• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,556 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 08: Tryouts

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 08: Tryouts

The next day of school went the way Sunset expected it. Now that the school handbook was out of the way, the classes were actually doing their assigned subjects. However, some instructions tended to drone a bit and made the day feel even longer than it was. Of course, that was also the case back in Canterlot High so it never bothered Sunset.

The day went on as usual, and she barely kept interest in some of her classes. Most of the material related to science and math was something she was not only well versed in, but very much ahead of the curve, while social sciences and history were different enough to demand her attention. It just wouldn't do to let her grades slip.

Sunset spent lunch with Barbara once again, only this time the conversation was about what Sunset should expect when she tried out for the gymnastics team. According to Barbara, Gotham High School was actually one of the best gymnastics teams in the nation with multiple state titles and even a few national ones. The demanding effort to make it would be perfect for training for her eventually crime fighting life.

Finally, the school day reached its end. One more positive thing about having gym at the end of the day was that Sunset would be ready in the same gymnasium where the gymnastics team would meet up.
After class, Barbara asked if Pamela also wanted to try out for the team, just to give the girls more chances to hang out. Pamela wasn't interested, but told them that she would be sure to watch the team compete later in the year.

After their conversation, Pamela headed back home; though not before reminding them to not be late tomorrow for Green Club, which caused both girls to roll their eyes. Sunset thought that Pamela was going to hold that over them for a few weeks at least.

“You okay?” Barbara asked Sunset as the two of them walked over to where several girls were gathering in the gym.

“Yeah, I just want to make sure I make it, you know?” Sunset nodded. “I guess it’s just nerves and all. After all, it seems like there’s a lot of pressure on the team and I certainly don’t want to be part of it only to let it down.”

Sunset didn’t know what she was going to do if she didn’t make the team. She supposed that more training with Zatanna’s allies would cut it, but she certainly didn’t want to burden or interrupt them. Especially if they also were fighting dark forces as well.

Barbara chuckled. “You just need to relax, okay? If anything, I should be feeling more pressure than you.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Really? But you’re already on the team, what do you mean you’re under more pressure.”

“You’ll see soon enough. Hey, listen, if you do make it, I’ll be sure to send you some weights that I use to help train,” Barbara offered.

“Thanks, Barbara… but let’s just wait and see if I do make.”

The girls sat around while they waited for a few more people to show up for the tryouts. During that time, Barbara was already limbering up and getting ready. Sunset decided to follow suit as it probably would give her a better chance of making it if she did what Barbara did.

It was now three o’clock when a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman in her mid-thirties walked over to where the girls had gathered.

“Afternoon,” she began, “I’m Sheila Vann, Gotham High’s Women's Gymnastics coach. I see we’ve got plenty of new faces this time around. That’s good. We’ve lost a lot of talent this past year as we had quite a number of seniors on the squad that have now graduated.

“I’m going to say this right now so there are no mistakes in the future. This is not some sort of social club or a place to have fun with your friends. This is an actual team; I’m not saying not to be friends, far from it, but at the end of the day, we are competing for titles. This sport is going to push you hard and demands you to give more than one-hundred and ten percent. Now then, if that’s not your cup of tea or what you were expecting; feel free to leave, we won’t hold it against you.” Sunset glanced back and saw two freshman girls stand up and walk away.

“Anyone else?” Ms. Vann asked. “Alright then. Now, there are quite a few spots open on the roster but that doesn’t mean that everyone will make it. We have more new faces here than we have spots after all. Don't assume that a good performance today will guarantee your spot. There is another tryout on Thursday, and I expect more potential members to show up then." She studied the group and crossed her arms. “I have one more thing to say before we get started. As some of you know, Gotham High has won several state championships and even a few national ones. With those titles comes some significant attention.

“Throughout this year, those of you that make it will notice some scouts. You see, you might not only represent this team in a state, regional or even national tournaments. If you’re incredibly lucky, you might have a chance to be on the United States Gymnastics team and represent us all at the Olympics, like our very own Ms. Gordon.”

