• Published 8th Jul 2017
  • 4,497 Views, 663 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

  • ...

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Turn 18, Sister's Paladin

We find our heroes in the medical bay once again.

After the last Duel they'd come to see how Rainbow, Rarity and the newest resident were doing.

Photo had been given her own room and was resting in bed when Flash, Twilight, Spike and Scootaloo had entered to see how she was doing.

"Photo Finish thanks you all for coming to see her," Photo said from her bed. She had bandages wrapped around her head and was wearing a neck brace.

"It's no problem at all," Twilight said, "after that Duel against Adagio we're surprised you're already awake."

"It will take more then a torrent of water to knock me down for good," Photo replied.

"Good to hear," Flash said, "and thanks to you we now know more about Adagio's Dark Siren."

"Yeah," Spike said, "It can use the monster it equips to itself as a shield."

"But that also leaves it defenceless," Twilight said, "which is its ultimate weakness. If it can only absorb one monster, then it can only defend against one attack before being helpless."

"So that means to beat her we'll need a multi attack stratagy," Flash caught on.

"That's simple enough," Scootaloo said, "just Pendulum Summon a load of monsters."

"I wish it was that simple," Twilight said, "but now that Adagio's let us see that ability she's gonna rework her deck to protect herself from that weakness."

"She's got a point," Flash said.

"Maybe," Spike said.

Everyone looked down for a few moments, until Twilight broke the silence. "We'd all better get home," she said, "it'll be a long day tomorrow."

"Yeah," Flash said, "see you around Photo."

"Wee," Photo said, "good luck in your future Duels."

"Thanks," Twilight said. With that the four of them left the room.

Meanwhile Cold was in his office with Sunset, Grand and Cadance.

"Once again the Ener-D absorption system isn't showing the amount we expected the day's Duels should have generated," he said as he showed them the graph.

"We expected the numbers to skyrocket," Sunset said, "especially after Flash managed to awaken one of the Xyz cards."

"And there's still no proof of the Ener-D being siphoned away?" Grand asked.

"Nothing," Sunset said, "there's no hack or reroute being detected. The only way they could do something like this is if it was done wirelessly, but to do that they'd need a receiver device inside the stadium."

"Maybe it's Shadow or Adagio," Cadance said, "maybe their Duel Disks have it programmed in."

"We already theorised that," Cold said, "but when we scanned their Duel Disks there was nothing out of the ordinary about them. There both just a standard Duel Disk."

"When we're back to square one," Grand said. It was then he noticed a certain lacking presence. "Hey, where's Shining?"

Cadance just shrugged. "He said he had something to take care of and he'd meet me at home."

Flash, Twilight, Spike and Scootaloo were all walking through the corridors of the stadium towards the exit.

They'd quickly dropped by Rainbow and Rarity's rooms to see how they were doing and were happy to learn that the two has been cleared to go home and even get to watch tomorrow's matches, so they'd all been picked up by their parents.

Now the group were on their way home.

"So who do you think you'll be facing tomorrow Flash?" Scootaloo asked her brother.

"Not sure," Flash replied, "Applejack, Mac and Cloak are all skilled Duellists, so taking on any of them will be a challenge."

"Well there's a good chance I'll be facing either Adagio or Shadow tomorrow," Twilight said.

"You nervous?" Spike asked her.

"A little," Twilight said, "just hope I'm up for it. Hopefully I'll figure out a stratagy against them."

"That won't be happening."

They all looked ahead and saw Shining Armour standing ahead of them with his arms crossed.

"Shining?" Twilight asked, "what are you doing here?"

Shining was quiet and completely still, until her finally turned away from them and spoke. "Come with me," he said before walking away.

The four shared a worried glance, before quickly following him.

Shining lead them to an area of the stadium they'd never been to and they soon found themselves in a corridor filled with large metal door, one of which Shining directed them to. This door had an electronic code lock that Shining typed away at, until it beeped and the door opened revealing a stairway which they stepped down.

Arriving at the bottom they saw another door, which Shining opened and stepped through followed by the others. Looking around they saw the room was actually a large rectangular room, with marking on the ground that reminded them of a simple Duel arena.

