• Published 3rd Apr 2020
  • 2,209 Views, 111 Comments

The Most Chaotic Life Ever!!! - Azure129

Discord, Celestia, and Luna have lived in peace for years. But when Twilight's student-Luster Dawn -'reforms' Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, the chaos master and pony sisters end up involved just like the old days (as do many others). Chaos, ho!

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Chapter 5: Family Finds a Way

Celestia woke up before dawn. The moon was low, brushing the treetops of the Everfree Forest. And at the horizon she knew there must be a faint edge of green and blue light waiting to blossom into dawn. Usually she woke up at exactly sunrise, even all these years after handing over the job to Twilight - she liked watching sunrises and especially liked watching them with Discord when he would wake up early too. He’d cuddle close and she would catch his eyes once the sun was up, and he’d blush, and they’d spend time together before breakfast.

But this morning she was up earlier than usual even though nothing had woken her and nothing seemed amiss. The room was quiet, and Discord was here, his arm around her while he lightly snored. Yet something felt restless inside of Celestia, like she was trying to remember something important but couldn’t.

Perhaps she was just anticipating a long morning of breakfast with their guests. This was the first bout of sudden excitement their family had experienced in a while, after all. Celestia wished Discord was awake right now or that she could have snuck off without disturbing him to find Luna. She wanted to talk to someone.

Then someone knocked faintly on her bedroom door.

Discord had added quite a few protection spells to the parlor entrance to their room on top of the one Luna had cast, so someone knocking was a very unexpected development.

Another faint knock sounded.

Celestia considered quickly. She didn’t want to leap up and sound an alarm and potentially panic the whole castle - that might cause more problems than it would solve. And she didn’t want to wake Discord just yet - she knew he would snap his fingers first and ask questions later with a potential threat so close to their personal space. Whoever had gotten through those spells had to have powerful magic. But it couldn’t be Luna, because she wouldn’t knock so faintly. And Celestia knew Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow wouldn’t have given away their position by knocking. Perhaps Flurry Heart then, or Cadance, or Twilight? But those three wouldn’t knock so gently if the situation were urgent.

Celestia shifted to sit up a little. She teleported Discord’s Fluttershy plush doll over from his nightstand and put it in his arms to replace his hold on her. He quickly cuddled into it, still asleep.

Celestia lit a few candles around the room and then opened the door with her magic.

A wide-eyed Luster Dawn stood in the doorway.

Celestia’s eyes widened as well. Twilight had indeed found a very powerful wielder of magic to be her student. In the dim candlelight Celestia could almost imagine wings tucked against Luster Dawn’s sides…

When Luster Dawn’s eyes found Celestia sitting up in bed, her jaw fell and she started backing out of the room. Seeing the poor little pony’s panic, Celestia teleported herself out of bed and into the parlor with Luster Dawn. She closed the bedroom door. With a few quick spells, more candles were lit and two mugs of hot tea were on the coffee table.

“Good morning, Luster Dawn.” Celestia smiled and put all of her kindness into it - she remembered how much comforting unsure subjects had always needed. “If you were having trouble sleeping, my sister might have been the best one to seek out. But I’m happy to assist in any way I can.” Celestia took a seat on the sofa and gestured to a large cushy chair beside it.

Luster Dawn looked down, absolutely frazzled. “No! I mean, yes! I mean…Celestia, I’m so, so, so sorry. I did not mean to wake you up or to end up in your bedroom or to bother you. I just got turned around in the castle. I-I should really just go. Please, don’t worry about me.”

“Oh Luster,” Celestia smiled more and shook her head, “you’re my faithful student’s faithful student — I’m afraid worrying about you is something I'll always do if you have a problem.” She shrugged. “But if you don’t want to talk about any problem, that’s fine. We can keep it light. You say you got turned around in the castle? That’s understandable — we’ve made the architecture a little…defiant of physics over the years. Why don’t you tell me the place you’re looking for and I’ll direct you?” She took up her cup of tea in her magic and sipped.

Luster Dawn hesitated. But finally nodded and took a seat. She picked up her tea though she didn’t drink yet. “But first, I really a sorry for wandering around your house at night. And for breaking into your room—“

“I’m more impressed than bothered, Luster.” Celestia admitted. “The spells Discord and Luna put on the parlor door would be no easy feat to undo.”

Luster Dawn blushed. “Well, it took some extra work but…when I’m very focused and passionate about something my magic gets very strong.”

“Ah, so you were looking for something you’re passionate about. Go on.”

Luster Dawn blinked then quickly continued. “Celestia, I promise — promise — I won’t let them put anyone in danger. But I need you to tell me how to find Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow’s rooms.” She swallowed. “That’s why I ended up coming in here - I couldn’t find my way back to their rooms at first so I tried to find Luna's room to ask her directions since I know she’s up at night sometimes and since she helped me earlier. This room was so heavily guarded with magic that I figured it might be hers.”

Celestia tilted her head slightly. “I see. But why not wait until morning to find those three?”

Luster Dawn took a deep breath. “Because morning means sunrise, and sunrise means Princess Twilight, and I need to talk to her soon before I lose the nerve. But first I need to talk to them - alone.”

Celestia considered for a moment… then smiled a little to herself with a faraway look.

Luster Dawn raised an eyebrow.

Celestia noticed then blinked and cleared her throat. “My apologies, Luster. I was just thinking of a memory. You see, I was going to tell you how to find those three but also ask if I could come with you. I know you care for them, but having a friend beside you for support and protection never hurts.” Her smile grew a little. “But I imagine you’d insist on going alone because you trust them. And it made me think of decades ago when Discord and I first became friends.” She glanced at the bedroom door. “I used to sneak off with him to relax and have fun. But Luna didn’t trust him yet — she’d always offer to go with me and I’d always refuse.” She took a deep breath. “I know creatures can change, no matter how many past misdeeds they’ve done. I believe in your cause with those three, Luster Dawn.”

Luster Dawn smiled, tears in her eyes.

Celestia’s smile grew. “And I know Twilight will too once you speak to her.”

Luster Dawn’s smile wobbled. Then the tears started to fall.

Celestia put down her cup and frowned. “Luster, what is it?” She placed a hoof gently on her shoulder.

Luster Dawn leaned into her, eyes closed. “That’s not…that’s not what I want to talk to Princess Twilight about. I have to… I have to tell her I don’t think I can be what she needs me to be. And I’m so sorry.” More of her tears fell, quiet but steady.

Celestia wrapped a wing around her and hugged her close. She was reminded of a few times when a very young Twilight had felt overwhelmed by the desire to perform her schoolwork perfectly until the pressure had made her cry; how she’d apologize for not being the best student ever for her mentor.

“What’s going on?! I woke up without a wife! Who—“ Suddenly, an awake Discord stumbled out of the bedroom, glancing around. His eyes widened and a small smile of relief appeared when he saw Celestia safe. But his look turned serious and his ears fell when he saw Luster Dawn so sad. Celestia gestured for him to come closer. Discord floated over, his voice gentle. “Hey Luster…shh… Are you okay?” He smiled a little. “We’re really hoping for a five star review of your stay at Pony Sisters & Chaos Castle Incorporated. Is there anything I can do to improve your experience?”

Luster Dawn still leaned against Celestia, but Celestia felt her smile a little.

Discord noticed the corner of the little pony’s mouth turn up. “Is it Celestia’s tea that upset you? She always puts on earl grey for guests, but I told her the gin-sing is funnier.” Discord smiled and snapped — a dozen teabags floated through the air, humming a tune.

Luster Dawn glanced at them and wiped away a few of her tears. Her smile grew a little.

Celestia was smiling a little too.

Discord grinned at his success. “Or perhaps it’s your accommodations. In that case, allow me to show you to the finest room in the house.”

The chaos master snapped his fingers again.

All three of them appeared in Discord and Celestia’s bedroom. Discord and Celestia were sitting at the head of the bed, and Luster Dawn was seated at the end of the bed wrapped her up in a big pink fuzzy blanket with a stuffed Twilight doll and a knit plaid nightcap.

Luster Dawn wiped the last of the tears from her face. Her smile was warm as she looked at her hosts. “You know…seeing you two together…and seeing how you are now, Discord… it’s all been my biggest inspiration for reforming Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, and believing they could have genuine relationships: friends and families and love. I’m really happy you let us have the tea party here. Thank you both. Thank you for everything.” Some emotional tears came now, though she was still smiling. Luster Dawn wiped them away. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a long day—night. Day and night.”

“Don’t mention it.” Discord snapped up a hanky into her hooves. “Tia and I have looked after more than our fair share of overwhelmed little ponies over the years. And I’ve been known to get a bit emotional back in my troubled youth.”

Celestia smiled. “We’re very happy to know you as well, Luster Dawn. And we’re happy we could inspire you.” She lowered her forelegs to the bed to lie on her stomach — Discord joined her. “I know you want to talk to your three friends, Luster, but maybe you need to take care of yourself right now. I think you could use some rest. You remind me so much of Twilight when she was younger and under stress…”

Some more tears came to the corner’s of Luster Dawn’s eyes and she looked down again.

Celestia frowned and her ears lowered.

Discord cleared his throat. “Er, but, let’s not talk about Twilight. This really is about you and making sure you’re okay. You’re quite the little pony apparently.” Discord crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Celestia. “Did she get into that parlor past all the magic on her own?”

“All by herself.” Celestia nodded proudly.

“Hmmm…” Discord tilted his head until it was completely turned upside down and regarded Luster. “Did you ever apply to enter the chaos program at the School of Magic?”

Luster Dawn shook her head. “No. I… I heard the homework could be a little unpredictable and that working hard didn’t count as much as working creatively and that even finding your connection to chaos was different for everypony. I’m better with a very clear path of study.”

Discord chuckled and brought his head right side up. “Oh, we’ll have to challenge that a little.” He smirked. “You’re going to be seeing more of me in Ponyville, I guarantee it.”

Luster Dawn tilted her head now but did smile. “I think I’m supposed to be in the School of Friendship now.”