Everyone’s eyes drew over to Barbara as she stood up and took a bow. “Oh, so that’s what you meant by being more nervous than me.” Sunset thought to herself. "Now I definitely need to make it into the team," she muttered under her breath.

“So you can see what I mean by how taxing this team will be,” Ms. Vann continued once more. “But I don’t want that to intimidate you. Now, that’s it for my little speech. Let’s get to the tryouts. First, you girls are going to want to limber up so you don’t pull something.”

Once again, Sunset found herself stretching along with the rest of the girls. She could easily tell several of the girls who were already on the team along with Barbara. She still honestly couldn’t believe that Barbara was actually an Olympic hopeful.

The Olympics. Yet another similarity to the world she previously left. Both worlds had the same grand sporting competition like that of the Equestria Games. Sunset remembered she was seven, two years into her apprenticeship to Celestia, when she watched the games in Vanhoover.

She stopped thinking about the past and focused on the present once again. “Hey, Barbara?” Sunset whispered to her friend as the two of them kept stretching.

“Yeah? What is it?” She asked.

“When exactly were you going to tell me you were an Olympic hopeful?”

Barbara gave a slightly nervous chuckle. “Well, you were going to find out eventually so I decided just to wait.”

“Well, now I’m even more nervous!” Sunset hissed which cause Barbara to laugh.

“I’m telling you, you’ll do fine.”

“Okay, girls,” Ms. Vann spoke up, “I think that’s enough stretching. For those already on the team, I would like you to start providing some moves on the equipment as an example for newcomers. For those of you trying out, watch closely and try to do the same when your turn comes. But just remember to relax, it’s only tryouts; certainly not the end of the world if you screw up.” The older woman assured.

“How are you feeling?” Barbara asked Sunset as the two of them were leaving school dressed in their school clothes again.

“A bit sore…” Sunset answered as she rubbed the back of her neck as she tried to get the stiffness out of it. The tryouts had gone well. Ms. Vann did give her a lot of positive feedback so that might have been a good sign.

“Trust me, Sunset, that’s gonna be normal for a little while as you get started. Your body will get used to it.” Barbara put a hand on Sunset’s shoulder reassuringly.

“Thanks, that’s good to hear.” Sunset nodded. “Hey, how do you think I did?”

“Personally? I think you did terrific, and I think Ms. Vann thought the same. After all, you were the one who got the most compliments from her. I’ve noticed when she does that, those people end up on the team,” Barbara said.

“Well then, sounds like my odds are good then.”

“Looks like that way. Though, I wouldn’t consider yourself to be assured to make the team just yet.”

“No, of course not,": Sunset said, "until I see that list of who made it with my name on it, I will not assume anything.”

“That’s smart, Sunset. I knew several girls that honestly thought they were shoo-ins for the team only not to make it.”

“Well, surely you’ve heard the old saying: ‘Don’t count your chickens before they hatch’.” Sunset smiled.

“Truer words were never spoken.” Both girls soon began to laugh after that.

“Okay, now I want you girls to look at these photos,” Pamela said as she started to pin several pictures to a corkboard on Wednesday afternoon.

“Now then, these are pictures of some of the best high schools in several of the largest cities in the country,” Pamela began pointing at several of the pictures. “These two are from Metropolis on the East Coast, these three are in Star City on the West Coast, and finally, these two are in Houston, Texas.

“Now then, would anyone like to tell me the difference between these schools and ours?”

“Well, considering this is a green club, I would have to guess that the answer would be that those schools are more green and lively compared to most in Gotham?” Barbara answered.

Pamela blushed, looking away. “Er, right… should’ve made that rhetorical,” she muttered to herself.

“Not your fault,” Barbara told her. While they talked, Sunset was looking closely at a flyer she was holding in her hands. The colorful document proudly announced tryouts for the fencing club later that day.

Her mind kept replaying Penguin and his blade, and how perhaps if she had more practice, she would do better against him if he used that umbrella sword again. She was positive going to run into him again once she started her hero work..

