luster.

“As long as no one is in danger, of course, you have our words,” Celestia replied, and both sisters bowed their heads.

Luster Dawn swallowed. “I…I think Twilight wanted me to reform those three and to go to Ponyville and to be excellent at friendship because…because she thinks I—“

“Luster Dawn?”

Luster Dawn’s eyes widened and she turned to see Twilight coming up the hall. The princess of friendship smiled. “There you are.” She looked to Celestia and Luna. “Are those three taken care of for now?”

“Yes, Twilight,” Celestia assured with a nod. “They’re all in their own rooms and safely sealed away. Your usual room is ready as well.”

Luna’s focus stayed on Luster Dawn as Celestia talked to Twilight. The little pony was frowning, her head hung low again and her gaze didn’t venture to Twilight at all..

“Perfect. Thank you both.” Twilight nodded her head then looked to her student. “Luster, I know today was a little overwhelming. If you’d like, you can spend the night with me in my room. It’s pretty big; I could easily add another bed.”

Luster Dawn put on the best smile she could manage and looked up. “Thank you, Princess Twilight. But I don’t want to bother you. I’d just like to be alone and go to sleep.” She glanced at the sun and moon pony. “Is there a room I could have?”

Luna stepped forward and nodded. “Of course. Come with me, Luster.” She led the little pony down the hall.

“Goodnight, Luster,” Twilight waved. But once Luster Dawn was out of sight she turned to her mentor with a frown and sighed. “I already asked Discord, but just to be sure, am I doing this right, Celestia?”

Celestia nodded to her former student. “Of course. But it’s new for you, and new things are not always easy.” Celestia hesitated then softened her voice. “You are a wonderful teacher and princess, Twilight. But…if you would like any advice—“

“Please.” Twilight’s wide eyes met hers and she moved forward.

Celestia tried not to smile too much at the familiar moment of eagerness from her former faithful student. “Open up to your student. I think she’s a bit overwhelmed and confused. I know I took more of a ‘hooves off’ approach with you but…that’s my style and that’s because I felt it’s what you needed. Luster Dawn may be different. I think she needs to talk and often, at least for now.”

Twilight half smiled. “But not by swooping down from the clouds and demanding she meet me in the library right?”

Celestia rolled her eyes and chuckled. “No, there’s no need for such dramatics. Luster didn’t put all of Ponyville through a rampage, after all, just our living room for a couple hours. Besides, I think she’d benefit more from a gentler conversation. She seems to have a lot on her mind.”

Twilight nodded. “Okay. Thank you, Celestia.” She shared a hug with her mentor.

When Twilight pulled back she rubbed her neck. “And are you sure we’re not imposing staying tonight and for breakfast tomorrow?”

Celestia’s eyes sparkled and her smile grew. “Not at all. In fact, the castle is rarely this lively for this long. I love having everyone here and seeing the interactions and dramatic moments and new relationships. We’ve never had such a fun party.”

Twilight sighed and shook her head with a smile. “I knew you loved a good unpredictable party ever since that Gala where Discord brought Smooze and you admitted you invited him just to liven things up.”

“That and I wanted to see him in another cute tuxedo.” Celestia admitted, her eyes hazed. “I was just disappointed his invitation arrived so late. If he’d had more time, and hadn’t actually convinced himself that I’d snubbed him after our first gala, we could have gone together again that year. But then we would have missed out on the fun of Smooze I suppose.”

Twilight blushed a little but had to laugh. “I’ll see you in the morning, Celestia. Thanks for your advice.”

“Any time, my faithful former student.” Celestia winked.

The two ponies bowed heads to each other then departed for their rooms.

Luna walked with Luster Dawn until they reached a door. Luna opened it with her magic. “Here you are, Luster. It’s a smaller room than the others, but I thought something cozier might make you feel better. Also it gives a lovely view of the moon, and I’ve always found the sight helpful when in distress. A big light in the dark.”

Luster Dawn smiled to her. “Thank you, Luna. It’s beautiful.”

Luna hesitated but then forced herself to continue, her tone gentle, “Luster…if you do not wish to share with me, that’s okay. But…if you’d like to finish whatever you were going to say before Twilight arrived, about failing Equestria, I am here to listen. And I will not tell her.”

Luster Dawn hesitated. Her voice was soft. “You might think it’s crazy. Or arrogant. Or impossible.”

“I assure you, I will not,” Luna’s gaze softened.

Luster Dawn took a breath and explained to Luna why exactly she felt she had failed Equestria. When she was done, Luna understood but did not feel like the right pony to make any firm assurances about whether Luster Dawn’s suspicion about a certain motive of Twilight’s was correct or not. All she could assure her was that no matter what, not perfectly succeeding at all of Twilight’s expectations did not mean she had disappointed a nation. And, as a private citizen herself these days, Luna was proud to have a pony as admirable and caring and understanding as Luster Dawn contributing to their lovely land.

Luster Dawn actually went to bed with a small smile.

Cadance and Flurry Heart had just settled into their room for the evening. It was the room Flurry Heart always stayed in during visits ever since she had been a filly: a large space at the top of a tall tower with a big window overlooking the forest.

Flurry Heart sat at the window gazing at the forest now. Part of her wanted to jump off the ledge for a flight in the night air, darting over treetops, busting clouds under moonlight, maybe subduing a stray manticore; her head free and clear, everything simple.

But she couldn’t leave. There were prisoners to consider. And she wanted to stay close to her mother who had been through so much today and fought at a level Flurry Heart had never seen from her before. And also Flurry Heart felt strange—like she was herself but not herself—and the feeling was too unsettling to let her enjoy a flight.

The Princess of Protection.

The words felt so right—her magic raced at the them.

“Flurry? Is something on your mind?”

Flurry Heart blinked and glanced at Cadance who was seated on their large bed. Even after a harrowing day, her mother still had her hair perfectly set in curlers and her coat brushed and her feathers preened. She really did look like a princess all the time. Flurry Heart imagined herself right now, stray curls everywhere, feathers ruffled, coat windblown. Even after a hot bath, it always took her days to shed the obvious signs of battle (and those had always been just training battles - not a real one like today). Once more she felt like less of a princess than the other princesses, even though today she should have had the least reason to feel that way. But still, everything around her seemed big and she seemed so very small.

“What do I do now?” Flurry Heart asked. Then she realized there were tears in her eyes, just at the edges. And she felt her lower lip wobble a little. She hated that it still wobbled when she was upset, just like when she was a baby.

Cadance came over to her instantly and wrapped a foreleg over her shoulders. “My Flurry, shh… all you have to do now is get into bed and have a good night’s sleep. Everything’s fine.”

Flurry Heart nuzzled her mother but then pulled back. “No, I mean… I know the danger’s past, I just… I’ve never been in a real battle. That was… fighting them wasn’t scary, but worrying about the creatures I love getting hurt was. And it feels like there should be more to do but there’s…there’s just going to sleep like it’s any other night.”

Cadance looked into her daughter’s eyes. “I understand. Saving Equestria can be… overwhelming.” She almost smiled. “Or, maybe I don’t understand exactly. Celestia, Luna, and I always relished a fight. And we did some of our best work ruling right afterwards. Twilight is the only one of us who saw battles less as opportunities and more as unwanted problems to get through. She was always less ecstatic when battles ended and more relieved and ready to return to peace.”

