• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

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Turn 45, Lightning Strikes

At the Freeze Dome, we find Shining and Cadance in the main computer room.

They and a group of Freeze Industries top scientists were currently working to find a way to reverse the spread of Sombra's crystal roots, which were slowly burying deeper into the earth and absorbing energy to send to the Crystal Tower.

"The Crystal Tower's energy levels have reached twenty three percent," a scientist said.

"There has to be something we can do," Shining asked as he watched Cadance typing away at the computer. "At least find a way to slow it down?"

"We're trying," Cadance said, "but so far nothing seems to effect these crystals."

It was true. They had been sending out many groups of workers, each with a different job to attempt to break, crack or even scratch the crystal. However, the crystals remained completely solid no matter what they did. Drills, heavy machines and even electrifying them did nothing to break them.

"They're indestructible," Cadance said as she held her head in despair.

Shining placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "It's okay," he said, "we'll find a way. You have to relax, not just for you."

Cadance sat up straight and took a deep breath as she placed her hand on her stomach. "You're right," she said, "we can't give up."

"Exactly," Shining said, "let's keep our heads up and do what we can to help our friends."

Cadance nodded and continued working on finding a way to stop those crystals. Even if she couldn't physically help, she could do whatever was in her power.

Meanwhile outside the Crystal Tower, the gang watched as Thorax and Scootaloo slammed against the crystalline structure.

"Come on!" Thorax moaned as he body slammed the tower, only to bounce off while the tower remained intact. "Break!" He cried as he tried again, "let us in!"

"Keep trying!" Scootaloo said as she did the same.

"Stop it you two," Fluttershy said, "you'll just hurt yourselves."

"She's right," Rarity told them as she continued to hold the still unconscious Spike, "the only way in is with Vail Pixie and Flash is the only one who could summon her."

"But Cold needs our help!" Scootaloo replied hastily.

"There's nothing we can do," Fluttershy said, "we just have to hope someone makes it up there to help him."

Suddenly Scootaloo's phone began to ring. Taking it out and seeing who was calling, she answered it as quick as she could by putting it on speaker phone. "Gramps?"

"Scootaloo!" Grand Hoof said, "thank goodness you're okay. Where are you?"

"We're outside the tower," Scootaloo replied, "we're trying to get inside."

"To help Cold?" Grand replied.

"You saw?" Fluttershy asked

"I did. That last attack looked like it did some major damage. If he doesn't get medical attention soon, who knows what permanent damage could be done."

"So what do we do?" Thorax asked, "nothing we try works against this stuff."

"How did the others get in?" Grand asked. They explained how Flash had summoned Vail Pixie, surprising him at first but he soon accepted it and saw what the problem was. "I see," he said, "without Vail Pixie you can't get inside. For now you'll need to wait and be prepared. Another way in may reveal itself. Hopefully one of the others will find him and get him out of there."

"Let's hope," Rarity said as she looked back up at the tower. "But if their Duels are anything like the last two, they'll need to pull out all the stops to win."

Rainbow was rushing up the crystal staircase as fast as she could. It felt like they went on forever, but Rainbow knew she'd get their soon and who would be waiting for her once she got there.

"Have to keep going," she said to herself, "can't stop."

Suddenly she saw a bright light up ahead, making her double her efforts and rush up until she found herself inside a crystal chamber.

Unlike Chrysalis's chamber, this one was filled with crystal spikes pointing in every direction. Some of them joined up to make bridges, which in multitudes created a labyrinth of bridges which grew higher and higher.

As Rainbow stepped further into the chamber, she looked around to see if anyone was in sight. However, no matter which direction she was looking in, the room was completely empty.

"Up here loser!"

Rainbow looked up at one of bridges in the centre of the chamber, where she saw Lightning Dust sitting over the edge and smirking down at her.

"Nice to see you're finally here." she said in a snarky tone, "I was growing insane just sitting here waiting for you to show up. Never was much of a patient person, though you knew that already."

Rainbow simply glared up Lightning, not in the mode for her games. "You know why I'm here Lightning," she yelled up to her, "but it doesn't have to be this way. Show me how to get up to Sombra and we can forget this whole thing."

Lightning stared back down at her for a moment, before her snark turned to a smiled which then turned into a large grin. Before Rainbow could ask what was going on Lightning burst into laughter, clutching her stomach as she cackled like a made woman. "Hilarious," she said, "you think I'd give up all this?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at her question.

