• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 19: New Training Regiment.

[Crystal Empire - Monday 3 pm - Third person POV.]

"Hello, and welcome to our tour. Today, we'll visit the most famous locales within the Crystal Empire. I'm your tour guide; Head shepherd. We will start a tour here from the train station to the castle interior. Unfortunately, the prince and princess of the empire had been called for official royal business so that we won't be meeting them." Shepherd said, causing the groan in disappointment. "I share your sentiments everypony but fear not. We will still make it to the crystal gift shop at the end of the tour." The tour guide said as everyone cheers.

"Now before we proceed, let me take a quick head count of everypony here," Shepherd said. She was able to determine a total number of 10 ponies in the group. They mostly consisted of a few stallions, mares and foals. However, Shepherd gaze lingered a little longer on a pony wearing a dark brown cloak. It was an odd sight indeed, however, this is the Crystal Empire. Even with the Crystal Hearts power, the empire was very cold. So Shepherd merely dismissed it. "Alright, everypony, let's move on with the tour."

[??? POV]

It was fun being back at my birthplace. Not much has changed about the empire save for the coronation of the prince and princess along with the birth of their heir. It is a shame, to be honest. The ponies here follow a ruler they knew nothing of nor did they chose. They only came into power through an unfortunate circumstance. Even worse is the fact that they answer to the damnable royal sisters of Equestria. We will have much to do to right the wrongs they have wrought upon my home. But first I must speak with him again and relay the current events.

The tour I was on barely covered anything new and noteworthy. The frugal horn store, crystal berry farms, and Spike; the high and honorable hero memorial statue was underwhelming. I did note that the Crystal Heart was still mostly unguarded and right below the crystal palace as it always has been. It would be an easy matter securing it on a later date. The tour finally moved within the castle, and we made our way to the throne room.

"Here we have the throne room where our beloved rulers hold royal meetings and court." The guide said. "Once again, I apologize for anypony that wanted to meet the rulers. But fret not our next stop is the world-famous crystal gift shop!!" the rest of the tour group let approving cheers and made their way out the throne room doors. I briefly followed before I press myself against the wall. The tour group was gone and none the wiser of my disappearance. I made my way back to the throne and studied it carefully. After a few moments, I found the crystal protruding from the top of the chair. I focused a spell on it, and soon enough, a secret passage opened up in the middle of the floor.

I made my way down the stairway and up to the door at the bottom. Up until recently, this room housed the Crystal Heart. Now it would appear that the fools repurpose the place as a storage closet. There was a bookshelf, a tome book resting in the corner and finally a serrated red horn lying in the center of the room.

"I know yours here. You can come out. I am the only in the room at the moment." I said. The room was dead silent until I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and stared intently at the shadows. At first, nothing happens that is until the very shadows themselves shifted. As I gazed upon the ethereal shadows, they moved forward into the light. A smog like a creature met stared studied me with its bright red pupils and green eyes.

"Why have you come here, hope? Do you wish to be imprisoned?"

"I came to tell you of our current situation. But before that, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"How am I feeling?' Did you forget that smoke comprises my body? I don't FEEL anything." The smog being snapped back as I recoiled. "How did you evade the guards or the 'rulers' for that matter?"

"I joined a tour group that visited the palace. And the current rulers of the Empire are visiting Equestria. No doubt to speak with the alien again." I relayed, and the smog pauses for thought.

"And what of this so-called alien? Has the bug queen succeeded in turning him over to our side?"

"No- Chrysalis attempts to persuade the alien to our clause has failed. Furthermore, it would seem the alien has high immunity to magic." I said.

"How so?"

"Chrysalis first tried to take control over its mind only to discover that it remained unaffected. This creature is mighty. Our scouts eavesdrop on a conversation between the elements while they were eating. The alien went to the Dragon Lands and bested the dragon lord in a duel." I said.

"Dragons...." the smog being snarled out. "If it weren't for that petulant little lizard, I would not be in this state."

"I have been honing my magic in the time that I have been away. Perhaps I can restore you." I suggested.

"Bah! What can you do, Hope? I have been reforming myself for two years, and this is what I have to show for it." I stared blankly at my friend while I gathered my magic. I prepared a restoration spell and fired it at the smog being. There was a bright flash that engulfed. Once it died down, the smog being was no longer present. In its place stood a charcoal grey-furred stallion. His mane was jet black and flowed in the nonexistent wind. He was clad in dark grey armor with black leggings while sporting a red cape with white fur trimming. "Welcome back to the material plane, Sombra. What was that you were saying?" I said cheekily.

Sombra looked himself over in disbelief for a few moments longer before a smile adorns his muzzle. "Well done, Hope, well done, indeed." Sombra praised me. "Now we can- *grunt* - w-what?!"

"Sombra!?!" I called out as he fell to his hands and knees. I rushed to his side and performed a scan to see if I had somehow ruined the restoration spell. "I do not understand. I know that my spell worked, but I'm detecting strange magic in you."

"Of course you are - *grunt* - that strange magic is the lingering effects of the Crystal Heart. Even now, I can - *grunt* - feel it's power deconstructing my body again." Sombra informs me.

"Is there anything more I can do?" I asked with concern.

"Hm-- That will have to come later. For now, we must leave. Take me to Chrysalis so that we may discuss our next move." Sombra said. As I prepared a teleportation spell, Sombra went and picked up his severed horn. He tucked it away in his armor and stood next to me. My period finished, and we vanished within the orb of light.

[The Next Day - Third Person POV.]

Goku was sitting outside his ship in his meditative stance while Spike and Scootaloo were performing their training routine. This time, however, Goku had them practicing a few martial art fighting stances and techniques. Whenever they got the stance wrong, he would get up and show them the right form. Whenever they throw a punch or a kick incorrectly, Goku would demonstrate the proper movement. Twilight was not with them at the moment as her royal duties came up. Plus, she has yet to acquire a nullifier ring to suppress her magic.

"Say, Spike? What do you believe Goku's thinking about?" Scootaloo asks.

"I don't know. But Goku looks deep in thought. Maybe he's trying to figure out how to make our Ki manifest faster?" Spike offers.

"Scootaloo, Spike, come here for a second," Goku asks abruptly. Spike and Scootaloo slightly stumble as they ran up to Goku and stood in attention. Goku looked on with a quizzical expression. "Haha, relax you two. Anyway, I've been doing some thinking and decided that it's time to move on to the next step in your training." Goku said. Spike and Scootaloo perked up immediately.

"Whoo Hoo! So are we final gonna learn to fly?" Scootaloo asks.

