• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,557 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 41: Formal

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 41: Formal

It was a cloudy November day in Gotham City. A torrential rainstorm the night before still left the streets fairly wet by lunch time, and the clouds still looked like they were going to give more later on. It was your typical fall day, and the overcast skies shared a similar mood with much of Gotham High's student body.

For the trio of super heroines who had to go to class, crime fighting almost seemed like a distant worry as their minds were a bit more preoccupied with a more pressing matter.

Still being dateless for the upcoming Fall Formal.

"Did anyone get the answer to that question on page 328?" Pamela asked as the girls were eating lunch and doing their schoolwork by themselves at their own table near the wall. It was always a good place for them to have their own little conversations, especially ever since Pamela and Barbara took up the crime fighting mantle with Sunset.

"I don't think anyone in our class has even gotten close to solving that one," Barbara replied with her mouth still somewhat full as she ate the meatloaf. The poor lunch selection that day was also adding to the depressing atmosphere of the student body.

Sunset shook her head. "It's either a trick question or a harder question than we thought."

The other girls agreed on that fact, deciding to leave that one question until later.

Pamela, after eating the meatloaf, scoffed. "I'd rather eat a salad or at least veggie chili than this." She then glanced at the window in their corner of the cafeteria. "At least the park and the gardens are getting some nutrition from the water.”

"Only you, Pam.” Barbara giggled as she rolled her eyes. “And I have to agree with you there. A veggie chili would be way better than this pathetic meatloaf... Even the potatoes are a bit lumpy today."

Sunset smirked. "Maybe we're lucky tonight. Not every criminal likes the rain and cold." She whispered.

The other girls giggled, smiling as they agreed on that sentiment. Sunset then blinked as she saw Murphy walking up to them.

"Incoming, girls."

The other girls turn their heads around to see the boy.

Murphy nodded with a smile. "Hello, girls."

The trio gave their greetings, with Pam raising an eyebrow.

"What brings you here, Murphy?"

Murphy nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I heard that you and your friends are still looking for dates for the dance, and well, the other guys have dates already.” He bit his lip, clearly trying to keep it together with a slightly red face. “I was kinda wondering if you'd like to be my date, Pamela?"

The question didn’t seem to register for the redhead at first. She stared blankly at him for what felt like hours. Her jaw suddenly dropped and her eyes went as wide as saucer plates.

"Did somebody put you up to this?"

Her statement surprised everyone.

Murphy quickly waved his arms. "No, of course not! I'm being serious about this, Isley. I want to know if you're willing to have me as a date for the Formal."

Now it was Pamela's turn to blush when she heard that; both in embarrassment for her previous assumption, but also the whole idea that someone would want to take her to the dance.

She pointed at herself. "Me? You want to take me?"

"Why are you acting like this is unusual?" Sunset asked as Pamela shook her head.

"I don't know, maybe because I thought I'm such a wallflower that no one would even notice me,” she admitted.

"Well, truth be told, the past few years, sure," Murphy told her. "But something's changed about you since near the end of our junior year."

The girls quickly had things click upon him saying that. It was just around the same time Pamela first gained her powers.

Pamela glanced at Sunset and Barbara, and they smiled, encouraging her with subtle gestures, and then faced Murphy with a soft smile, "Do you already have a suit on hand?"

Murphy blinked in surprise, and then smiled widely, "Sure do. Bowtie's dark blue. What time do you want me to pick you up?"

“Seven o’clock, on the dot,” Pamela chuckled warmly.

"Perfect! Shall I see you after school to trade phone numbers?" Murphy nodded with a polite smile, and Pamela nodded.

"Sure thing, and don't think about standing me up. My friends are protective of me." She said with a sharp look.

"Oh, trust me, I know better than to mess with a girl whose friend is Commissioner Gordon’s daughter." Murphy gave a nervous chuckle as he headed back towards his table where they could see he was going to chat with Jason and Harvey.

"So..." Sunset finally spoke after a few moments of silence. "Still planning on wearing that dress you had for the charity?"

Pamela nodded. "Yeah, I think that'll work well. You two aren't using the ones you had though, right?" Both Sunset and Barbara shook their heads.

"We'll find something else... just soon as we find dates of our own." Barbara sighed in defeat as Pamela gave a small smirk.


"You aren't cheating, are you? Using something to subtly hypnotize Murphy or something?"

Pamela looked down at her own hands as a confused look crossed her face in response to Barbara's question.