“As though I don’t substitute there sometimes for fun—and do some chaos tutoring on the side.”

They shared a small laugh.

Luster Dawn glanced to the side then wiped away the last of her tears and looked back to him. “Discord…can I ask you something?”

He nodded. “I’d be insulted if you didn’t.”

“I…what made you stop wanting to be…bad?” Luster Dawn cleared her throat. “I mean, I know the stories and what happened all those years ago. But what…what made you feel better enough to stay better?” Her look was a little pleading.

Discord noticed the desperation. His smile fell and his brow furrowed in thought. “You know that answer won’t be the same for every creature, right?”

She nodded.

Discord sighed. When Celestia touched her hoof to his paw, he felt better able to speak. “I was lonely. And I finally realized I’d always be alone if I didn’t let myself be better. So I tried, even though I was scared…and then the rest is history.” He snapped his fingers, and his bedside picture of himself and Fluttershy appeared in his claw. He smiled at it then at Celestia, then looked to Luster Dawn.

Luster Dawn’s gaze was intently focused in thought.

“The problem with your little group is the thing that seems like their best feature,” Discord went on. "They have each other: they don’t hit that rock bottom of loneliness because they’re together. They need something else to push them to change.”

“But it’s not your responsibility to find it for them, Luster,” Celestia added gently. “You can support them and be there for them and love them unconditionally. But it’s not your job to fix them…”

Luster Dawn looked up, her mouth opened.

Celestia knew what she was going to say and added, “Even if it was your assignment, it’s not your job. And just because you didn’t lead them to a full change doesn’t mean you haven’t done excellent work.”

“Oh, of course!” Discord agreed. “After all, Fluttershy only semi-reformed me the first time she tried, but it was a big improvement and lead to wonders. She gave me someone to be better for - someone to be proud of me. And do you know what?” He leaned down, smiling more. “I think that’s what you are for your little trio.”

A little smile of hope came to Luster Dawn’s lips though she looked away again. “After what they did today, I don’t think those three care about me much…”

“You’d be surprised,” Discord said gently, glancing at the picture of Fluttershy again, his gaze faraway. “Sometimes you don’t realize how much you care for someone until you hurt them. And then you just have to hope they’ll forgive you.” He snapped away the picture and looked at her again. “But those three have to want to be forgiven.”

Celestia nodded. “Those three have to put in the work just as much as you. But I think you’ve put in enough work for now, Luster Dawn. It’s okay to take a break.”

And indeed a yawn now escaped little Luster Dawn. Her eyes were hazed. “I’d like a break. There’s been so much to do for the last month…

“Why don’t you take one right here then?” Celestia’s gaze softened and she made a little pillow appear for Luster Dawn at the end of the bed.

Luster Dawn shook her head despite her sleepiness. “No, I can’t bother you two any more—“

“Nonsense—and not the good kind,” Discord chimed in. “Get some shuteye. Celestia and I are used to rising early anyway. We’ll watch over you and let you know when Twilight’s up so you can talk to her. And we’ll make sure Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow aren’t disturbed until you’re feeling refreshed and ready to talk to them.”

Luster Dawn smiled gently. “I’d like to stay here. It’s nice not to be alone.” She laid down, the blanket still around her.

Celestia put out a few of the candles. Her voice was gentle. “When another little filly would want to sleep in my study or in my room, I would sing to her… Know that you’ll be settled and dreaming soon, As the sun rises so does the moon, As love finds a place in every heart, You are a pony and this is just that start…”

Luster Dawn let out a peaceful sigh, smiling, her eyes closed.

Discord snapped up a Twilight plush doll for her to cuddle.

They watched over her as she drifted off.

Cozy Glow blinked and woke up with a gasp. She looked around at her unfamiliar settings - outside in a forest - and then remembered everything from the day and night before and realized that she had fallen asleep on the ground near the castle. The sky was growing lighter - it was probably nearly sunrise now. She must have dozed off looking at the…

“Oh boy.”

She stood up. The red light in the window had gotten large and bright enough to fill the whole lower floor of the castle.

She knew now would definitely be a good time to run, save herself, let the others get what they deserved at the hooves of Sombra. But her hooves wouldn’t move away. She scowled and then realized with a blink that a tear had fallen out of the corner of her eye. She quickly wiped it away. Not like she cared, not like they cared, not like anyone, cared, not like she wasn’t all alone… But still, she guessed, if Sombra took them all down there’d be no stopping him. It would be decades before she was big and powerful enough to try and win Equestria all for herself. And there would be all that time alone in between. And even if she could defeat him someday, all she would get was just more time alone forever…

The red light flashed and then shot away from the window. Cozy Glow could see it going up higher into the castle, its glow flickering in and out through windows as it moved.

She didn’t know what she wanted, but she definitely didn’t want him here right now making her life even more complicated. Her feelings were already mixed up enough. But at the top of them all was just…anger. She was so angry. And the anger made her want to do something, but that something certainly wasn’t ‘running away.’

With her look dark, Cozy Glow stomped up to the castle door and flew up to the castle roof. She hovered and waited for a certain pony who she had a feeling would appear soon enough.

Luster Dawn was fast asleep, breathing lightly, cuddled with her pillow and blanket and Twilight doll near the center of the bed in Discord and Celestia’s room.

Celestia and Discord reclined on either side of the bed, glancing at her and smiling. They kept their voices soft so they wouldn’t wake her.

“She’s so much like Twilight,” Celestia mused. “In her own way, but still…” She looked to Discord. “I told you how often Twilight would come to me when she was in magic school to talk or study. Sometimes I’d let her sleep in my bed while I went off to take care of whatever nightly duties I could manage before falling asleep. Or she’d fall asleep next to me on the sofa in my study, and I’d tuck her in.” Luster Dawn’s ear twitched, and Celestia magically pulled her covers up a little more around her shoulders. “It’s nice to have the experience again in a way.”

Discord used the tuft of his tail to brush back some of Luster Dawn’s mane from tickling her nose. “It makes me think of putting Fluttershy to bed some nights when she would be tired from a long day managing the sanctuary or handling some little social problem that would stress her out. I’d make her tea, kiss her forehead, and leave a funny note for her to wake up to.”

They shared a small laugh. Celestia placed her hoof in Discord’s paw. Discord squeezed it. He looked down at their hoof and paw… his smile fell.

Celestia sighed. “Discord, I know you said you’d tell me what makes today special once the day began. But instead I wish you’d start with what’s been bothering you lately.”

Discord blushed a little. He looked into her eyes — his lips pursed then quirked to the side then his cheeks puffed out in a pout.

Celestia was reminded so much of the time in a certain gondola just before he had first told her he loved her. “Tell me,” she whispered. “I want to know. I love to know everything you’re thinking about, my Discord.”

His features relaxed. He swallowed with a blush. “You always seem to brighten up when some of your little ponies are around. So I’ve been wondering…do you…do you still consider the idea of our own little pony an open subject?”

Celestia’s eyes widened as her pupils shrank a little. She tucked her wings along her sides as a reflex then finally cleared her throat and managed a reply. “Discord, what in the world has got you thinking about—“

“Before I answer that, you answer me. Please.” He blushed very much, looking into her eyes.

Celestia took a deep breath. “An honest answer from both of us — just like the first time we talked about it on our first date — right?”

Discord nodded.

Celestia nodded in return. Then she glanced at Luster Dawn before turning back to Discord with a smile. “You’re right, I am happy when I’m around young ponies. I like watching them grow and learn, I like remembering being young and seeing them encounter so many new challenges the first time. I love having Luster in our lives. I…I’m not saying no about our own, but if I had to choose right now… I like being a mentor and an aunt and a babysitter. But I don’t have the same interest in being a mother, Discord.” She swallowed. “Do…you have an interest in being a father?”

The end of his tail swished lightly — a thing he did when he was nervous. “Not a very pressing interest, no. I like…this. Our life.” He gestured around them. “I mean, if it happened, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. But that’s not really what’s been bothering me exactly.” He met her eyes again. She seemed so confused. He bit his lip. “Tia, I got to thinking a few years back after Twilight announced she was taking on Luster as her personal student and you got so excited about it. I realized I didn’t know if your feelings had changed about the whole baby thing. And then I realized I wasn’t sure what kind of ‘foal’ we’d make exactly. And then I realized I wasn’t even sure if we could make a foal together… if I could make a foal with anyone because, well, I’m the only me there is.” He swallowed and rolled his eyes to the side. “Anyway, after a lot of vague and embarrassing talks with Fluttershy followed by several and embarrassing consultations with a number of different species physicians, followed by an agonizingly awkward conversation with Zecora, I realized…” He took a deep breath. “I realized, if a Celestia Jr. is something you want, there’s a good chance I’m not capable of giving them to you.”

Celestia was quiet for a moment, unblinking.

Discord went on. “You’ve just seemed so happy ever since Luster Dawn came into the picture and whenever we’re around foals in general. And before you got your hopes up, I thought…I thought I should tell you.” He shrugged and he was trying to smile, but there was a tear at the corner of his eye that he quickly wiped away.

Celestia took a very deep breath and then she put her hooves on his cheeks and pulled his face very close to hers to look into his eyes. “First of all…first of all…” she blinked. “I’m sorry, there are so many things, I’m not sure which should be first.”

“Uh…” Discord managed despite his squished cheeks, “Just…pick anything, maybe?”

She took another breath and furrowed her brow. “First of all, I wish you had told me about all of this much sooner. You know I don’t like being pro—”

“I know you don’t like being protected,” Discord quickly assured. “But I just wanted to have a clear answer before we had the conversation. Before we worried, I wanted to know if there was definitely something to worry about.”

Celestia’s features relaxed a little. “Second, you do know adoption is an option creatures have, right?”

He shrugged. “Yes, but…I wasn’t sure if you’d be set on having a little tyke with an inborn penchant for chaos and sunbathing.”

Celestia almost laughed but kept herself serious. “Third, did it ever occur to you that, in the event we both wanted to raise a child, adoption might be my personal preference?” Her look went a little dry. "Luna and I saw Flurry Heart’s wingspan as a newborn foal. I still don’t know how Cadance managed that one.”