“Now,” Pamela continued, raising her voice, though Sunset still wasn’t fully listening. “I spent most of Monday night and yesterday as well getting some of this information.” Pamela then put up a bunch of lists underneath the respective photos.

“These are the G.P.A scores and attendance records of these schools; these are all public records by the way, the students themselves are anonymous, this all can easily be found on the internet. But, just look at the comparisons between these schools and ours.”

Barbara stood up to look at the numbers that were being shown. “Well, would you be kind enough to explain what I need to see?”

“Certainly.” Pamela smiled. “If you look closely, you can see a bit of a higher average in grades throughout all those schools compared to Gotham’s; the same goes with the attendance average. This is a great example of proving how simply getting this place some plants would do wonders for this place.”

“Well, the school board and teachers would certainly agree with you on this. But let’s not forget Pam, this is Gotham we’re talking about. Attendance might be a bit lower due to all the crime; even if the Bat is out patrolling the streets,” Barbara countered.

“I’m fully aware of that. Gotham City is well known throughout the nation due to its high crime rate, but that certainly can’t be the only reason.” She then paused for a moment as she caught the other thing that Barbara said. “Wait a second, ‘Pam’?”

“Yeah, is it okay if I call you by that?” Barbara asked, cringing slightly. "Sorry, I didn't think it would be an issue."

“No, it’s fine, but if you’re gonna do that, then I get to call you ‘Babs’.” The glasses wearing girl had a smirk on her face.

“Please, anything but that, I’m not a small wise-cracking pink bunny.”

“Hey, everything okay, Sunset?” Pamela asked as the two girls looked over to her.

“Huh?" Sunset looked up from the flyer, startled. "Oh, yeah, everything is fine!” she assured them.

“Really? You’ve been pretty quiet this whole time.”

“What is that you’re holding?” Barbara asked as she walked over and looked at the flyer that Sunset had in her lap. “Fencing club?”

“Uh, yeah… it was something that I used to do with my father before he died,.”she said, lying through her teeth. She felt guilty, but she couldn't tell them the truth about Canterlot High's fencing team, but she had to keep up the story that she had been homeschooled.

“Could I take a look at that?” Pamela spoke up before Barbara handed her back the flyer. “Well, while the tryouts are today, the meetings will be on Saturday.”

“Is that going to be an issue with you?” Sunset asked.

“No… but what if we need to you to help with some stuff on Saturdays?”

Sunset sighed. “Look, girls, trust me, I know it seems like I’m putting a bit more on my plate than I probably should but it’ll be alright. I’ll still make this club a first priority, that good with you?”

Pamela and Barbara looked at each other before Pamela nodded. “Okay, Sunset. It’s fine, just be sure to help us out when we still need it okay?”

“Of course! I'm not going to leave my friends hanging! But for now… let me run and see if I make the cut.” Sunset smiled before leaving the room and heading to the gym where the Fencing club was meeting up.

When Sunset entered the gym, she could easily tell where the fencing club was considering a few of them were already dueling. She walked over to them where the apparent coach was standing.

“Ah, new arrival,” the tall brown haired man said, noticing her approach. “Good afternoon, Ms-”

“Lucciola. Sunset Lucciola.” She held out her hand and the man took it.

“Pleased to meet you, Ms. Lucciola. I’m Mr. Andrew Winters. I take it you’re looking to join us today?”

“Very much so. That is, if there’s room for me.”

“Plenty. We’re always on the lookout for new talent in this group. Do you have any experience with fencing, or is this all new to you?” he asked.

Sunset nodded her head. “A little bit, I mostly did it as a hobby with my deceased father,” ,he said.

“Well, then, let’s see how you can do right now. Larson!” A boy who was currently dueling looked over to the coach. “Would you be willing do duel with this girl?” The boy nodded before Sunset walked over to where he was.

She picked up the sabre that was on the ground and soon was in a fighting stance opposite to the boy.

He made the first move by lunging forward and trying to get a point by striking her in the chest, only for his strike to be knocked out of the way by her counter and her landing a strike on his shoulder.