Sunset frowned, seeing Pamela's look, and replied, "I don't think she is, Barb," before whispering quietly, "Consciously, that is. I think Pam's talent with plants is not just working with nature, but with pheromones of flowers."

"Like bees to pollen then." Barbara nodded back in understanding as Pamela was surprised to hear that.

"So, if I turned on the pheromones?" Pamela looked to Sunset for an answer.

"Basically, you could have every boy in this school at your feet. Maybe even some of the girls too, depending on their, uh, preferences?"

"Well, I guess that does explain why I've gotten quite a bit more attention this year in terms of the class." Pamela rubbed her arm.

"That and the losing of your glasses, plus a bit of a makeover with your looks." Barbara chuckled as she patted Pamela on the back.

"Thanks for telling me that, you two. I wasn't aware that was the case. But I promise, I'm not using that power; at least for any selfish gain." Pamela told them.

"Certainly not for giving yourself a leg up and winning Queen at the Formal?" Sunset teased.

"And take it from her, a three-time princess of a school's fall dance." Barbara reminded them in a snide way. "Of course, she had to cheat for them."

"For most of them, yes," Sunset agreed. "First time was a bit luckier since I was still trying to get used to being human. I wasn't a total monster amongst the school at that point yet. I was still slowly positioning myself at the top."

"And you don't have to work for it this time. You probably want to be normal, well, normal as best as you could without cheating or being mean." Pamela reassured her.

Sunset smiled at her, glad to have her support. "Yeah, it's weird, but I'd rather be normal than be infamous for cheating any day. I am totally happy with just dancing and having fun."

Barbara grinned. "Me too. It'd be nice to have a break, being just a regular girl myself. Don't get me wrong, being the Commissioner's daughter is quite handy, and of course, the side job." She winked at them. The other girls agreed with smiles, nodding, and went back to focus on their homework and finishing up lunch as they saw that they still had a bit of time left before heading back for the afternoon classes.

"Of course, there still is one issue," Sunset said.

"What's that?" Barbara asked.

"We're still without dates."

"Oh, yeah..."

While Pamela obviously didn't feel any more stress about who she was going to go with, the same couldn't be said for Sunset and Barbara as like most girls before prom without dates, the worrying stress of being dateless would soon start nagging at them.

Sunset walked down the street a few days after that day, the date of the formal closing by the hour. Sunset, from her apartment, opened up a portal and ended up in a secluded area not too far away from Wayne Manor. She could've just appeared right at the front door, but she wanted to be formal with what she had planned as well as not wanting to expose her powers just in case Bruce had someone over.

She walked right up to the front gate before she hit the buzzer on the nearby intercom and waited for either Bruce or more than likely Alfred to answer.

After a couple of minutes, the intercom buzzed, "Yes?"

"Hey, Alfred. Sunset here. Permission to come to the manor?"

"Miss Lucciola, no need to ask for permission, but thank you for being polite. Please come in!" Alfred's voice spoke with warmth in his voice, and the front gate lock buzzed before clicking open.

Sunset guessed that Alfred was giving her false last name,to be safe in case there's paparazzi spying on the front gate somehow, though she didn’t see anything...

"Great, see you soon," Sunset replied before going through the gate, and the gate closed quickly after her. She then casually headed up to the manor to the front door.

Alfred was already opening the door when Sunset walked up the steps, "Evening." He said with a bow of his head with a fond, warm smile, and Sunset smiled at him as she walked in.

"Evening, Alfred." She smiled as Alfred then closed the door. "Any paparazzi on the security cameras?" She asked.

Alfred shook his head, "You're in the clear, Miss Sunset. Now, what may I do for you? Master Bruce is otherwise occupied, I'm afraid."

"Business or personal?" Sunset asked as the two of them headed towards the nearby living room.

"Depends on your definition of business." Alfred said as Sunset gave a quick chuckle.

"Of course, just what I thought. Well, he's going to have to do it alone tonight, the girls and myself have some pressing schoolwork we've got to finish. Besides, the recent storms seem to have at least kept Gotham's criminals indoors." Sunset sat on the couch as Alfred picked up a tray with a cup of tea on it.

"That and the plummeting temperatures with an average Gotham winter coming. Tea? It was for Master Bruce, but..." Alfred offered as Sunset nodded.

"Thank you, Alfred." She took it off the tray. "Anyways, I came in through the front because I didn't want to accidentally expose my identity just in case you two were hosting any guests."