Now Discord almost laughed, but Celestia’s hold on his face kept it from going to far. “And fourth,” she went on, “fourth…” She released his face, her brow furrowed more. “Fourth: my final answer at this time in our lives is still no, I don’t want a child. Because even if I knew there was almost no chance of you giving me one, I’d still want to keep taking our usual precautions against the happy event. Okay?” She was almost winded after all of that explaining.

Discord was smiling. Another few tears came to his eyes, but Celestia could tell they were happy ones. He swallowed. “I just feel…odd thinking that the ability for a foal the old-fashioned way isn’t on the table because I maybe can’t put it on the table.”

“We both can’t put in on the table,” Celestia quickly corrected. “Because we’re both in this together. And there is nothing to explain. And you…” her eyes hazed, and she blushed, “you have provided so many other things that I value so much more. You’re a dear husband, my Discord. I don’t think I want a child, but I do know that I want you, always, and as you are.”

He caught her lips in a kiss, gentle but lingering then pulled back. “If it wouldn’t wake up Luster, I’d leap across the bed and hug you very tightly right now.”

Celestia laughed softly. “Later… maybe when we start our date tonight.” She winked.

Discord rolled his eyes with a blush. “Okay, so we’re both not ready for anything baby-related - that takes a load off of my mind for the moment. But, if we ever were, you did mention adoption. And speaking of adoption…”

“Discord, we went over this at least ten years ago. We can’t adopt Twilight and Fluttershy and the girls as our nieces like I adopted Cadance—they have their own families.“

“Hey, I still think we could have worked something out with that idea, but it’s not my point right now.” Discord's eyes and smile were bright. Celestia had to smile too—something interesting was coming. “You know, it does get a little lonely around this big castle sometimes, especially with the girls scattered so far or when one or more of us is off somewhere. So I was thinking… if you wanted to add to our happy family in another way…” He clasped his hands together in excitement. “Cerberus got himself a girlfriend — Siriusa. She’s a wild orthros. Fluttershy met her the last time she went to play with Cerberus. Anyway, Cerberus and Siriusa’s relationship got a little more serious, and well…now there’s a litter of tiny grey puppies with three heads! Fluttershy’s ready to find them good homes… And three heads means one for me, one for you, and one for Luna… so…”

“You want a puppy?”

Discord nodded, his eyes big and pleading, and his grin ear to ear.

Celestia fought with herself to keep her sudden outburst of laughter down to a dull roar. Luster Dawn shifted and sighed in her sleep. Celestia wiped a few tears of mirth from her eyes and looked to Discord again. “You want a puppy… Oh my Discord.” She sighed and took his paw in her hoof again. “We’ll have to talk to Luna too but… I say yes, let’s get a puppy!”

“Oh I do love when you’re impulsive darling.” He kissed the back of her hoof, making Celestia blush and giggle. “Also hooray! We’ll have so much fun with the little one!”

Celestia laid down and rested her head on her pillow. She was looking out the window now, and Discord turned to look as well. The sun was finally rising. The watched it together.

“We should wake Luster and get Twilight now…” Discord said with a sigh.

“Just one more moment like this,” Celestia whispered. “Sunrises with you are one of my favorite parts of our life together.”

They squeezed hand and hoof and watched for just a little longer, until the sun finally peeked up over the tops of the trees.

Twilight woke up right at sunrise as usual. Her internal clock had never been as accurate as Celestia and Luna’s. Instead, she had enchanted the jewel in her crown to glow when it was time for a particular morning’s sunrise and moonset. This morning’s glow made Twilight blink her eyes open slowly like usual and tap the jewel with her horn - the crown on the nightstand returned to normal. She was about to get up when she realized she was not in her room in Canterlot. She also realized a soft blue wing was over her body. Twilight turned to see a sleeping Luna cuddled close to her. Twilight sighed and smiled, recalling yesterday’s events. She wanted to linger here, relaxed and happy with her friend and just raise the sun from bed. But she knew there was work to be done and that Luster Dawn had to be spoken to. Twilight tried to think about all the future nice mornings she would have one day in this castle, including more sleepovers with Luna. And then she kissed Luna’s forehead, slipped out of bed, and teleported herself out to her own balcony.

Twilight took in deep breath, powered her horn, and let the sun rise as the moon lowered. These moments between day and night, when she could see both celestial bodies in the sky, were her favorites. A bit of pink and purple always appeared and made her think about the pony sisters and Cadance and herself all together and happy exactly where they needed to be.

Twilight spread her wings. She knew which room Luster Dawn was in. Rather than teleporting in and potentially frightening her little student she decided to fly to her balcony and gently knock on the door.

But when Twilight got to Luster Dawn’s balcony and knocked there was no answer. She tried a couple more times, a little loudly, then finally teleported herself inside.

Luster Dawn was not in her bed.

At that point, Twilight began to ‘Twilight’ a little for the first time in a rather long time. She teleported from room to room, hallway to hallway, even secret trapdoor crawl space to secret trap door crawl space, but she had no luck. And when she finally did sense Luster Dawn’s magic, she found herself teleporting right into Discord and Celestia’s bedroom (after disarming a few spells that appeared to have been put back into place after already being disarmed—a potentially bad sign).

Normally Twilight was very cautious about entering this space and would knock and ask for reassurances multiple times before entering. Instead, Twilight put herself right at the end of the bed, eyes wide. “Luster Dawn is missing! The last place I sensed her magic was near here! Celestia—“

But then Twilight’s panic stopped because she realized she was looking at a little slumbering Luster Dawn wrapped in blankets while Discord and Celestia relaxed on either side of her watching over her. They each put a finger to their lips to quiet Twilight. But Luster Dawn yawned now and blinked her eyes open. “Hmm? Where… Oh, Celestia, Discord…thank you for letting me stay here. I feel so much better. But I should really go find Princess Twi—“ She turned and paused at the sight of her mentor standing there.

Discord grinned at Celestia. “We really have to get a do not disturb sign.”

She chuckled and nudged him. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Luster Dawn. And Twilight, perfect, we were just going to call for you. Luster wanted to see you.”

“And clearly you wanted to see her,” Discord added. “I haven’t seen you so panicked in ages — priceless.”

Twilight finally broke into a small smile and rolled her eyes. Then she approached her little student on the bed and sighed. “Luster Dawn, would you like to take a walk with me? I…I think we both need to talk to each other.”

Luster Dawn swallowed but nodded. “I’d like that, Princess Twilight. I’ve been wanting to talk for a while… since I left for Ponyville.”

Twilight nodded. She glanced to Discord and Celestia. “Thank you both. And…sorry for the ‘Twilighting’?”

“What’s Twilighting?” Luster Dawn raised an eyebrow.

Discord stifled a laugh. Twilight just smiled. “Maybe I’ll tell you while we talk. Come on.” And then she teleported them away.

Discord and Celestia looked at the spot they had been then at each other.

“Well,” Discord stretched a little, “it’s morning and I’m far too amused to fall back asleep. We could neck, but I don’t want Chrysalis finding her way in here next. Shall we head down early for breakfast, darling? Or perhaps to Luna to discuss our puppy?”

“No, we still have one more thing to talk about.” Her eyes brightened. “You have to tell me what's so special about today.”

Discord blinked then beamed. He smirked at her. “You really don’t remember, do you?”

She sighed, giving him a dry look.

He chuckled. “I just think it’s cute. Your internal clock about time of day —flawless. We could be walking under a canopy of trees in the forest so thick you can't see the position of the sun at all, and if I asked you the time you’d say one thirty-seven and eighteen seconds. But when it comes to the days of the week or the date on the calendar…”

“I am not that bad…” She blushed a little. “And in my defense, once I stopped having to keep a schedule it was so nice to forget everything about schedules. The internal clock just comes naturally from the sun.”

“You forgot Hearthswarming last year. Luna and I made that bet to see when you would bring it up and you never did. I never threw a surprise Hearthswarming party for anyone, but what an experience.”

She rolled her eyes and tossed a pillow at him. “Well, it’s summer so I at least know it’s not Hearthswarming today.”

Discord gazed at her with a warm smile. Then he snapped, and their bed was filled with all different colors of flowers… like a certain rainbow bouquet Celestia always kept at her bedside. “Happy Anniversary, darling Celestia.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. She blushed considerably. “No…that’s not until… Wait — it’s June already? Did Luna know?”

“Yes — I asked her not to remind you. I was curious to see if you’d get there on your own. Plus I wanted to surprise you if you didn’t. You know how I love surprises.”

“But… “ She sighed deeply and put a hoof to her temple. “You're right, I can tell you that right now it’s six twenty-four and fourteen seconds, but I barely know what day of the week it is let alone month…” She pouted. But then she blinked and dove on him in a big hug. “Happy Anniversary!” She kissed him deeply. Discord blinked a few times but then his eyes closed. They separated after a moment, breathing heavily. Celestia was flushed. “I should…probably get off of you before Chrysalis…”

“I know, I know… Ugh, she owes us both after this.”

Celestia went back to her side of the bed. She admired the flowers, inhaling their scent deeply.

Discord smirked. “You know, I left out the best part about today…”

“Is it that it’s our twenty-fifth anniversary?”

Discord blinked.

Celestia held her head up proudly. “Passage of years—it’s just rotations around the sun. That I can keep up with always. I knew the twenty-fifth was due this year, I just didn’t know when.” She winked.

The chaos master chuckled. “Yeah, twenty-five years… It’s so short compared to everything else, but somehow it’s seemed long and beautiful to me. I hope it’s been the same for you.”

“It’s been the best retirement I could ask for.” She touched her hoof to his paw. “It’s been a new adventure every day.”

His gaze softened, became bashful. “I’m happy we fell in love and did this crazy marriage thing together. Really—I don’t know what mix of magic got us here…”

“No magic, exactly,” Celestia assured. “We just belong here. We make each other better together.”

