• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,568 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 14: Cats

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 14: Cats

Pamela kept her guard up as she stared down the superheroine that had snuck up behind her and Barbara. She glanced over to see her friend looking more nervous, while the crime fighter kept staring at them.

“I’ll ask again,” Alicorn crossed her arms. “What exactly are you two planning on doing?”

“It’s none of your business. Why don’t you just leave us alone and crack some dumb carjacker’s head or something?” Pamela spat out.

“Would you be quiet?! You’re already making this worse!” Barbara worried.

“Okay, girls, this is what my guess is with whatever you two are planning. Judging from the spray cans and the location, I believe that you two are planning to do some graffiti on the walls of Wayne Industries.”

Pamela looked back to Barbara and started to feel nervous as well. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the longer Alicorn just stood in front of the girls, the more intimidating she got.

“I hit the nail on the head, didn’t I?” Neither girl said anything to the heroine. “Well, let me just say a few things then. You two realize who owns the building you’re planning on vandalizing right?” Both girls slowly nodded.

“It’s Bruce Wayne, owner of Wayne Industries; a company that takes part or help leads in multiple fields of, well, just about everything you can think of. It’s worth billions, and is located in Gotham City that has quite a well-known crime issue,” The masked girl paused. “And he can afford enough security equipment and armed personal that rivals that of a small nation’s military.” She then placed her hands on her hips. “And you two were planning to simply just jump a fence and not get spotted at all?”

Pamela saw Barbara giving her a ‘Really?’ look, which caused the glasses-wearing girl to blush and rub her arm. “I suppose I hadn’t really thought of that when I was planning this out. I was just focused on making a company that neglects our planet be more aware of the sort of damage they were causing.”

“Exactly. You weren’t thinking fully about this, which leads to my second point,” The girls were just waiting for something bad to happen. “Need an extra hand?”

Both Pamela and Barbara looked at the superheroine like she had grown a second head. They couldn’t believe what they had just been asked.

“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that? Did you say you wanted to give us an extra hand?” Barbara asked.

The crime fighter nodded as she smiled. “But not here at Wayne Industries, of course. I’ve got a better place in mind where we can do a little tagging.”

Both girls ended up following the vigilante to an apartment block that was scheduled for demolition within the next few weeks. It was perfect! Any evidence of their graffiti work would be eventually reduced to rubble.

It wasn’t exactly what Pamela wanted; she wanted to send a clear message to Wayne Industries, but after what Alicorn said about the security, she now realized perhaps that wasn’t the best course of action... yet.

“This certainly is much easier than sneaking onto Wayne Industries property, wouldn’t you agree, girls?”

Pamela glanced back as Alicorn took a step back to admire her handy work. She was absolutely stunned at the work that Alicorn had done with just a few cans of spray paint. At the same time, Barbara was giving the superheroine a look, as if she were trying to figure something out.

“Yeah, I guess so.” Pamela shrugged her shoulders as she finished up with cans of spray paint. Since she wasn’t spray painting on the walls of an “inconsiderate company", her message was less of writing, but more of a vibrant picture of nature. It was the best she could do with the lack of additional spray paint colors.

“So, tell me,” Alicorn spoke up. “What’s a pair of girls like you wanting to vandalize Wayne Industries for?”

Pamela sighed. “Well, we and another friend of ours named Sunset had this Green Advocacy club at our high school. We wanted to help spread awareness for plants and the benefits that so many seem to just ignore.”

“That’s certainly a good cause to be behind.”

“Exactly!” Pamela cried out. “But, we didn’t have enough people in the club, so the school had to shut it down.”

“She’s had some issues with this in the past,” Barbara said. “Sunset and I were actually the first girls to really help her with her passion.”

Alicorn then appeared to raise an eyebrow, though it was hard to tell because of her eye mask. “So then, what’s with the spray painting?”

Pamela looked down. “Well, I just got really upset because I felt that everyone was against me and my passions and that I needed to send a more powerful message.”

“Pam, listen, about today,” Barbara put her hand on Pamela’s shoulder. “I actually told Sunset what we had done that day the club got shut down.”

Pamela was about to say something, but Barbara continued. “I know. It was a complete breaking of your trust, Pam, but Sunny and I were worried about you. I’m well aware you were upset, but all this vandalism, it’s a real slippery slope and we don’t want you to end up doing something we will all regret.”