"Or shoot beams out of hands?" Spike added.

"Or disappear and reappear?" Scootaloo continues.

"Or glow bright red as you did against Torch?" Spike said.


"Whoa there! Slow down, you two." Goku cuts in before they could go any further. "We're still a ways off before we get to that stuff. So, to help you two advance more, we are going to continue inside the Everfree forest." Goku finished with a cheerful smile.

"...WHAAAT?" Spike and Scootaloo yelled out in unison.

"B-but Goku, are sure that's safe?" Spike asks nervously.

"Of course it is, I'll be there with you after all," Goku said, Spike and Scootaloo visibly relax to some degree.

"Ok, but why go in there at all?" Spike asks as Scootaloo agreed.

"The fact is that your training is going well, but at this current pace, there's a chance we won't be able to complete it before I have to leave. There's also far too many outside distraction. When I went through my training, There was nothing but wilderness surrounding me. And base on what I learned from Twilight, the Everfree forest acts just like the ones on my planet." Goku explains.

"I guess that makes sense. So how long are we gonna be training in the forest?" Scootaloo asks while Goku ponders on it.

"Hmm-- I'd say six months. That should be plenty of time." Goku said to the shock of his pupils.

"Six months!? I don't know if anypony will let us stay in there for that long, especially Twilight." Spike said.

"I'm sure Rainbow Dash wouldn't mind. But I still have classes at school." Scootaloo said.

"Well, Twilight is a princess, right?" Goku asks as the two nodded. "Then all we have to get her permission and everything will be fine. Come on; let's go." Goku then grabbed both Spike and Scootaloo's hands and flew off to Castle Friendship.

[Castle Friendship]

"YOU WANT TO TAKE THEM WHERE?!?!!!" A loud and furious lavender princess bellowed out — her shrill cry of outrage, amplified by the Royal Canterlot Voice, echos throughout the castle.

Goku held up his hands defensively as he stared down Twilight's fierce glare and flaring nostrils. "I, uh, wait to take Spike and Scootaloo into the Everfree forest and I was hoping you would relieve them of any duties they may have," Goku nervously said as Twilight stomped up to him.

"And why would you believe I would let them go back into that forest after the last incident," Twilight said through a strained voice.

"Hey, last time they went on their own. This time, I will be there every step of the way. It's for the benefit of their training." Goku said.

"Yeah, Twilight. Goku said, we need this!" Scootaloo supported.

"She right Twilight and it's not like we'll miss anything important," Spike said absentmindedly. Twilight's left eye began to twitch.

"Nothing important? Nothing important?!! I see you have conveniently forgotten that I need you here to send letters to Princess Celestia. Not mention the fact that Scootaloo still has school to attend. I don't see what was wrong with training outside of Goku's ship." Twilight ranted.

"The pacing of the training was going way too slow. If we keep going like this, then there's a chance we won't complete it before I have to set for Planet Namek again." Goku argued.

As much as Twilight hated to admit, Goku had a point. He was the only expert on Ki energy on the planet. So it would be hard to argue against him. "Are you sure that there are no other alternatives?" Twilight asks.

Goku shook his head. "Sorry, Twilight, but this is the best way. It's how I learned."

Twilight gave one last look to Spike and Scootaloo's pleading face's before she sighs in resignation. ".... Fine. Spike can go with you, and I'll write up a letter for Scootaloo excusing her delay." she said as Spike and Scootaloo celebrates while Goku grins.

"You should come along too, Twilight. I'm sure this will be what you need for your training." Goku suggests.

"Sorry Goku but I can't just go away for, um--"

"Six month's," Goku said.

"--Six months as I have important royal duties to fulfill. Plus, I've still haven't gotten the nullifier ring for my magic from the Princess. That said, I expect both Spike and Scootaloo to come back safely. And be sure to inform Rainbow Dash." Twilight said with a stern tone.

"No worries, we were just on our way to her now. Spike, you stay and gather some supplies but only the essentials." Goku informs the young drake as he nods. "Alright, Scootaloo, let's go." He said as he grabbed Scootaloo's hand and flew out the window toward Rainbow's home.

[Rainbow Dash's Cloud Home.]

"You wanna take Scoots and Spike into the Everfree, huh?" Rainbow repeats while Goku nods. "Ok, have fun," She said calmly.

Goku was stunned at this. "Huh? Aren't you gonna yell and say that's dangerous."

"Hmm-- Nah. It's cool cause I know you're as awesome as me, and you can handle anything the forest can throw at ya." Rainbow said with confidence.

Scootaloo was about to squeal with joy before she remembered something. "Wait, what about my flying lessons?" she asks.

"O-oh, uh, don't worry about it. We'll just put it on hold for now. Yeah, that's it. Your flying lessons are hiatus until you return, hahaha..." Rainbow said as she chuckles sheepishly.

Scootaloo quirks a brow skeptically at Rainbow before shrugging. "Ima, go pack my things." She said as she raced upstairs to her room. Moments later, Scootaloo came back down with a duffle bag in hand. She was about to rejoin Goku and Rainbow when she spotted some mail on the coffee table. "Hey, Rainbow, did my new power ponies comic come with the mail here?" Scootaloo called out as she picked up the mail. However, before she could read any of them, a cyan blur zoomed past the filly, taking the letter right out of her hands.

"S-sorry Scoots. There was no mail for you, just me-- haha, you know how I like to read my fan letters personally." Rainbow said with a strained smile.

"Are you ok Rainbow?" Goku asks.

"Yeah, you're sorta acting funny," Scootaloo said as she eyed Rainbow Dash suspiciously.

"I'm acting funny? Hate to break it to ya squirt, but that's Pinkie's department." Rainbow said as Goku and Scootaloo stared at her blankly. "Anyway, you two better get going. Don't wanna keep Spike waiting," she said as she ushers Goku and Scootaloo out her home. Once she saw Goku fly off with Scootaloo, Rainbow let out a sigh of relief before her features turned solemn. She sank to the floor as she stared at the letter she received from Pegasi Medical Department Wing Studies. With Scootaloo name written in bright red on it.

[Everfree Forest Entrance.]

"Ok, you two. It's time to enter the next step of your training. Things will get a lot harder while we're in here. But be sure to let me know if at any point you want to leave." Goku said.

"Pffh, what do you think we are? A bunch of chickens? We can handle anything this forest will throw at us." Scootaloo said confidently.

"Y-yeah, what she said." Spike agreed, if somewhat more hesitantly.

"Now I asked Zercora to map some wide open areas within the forest. We don't want anything sneaking up on us while we're training. The first spot is not too far from here, and it's gonna be our first session." Goku said.