"That's a smart decision, we're going to be hosting a few shareholders next week," Alfred said.

"It wouldn't be on Friday, would it?" Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"No, Tuesday, why?"

Sunset smiled softly, "On that Friday, the girls and I are heading to the Fall Formal, and well, the girls agreed after I talked with them today. Would you like to be our chaperone, Alfred?"

Alfred blinked in surprise before smiling warmly. "Unless Master Bruce needs me that night, I'd be extremely honored to be your chaperone. I suppose Miss Isley's mother is busy that night?"

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, she got a double shift, wanting to make up for a weekend off, Barb’s mom is going to be on call at the hospital and as for Commissioner Gordon, he's swamped, plus there's the fact that Barb convinced him that having him at the dance is rather off-putting," she explained with a smirk.

Alfred chuckled softly. "Yes, I can see what you mean. A butler is far less imposing. Do you want me to pick you and the other girls up?"

Sunset shook her head.

"Barb and I will be here to get changed, and then ride in with you. Pam already got a date to pick her up at 7."

"I see." Alfred nodded. "I'm guessing that you two would rather I didn't drive you over in something too eye-catching?"

"Well, that's the main reason why I came to you," Sunset said. "Barb and Pam's mothers would've been fine, but there's the issue of the double lives."

"Ah, so you'd rather it be someone that could cover just in case you three are needed."

Sunset nodded.

"The only other options are Zatanna or Bruce, but they would draw just too much attention. Same with the Commissioner."

Alfred chuckled. "Indeed. And if I know Master Bruce, he would've preferred working personally. And as for Miss Zatanna, I believe she's still on her tour, correct?"

Sunset nodded.

"Yeah, Zatanna's doing a show in Boston. True, nobody's gonna bat an eyelash if she took a plane to Gotham since Boston is like four hours on a private plane, and she would have been easily here for chaperoning with a disguise on hand, but she told me that she's looking to have some alone time with some old friends after the show."

"Ah, I understand. Will you and Miss Gordon eat dinner here first before changing into your dresses? After all, it's no good to dance on an empty stomach as you need energy for the dance floor at least an hour or two," Alfred asked..

"If Barb and I can even dance. Pam's the lucky one; she's actually got a date. We haven't," Sunset admitted.

"Maybe a few young gentlemen are just waiting till the last minute. Or just can't build up the nerve to ask."

"That's why Murphy was such a surprise. He's perfectly fine telling his dumb jokes or whatever he saw on TV that made him laugh the night before, but actually talking to girls? Didn't know he had it in him." She chuckled.

"There's always something surprising every day, small or new, and if there wasn't, people would be so bored." Alfred smiled to which Sunset responded with a warm laugh.

"I'll agree with you on that, and yeah, we wouldn't mind having dinner first before changing into our dresses."

"Wonderful! And Miss Shimmer, don't underestimate yourself or Miss Gordon. I am confident you and she will a good night. After all, your side jobs as Alicorn and Batgirl, and of course, Ivy for Miss Isley, you have been agile, and agility serves a part in dancing quite well, plus the fact of being graceful on your feet," Alfred reassured Sunset with a nod and a chuckle.

Sunset beamed gratefully. "Thank you, Alfred.”

“Oh, you mentioned earlier about having some studying with Misses Gordan and Isley, I can make some hot chocolate for the three of you and you can simply do one of your portals to bring it to them.”

"Thanks for the offer, Alfred. It’s nice to have some more normal nights lately but I get the feeling that’s probably going to change soon. Gotham's usual villains have been a bit quiet of late." Sunset sighed.

"I sadly am getting much too used to seeing so many of those madmen out on the streets, trying to tear this city apart." Alfred said.

"Well, we've stopped them before, and we'll stop them again." She smiled before she headed back out.

"Maybe we should've ate on the road," Barbara bemoaned as the car was only a few more blocks from the school. "We took a bit too long getting ready."

Sunset raised an eyebrow with a grin, "Is that you talking or your full stomach? Alfred did an amazing job with dinner. Who knew that fish pie is so delicious?" She giggled as she glanced at Alfred in the rear-mirror.

"Thank you, Miss Shimmer,” Alfred smiled warmly. “I appreciate the compliments. I was taught well by my mother, and I have never forgotten her dear recipes. And I suppose you agree as well, Miss Gordon?"