“You should listen to her, and I’m pretty sure if your other friend was here, she’d say the same thing.” Pamela turned her back to Alicorn as she said that, but the super heroine continued, “Listen, I understand where you’re coming from. You’re strong about your passions but you feel like everyone is against you with them, right?” Pamela nodded. “I was in a similar position like you once, but I learned that one of the most important things in life are your friends. No matter what happens in life, your friends will be there for you. Just remember that.”

“Pam, Sunny and I are on your side but when you start doing stuff like this,” Barbara took a deep breath, “we’re both worried about where this will end up, and we don’t want to see our best friend get hurt.”

Pamela said nothing as she went deep into thought. Was this really something she should be doing? Going around, performing all sorts of vandalism just to try and spread the word about plants?

Then there was also the fact that Barbara said she and Sunset were her friends. It sounded somewhat silly, but Pamela never really had true friends for most of her life.

She knew that dragging them into doing things they didn’t feel comfortable with wasn’t being a true friend, and she certainly didn’t want them to stop being her friends like others had in the past.

“Just keep in mind what I said,” Alicorn said before she ran towards a fire exit on a building and started to climb up it to the roof. “Now, if you girls will excuse me, I’ve got some thieves’ heads to knock. Enjoy the rest of your day, Pamela, Barbara.” She left the two girls alone in the alley.

“Well, that was certainly an experience,” Barbara said.

Pamela nodded her head in agreement. “Yeah, I definitely wasn’t expecting her to tag along with us like that.”

“This is going to be quite the story to tell Sunny, which reminds me, I’m gonna have quite a conversation about why she wasn’t here.”

“Did you tell her to find us near Wayne Industries?” Pamela asked. Barbara face palmed.

“I totally forgot to mention where to meet!” The look on Barbara’s face quickly changed as soon as she said that. “Wait a minute. How did she know my name?”

Pamela thought back to their conversation. “Well, I know we said my name, but—” She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe she just recognizes you because of your dad.”


Pamela gave a small smirk. “You totally think she’s awesome, don’t you?”

Barbara smiled. “Oh yeah, she’s amazing!”

“Honey, I’m home!” Catwoman shouted as she closed the door to her penthouse apartment before removing her mask. “Oh, I forgot, I’m not married,” she grumbled as she walked to her living room in a sour mood.

Selena Kyle had a rough life growing up. She lived in a broken home until she was three, when she was removed from her neglectful, and drug-abusing parents. Not that the orphanage she was sent to was any improvement. She ended up spending most of her youth alone with her only sort of friends being some of the stray cats that tended to come around the home.

From an early age, Selena had to grow up fast just to survive. She discovered very quickly that she had a great affinity for stealing, and she slowly became more and more experienced. With that experience, she started to get bolder with thefts. Instead of some food or a few wallets, she began robbing jewels and antiques that she would sell off somewhere else.

However, she wasn’t simple minded, she was actually sublimely clever, despite having more of a street education rather than one in the classroom. Her robberies also involved getting secrets from powerful people that she ended up using against them.

It was the reason why most of Gotham became aware of wealthy socialite Selena Kyle, a young woman who gained her fortune after the death of her great aunt. It was a lie, but she made extra sure to cover her tracks. No one ever found out. Those that knew already, she had so much dirt on them that they would never dare say a word.

However, despite the fact that she had more than secured herself socially and financially, she still couldn’t get over the rush that came with her robberies. Her only childhood friends being cats played a huge influence when she soon became known as the notorious thief Catwoman.

Instead of stealing whatever she could that would sell back, she was now robbing items that she would keep and all of them had a certain theme to them: cats. Whether it was jewels, paintings or Egyptian statues, if it was rare and had something to do with cats, she would try and steal it.

That was the reason for her recent frustration as she sat down on her couch while her pet cats purred near her legs. She had tried to steal a rare animation cel done by Fleischer Studios in the twenties that involved a cartoon cat.

It would’ve been an easy steal until a triple jointed contortionist dressed like a stitched together ragdoll showed up. Ragdoll, as the man called himself, fought off not only her, but Batman as well, and made off with the cel.

“Ugh!” Selena threw a couch pillow across her living room. “If that Ragdoll ever crosses paths with me again, they’ll never be able to stitch him back together.”