Flurry Heart raised an eyebrow. “You relish battles?”

Cadance blushed a little and shrugged. “Ruling the Empire is wonderful - it’s a peaceful, kind, secluded place. And I appreciate and enjoy my duties each day as princess and wife and mother. But a chance for adventure and a fight and to prove myself…” Her eyes glistened with pride and eagerness. “I savor each one!”

Flurry Heart still looked at her mother with such confusion.

Cadance laughed. “Ask Uncle Discord - mention blue flu, he should be able to explain a lot.”

Flurry Heart almost laughed too. But then she blinked a few times and looked down. “Does…Does being upset right now mean that I’m not a good soldier when it counts?”

“It means that you were fortunate to grow up in era of peace.” Cadance had tears at the corners of her eyes now. “An era I fought to give you because I love you so much. You’ve just had a new experience - anypony would be overwhelmed by a new experience. But it’s okay to never be ready for a victory parade after one of these fights. You have a solemn appreciation for the risks, Flurry Heart, and your father will be proud to know our Captain of the Guard demonstrates such a quality.”

Flurry Heart smiled again and wiped away the few tears remaining. She shuffled on her hooves. “Hey, Mom? For what it’s worth…you were pretty cool during the fight.”

Cadance’s eyes widened with such joy. “I…was cool? Really?”

Flurry Heart nodded. “Yeah! I never saw you use your magic like that! And your strategies were impressive! And you kept such a cool head! You even used dark magic against itself.” She bit her lip “Maybe when we get back home you could teach me some of those things one day? Or at least talk to me about them?”

Cadance nodded with a warm, wise smile. “I’d like that, Flurry Heart.”

Flurry Heart smiled too. Then she pursed her lips and swished her tail.

Cadance knew that look - it meant her daughter had something to add. Cadance waited patiently..

Finally Flurry Heart sighed and added softly, “Maybe, before we go to sleep, we could talk about some princess stuff too now? Because I don’t know what to do next about that either…” She looked down, brow furrowed in thought.

Cadance walked back over to the bad, sat on the edge, and patted the spot next to her.

Flurry Heart came over and sat beside her.

“What do you want to know?”

Flurry Heart’s eyes met her mothers. “Am I a real princess now?”

Cadance tilted her head.

Flurry Heart blushed. “What I mean is…I mean… I know it’s weird that I got born an alicorn…”

“Not weird.” Cadance placed a hoof on her daughter’s face and looked her in the eye. “Unexpected, yes, but not weird. Your Auntie Celestia and Luna were born alicorns after all. And you’ve been a real princess from the first time I laid eyes on you in our crystal castle.”

“I know about Auntie Celestia and Luna, and I know I got the princess title by being born to you. But it’s different…” She sighed and looked out the window. “You and Auntie Twilight had to earn your wings - prove yourselves in a special way. And Auntie Celestia and Luna were born alicorns but they had to prove themselves in a special way to earn their titles. I just…got born into everything. So between that and…getting seen as ‘the baby one’… I’ve never felt like I was really a princess.”

“Flurry Heart, of course you’re not a baby…”

“But that’s how it feels!” Flurry turned back to her mom. “I’m younger than all of you, I’m shorter than all of you, all of you have known me since I was a baby, and sometimes that’s how you treat me. You laugh at serious things I say or tease me about stuff I did as a filly or don’t include me in serious talks. But I’m not a foal anymore. Everything I do isn’t ‘cute’. And I want to be treated like a grown mare. Uncle Discord does it and Uncle Thorax and Uncle Sunburst and Auntie Starlight and even dad most of the time. I feel like an adult with them. But with you and the other princesses, sometimes I feel like I’m fighting to belong.”

Flurry Heart was panting now - all of those built up insecurities suddenly tumbling out of her for her mother to hear was a lot to process. And then she added, as long as the truth was coming out anyway, “But maybe I am just the baby because I’m not sure if I’ll ever be as great as the four of you.”

Cadance had a tear falling from each eye. “Flurry Heart, I didn’t realize… I… and you grew up so fast… But we don’t mean to… But please don’t ever say that, you’re greater than you know already!” Cadance dove at her daughter in a big, tight hug.

“Mom?” Flurry Heart blinked, some tears in her eyes again.

Cadance held her daughter more tightly. “You are the only one of us that grew up bearing the responsibilities of leadership from birth. You combine compassion and strength into a beautiful power I’d never even imagined before. You are your own mare, and you face any doubts head on and you voice your opinions on everything that matters to you. Do you know how many lessons your Aunties and I had to go through to learn to do even that? I think you were born an alicorn because your magic knew you were ready from your first day of life to learn to fight for creatures. And I think you were born a princess because fate knew you were ready to guide others from your first day of life as well.” She squeezed her daughter more.

“Mom!” Flurry Heart choked out. “I love you, but can you let me go while we finish this talk? I can’t breathe?”

“Oh!” Cadance let her daughter go. “Sorry - I don’t tap into the alicorn strength much, but when I do I get carried away.” She laughed, brushing her hoof through some off her daughter’s curls.

Flurry Heart caught her breath. She was smiling again. “Do you really think all of that stuff about me, mom?”

Cadance nodded. “And I’m sorry if we treat you like ‘the baby’ without thinking. I’ll talk to the others and we’ll try to be more mindful. Because you’re right: however fondly we remember your childhood, you are not the baby. You are a grown mare and our equal.”

“Equal? But I…” A fellow princess was one thing, but Flurry Heart had always thought of herself as their last line of defense.

“You have come into your own as the Princess of Protection,” Cadance assured. “You have found your destiny, and it’s one just as valid as the sun or moon or friendship or love. I know finding it is a weighty burden. But I know it’s also a joy figuring out that one thing that’s right for you and finding your own best way to express it. You’ll learn how to wield your new power one day at a time. And we’ll all be here if you need us - as your equals, like I said.”

Flurry Heart smiled very much. “Thank you, mom.” She gave her mother a quick hug then pulled back. “Is it okay if I wait and tell Dad what happened to me when we get back instead of sending him a letter? I’d kind of like to be together when he finds out.”

“Of course.” Cadance nodded. “But first, sleep.” She pulled back the blankets. “And this is not me babying you. Battles are exhausting, and alicorn magic needs plenty of rest to recharge. And we still have those three lingering in the castle for the rest of the night.”

Flurry Heart hesitated. “Do you think they might try something? Maybe I should check…”

Cadance shook her head with a small smile as she climbed into bed. “No, they won’t. I could feel it in their magic. Their hearts actually felt bad about what they’d done. Though I could still see them getting into some kind of shenanigan or other before sunrise…” She yawned. “So we’d better rest while we can.”

“But Cozy Glow… she didn’t seem okay.” Flurry Heart frowned. “In a lot of ways…”

Cadance considered. “Cozy Glow does feel like the one with the least love in her heart. But I think she learned something today. And now we could all use a good night’s sleep to let it settle in.” She rested her head against her pillow and smiled at her daughter.