"What do you mean, Goku?" Spike asks.

"Simply, we're gonna make a quick sprint to our destination. I will stay behind you two to watch out for any predators. Sounds good?" Goku asks, Spike and Scootaloo paused for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright, ready, get set, GO!" Goku said as he and his pupils started running to their first destination. Goku kept his senses sharp while the others ran ahead. He was picking up multiple ki signatures all them but, thankfully, they seem to be keeping their distance. All save for one signature that was trailing behind them.

"Goku! How much further do we have to run!" Spike asks in between his panting.

"Our campsite is just a few more feet ahead of us." Goku answers.

"Do you think anything is following us?" Scootaloo asks.

"Well, there's all a lot of ki signature around us, but they're staying away for now," Goku said as Scootaloo sighs in relief. "But there is another ki signature that's gaining on us from behind," he said as all three of them looked over their shoulders. At first, there was nothing but dry forest until a sizeable cat-like creature bursts through the foliage.

"A-A-A MANTICORE!!!" Spike and Scootaloo hollered out.

"Whoa, he's a big fella's he?" Goku said as he looked at the beast in astonishment. It looked just like any other lion he has seen back on Earth; only it had large bat wings and a scorpion stinger for a tail. It snarled at them with a feverish hunger as it got closer.

"What are gonna do?!!" Scootaloo yelled as she looks towards Goku.

"Keep moving. We're almost there. I'll handle this guy." Goku said confidently. The manticore was now within striking range of its target. It raised it's left paw and swipe at Goku who in turn jumps out of the way. The manticore made several more attempts at Goku only to fail each time. What frustrated the beast more was the fact that Goku evaded it's efforts while his back was facing it. The manticore decided to take to the skies and use its mighty maw to take a chunk of flesh out of Goku. However, as the beast dive-bombed from the air, Goku flickered out of sight, causing the manticore to bite into space. The manticore flew stationary with a bewildered look on its face. Before it could process what happened, Goku reappeared above the manticore and slammed both of his boots directly onto its skull. Thus, rendering it unconscious.

"Haha, better luck next time," Goku said as he rejoined Spike and Scootaloo. The trio finally made it into a large open clearing and took a break from their harrowing experience.

"Is the Manticore gone?" Spike asks while he tried to regain his breath.

"Yep," Goku said.

"A-awesome. Now, what do we do?" Scootaloo asks.

"Before we do anything else, I think it's time you two got your training gear," Goku said as he dropped the bag, he was carrying on his shoulders. He then pulled out two articles of folded clothing and handed them to Spike and Scootaloo. "I asked Rarity to make the both of these. Good thing she still had your measurements." Spike and Scootaloo stared at the clothes.

"Whoooa, are these...." Spike began as Goku nods.

"Yep. I figure if you two are gonna be true martial artists, then you should wear a martial artist's Gi," Goku said with a grin.

"AWESOME!!!" They said in unison and proceeded to run off into the bushes with their bags and Gi. A few minutes later, Spike and Scootaloo emerged from the bushes fully dressed in the same Gi as Goku. Scootaloo's, however, was slightly altered to suit a pegasus. She also brought her pair of brown training gloves. Spike Gi was fitted to him as well so that his tail would fit through a hole in his pants. He also had long sleeves that covered half his biceps.

"Hey, looking good, you two. Rarity does a great job with clothing." Goku compliments. "Now that we're all set. The real training can begin. Take your stances and follow everything that I do." Spike and Scootaloo both nod at their new mentor and began mirroring Goku's movements. The days ahead will undoubtedly have much hardship.


"The purpose of a martial artists stance usually tells you about the style of fighting your opponent has learned. Several martial art disciplines have their unique form of a battle stance. Battle stances can also lead to their special technique. However, it doesn't end there. An experienced fighter can gain a lot of information about their opponent from just a fighting stance alone." Goku explains as his pupils listened intently.

"What type of information you can get from just watching a stance?" Spike asks.

"Well, you can typically gauge an opponent skill level for one thing. Like if their a novice or an expert, how strong they will attack or how weak their defenses are. You can also tell the mental state based on their stance." Goku said.

"Mental state?" Scootaloo inquires.

"Hmhmm, let's your opponent feeling angry then that will translate in their fighting stance. It's important to keep a cool and leveled head when it comes to fighting otherwise you're bound to slip — thus giving your opponent the advantage. You can also tell whether or not your opponent is treating the battle seriously. Like if their stance is weak or if they don't take one at all." Goku said.

"Hey, does that mean you weren't taking the fight against the royal guards and Princess Luna seriously?" Scootaloo asks while Spike nodded in agreement.

"Haha, that's another thing you should know. Plenty of experience fighters often don't take fighting stances right away. They do this, so they don't reveal too much about their techniques. Although some fighters can be overconfident and arrogant, they would not take a fighting stance if they felt that their opponent was beneath them, so watch for this as well." Goku informs them.

"So, which did you do?" Spike asks.

"Well, for me, I did not want to fight at all, and I know many of the royal guards were far weaker than I was. So I knew I could take them out easily. Princess Luna was another story; underestimating someone like her would have been a bad idea." Goku said as he chuckled. "So, in a fight, it's important to keep a strong yet loose stance. Don't let your emotions run wild and never underestimate your opponent regardless of their skill level. Got it?" Goku asks as his pupils nodded.


Goku had moved Spike and Scootaloo to a new location in the Everfree. They were currently standing in front of a large waterfall connected to a riverbed. "Now it's time for your next session; we're gonna move behind this waterfall and meditate," Goku said while his pupils groan. "Huh, what's wrong?"

"No offense Goku but we are tired of sitting and doing nothing. " Spike said.

"Yeah, you have us meditate every day after practice. I don't see how it helps us to fly." Scootaloo said with a pout. Goku chuckles at this and motions for them to follow him. They move behind the waterfall, and Goku takes a seat in his meditative position. Spike and Scootaloo sighed and got into theirs.

"I know it may seem pointless, but there is a big difference between being still and doing nothing," Goku stated while his pupils looked confused. "Now, what have you two been doing each time we went to meditate?"

"Well, I was just kinda pretending the whole time," Scootaloo said sheepishly.

"And I was thinking about the gems I had stashed in the room," Spike said.

"I guess It's time I filled you guys in a little more," Goku stated as his pupils gave him their full attention. "You see most marital artists meditate in order center themselves and become more in tune with their body and spirit. The reason meditation hasn't worked for you is because you didn't let your minds relax. Now for this session, I want you both to empty your minds and look within yourselves. Don't think or move be still and drown out everything else." Goku said.