"Shining!" Twilight said forcibly, "what's this about? Why'd you bring us here."

Shining sighed, before turning to Twilight with a serious expression. "Twilight, I want you to forfeit the next round."

Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this.

"WHAT!" Twilight scream, "are you insane? I'm not going to forfeit."

"You saw what Adagio and Shadow can do," Shining said, "I don't want that to be you."

"So you think I'll lose?" Twilight asked "What you think I'm not good enough?"

"Of course not," Shining said, "I just don't want to run the risk of you getting hurt the way your friends were."

"I'm not forfeiting Shining!" Twilight cried, "somebodies got to stop them."

"But that somebody doesn't have to be you," Shining said, "let someone else do it."

"What like Flash?" Twilight said, "or Applejack or any of my other friends. I'm not going to sit on the sidelines while they risk themselves. It's not happening!"

Shining just sighed at this. "I figured you wouldn't do it if I asked," he said before his face turned serious, "that's why I brought you here."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at this, before both shot right up seeing him pull out a white Duel Disk.

"Get out your Duel Disk," he said, "if you can beat me I'll admit you can handle yourself and you can stay in the tournament. But if you lose, you'll pull out."

Twilight went silent hearing this challenge.

"What are you gonna do Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Duel Shining," Flash said, "or just give up."

Twilight's hands shook, before her eyes opened and she gave her brother a deadly glare. "Let's do this," she said as she pulled out her Duel Disk.

Shining nodded and headed over to his side of the arena, while Flash and the others stood by the wall to watch.

"You can do this Twilight," Flash said.

"But Twilight's never beaten Shining before," Spike said.

"I hope she can now," Scootaloo said.

The two activated their Duel Disks, Shining's creating a blue blade, and their battle began.


Twilight: 4000
Shining: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Shining said as he reached for his deck, "I draw!" He looked at the cards and nodded. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale with scale two Royal Paladin Gentleman and scale seven Royal Paladin Tactician." He slapped the cards on either side of his Duel Disk as it lit up, before the columns of light appeared on either side of him. In the right column appeared a man in very regal clothing and armour, carrying a rapier in his hands. In the left column was a specticaled blond woman in blue robes and wearing a large hat. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Shining called out as the portal began to form above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out and struck the ground, taking form as they did.

"Royal Spear Paladin!" (A1900/D100/L4)

"Royal Paladin Flag Bearer!" (A1200/D700/L3)

"A Tuner monster," Spike said in concern.

"Shining's not messing around," Flash said, "he's serious about this."

"Hopefully Twilight can keep up," Scootaloo said.

"Now," Shining called out, "I tune Level four Royal Spear Paladin with Level three Royal Paladin Flag Bearer." The Tuner glowed and transformed into three lights, which craved a trio of circles that Royal Spear Paladin flew into. "I call on the power of the proud white wings of fate," the monsters vanished in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Shining's Synchro Monster. "Royal Paladin Commander!" (A2500/D2100/L7)

Twilight frowned seeing one of her brother's best cards.

"Since my Commander was Synchro Summoned using Flag Bearer," Shining explained, "he's now unaffected by all your Spells Traps and Monster Effects. I place two cards face down and end."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw!" She looked at her cards, a determination in her eyes. "I'll show you I'm no weakling," she said. "I'm setting my Pendulum Scale, with scale two Magi-Beast Midnight Owl and scale six Magi-Beast Mystic Dracokid." She slapped the cards on her Duel Disk, as the columns of light appeared and the two Pendulum Monster flew into them. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Twilight called out as the portal formed, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out, hitting the ground and taking shape.

"Magi-Beast Twilight Unicorn!" (A1800/D1300/L4/P7)

"Pyro Charmer!" (A1300/D1200/L3)

"Looks like Twilight's not messing around either," Flash said, "they're both giving it everything they've got."

"Now I'll tune my two monster together!" Twilight screamed as her Tuner glowed before transforming into three balls of light, which each circled around creating three rings which Twilight Unicorn jumped into. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." Her monsters disappeared in a burst of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON."

The light faded, revealing Twilight's best monster. "Twilight Sorcerer!” (A2100/D2800/L7)

"Not bad," Scootaloo said, "but why didn't she summon her new monster? She had Twilight Unicorn."

