• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 7: Seriously? (Edited)

[Goku's Ship, Ponyville. 10 a.m. Third Person POV.]

The ponies, zebra, and dragon all huddled together as Goku started to fill them in on his mission while Dr, Briefs monitored the probe and diagnostic for the ship. "Now, before we begin, I believe introductions are in order. You already know Goku here, so that I will introduce myself. I am Dr, Briefs, CEO, and founder of Capsule Corp Inc., As well as the leading provider of technological appliances of our planet and the craftsmen behind Goku ship." Dr, Briefs said with pride as he listed his accolades. Twilight was writing down notes feverishly as Celestia step forward.

"Quite the impressive list. I am Princess Celestia co-ruler of the country known as Equestria and Herald of the sun." Celestia said as Luna went next.

"Tis an honor to meet one as sophisticated as thyself. We are Princess Luna; we rule over the night and rise the moon." Luna proclaimed proudly.

"Fascinating, do you two mean to say you both rule together as a diarchy?" Dr, Briefs asked as the princesses nodded. "Interesting something like that is has never been done in our world. Usually, the right to rule goes to the eldest sibling. So how do you manage to work in tandem without conflicting with one another?" he asked.

"As I herald the coming dawn, I also rule during the light of the day. When it is time to set the sun, my sister takes over the governing operations at night." Celestia finished.

"So one sister rules in the day while the other takes over at night. The government is always active during all hours." Dr, Briefs surmised. "That's certainly a unique system you have." He said, sounding impressed.

"Wait, so you two can move the sun and the moon?" Goku asked as the sisters nodded. "That's incredible; I knew you two were strong but not that strong," he said as Celestia giggle while Luna lifted her head smugly.

"Hmph, we are capable of far greater feats. When we fought, that was but a mere fraction of our power." Luna stated.

"Yeah, I was holding back too. But, hey, when this is all over, do you think you can come back with me to my world? Our moon got destroyed. Maybe you can make us a new one?" Goku casually said as Luna looked shocked to learn he was holding back. She wanted to press Goku but decided against it. So instead, she asked about his request.

"Surely you jest. How can something bring about thine moon's destruction? Who was responsible for such a tragedy?" Luna barked out, anger at the mere thought that harm would come to the celestial body, even if it weren't hers.

"Yep, actually, the moon got destroyed twice. The first time my master Roshi blew it up, and the second time a friend name Piccolo blew it again. Although, I never found time to ask why." Goku said quizzically as Luna's right eye twitched while everyone else was stunned into silence.

"THINE MOON FELL TWICE?!?" Luna yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice as Goku meekly nodded. Luna gritted her teeth and breathed heavily before seemingly calming down. "We would love to venture to thine world and correct this grievous error. No planet shall remain without the very pinnacle of the night's beauty. We merely ask to meet thy master and friend and discuss their apparent impulsiveness," Luna said ominously as a chill swept through the interior.

"Calm yourself, Luna. We'll discuss travel and possible negotiations with other worlds later. Right now, let's finish introductions." So Celestia said although, she couldn't help but turn to Goku. A quick flash of concern hit her face. Who were these beings capable of destroying a celestial body? More importantly, how did they regain the moon after its apparent destruction? Both questions seemed utterly ludicrous, yet one thing Goku said had the Solar Princess leering. 'How much power were you holding back, Son Goku?' Celestia thought to herself. Hopefully, she might get an idea of how strong Goku is once he begins his tale.

Cadence went up next with Shining Armour giving her support. "I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but Cadence will do. I rule over the crystal empire, and I am the princess of love," she said with a smile.

"I am Prince Shining Armour, former captain of the solar guard, and husband of Cadence and soon to be Father," He said with pride as Goku walked up to them.

"Your pregnant? Can't believe I didn't notice; do you mind if I get a feel of the baby?" Goku asked as Cadence nodded. Then, he gently placed his hand on her belly and closed his eyes. Moments later, he removed his hand and looked up, and smiled at the couple. "Congratulations, you two. I'm sure you'll raise your little girl right." Goku chirped, much to the surprise of everyone else.

"W-what?! how do you know the foal is going to be a filly? Cadence and I were going to keep it a surprise till birth." Shining Armour exclaimed as he and everyone else stared at Goku wide-eyed.