"But how can we do that with the noise from the waterfall." Spike pointed out.

"I know it's tough but don't focus so hard on it. If anything, the falling water could act as a sort of white noise. Just be calm, relax, and look inwards as you clear your minds. If you can do this, then you will be that much closer to unlocking your Ki." Goku said as Spike and Scootaloo let a sigh and did as Goku instructed. At first, it was difficult for the adolescent not to be active. They were about to give up when they both noticed a small butterfly fly in and perch itself on Goku's nose. Spike and Scootaloo were amazed that Goku was uninhibited by the creature, as if it wasn't even there, and remained in his position. They glance at each other and nodded in determination. They both breathed in and out and tried to follow Goku's example as they sat there with nothing but the roar of the waterfall as the only source of the sound; until something happen.

The noise coming from the waterfall was slowly fading away. The rock surface they sat upon seem to disappear, and the two felt as though they were floating. Soon the roar of the waterfall became mute, and everything around them just vanished, and they now sat in a void. What was even stranger was that Spike and Scootaloo calm where they should be panicking. They began to wonder if this was the feeling Goku was trying to show them. Before they could continue their musing, a light shines in front of them. It gave off a familiar and comforting glow as if it had been with them their entire lives. They both reach out and made contact with it. The warm light grew brighter until it engulfed the area around them. Spike and Scootaloo woke up from their self induced trance with a sharp gasp. They took a look all around them to find that they haven't moved from behind the waterfall.

"Whoa....!" Scootaloo said breathlessly.

"Yeah, I feel different," Spike said as he looked down at his hands. Spike and Scootaloo turned their gazes to Goku who in turn looks back at them with a knowing smile. He gives them a nod before going back to his meditation. Spike and Scootaloo smiled briefly and went back to their task. Three of them stayed there without uttering another word.

[Ki energy]

A few days have passed since the revelation at the waterfall. Goku knew that the light that Spike and Scootaloo tapped into was indeed their Ki energy and now it was time for them to bring it out. Spike and Scootaloo patiently stood as they await Goku's instructions. "Alright you two, I think it's finally time to harness your Ki energy," Goku said as his pupils beamed with joy. "First things first, get into your meditative positions."

"Yes, sir." They said enthusiastically. They hurriedly assumed their positions.

"Now just like the time at the waterfall, I want you two to center yourselves and look inward. Tap into that light you found before and bring out into your hands. It should be easier now." Goku said as his pupils did just that. They brought up their hands, leaving a small space between them, and began to focus. Spike and Scootaloo felt that same warmth from their inner light as before and attempted to bring it out. Goku watched intently at his two pupils. He felt their Ki energy began to flare up and flow throughout their bodies and into their hands. Slowly but surely, both Spike's and Scootaloo's ki energy began to hold and form into a ball.

Goku wore a huge broad grin at their accomplishment. "Nice job, you two." He congratulated. Spike and Scootaloo opened their eyes and looked down at their palms. Their excitement grew as they saw that they were now holding an orb of Ki in their hands. The celebrating began as they jump up and prance around in merriment. That is until Scootaloo realizes something off.

"Hey, no fair! How come my Ki is smaller than Spike's?" Scootaloo whines. Goku did notice that while Spike's Ki was more whole, Scootaloo's Ki had a smaller orb with a clear outline.

"Don't worry about that. It is your first time bringing out your Ki, and you're still pretty young, which takes us to our next lesson; gaining proper control of your Ki energy. There are several degrees of control that come with Ki. Heck, even when I was your age, my first time using Ki was firing a Kamehameha wave. However, I still could not fly until much later." Goku said while Scootaloo looks confused.

"You said that weird word again. What is it?" Scootaloo asks. Goku was about to explain until Spike beat him to the punch.

"Oh, drake, it's only the most awesome thing ever. He put his together like this and said 'Kamehameha' then a big--AARGH?!!!" Spike was cut off from his retelling when he accidentally fires his ki from his hands while mimicking the Kamehameha wave. The blast flew a foot before blowing up a nearby tree. After the blast settles, Spike gives off a sheepish expression. "Oops."

Goku whistle at the sight and turn back to his pupils. "Right then, let's try and make sure that doesn't happen again. I want you two to get a feel for your Ki. Form up an orb again and try to hold it for as long as possible ok." Goku said as his pupils nodded. Spike summons his Ki again while Scootaloo focused on hers.

Spike and Scootaloo were making significant progress. They were now able to hold their Ki in the hands for several hours before having to rest. Scootaloo especially; she can place more energy into her orb until it matches Spike's in size. There have been some minor hiccups here and there. Like when Spike accidentally burped out a ki blast from his mouth or when Scootaloo places too much power into hands, and it wound up exploding in her face. Thankfully she wasn't hurt, but her mane was scorched black for a week. Goku decided that it was now time for them to regulate their control of Ki into their entire bodies instead of just their palms.

"Alright you guys, for this session, I want you to focus your Ki to flow around your entire bodies. This act may put more of strain on you, but you will be able to do a lot more advanced techniques." Goku said.

"Oh, oh, oh! Does this mean that doing this will--"

"--Help you to fly? You betcha." Goku said, anticipating Scootaloo answer. This news caused the orange filly to jump up and down in pure elevation. Spike was more subtle as he did a fist pump. The two stood up and focused their Ki until a thin white outline appeared over their bodies. Just as predicted, their bodies gave out, and they collapsed on the ground. Goku suggested that they rest for a bit, but Scootaloo was adamant about continuing.

"N-no! I can keep going!" Scootaloo said through her pants.

"Yeah! It's not even dinner time yet!" Spike says.

Goku laughs briefly before giving them a gentle smile. "I get that you want to go on, but you won't be able to focus without any rest or food in you. So let's grab a bite to eat and turn in for the night. I promise I will pick this up tomorrow." Goku said as his pupils reluctantly agreed. Tomorrow came, and Goku was surprised to find that Spike and Scootaloo were already up and training. They were concentrating so hard and giving it their all so much that Goku didn't dare interrupt. They were able to distribute their Ki throughout their bodies for nearly the entire day.


Spike and Scootaloo have shown remarkable growth since they started their training in the Everfree. So much so that Goku has deemed it that they were now ready to fly through the skies. "I guess now is the moment I know you both have been waiting for this whole time. Today, we're gonna learn to fly." Goku said. Spike and Scootaloo nod feverishly at this. "Now, just as before, bring out your Ki and spread it throughout your body. Be sure to place it underneath your feet and hoofs while using it to balance yourselves," he said as the two got to work. They quickly brought up their Ki and shifted it toward their lower body.