Flurry Heart managed a small smile in return then crawled into her side of the bed. She yawned as soon as her head hit the pillow. Cadance’s magic dimmed the lights but the love princess could still see by some candlelight that her daughter was biting her lip again. He blue eyes were wide in the dark.

“Hey mom?” Flurry Heart finally whispered.

“Yes?”” Cadance magically made a candle on the nightstand glow. She saw with interest that her daughter was blushing a little.

“And long as we’re talking…”


“So… I know the empire is supposed to stay in our family because we’re the rulers. And now on top of getting coronated in the winter I’m also the Princess of Protection, so that responsibility is going to be mine really soon in a big way. But…what if I, um… don’t want to get married and have a foal to take over for me?”

Cadance raised an eyebrow.

Flurry Heart quickly went on. “It’s just… love is really mushy to me, and…I thought I’d grow out of feeling that way but I didn’t.” She wrinkled her nose. “I know I’m the daughter of the princess of love but I don’t feel to close to the romantic kind of love. And I think it’s really cool that you got married and had a baby, but I can’t imagine myself doing that. Like ever.”

Cadance lowered her eyebrow. “Auntie Luna chose to never marry or have foals, and Auntie Twilight never expressed an interest in either activity. Why wouldn’t it be okay for you too?”

Flurry Heart swallowed. “Because we’re…not quite like them. We don’t necessarily get a thousand years to decide what to do about who’s in charge…”

Cadance took a breath. “Listen to me, Flurry Heart…” She moved closer. “You and I and all of our family will be around for a long time to tend to the empire - longer than most ponies even if it won’t be forever. But regardless, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do for the empire. I married your father because I fell in love with him. And we had you because we wanted to. You’ll make your own choices. Besides, you know there’s always Auntie Celestia’s method of finding an heir…” She smiled. “You’re a smart mare, and you’d make a lovely mentor one day if you’d like, Flurry Heart. I’m sure you’d find a good pony to take care of the empire whether you chose to start doing it now or decades from now or longer.”

Flurry Heart let out a very deep breath, finally smiling again. “Thanks! I feel better - a lot better. I knew you’d understand but I was still worried but… I’m really glad.” She cuddled close to her mother in a way she hadn’t done in many years. “I like talking to you, mom.”

Cadance cuddled close to her daughter in return. “Of course I understand. I like talking to you too. I like getting to know my grown up Flurry Heart.”

Flurry Heart smiled, her eyes growing heavy. “Mom…will you tell me a story before bed?”

Cadance dimmed the candle by their bedside and stroked her daughter’s mane. “Of course? Any one in particular?”

“The one about how I destroyed the Crystal Heart as a baby by crying - I like that one. I sound like the strongest baby ever in it.” She chuckled.

Cadance laughed softly too. “Okay. So on the day of your Crystalling, there was a lot to do, my Flurry Girl…and a lot you were going to do - and we weren’t prepared for any of it…

Cadance continued her story, and gradually both princesses fell asleep.

Tirek and Chrysalis were safely locked away in their rooms, but neither one of them slept. They lay on their beds, puzzling, fuming, lamenting, pondering, and eventually just staring out the window, not tired and waiting only for dawn to come.

Something else came first though: a soft knock on each of their doors. Then the doors opened slightly.

Curious, each of them got up, slowly approached their doors, then opened them all the way.

Tirek and Chrysalis saw each other and blinked in surprise then looked forward…then down.

Their jaws fell open a little at the extra surprise of Cozy Glow sitting on the floor, looking down with a scowl and a pout.

There was silence at first. Then finally Chrysalis took a breath and rubbed her temple. “I’m not sure I want to know the answer to this but…how could you possibly have gotten out of your room?”

“And I might regret bringing up the subject,” Tirek continued, arms crossed, “but if you came to us to pull off some last minute evil scheme in the dead of night, our answer is no. You’re on your own.”

“I know.”

There was silence again following these two small words from Cozy Glow.

The little pony sighed and stood up, though her gaze remained forward and down and angry. “The spells on the windows just keep creatures who wield magic from passing through. I’m just a pegasus. As long as I didn’t fly it didn’t affect me. I climbed up the trellis to the next window, broke in, and came down here to your doors. The spells locks on them make it so a creature can only leave if another creature is waiting for them on the other side.” Her scowl deepened as she went on—she hid some tears that might have been developing at the corners of her eyes. “And this isn’t about a scheme. I was the evil one in what happened today, not you, so they shouldn’t get to punish you. You should go—now. That way. And I’ll go this way. Goodbye forever.” Then she turned and walked down the hall to a window. She pushed it open.

Chrysalis and Tirek looked at each other in utter confusion then dashed over to her and got in between her and the window.

“Cozy Glow, what kind of game is this?” Chrysalis asked dryly.

“Is this some kind of ridiculous redemption plan for yourself?” Tirek rolled his eyes. “What, we try to leave, you wake up the princesses and pretend to capture us, and suddenly you escape punishment?”

“If that was my plan, why would I be running away too?” Cozy Glow stepped past them, but Tirek and Chrysalis came closer to block her again.

Chrysalis shook her head. "But this doesn’t make any sense? Why wouldn’t we all escape together?”

“You don’t need me!” Cozy Glow shot back, her eyes finally meeting theirs. “So go…and do whatever you want. I’ll be fine on my own.”

Tirek frowned a little. “Are you…trying to apologize or something? Is this some kind of gesture?”

“It’s me finally going out on my own, which is where I belonged all along.” She turned away. “Stop being stubborn and suspicious and clueless, and just leave!”

Chrysalis scowled. “You can’t just tell us what to do—“

“I’m not!” Cozy Glow turned back to her and flew up into both of their faces, her voice a hiss. “I opened your doors, I gave you a chance, and now getting out of here myself. If you don’t want to take your freedom, it doesn’t bother me. We’re done.” She wiped at her eyes quickly then flew over their heads and out the window. She slammed it closed behind her before disappearing into the darkness.

Tirek and Chrysalis just stood there for a moment. Then they both sighed deeply and sat down on the floor.

Chrysalis sneered. “If I’d wanted to deal with impossible children, I’d have reared the grubs myself instead of forcing them off on the lesser drones when I was still running the hive…”

Tirek clenched his fists. “I’d have just had my own children and actually enforced some discipline. Who does that little one think she is? She the rudest villain I’ve ever met.”

Chrysalis pouted and considered. “Well, we can’t force her to come with us….”

Tirek shrugged. “I mean, technically we could go out there, capture her, and drag her kicking and screaming. We’re bigger than her.”

Chrysalis gave him a dry look. “Do you really want to deal with a giant tantrum like that? Besides, the first chance she got she’d just do whatever she wanted like usual. Only this time she’d know where we were going and she might rat us out.”

“So…we have a place we’re going?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m all for getting out of here but…what places do we have left at this point?”

“We could…find something. It’s been a while since we were around, new potential fortresses are bound to have shown up.”

“I suppose you’re right."

They were both quiet again. And neither of them made the move to go.

“You know…” Tirek started carefully, “Cozy Glow was technically right. You and I didn’t do anything—we had plans to do something with some somewhat decent intentions but we never acted.”

