• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,090 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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52. Brought To Light

Princess Luna’s chamber was how I’d left it. Not that I expected everything to change in three weeks. Div was standing guard back where I’d stood guard and Willowy was sitting at the secretary’s desk that I’d used as a sergeant.

“Welcome home, Silent Knight,” the princess called after I came in. She didn’t sound overly excited. In fact, I’d say her tone was almost casual.

“Thank you, Princess. It is good to be back. Mostly. I was having a lot of fun.”

Her ear flicked. “Oh? And what did you do?”

No! Don’t ask that. Don’t say Crys— "Nature trails!” I said with confidence.

“Oh, yes, I read in your little guide book that the island has about a hundred miles’ worth of them. You probably ran poor Crystal Wishes ragged.”

Yeah I did. “Yes, I did.”

“Well, I’m glad you had a good time. It’s nice to see you. I wish you’d come back a day earlier, though.”

“Why is that, Princess?” I asked, suddenly less than thrilled to be back.

Princess Luna looked over a scroll in front of her. Her eyes narrowed, and her head shook as if in disbelief. It probably wasn’t the first time she’d read it, but she seemed upset.

She looked up and over at Willowy and Div. “Could you two give us the room, please?”

“Yes, Princess,” Div replied, bowing and leaving as commanded.

Willowy lingered just a bit longer before nodding and following the stallion.

“What is it?” I asked once we were alone.

“Celestia had this sent over.” The scroll waved about in her magic. “It is a royal decree from King Kronson. He says he has credible information that the Kingdom of Nordanver is holding Garrard and demands his immediate release. He goes on to say that if that demand is not met, this wrongful imprisonment will be met with a proportionate response.”

Credible information? That was highly unlikely. Impossible, actually. It didn’t matter, though. This reeked of an excuse to rattle sabres.

“Silent Knight? I asked what you thought,” the princess said.

Had she? I shook my head. “It is a ruse… but I’m not sure the threat is.”

“Why do you say it is a ruse?”

“If King Ranald had Garrard, it seems unlikely he would keep that information from you. More importantly, their law is clear on this. Garrard killed other gryphons. He wouldn’t last long, and I imagine the execution would be immediate.”

She shook her head. “What if he’s not sharing such privileged information, though? We aren’t that close.”

“They aren’t, Princess.” I shook my head and then stood at attention. This was getting out of hoof. There was going to be more blood because of what I’d done if the threat was real, and it seemed real simply because Kronson was lying. He was making an excuse.

If I said nothing, I could go about my life. I’d be in the Crystal Empire with my new wife and the crowns could deal with this mess. Another petty war between the gryphon kingdoms. They did that every few decades, anyway. Why would this be different?

Why, indeed? It would be different because this time I had personally given the Sudramoar an excuse, and I couldn’t live with myself if I let others pay the price for that.

No. That would be selfish and cowardly. It was time to take responsibility.

“Princess, they’re not lying to you. King Kronson is for certain, and I know that because Garrard is dead.”

“What?” Princess Luna’s eyes shot up to me.

We stared at each other a moment before I found my voice again. “He’s dead. He’s been dead a while. I killed him.”

She rose and took two steps towards me. “You did what!”

It was time. Time to let this go, even if it meant I’d pay the ultimate price.

“Following when I got well, I worked with members of the Equestrian military and intelligence agency to track him. Using my influence and position, I put together a plan to trick him into coming here. Without authorization, I built a unit and conducted an ambush to kill him. He’s dead, Princess. King Kronson is lying, but it doesn’t matter. This is clearly not about his grandson.”

The alicorn just stared at me. Her eyes were wide in shock, but there was also a bit of disappointment mixed in. I stared back. My methods had been wrong, but the outcome was not something I regretted. An enemy of the kingdom was dead.

“Wh… Why?” she finally stammered.

“He tried to kill you. He killed my ponies. He was a threat to you, so I put him down.”

She gasped. “Do you know what you’ve done?”