The ground was beneath them pulsed from the Ki emanating from their feet. The grass blades weave back and forth as soon enough Spike and Scootaloo began to lift from the ground. Scootaloo looked down for a moment and discovered that both she and Spike were five feet off the ground.

"Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh I'm flying!! WE'RE FLYING!!" Scootaloo as she looks over to Spike.

"It's more like the two of you are floating, but you've made great progress--" Goku was cut off by a panicked scream.

"--Waargh! I'm slipping!" Spike yells out while he flails around in the air. Scootaloo follows soon after as they both hit the ground with an audible thud.

"Owww! What happened?" Scootaloo whine as she rubs her backside.

Goku went to help up Spike before walking over to Scootaloo. "Haha flying through the air is a lot different from walking on the ground. You're balancing was thrown off, which is why you fell. It's even more difficult if you're moving around. You need to get used to staying off the ground. Try it again, but this time doesn't float so high until you feel more comfortable sound good?" Goku asks.

"Stay closer to the ground, got it. Don't worry Goku we'll have this down in 10 seconds flat." Scootaloo said, she began floating again, and she seemed to be doing fine until she lost her balance and fell back.

"This may take longer than 10 seconds," Spike commented.

Another week went by, much to Scootaloo's dismay, as the two of practiced remaining aloft in the air. During that week, Goku instructed them to hover a little higher and move in a circle. Spike and Scootaloo would stumble from time to time, yet they would remain airborne. Goku was now confident enough to allow them to attempt their first official flight. They all stood atop a cliffside near froggy swap bog. Goku took this time to admire the scenery before starting.

"Whelp, it's finally time to fly for real. Are you two ready?" Goku asks.

"YES!!" they both hollered. Goku could practically feel the excitement pouring from Scootaloo.

"Haha, then why are you two standing around? Get going and remember everything you learned. I'll be right behind you." Goku said as he watched his pupils stand at the edge of the cliffside. Their sight fell on the incredible height, and they could not help but feel a small sense of vertigo. Spike and Scootaloo gave one last look at Goku who in turn gave them a nod of encouragement. They both breath in and out and then-- They jumped.

The wind blew harshly against their faces as they plummeted. The loud whistling noise was almost deafening, and it was hard for them to keep their eyes open. Panic started to set in as they got closer to the ground. All seem hopeless until Goku words resonate through their minds. "Keep calm and remember your training. I'm right behind you, so no worries, ok?" Goku said telepathically. The speech gave Spike and Scootaloo all the reassurance they needed for them to summon their Ki. Just as they came within a few feet from the ground, Spike and Scootaloo pull up sharply. They slowly begin to climb upwards as Goku comes up behind them.

"Haha, see I knew you could pull it off," he said.

"So AWESOME! I can see everything from up here." Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Now I know why Rainbow Dash is always flying," Spike said as he watched the scenery zoom by. "Being on the ground would be lame if I couldn't see this all the time."

"YAHOOO!!!" Scootaloo screams out as she rotates in a circle. Scootaloo went ahead of the others and flew up to the clouds. She let her pegasus instinct take over and start to spin them around. She flew straight through a big puffy cloud before settling on another and started bouncing on it like a trampoline. Not want to miss out on the fun, Goku went to join her. However, as soon as his foot touches the cloud, Goku instantly fell through.

"YAAH!! Hey, what gives?" Goku said as he steadies himself. Spike flew in, shaking his head at his goofy mentor.

"Everypony knows only pegasi and griffins can stay on clouds," Spike said.

"Huh, I thought these clouds were like the flying nimbus," Goku said, his pupils then gave him a confused look. "The flying nimbus is a magical cloud I received from Master Roshi. It will allow anyone with a pure heart to ride it. I thought the only difference with these clouds was cause they were white and not yellow."

"So you flew around on a yellow cloud?" Spike asks in clarification to which Goku nods. "That's a little weird."

"Yeah, but it's a good thing you're here with us. Equestria is like the capital of weird." Scootaloo chimed sitting on her cloud. A distinctive growling sound was heard coming from Goku's stomach and thus signaling the end of their training session today.

"Looks like it's time to eat. C'mon, let's head back down." Goku said as the three landed back at their campsite. But before Goku could move, he felt his leg brought into a tight hug. He looks down to see Scootaloo hugging his leg as her life depended on it. Goku could feel sudden dampness forming where she buried her face, indicating that Scootaloo was crying. "Hey now, Scootaloo, is everything alright?"

It took a moment for Scootaloo to collect herself. She wipes her face and looks up at Goku. "F-For-for so long, I wanted to fly. It was so hard being a pegasus and-and not being able - *hiccups* - to fly." Spike looks down at the ground for a moment. He precisely knew what Scootaloo was referring to and the hardships she endured. Goku just listened quietly. "And now I can. Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!" and with that Scootaloo broke out into fresh tears, not of sadness, however, but of pure joy. Goku bent down and gave her a hug of his own. He looks over to Spike and shots him a grin as he gestures him to come over. Spike smiles back and doesn't hesitate. An hour past before Scootaloo finally stops crying and the three break their embrace.

"Feeling better?" Goku asks as Scootaloo nods. "Great, now let's eat. I'm famished."

"Say you won't tell Rainbow Dash I was all mushy, will you?" Scootaloo asks while Spike and Goku shook their heads. "Awesome! Best. Day. Ever."


"Now that you two can form and summon your Ki. I'm going to show you guys how to sense another person's ki and improve your awareness. Ki energy can work in tandem with your five senses. Once you get this down, not only will you be able to sense other Ki signatures, but you will be aware of everything around you." Goku said.

"Improve our awareness?" Scootaloo asks.

"How do we do that?" Spike asks.

"It's simple. Since you already know how to look inward and summon your Ki, you need to do the reverse. Look outward to find the same light that you found within yourselves. I'm gonna disappear, and I want you two to try and find me, alright?" Goku instructs as Spike and Scootaloo get ready. "Alright, 3, 2, 1. Go!" With that Goku flickers from sight with rapid movement. Spike and Scootaloo concentrated on pinpointing Goku's ki. They found themselves once again in a void. Immediately after that, they felt their ki energy surge, and soon after that, they started to feel multiple signatures emerge all around them. They were small in comparison to theirs, so they had to find more prominent energy. They luckily did not have to wait long as several huge signatures popped up. And the biggest one near them was just a few feet away from the campsite.

"Over there." They shouted in unison, and Goku pops out of a bush with a wide grin.

"Haha, good job. So how did it feel?" Goku asks.