"Don't you get it?" Lightning continued, "I'm going to become one of the most powerful people in the world. All I have to do is beat you and I'll be golden."

"Sombra's using you!" Rainbow told her, "once that Shadow Gate's open he'll turn on you and you'll have nothing."

"Compared to what I had before," Lightning said, "I'll take the risk." She stood up on her crystal bridge. "Now, it's time to get some payback for you beating me. Get up here!"

Rainbow continued to frown at her, but knew she wouldn't listen to her. Hopefully beating her in a Duel will make her see sense.

After taking a few steps back, she then ran forwards and leapt up onto a nearby crystal ledge. She then leapt off it and onto another, then another and another until she finally landed on Lightning's bridge.

Once she had her balance, she took out her Duel Disk and attached it to her arm.

Lightning did the same. "The loser of this Duel will be ejected from the tower," she explained, "so I hope you packed a parachute, because it's a long way down."

"We'll see who needs a parachute," Rainbow said, "I'll set the stage." She clicked something on her Duel Disk and the robotic female voice began to speak.


From the Duel Disk came a pulse which covered the whole area, Due to the many crystal spikes, the platforms did not appear.

"You ready to go down?" Lightning asked.

"In history maybe," Rainbow replied.


Rainbow: 4000
Lightning: 4000


Back outside, everyone's Duel Disk's switched back on and showed the Duel to them.

"It's Rainbow," Fluttershy gasped.

"She's Dueling Lightning Dust," Rarity said, "though it was probably obvious she would be."

"Alright," Scootaloo said, "this won't last long. Take her down Rainbow."

Fluttershy however was worried. She thought back to her Duel against Rainbow and how they'd talked about her needing to think before she acted. After that day Rainbow had been exceedingly focused, but would she remain focused now that she was actually facing Lightning. "Be careful Rainbow," she said.

"I'll take the first move," Rainbow said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and I'll start by summoning Rainbow Wing Knight Eagle in DEF mode." The yellowed bird armoured warrior appeared, before landing on the crystal bridge and taking a defensive stance. (A1700/D1300/L4/P3) "I'll throw down a face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Lightning said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and I'll summon Lightning Wing Strike in ATK mode!" A gold jet with red trim appeared and flew around the chamber. "Now I'll have Strike attack your overgrown pigeon, GO!" The jet flew around before aiming its weapons at Rainbow Wing Knight Eagle and firing a missile towards it.

"I activate my Trap," Rainbow said as one of her face down cards flipped up, "Tornado Guard!" A tornado appeared around the bird knight, causing the missile to bounce off and go flying off in a different direction and exploding as it hit the chamber wall. "Tornado Guard protects my monster from destruction and would have cut any damage I'd have taken in half." The tornado faded, leaving Eagle completely defenceless."

"Maybe," Lightning said, "but I'm guessing that it only works against one attack. Luckily my Strike's ability activates if it fails to destroy a monster, letting it attack one more time!" The jet unleashed its second missile, which went flying towards the Rainbow Wing Knight.

Rainbow leapt off the bridge and flew through the air, landing on a crystal spike that had an Action Card. Picking it up, Rainbow placed it inside her Duel Disk. "I activate the Action Spell Evasion, to let my monster dodge your attack." The knight spread its wings and with one powerful flap, he managed to fly to safety as the missile struck the bridge and exploded.

Lightning growled seeing this. "Fine," she said, "I'll throw down a face down and end my turn."

Rainbow smirked. "Alright, it's my turn. I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Blue Falcon." In a flash, the blue bird of pray appeared and flew up next to the Rainbow Wing Knight. (A1600/D1400/L4)

Lightning knew what Rainbow was planning and she was ready.

"First I'll have my Rainbow Wing Falcon attack Lightning Wing Strike!" Rainbow ordered as her monster took the the skies and then dive bombed the jet, destroying it and causing Lightning to flinch in pain.

Rainbow: 4000
Lightning: 3800

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at Lightning's pain. "What the?"

Lightning just smirked as she stood up straight. "Here in the Crystal Tower, we have a connection to our monsters. Any damage they feel will also be inflicted on us."