"Twilight Alicorn's ability relies on her having Spellbooks in her graveyard," Flash said, "it's really a monster for the late game."

"Twilight Sorcerer can get Twilight the cards she needs," Spike said to which Flash nodded.

"Now I activate my Sorcerer's ability," Twilight said as her deck began to shuffle before a card slotted out. Looking at the card Twilight nodded, before looking back up at her brother. "I activate the Spellbook of Secret, to add another Spellbook from my deck to my hand." Her deck once again shuffled and slotted out another card, which she took before placing inside her Duel Disk. "Now I'll play Spellbook of Power, to increase my Sorcerer's ATK points by one thousand points." (A3100/D2800/L7) "Plus I have two Spellbooks in my graveyard, meaning two hundred extra points. (A3300/D2800/L7)

"Go Twilight!" Spike called out.

"Attack!" Twilight screamed as her Spellcaster's staff sparked with magic, before firing a beam of magic energy at Royal Paladin Commander.

"I activate my Trap!" Shining cried out as one of his face downs flipped up, "Paladin's Shield!" A shield appeared in Commander's grasp, which he raised to block the attack.

Twilight: 4000
Shining: 3200

"I may still take damage," Shining said, "but my monster's safe."

Twilight frowned at this. "I play one card face down and end my turn. Twilight Sorcerer now loses one thousand ATK points." (A2300/D2800/L7)

"Then it's my turn," Shining said as he reached for his deck, "I draw!" He looked at the card and nodded, knowing he could end this with his next move. "I summon Royal Paladin Squire, in ATK mode." The young knight appeared on the field, before taking its spot next to Royal Paladin Commander.

"Oh no," Flash said, "with those two monsters-"

"Now!" Shining called out, "I tune Level three Royal Paladin Squire with Level seven Royal Paladin Commander." Squire transformed into the lights, which carved the three circles which Commander flew into. "Enter the fray, kneel before your king." The monsters disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing a monster they all recognised as Shining ace. It rode onto the battle field, atop its blue steed. "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor!" (A3500/D2500/L10)

Everyone looked up at the king of knights. Flash himself was flashing back to when he himself had faced this monster, but unlike last time Twilight was facing it alone.

"As you know," Shining went on, "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor can attack once for every Tuner monster in my graveyard. Because I have two, he can attack twice this turn."

"But that means unless Twilight can stop this," Scootaloo said, "Shining will be able to knock her out of this Duel."

"Twilight!" Flash called out.

"I've got this," Twilight said.

"We'll see about that," Shining said, "Grand Emperor attack!" The king of knights raised is colossal sword, before swinging it down towards Twilight Sorcerer.

"I activate my Trap," Twilight called out as he face down flipped up, "Negate Attack!" A barrier appeared between the two monsters, which Grand Emperor's sword struck and bounced off. "This card negates your attack and ends the battle phase," Twilight explained.

"Very well," Shining said, "I end my turn."

"That was close," Spike said.

"I don't think so," Flash said, "Twilight knew he was gonna summon Grand Emperor, so she was prepared.

"He's right," Twilight agreed, "I may have never beaten you, but I know your deck better than anyone. There's nothing you can do which will surprise me."

Shining frowned hearing her say this, before he looked down at his face down. "Don't be so sure," he said quietly."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw and activate Twilight Sorcerer's special ability." Her deck once again shuffled and slotted out a card which she took. Looking at the cards in her hand, Twilight nodded as a plan emerged. "Next I'll activate the Pendulum Ability of Magi-Beast Midnight Owl," she called out. "First I have to discard on card from my hand, so I'll discard Spellbook of Wisdom which gives my Sorcerer an extra one hundred points. (A2400/D2800/L7) "Now Midnight Owl's ability lets me add a Spell card from my deck to my hand." Her deck once again shuffled out a card, which she took and added to her hand.

"What's the point in all this?" Shining asked.

"The point is I now I have three Spellbooks in my graveyard," Twilight explained, "enough to activate Spellbook of Fate!"

"Yes!" Flash cheered.

"Just what she needed," Spike said.