“What’s your point?” Chrysalis asked hesitantly.

He considered. "Well, they really shouldn’t be punishing us - and even if they decide to, at the most it would be some weak, silly punishment for show. So we're not in much danger whether we escape or get caught. Cozy Glow on, the other hoof, is in danger. And if we can’t make her come with us, perhaps we could offer some persuasion about what kind of punishment she gets in the event she’s caught. A scroll, possibly, outlining our ideas so we don’t have to risk any messy confrontations.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened a little. “So, what you’er suggesting is…we perhaps take a small detour before we depart. Write a farewell to have the last word and also to point out how undeserving we are of punishment, in a legal sense. And to point out that if certain pony princesses think they’re so noble, they shouldn’t relish inflicting too harsh a punishment on a frustrated filly.”

“Yes.” Tirek grinned. “Really, it’s an opportunity to rub in the princesses faces how easily unjust their laws can become and to prove we’re better than their vengefulness disguised as nobility.”

“I suppose we’d be foolish not to take the opportunity. And, well…” she cleared her throat, pouting, “Cozy Glow has rendered us a service here freeing us. Rendering her a slight service in return would make sure we leave each other on equal terms and not in each other’s debt.”

Tirek shrugged and stood. “We just need a scroll and a quill, a good place to put it so they’ll all see it in the morning, and a clear path to the exit.”

“It won’t take much time at all.” Chrysalis stood as well. “And I’m not the least bit tired anyway.”

They nodded to each other then started to head down the hall. They glanced around.

Tirek tilted his head. “How hard do you think it’ll be to find someone’s study or the library for a scroll and quill? And then to find the exit?”

“Please, it's a castle. We’ll just keep heading downwards until we find what we want. If worse comes to worse, I’ll turn into a squid and we’ll write our message in ink on the front door before we leave.”

“But…didn’t Discord mention this place had some odd booby traps and strange construction?”

“Please—if I could find my way through the labyrinth of the hive, I can navigate the pony sisters little fun house tricks.”

It was at that point that Chrysalis stepped on a raised stone tile on the floor, which promptly opened the floor beneath their hooves to a curling slide running down into the castle’s next level.

Thankfully their loud yells of surprise were mostly drowned out as the floor quickly moved back into place over them.

Celestia and Discord were in Celestia’s room, getting ready for bed. They had been in here ever since the tea party had ended - and Celestia had been clinging to Discord the entire time. When he sat on the bed for a moment to rest, she was right beside him; when he snapped up his washroom to clean up, Celestia created one of her own and cleaned up right next to him; when he grabbed his chaos textbook to finish some notes for the newest edition, she had her head resting on his shoulder.

Discord hadn’t said anything yet - her actions were adorable after all, and also he was wondering how long she might keep this up.

Now was at her vanity to brush her mane. Normally Discord might perch on a cloud watching her manage those beautiful rainbow tresses he liked, but tonight she sat him hip to hip with her on her cushioned bench. He couldn’t help smiling as he observed her.

Since Celestia was looking into her mirror while she brushed her mane, she noticed his grin in her direction. She cleared her throat and smiled a little sheepishly. “Is something funny, Discord?”

“No, nothing at all.” Yet he kept holding back a chuckle.

Celestia turned to him - for a moment Discord considered prompting her about their attachment at the hip when she suddenly came even closer. She used her magic to pick up a comb and bring it through his mane. Then she used a rag to polish one of his horns that had been scuffed while stone. Then she glanced over his shoulder. “Oh, you have a loose feather on your wing! I’ll get it!” She leaned over and gently preened the feather free with her teeth then pulled back to look at him with a smile again.

Discord finally sighed and put his hands on her shoulders. “Celestia, you do know I’m okay, right?”

She blushed slightly but put on a bigger smile and waved him off with her hoof. “Oh, of course I know that.” She magically picked up her brush again and tended to her mane a little more fervently. “You’re right here with me, after all, just like your usual self.”

Discord sighed and wound his tail through hers, brushing the curls with his tuft. “But I wasn’t okay for a little while. We can talk about it. I know getting left alone by me or Luna…upsets you.”

Celestia brushed even faster, her eyes down. “No, no, not upset! I was just worried, but now I’m not, and I’m grateful to have you back, and—“

She stopped talking as Discord took the brush from her magic and set it down. He looked into her eyes with a reassuring smile. “And I’m grateful to be back, Tia. And if you need to be very close to me for now to express your gratitude, it’s fine. All you had to do was ask.” He nuzzled her head. “I understand how you feel. For example, while I was stone, you had to fight Sombra and Cozy Glow on your own: you princesses are good, but anything could have happened. I don’t like the idea. But I do think a good, close nuzzle would make me feel better.”

Celestia nuzzled his head in return. They looked at each other again. Celestia’s smile softened. “No one’s come along in a while who could hurt any of us. I was scared when you turned to stone, and very scared when I realized I didn’t know where you were.”

“When I stopped being stone and realized I wasn’t with you anymore, I was pretty scared too.” He grinned. “You know how partial to you I am, after all.” He tapped her horn.

Celestia blushed. “Did I really dive on you and kiss you in front of everyone once you were back?”

Discord smirked. “Yes, you absolutely mauled me in front of most of Equestria’s royalty, three prisoners, and Twilight’s new student.”

Celestia rolled her eyes and nudged him. “Well, at least it made Tirek believe we’re married.”

“And Chrysalis was weak so she didn’t lose control and suck out our love - another bonus.”

They shared a laugh then pulled back a little to sit more comfortably on the bench. Discord twirled a piece of her mane around a finger of his claw. “So, would you like to sit in my lap during breakfast or…”

“In the interest of not ‘torturing’ Cozy Glow too much with the sight, I think I’ll just sit next to you in my own chair.” Celestia closed her eyes and her ears flicked - she liked when he touched her hair like this.

“Very well.” Discord sighed. “And I’ll keep my flirting down to a minimum while they’re here… even if tomorrow is a special day…” he added lightly, grinning even more as he released the curl of rainbow hair.

Celestia opened her eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s the second time you’ve made a comment about tomorrow. What’s going on, Discord?”

He sighed and crossed his arms. “You really don’t know, do you?”

“I know you’ve been acting all secretive and brooding lately…” she countered, her eyes hazed.

Discord blushed and glanced to the side. “That—well, that’s about something else. Though I was going to bring it up tomorrow, considering… But tomorrow is about something entirely different and special all on its own.”

Celestia stared him down for a moment then sighed. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

“Don’t be silly. I’ll tell you tomorrow—everything.” He winked.

She laughed. “All right, all right. I knew I was in for a little mystery when I married chaos.”

“And as my mistress of chaos, I know you love every minute of it.” He held his head high.

Celestia giggled. Then she blushed a little and considered. She stood and walked over to the balcony. “Discord? I think I’ll look at the moon before bed. Would you join me?”

Discord yawned and stretched, floating up. “Darling, you know I usually would but I’m pretty tired after today. And I think you should get some sleep too after that battle you fought in.” He frowned a little in concern.