Hearing this made Rainbow uneasy. She might want to beat Lightning, but that didn't mean she wanted to hurt her.

"What's the matter Dash?" Lightning asked, "you to scared to Duel with some real stakes."

Rainbow just frowned hearing this. Fine, if she wanted to play rough then they'd play rough. "Rainbow Wing Knight Eagle," she ordered. "attack!" The bird man flew into the air and then flew towards Lightning, before striking her with his wing and sending her flying off the bridge. She landed on a crystal spike that was across from Rainbow.

Rainbow: 4000
Lightning: 2100

Rainbow watched as Lightning picked herself up, a pained look on her face. "And now," she said as her two monsters glowed and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "with these two monsters I build the Overlay Network." The black hole appeared below her which the lights flew into. "When birds of a feather flock together an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Rainbow's ace. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!" (A2300/D1700/R4)

Lightning smirked seeing her summon that card. "Alright," she said, "I activate my face down." Her card flipped up and revealed a Trap. "Overlay Grab! With this card, I can grab every Overlay Units off an Xyz Monster and summon the same number of monsters from my deck whose Levels are lower then your Assault Wing's Rank."

Rainbow frowned as she looked over to see her monster begin to glow, before a pair of lights shot off him and transformed into the two monsters Lightning Wing Soar and Thrust. (500/D500/L2)X2

"Dang it!" Scootaloo said, "Rainbow's best monsters been depowered."

"She's obviously prepared her deck to counter Rainbow's deck," Rarity said.

"Doesn't matter," Sweetie said, "Rainbow beat her once and she can do it again."

"Except Lightning had underestimated Rainbow," Fluttershy said, "this time she's not playing around."

"It's my turn," Lightning said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and I summon Lightning Wing Jet." The third jet appeared and flew alongside the other two. "Now for the fun part" Lightning said, "because I'm using these three monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her five jets shot into the sky before zooming into the black hole that had just appeared in midair, "now watch as a storm of power begins to take shape." the black hole exploded in a burst of light, as a new monster flew out. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Lightning's monster. "Jetstream Thunderbird!" (A500/D500/R2)

"There it is," Rainbow said, "I can handle this."

"Jetstream Thunderbird," Lightning called out, "attack Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!" Her monster took flight, charging straight at Assault Wing Gold. "I activate Thunderbird's ability" she said, "by removing an Overlay Unit I get to zap your monster's ATK and DEF points to zero." One of its three Overlay Units flew into Thunderbird's horn before it shot a lighting bolt out which struck Assault Wing. (A0/D0/R4) "now go," Jetstream Thunderbird's body discharged electricity which zapped Assault Wing, the static hitting Rainbow as well.

Rainbow screamed as she felt herself be electrified.

Rainbow: 3500
Lightning: 2100

"As you know, Thunderbird's can't destroy a monster it used its ability on," Lighting said as she ended her turn, "but your monsters points won't return to normal until next turn."

"Then it's my turn," Rainbow said, "I draw." She looked at her card and nodded. "I summon Rainbow Wing, Orange Osprey." The orange bird of pray appeared on the field, before flying around Assault Wing Gold. (A1200/D1000/L3) Since I have a Rainbow Wing on my field, Assault Wing's ATK points go up by five hundred. (A500/D0/R4)

Lightning frowned seeing the two monsters now had enough power to attack hers.

"Now I attack with Orange Osprey!" Rainbow ordered as her monster flew up and then dive bombed towards the mechanised bird.

"I activate Thunderbird's ability" Lighting said, as once again an Overlay Unit hit it's horn and shot out a lighting bolt that struck Orange Osprey. (A0/D0/L3) Osprey bounced off of Thunderbird, causing Rainbow to feel the pain.

Rainbow: 3000
Lightning: 2100

"Now Assault Wing Gold," Rainbow ordered, "attack!" The bird man took to the air and soared at Lightning, unsheathing his katanna and preparing to strike.

"I activate Jetstream Thunderbird's ability once again," Lightning said as the last Overlay Unit on her monster flew into its horn and it unleashed a thunder bolt which struck Assault Wing Gold, zapping its ATK points back to nothing. (A0/D0/R4)

Assault Wing Gold's katanna struck the mechanised bird, bouncing off it and shocking the Xyz Monster. Rainbow also felt to electric jolt, causing her to spasm before falling to her knees.