Barbara gave a nod, "Sunset was right. It was good. I am so relieved that my dress still fits me after all that eating." She chuckled as she adjusted her dusty blue dress that's strapped highly to her neck, having a half-bun, half long, curly hairdo, and inch-high heels, wanting to feel a bit taller, but not as tall as her alter ego with her boots.

After all, purple is too obvious, so that's why Barbara went for dusty blue, going with the fact that it compliments her red hair.

For Sunset, she decided to go for a one-shoulder dark green dress, having a full bun, with comfortable flats, wearing a simple yet lovely necklace that Bruce gifted her for the dance as he's technically her guardian when Zatanna's out of town.

They heard that despite keeping the dress from the charity ball, Pam decided to go for a different hairdo, and she texted them a picture of her in the mirror from her bedroom, having a braided bun updo.

Alfred made the final corner before he pulled up into the school parking lot. "Well, here we are, you two."

"Thanks again, Alfred," Sunset smiled. "And thank you for choosing a less attention-grabbing car."

"Unfortunately, the Mercedes was one of the lower end cars that we have in the garage." Alfred chuckled.

Barbara replied, "Far better than a limo or anything really eye-catching. So, yeah, thanks for the ride, Alfred."

"Of course, Miss Gordon. Miss Shimmer, let me know when you're ready to leave with your friends. I will see to some errands I need to do."

Sunset smiled, "Will do, Alfred. Probably 9 or 10 at best, I would guess."

Alfred gave a small nod.

"Excellent. Have a good time, girls, and I must say once again, you two look quite lovely."

The girls thanked him once more with beaming smiles, and left the car, knowing that Alfred won't be too far from the school as he had their superheroine outfits in a secret place somewhere in the car. It was just in case there was serious trouble somewhere else in Gotham.

"Do you think we're a bit overdressed?" Barbara asked as she noticed some of the other girls. "I mean, quite a few of them are wearing more normal dresses, we went a bit red carpet with ours."

"There's only one senior prom, Barb. We should make the most of it. Might not even be here long knowing this city." Sunset admitted as Barbara nodded.

"Too true. Come on, let's go find Pam, and then see if we can maybe snag our guys for a dance or two."

Sunset smiled, agreeing, and they headed into the school building to the basketball court, with all the audience seats pulled back to the wall, and the basketball hoops secured to the ceiling, creating more than enough room for stands of snacks, punch, and small tables for seating, and of course, the dance floor.

They were impressed with all the decorations and such, and in a short time, they found Pam enjoying the punch, talking with Murphy.

“There she is.” Sunset announced getting the couple’s attention as Sunset and Barbara walked up.

“Nice to see you two made it.” Pamela smiled as Barbara gave a small scoff.

“Hey, we’re only going to have one senior prom, right? It would certainly take a lot for any of us to miss this.”

“Like not having dates?” Murphy pointed out as Sunset and Barbara gave him death glares. “I’m joking! You’re lucky that Jason and Harvey were willing to ask you out a few days before. I honestly was wondering if they just were planning on skipping for a bit there.”

“Certainly would explain what the hold up was in terms of asking, and might explain why they just wanted to meet here rather than pick us up.” Sunset said. “Of course, I did mention our travel plans beforehand so that might have been why.”

“Are they even here?” Barbara asked as she looked around.

“I saw Harvey earlier,” Pamela pointed over to another part of the gym. “Somewhere over there, as for Jason, I’m not sure.”

“It’ll be alright, I’m sure,” Murphy insisted. “And even if they’re not maybe in the dancing mood, I’m sure there’s a few other guys that might take their place.”

“Thanks, Murphy,” Sunset smiled as she glanced around. “Well, don’t let us interrupt you two, enjoy the night.”

“Thanks girls.” Pamela quickly took her two friends into a hug before she and Murphy went off to another part of the gym.

Luckily for Barbara and Sunset, eventually Jason and Harvey turned up for them and the night proceeded as well as they would want it. They had their fun, dancing and having small talk on breaks between dances, and about halfway, there were announcements about the winners of the Prom King and Queen.

The girls were not too surprised when the Prom King was announced for one of the guys the girls saw in class here and there. But when the Prom Queen was announced, they were beyond shocked when it was discovered that Pam won, and Pam herself was speechless.

"Well, what exactly are you waiting for? Get up there!" Sunset laughed as she and Barbara pushed Pamela a few feet to get her moving towards the stage that was set up. Pamela was still shocked but she found her way up to the stage. Sunset glanced over to see that Barbara was looking upwards. "Something wrong?"