Her smile grew. “I promise I’ll rest and relax tonight. But I’d like some fresh air first.”

“Well…” he smiled again, “as long as you promise. Besides, I can never fall asleep without you in bed with me anyway.”

Celestia walked over to the balcony, opened the window doors, and stepped out, Discord following behind her.

Discord landed and glanced up at the moon. “Okay, this was a good idea—the night air feels amazing after being in stone and in the catacombs. Plus, look at that sky. Twilight really learned how to do a beautiful job with the sun and moon from you and Luna…”

Celestia was close beside him again—Discord smiled at more of her cute clinginess. “You know,” he went on, placing a hand on her shoulder, “after everyone’s gone tomorrow maybe you and I could take a walk in the forest and have a picnic? Something special…”

“I’d like that.” She moved under the touch of his paw. “Or we could do something special right now…” she whispered near his head in a playful tone that made Discord’s ears perk up. Before he could respond, she put her hooves on his shoulders and brought her mouth to his in a kiss.

Discord caught her around the waist and found himself leaning back against the balcony railing. He pulled back for a moment. “Celestia, what—“

Before his mouth could close, she kissed him again - deepening the action, tilting her head, bringing her heart against his. Discord growled at the back of his throat and closed his eyes, fingertips pressing agains the soft bases of her wings as they spread more behind her.

She pulled back after a moment, breathing heavily. “I relax best when I’m with you, Discord. And I’m the best at relaxing you. And I don’t care if you were stone for only an hour, I missed you…very much.” She drifted one hoof down his strong side.

Discord was breathless and flushed at the glint of mischievousness in her hazed eyes. He smirked a little but then got himself under control. “Darling—Tia—okay, so, you know I love ‘the necking option’ and you know I love you. And you know I adore when you’re spontaneous.”

She grinned. “And you know I adore when you’re shy, my Discord.”

Discord chuckled. “Sunshine, focus, please. This is delightful, but I…” He blushed more. “I’m not comfortable right now - don’t forget, we still have a starved changeling on the premises who is obsessed with hunting down and eating love.” He rolled his eyes. “You remember on our first date when we just held each other and it woke up the whole hive? An emotional audience for handholding and flirting and little pecks is one thing, but an emotional audience for stuff that makes us weak in the knees is another.” One corner of his mouth turned up. “Necking definitely usually falls under that category…”

Celestia’s smile grew, her gaze warm and caring. “That’s why I brought us out onto the balcony. If we’re not inside, maybe she can’t sense anything.” She brought her hoof to the center of his chest, over his heart, voice sincere. “And I really am relieved that you’re safe; that everyone’s safe. It’s been a while since I helped save the day or even since there was a day to save. Being close to you at the end of it all feels good.”

Discord’s nervousness melted a little at the sweet words. “Well, I agree that being together at the end of today or any day in fact feels good.” He touched her hoof against his chest, fingers dancing over the end of her delicate leg. “And… since we’re technically outside and in another wing of the castle, perhaps just a little romance really might go unnoticed. Very clever, by the way.” He snapped up a red rose and tucked it behind her ear, tucking back a piece of her hair so he could see both of her eyes. “And I did say that you could be as close to me as you wanted to help you feel better…”

Celestia’s eyes brightened. Then she moved her head beside his and whispered coyly into his ear. “Or…we could be extra careful and extra close and go out—maybe to our cabin by the lake in the forest.” From the corner of her eye she saw one of his eyebrows lift. Celestia’s heart fluttered—and feeling it flutter against his in his chest was so reassuring. She continued, bold and happy. “No one would notice if we snuck away. And you’re so warm and strong and fun when you’re real and not stone. We could spend the night reassuring us both that every piece of you is back to normal. We’ll start with your ear and work our way down…” She nipped his ear.

Discord fell back against the balcony railing, absolutely pink and wide eyed; Celestia ended up on top of him. She sighed, her voice still a playful whisper. "You seem surprised that your wife is seducing you, Discord.” She raised an eyebrow playfully.

Discord was trying to contain himself again, but his little wings fluttered and his tail swished; Celestia giggled at the sight. He finally took a very deep breath then put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m not surprised. It’s just…Celestia, I know you’re very relieved that we’re safe and sound. But you’re the one who was in a battle—you do need rest. And I…I know those three shouldn’t be able to escape and I know they have almost no way left of trying anything, but I want to be here and sensing magic just in case.” He blushed deeply. “I’d be too distracted if we snuck off together for…especially since I like to put all of my attention on you when… and then we always get carried away until all hours… We really shouldn’t.” Yet he pouted and sighed deeply, gazing into her lovely purple eyes. “Why are you so radiant in moonlight? You’re the princess of the day—it doesn’t make any sense. And it not making sense makes me want you all the more.”

Celestia’s wings had relaxed a little. She smiled. “I just happen to become radiant when I’m around you, and I just happen to be in moonlight, that’s all.” She winked. And then she sighed too. “But now that you mention it, maybe I would be a little distracted too, thinking of everyone…worrying.” She glanced back at the castle.

Discord cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly. “So…bedtime now for sleep instead of for fun?”

She nodded and turned to him again. “You’ve been very persuasive. And maybe I was being a little overly impulsive after all the rush of the battle.”

“Hey, overly impulsive you is a treasure, my lady,” Discord assured. He held up his fingers and snapped up a fresh chocolate milk for himself. “A double for you?”

“Please,” she replied with an emphatic nod. “Ice cold.”

He snapped up her order and they both drank deeply (Discord still amazed at Celestia's ability to drain two chocolate milks before he could finish one).

He snapped the glasses away once they were finished then held his tail in his hands. “You okay now?”

She smiled. “Better. And very proud of you for wanting to care for everyone. You know I love when you’re nurturing.” She held out her hoof and helped him to stand. “Besides, we have our whole lives together; a delay of a day isn’t so much to ask…” She kissed his cheek and pulled back. “It is just a day, right?” She asked, swallowing and blushing, her tail lightly swishing behind her.

Discord’s grin picked up on one side. He stood tall against the moonlight, his wings framing him, and looked down into her eyes. The fur of his chest even seemed to puff up a little. Celestia felt her heart race as he leaned down, cupped her head and mane in both his hands, parted her lips with a brush of his fang, and kissed her with that serpentine tongue of his. He lingered with her for a few moments, and by the end he was the main thing holding her steady.

Discord pulled back and released her with a smirk. “No more than a day. Believe me, I couldn’t handle anything longer myself at this point. You know what your flirtations do to me…”

Flushed, Celestia caught her breath then finally tried to speak again.

Discord had already snapped his fingers to make another ice cold chocolate milk appear. “I know, I know - a third please. I just have that effect on you.” He chuckled.

Celestia drank the chocolate milk and blushed as she regained herself, smiling sheepishly. “It's not all you… You know part of it’s my solar magic. I run a little warmer than most ponies.”

"One of these days I’m determined to make steam come out of your ears.”

Chocolate milk almost came out of her nose at that statement, she laughed so much. She finished her glass and turned to head inside. “Why don’t we make a date together for tomorrow night then? You know, after you tell me what’s so special about tomorrow and also what’s been on your mind lately.”