Rainbow: 2500
Lightning: 2100

This is bad," Thorax said, "Rainbow's just letting herself take the damage."

"Maybe," Rarity said, "but now Thunderbird's out of Overlay Units, meaning it can't activate its special ability again."

"Next turn Rainbow can start dishing out some serious hurt on her," Scootaloo said.

"But Lightning would have been expecting this," Fluttershy said, "plus this is how Rainbow beat her last time, so we shouldn't expect her to fall for it again."

"She's right," Pinkie said sadly, "Rainbow will be creamed if she lets Lightning get ahead of her."

"All we can do is hope Rainbow has a plan to deal with whatever Lightning throws at her.

"I end my turn," Rainbow said.

"Then it's my turn," Lightning said, "I draw!" She saw the card she'd drawn and smirked, before placing it in her Duel Disk. "Time to give my Thunderbird a tune up," she said, "I activate Rank-Up-Magic Lightning Force!"

"Oh dang," Rainbow said.

"With this I can Rank-Up a Machine Monster on my field." A bolt of lightning flew out of the her Duel Disk and struck Jetstream Thunderbird, the electrical energy surging around it causing it to transform. "Now watch as the storm of power evolves to its highest level of power," Lightning chanted as the monster finished transforming. "CHAOS XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The light faded, the evolved version of Lightning's monster. "Blitzkrieg Thunderbird!" (A500/D500/R3)

Rainbow looked up at the upgraded Thunderbird, knowing she was about to be in for a world of hurt.

"Since Blitzkrieg Thunderbird was summoned using Rank-Up-Magic Lightning Force," Lightning explained, "my Spells second effect grants my monster five hundred extra ATK points." (A1000/D500/R3) "Now I activate my Thunderbird's ability." The monsters single Overlay Unit flew into Thunderbird's horn, which unleashed a surge of electrical power that spread throughout its body. "This ability allows me to double my Thunderbird's current ATK points once a turn," Lightning finished. (A2000/D500/L3)

"Seriously," Rainbow said.

"Blitzkrieg Thunderbird!" Lightning called out as she leapt up and landed on her monsters back, "take out Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!" The bird flew up and spread its wings into an X formation, as they each opened up and folded out a bunch of lightning lasers. They shot off and unleashed a burst of electrical energy which flew at the Assault Wing.

Seeing her monster in trouble, Rainbow kicked it into high gear and leapt off the crystal. Landing on a lower one, she saw an Action Card not to far off and leapt for it. Just as the electrical attack was about to strike, Rainbow grabbed the Action Card. "Go Miracle!"

A force field appeared around Assault Wing Gold, causing the attack to weaker enough so the monster wasn't destroyed. However Assault Wing Gold, and by extension Rainbow, still cried out in pain as they were zapped.

Rainbow: 1500
Lightning: 2100

"Looks like you survived that attack," Lightning said, "but I've got more attacks coming."

"I hope Rainbow's okay?" Sweetie said.

"She'll be fine," Scootaloo said, "next turn her monsters ATK points are gonna return to normal and she'll be able to kick Lightning's butt."

"I hope you're right," Thorax said, "if she can get more Overlay Units on her monster, then she'll be able to double its ATK points again and eventually it'll become unstoppable."

"Come on Rainbow," Fluttershy said.

"It's my turn," Rainbow said as her monsters ATK points returned to normal, "I draw!" She looked at the card she'd drawn and smiled. "You're not the only one that can Rank up her monster. I activate Rank-Up-Magic, Rainbow Force!" Assault Wing Gold transformed into a stream of light, which flew up and into a black hole as it opened. "Let the rainbow shine its brilliant light upon you, as you take flight to a new future," she chanted as the black hole exploded. "CHAOS XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The light faded, revealing Rainbow's most powerful monster. "Rainbow Assault Wing Platinum!" (A2800/D2200/R5)

Lightning remained steadfast as she watched the newly evolved Xyz Monster fly up until it was at the same level as Rainbow.

"Here we go," Rainbow said, "I attack Blitzkrieg Thunderbird with Assault Wing Platinum!" The bird man spread his wings and flew towards the mechanised bird. "I'm also activating Assault Wing Platinum's ability," Rainbow continued. "by removing an Overlay Unit I can reduce your monsters ATK points by seven hundred, for every Rainbow Wing or Rainbow Assault Wing in my graveyard." The Xyz monster crushed one of its Overlay Unit in both hands, before extending his wings. They shone a brilliant light which spread and began to take the form of the monsters in Rainbow's graveyard.