Selena was different from most of Gotham’s more eccentric criminals. She was merely a thief, not a crazed psychopath. She didn’t want to fight if she didn’t have to; better to sneak in and quietly get out before anyone realized she was around. However, if someone got in the way between her and her prize, then they would end up with a few nasty scratches.

“Okay, calm down, Selena,” she said to herself as she took a deep breath. “Maybe it’s time to take a short break and steal the more legitimate way.”

She picked up a letter, an invitation to a gala that was going to be held in the next few days. It was another one of those fancy parties where much of Gotham’s millionaires were going to attend. It never usually failed for her; she’d show up, charm some rich old man, and then he’d eventually give her cash or some expensive gift before she move onto the next one.

She placed the letter next to a newspaper before she looked it over and found a small article that mentioned the newest vigilante to show up in Gotham. Selena gave a small chuckle about what the article guessed about the girl that called herself Alicorn.

“She’s certainly got heart, that much is true.” One of the woman’s cats jumped on the couch and nuzzled against her. “Oh, I know what you’re saying, sweetie. She’d probably make a fine ‘Catgirl’, but I get the feeling she’s a bit of a goody two-shoes like a certain bat.”

“Still.” Selena rubbed the ears of her feline pet, “If I run into her, I might at least make an offer.”

“Seriously, thanks for coming, you two,” Barbara thanked Sunset and Pamela as they stood near a support beam at the gala.

When Commissioner Patterson had to miss the gala, Barbara’s father accepted to attend in his stead. While Barbara’s parents would be busy talking to other adults, their daughter would just be bored, so a few calls later, both her friends were allowed to attend.

“It’s no problem, Barb. Besides, it’s the least I could do considering I missed meeting up with you guys at Wayne Industries.”

“Yeah.” Barbara gave her a look. “Wait, how did you know we were at Wayne Industries?”

“You told me,” Sunset replied.

“I did?” Barbara scratched her head as she tried to remember when she supposedly said it. “I could’ve sworn that I forgot to mention it.”

“No, you did.”

“Ugh.” the red haired girl quickly shook her head. “Maybe I did and just forgot.”

“Look, I appreciate what you girls tried to do for me, alright?” Pamela said. “But I still need to think through some things. Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you either of you to do anymore street tagging.”

“No offence, Pam, but some of that stuff you said when Alicorn jumped us, you sounded less like an activist and a bit more like an eco-terrorist, if I have to be honest.”

A small guilty look crossed the glasses-wearing girl’s face. “R-Really? I…I didn’t even realize I sounded like that.” She stammered.

“Hey,” Sunset held up her hands. “Let’s just leave all that in the past and move forward with our lives, okay? Live and learn, you know?” The two other girls nodded in agreement.

Pamela took a drink of water—the only drink that the girls were allowed to have since all the rest were alcoholic—before her eyes caught the deputy commissioner. “Your dad certainly looks like he’s working more than enjoying himself, Red.”

“Yeah, I think he’s pulling dual jobs right now. He doesn’t want a repeat of Zatanna’s show this time. I hear that Chief Rojas is still in a bit of hot water about that.”

Pamela chuckled. “Relax. If anything were to happen, we’d just sic Sunny on whomever the party crasher is.”

Sunset blushed before the three girls started to laugh. “Come on, Pam! It wasn’t like that at all!” She calmed down before spotting Bruce Wayne walking towards the bar. “Excuse me, girls. I need to talk to Mr. Wayne over there.”

“Wait.” Sunset felt Pamela grab her arm. “That’s Bruce Wayne! You just can’t walk up to him.”

“Relax. One of my first days here in Gotham, Zatanna and I had lunch with Bruce at Wayne Manor. He knows me.”

Barbara shook her head. “Sunny, I really envy you sometimes.”

Sunset flashed them a smile. “Just continue enjoying everything as best you can. I’m gonna quickly say ‘hi’, then rejoin you.”

She walked across the gala floor towards the bar where Bruce immediately spotted her.

“Ah, Sunset.” The young billionaire smiled as Sunset walked up to him. “Nice to see you again. I wasn’t expecting to see you at this event.”

“Likewise, Mr. Wayne.” she shook his hand. “My friend’s family was invited, and since she would pretty much be the youngest person at this event, another friend and I tagged along with her.”

“I see. Yeah, these sorts of events are pretty boring. Just Gotham City’s elite mostly bragging to each other about their wealth. Oh, by the way, you know you can just call me Bruce, right?”