"Just making sure Pam isn't about to be pranked or anything. That some guys have a bucket they're planning to dump on her from above in the rafters. Don't see anything though." Barbara explained as Sunset gave her a strange look. "It's from a movie. I blame Murphy for that,” She glanced over to the young man who was sitting nearby. “I'm just as surprised as you or her that she won."

"I'm with you on that," Sunset nodded. "This certainly will be a good confidence booster for her."

"I think her powers have been the booster she badly needed." Barbara chuckled.

Sunset smiled, "And don't forget that she has us too. Hard to believe it has only been less than a year, yet look at her, she's happier than ever before." The two kept looking at Pam with a proud, supportive look as Pam was crowned.

Barbara grinned, "Yep." She said before clapping her hands, starting the applause, cheering in support for Pam, and Sunset followed her lead, smiling as she clapped as well, and soon, the crowd was cheering and applauding as Pam both was blushing yet glowing.

Meanwhile, as Alfred was putting away some groceries for the meals within the weekend and next week, in the trunk of the car, he saw the Bat Signal in the air, and moved around to get into the front seat, closing the door, and then pressed the earpiece in his ear.

"Master Bruce?"

"Already on my way, Alfred." Bruce’s voice echoed from the other end.

Alfred hummed as he took a deep breath.

"Naturally. And do you want me to inform the girls?"

"No." Bruce sternly said, surprising Alfred.


"It's alright. I can handle this myself. Let the girls enjoy their night. They'll only be high schoolers once and they should have fun." Alfred certainly didn't see this response coming, but knowing Bruce better than anyone, he probably should've expected it.

"Very well, sir. I'll let them know if they see the signal and try to collect their things," Alfred said. "Be careful, sir."

"I will. Have a good night, Alfred." The signal clicked meaning Bruce ended the transmission. Alfred took a deep breath before he started the car back up and made his way back towards the school.

Comments ( 13 )

So how will the girls get dragged into tonight’s events I wonder?

Considering that Sunset is canonically Bi, I wonder if or when Pam's pharamone powers accidentally ensnares Sunset?

Nice to see the girls get to have a fun night. Of course, I have a feeling it's going to go sideways next chapter.

Still being dateless for the upcoming Fall Formal.

Aromantic laughter.

...I'm honestly surprised twilight or no one from the mirror came to the party and I bucking love that there's yet another chapter!!!


Glad to see anther chapter of this story again :twilightsmile: Looking forward to seeing what kind of shenanigans Gotham's villains are up to that may end up interrupting Sunset and co's Fall Formal.

Hold on a second 🤔

Still being dateless for the upcoming Fall Formal.

Ah, the Fall Formal. Just like in Equestria Girls.

While Pamela obviously didn't feel any more stress about who she was going to go with, the same couldn't be said for Sunset and Barbara as like most girls before prom without dates, the worrying stress of being dateless would soon start nagging at them.

"There's only one senior prom, Barb. We should make the most of it. Might not even be here long knowing this city." 

“Hey, we’re only going to have one senior prom, right? It would certainly take a lot for any of us to miss this.”

Why are they call it a prom all of a sudden? :applejackconfused: Fall Formal is different than prom right. Prom's like at the end of the school year in May and such.

I did like how they addressed the possibility that Pamela might have been subconsciously using her pheromone powers on people. It's something I may have brought up in past comments.

I don't know if I've brought this up before but I suspect Murphy's oft-mentioned friend Jason must be Jason Todd. :pinkiegasp:

As always, keep up the great work. :pinkiehappy:

It's been awhile. Nice to read a slice of life chapter. Well, as slice of life you can get in Gotham.

Still as good as ever I swear the batman is a underrated show. Although I wonder if you can do a similar story premise with the 4kids/fox box 2003 TMNT series as there is barely any good crossovers of that and the original 1987 version only 2012 is used and I never cared much for nickelodeon cartoon I will admit there are something's I liked about it like karai's design and backstory/history it's just I grew up with 2003 and I recently learned of a cancelled arc for fast Forward where chrell returns becomes the triceraton shredder and the shredder war storyline.

I wonder what villain will be inconsiderate enough to crash a prom?

so wait, Two Face's a Senior and Red Hood in before he gets the balls to steal the Batmobile's tires

Wow, someone finally noticed!


True. Just doesn't help with my dislike and Opinion of Dr. Fate/Nabu. Hopefully he gets kicked in the nards in this Story of yours.

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