Discord sighed, his heart fluttering a little. He wound their tails together. “This is getting so sappy.”

“It’s a sappy occasion.” Celestia shrugged.

“Want to save the sappiness for our date tonight, Mrs. Discord?” He tapped her nose.

She smiled more. “I’d like that, Mr. Celestia.” She tapped the center of his chest. Then with a breath she sat up. “But for now I have to be back on a schedule. We’re hosting family, friends, and…a trio of confusing others. Everyone has to be greeted, I should open the curtains in the halls, breakfast should be started, the table should be laid, I may need to rethink the seating arrangement…”

“You can take the pony out of her orderly royal life but you can’t take the orderly royalness entirely out of the pony — I get it.” Discord chuckled and sat up as well, taking her hoof. “We’ll do everything together. I’d like to do most things together today, considering, if you don’t mind.” He kissed her hoof.

Celestia’s eyes hazed and she nodded. “I’d like that too.” She leaned close and gave him a deep nuzzle against his chest and the side of his head. Discord’s body straightened and then he melted against her. When she pulled back, Celestia saw her draconequus delightfully dazed. She laughed softly. He blinked a few times and seemed focused again. “Now,” Celestia went on, “the first thing we should probably do is check on Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, and wake them up if we need to. Luster’s going to want to talk to them soon.”

“Right.” Discord nodded. “Let’s get going then.” He stretched dramatically. “Do you think it would freak out those three too much if you and I held hands while we talked to them, or—“

At that moment, a picture framed above the fire place slid to the side, opening the entrance to a large chute, and Tirek and Chrysalis tumbled out into a frazzled heap on the floor.

Luna wasn't surprised when she woke up and could sense another creature in her room — she recalled her talk with Twilight last night and Twilight staying over. She couldn’t feel Twilight’s warmth and weight in the bed anymore, but perhaps her friend was just now getting up and walking across to the room for the sunrise and moonset. Luna enjoyed watching those with Twilight, seeing someone new showing so much appreciation and care for her moon. She decided to join her.

Luna turned over and opened her eyes.

There in the room was a shadowy creature with the form of a pony in its darkness and a red jewel glowing at the center of its black crown.

He chuckled, low and deep. “I followed Twilight Sparkle’s magic all the way up here yet I’ve found no Twilight Sparkle. But you’ll do…” His eyes lit up with dark magic.

Luna’s eyes widened but then her look darkened. “Have at thee…!” she growled in a low voice.

Her horn flashed brightly as the room filled with darkness.

“Is it over?” Tirek asked woozily, holding his head as he finally found words in Discord and Celestia’s room. “Please, no more trap doors and false panels and that room with all the heads. Please, just solid ground. I’m so tired.”

“It doesn’t stop.” Chrysalis’s eye twitched. “Even the hive had a clear perimeter and center, but here we just keep going and going and going.” A little crazed laughter escaped her.

It was at that point the duo laid eyes on Discord and Celestia in bed. Tirek groaned and looked away, his eyes closed and his hands held out out as he stood up. “Okay, okay, okay! I already said I believe you're married! I did not need to end up in your little bower of love!”

“Oh this is just nauseating.” Chrysalis stood and put a hoof to her mouth. “It’s like when someone bakes a cake with so much sugar that it’s utterly saccharine and gives you a headache just from the scent. This place is gooey with love! The pictures, the flowers, you two cuddling!” She blushed and pouted then looked away with her nose turned up. “Even I wouldn’t eat this love.”

Discord finally came out of quite a degree of shock enough to scowl and throw up his arms. “Now wait a minute, how are you two in here? I know Luna put spells on your rooms - and even if you got out, to get past all the other failsafes and end up even close to this room should have been nearly impossible!“

“Discord,” Celestia glanced at the chute above the fireplace and pointed it out, “I don't know how they got out but…I think they got here by coming entirely through the Tunnel of Fun.”

Discord blinked. “Oh you didn’t…” He eyed them in horror, but then had to hold back a laugh.

“What in the blazes is a Tunnel of Fun?!” Chrysalis yelled.

“Because last night was NOT FUN!” Tirek backed her up.

“The Tunnel of Fun is a special set of booby traps and obstacles Discord, Luna and I set up together,” Celestia answered brightly. “It takes you through the full castle for several hours before you end up in one of our bedrooms. We didn’t bother setting up spells through it because we’re the only ones who use it…and it’s pretty challenging on its own. It’s part of family game night.”

Tirek and Chrysalis’s jaws were fallen.

Tirek shook his head. “You’re insane…they’re all insane!”

Chrysalis’s eyes flashed. “I spent the entire night mercilessly tossed around this castle, and you‘re telling me it was all part of a party game!”

“You need to lighten up, Chrysalis.” Discord smirked and snapped — party hats appeared on everyone. “This castle is one third chaos and one hundred percent brilliant. Enjoy yourself!”

Chrysalis tossed off the hat and stomped it into the floor, teeth gnashing. Tirek finally had to pat her on the back a couple of times for her hysterics to give way to some heavy breathing and then calm. Tirek took away his hand as she eyed Discord and Celestia, barely maintaining her composure.

Celestia eyed her right back. “Now what are you two doing here exactly? Because if you’ve come to attack us…” A burst of chaotic magic left her horn—the windows sealed shut, the door bolted, and every knickknack in the room flew up and aimed itself right at Tirek and Chrysalis, hovering in the air, “I’m afraid you picked a poor place to go about it. Discord and I are a little protective of our personal space…”

Discord smirked and put an arm around Celestia. “You tell ‘em, darling.” He snapped — all the flowers on the bed rose up with their (suddenly rather pointed) ends aimed at the two intruders. “Seriously, don’t pick this battle, you two…” Then Discord raised an eyebrow. “Wait, there’s supposed to be three in your little troop. I don’t see the tiny one with the big mouth.”

Celestia blinked. “Where is Cozy Glow?”

Tirek and Chrysalis glanced at each other. Then they looked back to Celestia and Discord and put on the most serious, dignified faces they could muster in their rather disheveled current state.

Cozy Glow kept circling the castle. She had a pretty good idea she’d find who she was looking for soon enough.

And sure enough, as the sun peeked over the horizon, Cozy Glow saw Flurry Heart depart from a window and fly a circle over the castle, observing the ground below, predictably on some kind of morning patrol.

Cozy Glow took a deep breath and scowled very much, but pumped her wings and flew like a shot right at the protection princess. Flurry Heart didn’t see her coming until the last moment — enough time for a Captain of the Guard’s reflexes to kick in and for her to catch Cozy Glow in one of her great wings, but not enough time to keep from both of them tumbling down onto one of the ramparts.

Flurry Heart sat up, catching her breath, then scowled at the littler pony. “Cozy Glow! How did you get out? And what do you think you’re doing? By order of the Crystal Empire Royal Guard, I hereby take custody of you as—“

Cozy Glow flew up and put a hoof over her mouth. “Not now, tinker princess soldier spy! I’ve got something to say to you. And before I start, you should know that I’m only doing this because I want the satisfaction of beating all you perfect princess ponies entirely by myself!”

Flurry Heart pulled back, an eyebrow raised. “What are you talking about? And where are Tirek and Chrysalis?” She crouched low in a battle-ready stance.

“Nowhere. Gone. In the castle — I don’t know. I’m on my own now!” Cozy Glow shouted. Then she took a deep breath and said a bit more calmly. “And I’ll tell you what I’m talking about—I’ll tell you something that might save your life! But then I’m out of here — no custody, no prison cell guest rooms, no lectures. Deal?”

She held out her hoof.

Flurry Heart considered then finally held out her hoof as well and shook. “You have my word… as long as your information turns out to be true and valuable.”

Cozy Glow still scowled but bit her lip, brow furrowed in deep thought. “I think… I think something of Sombra might have gotten left behind. I was leaving, but I saw a red light in the window by the front of the castle, like it was coming form the throne room.”

Flurry Heart’s eyes widened. Her brow furrowed slightly, her mind calculating. “When?”

“It started a few hours ago.”

"And you’re just reporting this now?!”

“Hey, I had a lot on my mind!” Cozy Glow shot back. “But something changed—just now it got brighter and started moving—up.”

Flurry Heart looked down at her, her gaze serious. “Do you promise that you’re telling the truth?”

Cozy Glow rolled her eyes. “Promise? A promise doesn’t mean anything!”

Flurry Heart ducked lower and got close to her face, looking right into her eyes. “It does if you look into my eyes right now and say you promise. So…?”

Cozy Glow’s eyes widened. Those piercing blue eyes so close and demanding an answer made her swallow, made her genuinely feel like a little filly in the shadow of a grown-up. “I promise…” left her softly. Then she quickly flew back from Flurry Heart, blushing and pouting. “A-And besides why would I lie? Why would I come back here at all? If nothing was happening, I would have just left!”

“But you stayed…and you told me.” Flurry Heart eyed her. “Interesting.”

Cozy Glow pouted even more. “And now I’m gone.” She flew up higher.

“If that’s what you want,” Flurry Heart replied. “But I could use some help. You’re smart and strong and fast, Cozy Glow. You’ve got the makings of a great pony, you know.”

Cozy Glow hesitated. Her scowl and pout didn’t leave but…she remained hovering in the air instead of flying away.

Suddenly there was a bright red and blue flash. Cozy Glow turned, and she and Flurry Heart both looked around the castle, but the light was gone.

Flurry Heart focused on a certain tower. “I think it came from this direction!” She flew down. Cozy Glow followed her, an eyebrow raised.

There was nothing suspicious, all seemed well. But then Flurry Heart saw Cozy Glow’s eyes widen a little. “Uh…” Cozy Glow started, and she pointed a hoof forward, “what’s supposed to be in that room?”

Flurry Heart looked — the veranda window of one room was completely blacked out, far more than any curtains or lack of light could do. She gasped. “Auntie Luna!” She was about to fly to the tower when a sudden blast of magic, blue swirled with black, shot the doors open and came right for Flurry Heart and Cozy Glow. This time Flurry Heart had a proper chance to react completely. She pulled Cozy Glow out of danger by tucking her under one wing and soared on the other wing down to safety.

