• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

  • ...

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Turn 30, Storming Sombra's Lab

The first thing he saw, was light.

A brilliant radiance, which filled the world around him. It was warm and comforting, it made him feel safe.

"Oh," a high pitched female voice said, "he's so cute."

"Isn't he," another voice, an older female, replied, "he takes after his father."

"Have you decided on a name?" Another voice asked.

"We have," the second one replied, "if it's okay, we'd like to name him, Flash."

Flash's eyes shot open as he found himself inside the truck.

Looking around he suddenly felt very self conscious when he noticed all his friends staring at him.

"You can fall asleep anywhere can't you?" Twilight said as she giggled.

"And I thought my napping was bad," Rainbow said as a grin plastered her face.

"Sorry," Flash said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "must of dozed off."

"It's quite alright darling," Rarity said, "after what you've just been through it stands to reason that you'd be exhausted."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Fluttershy asked, "maybe you shouldn't come if you're so tired."

"No way," Flash replied while shaking his head, "I need to be there. I need to face this guy."

"And we'll be there ta help ya'h out," Applejack said.

Flash nodded at that, happy that his friends would be there for him.

Back at the stadium, Sunset and Cadance were running the operation's technical side.

The two were inside a large computer room, where several technical experts were busy typing away at the machines to make sure everything smoothly.

"The transport is four thousand meters from the target," one of them said.

"No changes in conditions on the route," another said.

"No enemy movement detected," a third said, "possibility, they don't know about are intentions."

"Oh they know," Sunset said, "they'd no doubt have detected our signal trace."

"Which is why we need to act fast," Cadance said, "before they have a chance to escape."

"Ms Shimmer," a scientist said as he walked up to them. "We've just completed the full satellite scan of the target area."

He handed out several sheets of paper, which Sunset took and looked through. "Interesting," she said before pulling out her phone.

It rang for several seconds, until the receiver picked up. "What you got?" Cold asked.

"Satellite images show the target to be a disused warehouse," Sunset replied, "but inferred scans reveal a whole other story. Miles of underground space, possibly the labs where they're summoning the monsters."

"Good," Cold replied, "then we know we're on the right track."

"We'll call back when we have more info," Sunset said.

"Roger," Cold said, "over and out." With that he hung up.

"Good luck," Sunset said to the dial tone.

Meanwhile in Sombra's lab, eight cloaked figures stood in his chambers. The only one without a hood was Chrysalis.

"You have your assignments," Sombra told them, "no matter what they must not all reach this location."

"We understand your highness," Chrysalis said, "we shall not fail you."

"Make sure you get them to generate as much Ener-D as possible," Sombra said, "after Shadow's failure, we must gain as much as possible."

"Yes your highness!" The eight all said.

The transports turned off the road and down a country road, causing the ride to become incredibly bumpy.

"We're close," Cold said as he turned to the group, "remember the plan. We get in, find Sombra and the monsters and obtain them before they have a chance to stop us."

The others all nodded as the transports stopped.

"And so it begins," Grand said.

The transports opened and the group each got out and looked at there surroundings.

"Disgusting," Rarity said as she looked around, "of all the places to hide a secret lab, what possessed them to do it in a poo filled field."

"Less likely someone would be snooping around," Twilight guessed, "now come on. Let's get this over with."

The others all nodded and turned towards the warehouse.

The swat geared guards stepped up first, shields up and ready for whatever might be inside. But the second they stepped forward, there was a flash of light and they were suddenly pushed back by something that prevented them from moving any further.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

Cold stepped past the guards and over to where they'd been, before holding out his hand. Like before there was a flash of light, which caused him to retract his hand. "Some kind of barrier."

"Oh great," Rainbow said, "how are we suppose to get passed that?"

Before an answer could be spoken, the doors of the warehouse opened and from out of it stepped two cloaked individuals. They stepped forward until they were on the edge of the force field and in that moment, they reached the hands up and pulled their hoods down.

"NO WAY!" Pinkie and Rarity cried out as they saw who they were.

Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk stood there, standing on the other side of the force field.

The group got into a defensive manor as they waited for the two to do something.

"What are they doing here?" Rarity said.

"If Adagio was working for Sombra," Twilight said, "then I guess it makes sense that they would to."

"Maybe," Pinkie said, "but something about them feels off."

"She's right," Rarity said, "just look at them."

They stared at the two and saw they were just standing there, looking at them blankly. It's almost as if they were-

"Hypnotised," Cold said catching everyone's attention.

"You can't be serious," Shining said.

"I wouldn't put it passed Sombra," Cold said, "when they lost to Pinkie and Rarity, he probably took their free will as punishment."