Blue Falcon and Assault Wing Gold flew around the Xyz monster as astral projections, before flying towards Blitzkrieg Thunderbird and striking it. Lightning watched as the two struck her monster, causing its power to become decimated. (A600/D0/R3)

"Alright!" Everyone cheered seeing this.

"That's enough of a difference to end this!" Scootaloo said.

"If it can just get through," Rarity said.

"DO IT!" Rainbow ordered as her monster flew up and the charged toward Lightning and her monster, bringing its hands together and spinning around till it was like a rainbow coloured drill.

Lightning steered her monster away from the attack, as she searched for an Action Card. Seeing one nearby, she leapt off her monster and grabbed it. "I activate the Action Spell Evasion!" Thunderbird's thrusters kicked in, allowing it to barely dodge the attack. With the battle over, Lightning's monster regained its lost ATK points. (A2000/D500/R3)

"No," Rainbow growled, "so close."

"To bad," Lightning said as she jumped back on her monster, "so sad."

Rainbow frowned, but knew there was nothing more she could do. "I switch Osprey to DEF mode and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Lightning said, "I draw." She looked at the card she'd drawn and smiled. "I pay five hundred life points, to activate the Spell card Overlay Generator!"

Rainbow: 1500
Lightning: 1600

"Now I can look at the top five cards of my deck and then add any monsters to my Thunderbird, as long as their Levels are the same as his Rank." She looked at the top five cards of her deck and smiled, before taking out three and placing them under her Xyz Monster card.

Rainbow watched as a trio of jets appeared on either side of Thunderbird, before transforming into lights and circling the monster.

"Now I'm able to activate my monsters ability," Lightning said, "which is what I'll do right now!" One of the new Overlay Units flew into Thunderbird's horn, which unleashed a surge of electrical power that spread throughout its body. (A4000/D500/R3) "Now attack, Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!" The monster once again took an X formation and unleashed the electrical projectiles.

Rainbow tried to find an Action Card, but none were in sight and her monster was struck and the blast sent Rainbow flying off where she was standing.

"RAINBOW!" Her friends called out as the screen was filled with smoke.

Lightning watched with glee as the smoke cleared, showing Rainbow barely holding onto the edge of a bridge.

Rainbow: 300
Lightning: 1600

With all of her might, Rainbow was able to pull herself up.

"Can't believe you're still in one piece after that," Lightning said, "maybe on my next turn."

Rainbow growled hearing that. Against Thunderbird, she didn't have anything left in her deck that could out muscle it. Suddenly she remembered what Fluttershy and the rest of her friends had told her. She couldn't beat Lightning with power alone, so she had to find another way. "I draw," She looked at her card, "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Lightning said, "I draw and I'll play my own Pot of Greed." She drew two cards and when she saw what she'd drawn, her eyes went wide before she smiled. "It's over," she said, "I activate the Spell card, Double Xyz! With this, I can activate the effect of an Xyz Monster twice. So now I can double Blitzkrieg Thunderbird's ATK points twice!" Both the monsters Overlay Units flew into Thunderbird's horn, causing it to unleash the most powerful burst of electricity. (A16000/D500/R3)

Rainbow began to sweat seeing the power that monster had, but knew she had to be relaxed. With her monster in DEF mode, she would be fine.

"Next," Lightning said, "I play the Spell card Smashing Ground! This card destroys the monster on your field with the fewest DEF points and with only one monster one your field, you'll be defenceless!"

Rainbow's eyes went wide before she watched as Osprey was suddenly destroyed, leaving her field bare.

"This is it," Lightning said with a dark smile, "payback time. Blitzkrieg Thunderbird, DESTROY HER!" The Xyz Monster took its position, before unleashing the multiple electric projectiles at Rainbow.

"No!" Rarity said.

"That monster's so powerful," Thorax said, "if she gets struck, there's no way she'll survive!"

Everyone else began to fear the worst, everyone else except Fluttershy.

"You can do this," she said quietly.

As the projectiles flew towards Rainbow, Lightning began to laugh.

This was it, everything she'd worked so hard for. Her vengeance was complete.