“What are you doing?” Cozy Glow wriggled her head out of the wing to speak. “Or…what do you think we’re doing?”

“We’re not facing this alone! A good soldier and a good princess knows when to ask for backup. So first we’re getting my mother!” Flurry Heart transferred Cozy Glow to her hoof and flew quickly over to another tower.

The veranda doors stayed open to let the darkness out.

A brief stalemate had ensued in Celestia and Discord’s room as Tirek and Chrysalis avoided answering directly about Cozy Glow and Discord and Celestia insisted they answer directly about Cozy Glow.

“She is no longer in our company,” Chrysalis finally announced with a hiss. “We were never her keeper’s anyway.”

Tirek crossed his arms. “Yes, she’s off to other prospects that don’t need our involvement.” He cleared his throat. “Not that any of us have ever needed each other! We just…banded together out of convenience.”

“And because Discord does a passable impression of a powerful old goat,” Chrysalis added dryly.

Tirek nodded. “Yeah, that too.”

By now, Celestia was rubbing her temple, and Discord just looked bored.

Finally the chaos master snapped and made all the weaponized flowers and objects around the room return to their normal places. “Okay, fine, she’s not with you. She ran off for a solo act, and you’re too proud to just come out and say it. Fascinating. Which still begs the question why are you here? If you were going to attack you would have done it already, and if you had been trying to escape you would have left already.”

“Of course we were trying to escape!” Chrysalis stomped her hoof. “And we would have had more luck escaping under normal circumstances. But we ended up in your little death trap instead.” She gestured to the wall tunnel they’d fallen out of. “And all because we were trying to find a stupid scroll to leave a stupid note before we left, if you must know.”

“A note?” Celestia tilted her head. “But…why?”

“To make a point!” Tirek held his head high. “We wanted to inform you that we—Chrysalis and I—don’t deserve punishment for our actions. All we did was consider and set up a plot that we tried to stop in the end.”

“Indeed.” Chrysalis nodded firmly. “Bad intentions without full action should not be a crime. And we also wanted to argue on Cozy Glow’s behalf if you caught her. Because who are you stuffy princesses to punish a frustrated child severely like a hardened criminal!”

“Hear, here!” Tirek huffed. “We wanted to triumphantly point out the inequities of your justice system! We thought it would a fitting farewell after the statue situation, Grogar.” He glared at Discord. Then his scowl turned into more of a pout as he added, “And…perhaps we would have included a PS to Luster Dawn. Just to wrap up loose ends.” He cleared his throat. Chrysalis blinked and quickly nodded as she cleared her throat and glanced away.

Discord raised an eyebrow and turned to Celestia. They shared a small smile. “Tia, please tell me I was never this transparent and stubborn when I was semi-reformed?”

She touched his shoulder. “Discord, you were constantly this transparent and stubborn. It wore off though once you were fully reformed.”

He chuckled.

Chrysalis snorted. “What are you two blathering about?”

Celestia turned to them and smiled. “You care about Cozy Glow and Luster Dawn.”

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed. “That is utterly ridiculous.”

“Oh no it’s not.” Celestia waved her off. “it’s been obvious ever since last night that you care for Luster with how you helped her during the battle. And now you’ve proven you care about Cozy Glow too—enough to risk recapture just to stand up for her. Once you care about one creature, caring for others because much easier.” She winked.

“Oh absolutely," Discord agreed. “That reminds me of so many stories about the friendships I developed right after I became friends with Fluttershy—“

“No please, no Fluttershy stories!” Tirek clasped his hands together. “I don’t have it in me for the sappiness! Look…look…” He glanced around then held up his hands, “fine, okay, we care about Luster Dawn. And I supposed Cozy Glow too, all right?”

Chrysalis hissed. “Speak for yourself!”

“Oh come off it!” Tirek scowled at her. “You sat Luster Dawn next to us at the table yesterday for protection, you guided us all into the kitchen during the attack so she’d be safe, and you yelled at me for giving her some of my magic to revive her because you knew she’d want to jump back into the fray!”

“Tirek, you gave her some of your magic! Even when you were super weak? And, Chrysalis, you wanted to keep her out of danger?” Discord’s eyes were big and shining, and his fists were clenched to his chest in excitement.

Tirek just growled and Chrysalis made her gaze stern, though they were both flushed in some embarrassment. Tirek cleared his throat and put the spotlight back on Chrysalis. “And as for Cozy Glow — I’ve watched you eat her cupcakes, help her curl her hair, and tell her bedtime stories!”

“They were scary tales of caution from the lore of the hive!” Chrysalis shot back…blushing teal in her cheeks.

“And she loved them! You know she loves scary things and doom and maniacal laughter!”

“So what if I do care for Cozy Glow or Luster!” Chrysalis’s wings buzzed and she was breathing heavily. She glanced around, edgy, nervous. Then looked Celestia right in the eye. “Fine, I care about both of them! But let me be very clear — I do not love them, I do not share love with them, I just…care.” She spat the last word through gritted teeth.

She bent her front knees to the floor, catching her breath. Tirek scowled at Discord and Celestia, arms cross. “So, yes, we care for those two. We still don’t care for you.”

“I don’t know… I think we could all care for each other eventually,” Discord said softly, his look serious. “I think we could all be friends and meet up sometimes for adventures and to laugh about the old days.”

Celestia nodded. “We just want you to be happy…and Cozy Glow too. Maybe…we could help you look for her? And then we could all sit down and figure out a good way to go forward.” She looked into their eyes. “At the very least I know Luster wanted to talk to all three of you. She found her way here last night, and she was so upset. She’s worried about you… Don’t leave until you see her. Please.”

Tirek and Chrysalis looked down. Then Chrysalis stood tall and gave a slight bow of her head. “You have my word as a Queen.”

Tirek gave a single nod. “And you have my word as a Lord.”

Discord’s smile warmed a little. “You know, I believe them, Tia. I think that’s a definite sign of something good.”

“I agree.” Her smile warmed too.

They were looking into each other’s eyes.

“Ugh, if you’re going to snuggle or hug or kiss can you just do it and get it over with?” Chrysalis grumbled, blushing a brighter teal. “It’s sickening.”

“Seconded,” Tirek added, waving them off with an annoyed look.

Discord rolled his eyes. Celestia popped forward and gave him a quick surprise kiss on the mouth that made him chuckle. They rested their foreheads against each other for a moment then pulled back.

Then Discord floated up and landed on the floor. “All right, let’s get this day started. I’ll snap the cookware in the kitchen to begin making breakfast.” He snapped his tail. “And then I think we should start looking for Cozy Glow before she gets too far. You three can talk to Luster after that, then we’ll all have a big, happy conversation together to wrap up the delightful shenanigan this has been—“ He suddenly froze, and his eyes widened.

Tirek and Chrysalis tilted their heads.

Celestia stood and walked over to him. “Discord?”

“I…I’m sensing some magic. It’s hard to place and a little different but…” He closed his eyes, concentrating. Then he opened them. He turned to Celestia and put his hands on her shoulders. “We need to get everyone together and out of this castle now. I think it’s Sombra.”

Celestia’s eyes widened. She nodded then turned to their guests. “Will you help us? For Luster Dawn and Cozy Glow’s sake?”

Tirek and Chrysalis glanced at each other then back to their hosts. They nodded.

“What do you need us to do?” Tirek asked.

“And keep in mind I have no qualms about fighting dirty,” Chrysalis added.

The four creatures came closer to discuss their plan.

Luster Dawn and Twilight had ended up in a clearing by the castle lake. They sat on the fresh morning grass as more light filled the sky. Luster Dawn looked down and bit her lip, unsure of where to start.

Being a very intuitive princess (much like her own mentor) Twilight decided to start, and with something a little unexpected. “Luster, do you mind if I change into something more comfortable?” Twilight glanced at her yoke and crown. “Sometimes all of this gold is a little much for me.” She half smiled.

Luster Dawn raised an eyebrow but nodded. “Oh, sure, Princess Twilight, of course.”

Luster Dawn expected Twilight to remove the crown, shoes, and yoke. She did not expect Twilight to remove all of those things and then turn into a very young purple alicorn about her own size.

Twilight let out a satisfied sigh. “There, that feels better.” She smiled a bit sheepishly at Luster Dawn. “Sometimes I change into this form… usually when I’m stressed or need to think through a problem or when I just want to be very comfortable with someone. This is how I looked when I was younger — not much older than you.”

Luster Dawn’s head was tilted. But she slowly smiled. “Oh. It’s nice—you were…”

“A bit more travel-sized?”

The two mares shared a laugh.

Twilight settled into the grass. “I like being this size again sometimes. It brings back good memories.”

Luster Dawn laid down beside her. “But you didn’t always have the wings…”

Twilight nodded. “But there was a brief time between being young and being Princess of Equestria when I did. And even though it was strange at first, eventually the wings felt right…like they’d been there all along just invisible.” Twilight flexed her wings a little. “I know that sounds silly.”

“No. It sounds like you found yourself with those wings. It sounds happy,” Luster Dawn said softly. She was looking at the lake.

Twilight noticed a shine in her eyes. She spoke softly. “Luster? When I was Celestia’s student she had taken me on from magic kindergarten, so I felt pretty comfortable speaking my mind to her by the time I moved to Ponyville. I only took you on as a student a few years ago though, so I understand if you’re still a little hesitant with me but… I want to know what you’re thinking. If you’re not okay, I can help. I promise, whatever it is, it’s fine.”

Luster Dawn took a deep breath in and out. “I…” She looked at Twilight. And somehow looking into the eyes of an average pony her size felt much less scary than staring up at the majestic princess of Equestria she knew. “I don’t think I can be your special student.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Luster Dawn pursed her lips and then the truth popped out so quickly. “I don’t know if I can be your heir and a princess if that’s what you’re trying to train me to be!”

Twilight’s eyes were very wide now.