"By banishing three Spellbooks from my graveyard," Twilight continued, "I can now banish your Royal Paladin Grand Emperor!"

A wormhole opened up below Grand Emperor, which he slowly began to fall through.

Twilight smirked seeing her brother's best monster begin to disappear, but that smile vanished when she looked over at Shining. Her brother was standing there completely calm, as if he didn't care his monster was being removed from play. "What's going on?" Twilight asked.

Shining finally spoke. "Activate Trap," his face down flipped up to reveal what it was hidding, "Assault Mode Activate!"

"Not that card!" Spike cried out.

"What's Assault Mode Activate?" Scootaloo asked.

"With this card I can tribute my Grand Emperor," Shining explained, "in order to summon something even more powerful!"

Royal Paladin Grand Emperor turned into a stream of lights, which shot out of the wormhole and flew up into the air. "See the king as he once was. Knights unified by the light!" The light shot down and struck the ground infront of Shining, before taking form. The new monster looked just light Grand Emperor, but he was now without a horse and his armour was simpler and less regal. "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor, ASSAULT MODE!" (A4000/D3000/L12)

Everyone was horror stricken. Such power, who knew Shining had this much strength in his deck.

"Since this is an entirely new monster," Shining said, "your Spellbook of Fate has lost its target."

Twilight literally growled hearing this, before looked down at her options. "I'll use my Pendulum Scale, to Pendulum Summon Twilight Unicorn back to the field in DEF Mode." The portal formed and then opened, allowing a beam of light to shoot out and hit the ground becoming her Pendulum Monster. (A1800/D1300/L4/P7) "I switch Twilight Sorcerer to DEF mode and end my turn."

"Man Twilight was so close to winning this and Shining stops it with one card," Spike said in an annoyed tone.

"Let's just hope that whatever power this new monster has," Flash said, "Twilight can survive it."

"It's my turn," Shining called out, "I draw and activate Assault Mode's ability." The king of knights raised its sword into the sky, as it fired a beam which struck the ceiling. "By banishing a Tuner monster in my graveyard," Shining explained, "I can summon a Level four or below Royal Paladin from my graveyard to the field." The portal opened and Royal Spear Paladin leapt out, landing next to Grand Emperor in DEF mode. (1900/D100/L4)

"Why'd he play him in DEF mode?" Scootaloo asked.

"Not sure," Flash said, "but I'm sure he has a reason."

"Now I'll attack your Twilight Unicorn with Grand Emperor Assault Mode!" The king of knights raised its sword and charged toward's Twilight's Pendulum Monster, before slashing at it and destroying it. "Now Assault Mode's ability kicks in," Shining explained, "it gets one extra attack for every Royal Paladin on the field. With Royal Spear Paladin, he can attack once more." Grand Emperor turned his focus on Twilight Sorcerer, before slashing at him with his sword and destroying it. "With Grand Emperor on the field, no other monster can attack so I'll end my turn."

"So that's why he summoned it in DEF mode," Flash said.

"Twilight better think up something fast," Spike said, "or this Duel's over."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw and once again I'll Pendulum Summon Twilight Unicorn in DEF mode." The portal opened and the beam of light shot out, and became the unicorn monster. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Shining called out as he drew, "and I'll attack with Grand Emperor once again." Once again the king of knights charged forwards, aiming its sword at the Pendulum Monster.

"This attacks gonna leave Twilight defenceless," Scootaloo said.

"And Grand Emperor can attack twice remember," Spike said.

"Twilight!" Flash called out.

"I activate my Trap," Twilight called out as her face down flipped up, "Spellbinding Circle!" A magic circle appeared around Assault Mode, causing him to freeze in his tracks. "This Trap makes it so your monster can't attack and since your other monsters can't attack while he's on the field, you can't attack at all."

"Oh yeah," Spike cheered, "way to turn the tables."

"This gives Twilight some time to come up with a plan," Flash said.

Shining growled. "I end my turn."

"Then I'll go," Twilight said as she drew he card, "and I'll switch Twilight Unicorn to ATK mode before attacking Royal Spear Paladin." He monster fired a beam of light at the warrior, causing it to be destroyed. "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then I'll go," Shining said as he drew. Looking at his cards he sighed. "I end my turn."