“Wild flying pigs couldn’t stop me.” He winked, following her. Then Discord strode to their bed and crawled into his side. “By the way, I’m very open to cuddles while we fall asleep so you can stay as close to me as you like. But do try to control yourself, Tia.”

She teleported into the bed on her side by the window and tossed a throw pillow at him. “Your ego will take years to go down after this, I know it…” She magically placed her rose in a vase on her nightstand then snuggled up near him, letting hooves and hands touch.

“True.” He snuggled close too and let their tails entwine under the covers. “But I’ll try not to let it get in the way of our blissful matrimony.”

She chuckled, a yawn escaped her. “I love you, Discord.”

He blinked a few times, eyes sleepy. “I love you too, Celestia.” Discord swallowed then squeezed her hoof. “And I love our life.”

Celestia touched her other hoof to the back of his hand, feeling so peaceful. “Of course…”

They settled in with smiles and closed their eyes. “Goodnight,” they said together.

The pair drifted off.

Luna always had trouble sleeping in a home holding a restless sleeper. Bits of their troubled dreams would enter her mind and keep her from slumbering safe in her own dreams. Not that such a situation had come up often in her life since she tended to stay up most nights and just take long naps throughout the day, even in retirement. But sometimes her sleeping patterns overlapped with others, and that was the case tonight after a battle for the fate of Equestria.

Luna had been expecting a few restless thoughts from the villains currently detained in their castle and was prepared to detach from them in her exhaustion. But something larger kept Luna awake at the moment—the familiar restlessness of a dear friend. She wondered if she should go to Twilight’s room.

But then the soft sound of a wing flap and hooves landing on her balcony let Luna know that Twilight had already come to her.

From her bed, Luna could see the shadow of Twilight pace by once on the balcony. Luna smiled a little—even after all these years Twilight still hesitated at the possibility of any rudeness, though the two of them specifically had rooms next to each other and even balconies side by side to make nightly teas and talks more convenient during Twilight’s visits.

Luna rose, walked over to her balcony, and opened the door. “Would you like to come in, Twilight? The air over the forest is chilly tonight.” Luna blinked at the sight before her. “Hmm… you really must be upset. You haven’t transfigured yourself to cope since you couldn’t figure out what the ‘best aunt ever’ should get Flurry for her cutecenara.”

Twilight stood before Luna not as the tall, regal, ethereal-haired ruler of the land… but in her younger form, as a small purple pony with a horn and modest wings. Twilight almost stumbled in surprise. She turned to Luna with a sheepish smile. “Luna! Hi! I’m so sorry, did I wake you? I know you're usually up late, but we were all pretty tired at the end of today… And I’m not ‘upset’…” She gestured to her new form then waved off Luna. “I just didn’t want to wake you if you weren’t up already, and being smaller means I’m quieter. Heh…” She smiled sheepishly.

“You know I don’t like missing out on a good night even if I’m tired,” Luna replied easily. “And I know you well enough to know when you’re troubled.”

Twilight sighed and glanced down at herself. “Being smaller—who I was—usually helps give me a better perspective. Things feel safer. But not tonight…” Her eyes came up, full of doubt.

Luna frowned, considered, then glanced to the sky. “Well, regardless of perspective or circumstances, you always do such admirable work with my moon and stars, Twilight—you’ve made them your own. Such detail, even after the day you’ve had, is admirable and impressive.”

Twilight blushed a little at the praise. “The moon and starts always be a gift from you just like the sun is from Celestia,” she replied gently. “But I’m glad you enjoy the nights I make with them, and tonight especially. I tried my best.” A bit of a smile returned.

Luna smiled at the sight and gestured inside. “Twilight, though we both do enjoy some ceremony we don't have to stand on it. Please come in. Whatever you need to talk about, I’m available to listen. Today was…difficult in many respects.”

Twilight nodded and followed Luna inside. She pulled up her usual chair while Luna sat on the edge of her bed. “Lavender?” Luna made a few bunches appear. “I know it’s your favorite…”

Twilight nodded. Luna sent a bunch into her hooves and Twilight inhaled deeply then sighed, her eyes hazed. “It always helps me feel better. Thank you, Luna.” She placed the lavender on Luna’s desk then turned to the night pony. “Luna, I don't understand a lot about today.”

“I think that makes all of us, Twilight,” Luna replied with a shrug. “We’ll really have to go over all the details tomorrow to understand better what sort of consequences should follow the actions of Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow today.”

“It’s more than that.” Twilight pouted in concern. “I don’t understand why Cozy Glow attacked with such anger. And why Tirek and Chrysalis were going to attack but…not with as much evil as Cozy did, I guess? And…did Tirek say Chrysalis has a Twilight stick?” Twilight raised an eyebrow high.

“Yes.” Luna likewise looked perplexed. “Hmm…do you think that’s similar to that Twilight cane Discord brings out sometimes?”

Twilight furrowed her brow and sighed. “I have a feeling I don’t want to know.” She cleared her throat. “But my confusion isn’t just about those three. I also don't understand exactly what kind of relationship Luster formed with them by trying to reform them. And I…don't understand how she doesn’t have any friends - school friends. And I don’t understand why she’s avoiding me. I thought I had a clear picture of everything with her, but now I’m missing so many pieces…”

Luna hesitated, biting her lip slightly.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Luna…what is it?”

Luna sighed. "I spoke with Luster alone briefly when I brought her to her room. She revealed some things to me. She was upset and just needed to say them to a neutral party, I believe.”

Twilight bit her own lip now, shifting in her seat. “I probably need to hear those things from her, don’t I?”

Luna nodded. “It would be better than me telling you, trust me. You two need to have a talk; first thing in the morning would be best. Perhaps after you complete the sunrise you can fetch her and take her down to the castle grounds for breakfast. She’ll need time: she wants to tell you everything, but she is afraid of disappointing you, Twilight - much as you used to feel about my sister.”

Twilight looked down, frowning more. “Celestia and I never had this much trouble as student and teacher though. Am I doing something wrong?”

“You are an admirable teacher, Twilight.” Luna reached out and touched her chin, gently lifting Twilight’s face.

Twilight still looked hesitant.

Luna lowered her hoof and added, “In fact…I have recently been considering taking on a student. And observing you and Luster today has helped me understand much about the depth and promise of the student teacher experience.”

Twilight blinked then smiled brightly. “A student? Luna, that’s wonderful! You’ve always talked about maybe teaching one day, but I never heard you make a definite plan. Does this mean you’ll come do a guest lecture at the school some time? The foals would love it!”

Luna laughed then shrugged sheepishly. “Perhaps. But I am in very preliminary stages of acquiring a pupil, Twilight. You have certainly set the finest example for me of how to care for one though.”

Twilight blushed modestly. “Thank you, Luna.”

“Of course.” Luna nodded. “Does anything else trouble you?”

Twilight's smile weakened a little. “I don’t know what to do about those three in the morning. I have to keep Equestria safe but I don’t want to put them through anything bad. And I don’t want to hurt Luster…especially if somehow they are her friends. And I…I don't want to disappoint Luster either…or Celestia, or you, Luna.”