Luster Dawn blushed and began to ramble. “I’m sorry, maybe that wasn’t even your intention for me at all, and I’ve just completely embarrassed myself. But you sent me to Ponyville just like you, you told me to make friends just like you, you put me up in a castle—the castle that used to belong to you! You asked me to write you letters just like you used to do. You gave me three major threats to Equestria to tackle just like the major threat you faced when you first moved to Ponyville! You set me up on a potential path to princessnhood just like yours! But I don’t know if I can do this, Princess Twilight, or even if I want to or even if I’m good enough to considering everything that’s happened. And I’m sorry, I—“

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. Luster Dawn flinched and glanced at her; she blinked back some tears.

Twilight’s smile was small and patient. “Luster, I don’t want to freak you out because this is a princess thing I’m about to teach you, but I think it’ll help. Bring a hoof up to your chest as you take a deep breath.” Luster Dawn followed along with Twilight doing the motion. “Then exhale and extend the hoof out in front of you.” They both did the action. Twilight removed her hoof from Luster Dawn. “How do you feel?”

“Better. Less lightheaded.” She shook her head to clear it. “Did Celestia teach you that?”

“Cadance—around the time she became ruler of the Crystal Empire,” Twilight explained. “She’s really good at keeping calm and calming other ponies.”

Luster Dawn smiled a little. Then she rubbed the back of her neck. “So…did you send me here to become a…?”

Twilight look a deep breath and gazed thoughtfully at the lake for a moment. She smiled a little. “I didn’t send you here to make you become a princess, Luster Dawn.”

“Oh…” Luster Dawn blinked at her own response. That ‘oh’ that had just escaped her had sounded a surprising mix of relieved but also sad.

Twilight glanced at her student. “What I mean is I would never force you to become anything you didn’t want to be or that wasn’t right for you, Luster. But…I’m open to you having experiences and growing up more and maybe finding some princess qualities inside of yourself as the years pass. I’m not trying to push you to the front of the line for taking over Equestria — I promise. But if a destiny of leading turned out to be something you liked, something you wanted, something you eventually felt ready for, I’m here to support you and help you find your best place.”

Luster Dawn furrowed her brow, thinking through this information. “Whatever I do, I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“And you won’t—because you’re you and you try and you care,” Twilight assured. “But for a moment forget about what I want. Basically at the end of the day I’m just a tall purple pony who’s really good at magic tricks and paperwork.” That comment got Luster Dawn to crack a small smile. “What do you want? And not for the far future but right now?”

Luster Dawn considered. “I want to keep working with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. I know they’ve made mistakes—in the past and recently apparently. And I know our progress is slow. But I’m ready to help them one step at a time. I like helping them. I feel like…we have a strange, small friendship. I also want to keep studying magic but also some friendship things. I want to find my place in Ponyville, because I do like being there. And I want…” She blushed again.

Twilight waited, patient. She gently placed a hoof against Luster Dawn’s on the ground.

“I want to find friends in my own time and my own way.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. Luster Dawn turned to her. “Princess Twilight, I didn’t invite my ‘friends from the school’ to this tea party because I don’t really have any friends from the school yet. Not ‘best friends’—not like you, how you came to Ponyville and met your closest friends on your first day. Everyone’s nice and I’m getting to know creatures, but I haven't felt that sudden spark of connection with anyone…except for Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow a little, because we’ve had the chance to bond, even if it’s not a perfect friendship. Which is another reason why I worry I might not be the best choice for a princess…”

Twilight smiled in understanding - so many things were starting to make sense. “Luster Dawn, you don’t have to be a master of friendship or a princess of friendship. I want you to take your time here. My experience was finding my friends on my first day. Your experience can be different. And it can involve former villains or eager students or any creature in between. I still believe in you—as a pony and a student and…as my friend.”

Luster Dawn blinked and smiled a little again. “You think of me as your friend?”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. “And I hope you’ll think of me as yours.”

Luster Dawn nodded, very happy for a moment. But then she looked down. “Those three—Celestia, Discord, Luna—they seem so happy in retirement. It would be nice if you could retire too.”

Twilight sighed and looked down with some guilt. “I…would like to join them someday. But not today, not for a while, and it’s not your responsibility to get me there, I promise.” She looked into Luster Dawn’s eyes. “I’m sorry for putting all this pressure on you without realizing it. I tried to repeat my experience with Celestia because it gave me good memories and seemed like the best way to teach you. But then I made you feel like you had to be me. You just have to be you.” She bit her lip. “I mean, the letters were probably okay to ask for as homework sometimes, but maybe making you live in the castle was a bit much; and giving you those three to reform right off the bat; and asking all about your friends right away. Sorry.” She shrugged. “Honestly this is new territory for me too. So…how about we’re just very open with each other going forward and take it one day at a time. No pressure. Just…being ourselves?” She held out a hoof.

Luster Dawn smiled and took the hoof and shook. Then she jumped at Twilight in a hug. “Thank you, Princess.” She laughed and pulled back, brushing away a few tears. “Also, sorry, it just seemed like I could finally really hug you now that you’re this size.”

“It’s okay.” Twilight smiled. “I like being hugged as this size too. Hugs feel bigger.”

Luster Dawn laughed, then hesitated. “So…what are you going to do about Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow?”

“What do you want to do about them?”

“I want to help them.”

Twilight’s smile grew. “That sounds like a very excellent idea.”

Luster Dawn’s smile grew as well. She swallowed. “Also, I…if it’s possible I don’t want to live in the castle. Staying there is just a little too much for me right now. I can live there until those three are ready to live on their own since I need the extra room, but…”

“It’s okay.” Twilight nodded. “I think if Celestia had asked me to live in a castle when I first moved to Ponyville, I would have freaked out a little too. A lot of Twilighting.”

Luster Dawn raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean panicking unnecessarily?”

“Now you get it." Twilight winked. “We’ll think of some other place. Maybe the dorms at the friendship school?”

“Not just yet.” Luster Dawn shrugged. “I want to have more time to get to know creatures there before living with them. But maybe eventually.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Twilight assured. “I’m very proud of you, you know. You take the time to understand what’s good for yourself and what’s good for others. You have a good heart, Luster.”

Luster Dawn beamed a little. “Thank you. You’re a good teacher, Princess Twilight, and a good friend.”

Twilight gave her a hug then pulled back. “Want to go inside and get some breakfast? I think I can get Discord to make pudding filled croissants.”

“Could he make some with lemon pudding?” Luster Dawn licked her lips.

“If we give enough compliments to the chef, I can guarantee it.”

They laughed together and stood up.

Then there was a very loud explosion from the castle on the far side. Rubble fell and dark and bright blue magic filled the air.

Luster Dawn’s eyes widened. “Princess Twilight?”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed. “It’s Sombra. I can feel the dark magic.” She blinked, and her eyes glowed green and red for a moment. She blinked again and they were normal. She glanced back to her student with a slight frown. “If you want to fight, I’d welcome the help. But I don’t expect you to save the day, Luster Dawn. Everything we do together doesn’t have to be about proving yourself. You’ve already done that more than you realize.”

Luster Dawn smiled and nodded. “I’d be honored to fight alongside you, Princess Twilight. My friends are in that castle. And I won’t stop until we’re all safe.”

Twilight smiled more. “Then stay close and let’s go.” She turned and walked toward the castle.

Luster Dawn followed her. “Should you change back to normal first?”

Twilight smirked just a little. “No. My power’s the same no matter my form. Besides, we have the element of surprise right now, and me being short keeps it that way.”

Luster Dawn smirked a little too.

The mares approached the castle, and Twilight teleported them inside.

“Mom! Mom, sheesh, wake up!” Flurry Heart had teleported into the room with Cozy Glow…where they found Cadance in bed with an eye mask on and snoring lightly among the pillows.

Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow. “I thought all you princesses got up super early.”

Flurry Heart’s look went dry. “My mom is the exception. Mom!” She pounced onto the bed and half onto Cadance.

With a loud snore, Cadance sat up and made the eye mask disappear. “What? I’m up, I’m up… Shining, is the coffee on?” She blinked at the sight of her daughter’s wide eyes and Cozy Glow standing by the bed. “What’s happened?”

“Perimeter breach. Likely from an internal origin. Cozy Glow believes Sombra is back.”

“He IS back!” Cozy Glow added with a scowl, flying up.

“I think he attacked Auntie Luna!” Flurry Heart finished, tears at the edges of her eyes. “We have to act — now!”

The castle shook — some kind of explosion. They could hear rubble fall to the forest floor.

Cadance was up, wings spread, head high. “We have to get to the others first. I don’t want us walking into a trap.”

“I should go…” Cozy Glow flew to the window. “You guys’ll take care of things now and save the day just like you always do.”

Flurry Heart blinked and turned to her. “But…Tirek and Chrysalis might need you.”

“They don’t, trust me…”

“And Luster!”

“… She’s better off without me.”

“I want you to stay!” Flurry Heart teleported in front of the window just as Cozy Glow reached it. “You can help even if you don’t realize how yet. And other creatures do need you and want you. And it’s because of you that Sombra’s here. If you don't want to be treated like a bratty little filly then stop acting like one and take some responsibility!”

Cozy Glow’s eyes widened, her face blank. Flurry Heart kept a stern look.

Cozy Glow landed but didn’t say anything.

Cadance had been observing with interest, but now a portal appeared and Discord’s head popped out. “Cadance! Flurry! You’re both okay — good. We thought the explosion might have come from… Hey, it's Cozy!” Discord sighed. “Well, at least we know where you got to…”

Cadance moved closer to him. “We think the explosion was in Luna’s tower!”

Discord’s look steeled. He flew through the portal, lassoed all three ponies with his body and pulled them through the portal with him.

They ended up in Discord and Celestia’s bedroom with Celestia, and Tirek and Chrysalis.

“Cozy Glow!” Tirek and Chrysalis said at once.

Cozy Glow blinked then pouted and looked away.

“Where’s Twilight?” Cadance asked, glancing around.

“Safe.” Celestia assured. "She and Luster left the castle earlier for a talk.”