“I do. I really do. Which is why I’m going to turn myself in. I did what I did without any permission or authorization from anypony. You and Princess Celestia had no knowledge. I’m a rogue military officer that was set on revenge.

“That won’t be a hard sell. You give me up, there will be grousing, but the culprit will be punished and this blows over. Kronson’s lie will be revealed and our allies have the high ground.”

She didn’t say anything. She just kept staring.

I bowed deeply and turned to go. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a confession to write.”

My hooves made it two paces towards the door before I was completely surrounded in an orb of blue magic and swept up into the air.

No!” the princess’s voice thundered in my head. It wasn’t in the room… she had not yelled. It was just as Nocturna’s had been in the vision.

“Princess, we don’t have a choice,” I said as calmly as I could. In truth, I was terrified. The orb held me fast as I struggled against it. Crystal’s magic, I could pull out of. This was something entirely different.

The alicorn floated me back towards her, horn burning brightly. “You foolish little stallion!”

My hooves pressed against the blue energy and I flapped my wings. “Princess! Stop this. Let me go.”

I will not!” the voice slammed in my head again. Then she spoke. “I will not sacrifice you for a murdering gryphon. I will not let them punish you for making a decision you did not understand. He was our enemy! He was a criminal! You will not surrender yourself to the likes of them.”

The energy gripped me tighter and I gasped, “I will! I have to!”

You will not! You are my foal and you will do what I tell you to do!

“What?” I stopped struggling, momentarily distracted and confused. “I’m not your foal!”

The princess looked away, her cheeks flushing. The energy loosened slightly. Not enough to escape but it was less constricting. “I see you as my foal… which… I guess is why you have to leave your position. And leave you shall, but not like this. Not in disgrace.”

“You know I’m going to. You can’t hold me forever.”

She snorted and lifted her head. “Do not make such a bold assumption, Silent Knight. I am a mighty alicorn, and you are a little stallion. I will hold you as long as it takes if I have to. I will not deprive Crystal Wishes of her new husband. I will not allow you to be burned for the sake of a failed assassin.”

Her eyes narrowed, glowing with power unfathomable to me. “No, you will swear to me here and now. Swear on your honor that you will bury this secret deep inside you and never speak of it again.”

I shook my head. “No! That is the wrong thing to do! I did the right thing the wrong way. Now you want me to do the wrong thing altogether! I’m taking responsibility.”

“And now I relieve you of it. Swear to me.”


The orb slowly started floating upwards. “Do you really want to take responsibility for this? To be parted from your wife? Your family? Your friends?”

I shook my head. “Of course not! But I made a choice that had consequences. Now I have to face them. That was something I was aware of when I started this path. This is the right thing to do!”

The princess nodded. “Yes, it is. You’re not going to get to, though. There is a plot at play here. This may disrupt it, it may not. In either case, I forbid you from this course of action. There will be need of you when the true danger comes. As such, I will accept the consequences of this choice. I am making my choice, just like you made yours.”

I bucked within the bubble a few times. The magic held fast. It seemed hopeless, but she’d have to explain why she was keeping me prisoner sooner or later. Somepony would ask questions. Right?

I paused to look down at her. “I can’t let you do that, not for me.”

“I’m not a filly that needs protection. I am an alicorn ruler! These are the decisions I was reborn to make.”

“I’m not a foal, either!”

“You are to me.” The orb flew me to the ceiling where I would be out of sight, at least as long as a pony didn’t look up. That wouldn’t stop me from yelling.

“Princess, this is silly! Please let me go.”

“Yes, it is, and no.” She went back to her desk.

I had to try something else. I had to reach her on some other level. Perhaps on that mothering level. “Luna, I don’t like this. You know I don’t trust magic, and you’re holding me hostage! This is wrong… and it’s scaring me.”

“Yes, it is. I’m doing the wrong thing for the right reason. I understand your desire. I disagree with it nonetheless. It is not your decision to turn yourself over to a foreign kingdom. That is for Celestia and I to decide. You have confessed to the appropriate authorities. You’ve fulfilled your obligation.”

On a fundamental level, I couldn’t argue with her logic. I was still trapped, however, and I needed that to change. “Agreed. Let me down, I’ll confess, and then you and Princess Celestia can decide what to do.”

The princess looked up at me. It was a cool, calculated glance. “So you still intend to ruin your career?”

“How could you respect me if I didn’t take responsibility?”

She sighed and shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out. Swear your oath, or stay in the bubble. And before you start shouting, only I can hear you in there.”

“Ponies are going to ask questions…”

She shook her head. “If it were anypony else, sure. You? No. I sent you to Haven or somewhere else. Shining Armor would accept that letter from me. Oh, sure, you’ll be back eventually. By the time you are, however, it will be too late. It would just seem to the gryphons like we’re offering up a random pony to hopefully stop the eventual outcome that is soon to be revealed.”

My blood ran cold. Was she really this devious? It frightened me at how right she was. Ponies were used to me disappearing and none would question her. Nopony would think twice about it, not even Crystal. She could keep me forever.

“Besides, you are Silent Knight. You are thorough and careful. I imagine that there is no evidence this plot even occurred. No physical evidence, anyway. Just witnesses. All ponies who could be bribed. Am I wrong?”

No, we’d seen to that, hadn’t we? There had been an investigation by Sunny and nothing came to light. Nothing at all! The situation was unnerving. No, it was terrifying.

I sputtered, “How—How can you do this?”

“How? How, you dare ask?” Her eyes were glowing again. “Ponies do foolish things for those they love. You did the same thing to protect me. Now I’m protecting you. Don’t judge so easily, Silent Knight. Swear the oath, and this will be over.”

It wouldn’t be, though. I’d know the truth, and the gryphons were still going to enact their plan… whatever it was. I wasn’t thrilled with being given to the gryphons for executing one of their criminals, but it was still the responsible thing to do.

The princess was trying to protect me yet again. Now she was going overboard by holding me hostage, and fully convinced that she was doing the right thing. This was exactly why I should have left long ago.

We sat in silence for a while. I’m not sure how long, to be honest. She just pretended to work and I floated above her in the bubble. If the magic was any strain to maintain, I wasn’t seeing it.

I cleared my throat. “Luna?”

“Yes?” she replied calmly.

“Would you really keep me in this bubble?”

“Of course, Silent Knight! Do you really believe I’d let some gryphons that are clearly scheming have you? They’d put you to death immediately. We might be able to show enough evidence that Garrard was a criminal, but we could never link it to his grandfather, and I doubt it would save you anyway.

“I’m sorry, but I won’t allow you to die in their mockery of a justice system just so you can take responsibility. It might delay their ploy, but it won’t stop it. They’d just go on to the next thing, and I won’t have my little stallion when they do.”

She sighed. “Besides, these are the very gryphons that asked for my sister’s help a generation ago and then attacked us for our kindness.”

I slouched in the bubble. This was a battle I probably couldn’t win. How does a simple pony fight against an alicorn?

Perhaps there was a way to mitigate the damage. A compromise. “I’ll swear the oath on two conditions.”

“You’re not in a position to negotiate, but I’m listening.”

“One, you can’t do this again. I’m legitimately frightened that you know you could just tuck me away and nopony would question it. Do you understand how terrifying that is? Protecting me or not. Loving me or not. This is wrong. I can’t look at you the same if I know that at any moment, if I do something you don’t like, you’ll just scoop me up and hide me away.”

She didn’t look up at me, but I could see guilt in the slight droop of her wings. “Go on.”

“Two, you have to tell Princess Celestia and allow her to have a say on this decision. You said it yourself, this is up to both of you. If you swear to those conditions, I’ll swear the oath.”

The orb and I floated down to the princess’s eye level. She looked upset. Very upset, actually. The calculating alicorn was gone. “I’m honestly sorry to scare you. I just… Losing you to a job is one thing. This is something else entirely.”

Her eyes softened as her voice grew to a trembling whisper. “I’m not going to knowingly let them kill you for nothing. I can’t do that. You have to understand. You’d die for me, so I can take some consequences as a result of this. Tell me you understand that?”

I had to get out of this bubble. “I do. I understand. Will you swear what I asked?”

She paused in thought. “Will you swear your oath, and keep it?”

“Silent Knight does not break his oaths,” I replied.

“Then swear it now.”

This was wrong. I knew it. She knew it. The price of these words was going to be high. It brought me no comfort that we would pay it together, now.

With a sigh, I did my best to stand up straight in the swirl of blue energy. “I swear on my honor to withhold the information of my operation and do all I can to forget it.”

She nodded. “And I swear not to imprison you again so long as you keep your oath.” Her ear flicked. “I will also explain this to Celestia.”

“She must have a say.”

“She will,” the princess replied.

“Let me go, please.”

The bubble landed on the floor and dissipated, freeing me. I shivered a bit and shook my coat out to try to release the nervous energy tingling along my nerves. “I’ll await the decision of the alicorns.” Then I bowed deeply. “If you’ll excuse me, Princess.”

She reached a hoof in my direction, but then thought better of it. “Yes, of course.”

I left her quarters and headed to my office. Once I was inside, I slouched behind my desk and tremors started to shake my form. I’d never been on the other end of her power before, not like this. I never wanted to be again, either. In my heart, I understood why she’d done it, but that didn’t make it any less terrifying. I’d been a hostage.

I sighed and looked around. My office was depressing. It had always been sparsely decorated and utilitarian, but now it was barren. My former guards had even packed the pillow I normally sat on. All that was left was the standard issue desk and a few pencils.

It left me dreadfully alone with my thoughts. The thoughts of what would become of Crystal. Yet again, I’d made a decision without considering her. It was the exact opposite of what Jet Set told me to do.

We’d been on the right path. Everything was going the right direction. And now…

Now, she would be devastated and I was to blame. The princesses would at least let me say goodbye. She wouldn’t understand why I’d done what I’d done or why I had to go now.

I just sat there and trembled. Two relationships ruined in the span of a single moment. Besides what I’d just done to my wife, there was also the rift between me and the princess. I’d never seen her in the light I just had. Malevolent and sinister.

Princess Luna had spoken in my mind, rattling my very spirit. Then she’d sealed me away in some sort of magical alicorn prison. I was powerless against it! That was not something I ever wanted to experience again. In fact, it frightened me more than the idea of being turned over to the gryphons. That would have just been a quick false trial and then an axe, short and swift.

Not that I wanted to die. I didn’t at all. I just didn’t want more harm to be done because I’d been stupid enough to play right into the Sudramoar king’s claws. After all, why would a noble child be in another kingdom spying and pretending to be a brigand without orders? He wouldn’t be. He’d been a pawn. I almost felt sorry for him.

There was a far larger game being played here, and we were several turns behind. That shifted my thoughts from sorrow to anger. Once more, the gryphons were looming over me, deciding my fate. I should fight back. I had to fight back.

Val should know about this. She might already know, actually. A letter to the princess would have crossed her desk. If I was lucky, she was already trying to sort out the plot. That wasn’t something I could count on, though.

If I could get to her before I was dismissed and taken into custody, I could help her. After all, Princess Celestia would see clearly and make the obvious decision. That was a given. I could go to Val now and then turn myself in afterwards. Perhaps I could even get to Crystal before the word came down officially.

The Royal Guard would be after me, but I knew them inside and out. I could hide and move about for a day or so before they’d find me.

I wasn’t running away from the punishment. This was just to get the ball rolling before I was burned. That was what I had to do. I rose resolutely and marched to the door. One final purpose. One more duty.