It was clear that he wasn’t very experienced at fencing, because no fencer would lunge that far forward and leave themselves so open to a counter like that.

The next several minutes were quite easy for Sunset as she soundly trashed her opponent. She was getting much praise from the rest of the team as the fight progressed, until Mr. Winters told them to stop.

“Well, Ms. Lucciola, I think it’s safe to say that there’s now a spot for you here,” He said, smiling as the rest of the team gathered to congratulate her on her victory..

Sunset had a smile on her face as he said that. “Thank you very much, sir.”

Since there was nothing much for her to do on Thursday afternoon after she finished all her homework, Sunset thought it would be a good chance to study up on some more magic. A quick call to Zatanna and one portal later, Sunset was currently reading up on some books in the Tower of Fate.

Sunset was honestly surprised by how much of the magic she was reading about was similar to the stuff she learned in Equestria as Celestia’s protégé. Maybe the worlds had a closer connection than she thought, although this universe tended to really tilt the balance of the magic in one direction or another, to the point that an unwitting magician could cast a spell with unintended consequences.

Still, despite those similarities, Sunset could only guess the difficulty that she would have to deal with to even come close to finding either the dimension where Canterlot High was or Equestria.

There was also the issue that Fate still acted very coldly around her. The whole time she had been in the Tower he hadn’t even said a word to her, much less looked at her, which made her feel even more lonely despite knowing he was somewhere around.

She decided to take a break from learning this world’s magic and pulled out several blank papers from her backpack. She thought that perhaps she should start thinking about what kind of attire she would use when she took to the streets as Alicorn.

Sure, she had the name down, but the outfit would be just as important. It would definitely have to be something she could move very well in. Something too flashy would be cumbersome and could get her and others hurt or worse.

As she drew some designs, she slowly got more and more frustrated with each scrapped concept.

“Ugh… Rarity… where are you when I need you?” she said to herself. If anyone could’ve been able to come up with a truly amazing superheroine outfit, it would be the self-proclaimed fashionista. Although she might have focused more on aesthetics than effectiveness.

The only thing that she knew she wanted was an eye mask to cover her face as well as learning a spell that could change her hair color. It would definitely make it harder for her to be identified; the last thing she wanted was Gotham High to be attacked by a vindictive villain that was after her.

She nearly jumped up in fear as Fate just suddenly appeared right in front of her and loudly dropped a book right on the table. She looked up at the golden mask in confusion, but—again without comment—he turned around and walked away.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the book. A quick glance inside showed that it was actually a spell book that was designed for enchanting armor and gear. She glanced back around but found that Fate had vanished once again. “Thank you,” she called into the seemingly empty tower but once again, she got no response.

Sunset was leaning back in a chair after a long day at school. The good news was that it was Friday and she now had a weekend to herself after attending Green club with Pamela and Barbara.

However, she wasn’t currently relaxing back at her apartment in Gotham, but rather she was in a large studio apartment in Star City.

“Okay, here’s that tea you wanted.” A blonde-haired, blue eyed woman wearing a leather leotard with fishnet stockings, a blue biker jacket and black fingerless gloves handed Sunset a cup of warm tea.

Zatanna had said in no uncertain terms that Sunset should learn martial arts and dealing with combat situations before she even thought to go out and fight crime in Gotham City. Yes, there was a lot of work to be done, but Sunset knew it was best to be over prepared for this rather than overconfident.

That night with Penguin was a great example of how not ready she was. She was honestly still surprised that she came out of that unscathed.

Thus, Zatanna had spread word of her new apprentice to her multiple allies and asked Sunset if she wanted to learn to fight properly from a good friend of hers. Sunset agreed and that’s how Sunset was now sipping tea in the home of Dinah Laurel Lance, also known as Black Canary.

“Thank you, Ms. Lance,” Sunset said as she took the tea before blowing it and taking a sip.

“So, Zatanna has told me quite a bit about you. You seem to have held your own against Cobblepot well last week.”

Sunset chuckled. “Word seems to travel, huh?”

“Indeed it does,” Dinah said as she sat down across from her. “But it’s nice to hear that you want to take up the reigns of superhero work. I honestly wish I had the support that Zatanna is giving you. My mother had a fit when she found out.”

“That reminds me,” Sunset spoke up. “I was doing some research last night when Zatanna told me about this meeting but, well, you obviously look very young but the Black Canary has been spotted in Star City for the past few decades.”

“Well, that’s because that was my mother," Dinah said with a conspiratorial smile. "She was the original Black Canary. I inherited her powers and took up the mantle of being the Canary after age started catching up to her. She didn’t want me to but relented soon enough. Now, she’s just living quietly with my father while I help keep Star City safe.”

“I see.” Sunset leaned back, nodding in understanding.. “Well, you obviously do a good job so I guess I should be honored to learn from one of the best.”

Dinah nearly choked on her drink when she started to laugh. “Please, Sunset, you give me too much praise.”

Sunset couldn’t help but laugh with her as well. The two of them chatted for several minutes about the Canary's history and adventures before Dinah suggested that it was time for her to start training with her.

“Okay, first of all, I must ask Sunset, but what sort of training do you have?” Dinah asked as the two of them were stretching.

“Well, other than knowing some magic spells and fencing, mostly it’s just some street fighting… and not that much I might add. I used to rely more on my brains than my skills in a brawl,” Sunset answered. The little close combat training she knew had come in handy the day she was cast out by Celestia. She had used it on some of the royal guards before she bolted for the mirror and ended up in the world that Canterlot High resided. Needless to say, that fighting experience did not translate to a human body.

“Okay then, let’s just start with what you know then. I want you to come at me, and don't pull your punches.” Dinah told her.

Sunset nodded and charged forward with a fist raised. Dinah was quick on the charge and dodged out of the way before tripping Sunset and sending her flat on her face. Sunset rolled over and rubbed her cheek, she had hit the training mat hard.

“Sorry about that, but you need to learn that you can’t just charge forward. Sure, most criminals might not be smart enough to move out of the way, but those that do… I don’t think I need to tell you what could happen,” the older woman advised.

“No, you do not.” Sunset nodded and got back up. She raised her fists and slowly moved closer to Dinah before she threw a right hook at her face. Dinah countered by grabbing Sunset’s fist and pushing it back, giving her some slight discomfort as her wrist was screaming for release.

Sunset, while her right fist was still locked, tried to use her left to jab Dinah in the stomach, only for the trained hero to flip her over, and pin her right on the ground.

Sunset quickly closed her eyes as she saw Dinah's fist coming right for her face.

The punch never came and Sunset opened her eyes to see the woman holding it near her face.

“If this was real, that would’ve ended up with you getting a bloody nose at least. Still, you trying to get me in the gut was actually smart. What you should have done was to turn the tables when I had your right fist locked and leave me exposed to a strike.” Dinah explained before getting off Sunset and helping her up.

“Thanks. Like I said, it’s not much training.” Sunset rotated her right arm to alleviate some of the stress it had.

“Yeah, well that’s something important you need to know. You just can’t rely on magic spells do fight. Sometimes you’re gonna have to use your hands and feet in a fight.”

“That’s exactly the same thing Zatanna told me.”

“It is sound advice. After all, I can’t rely on my powers all the time.”

“That reminds me, what is that power anyways?” Sunset wondered.

Dinah smiled. “Oh, I can produce a supersonic screech, just like my mother. Hence the whole ‘Canary’ moniker.”

“Could you be willing to give a demonstration?”

“You sure?” Dinah had a bit of a hesitant look on her face.

“Yes.” Sunset nodded… and immediately regretted it as she found herself on the floor trying to block her ears as they were assaulted by a loud screech that came from Dinah’s mouth. After a few moments, the sounds stopped and Sunset’s ears were now just ringing.

“I could taste my own thoughts!” Sunset cried out as rolled on the floor, still disoriented.

Dinah chuckled. “Sorry, but I did warn you.”