Discord came close to her and placed a hand on her cheek. “Tia, they think it was Luna.”

Celestia’s eyes widened and she gasped.

Discord moved closer. “It’ll be okay.”

She blinked a couple times then quickly nodded. She turned to Tirek and Chrysalis with a serious look. She nodded to them and they nodded in return. Celestia teleported them out of the room.

“Hey!” Cozy Glow flew up, “where did—“

“Part of the plan.” Celestia replied simply. “Now, let’s go to my sister!” She powered her horn and they were all teleported away.

They all appeared in what had been a hallway, though with the outer wall of the castle gone in this area it was more like standing on a wide carpeted balcony overlooking the forest. They could see Luna’s tower just across and above, and her balcony doors open — the blast of power that had taken out the wall had clearly come from there.

“Luna!” Celestia called out, worry overcoming her readiness for battle. “Luna! Sister!”

Silence…then a rumble and a powerful burst of dark and blue magic shot out of the balcony doors into the sky. The shift of power kicked up a wind that made everyone look away for a moment. But when they looked forward again, they saw a shadow with a glow of red fallen near the dim edge of the forest. Then a glow of bright blue appeared high in the sky, which they soon realized came from Luna’s eyes: she flew toward them and descended to the floor. When she landed, the glowing stopped—she was breathless and scuffed, but she held her head high. She turned back in the direction of the shadow, her wings raised. Her Royal Canterlot Voice rang out. “TAKE HEED, WRETCHED FOE! THOU MAYEST BE KING OF THE SHADOWS, BUT I AM A PONY BORN OF THE NIGHT! THINE SMOKE AND MIRRORS MAGIC IS NO MATCH FOR A BLACK SKY AND A BRIGHT MOON!” She glared at her foe.

“Luna!” Celestia dove at her in a hug. “You’re all right?” She pulled back, observing Luna closely.

Luna smiled a little and nodded. “Of course. Retirement has only increased my time for magical study and practice. If the two of us could take on Sombra at his full power in the past, I myself could easily take on this weakened of a version of him now.” She took a few steps forward…but then stumbled a little.

Celestia frowned and propped her up.

Luna swallowed. “But my magic is very spent. We already fought so hard last evening… I don’t have much else to give right now.”

Celestia guided her sister over to the far wall and set her against it. “It’s okay. Rest… You’ve done the hard work. Now it’s time for this pony sister and the rest of our family to finish him.” She winked. They set their foreheads together for a moment. Then Celestia went back to the group.

Cadance stood firm, wings spread, eyes narrow. Flurry Heart stood beside her, her chest puffed out, look stern. Cozy Glow stood beside her, uncertain…but lingering. Discord floated in front of them. Celestia came to the end of the line of ponies, her own wings spread. “KING SOMBRA! APPROACH — AND YIELD OR BE BANISHED!” she yelled in her royal Canterlot voice.

Despite the seriousness of the moment, Discord glanced at her and smiled a little, a faint blush entering his features.

They low heard laughter in the distance. And then the shadow pony with his glowing red jewel levitate himself into the air and approached, faster and faster.

Discord glared at the approaching force and raised up his fingers to snap, Celestia and Cadance had their horns glowing. Flurry Heart suddenly rushed forward, her eyes glowing. “You stay away from our family!” She was surrounded with light and the light exploded from her and became a large white shield in front of them all. Sombra arrived and clashed against the shield. It remained strong but Flurry Heart winced. He hit and hit and hit—and with each hit she held but she winced more and more.

Cozy Glow looked on.

Cadance came forward and touched her daughter’s shoulder. “My Flurry, it’s okay… Let him in. We can do this. Remember, don’t let yourself be drained unless you have to. Let us help, my Princess of Protection.”

The glow in Flurry Hearts's eyes faded a little. She took a deep breath and nodded to her mother. Sombra pulled back and she let the shield down. He charged forward. Everyone braced themselves, ready to fight… But when Sombra reached them he paused and landed on the floor before them. Up close he had the shape and features of his pony self, but his body appeared to be made of swirling shadows. He eyed them with a wicked smirk. “Hmm…what a sweet little gathering. But where oh where is Twilight Sparkle… and that little attempt of hers at a student?”

“Gone,” Celestia announced. “Both of them had already left the castle. Even if you found a victory here—which you won’t—they’re still out there to stop you.”

Sombra laughed. “And Tirek and Chrysalis—my old cohorts? Conveniently gone as well or just too cowardly to face me?”

“Oh, are we not enough? I’m wounded.” Discord smirked. “Hey, just so we’re clear, remember that time I dove in front of Fluttershy to block her from one of your magical blasts and I fainted in defeat? I was FAKING IT!”

Sombra shot a blast at the group.

Discord snapped his fingers, and the blast hit a giant banana cream pie that fell to the castle grounds below. Discord scowled. “But on a serious note, you do not touch my family. Ever.” His wings spread and his back arched as he landed and extended his protective stance in front of the others on all fours. His tail whipped side to side.

Celestia smiled a little to herself and fought back a slight blush.

Sombra glared, then his attention turned to Cadance and her daughter.

Flurry Heart scowled at him. She stood tall, like the captain of the guard she was, and stepped past her mother. “You are nothing more than an old bedtime story to me, and I do not fear you. Stand down, Sombra. That is an order from the Crowned Princess and Captain of the Guard, Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire - Princess of Protection.”

“You…” He snickered. “You flew at me in the battle. You plucked me from the sky.” His look darkened. “Someone was very foolish not to teach you to fear your betters, little girl.”

“That would be me—“ Cadance stepped forward. “I taught her to love everyone. And neither of us fear you.”

His eyes flashed with green and red and purple. Then his gaze went lower, and the dark magic faded for a moment. There stood Cozy Glow. “And you…you freed me and fought by my side—then you sent me away! No better than this princesses who banish on a whim! But…if you rejoin me perhaps we can form a new partnership. And when our victory is over, I’ll place you in charge of the Crystal Empire while I rule everywhere else. Come to me, bright little Cozy Glow.”

Cozy Glow’s brow furrowed but she stepped forward. Flurry Heart held out a hoof, but Cadance stopped her daughter and gave her a look of understanding. Cozy Glow had to make her own choice. And with her heart heavy, Flurry Heart accepted that fact and waited.

Cozy Glow walked up to Sombra. She pouted slightly. “I’m not little.”

Sombra sighed, smirking more. “Every villain has a hang-up. Fine, I won’t refer to you as little.”

Cozy Glow smiled. She flew up to bring her face to the same height as his. “Then that just leaves one more thing.” She raised her foreleg, like she was going to reach out and shake with him. Then Cozy Glow pulled back her hoof and clocked Sombra right across the jaw. “No one comes along and tells me what to do!” He wings fluttered so hard they buzzed, and she was about to fly against Sombra’s shadowy form, hooves raised, when Flurry Heart and Cadance pulled her back just as Sombra shot off a blast magic. Flurry Heart managed to put up a small shield spell just in time to block the shot.

“Let me go!” Cozy Glow struggled, angry. “I don’t care if I don’t have magic, I don’t care if I’m not a princess, I don’t care if I don’t have any artifacts or friends or enemy-friends…” For a moment there were tears at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them back. “I’ll clobber him! Today I was supposed to win for once, and he doesn't get to take that from me!”

“Easy, easy…” Flurry Heart put a hoof to her cheek. “You got a shot off on him—a great shot, by the way. But you can’t engage fully right now, it’s not safe.”

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

“I’m not telling you what to do, I’m telling you the truth!” Flurry Heart's tone and gaze firmed. “There’s a better way to fight him!”

Cozy Glow’s struggling stopped and she landed just as Flurry Heart released her shield.

The red glow of Sombra’s jewel was brighter, trails of green smoke leaving his eyes. “Fine. you’ve thrown your lot in with them—obnoxious little girl. I don't know why the false Grogar even included you.”

“I included her,” Discord chimed in, flying in front of the three mares, “because she has far more potential than you. All you do is rage and smirk and fire dark magic everywhere. Talk about a one dimensional bad guy.” He crossed his arms. “And if she wants to throw her lot in with us, she’s more than welcome. But if she doesn't that’s fine too—she doesn't like you, and that’s all I need to know. I’ll defend her just like everyone else.”

The shadow darkened. “You’re weak and old. I’m strong.”

“You're a shadow. You remind me of a really ugly part of myself from a long time ago.” Discord held up his fingers. “And I feel sorry for you.” He snapped.

Chaos abounded. The sky became a checkerboard of pink and blue, pies rained up from the ground, gravity worked in some places and not in others, and chocolate milk rained sideways from the Everfree forest. “But if you don’t calm down, I won’t hold back…”

Sombra glanced around, penned in on all sides by chaos. But then he closed his eyes and laughed. “It’s too bad those girls got rid of me back when your whole Grogar scheme started: I never had a chance to show my full power. But right now I won’t hold back either, Discord.” He opened his eyes, sizzling with dark magic, and aimed for the chaos master’s heart.

“Sombra!” Celestia yelled.

He turned with a hiss and saw Celestia standing beside a regal, scowling Twilight Sparkle in all her height and glory. Twilight approached. “Why don’t you pick on someone of your own size and position, King?” Her horn glowed.

Sombra’s eyes lit up and he swiftly moved toward her. “You…You think you’ve gotten so powerful. But I don’t see your little Elements of Harmony friends here. It’s just you…” His look darkened. “You who woke me from my slumber, who stole my crystal heart, who took my empire and gave it to those sickening pink mares.”

“And to my daddy, and we’re better at running it than you are!” Flurry Heart shot back, unable to help herself..

“Silence!” Sombra bellowed, dark magic flashing in his eyes as he looked to Flurry Heart.

Celestia took the opportunity to move off to the side, in the direction of Luna.

Sombra turned his attention back to Twilight.