"Oops, haha, sorry about that," Goku said as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm able to tell by sensing her energy. So there a difference in ki flow when it comes to genders," he explained through the looks he got, suggests he raised more questions.

"Sensing energies? Ki flow? You never explained how you could do all these things without magic!" Twilight whined. Not being able to understand a subject always frustrated her.

"I'll get to that but let's get through introductions first," Goku said.

"I concur. We'll be here all day if these interruptions remain." Dr, Briefs said.

"Very well, my name is Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, formerly the faithful student of Princess Celestia, and the bearer of the element of magic," Twilight said.

"I am Rarity Belle, fashion designer extraordinaire and bearer of the generosity." Rarity said as she adjusted her mane.

"My name's Applejack. I'm the element of honesty and one of the owners of Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said, tipping her hat.

"Oh, um, my name's Fluttershy. I'm the element of kindness, and I'm an animal caretaker." Fluttershy said in a barely auditable and soft voice as she hid behind her mane.

"Hiya, I'm Pinkie Pie. I'm the element of Laugher. I'm Ponyville's premier party planner, and I work at the best job ever at Sugar cube corner. *GASP* that reminds me, we gotta throw you an Welcome to Ponyville, we discovered an alien, we sorry you're on the wrong planet party!" Pinkie said in one breath as Goku heard another squee sound.

"Name's Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, Wonderbolt reserve member, and the fastest flier in all of Equestria and the only pony able to pull off a sonic rain-boom. So don't go thinking your little disappearing act and illusions can beat me!" Rainbow puffed out her chest proudly.

Zecora was put off on display but went to introduce herself. "My name is Zecora and try your best to ignore her," she said as Rainbow huffed. "Potion and herbs are my craft; to not seek my aid would make you rather daft," she said.

Goku clapped his hands together and started speaking. "Ok, now that settled. I'll tell you why my friends set out to Planet Namek. Back on Planet Earth, my homeworld, these powerful beings known as Saiyans visited, and, unlike me, they weren't the friendly type of aliens. The first one was my long-lost older brother I never knew I had. He went by the name of Raditz,"

"Hold up, if you're from Planet Earth, why would these Saiyans invade their planet? And what kind of name is Raditz?" Rainbow asked as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Goku.

"To further clarify, the Saiyans are not native to our world. The Earth is home to many species; the most dominant ones are human beings or earthlings if you prefer." Dr, Briefs elaborated.

"So Goku's an alien on your world too?" Twilight had inquired before she turned to Goku. "Goku, do you think you could also tell us more about the Saiyan homeworld?" Twilight eagerly asked with a second notepad on hand.

"Sorry, Twilight, but up until Raditz came, I just figured I was an Earthling like everyone else. So there's nothing I could tell you about the Saiyan homeworld." Goku said as everyone had close looks. Fluttershy got up and hugged Goku as her life depended on it.

"I'm so sorry you never got to know your Saiyan homeworld. You must have felt lonely." Fluttershy said as she squeezes Goku tighter.

Goku let out a chuckle. "Don't feel too bad. The earth has and always will be my home, and I wasn't alone; I had my grandpa, master, and all of my friends with me." Goku said with a smile that brightened up Fluttershy. She rejoined the group moments later.

"Anyway, finding out I had a brother from space really through for a loop. He told me that the Saiyans were a mighty warrior race, and Raditz, myself, my son, and two others were the last of our kind. So he needed me to go with him to meet the other two Saiyan." Goku said as everyone became downcast again. This time Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie embraced Goku in a hug. Goku reassured the two with gentle pats on the head. "Hey, there no need to be sad. As I said, I was never considered a Saiyan, so I'm not too broken up about them. Perhaps that's for the best because when I was talking with my brother, I felt something was very off him like he had this darkness flowing around his body." he said. He noticed Celestia and Luna shift about uncomfortably.

"So what did you do?" Luna asked Goku to surprise as she dropped that strange dialect she was using earlier.

"Naturally, I refused, and he did not like that. So he got the drop on me and took my son away. He told me I needed to prove my loyalty to him by killing 100 humans in a day before he returned." Goku paused to let that bit of news sink in. "Of course, I wasn't going to agree to something like that, and luckily for me, Piccolo seemed to be at odds with my brother as well, so we teamed up against him."

"Wow, so is Mr. Piccolo one of your martial arts partners?" Scootaloo asked excitedly.

Goku held a sheepish grin and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say we were partners. We once were fierce rivals that only ever worked together when we shared a common enemy, and this just so happened to be one of the few times where we needed to team up. However, Raditz was unlike anything we ever faced, and he seemed two steps ahead of everything we did. It wasn't until I got a hold of his tail that we gain the upper hand." Goku said.

The group heads tilted to the side in confusion. "Wait, Raditz had a tail? But you don't have one." Spike said.

"I used to have a tailback when I was a kid, but it got removed. I can't remember how, though." Goku said as the group faces turned green. Fluttershy once again held onto Goku in an attempt to soothe whatever pain he may be carrying.

Princess Celestia snapped out of her funk first to ask a question. "Goku, how exactly would grabbing his tail do anything, and couldn't the two of you find any way to resolve your differences peacefully?" she asked as she and Luna leaned in for an answer. But, unfortunately, this story so far was hitting too close to home for them.

"You see, a Saiyan loses all their strength when someone grabs their tails. I can't tell you how many times someone has grabbed my tail and rendered me helpless; it was annoying getting beat so quickly. With some training, you can overcome this weakness. Luckily for Piccolo and me, Raditz didn't receive that training. Even if he was evil at the time, I always believed in giving others a second chance. So when he pleaded to me and said he would leave if I let him go, I did, but that ended up costing me. He thumped me in the sternum and started stomping on my chest,"

"The pain was so intense that I couldn't move, and I thought that was the end until Gohan burst out of his prison. He launched himself straight into Raditz, cracking his armor and knocking down. At first, I was stunned; Chi-Chi wanted Gohan to grow up to be a fancy scholar and keep him away from the fighting. But the potential he showed at that moment was well beyond anything I was capable of at his age. Sadly, we had no time to celebrate as Raditz got back up and struck Gohan down. Using the last bit of my strength, I ran up behind him and got in a full nelson grapple hold. Piccolo was in the background charging his attack while I held off Raditz. He told me he was ready, and he fired his Special Beam Cannon--"

An overly excited Scootaloo cut off Goku. "Oh-oh, I know what happens next. At the last possible moment, you jumped away, and Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon beat Raditz, right Goku?" she said as her wings fluttered, and Goku said at her but shook his head, much to her confusion.

"I wish I could say that, but it took all my strength to hold him. Piccolo knew what I was planning and told me to brace myself. His special beam cannon finally reached us and knocked us into the air. The best way I can describe Piccolo's attack is that it acted like a drill that dug a hole right through Raditz and me. We both fell to the ground with a sizeable hole in our chests. My friends, Krillin. Bulma and Master Roshi came after the battle, and with the knowledge that my son was safe, I died with a smile that day." Goku finished as the group sat there, quite unsure of what to think.


"Seriously?" Applebloom said incredulously. "That was a neat story and everything, but maybe ya went too far at the end."

"Yeah, I get you're trying to make the story exciting and all, but how can we be talking if you died?" Spike said as the rest agreed, save for Applejack, who stared wide-eyed and was slightly trembling. She opened her dry mouth and swallowed a lump in her throat.

"H-he ain't lying everypony..." Applejack said as everyone snapped their attention to her then back to Goku.

"B-but that not possible, there's no conceivable that can be true!" Twilight said vehemently, denying such claims. "Short of necromancy, nopony can come back from the dead. There's also no foul magic around Goku unless. It used that Ki energy you mentioned earlier." Twilight accused as everyone tensed up.

Luna's anger started to boil over as she stared daggers at Goku. "Explain thyself at once, Son Goku. How can a battle with thy brother end in such a way to lead to thou's demise, yet ye remain on this plane!" She said as her eyes shank and her hand shook. For some reason, Goku could tell that Luna was angry about something else.

"Goku, my boy, please don't keep our guests in suspense. It's quite apparent that they're not quite used to such vivid storytelling." Dr, Briefs said with a chuckle that earned him glares from everyone but Goku.

"Sorry, sorry. First off, Ki energy cannot raise the dead. Secondly, The reason I came back to life is the same reason why my friends went to Planet Namek in the first place; The Dragonballs." Goku said.

Spike's hands darted down south at the implications of the name. "THE WHAT?!?" He yelled.

Rarity covered her sister's ears and looked irate. "There's no need to be crude in front of foals. How utterly weird!" She scolded as Goku looked confused. Then, sensing that Goku's obliviousness is making the situation needless difficult, Dr. Briefs got their attention.

"Honestly, Goku, you must work on your tact when explaining these things. Now, if I can get everyone's attention." Dr, Briefs said as he brought up a picture of a small golden orb with four red stars at the center of it. "This, my esteemed colleague is a Dragonball," he said as if he was addressing his board members.

The group looked at the strange ball on-screen with awe. "Oh my, look at it. It's beautiful," Fluttershy said.

"Pretty doesn't do it justice darling, it's marvelous." Rarity squeals, thinking of the variety of ways the ball can double as jewelry, a necklace being the top of the list.

"I have never seen anything like it. It would've made a nice proposal gift, right Shiny?" Cadence teased as Shining Armour huffed.

"Why is it called a Dragonball anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"The Dragonballs are mystical orbs that contain a powerful entity within them. There are seven in total, and each one has a star that represents that number. For example, that one is the four-star Dragonball, and it's a keepsake from my grandfather. We call them Dragonballs because when you gather all seven together, the balls admit a glow and humming sound. From there, you must say this phrase. Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you, Shenron. After which, a massive dragon shot out of the Dragonballs," Goku said as the group was hanging off his every word. Twilight foregone the notepads for a textbook.

"Goku, please tell us what gives Shenron his power," Celestia asked politely.

Goku gave the nod. "Shenron has the authority to grant any wish you ask of him, and that's how I came back to life once my friends collected the Dragonballs." He said as the group looked astonished.

"ANY WISH?!?" the group yelled in unison while Goku nodded.

"Wowie Zowie, you girls, realize what that means; I could wish for an unlimited supply of cakes or a never-ending party." Pinkie Pie said.

"I could finally get that fancy pulling plow I've been eyeing," Applejack said.

"I could've been a Wonderbolt way sooner if we had those balls," Rainbow said.

"All the world's knowledge with a simple wish. We have to research this." Twilight beamed. Celestia and Luna, however, did not share this line of thinking.

"Goku, surely you have precautions in place and don't let such power run freely. What's to stop somepony of ill intentions from using the eternal dragon's power for their gains." Celestia questioned. Although, she may want to use the dragon to undo some of her failures, as would her sister. Something like that could prove even more disastrous than when Discord run amok.

"Verily, sister. Sir Goku, you make it sound as if Shenron does not distinguish between right and evil intent." Luna said with concern.

Goku frowned a bit as he knew what they were implying. "I'm afraid that you right on both accounts. There have been people that sought the Dragonballs for the wrong reasons. Shenron's purpose is to grant wishes, and it doesn't matter who's asking." he solemnly said as he recounted all the times he had to fight over the Dragonballs. The princesses tensed at this but eased up when Goku smiled at them. "However, Shenron does have limits to his power. First off, you only get one wish at a time, and Shenron can only grant wishes that are within his power to do so. What's more, is that not many people know of the Dragonballs. It's mostly just a legend."

"Well, that's a little better, but it doesn't seem like you know the extent of those limits," Twilight inquires as Goku nodded.

"You're right on that one. Kami is the one who created the Dragonballs in the first place." Goku said.

"Who's Kami Mr, Goku," Applebloom asked.

"Kami is the guardian of the Earth. It's his job to oversee the Planet for all threats. So he would usually call upon my friends and me to handle anything serious. I even trained under him for a time." Goku said.

"Wow, so you protect your planet like Rainbow, and the others protect Equestria." Sweetie Belle said as Goku grinned at her.

Shining Armour spoke up to voice his concerns about Kami. "If Kami is the guardian of your world, why wouldn't he face the threats alongside you. Better yet, why even create the Dragonballs and leave them for anypony to get them?" he said as he raised a valid point.

"Don't get the wrong idea. Kami has helped out in more than a few threats, but he's pretty old, which is why he relies on me. As for the Dragonballs, each time you make a wish, the balls would scatter to the far corners of the planet, and they would turn to stone for a full year." Goku said.

"That seems time-consuming and bothersome to have to collect them each time," Cadence said.

"Kami made the balls like this not only for a failsafe, but he once said that the hunt for the Dragonballs is supposed to inspire hope and enrich the lives of those who seek. I might not have met my friends if I didn't have my 4-star ball with me. Bulma was the one who made a Dragonball radar, so only we can find them." Goku said as the royal finally relaxed with that explanation.

"Very well, Sir Goku. We shall not judge the decisions, but we can see that Kami is wise for a being of his station. We have one inquiry, why not use thine Dragonball on Earth instead of the ones on Namek?" Luna asked as Goku look solemnly again.

"That brings me to the other two Saiyans I mentioned," Goku said grimly. Before he could continue, a sound went off.

"Ah, it seems the probe is back, but I'm still waiting on the diagnostic result." Dr, Briefs said as a result was displayed. "Remarkable, your people is home to creatures of myths and legends, but I'm afraid that you truly are on the wrong planet Goku." Dr, Briefs said.

"I still don't get it. The autopilot had preset coordinates for Namek; how did I wind up here?" Goku pondered.

"I can't say for sure, but I do have my suspicions. Regardless, we'll know everything after the diagnostic finishes." Dr, Briefs said. "In the meantime, you can continue recounted your encounter."

Twilight shot her hand up and shook it frantically. She looked impatient as Goku turned to her. "Hey, what's up, Twilight? You seem upset," Goku said.

"What me? No, of course not. I'm just wondering when exactly you are going to explain what Ki energy is. Not that I'm ungrateful for all the information you already supplied. I would like to know what Ki is." Twilight said with a smile, although it felt forced, and there was a slight twitch in her eye. The rest of the back away from the lavender alicorn.

"Ok, I guess I kept you waiting long enough. Now how do I put this? Ki has various meanings in my world. The life force, spiritual energy, power level, but let's say Ki energy for now. It is found deep within all living beings and connects us all." Goku said as he crossed his legs, held out his hands, with his palms forming a small space. "There are those who are more natural in tune with the flow of ki than others, but anyone can learn how to tap into it," he said as a yellow orb of light formed in his hands. The group looks entranced by the ball of light. "All it takes is for your mind, body, and spirit to work together as one." He let the ki orb float over to the fillies as it stops in front of Scootaloo. She reached out to touch it. Hesitating slightly, she gave it a small poke before grasping it in her hands.

"Wow," Scootaloo said in a low voice. "It feels so warm," she said as she wordless pass it around to her friends. After the fillies hand their turn, Spike got hold of it.

"It does feel sorta weird," Spike said as he poked and prodded the orb. He continued this until Pinkie Pie snatched it from him. "Hey!!"

She began juggling it like a knack sack against her hooves. "It's like a rubber ball made of light," she said as she used her tail to fling it to Applejack, who caught it with one hand. She squeezed it, admiring its buoyancy. Then, she handed it off to Rarity, who eagerly snatched it up.

"This Ki, as you call certainly, is dazzling darling. It feels as delicate as silk yet firm like fabric." Rarity said. She tried to pass it to Fluttershy, but she refused and retreated behind her mane. Rarity went over to Zecora, but she and the Royals were content with merely observing.

"I don't see what's so special about it." Rainbow huffed while Twilight took the ki orb.

"This is uncanny..." Twilight said as she held the Ki in her palm. "It looks like any other magic ball, but I'm not sensing any trace of magic. It's similar yet different in every way, shape, or form. Hmm?" Twilight had a quizzical expression as she studied the Ki intently. She brought up her other arm and leveled it with her palm. She started to focus her magic on her right hand, and soon an orb of magic formed. Her gaze shifted from the Ki orb in her left hand and her magic orb in her right. She slowly brought the two spheres together until she felt with some resistance until they repelled one another. Slightly taken aback, Twilight tried again, but this time a line of electricity formed between the two orbs, and sparks began to fly.

Luna instantly recognized the reaction and tried to intervene. "Young Sparkle, WAIT!!" but Luna was too late. The two orbs violently canceled each other outright in Twilight's hands. She let out a shriek and tucked her hands into her sides. Celestia was first to come to her aid.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Celestia asked with concern.

Twilight winced a little and brought her hands out. The palms of her hands stung from the burning sensation. But they were no worse for wear. "Oww, yes, Princess, but what happened?" she asked. Luna encased her hands in her aura and performed a healing spell.

"It would appear the two powers act as opposite and harshly react when brought together. We have seen this during our spell collided with Sir Goku's ki. We apologize for not saying so sooner." Luna said.

"That's odd. My planet has magic on it, and I've never seen a reaction like that before." Goku stated.

"Perhaps it has something to do with quantity and potency. From what I gathered from the probe, this world has an abundance of magic in the atmosphere compared to the Earth. What's more, is the magic here appears far stronger as well. Couple that with the fact that ki energy is nearly nonexistent till now would result in a particularly nasty reaction." Dr, Briefs noted.

"But Dr. Briefs, some of my friends are skilled in magic use. So maybe forcing them together too quickly leads to bad results, and the only way the two forces can co-exist is to introduce them gradually." Goku said.

"You may be correct in your assumptions, Goku. But, for now, continue with your tale." Celestia said.

"Right, we may have won the battle, but the war was looming around the corner. Raditz revealed that the other two Saiyans were eavesdropping the whole time and were far stronger than he was. They would make an arrival on Earth in a year, so we had to prepare. Piccolo took Gohan under his wing to train him while I started my training in Otherworld." Goku said.

"Hold on a second. How could you train if you died in your fight with Raditz?" Shining Armour said skeptically.

"Well, you see, once you die, your soul gets sent to the check-in stations where King Yenma manages the final resting place for the souls. So if you're you go to paradise, but those of evil intent go to--" Goku paused as he looked at the fillies. "HFIL," Goku said quickly.

"HFIL? what in tarnation does that mean?" Applejack said.

"Home for Infinite Losers," Goku replied nonchalantly.

"That sounds dumb." Diamond pointed out.

"Sorry I didn't come up with it. Anyway, thanks to Kami, I was allowed to keep my body begin my journey on Snake's Way." Goku said.

"Snake's way? That sounds scary." Silver Spoon said.

"It's not as bad as it may sound. The pathway resembles the winding body of a snake that is surrounded by nothing but yellow clouds. It took a while, and I had plenty of setbacks, but I manage to make it to the end of Snake Way. From there, I reach my destination; King Kais Planet. It was here where I began my training under the great King Kai himself." Goku said.

Twilight stopped writing down her notes when she heard this. "You mean to say that you studied under this King Kai? That you are a high student?" Twilight inquired as her pupils sparkled.

Goku crossed his arms to his chest and looked up in thought. "That's hard to say. King Kai never wore crowns or jewelry like you all do. I just assumed that was his name. Although, he once told me that it was his job to oversee the entire North quadrant of the universe." Goku said, Oblivious to the slacked-jawed expressions.

"Amazing, he must be somepony of great importance," Celestia said.

"Oooh, tell Goku, how did he accept you as his student, was there an exam to pass, and do you have any notes you want to compare? How about--" Rarity cut off twilight.

"Now, darling, I know you're excited, but you simply must let Goku finish before all the questions start." Rarity lightly chides.

"There were a few tests I had to pass before training under him. The first one was that I had to make him laugh." Goku said like everyone, but Pinkie deadpanned. "Hey, I'm serious. He said he wouldn't train anyone without a sense of humor."

"Oh-oh-oh, so what ya do? pie to the face, whoopie cushion, hand buzzer?" Pinkie asked as she pulled out a handbell and shocked Spike.

"I had to tell him some knock-knock jokes. You want to hear them?" Goku said as Pinkie and the fillies nodded feverishly. "Alright, why did the chicken cross the road? It was too far to fly!!" Goku dramatically said while striking a pose. There was a brief silence before the snickering disrupted it. Soon enough, Pinkie and the fillies were rolling on the floor laughing. However, the others seem to be unimpressed by the joke, so Goku up the ante.

"Ok, try this; what's the difference between a jeweler and a jailer? One sells watches, and the other watches cells." Goku finished. By Pinkie and the fillies entered into hysterics. The princesses and Zecora were giggling into their hands. Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash were trying and failing to suppress their grins. The rest of the elements were engaging in light-hearted chuckling.

"That's it? you just had to make him laugh?" Twilight said ruefully.

"Now now, Twilight, every teacher can't have the same methods as Auntie Celestia." Cadence playfully scolded.

"Yeah, I thought it was kind of weird too, and there were other tasks I had to complete. After which, King Kai told me that to defeat the Saiyans, I would have to become stronger than he was. After that, there was no doubt in my mind that I was gonna be in for the fight of my life." Goku said.

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