"My draw," Twilight called out. She looked at her cards and nodded. "I activate Spellbook of Organisation, which lets me look at the top three cards of my deck and put them back in any order." She did so and nodded as she chose her order. "I switch Twilight Unicorn to DEF mode and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Shining called out, "I draw." He looked at his cards and growled again, "I end my turn."

"My draw," Twilight called out, "I activate Spellbook Restock. This card lets me return my banished Spellbooks to my graveyard," she did so, "and now I'll take three hundred points of damage for each one." Lightning surged around Twilight.

Twilight: 3100
Shining: 3200

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Shining called out, "I draw." He looked at his card and smiled. "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon."

Everyone's eyes went wide seeing this, knowing what it meant.

A tornado blew around the field, sucking Spellbinding Circle into it and destroying it.

Now freed, Grand Emperor swung his sword around. "I now activate the Equipped Spell Paladin's Enchantment." The king of knights began to glow. "This card negates Assault Mode's effects, but now it also grants him three hundred extra ATK points and he now has Piecing Damage." (A4300/D3000/L12)

"Oh no," Twilight said.

"Attack!" Shining called out as his monster shot forward, striking Twilight Unicorn and destroying, while Twilight went flying back and into the back wall.

Twilight: 100
Shining: 3200

"TWILIGHT!" Her friends called out.

As Twilight fell to the floor, she looked up and saw her brother glaring at her.

"You see Twilight," Shining called out, "you really think you're ready to take on Shadow or Adagio? When you can't even beat me. Stop this foolishness and give up."

Twilight growled as she picked herself up and stepping over to the field. "I'm not giving up," she told him, "because then I'd be disappointing you."

Shining raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what she meant.

"You and Cadance taught me everything I know about Duelling," Twilight told him, "and the most important thing you taught me, was to never give up." She looked into her brothers eyes and stared hard at him. "I know you just what to protect me, but you don't have to. I am a grown woman, stop treating me like a little GIRL!' Her scream echoed through the halls, making everyone cover their ears.

"It's my turn," Twilight called out, "I draw!" She looked at the card she'd drawn and nodded. "first I'll once again use my Pendulum Scale to summon Twilight Unicorn back to the field." The portal opened once again, causing a beam of light to shoot out and strike the ground before becoming Twilight Pendulum Monster.

"Next I'll activate Spellbook of Rebirth," Twilight called out, "to revive my Pyro Charmer." A wormhole opened up and the Tuner monster flew out. (A1300/D1200/L3)

Shining frowned, realising what she had planned.

"Now!" Twilight cried, "I'll tune my Level three Pyro Charmer with Level four Twilight Unicorn!" Her Tuner leaped into the air and transformed into three spheres of lights, which carved three circles that Twilight Unicorn leapt into. "It's time to embrace the power given by those we call friends and ascend to a higher plain of life." A bright light occurred as the transformation took place. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing Twilight's monster. "Twilight Alicorn!" (A2600/D1900/L7)

"This is just what she needed," Spike called out, "do it Twilight!"

"I activate Twilight Alicorn's Special Ability," Twilight said, "by banishing five Spellbooks from my graveyard, I can increase my monster's ATK power by one thousand while cutting your monster's in half." Twilight Alicorn's horn glowed before the light spread to Grand Emperor. (A3600/D1900/L7), (A2150/D1500/L12)

Twilight: 100
Shining: 3200

"YES!" The others all cheered.

Shining frowned at this.

"Now Twilight Alicorn attack!" Twilight called out as he monster's horn glowed once again, before firing a beam of light which struck Royal Paladin Grand Emperor Assault Mode and destroyed it.

Twilight: 100
Shining: 1750

"Not bad," Shining called out, "but I've still got more life points and next turn I will find a way to revive Grand Emperor."

"No you one," Twilight said, "because I'm activating my face down." He card flipped up to reveal a Trap. "Synchro Out, which lets me return Twilight Alicorn to my extra deck and summon to two monsters that were used to summon it." In a flash of light, Twilight Alicorn disappeared and was replaced by Pyro Charmer and Twilight Unicorn. "Now ATTACK!" The Pendulum Monster fired off a beam of light, which struck Shining in the chest and sent him flying back.