Cozy Glow flew, wings buzzing again, and was about to fly at him for another punch when Cadance put up a hoof in a gesture for both mares to wait. Discord came over and swiftly corralled the ladies back toward Luna and Celestia. Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow. Luna smiled as they approached and huddled together--she already had a blue bubble of protection ready for them to enter. Cadance put a foreleg around Flurry Heart, and Flurry Heart put a foreleg around Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow hesitated…but then her eyes widened in realization. She looked closely at Twilight…and then entered the bubble too. Discord and Celestia shared a brief kiss, then placed themselves as close to Twilight and Sombra as possible while still staying hidden.

Sombra huffed through his nose at Twilight. “You’ve gone unchallenged for too long. And now your time is done. You’re all weak from yesterday, but I bided my time last night—I’m more spirit than pony right now, and I’m strong. And the way you can use dark magic…it really is a pity you never came over to my side of things. But that skill will do you more harm than good now—a slight corruption, a crack in your perfect armor. One which I will widen.”

Twilight gave him a dry look, standing proud. “Then do it and quit talking about it already. Really, there’s no need to be so dramatic.”

His eyes glowed green and purple and red, his horn glowed black, the jewel in his crown glimmered a fiery red, and then he unleashed everything he had in Twilight’s direction.

Twilight disappeared—she didn’t teleport, there was no flash of magic. She was just instantly gone. Celestia rushed forward and shot a beam of gold magic at Sombra that wrapped around him like a lasso, holding him steady. Discord snapped and quickly lassoed Sombra with some licorice ropes. Sombra’s magic hit the wall, breaking another large stone chunk off that hit the ground and scattering rubble into the hallways (which didn’t hit any of the others courtesy of Luna’s protection bubble). Before he could aim at his captors, a large bugbear flew up from the ground with Tirek riding it. Tirek jumped onto the floor, powered his horns, and instantly began absorbing all of Sombra’s magic.

“Ahhhhh!” Sombra yelled and struggled. Celestia and Discord held strong as he thrashed. Cadance came forward and generated restraints along the sides of Sombra’s head to keep him from turning his horn away from Tirek. Flurry Heart came forward and generated white shields in front of everyone.

Cozy Glow came forward, scowling, and dashed over to Tirek. “Come on, Tirek! Drain him dry! You can do it!” She yelled with a scowl, supporting her friend as best she could.

Tirek roared as he grew larger. Sombra still raged, his magic strong but his shadowy form lightening.

The bugbear landed and transformed back into Chrysalis. She stood on Tirek’s other side, smirking. “Yes! Take everything, Tirek! Remember what he did to us yesterday! Also, you shadowy royal rube, in case you haven’t caught on yet, that was my flawless performance as Princess Twilight Sparkle!” She noticed Cozy Glow out of the corner of her eye. She blinked.

Cozy Glow blinked too.

Both mares looked away for a moment but then back to Tirek. They both moved a little closer, supporting him.

Luna came forward now, her eyes bright with magic. “How dare thou invade the sanctity of our home and our room, Sombra! We strongly regret any momentary feelings of admiration we had for as a young princess encountering a pony king for the first time!” She raised him up in a ball of blue magic.

Tirek pulled in a final large burst of Sombra’s power, then broke away from the shadowy unicorn, taller and larger but trying to catch his breath. Chrysalis caught him as best she could on one side, and Cozy flew up to keep his head steady. An orb of magic glowed between his horns: when he finally opened his eyes he was grinning. “Oh, that was a feast! Ancient magic is always the best—they just don’t make it like they used to.”

Chrysalis released him and rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, follow through with the deal we made before your head gets too big as well, Tirek.”

“Deal?” Cozy Glow raised an eyebrow.

Tirek sighed. “Yes, deal—as in we were working with the princesses. I know, I know, you’re terribly disappointed. But we didn’t want to end up trapped in a big crystal cage after Sombra defeated everyone, or whatever his plans were.”

“I know, he’s always been terribly vague.” Chrysalis shrugged and held up a hoof. “I mean, what is his endgame? Spooking random ponies? Royalty should display more clarity in their plans for conquest.”

Tirek nodded.

Cozy Glow pouted but swallowed. “So…what was the deal exactly?”

Discord approached—and he had Grogar’s bell in one hand while he held the licorice ropes in the other. Tirek turned to him. Discord rang the bell—all of Sombra’s magic left Tirek and entered the ancient item. Discord smiled. “Pleasure doing business with you, Tirek, Chrysalis.” He held out his hand. Reluctantly, Chrysalis reached out and shook it. Then Tirek reached out, give it one stiff shake, and pulled back. Discord glanced at Cozy Glow with a smile. “Cozy, are you okay?”

She shrugged, looking away. “Fine.”

Discord held out his hoof, but she didn’t move to shake. He just shrugged. “Good, glad to hear it.” He patted her head then snapped away the bell and went back to his licorice ropes.

Cozy Glow looked at Tirek. “You could have used that magic to—“

“To what?” Tirek asked with a sigh, getting steady on his feet after the sudden slight drain. “Make some big grand attempt against four alicorns, Discord, and various other powerful ponies? It wouldn’t work, Cozy. And I’m tired of trying things that don’t work.”

Chrysalis swallowed, scowling. “And I…agree.” She hesitated. “You came back?”

Cozy Glow blushed but scowled more. “I never left. I…saw a red light in the castle last night and stayed, watching it…then after sunrise I found dumb Flurry Heart on patrol and told her about it.”

Tirek and Chrysalis eyes widened.

Cozy Glow blushed more. “I just…I didn’t want him taking everyone out and getting to take over all of Equestria. That should be my job. Plus, I don’t know, him sneaking up on everyone didn’t seem fair or something. I mean, you guys were asleep. That’s just cheap or whatever…”

Chrysalis and Tirek kept looking at each other and then her. And Cozy Glow didn’t move away.

Sombra had fallen to his knees now. His form was more solid than smoke, but weakened. He was still tied up in multiple magics. He glared at his captors. “And what do you think you’ll do with me now? I don’t go away. There are shadows everywhere!” He chuckled. “I’ll come back… You can’t stop me!”

“I beg to differ, King Sombra.”

Eyes turned to a young-looking Twilight Sparkle and Luster Dawn who had just appeared on the open floor. Twilight glanced at the others. “Sorry, Luster and I would have joined sooner but all of you seemed to have an excellent handle on things. I figured we’d make a good surprise attack in case anything went wrong. And Luster got some great notes for how to coordinate a defense against a magical attacker.” Luster Dawn smiled and waved. Twilight went on. “But now I think it’s my turn to do something.”

Sombra snorted with a grin. “You’re a pathetic little pony without the courage for any punishment harsher than a time out in Tartarus or a couple decades as a statue.” Twilight’s smile fell. With barely an effort she shot out a quick beam of magic that turned a pillar to rubble. Sombra blinked but then quickly tried to resume his defiant look, though it was weaker. Twilight used her magic to change back into her full form. She approached the weak and captured villain. She lowered her head and frowned. “You are so angry. In Tartarus or as stone, you’ll just fume and rage… I think you need a rest. A time out can do wonders at any age.”

He raised an eyebrow.

Twilight’s eyes glowed and so did her horn. She touched it to his. When she pulled back, Sombra blinked a few times. He opened his mouth but closed it, his eye lids grew heavy. And then his head dropped in between his hooves on the floor. He was sound asleep. Twilight smiled a little and glanced over her shoulder. “Luna? Could you help me? Bringing sleep I can do, but you’re still the expert at guiding a pony to good dreams.”

With a warm smile Luna approached and touched her horn to Sombra’s. The villain smiled a little in his slumber. Luna pulled back and nodded in satisfaction at her work.

Celestia approached “Did you have some place in mind for him, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded. “Some place quiet and calm for now: the catacombs under the castle in Canterlot. The rocks down there cancel out magical energy so he won’t be able to attack, but he’ll still be close enough to check on him and talk to him when he’s ready.” She used her magic to teleport Sombra away. Then she hugged the pony sisters. “I’m so glad you’re both okay.” They hugged her in return.

“We are glad for your safety as well, Twilight.” Luna pressed her head alongside Twilight’s. “I was quite worried when I woke up and found him in my room instead of you.”

“We’ll always be okay as long as we can work together.” Celestia patted her student and nuzzled her sister.

Discord flew over. “Hey, don’t forget about me!” He used his body to wrap them all up in a big hug.

“And us!” Cadance yelled as she and Flurry Heart came over, hugging against Discord.

“And me?” Luster Dawn asked hesitantly with a small smile.

Twilight teleported her onto her back. “Of course you.”

Luster Dawn hugged around her neck.

Everyone’s eyes went over to Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, who looked back at them in surprise then awkwardly glanced away. “You can join us too, you know…” Twilight suggested gently.

The three of them pouted.

“Pass…” Chrysalis hissed.

“No, thank you,” Tirek huffed.

“Yeah right.” Cozy Glow pouted.

They didn’t embrace each other either - but they did linger close to the main group.

Luster Dawn swallowed. She climbed off of Twilight and approached the trio. She took a breath, not smiling or scowling. “You should at least stay for breakfast. Maybe we can talk afterwards.” Instead of waiting for an answer, she quickly turned back to the other group. “Discord, Celestia, Luna? Thank you so much. But I’m sorry for all the damage done to your castle. I’ll help repair it later in any way that I can.” Then she walked down a hallway and went around a corner.

The group of ponies and Discord separated. They each gave Twilight a nod or an encouraging look. Then Twilight walked after her student. And gradually the others followed them back into the intact areas of the castle.

Flurry Heart ended up being the last one left with the trio. She glanced at them. “You really are welcome for breakfast. And I appreciate your assistance in our defense.” She saluted them…nodded to Cozy Glow…then headed inside.

The trio looked down in thought then gradually shuffled inside as well.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and staying safe :heart: And I hope you enjoyed the update! Thank you for some extra patience with updates ^^ My summer schedule has been very unpredictable with everything going on right now. There are still a few chapters left - next time prepare for some cute conversations, some dramatic confessions, and some exciting cameos :yay: Also lots of cute anniversary stuff!

And keep an eye on my blog for details about a reading of one of my fics that should be posted soon :trollestia:

Thank you for reading and for the support!