“If it’s all the same to you, Mr. Wayne, I’m not truly comfortable being that informal with you like you are with Zatanna, considering we don’t really know each other that well.”

“Very well, Sunset.” The two of them started walking the remaining few steps to the bar. “So, I trust everything is going well at school for you?”

“Yes, my grades are very good, and I’ve been doing great with the gymnastics team. Although, I’ve missed a few fencing club meetings, but I’ve gotten busy with studying on a few weekends.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that you’ve adjusted well to the city.” Sunset watched as Bruce leaned against the bar and tapped the bartender on the shoulder as a black haired, blue eyed woman about Bruce’s age walked up next to him.

“A Manhattan with a cher—” Both Bruce and the woman stopped speaking as they realized they were ordering the same thing. The two of them blushed at the coincidence.

“I’m sorry. Better make that two Manhattan’s with a cherry,” Bruce ordered.

“Oh, and can I get a refill on some water, if that’s okay?” Sunset handed her glass to the man, who nodded before going to fulfill the orders. “Really, you think there would be a little more variety with the drinks at this event.”

The woman chuckled. “Well, most of the people here drove here in their limos so they certainly were never planning on driving. I certainly don’t think teenagers were expected to show at this event, Ms…?”

“This is Sunset Lucciola. She’s Zatanna Zatara’s assistant.” Bruce introduced.

“The world famous magician?”

“That’s right,” Bruce said. “Sunset here is finishing up her schooling in Gotham City. Zatanna and I go way back, so I’m kinda keeping an eye on Ms. Lucciola here as a favor for an old friend.”

“Although, you haven’t really done much in terms of keeping an eye on me.” Sunset gave Bruce a smirk.

He responded back with one of his own. “Only because Zatanna hasn’t called me to check in on you yet.” Bruce chuckled before turning his attention back to the woman. “I’m sorry. I actually haven’t got your name.”

“Selena. Selena Kyle. And there’s no need for you to introduce yourself, Mr. Wayne. I’m well aware of who you are.” The two of them shook hands. “Hmm, the news seemed to forget to mention that Gotham’s most eligible bachelor had quite the grip.”

“Shake a lot of hands, do we?”

“A firm handshake is a must in my line of work,” Selena explained as she leaned against the bar like Bruce.”

“And that work would be?”

“I do fundraising for charities,” she said.

“Charities and drinks? Seems like you two have a few things in common,” Sunset teased.

Bruce smirked at her once more. “Very funny,” He turned to look at Selena again. “besides, that’s just a different way of saying that you find wealth philanthropists like myself and spend our money.”

Selena gave a slightly hurt look, though it was clear she knew Bruce was joking. “Please, Mr. Wayne, you make me sound like some sort of villain. And it’s only for good causes.”

“Would you care to name a few?”

“Certainly. How about over dinner at your place?”

Sunset saw that Bruce was a bit surprised by her suggestion, but he regained his composure.

“I’ll call up my butler and have him get something ready.” Bruce pulled out his cellphone while the bartender returned with the drinks.

Sunset got hers and started to walk away. “Well, you two enjoy your night then. I’m going to talk to my friends again. Nice seeing you, Mr. Wayne. Tell Alfred I said ‘hello’.”

“You too, Sunset. Stay out of trouble.”

“Oh, if only you knew what I was doing at nights,” Sunset whispered under her breath as she headed back to where Barbara and Pamela were standing.

Sunset turned to look back at the bar for a moment where she saw Bruce and Selena walk away and a strange-looking man with blonde hair approach the bar right behind them.

Sunset’s eyes widened as the man grabbed a drink that was left on the bar counter with his left hand and twisted it around his back to look like he had two right arms as he drank from the glass.

“Listen, Sunset. Keep your eyes peeled for a triple jointed contortionist that calls himself Ragdoll. He’s been starting a robbery spree, and I just wanted to give you the warning in case you accidentally run into him.” Sunset recalled what Batman told her on a patrol a few nights ago.

There wasn’t a doubt in Sunset’s mind that the man she was looking at was the civilian persona of Ragdoll.

“You’re just completely lucky we’re civilians at the moment, or I’d wipe that smug look off your face,” Sunset growled to herself before reuniting with her friends.

Sunset had her binoculars dead set on the top of the Gotham Clock Tower as she stood on a nearby roof. She would’ve been finishing up another one of her normal patrols since it was well past midnight, but recent events had drawn her to the building.