Everyone was horrified hearing this. To think Sombra would do something so horrible, so inhuman.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked.

"Hypnotised or not we still need to get passed them," Cold said, "and passed this barrier."

In that second the two pulled out their Duel Disks and attached them to their arms.

"What are they doing?" Flash asked.

"Maybe if we beat them the field will disappear," Rainbow said.

"Why would Sombra do that?" Twilight asked.

"Who knows," Cold said, "but if it's true we need to beat them."

"Let us handle it," Rarity said as she and Pinkie stepped up, "we beat them once."

"And we'll do it again," Pinkie said. The two reached for the Duel Disks, but in that second a voice called out.


Everyone looked around for the source of that unusual, yet familiar, voice.

"Let my sister and I deal with them."

They looked around and saw two figures standing atop one of the transports.

Celestia and Luna stood side by side, looking down at the group before leaping from the transports and landing on the ground between the group and the two hypnotised girls.

"The Celestial Sister," Twilight said.

"They Duel?" Flash asked.

"Better then most," Cold said before turning to the two, "I'm counting on you."

"And we won't let you down," Celestia said as she took out a bright yellow Duel Disk and attached it to her arm.

"Let's do this sister," Luna said as she did the same with a dark blue Duel Disk.

The four Duel Disks activated as they all prepared.

"Here's how it'll work," Celestia said, "double battle. We'll share life points and fields with our partners. Agreed?"

Aria and Sonata nodded.

"Then let's get this started," Luna said as they activated their Duel Disks.


Celestial Sisters: 4000
Dazzlings: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Celestia said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and summon Sun Spirit of Daybreak in ATK mode." In a flash of light a blonde woman in elegant sun patterned clothing appeared on the field. (A1500/D1000/L4) "And when she's normal summoned to the field, I can add one Sun Spirit from my deck to my hand." Celestia's deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which she took and added to her hand. "I place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My draw," Aria said, with no life in her voice at all, "I summon Slime Serpent in ATK mode." A pile of green slime appeared, before taking the form of snake. (A1800/D800/L4) "I attack." The monster transformed into a pile of slime, which flew at Sun Spirit of Daybreak.

"I activate my Trap," Celestia said as one of her face down flipped up, "Instant Tribute! Now since you've declared an attack on my monster, I can perform a tribute summon with it. The woman disappeared in a flash of bright light and in her place stood another woman, this one wearing sun patterned armour and carrying a long spear and large shield. "Sun Spirit of Blazing Ambition!" (A2100/D1800/L6) The woman held up her shield and the slime bounce off it, before she slashed it with her spear.

Celestial Sisters: 4000
Dazzlings: 3700

The slime returned to Aria's field and retook its snake like form.

"Instant Tribute allows you to keep your monster," Celestia said, "but having my stronger monster on the field is a fair trade."

Aria appeared not to care about this. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Luna said as she went to her deck, "I draw and summon Moon Spirit of Nightfall." In a flash of dark light a woman who looked like Sun Spirit of Daybreak, only she wore black moon patterned clothing and had blue hair, appeared. (A1500/D1000/L4) "Whenever she's normal summoned, I get to add a Moon Spirit from my deck to my hand." Her deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which she took. "Next I'll play the Spell card, Double Summon. This lets me normal summon again, so I can now tribute Moon Spirit of Nightfall to summon Moon Spirit of Frozen Ambition." The monster disappeared in a flash of dark light and in its place stood a darker version of Celestia's monster. (A2100/D1800/L6)

"Their decks are mirror opposites," Twilight said.

"Maybe," Cold said, "but they work well together."

"Tell me about it," Shining said, "I remember when I was a kid. Those two were champions of the Tag-Duel circuit."

"Really?" Spike asked, "then that means they're a shoe in right?"

"Not exactly," Rarity said, "Aria and Sonata almost beat me and Pinkie in a Tag Duel. They're no slouches."

"We'll just have to see what does it better."

"Since Sun Spirit of Blazing Ambition is on the field," Luna said, "my Moon Spirit gains four hundred ATK points." (A2500/D1800/L6)

"The same with my Sun Spirit," Celestia said, "with Moon Spirit on the field, she gets four hundred ATK points." (A2500/D1800/L6)

"Moon Spirit attack Slime Serpent!" The dark version of the armoured woman held up her spear and used it to slash at Aria's monster, destroying it and causing her to be sent back.

Celestial Sisters: 4000
Dazzlings: 3000

Everyone looked up and saw the barrier flicker, before solidifying again.

"Looks like we were right," Cold said, "their life points are connected to the barrier's strength."