“Us?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

Twilight sunk a little in her seat. “Today I wanted you both to see me and my student, ready to move into the next phase of our lives. I wanted you to be proud remembering all our time together and see it continuing in my relationship with Luster. I wanted to feel a little closer to both of you…even more like both of you.You’re special to me…”

Luna cleared her throat, looking down modestly. “Celestia was your teacher, so of course you feel so strongly about her. But you don't need to impress me, Twilight, I—“

“You’re special to me too, Luna. You know that.” Twilight sat up a little more. “Celestia taught me and helped bring me up. But…ever since I became Princess of Equestria, you and I have been like colleagues, and special friends. You help me as an ambassador and you helped me understand more about the nights when I was having trouble at first. You’re always up for tea at two in the morning if I’ve had a late night and want someone to relax and talk with. I learned how to be Princess of Friendship under Celestia. But I learned how to be Princess of Equestria under you. You’re the friend I see the most often these days actually except for Spike.”

Luna was blushing and smiling very much. “I’ve liked having you as a dear friend, Twilight. I am proud we share such a significant relationship.” Her gaze was warm. “Your reign of Equestria is a good one. But even still, I look forward to when you retire and come live with us. Celestia and Discord spend evenings alone for obvious reasons, and it will be enjoyable to have a companion.”

Twilight nodded. “It’ll be nice. I don't think I’d ever want to retire if I had to be alone. But this place is a happy thought to look forward to.” And then with a sigh and a smile Twilight used her magic to return to her true form as a grown princess. “I feel better now.”

“I could sense it, yes.” Luna concurred. She reached out and touched Twilight’s hoof. “Twilight, you are a good princess, and good teacher, and a good friend - and a good pony. Let Luster Dawn know all of those parts of you when you talk to her. It’ll help you both.”

Twilight nodded. “And you are going to be the best teacher, Luna. You already have been for me.”

They shared a hug then pulled back. Then Luna gestured to the bed. “Would you like to stay for the night, Twilight? You know the scent of the moonflowers in bloom outside of my balcony helps you rest when you're stressed.”

“Luna, this isn’t like a normal one of our visits. I don’t want to disturb you tonight after everything, really…”

“You really won’t.” Luna pulled back the covers with her magic. “Some parts of our battle today were trying, so I would prefer not to be alone. Normally I would ask Celestia to stay with me if I was troubled, but she had to see Discord turned to stone today. I suspect she hasn’t let go of him ever since they got to their room and won’t until at least breakfast.”

Both mares blushed a little and laughed, then settled in side by side.

“Luna?” Twilight swallowed and started softly, “I’ve faced a lot of trouble in my life. Not as much as Celestia and you. But…if I…wanted to retire sooner than after a thousand years - a lot sooner - do you think that's okay?”

“Circumstances were strange for Celestia and I, Twilight.” Luna’s eyes went down. “I think the biggest reason our reign was so long was because Celestia waited that thousand years for me. She told me once after I returned that she was determined we retire together or she never would.” Her eyes came up again. “You may retire when ready, Twilight, and when you’ve found the best replacement. I trust your instincts. And I am happy to see you thinking of your own needs along with those of your subjects.”

Twilight relaxed more against the pillow and the bed. “I just want to have time to spend some golden years with my friends…more than just the one meeting a month. I want to visit with Pinkie’s children and model yak fur coats for Rarity and judge a pie eating contest between Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash and help Fluttershy birth the next litter of rabbits. And then I want to be here too, in the end.”

“You will be,” Luna assured softly. She powered her horn and touched it to Twilight’s. Twilight blinked a few times - Luna smiled. “I’ll keep track of the land of dreams tonight, Twilight. You rest like a normal pony. Remember what that's like - I think it’ll help you when you talk to Luster.”

Twilight smiled, eyes hazed with sleepiness. “Thank you. I always love being here, Luna…”

Luna used her magic to grab the bunch of lavender Twilight had left on her desk and to set it between them on the bed. “And you are always quite loved when you are here, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled more then closed her eyes. Luna closed her eyes as well, preparing for the gentle trance of entering the land of dreams.

They rested close, with the bunch of lavender tucked between them.

Some time later, Tirek and Chrysalis were hopelessly lost. They kept careening down chutes in the near dark and getting flung into rooms but then hitting trap doors and fake walls and accidentally pulling torch sconces that made stairs turn into steep ramps and topple them to who knew what floor. For just a moment they found themselves clinging together, trying to balance at the center of a seesaw perched over an opening in the floor below them that dropped to the moat.

“Is this still just for fun or have we hit the security system yet?” Tirek asked, almost panicked.

“I knew Discord was INSANE but I thought the pony sisters would have mellowed him out. I didn’t think the three of them would encourage each other to become ABSOLUTELY OUT OF THEIR MINDS!” She hissed.

“Okay.” Tirek took a deep breath. “We jump in opposite directions on the count of three to reach solid ground and not tip into the water.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis growled. “One, two… three!”

They jumped and landed safely. They turned to each other, smiling at their success. Chrysalis flew up and over to join Tirek on his side. They found a perfectly normal looking door and opened it to enter and hopefully return to a sane part of the castle.

Instead they dropped onto a cotton candy cloud then bounced into a chute and screamed for dear life in the dark.

Twilight woke up with a gasp. She looked around the unfamiliar room then recalled she was with Luna and that Luna was looking after the land of dreams which had left Twilight alone with her own sleeping thoughts tonight. She caught her breath, listening, but heard no sounds. “Maybe it was a nightmare…or a bad memory from earlier.” Besides it had sounded more like Tirek and Chrysalis yelling than any of the others in the castle. Why would Tirek and Chrysalis yell? Unless they were yelling at each other again or at Cozy Glow…which was pretty likely considering their tempers and the fact that their rooms were all side by side. Luna hadn’t woken up, which also told Twilight that the rest of the sleeping creatures in the castle were peaceful.

Twilight sighed—she really could over worry sometimes. Still, she set an extra protection spell around Luster Dawn’s room, and sent a letter to Spike asking him to visit again (with back up) in the morning if he didn’t hear from her.

She settled in to go back to sleep and regain some of her energy. Here beside Luna, and with the moon pony’s wing now over her, Twilight felt safe and peaceful. She remembered their princess sleepovers when she had been younger. And the smell of moonflowers and lavender really was so nice.

The magic of friendship was strong in the castle tonight, and Twilight knew that everything would be okay. She fell back into a perfect slumber beside her friend.

In the land of dreams, Luna had wanted to avoid Luster Dawn’s sleeping thoughts for the sake of letting her work out her fears and doubts without interference until Twilight could be involved in the morning. But the poor pony was in too much distress for Luna to leave her be. Luna approached the simple pink and gold door of Luster’s dreams and passed through—the door was not only unlocked put partially ajar, a sure sign of seeking aid.

She found Luster in the familiar setting of the Canterlot castle, sitting on the throne room floor. From the balcony, thousands of ponies could be heard chanting her name in a low, demanding tone. And before her, obscured by shadow, was a dark figure in the shape of Twilight Sparkle, staring down at her with a hoof pointed to the balcony. Luster was frozen in fear, especially as the room slowly shrunk, bringing her closer to the balcony. Above her, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow floated, looking down in judgment. She wanted to move anywhere but couldn’t.