"It felt kinda strange. There were so many Ki signatures around us. And that was just in this field." Spike said.

"Yeah, I could feel way more in all directions. Some of them felt like I knew them while others felt, I don't know, different? It made my head hurt." Scootaloo said as she clutches her head.

"It can get pretty overwhelming. That's why it's important to focus only the Ki you want to find. Let's practice a little more, shall we? Try and find the familiar Ki signatures again." Goku informs them. Spike and Scootaloo focused again until they felt the presence of 13 distinct Ki signatures.

"Oh, I feel them again! I think their in that direction." Scootaloo said as she pointed eastward.

"Hey, that direction goes back to Ponyville. That means these signatures belong to our friends, right, Goku?" Spike inquires.

"That's right. You guys are getting the hang of things." Goku praises. "There's one more thing you two need to learn, and that's how to suppress Ki energy. You can make Ki feel as small as possible. Scootaloo, I want you to run off somewhere and try to suppress your Ki as much as you can. Then Spike and I will try to find you."

"Yay! It likes to hide and seek. Turn around and count to 10." Scootaloo said. Spike and Goku humored her and did as she asks.

Meanwhile, Scootaloo flew up in the air and hid on a cloud. She then made her Ki as small as she could and waited for them. Goku and Spike finished counting and began their search. So far, Scootaloo manages to conceal her Ki quite well. They were only picking up small ki signatures from various animal and bug life. After five minutes they resorted to looking for Scootaloo the old fashioned way. After 10 minutes of searching, Goku and Spike were ready to call it quits.

"Oh, drake, where did she go? You don't think she's in trouble, right?" Spike asks with concern.

"No, we would have sensed it if she was in danger. Maybe..." As Goku ponders on the whereabouts on the elusive filly. He failed to notice a fluffy cloud descending behind him. Scootaloo poked her head out and sported a mischievous grin. She inhaled sharp and let out a loud phase.

"SURPRISE!!!" Scootaloo sneak attack caused Spike to yelp out loud and jump into Goku's arms.

Goku stared at Scootaloo with a perplex expression. "Huh...? Oh, I get it. You hid in the cloud."

"Aww, weren't you even a little bit scared?" Scootaloo whined as Goku shook his head. "Well, at least I got Spike."

"Speaking of which. It's your turn now, Spike." Goku said while Spike climbed down from his arms.

"Alright. There's no way you two will find me." Spike said. The rest of the day turned out to be more of a day at the park than anything else.

[Advance Techniques]

"As you advance in martial arts, so does the techniques you use. Your control over your Ki opens up a wide variety of fighting moves to use at your disposal. You could also come up with some techniques of your own." Goku informs.

"So what awesome techniques have you picked up, Goku?" Spike asks.

"A whole bunch. Let's see; there's the janken fist, after image, multi-form...." Goku trailed off from his listing as he looks at the bewildered expression of his pupils. "Better yet, how about I show you guys the techniques I ran into with another technique," he said as he got up and placed his hands on top of their heads.

"Whadda gonna do, Goku?" Scootaloo asks.

"I'm going to share some of my experiences with you through our minds." Goku e plains as he began to focus.

"Whoa, does that make you psychic like mind molder from issue 98 of the power ponies?" Spike asks excitedly.

"Actually, no. It is more like me projecting my thoughts and memories into your heads. Although, I could read your experiences but only as long as I have direct contact. Now hold still." Goku said. He thought back to his time on Earth and all the adventures he had. Goku mostly focused on his friends fighting techniques. From Krillin's Kienzan-ha, Yamaha's Spirit Ball and wolf fang fist, Tien's KiKoha, Piccolo's special beam cannon and of course the Kamehameha wave. Goku also showed them ways to power up their base form with a battle aura such as the Kiao-Ken. There seemed to be no end to the techniques that they were seeing. Goku finally let's go and chuckles at their faraway look on their faces.

"Whoa..." Spike said.

"Was that big blue beam the Kamehameha thing you were talking about?" Scootaloo asks as Goku nods. "Cool!! When do we learn how to do that?"

"What about the Kiao-Ken? That would be useful to learn." Spike said with much enthusiasm.

Goku shook his head in disagreement. "We will be learning the easier ones first before we get to something like the Kamehameha wave. And the Kiao-ken's a no go for both of you, especially you Scootaloo. I know all of these techniques may look cool, but you could seriously wind up hurting yourselves if you try something your just not ready for yet, understand?" Goku said firmly. Spike and Scootaloo were downcast slightly but nodded. "Good, now let's start with the rapid movement. It's pretty much as the name suggests, moving at higher speeds. Use your Ki to vibrate your bodies and move from one spot to another. Do you two see that boulder over there?" Goku asks as pointed to the boulder a few feet away from them.

"Yeah, what about it?" Spike asks.

"Watch closely..." Goku said as he vanished from the position and reappeared in front of the said boulder. Before Spike or Scootaloo could utter a vow, Goku flickered away from sight and stood in his original location.

A dumbfounded Scootaloo was able to recover first. "Y-you, sure, that's not teleporting?"

"Hmm, I have noticed that there are some traits that this planets magic shares with Ki energy when it comes to certain moves. Plus, I was able to follow Luna when we fought. But this is still very different." Goku said.

"How did you follow Princess Luna's teleporting, anyway?" Spike inquires.

"It's a pretty nifty trick actually and simple. All you have to do is do not blink." Goku answers.

"Don't blink? But won't that start to hurt after a while?" Scootaloo questions thoughtfully.

"It will at first, but your Ki will compensate for the pain eventually," Goku said while his pupils seemed unsure. "Hey, no pain, no gain right. But believe me when I tell you that this will be worth it. Ok, I am going to move to several different places, and I want both you to trace my movements. And - Go!" Goku said as he disappeared again. Spike and Scootaloo went to follow him. They kept their eyes open for as long as they could before their eyes started to become thirsty. Unfortunately, they could not resist the urge to blink, so they were forced to slam their eyes shut. Goku reappears in front of the two and makes sure their not hurt too bad.

"Oww! I don't think I can do this." Scootaloo said as she rubs her eyes.

"I know how you feel, but I'm tired of always sitting back on the sidelines when things get tough," Spike said as he turns to Goku. "I wanna try again." He said with conviction.

Scootaloo saw Spike's determination and turns to Goku as well. "Me too! Rainbow Dash wouldn't quit, and neither will I." Goku smiles at their will to go on and flickers from sight again. Spike and Scootaloo try to follow, and the pain sets in back. This time they power through it, and the world begins to change. They notice that the colors in the area have taken on a higher tint. There is a faint static noise shift around them that's followed by a blur. They follow the blur as it becomes more apparent to them, and soon they discover that the blur is Goku. Goku notices that his pupils can support him now and stops moving. The world shifts back to normal and Goku walks up to Spike and Scootaloo.

"See that wasn't so bad. But you should get used to that feeling, so it doesn't hurt so much next time. So I want one of you to use rapid movement while the other follows. Who wants to go first?" Goku said.

"I do, I do, I do!!" Scootaloo said. She got into a crouching position while she stared down the boulder. Scootaloo vibrated her body with her ki and took a step forward. Instantaneously, Scootaloo found herself in front of the block. Goku kept his eyes on Spike, who was able to follow Scootaloo movements correctly. He did note that Spike's pupils became thin slits but dismissed it as apart of his dragon nature.

"Nice job. Now the both of you switch off." Goku said as Spike got in position and Scootaloo watched on. Spike followed the same process as Scootaloo, although, he put far more Ki out than Scootaloo did. He took a step forward and made to the boulder with a flicker. Goku saw that Scootaloo was able to follow him but winced afterward. 'I guess she'll need more practice' he thought, but then Goku notices that Scootaloo's attention was on something else. There, sitting in Spike's original position, was Spike's after image.

"Hey, Spike look, you're in two different spots at the same time," Scootaloo said.

"I am?" Spike asks as he went up to his transparent clone. "Ha looking good Spike," he said as he places his hand through the image only for it to disappear. Spike groan as Goku's and Scootaloo laughter filled the area.


Goku had taken Spike and Scootaloo back to the cliffside and had them stand in front of a rock wall. He drew a line in the dirt and steps behind it. Laying right next to him is a pile of pebbles from a boulder he destroyed for the lesson. "Today we're going to hone your reflexes. In a fight, it's important to be able to respond to anything that your opponent may throw at you. So I am gonna throw these pebbles at you two and can either dodge or block them, got it?"

"Um, You won't throw those pebbles too hard, right?" Spike asks nervously.

"Aw come on Spike. It's going to super awesome. I'm ready." Scootaloo said as she smiles confidently.

"Alright...." Goku picked up a pebble and prepared a wind-up. He then hurled the rock in between Spike and Scootaloo and left a pebble-shaped hole in the hole behind them. Spike and Scootaloo features went pale as they look led at the damage. Goku even realized he put just a tad too much strength into that throw.

"Uh, sorry about that. I'll ease up on this next one." Goku said as he picks up a handful of pebbles and prepares to throw them. Spike and Scootaloo gulp down the lump in their throat but readies themselves. Goku tosses his makeshift projectiles(with more restraint this time) at them. Scootaloo saw the pebbles this time and opted to dodge them. She ducks, jump, and weaved her way through the onslaught and escape with hardly a scratch.
Meanwhile, Spike was having a little more complicated than Scootaloo was. Being that he's taller and bulkier, Spike could hardly dodge as nimbly as Scootaloo could. So Spike decided to alter his strategy and went to block the incoming assault. Spike managed to swat away the rest of the projectiles with a fair amount of skill. By the time the pebbles stop flying, Spike had a few scuff marks on his Gi, but he was alright.

"Alright, you two. That was amazing. You ready for round two?" Goku said in a challenging tone.

Spike and Scootaloo gave each a confident smile. "Bring it on! We can take it." Scootaloo boasted.

"Ok but this time I'm not gonna stop till this pile is gone. And I may throw a curve ball at you two. Ready. Set..." Goku trailed off as he unleashed a hailstorm of pebbles upon his pupils. To their credit, Spike and Scootaloo efficiently handled the attack, alternating from dodging to blocking. Goku's ammunition had run out, and the pebbles that collided with the wall behind them form a large dust cloud. When it finally cleared, Spike and Scootaloo stood no worse for wear. They both stood while wearing a pleasant smile.

Scootaloo dusted the debris from her Gi before she spoke. "Is that all you got?" she said coyly. Spike merely smirked and crossed his arms.

Goku chuckles at their confidence. 'Their attitudes sure have changed since we started.' He thought. Of course, Goku still had that curveball he mentioned earlier. He moved up slowly in a friendly manner before he fired a ki blast at them. "Think fast!" he said. The explosion itself was harmless as it was only meant to be a simple scare tactic. However, what caught Goku by surprised was the fact that Spike and Scootaloo fired a ki blast of their own. The three attacks collided, and there was a small explosion. Once the detonation faded and the dust settled, Goku, Spike, and Scootaloo were all covered head to toe in dirt. They all looked at each other and broke out in laughter. "Ok ok, I see both of your reflexes are sharp. Let's turn in and get cleaned up."

"Right." They said in unison.


"Spike, Scootaloo, it's time to put your new skills to the test. You two are gonna face each other in a sparring matching." Goku chirped.

"I heard Rainbow Dash say that one time at home. Does this.mean you want me and Spike to fight each other?" Scootaloo asks as Goku nodded in response.

"Hold on a second. I don't want to hurt Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash would kill me." Spike said. His body shivers at the thought of what Rainbow would do to him if she found out he hurt her little sister.

"Relax, it's just a friendly sparring match. I'm sure Rainbow will understand, and it's impossible to avoid pain when it comes to this stuff. Just be sure to go easy on each other." Goku tried to reassure the reluctant drake but to no avail.

"But look at us. It won't be fair since I'm a teenage drake and she's a small filly. Why--"

"HEY!! Goku trained both of us, and I bet I could take you in 10 seconds flat." Scootaloo said confidently.

"Whoo, wait!! Uh, I was trying to offend you. It just...." Spike trailed as the words got caught in his mouth.

"Alright then, the match will be best 2 out of 3. First, to score two knockdowns wins." Goku said, not adding Spike's current predicament. Scootaloo had already taken her stance and had a determined look on her face.

"Wait, WAIT!!! I didn't agree to this!" Spike tried to explain, but his pleas fell on death ears.

"And-- Begin!!" Goku called out.

Scootaloo quickly charged forward while Spike was still distracted. She stayed low to the ground and went for his legs. Scootaloo places a hand on the ground to balance herself before she rotates her body and performs a leg swipe. Her attack connects, and Spike begins to fall. However, Scootaloo continued. She planted both hands on the ground, bent her knees, and thrust both legs forward. She bucked Spike clear into the air as he let out a grunt of pain. Finally, Scootaloo finished her assault by flickering above Spike's airborne form and launch an overhead double hand strike right into his back, sending him crashing into the ground and causing dust to draw up. Scootaloo reappears near the impact zone and waits for the dust to clear. Once it does, Spike could be seen lying sprawled out in the dirt with spirals in his eyes.

"Hmph. Like I said, 10. Seconds. Flat." Scootaloo empathized each word.

Goku whistle at the display. "Point goes to Scootaloo. That was a good rush attack." He praised while Scootaloo blushed. Spike manages to recollect himself and shoots Scootaloo a frown.

"No fair, I wasn't ready," Spike whined.

Scootaloo went to retort, but Goku cut her off. "Sorry Spike but the early bird gets the worm. Plus, you did let your guard down." Goku chided. Scootaloo grins and sticks her tongue out at Spike.

Spike stands up and takes his stance. "Alright, no, Mr nice drake." He said as smoke flared from his nostrils. Scootaloo got ready as well, and Goku went to start the second round.

"Round 2-- Begin!!" Goku called out.

Scootaloo charged forward again, hoping to gain another quick victory, but Spike was ready this time. As Scootaloo drew forward, Spike had already placed an after image in his place. Scootaloo flew right through it when she went for a punch. But before she could ponder what happened, Spike flickers in behind and with one swift chop to the head, he planted her to the ground.

Goku gave a happy smile at the young dragon. "Point goes to Spike. That was well executed." Goku comments as Spike smiles and rubs the back of his head. Scootaloo got up from the ground while she was still clutching her head. A small bump was visible and throbbed slightly.

"That was a cheap trick with the after image," Scootaloo said. Once again, Goku spoke up before Spike could.

"You should never charge in without thinking. Spike was ready for you at that time." Goku said while Spike smirks. "Alright, next point wins. Final round-- Begin!"

This time Scootaloo flew high into the air before she went to dive bomb, Spike. Spike got ready for the charge as he studies Scootaloo carefully. Although this time, Scootaloo fires ki blasts all around Spike's general vicinity. The results was a dust cloud that threw Spike off. He jumps and takes off in the air only to discover that Scootaloo had a storm cloud waiting for him. She struck the fog and lightning bore down on Spike.

Thinking quickly, Spike reacted. "Energy Shield!" he called out, and a green dome of ki surrounded him. The lightning bounces harmlessly off it; giving Spike the chance to retaliate. He fires a blast straight at the cloud and blown it apart. Scootaloo evades the attack and regroups. She uses her superior speed to get in some flyby shots. Spike was on defense as Scootaloo tags him from all directions. Scootaloo went for another flyby, but Spike saw her coming. He flickers out the way and reappears behind her to grab her tail. Spike proceeds to spin around briefly before throwing her towards the ground. Scootaloo stops herself before she made an impact and vanishes just in time to avoid a follow-up attack by Spike as he slams his fist down where Scootaloo was. She reappears to Spikes right while she floats in the air. Spike turns around, meets her gaze.

The two stare each other down while Goku watches with unbridled excitement. All this fighting reminded him of the days of his youth when he fought against Krillin at the world martial arts tournament. Spike and Scootaloo may not have the same rivalry as they had, but this sparring was getting better by the second. Both Spike and Scootaloo seemed to have the same idea, and they thrust their arms out and perform a motion Goku knew all too well. Goku became a little worried here. The Kamehameha was still too advanced for his pupils to handle. If they mess up, they could seriously hurt themselves. Goku went to stop the match, but sadly his pupils had just finished gathering their ki.

"Kamehame-HA!!!" They both called out and thrust their arms forward.

"NO WAIT!!" Goku yelled out, but his warning came too late. However, in a stroke of luck, when Spike and Scootaloo fired their attacks both of their beams disrupted and left behind a smoke ring. Goku let out a sigh of relief as his pupils both collapse to the ground from ki depletion.

"Aw horse apples. What happened?" A disgruntled Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah, I did it just like how Goku did," Spike said.

"I believe you two missed a step when charging up. But I did warn you guys, the Kamehameha was far too advance right now, and you both will require more training to use it." Goku chastised, causing Scootaloo's ears to lay back and Spike to look away. Goku stern face faded and warped into a small. "But you two have exceeded my expectations during this training and very proud of you," he chirped as his pupils beamed.


Six months have come and gone for the trio. Now it was time for Goku, Spike and Scootaloo to return to Ponyville. Goku stood in front of his pupils and looked upon them with pride. Scootaloo's mane had grown longer now. It hung a little past her shoulders to her upper back, and she had a lock of it hovering over her right. Spike had developed some more muscle mass since training began. He was at least half the size of Goku in the overall physique. Their personalities changed a little as well. Spike was now more confident and sure of himself. Whereas Scootaloo was still her sweet self if not slightly cockier, but Goku figured that was just from Rainbow Dash's influence. Both their training Gi were tattered and torn, which meant a trip to Rarity's boutique to get new ones.

"Whelp, It's time to head back now," Goku said.

"That's great. I never thought I'd say it, but I mess shelving those book with Twilight at the castle library." Spike said.

"And can't wait to show the girls what I can do now." Scootaloo giggles as she tried and pictured her friends' faces. "It's gonna be so awesome."

"Haha I know you're excited but let's keep most of your training a secret ok," Goku advised as his pupils nodded. "Although your training is complete, you should never stop trying to improve yourselves. Plus, there still a few things I can show you be that we will have to wait till we get back to my ship. Hmm...." Goku trailed off as he ponders something.

"What's the matter, Goku?" Scootaloo asks.

"Well, I guess I should give you two a graduation gift, but I don't know... Oh, I got it!" Goku exclaimed. He began to remove the power pole and Banshou fan he brought with him. He presented them before his pupils with a wide grin on his face. "Here ya go," he chirped.

"Whoa! you're giving those to use?" Scootaloo asks as her eyes sparkle with glee.

"Yep," Goku said.

"AWESOME!! It's like my birthday and hearts warming eve put together but 100% cooler." Scootaloo exclaims as she took hold of the Banshou fan. Spike went and slung the power pole over his shoulder.

"These gifts are great, but are sure you don't need them anymore, Goku?" Spike inquires.

"Nah not really. I figure you two will need these gifts more than me. And these weapons look good on you. Keep them." Goku said as they celebrated. "Come on, you guys. Time to go," he said as all three of them took to the skies and off to a new beginning.

Author's Note:

Whew that's done. Sorry this is way late. Work got in the way and stuff. But now we can more on to more important events such as the obligatory grand galloping gala chapter(that really is the title of the next chapter. :derpytongue2:) The villains start making big moves. Returning characters and major deaths. FIND OUT ALL OF THIS AND MORE ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL MLP!!!

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