"Then that barrier's gonna get majorly weak," Rainbow said, "she's still got another attack left."

"I activate my Slime Serpents ability," Aria said, "when it's destroyed I can place it in my Spell and Trap Zone as a Slime Token." The remains of Aria's monster congealed at her feet, becoming a green slime bubble.

"Well I now attack with Sun Spirit of Blazing Ambition," Luna said as the second armoured woman charged at Aria, spear raised high above her head.

"I activate my face down," Aria said as her face down flipped up to reveal a Trap, "Slime Guard. This Continuous Trap lets me negate an attack by tributing a Slime Token." The Slime Token leapt out at Sun Spirit and took the attack, getting destroyed in the process.

"So they can block any attack as long as they've got those Slime Token?" Scootaloo asked.

"And I get the feeling they've got more of those Slime monsters in their deck," Flash said.

"Don't worry," Cold said, "they'll be fine."

"I end my turn," Luna said.

"My draw," Sonata said, "I summon Slime Buffalo in ATK mode." A pile of blue slime appeared on the field, before taking the form of a large bull. (A2000/D100/L4) "When Slime Buffalo is summoned," Sonata said, "I can take a Slime Monster in our graveyard and place it in our Spell and Trap card zone." Slime Serpent appeared on the field before becoming the green bubble. "Next I equip Slime Bull with Slime Generator." A metallic box appeared on the bulls back, before tubs came out and stuck into the Slime monster's side. "By tributing a Slime Token, I can increase Slime Buffalo's ATK power by a thousand until our next turn." Slime Serpent's bubble flew inside the machine, which began to form and pump slime into the buffalo and caused it to grow in size. (A3000/D100/L4)

"Oh dear," Celestia said.

"Attack Sun Spirit of Blazing Ambition," Sonata said.

The giant bull charged forward, slamming into Celestia's monster and destroying it.

Celestial Sisters: 3500
Dazzlings: 3000

"I play a Trap card," Luna said as the other card Celestia placed down flipped up, "Sun Spirit Revival! With this card we can revive a Sun Spirit that has less ATK then the one that was destroyed."

"That's right," Celestia said, "so that means Sun Spirit of Daybreak is coming back."

"Maybe," Sonata said, "but without your Blazing Ambition monster, Moon Spirit of Frozen Ambition returns to its original ATK points." (A2100/D1800/L6) "I end my turn."

"Then it's my draw," Celestia said as she looked at her cards. "I summon Sun Spirit of Shinning Protection in DEF mode." In a flash light, a woman carrying a large golden shield appeared and knelt down. (A800/D2000/L4) "I switch Daybreak to DEF mode and then I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Aria said as she drew. Slime Generator's ability wore off and Slime Buffalo powered down. (A2000/D100/L4) "I now summon Slime Bunny in ATK mode." A pile of pink slime appeared, before taking the form of humanoid rabbit. (A1200/D1100/L3) "Attack Daybreak." The rabbit leapt forward and kicked the monster, destroying it. "And when Slime Bunny destroys a monster, it let's me increase the ATK of a Slime Monster on the field by three hundred." The rabbit created a ball of slime and kicked it at Slime Buffalo, causing it to grow slightly. (A2300/D100/L4) "Attack Frozen Ambition." The bull charged and destroyed Luna's monster.

Celestial Sisters: 3300
Dazzlings: 3000

"Great," Flash said, "Celestia and Luna have more life points, but their best monsters are getting pummelled."

"They've got this," Cold said, "just have faith."

"I end my turn," Aria said as her monster's ATK lowered. (A2000/D100/L4)

"Then it's my turn," Luna said as she reached for her deck, "I draw and summon Moon Spirit of Shaded Protection." A darker copy of Celestia's shield bearer appeared, carrying a dark blue shield in her hand. (A800/D2000/L4) "And since Sun Spirit of Shinning Protection is on the field, Shaded Protection gains five hundred DEF points." (A800/D2500/L4)

"And the same goes for Shinning Protection," Celestia said, "she also gains DEF points thanks to Shaded Protection." (A800/D2500/L4)

"I place one card face down," Luna said "and end my turn."

"They're playing defence," Rainbow asked.

"Hopefully their setting up for something big," Twilight said.