Luna flew in and stood before Luster Dawn. “Luster, you are a logical and strong pony. Deep down you know this is not real but a dream. Please look at me and remember yourself.”

Luster Dawn unfroze enough to meet Luna’s eyes. Gradually the castle setting and the shadowy Twilight and the evil trio and the calling voices faded away. Luster Dawn blinked a few times. “Luna? Am I dreaming you too? Is this really all a dream?”

“Everything you just saw was a dream, but I am indeed here—my mind projecting to yours,” she explained. “Twilight oversees the realm of dreams in my place now, but she prefers to guide ponies from the outskirts of their dreams rather than appearing directly. I follow a different approach.” She sat, inclining her head. "Luster Dawn, are you really still so shaken?”

Luster Dawn blinked a few times and quickly wiped at one of her eyes. “Twilight’s going to need me to explain what happened and how those three are my friends. And even I can’t explain how they’re my friends anymore. She expects great things of me, and I could give her that when I was just working hard at the magic school. But now my mistakes don't just affect my grades, they have consequences for others and maybe all of Equestria. What am I going to say to her tomorrow? To everyone?”

Luna smiled a little. “You and Twilight are more alike than you realize, Luster Dawn. She worries too, you know."

“Did you see her since we went to bed?”

“Yes. She visits me when she cannot sleep.”

“Did you tell her about--"

“I told her I thought you both needed to speak in the morning. And I reminded her how good she is at being a teacher to a student. Do not worry, Luster Dawn.”

A little relief passed over Luster Dawn’s features and she nodded.

Luna took a breath. “When I was younger, I feared my own potential for inadequacy and mistakes and disappointing others so much. It is a draining experience, Luster, and it helps no one. Please don’t let it overtake you so much. When the feelings come, acknowledge them and let them pass. You deserve to feel unburdened.”

Luster Dawn smiled a little more but had to wipe at both of her eyes quickly again. “I’ve just been a little tired since I came to Ponyville. It was such a change, and I expected it to go a certain way and then it didn’t and I… I’m trying but I’m not sure what to do next.”

“Well, first, you are going to let yourself get a good night’s sleep—an essential activity for any creature,” Luna informed. “And one more helpful piece of advice, Luster,” Luna gently lifted her face with her hoof, “ask Twilight about her experience moving to Ponyville. I think you'll learn much that wasn’t put in the history books.”

Luster Dawn tilted her head but then nodded. “Thank you, Luna.” She hesitated. “Can I hug you?”

Luna beamed a little. “If you would like then by all means. I—“

Luster Dawn wrapped her in a quick tight hug then pulled back, finally looking genuinely happy.

Luna powered her horn and touched it to Luster Dawn's. “Rest easy, Luster Dawn. All will be well.”

Luster blinked a few times. The ethereal place around them changed to a setting of flowers and soft grass—Luna recognized it as part of the gardens around the Canterlot Castle. Luster Dawn closed her eyes and drifted off in the gentle place.

Luna took that as her cue to disappear and drift off herself again until any other creatures might need her. But the sleeping feelings of Equestria on this night seemed easy, and she was confident that her mind could stay beside Twilight Sparkle in her bed without further interruption until dawn.

Cozy Glow stood at the edge of the Everfree Forest, just staring into the darkness. Whether she walked through it or flew over it, she knew the forest could be dangerous at night - she’d retained that much from lessons at the Friendship School. For a moment she became aware of how much she’d learned to rely on Tirek and Chrysalis: they were big and powerful, they could protect her so she could focus on scheming and evil plots. But they were gone now, and she was still small, and she couldn’t stay here.

Maybe she would just go and disappear into the forest for a while - hide here until she was grown up and strong too and then come back for her revenge. She’d learn how to take care of herself in every way.

“Ah, a little pony out after dark /
Don’t venture to the forest on a lark /
Who are you and what is your name?
I am Zecora, can I help you some way?”

A greying zebra in a cloak pulling a cart had just walked forward from the edge of the forest into the moonlight. Cozy Glow jumped up with a yell then landed again. “I…no, I’m fine! What are you doing here?”

Zecora smiled.

“Moonflowers bloom late at night /
And must be picked with the time is right /
So I am gathering what I need and desire /
For the usual potions I and others require.”

Cozy Glow pouted with a scowl. “Gee, that’s great.” She waved her off. “Well, you have fun with that. I told you, nothing to see here. A pony’s allowed to sit outside on her own.”

Zecora eyed her curiously then smiled more.

“Indeed, you are free to enjoy the night, /
But keep safe and not too far from light. /
No creature should be at risk and alone /
When friends are near and a place to call home.”

A few bats flew from the forest and landed on Zecora’s shoulders. She smiled and touched one with her hoof, and they nuzzled against her cape.

Cozy Glow wrinkled her nose at the bats but then look went dry. “Yeah. I’ll keep that in mind. So you and your bats have fun! See you when I see you!” She waved with a big fake smile, all but playing Zecora off stage at this point.

Zecora sighed.

“Thank you very much, young pony mare, /
My forest friends and I will take care, /
You find rest when you can and peace too /
And perhaps someday I’ll see you soon.”

Zecora nodded to Cozy Glow and then turned and headed back into the forest.

Cozy Glow watched her leave with an eyebrow raised. “Wow… Okay, well, note to self—if I do go live in the forest, don’t turn into the crazy bat lady. See, I’m already learning how to take care of myself!” She smiled. Then Cozy Glow took a deep breath - she was ready to go. But…maybe she would take one last look at the castle. Not for sentimental reasons, of course, but just to make sure all the lights were still out and no one was following her. She turned.

Her eyes widened. Through a window into the throne room of the castle, Cozy Glow saw a small, steady red light glowing…rimmed with a faint aura of green and purple.

Well… if he was back, what a nice surprise for the stupid princesses and stupid Tirek and stupid Chrysalis (if they hadn’t left yet, and since they were so stupid) and stupid Discord and stupid Cadance and extra stupid big Flurry Heart… and stupid Luster Dawn. All of the greatest powers of good in Equestria dozing vulnerable under one roof - an entire world order could be gone by morning. And all Cozy Glow had to do was hide in the forest until it was done and let it happen. And then she could come out and have all of her dreams of power come true.

But she couldn’t move away for a moment…and the moment kept going on. And she hated herself for it, but something about the idea of looking away made her hate herself more. She settled on watching the light, and feeling many things all at once.

Author's Note:

Yes, everyone gets a cameo - hooray for random Zecora appearance!

This chapter needed a lot of tiny tweaks once I finished it, but I finally got it to a place where I like it, and I hope you enjoyed it too :) Had to (finally) throw in some saucy Discord/Celestia :trollestia: (And a dash of ace-y TwiLuna :twilightblush:). Writing this story has been helping me relax a lot lately, which I desperately need lol.

Big plans are in store for the three 'villains', lots of awkward encounters and conversations to come, Discord and Celestia have a good talk about some big things. There's not too much left in the story, but at least 3-4 chapters definitely. Thank you all for reading! :heart: