• Published 18th Jan 2016
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Dragonball MLP - ultrapoknee

Goku inadvertently lands on a new world on his way to planet Namek. Now, with his ship in disarray, Goku new adventures on the planet called Equis is about to begin. Where he sure he meet new friends as well as enemies.

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episode 3: This is Planet Namek right? (Edited)

[Ponyville - 7:00p.m - Twilight's Pov]

"Ok, this is it. The royal guard just announced the arrival of the princesses and the delegates. Everything is in order, the town is looking beautiful, and no tyrannical villains are attacking at the moment. No need to be nervous, no sir, completely calm," I thought to myself. It was downright nerve-racking to host this event at the moment. Princess Celestia charge me with the proceedings. I still remember when she called me to Canterlot for a private meeting.

[Flashback - Castle Friendship 3:00 p.m.]

I received a letter from the princess while Spike and I were doing our usual reshelving of the library books in the castle. "Done. Thanks again for your help, Spike. It's always more fun we're doing this together," I said.

"Fun for you, maybe," Spike muttered softly.

"What was that, Spike?" I asked Spike had been somewhat distant over the last couple of days. I would either catch brooding about in his room or slumping down on his bean bag chair while eating a bowl of crystals. Other times he would barely talk, go out, or interact with anypony and he would sport this faraway look in his eyes. It was beginning to worry me.

"Nothing, twilight. Just bored, I guess, I mean, we have been at this for a few hours, and it lost its novelty in the fun area." He said, sounding bored and disinterested.

"But I thought you love reshelving day as much as I do," I said. Spike never complained about the reshelving day being boring before.

"Well, that's just it, this is something you enjoy, and you ask me to tag along. But-" Spike trailed off his thought while he looked at me with apprehension.

Seeing his hesitation, I walked over to him, placed a hand on his shoulders, and gave him a gentle smile. "Spike, what's bugging you? You can tell me when something wrong." I said

Spike took a deep breath and exhaled. "It's just maybe it would be great if we did something I enjoyed for once?" he said as he made a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his head.

I stared at him blankly for a moment. "Is that all? Gee, Spike, you could've said something sooner instead of getting all mopey on me. So, what do you want to do?" I stated with a smile.

"Really?" he asked, and I nodded. "That's great because a new comic stand just opened up in the marketplace, and I'd love to," Spike cut off as he started retching up. I ran over and patted his back as he kept gagging till he belched out a scroll.

"Spike, do you know what this is?" I asked as I picked up the scroll with my aura. It was a letter from Celestia, but this one was different from the usual scriptures.

Spike coughed up some more before speaking. "A scroll filled with words that are hard to digest." He quipped

I gave him a deadpan stare at his joke. "Hysterical, but this scroll is crucial, perhaps THE most important scroll we've ever gotten," I said as I looked over the manuscript. The paper had gold edge trimmings and a gold ribbon instead of a red one.

"Um, aren't all the scrolls we get from Celestia important? At least, that's what you make them out to be anyway," he said while bore my gaze into him. "What?"

"Spike, this is the golden sealed scroll. The princess only gives these out to a very select few individuals for matters of national security. So only those she completely trust will receive them. However, what could this mean? Should I be honored? Or scared? Or maybe I should-"

"TWILIGHT, JUST READ THE LETTER ALREADY!" Spike yelled out, cutting me off.

"Ok, you don't have to yell," I said as I unfolded the scroll and read the contents. "It says Princess Celestia needs me to come to Canterlot to discuss an urgent matter involving members of the alliance," I exclaimed. "Sorry, Spike, but I have to. I have to leave for Canterlot right away," I said. I gathered up my magic around my horn for a teleportation spell. I figured that it would be quicker than waiting for the train.

"Hang on, what about-" Whatever Spike said had been drowned out by the pop of the teleportation spell as I vanished from sight. "-The comic stand at the market..."

[Canterlot 3:30p.m. Celestia private quarters]

I reappeared right in Celestia's quarters. It was a bit taxing performing long-distance teleportation like that, but I figure it would be worth it. After all, nothing takes priority over an essential meeting with Princess Celestia. I scanned the room, trying to find her; always the office a day theme cheque. I was getting a little worried, though. Celestia would be in her room at this time. Perhaps that's why she sent the letter because somepony was foal-napping her. They must have taken her by surprise, which meant there could be traitors in the guards or staff or worse changelings. There wasn't any more time to lose; I had to search the castle grounds for her magic signature. I'm sure they can't have gotten too far.


I heard a clicking sound behind me; somepony was entering the room. I spun on my heels and prepared an offensive spell against the intruder. Unfortunately, the door fully opened to reveal the alabaster form of the princess. I was so shocked that my spell misfired and ricocheted all around the room.

"Twilight, what's happening--Oof," I cut her off by tackling her to the ground.

"GET DOWN!!" I said as the spell continued for a few more minutes until it blasted out the window.

[Bluebloods POV]

"So Lady Fleur, how would you like the honor of accompanying the most elite and handsome stallion of Canterlot to the new restaurant Golden Bits," I said. There has not been a Mare alive that can resist my charms. I am what they all dream about, I am--

"No," she said.

"W-WHAT? How can you possibly turn down MY offer," I said.

"Simple Blueblood, I. Am. MARRIED. Had you bothered to heed Fancy Pant's invitation(Although, for the life of me, I don't know why he sent you one), you would have known we've been happily married for two years now. He is the epitome of what every stallion should be, and he's not somepony as undesirable as you." She finished to my absolute shock.



"I rest my case," was the last thing I remember hearing from Fleur before I pass out from a sudden force striking me from behind.

[Twilight's POV, Back in Celestia quarters]

I watched the broken window for a few more moments before soft giggling below me caught my attention.

"My My, this takes me back," Celestia said. "This is just like the time we were practicing offensive magic in the training yard. You fired a spell at me that I dodged, and said spell reflected off the marble surface of the room and then ricocheted around the chamber till it went out the door and right into the chemistry lab. They were cleaning the scorch marks off the walls for weeks." Celestia finished her reminiscing with an amused smile.

I, however, wasn't amused at being reminded of that day. I can still hear the janitors wailing in sadness and frustration. I hope nopony got hurt, but f had a sense of gratification right now. For some reason, Nevertheless, I need to get back on topic here.

"Princess!" I said with urgency as I got up from the floor. "I came as some as I could after I got your letter. What type of danger is Equestria facing now? Are they out to ruin relations between other nations in the alliance? Should I get my friends involved?

"Relax, Twilight. It is nothing of the sort. I invited you here because I feel you are ready to handle political affairs outside of Equestria. With the work you and your friends have done with all your friendship problems, I want you to entertain the delegates when they arrive for the meteor shower." she said with a warm smile while my brain shut down.

She wants me to host the meteor shower AND entertain the delegates. I could hardly believe it. If I mess up, then Equestria will be shunned from other countries. Maybe there's a book that has information on this.

"Twilight," Celestia said, snapping me out of my mild panic attack. "If it is too much to handle, I could always inform Luna, and she can host the event," she said.

"NO! I mean, no, I can handle it. It's just a...." I trailed off.

"Just what, Twilight?" She asked me.

"I mean, sure, the alliance with the Yakistanians went well, but that was mostly thanks to Pinkie. I had no idea how to connect to them," I said forlornly.

"Even now, with all that you accomplished and achieved, you still doubt yourself," she murmured. "Of all the ponies I could think of to handle this task, you are among the top 5. Also, you are correct in saying Pinkie Pie played a huge role with the Yakistanians but only because you knew you would be able to. Recognizing potential is a great talent for a leader to possess. It's how I found my dedicated student those years ago." She said with a wink that made me blush.

"You're right, Princess. I have nothing to worry about as long as I believe in myself and my friends." I said as I was beaming with new confidence.

"Then, I look forward to the event Princess Twilight," Celestia said warmly.

[Present Time.]

"The princess has so much faith in me now than ever before. I haven't failed her yet, and I'm not gonna start now." So I said, reaffirming my resolve.

"Hey, Twilight." A voice called out to me as I turned around to see Rainbow Dash hovering over me. "Mayor Mare asked me to fetch you to welcome those deli whats."

"It's 'delegates' Rainbow, and thanks to you, lead the way," I said as we walk over to the dignitaries who were currently mingling amongst themselves. We manage to sync back up with the others as everypony wanted to meet them in one group.

"So Twi, do you know any of the political types. I don't much care for all the fancy dressings we have to put on for 'em," Applejack said.

"Yeah, all this high society stuff is annoying, especially when Rarity here has to make us model these girly clothes," Rainbow said as she was as irritated as Applejack about tonight.

"Oh, pish-posh, everypony needs a little culture in their lives now and again." But, rarity said, at least she's happy.

"Oh um, I don't mind. I love the dresses, and Ponyville never looked better with all the decorations," Fluttershy added.

"I know, right. I love all the bright light, sweets and treats to eat, and the happy smiles everywhere," Pinkie said. She, out of all the girls, was giddy non-stop when I came back with the news.

"Yes, the town looks great, and everypony is enjoying themselves. To answer your question, Applejack, I do know a few of the delegates." I said as I looked over each delegate and began announcing them.

"First is Lord Shifting Sands and his wife Snake Charmer of Saddle Arabia. They have been allied with Equestria nearly as long as Princess Celestia's solo rule of the kingdom." So I said while he and his wife were taking in the sights.

"Next is King Iron hoof of the Montour Republic. He joined around Luna's return from banishment." So I continued as he was trying to impress some mares with tales of his feats. But from here, he didn't seem to be making progress.

"You girls all know the Prince of Yakistan that hails north of the Crystal Empire," I said. He was snacking at the party table, devouring all the cupcakes he can.

"There's Queen Cream Puff of New Equland. She was the one who commissioned the construction of the statue of Liberneigh we received from Prance." So I said while we watched her admire the new castle.

"That's Chief Zomboiyay of the Zebrica nation. Celestia went on a tour of their country to better familiarize herself with alchemy and how other non-unicorns welds it." I was him entertaining the fillies and colts with illusion powers to spice up his storytelling. He seems to be a hit.

"Finally, there's King Squawk, the newly appointed ruler of Griffin stone. He sent me a letter to display his thanks to the ponies that visited not too long ago." I finished as I saw Rainbow and Pinkie brightening up when I mentioned a ruler wanting to praise them.

"Wowee Zowee, somepony wants to thanks us? Quick Dashie, let's go meet them." Pinkie said.

"Hey, wait-" Rainbow tries to say before Pinkie drags her off to talk to Squak.

"Oooh, I wish a visiting ruler would come and give me thanks...." Rarity trailed off before she could finish her rant. I followed her faraway gaze and caught sight of the potential and annoying problem.

"Hey, ain't that there's Blueblood Rares?" Applejack had said with confusion before it turned into irritation. "Now, why in the sam hill is he of all ponies here?" she said, and for the life of me, I could not answer her. He, along with a few others, has never supported my ascension to Alicornhood.

"THAT SPOILED, IMMATURE, POMPOUS SON OF A HORSE!!!!" Rarity said intensely. Her muzzle was practically shooting out a fire. "It's obvious that he wants to ruin the event and embarrass Twilight. Well, I'm going to"

"TWILY!" A familiar voice called out and stopped Rarity from doing something drastic. "It's great to see you again."

"BBBFFF, Cadence!" I said with joy and gave them both a big hug, mindful of Cadence's pregnant belly.

Cadence giggled at my affection. "It has been too long, and it looks like we were able to visit without a threat to Equestria this time," she said.

"I know, it's a nice change of pace to get a breather now and then. You outdid yourself here, Twilly." Shining Armour said, causing me to blush.

My happy reunion became short-lived as I glanced back at Blueblood. "Any particular reason he's here?" I asked as we all turned our gaze to Blueblood, who was already on the bleachers, wearing the most disinterested and judgemental scowl on his muzzle.

"Yes, well, Auntie Celestia gave him a choice to either behave or not attend. So far, he's chosen to do the former but don't worry about yourself. Shining, Luna, and I will keep him in line." Cadence said.

"Thanks to both of you," I said.

"Now, you need to hurry up on stage. The shower is about to take place, and I can't wait to hear your speech." Cadence said warmly.

"Of course, you won't be disappointed," I said as I teleported on stage to begin.

[Outer atmosphere - Inside the meteor field - Third Person POV.]

"WHOA, AH, YIKES!!!!" Goku yelled as he found the controls to his ship to be far too lax for his liking. "I was wrong; this is way harder than fighting the great ape monster AAAH!!" he said as he tried to not only stable his ship but avoid crashing into the surrounding rocks. The ship was shaking as he began to break through the atmosphere of the planet.

[Ponyville - Center stage]

Everypony was taking their positions as Princess Twilight was reading her speech. The princesses were seated on their duplicate thrones while the delegates sat across from them. The evening has been pleasant for all parties thus far. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were surprised to find out that King Squak brought Gilda along with him.

"I still can't believe your dating a king G. Thought you were too cool to be tied down," Rainbow said coyly. Not long after they left, Gilda meets another Griffin that later became the king.

"S-Shut Up, the only reason we're together is cause he likes my scones," Gilda said while blushing.

"Haha, That would only be what got my attention to her. In truth, I love her fire, no-nonsense attitude." King Squawk said. His attitude was more relaxed and calming than Gilda's, complimenting each other perfectly.

"Wow, so not only did we help Gilda with her scones, but we also helped her get a first some Griffin. I am so throwing you two a Congratulations party." Pinkie Pie said, bursting with joy for the two griffins.

"I think that's a grand idea, right, my lovebird?" Squawk said as Gilda turned away, groaning and embarrass. Squak then put his claw around her waist, and a wing draped on her shoulder as he brought her in and nuzzled her.

"You're such a dweeb," Gilda said as she subtlety returned the gesture till two pairs of giggling got her attention. "SHOULDN'T YOU TWO BE OVER WITH YOUR FRIENDS!!!" She yelled.

Rainbow gave a short laugh. "Sure, later, G. Let go Pinkie, Twilight's starting."

"Oki-Doki-Loki," Pinkie said. They got to their seats right above the princesses.

Twilight watched the merriment a little longer as she took a deep breath and readied herself. She saw everypony was present, from her friends to princesses to delegates. She also caught sight of Spike, who looked rather gloomy in his costume. She resolved to make it up to him later.

"Attention, every pony," Twilight said, amplifying the volume of her voice with a spell. "It is a great honor to have you all here today. Nothing brings me greater joy than to see not only ponies of different tribes all together but also the esteemed delegates of their respective kingdoms. Let us now and forever cherish these moments of sharing joy, love, and, above all else, the friendship between ourselves. Now I, Princess Twilight, humbly ask that we all join to witness one of my favorite yearly pastimes, the meteor shower." Twilight's speech concluded with a standing ovation from the crowd. She teleported over to her throne next to Princess Celestia as the meteors began to glide across the planet.

[Spoiled Brat's POV]

"Psst hey Rotten," Spoiled said as he tugged at Rotten Core's tail from under the bleachers. "ROTTEN!!" he said after a hard yank that pulls him off his seat.

"Owwwww! What is it Spoiled?" he said, rubbing his tail.

"I got an idea of how to get back at Diamond Head. You in?" Spoiled said.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Rotten asked.

"I'm gonna take that stupid tiara she loves so much and fling it into the Everfree Forrest," Spoiled said. "It'll be fun to watch shift around in the dirt to find it."

"That's great. Maybe she'll get lost and never come out," Rotten said as he laughed devilishly.

"Let's go while they're distracted by the shower." Spoiled said. The two colts then snuck off to enact their plan.

[Luna's POV]

The night princess was thoroughly enjoying herself. Finally, ponies were giving her night's sky its due as the shower went on. She always loved the meteor showers each year. They were like tiny moons dancing across her night, making it more visually stunning. However, upon closer inspection, it would seem that one of the meteors had a wayward flight pattern. It moved almost as if it was trying to avoid the others. Almost as if it is alive.

"Tis odd?" she said to herself. However, she did not want to cause concern, so she pushed her worries aside for now.

[Goku's Ship - Third-person POV]

"I gotta get out of this meteor field!!" Goku said with urgency. He had gotten somewhat used to the controls, but the proximity of the meteors was causing his ship to shake violently.

"COME ON, MOVE, MOVE!!" he grunted out as he pushed the controls downward to deviate from the meteor's pathway. Unfortunately, a huge meteor slammed into his ship. This action caused him to sway wildly to the surface as he fought to regain control. He manages to succeed, although his craft has taken some moderate damage. Thankfully, it was still capable of flight, and his ship landed in a Forest area.

"Whew, it was touch and go there for a moment, but I made it safely," he said just as sparks flew out from the flight console. "Eh, haha, as safe as I can get anyway. Now, I need to find my bearings. Who knows what's waiting for me here on Namek."

[Spike's POV]

"I must admit, this night isn't all bad. Every pony is happy, the shower's in full swing, and nothing wrong-" I cut myself off as I heard shuffling from behind the bleachers. I looked for them to find those Colts from earlier sneaking around. "Now, what are they up to?" I asked.

My answer came pretty quick as I saw Spoiled brat make his way to Diamond Tiara and snatch the tiara right of her head while she was distracted. Then, the two proceeded to run towards the Everfree forest.
Diamond felt a draft flow through her mane where her tiara should be. She patted her head down and realized what was wrong and started frantically searching all over for it, gaining her friends' attention.

"Where is it? WHERE IS IT?" she yelled as tears threaten to fall.

"Where's what, Diamond?" Sweetie Belle asked, concern evident in her voice.

"MY TIARA!!!!!" she yelled out. That was going way too far, messing with an item that means this much to somepony; I've about had it with those two troublemakers.

"I saw them run toward the forest. If we hurry, we can catch those colts," I said as I went up to the Colts.

"Those jerks, let's get after 'em." Apple Bloom said.

The five fillies ran after the Colts. I fumbled a bit to get the costume off before following after. Apart from me wanted to inform Cheerilee of what's happening, but I pushed those thoughts down.

"I can handle this easy," I said confidently.

[Everfree Forest Entrance]

We ran for about 20 minutes until we came to the door and spotted the two colts. They stood there smugly as Spoiled Brat held Diamonds Tiara head jewelry.

"Well, hey, their diamond head, missing something?" Spoiled said as he dangled her tiara in front of us.

"GIVE. IT. BACK!!!" Diamond screeched with so much venom that I had to do a double-take. I didn't think a filly her age was capable of that.

"Sorry, finder's keepers. I'm sure you can find another cheap replica at the toy store," he said teasingly. This colt was pushing my buttons as while as the others.

"That tiara belonged to diamonds grandma. It's worth way more than you can count, so give it back NOW!!!" Silver spoon demanded.

"Oooh, now who's the mommas' Foal," He said, throwing Diamond's insult at her. "Fine, I'll give it back if diamond head here gets on her hands and knees and ask very nicely--"

"ENOUGH!!" I said. I wasn't about to listen to this colt act like a big shot anymore. "You better give it back if you know what's good for you," I said as I stepped closer to them, using my size to intimidate them.

Spoiled looked up like he was considering my demand. He then looked back down, his ears flopped back against his head, and approached me. I held out my claw, and he held out the tiara. But when I went to grab it, he spun on his hoofs and, with surprising strength, threw it clear in the forest. I started slackjawed as I watch the headwear disappear. I snapped out of my stupor when I heard Spoiled laughing.

"Oh boy, I can't believe you bought that. What a loser. Have fun playing hunter dog spikey." With that last insult, he and Rotten back to Ponyville.

I stood there fuming before I hear choked sobbing behind me. I turned to see Diamond on her knees with her hands on her face as her tears spill over them. Silver Spoon tried her best to comfort her while the CMC all had a look of anger on their faces. I felt awful that I couldn't stop him, so I did perhaps the bravest and stupidest thing anypony could do.

"Don't worry, Diamond Tiara, I get your crown back," I said with sincerity, which causes her to look at me.

She gives a few more sniffles before speaking. "R-Really? You can get it back?" she said.

I nodded in response. "Yep, those gems on your tiara are real, right? As a dragon, I have an acute sense of smell when it comes to jewels. So all I have to do is follow the scent. Pretty sweet, huh?" I said with confidence.

Diamond, overtaken with joy, ran up and hugged me tightly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Come on, let's get going right away." She said. I was happy I managed to cheer her-wait WHAT?

"Whoa whoa, hold on a sec here-"

"Yeah, we're with you too," Scooterloo said, cutting me off.

"But it's way too danger-" I tried to say before getting cut off again.

"If Diamond's going, then so am I," Silver Spoon said, again cutting me off.

"You girls have to go back to--"

"Spike, ya know that we're just gonna follow ya, right? I mean, we sneak into the Everfree forest all the time. Besides, at least this way, we'll get into less trouble with you with us, Right girls?" Apple Bloom said

"RIGHT!!" the other girls said in unison. I stood dumbfounded for a while before groaning in defeat at the hands of their resolve.

"Ok, let's go," I said as we made our way into the forest. "I just hope this isn't a bad idea."

[1 hour later]

We were searching for about an hour, looking for the tiara. It proved slightly tricky with all of the other smells in the forest, but I manage to isolate them and focus only on the gem. Finally, we made it to a small clearing in the path, and there, sitting a rock, was the tiara.

"Look, there it is," Diamond exclaimed as she began to approach the jewelry before I pull her back.

"Careful, this is still the Everfree, so I'll go and get it. It's bad enough I let you five come along without telling anypony, so stay put here, ok." I told her as she crossed her arms and huffed.

It was a short walk from the girls to the jewelry. I picked it up and went back to them. It's weird how the forest seems so peaceful at night. Usually, it would be worse at this time. But, now it was all quiet save for maybe that low growling I heard behind me.

"Who's there-Aaah!!!" I had no time to react as something slashed at my underbelly; A dragon's weak point. It left four gashes on my body, and already I felt my strength draining. I took a look at my offender and saw that it was a ghoul. It was two feet taller than me, had pale grayish skin, sharp claws, and a dirt brown loincloth.

"Bad baby Drake tries to steal our treasure; we punish it." So it said as I clutch my wound. It also smelled worse than a Timberwolf.

'How did I miss that? Was I too focused on the gems' scent? Why is this ghoul even so far out here?!!' Ghouls usually stay deep within the Everfree to avoid attention, so something must have pushed it out.

"Big metal ball made a loud noise, made us flee, but then we found crown stunning and now evil drake tries to take it. We no let you-" It stopped mid-rant and glanced behind me. Its gaze landed on the girls that stood petrified with fear.

"Oooh~fillies. Little ponies make an excellent snack, soft and tender," it said as it licked its lips and moved to the girls.

I gritted my teeth to fight back the pain and stood up; then, using my tail, I whipped the ghoul into a nearby tree. "STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!" I roared out. I looked at the girls again and saw they were still petrified, shaking like a leaf. I had to deal with the Ghoul quickly to protect them. I won't; I can't.

The monster got back up and ready to attack again. "We will take the crown, take fillies, and we will eat BABY DRAKE!!" So it said as we both charged each other.

[Meanwhile - Third Person POV.]

Goku opened the door to his ship to get a lay of the land. But, unfortunately, it was pitch black in the forest and impossible to see through, so he had to rely on his ki-sensing ability to find his friends.

"Hmm, there's plenty of power levels all over the area. Getting a reading on Gohan and the others is hard. Let's see; there are a bunch of authority levels clump together just a few miles north of me. It must be a village and wow, at least for them are the strongest. There also seems to be a single power level just south of my area. It doesn't seem that strong, though-- Wait, I'm sensing seven more power levels just a few meters from me. They're not that strong, so it can't be Gohan or the others, but one of them seems to be fading. I need hurry and help!!" Goku said as he took off from his ship.

[Small clearing.]

"This thing's tougher than it looks!!" Spike said as he was panting heavily. "My wounds keep burning, and it's my vision. It is blurring. Oh, why didn't I bring help with me?" Spike thought. The fight with the ghoul had taken its toll on the young Drake. The wound on this abdomen made it impossible to use his fire breath. The claw marks shredded his clothes, and he was losing a lot of blood. The ghoul itself was too fast for Spike to land a clean blow in his weakened state. "I need to think of some-AAAH!!!"

The ghoul's shoulder tackled him into a tree. He let out a sharp gasp as he clutched his wound again. Then, the ghoul slowly stalks up to him, ready to finish him and claim his prizes.

*cough cough*

"Girls r-run away," Spike groaned out, but his words barely reach the fillies fear-addled minds. He turned back to the ghoul, just mere inches from him, preparing the final strike. 'Why am I so useless? First, I couldn't get a tiara, and now I couldn't protect the girls.' Spike thought. Tears started to flow from his eyes as he closed them and waited for the inevitable.


Spike sat there for a few moments, bewildered as to why he felt no pain. Then, he chanced to open his eyes, expecting to see the ghoul but instead saw a bright orb of light hovering behind them. All eyes turned to this orb until it dissipated and revealed a strange creature they've never seen.

"Whew, I made just in time, but, uh, you guys are not Namekians." Then, the literature said. It looked around the area to see a myriad of different beings.

Apple Bloom suddenly found her voice and ask this new being a question. "U-um, what are ya, and what's a Namekian?" she asked, voice trembling.

"Hm? Oh me? my name's Son Goku, and what do you mean 'What's a Namekian?' You should know. We're on Planet Namek, right?" Goku said with a wide grin that rivaled Pinkie Pies.

"Uuh?" everyone said in response.

Author's Note:

Finally, Goku arrived on 'planet Namek' Although what he finds may not be what he was looking for. Can the fillies and drake trust this new being, or is he just another threat worse than the last? FOUND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGONBALL MLP.

I'm going to start putting outros like in Dragonball. Sorry if this took a while, but the story can get moving from the meteor plot point. As always, let me know if there are any errors. Thanks

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