"My turn," Sonata said as she drew her card, "I summon Slime Jackal in ATK mode." A pile of purple slime appeared, which then transformed into a dog like shape." (A1500/D1200/L4) "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then I'll go," Celestia said, "I draw and play Pot of Greed." She drew her two cards and looked at her hand, before nodding. "First I'll play the Spell card Mystical Space Typhoon," she said as a tornado appeared on the field and sucked up Slime Guard, destroying it. "Next I'll summon Sun Spirit of Unified Light." A blonde woman carrying a long golden staff appeared. (A1800/D1400/L4) "And Unified Light's ability increases her ATK points by three hundred for every other Light Attributed monster on the field. With Sun Spirit of Shining Protection on my field, that's three hundred points to Unified Light." (A2100/D1400/L4) "Attack Slime Buffalo!" The woman's staff glowed, before firing a beam of light at the blue slime creature.

"I activate my face down," Sonata said as her card flipped up to reveal a Trap, "Slime Defender. This card lets me negate an attack on a Slime Monster by banishing one from the graveyard." A wall of green slime appeared in front of Slime Buffalo, saving it from the light beam.

Celestia frowned at this. "I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Aria said, "I draw." She looked at the card she'd drawn and her eyes glowed a bright red, Sonata's doing the same. "It is time," she said as she raised the card high, "I tribute Slime Bunny, Slime Jackal and Slime Buffalo." The three cards transformed into three piles of goop, which then began spiralling up and together into a tornado. Seconds later the three coloured slime vortex changed to a single colour, dark red, before it began to take shape. That shape was a giant red serpentine creature with a pair of T-Rex like arms and a pair of wings from its back. It's head had two mouths, one large one with a smaller one just above it.

The older of the group recognised the shape, all their eyes going wide at that thought. However as the slime creature finished forming, they realised it wasn't the real thing, just a slimy imitation.

"Slifer the Slime Dragon." (A?/D?/L10)

"Okay," Rainbow said, "that's just weird."

"And disgusting," Rarity said, "why would anyone want a monster like that in their deck?"

"And what's with its points?" Applejack asked, "it doesn't have any."

"Slifer the Slime Dragon's ATK and DEF points become the number of Slime Token in our Spell and Trap Zone times one thousand," Aria said. In that moment the three monsters she just sacrificed appeared as slime bubbles. "With three of them, Slifer's ATK points increase to three thousand." (A3000/D3000/L10) "Attack Sun Spirit of Unified Light." The dragon opened its mouth, before a giant slimeball appeared inside. The spat the ball, which flew at Celestia's monster and destroyed it. The force of the blast caused the two to shield themselves.

Celestial Sisters: 2400
Dazzlings: 3000

"I end my turn," Aria said.

"This is bad," Spike said, "against a monster like that, how are they suppose to beat it."

"It get's worse," Twilight said.

"What?" Sweetie asked, "how could it get worse?"

"They still have two empty Spell and Trap zones," Rarity explained, "so if those two manage to get two more Slime Tokens."

"Slifer's ATK points will increase by another two thousand," Cold finished.

"That's bad," Applebloom said in concern.

"Very bad," Applejack finished, "them two need to find a way to beat that thing and quick."

"It's my turn," Luna said as she reached for her deck, "I draw." She looked at her card and shared a glance with her sister.

Celestia nodded and Luna looked back to the field.

"I set one card face down," Luna said "and then I'll end my turn."

"What was that look?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight said, "maybe a stratagy trigger or something."

"If I'm right," Cold said, "it's a card they can use to beat that creature. If they can get the other card needed."

"It's my turn," Sonata said, "I draw and equip Slifer with the Spell card, Fairy Meteor Crush." An aura appeared around the slime dragon, which then released a powerful which almost shook the ground. "With this card, whenever Slifer destroys a DEF position monster, it can deal you Piercing Damage."

"That's not good," Flash said.

"Slifer the Slime Dragon," Sonata ordered, "attack." The slime dragon once again opened its mouth, which filled with slime that it turned into a slimeball. It then fired the ball at Moon Spirit of Shaded Protection, before striking her. The force of the attack sent both sisters flying backwards, while the rest of the group shielded themselves with the transports.

When the attack finally ended and everyone stepped out from the trucks, they saw the Celestial Sisters picking themselves up off the ground.

Celestial Sisters: 1900
Dazzlings: 3000

"Sister," Luna said as she tried to pick herself up, "are you alright."

"I am," Celestia said as got to one knee, "do not lose hope sister."

"Never," Luna replied.

The two stood back up and was unsteadily on their feet. Also, Without its opposite, Moon Spirit of Shaded Protection's DEF Points decreased. (A800/D2000/L4)

"I end my turn," Sonata said.

"This is going from bad to worse," Rarity said, "if those two get another Slime Token, their monster will be strong enough to wipe them out by destroying Celestia's monster."

"Don't worry," Cold said, "they can do this. There's a reason a asked for their help, because I knew they had the skills to pull off whatever was needed."

Celestia stood tall as she stared at Aria and Sonata. "This isn't over," she said as she reached for her deck, "It's my turn. I draw!" She looked at her card and her eyes went wide, before turning to Luna and nodding.

Luna nodded in return, before they both turned back to their opponents.

"Here we go," Celestia said, "I activate the Quick Play Spell card, Divine Sun Spirit's Summoning."

"And I also activate a Quick Play Spell," Luna said, "Divine Moon Spirit's Summoning."

Cold smiled while everyone else stared at each other in confusion.

"With these cards," Celestia explained, "since our life points are below two thousand, I can banish three Sun Spirits from my grave."

"And I can banish three Moon Spirits from my grave," Luna said.

In that moment the ground opened up and from it, Sun Spirit of Daybreak, Unified Light and Blazing Ambition appeared, alongside Moon Spirit of Nightfall, Shaded Protection and Frozen Ambition. The six cards then flew up into the sky, before the Sun Spirits exploded in a burst of bright light, while the Moon Spirits exploded in a burst of dark light. The two sets of three lights combined before taking the form of two monsters.

Those monsters looked almost exactly alike. A pair of women in royal looking clothing, one in gold while the other in dark blue, both carrying either a gold or a black staff. The two radiated either a shining glow or a gentle dark aura.

"Divine Sun Spirit of Harmony!" (A3000/D3000/L10)

"Divine Moon Spirit of Harmony!" (A3000/D3000/L10)

Everyone was in awe at the sight of these two monster, which landed on the ground infront of their Duellists.

"This is great!" Spike said, "they're the same ATK as Slifer the Slime Dragon. Now one can camicazi it and let the other attack directly."

"There's no need of that," Cold said, "those two have an ability which will mean neither of them has to be destroyed."

"What do you mean?" Flash asked.

"Just watch," He said.

"I attack with Divine Sun Spirit of Harmony!" Celestia called out as her monster flew up and raised her staff high.

"That monster cannot defeat Slifer the Slime Dragon without destroying itself," Aria told her.

"Maybe on her own," Celestia said, "but her sister's here to help."

The two hypnotised girls wondered what she meant, until they heard Luna call out.

"Go Divine Moon Spirit of Harmony!" She called out. Her monster jumped up and raised its own staff. The two crossed their staffs, which then began glowing with gold and blue energy.

"When these two monster are on the field," Celestia explained, "they can combined their power into one super strong attack!" (A6000/D3000/L10)

"NO WAY!" They all called out as they saw this.

The two Spirits of Harmony unleashed their attacks, sending a spiralling beam of light and dark energy flying towards the red slime monster. It struck and blasted a hole through it and then struck the two girls.

The two let out a powerful scream as the explosion sent them flying back and slammed into the warehouse walls.

Celestial Sisters: 1900 (Winners)
Dazzlings: 0

As the monsters faded, the two sisters fell to her knees in exhaustion, before Cold and the others rushed over to them.

Suddenly the barrier flickered and then completely died, allowing Rarity and Pinkie to move over to Sonata and Aria and checked on them.

"Their out cold," Rarity said.

"Hopefully the force of that last attack knocked the hypnosis right out of their heads," Flash said.

"We're fine," Celestia told Cold, "you need to keep going."

"They're right," Cold said as he got up and turned to the others, "this was a stalling tactic. We need to get going."

The others nodded and quickly got up, before following Cold inside the warehouse. The only ones not to go in were Rarity and Pinkie, who were still checking on the two Dazzlings.

"Go," Luna told them, "we'll look after them."

They nodded and got up, before following the res of the group inside.

In the warehouse Cold pulled out his phone and called Sunset. "Anything?" He asked once she'd picked up.

"Yes," Sunset replied, "the scans show there's a staircase right infront of you."

Cold nodded and turned to the wall, which looked like it was just a wall. Walking along it he began knocking on it, until he came across a section which sounded different. "Here," he said to the swat team.

One of the guards stepped forward and began kicking at the section, but it appeared to be solid and hadn't even dented.

"We'll need a drill or something," Cold said.

"No need," Applejack said as she and Mac stepped forward, "allow us." The two stepped up to the wall and both used one solid kick, causing it to crack and then crumble. The staircase was revealed.

Cold turned to the two, obviously impressed, and then to the others. "Let's go."

With that the the group raced down into the depths of the building, ready for whatever else may be waiting for them down there.

Author's Note:

I had to have Celestia and Luna Duel at least once, seemed like a good time.

So now they've made it inside Sombra's lair. What awaits them inside?

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