Rainbow however, remained still and silent. She didn't go for an Action Card or try and outrun the attack.

"What's the matter?" Lightning asked between laughter, "just realised what a huge mistake challenging me was. Well you're right, it was a mistake. You could never defeat me. Not with the power I've gained."

"You're right," Rainbow replied as she closed her eyes, "I can't stand up to the power you have."

"Finally understand huh," Lighting said, "took you long enough. But to late now."

"I don't have the power to beat you," Rainbow said, before she opened her eyes and smiled. "So I'll have to use yours."

"What?" Lightning said, only for her eyes to go wide when she remembered Rainbow had a face down.

"I activate my Mirror Force!" Rainbow called out as her card flipped up to reveal the Trap.

"Not that one!" Lightning screamed.

A force field appeared around Rainbow, causing the projectiles to bounce off and be sent flying back in the direction of Blitzkrieg Thunderbird. They struck the mechanised bird and caused an explosion, which sent Lightning flying off and landing on the bridge.

She looked up just in time to see her monster be destroyed.


"A friend of mine helped me realise that relying on power alone would never help me win against you," Rainbow told her, "and she was right. I wasn't able to out muscle you, but I could outsmart you."

Lightning just growled at her. "You'll pay for this."

"I doubt it," Rainbow said, "with no cards left for you to play and my turn coming up, I'm expecting this Duel to end shortly."

Lightning looked down at her hand and realised Rainbow was right. She had nothing left to play.

"Here we go," Rainbow said, "I draw and play the Spell card, Monster Reborn." In a brilliant flash of light, Assault Wing Platinum appeared and stood between the two girls.

Lighting was quivering at the sight of the monster. "Please," she said as she crawled back, "no."

"I'm sorry Lightning," Rainbow told her, "but you brought this on yourself. Assault Wing Platinum, ATTACK!" The Xyz Monster flew forwards, chasing after the girl who was now trying to run. With one great slash of his claws, Platinum struck Lightning and sent her falling forwards onto the crystal bellow her.

Rainbow: 300 (Winner)
Lightning: 0

As her monster disappeared, Rainbow walked over to where Lighting had landed.

"This can't be possible," Lightning said as she slowly picked herself up, "to be defeated so easily. How?"

"I told you," Rainbow said, "power alone isn't enough to win a Duel. All you did was power up your one monster, with no idea on what to do if it was beaten."

As Lightning stood tall she growled at Rainbow, before she screamed and charged towards her ready to beat the living daylights out of her. However, in that moment the entire room began to shake.

"What's going on?" Rainbow asked.

"Since I lost, my chamber is beginning to collapse," Lightning said. Suddenly the crystal bridge they stood on began to crack.

The two began to run away from the cracks, but suddenly Lighting felt herself begin to fall as her section broke apart beneath her. She yelled as she fell, managing to grab hold of the edge. She began to panic as she felt her fingers begin to slip.

Finally she lost enough grip to fall, only for something to grab hold of her. Looking up she saw Rainbow leaning over the edge, holding onto her.

"Hold on," she said, "I'll get you up."

Lightning simply stared at her angrily, before reaching up and grabbing her arm. The strength she clutched it was causing pain, making Rainbow lose her grip.

"What are you doing?" She asked in pain.

"I'd rather fall then have you save me," Lightning said. Those were her last words, as Rainbow lost the last of her grip and was forced to release Lightning.

"NO!" Rainbow screamed as she saw Lightning fall and disappear into the rubble. Despite the shock at what she'd just seen, the still collapsing room drew Rainbow's attention. Quickly getting up, Rainbow leapt off the bridge and onto a still solid spike.

Looking around for a way out, Rainbow then saw a new opening appear on the far side of the room. "How am I suppose to get to that?" She asked, but then something else caught her attention. A portal opened, much close to her, showing the outside. It was obvious Sombra was giving her a choice. Either try and get to the opening and face him, or simply leave and be safe. Weighing her options, Rainbow growled before turning to the portal. She might have been awesome, but even she couldn't make it to that opening.

With one great leap, she jumped into the portal as the entire room finally collapsed.

Two of Sombra's shields had been broken, leaving two more to deal with. Could our heroes destroy them? Only one way to find out.

Author's Note:

So that happened. Two down, two to go.

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