“You’re talking about the Cat’s Eyes? The supposed emeralds that mobster Frankie Scolacci hid in the clock tower during the thirties? Well, the tower has been searched plenty of times before, though maybe we did miss a nook.” Sunset recalled what Bruce said on the news when he announced the reopening of the clock tower that his family built over a century before.

“With Ragdoll running around and stealing some rare items from this city, you just had to mention this, Mr. Wayne. I swear, the Penguin trap was a coincidence, but this? You’re hiding something, though I don’t know what right now,” Sunset muttered to herself as she put away her binoculars.

“See you watched the news as wel.” Sunset quickly turned to see that Batman had landed on the roof she was on.

Sunset chuckled. “One of these days, you’re not going to get the drop on me.” she turned back around and looked at the tower once more. “Yeah, I thought those jewels that Bruce Wayne mentioned might be something Ragdoll would be interested in.”

“They would more entice Catwoman rather than Ragdoll.”

“Oh, right. Her. Zatanna mentioned her once. Who is she exactly?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure it out, but she’s not easy to catch. Always keeps getting away.”

“I see. Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out soon. You discovered my identity pretty quick.” she paused. “So, hold on a second, if these are going to attract Catwoman, what about Ragdoll? I need to tell you this, but I actually saw him, or his civilian persona, at a gala I attended the other day. I know for a fact it was him since he contorted his arm in a way no normal person could.”

“Clearly he was scoping out targets that day. He robbed Bruce Wayne later that night. I went after him once I found out but along the way, I ran into Catwoman who was also after him.”

“What does she have to do with this?”

“Catwoman tried to steal something earlier this week but Ragdoll showed up and took it from her. She then stole the statue that Ragdoll had taken from Bruce Wayne when I was chasing them.”

Sunset gave a small smirk. “No honor amongst thieves, huh?”

“Indeed.” Batman turned his attention to the clock tower like Sunset. “Now, Catwoman will more than likely try to find and steal the jewels, while Ragdoll will try to even the score between them.”

“Do the jewels exist?” wondered Sunset.

“It doesn’t matter, so long as Catwoman and Ragdoll show up. That’s what’s important.”

“Want me to give you a hand with this? I took your advice and started getting some more advanced training; not going to say I’m an expert, I know I still have much to learn, but I’m getting better day by day.”

Batman said nothing for a moment until he turned his head towards her. “Alright, just be careful though. The fight probably will happen inside the tower so watch the gears. And things might be a bit easier for you since Catwoman and Ragdoll will probably fight each other.”

“Got it.” Sunset nodded before looking up at the tower. “It just occurred to me. How exactly am I going to get up—” She felt Batman wrap his arm around her waist before he fired a grappling hook towards the top of the tower. “—there!” She cried as they rapidly scaled the building.

After catching her breath and sneaking inside the clock, Batman and Sunset lied in wait for either one of the thieves to show. The constant clicking of the tower’s second hand and the cranking of the turning gears was quite loud, so trying to hear for the faint sounds of footsteps was out of the question for Sunset.

The waiting game paid off, however, as both heroes saw Catwoman slowly making her way across several of the tower’s beams as she was on the prowl for the jewels. She soon stopped before sticking her hand in a crevice.

“What have we here?” she purred before backing up as Ragdoll crawled his twisted body out of the crevice.

“Nope, they’re not in here, kitten.”

Catwoman grabbed the man as he got himself back up. “Listen here, Rags, if those emeralds are here, they’re mine, got it?”

“You two certainly can’t leave each other alone, can you?” Batman got their attention as he stepped out of the shadows.

“Well now, isn’t this a surprise?” Ragdoll laughed as he twisted his neck around to look at the Dark Knight. Sunset followed Batman’s lead and walked out of the shadows as well.

“Oh, and look who also joined. It’s finally nice to see the other costumed girl in this town.” Catwoman smirked at her.

“I’d say ‘pleased to meet you’, but I don’t see it as a pleasure to meet a thief like you.” Sunset crossed her arms.

The discussion ended abruptly as Ragdoll took a swing at Catwoman before doing backflips off the catwalk and onto several of the giant clock gears below. Both the cat and the bat followed suit and chased after them, while Sunset stopped at the catwalk’s edge.

“Whoa, wait a second. I need to time this one right.” Her confidence of easily landing the jump was nowhere near the level of the three other combatants, so she slightly hesitated to make sure she did it right.

During that time, Ragdoll evaded a few of Batman’s punches before he grabbed Batman’s cape and stuck it between two of the moving gears. Sunset watched from above as she saw the hero slowly getting dragged towards his doom if she didn’t do something fast.

“Tick tock, tick tock, Batman. You can easily save yourself here. Lose the mask. I know I would!” Ragdoll laughed like what he was seeing was the funniest thing ever.

Sunset took a deep breath and got ready to jump to save the man. Catwoman beat her to the punch, however, and used her claws to tear half the cape, freeing Batman.

“Please! And let him ruin the aura of mystery he gives off?” she said with a roll of her eyes, standing above him.

“Thanks.” Batman coughed as he regained his breath.

“Next time, think about how I feel when you tie me up.”

The whole clock tower suddenly rumbled as the clock struck one in the morning, which caused Ragdoll to fall off of his small perch and fall into the gears.

Everyone watched in horror as they heard the sounds of his screams coming from the turning gears before the scream became something more of a chuckle. A moment later, he came out of the gears, looking no worse for wear and having a big smile on his face.

“Boy, that certainly was quite the massage. Oh, and look what I found!” He held up his hands to reveal he was holding both of the Cat’s Eyes emeralds. “Bet these will fetch six figures at least!”

Sunset finally took her chance and jumped down to land on the catwalk below, just in front of Ragdoll. She then found herself being flanked by Catwoman, who jumped over the nimble man and landed right next to her, while Batman remained behind Ragdoll.

“If it’s money you want, go rob a bank, rag face. Those emeralds are two of a kind and they’re mine!” Catwoman charged forward and tried to swipe the man, but he jumped up onto the clock gears. She and Batman chased right after him, with Sunset left behind once more.

“Looks like there’s three of us now, and two of these, so how’s about we split them one-way!” Ragdoll taunted as the fight continued.

Sunset kept her eyes on the fighting as she ran down several stairs that connected the multiple catwalks as she tried to keep up with the others.

The young heroine watched as Ragdoll lost one of the emeralds to Catwoman before losing the other one to Batman. Then Catwoman turned her attention to Batman and knocked both him and Ragdoll down off the platform. The emerald Batman had flew high in the air before landing in her hands.

“Now then, let’s go home, you two,” Catwoman said to her prizes before she turned around and found Sunset standing right in front of her. “Oh, still around are we?”

“I’m going to ask nicely.” Sunset held her hand out. “Hand them over.”

“Finders keepers. Besides, these don’t have an actual owner, so they can be mine.”

“They were in Bruce Wayne’s clock tower, so I would think that he’s the proper owner,” Sunset countered.

“Wayne? Like he would appreciate these as I would. Besides, the Cat’s Eyes are a legend; they’re not even supposed to be here, so it’s not like anyone is going to miss them.” Catwoman then sighed. “Fine,” she said before Sunset felt the woman’s boot crash into her chest and knock her onto the ground. “Didn’t want to do that, sweetie, but I’m not giving these up!”

Sunset got back up and found Catwoman jumping out of a small opening in the clock tower. She chased after her until Sunset found that Catwoman had jumped down onto the roof below the tower.

“Okay, can’t hesitate this time.” Sunset took a deep breath before she stepped forward and landed on a small, ethereal platform she conjured up. The platforms were small, just large enough for her feet, which she used as a makeshift stairwell down to the roof below.

Catwoman was focused on the jewels rather than continuing to make her escape. That would be a big mistake on her part as Sunset landed several feet behind her.

Catwoman was momentarily surprised to see Sunset had followed her, but she quickly had a smirk on her face.

“Can’t seem to know when to quit, huh?”

“Sorry if I’m interrupting your plans, but I’m not letting you get away tonight.”

“I admire your determination and spirit,” Catwoman purred. “How’s about leaving the Bat and joining me? You’d make a good ‘Catgirl’.”

Sunset chuckled. “Sorry, not that much of a cat person. And I’m not a thief like you.”

Catwoman slowly started moving into more of a fighting stance in front of Sunset. “Why don’t you make a smart decision right now and leave? Do that or else.” She flashed her claws. “I might just have to make you into my scratching post.”

“How about you go play with a ball of yarn!” Sunset spat before Catwoman ran right for her.

Sunset put all of her training that she got from Dragon to the test as she focused on trying to dodge the swipes and kicks that Catwoman was throwing at her. The woman was certainly as nimble as a cat, and whenever Sunset tried to make use of an opening, Catwoman would respond with almost cat-like reflexes and block her attacks.

Sunset tried a leg sweep, but Catwoman jumped over her and kicked her right in the face. Sunset shook her head, somewhat disoriented, and watched as Catwoman tried to make a break for it.

Sunset reached out and used a spell similar to her levitating something when she was a unicorn. There was a nearby television antenna that was slowly being leaned backwards before she released it. The antenna shot right back up and smacked Catwoman upside her head.

Sunset tried to make the most of the opportunity that was given as Catwoman was dizzy from the hit and ran towards the woman. Catwoman was getting back up, so Sunset channeled some of her magic into a small energy ball in her hands and detonated it right in Catwoman’s face.

The woman was blown backwards, but not before she made one swing at Sunset’s face, which knocked her back as well. Sunset hit the ground and looked up to find the two emeralds were in front of her, and so was her mask.

“Perfect. Great time for the magic on my mask to run out.” Sunset thought to herself as her identity was exposed. However, she wasn’t the only one. Her eyes widened when she saw that Catwoman’s mask had been knocked off as well. She was now staring into the face of Selena Kyle.

“Well, if it isn’t Sunset Lucciola. This is certainly a surprise,” Selena said as she picked up her mask.

“Indeed it is, Ms. Kyle. Tonight’s just been full of surprises I guess,” Sunset responded as she grabbed her own mask and the emeralds before holding them tight.

“So, what happens next then, hmm? How’s about you hand me those emeralds, and you won’t find yourself on the front page with Gotham Police knocking on your door?”

Sunset smirked, calling Selena’s bluff. “You would have me there, but I see your face too, Ms. Kyle. What exactly is going to stop me from simply telling the world that you’re Catwoman? I just have to pass the information along to the Dark Knight, and he’ll easily find a way to expose you. Besides, I’ve got a plan in mind if I ever was found out; something that I don’t think you truly have.”

Sunset knew exactly what she could do if she was ever found out. She’d probably just take refuge in the Tower of Fate; somewhere the police couldn’t get to and concentrate on finding a way back home to Canterlot High or Equestria.

“So, what’s it going to be? We can just simply walk away and keep the knowledge we’ve learned to ourselves, or we can ruin each other.” Sunset got ready for another fight. Selena growled and then sighed in defeat.

“Fine. But mark my words. I’m going to get those emeralds one way or another.” She put her mask back on and then jumped off the roof.

Sunset took a long breath before she sat down and laughed to herself. She was completely surprised that she managed to come out on top by ending up with the Cat’s Eyes.

“You alright?” Sunset heard Batman ask her as she turned to find him looking down at her.

“Never better.” She got back up on her feet. “Look what I managed to keep.” She smirked before handing him the Cat’s Eyes.

“Impressive. Though, you do know your mask is off, right?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, she found out who I was, but I did the same to her. We agreed to simply keep what we’ve learned to ourselves when she realized I was more willing to allow my identity to be exposed than hers.”

“Well, you’ve certainly done an amazing job tonight, Alicorn. I’ll admit, I didn’t think you were going to get these.”

Sunset crossed her arms before shrugging. “I don’t blame you. To be honest, I didn’t think I would pull it off myself. By the way, what happened to Ragdoll?”

“He’s currently ‘tied up’ at the moment. The police will certainly have quite a surprise when they show up.”

Sunset giggled at the pun. “Good to hear that he’ll be taken care of then. So, I take it that you’ve got a plan to get those to Bruce Wayne?”

Batman nodded before Sunset yawned. “I think you’ve had a long night. How’s about you head home and get some rest?”

“Yeah.” Sunset put her mask back on. “I’ll go do that.”

“Oh, wait for a second.” Batman stopped her. “Here.” He tossed her a small device that Sunset recognized as a communicator.

“Wait, is this—?”

Batman smirked at her and nodded. “Consider it a reward for earning my approval.” He jumped off the roof before swinging away from her.

Sunset felt a wave of pride come over her as she looked at the device. She tried to put it in her jacket pocket but realized it wouldn’t fit in there.

“Great. Now I have to figure out how I’m gonna carry this thing.”