Twilight: 100 (Winner)
Shining: 0

"ALRIGHT!" Spike and Scootaloo cheered as the holograms faded.

"I can't believe she did it," Flash said. He remembered how hard it was to face the weaker version of the monster and Twilight managed to beat it's stronger form.

Twilight meanwhile was walking over to where her brother had landed, as he sat up. Twilight stood over her brother, giving him a glare as she crossed her arms.

Shining just sighed as he scratched the back of his head. "Guess I lost. That means you can stay in the contest."

"And?" Twilight asked.

Shining sighed as he stood up. "And I was wrong. You are ready to face off against those two. I'm sorry, I just don't want to see you get hurt."

Twilight continued her glaring, but eventually she smiled and pulled her brother into a hug. "I know you do. You're the best BBBFF ever, but I can look after myself now."

"I know," Shining said, "I was an idiot."

"To right you were," Twilight said.

They continued their hug, Flash and the younger teens smirking at it, until they broke it.

"Well," Shining said, "let's get home."

They all nodded and turned to leave the room, but in that second the lights suddenly went off.

"Not again," Flash said.

"Why does this keep happening?" Scootaloo asked.

In the dark lab Sombra was once again hooked up to the device, which was zapping him as the beams of light struck the blank cards which floated in the room.

Adagio and Shadow were watching along with the tall cloaked figure.

Soon enough the shocks stopped and he has able to rest, as the machine retracted and Sombra was able to breath again.

"Father," Shadow called out, "are you okay?"

"I am fine," he said weakly. Looking up he saw the cards he'd just summoned floating out of the room. "I'm so close. Only five cards remain."

"But they're the five strongest," Adagio said, "will the Ener-D we collect be enough your majesty?"

"It must," Shadow said, "it's our only hope."

"He's right," the cloaked figure said, "we must not doubt ourselves now."

"You're right," Adagio said before turning to leave, "I'm gonna go train. If I have to face that Twilight girl I want to be ready."

"Good idea," Shadow said.

The next morning.

Twilight had just come down for breakfast, ready for the day ahead of her.

"Morning sweetheart," her mother said.

"Morning," Twilight said as she sat down. As she did she noticed an envelope sitting on the table, with her name written on it. "What's this?"

"Your brother came by earlier and left it," Velvet replied, "said it was important for you."

Twilight raised an eyebrow and opened the envelope, before pulling out two cards from inside. Instantly her eyes shot open, seeing what her brother had left for her. "No way."

Several hours later everyone met up in the stadium and were ready for the day ahead.

"Man it's good to be out of that hospital," Rainbow said as they sat down in the stadium seats.

"I have to agree," Rarity said, "it's not as fun watching Duels on TV."

"I wonder who'll be Duelling today?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We'll find out soon enough," Flash said, "they'll be starting soon."

As if on cue, the stage lit up as the Celestic Sister appeared.


Celestia: It's day four of the Celestic Cup finals. Where eight competitors will Duel for the four remaining spots in round four.

Luna: I can't wait to see who'll be facing who.

Celestia: Me neither. So why wait? Let's start things off with the A Block and see who'll be facing off in the first match.

She held up her remote and pressed the button, causing the megascreen to switch on and show the four remaining A Block Duellists. The images then flipped around, before spinning in a circle. After several tense seconds, the first Duellist was revealed.

Luna: Big Mac!

"So Mac's up first," Applebloom said happily before turning to her brother, "you'll do great."

"Eeyup," Mac said.

They turned back to the megascreen, just as the second Duellist was revealed and they all gasped.

Celestia: Applejack! It's another Sibling Duel.

Luna: Both Duellists please make your way to the Duel Arena.

Applejack and Mac looked at each other, staring at not only a sibling, but a rival. Eventually the two just smiled and nodded.

"May the best Duellist win," Applejack said.

"Eeyup," Mac replied.

The fourth day of the Celestic Cup Finals had begun. Who made it passed this round was anyone's guess.

Author's Note:

A lot of people asked if Twilight and Shining were ever gonna Duel. Well now you know.

I hope you liked Shining's new monster. It won't be the only Assault Mode you see.

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