As I reached for the handle, it turned and the door swung inward, leaving me nose-to-nose with Sunny Day. Why her? I didn’t want to fight her.

Her brow furrowed. “Silent Knight?”

“Hi, Sunny,” I replied as politely as I could while I sized her up.

She didn’t smile but nodded. “Lieutenant Knight, we’re to escort you to Princess Celestia’s chambers immediately.”

There was little doubt I could get past Sunny. From her posture, it was clear she wasn’t expecting a fight and when I ambushed her, she likely wouldn’t hit me with her fire magic. Wait— "We?”

“Yes, we.” She nodded behind her. “As in, myself, Windrider, and four of my house guards. You know, just to ensure you have enough company.”

Overwhelming force. Six skilled ponies in armor against me? Zero chance of success and too much risk. A sucker punch and a quick flight out could be forgiven. A drag-out melee would mean somepony would get hurt. That wouldn’t do.

What about diplomacy? We were pals! These ponies knew me. Silent Knight wasn’t a criminal. I’d explain the situation and they’d just let me go for a few hours. Right?

No, of course not. I wouldn’t even consider that if I were in their hoofguards. I’d have to let Val know some other way.

For now, it was time to take responsibility and stop considering plans to run out on ponies I respected. “Right, I understand and it’s fine, honestly. Let’s go.”

She nodded and backed out of the way before turning and starting to march towards Princess Celestia’s wing. I followed along behind her. All of the guards on the way looked confused. Sunny’s expression was different from theirs; there was no confusion, just pain. I’d have felt the same way if I’d ever been tasked to arrest her.

The formation was loose. They were keeping an eye on me but, out of respect, it was mostly just a casual walk. It was still too much to consider an escape.

When we arrived at the doors of Princess Celestia’s chambers, Sunny pointed to the detail. “Everypony remain here.” She then pushed the door open and walked inside.

My only choice was to follow. The princess’s chambers greeted me with books and scrolls everywhere, and a lot of comfortable places to sit. The only difference from normalcy was that Princess Celestia was sitting in her ‘court pose’ and not smiling at all. Not even a little.

Princess Luna was off to her side with her head down. Ah, yes, cooler heads had prevailed and I was going down for this. I’d hoped that maybe it wouldn’t happen this way, but I understood it. I’d really backed the princesses in a corner.

Sunny bowed. “I’ve brought him, Princess. For the record, if there will be one, he didn’t resist.” She then took a few steps back and took up a post in front of the doors that had been closed behind us.

I bowed, too, but didn’t dare speak.

Princess Celestia just stared at me in silence. Long, uncomfortable, judging silence.

It was difficult to look her in the eyes, but I did it. I owed her that. A soldier always takes responsibility for his actions. Dad had been right to teach that lesson.

Finally, the alicorn of the day broke the silence. “You just tricked him into coming here and killed him?”

“Yes, Princess, I—”

She slashed her hoof across her chest. “Just like that! Work with intelligence, build a unit, and kill him. Knowing he was a gryphon noble.”

“Yes, again, I—”

“Making political decisions without consulting us or your chain of command. Sunny doesn’t do things like this! At least, I certainly hope she doesn’t.”

Sunny spoke from behind me. “No, Princess, I’d n—”

“What am I supposed to do?” Princess Celestia practically yelled.

“Turn me over,” I replied weakly.

She snorted. “Turn you over? Lovely.” Her hoof lifted again and she turned her head towards nopony in particular. “Well, hello, King Kronson, we can’t prove you tried to assassinate Luna, but we’re pretty sure you did. Still, it seems one of our own was foolish enough to kill your grandson. Yes, the one with the alias that was an enemy of the state and had a price on his head. Here’s the pony. That covers this all, right? Everything is satisfied now?”

Princess Luna looked over. “Celestia—”

“No!” Princess Celestia cut her off. “No, thank you. You’ve said quite enough, little sister. Ever since you’ve come back, the two of you have been scheming and plotting. Which I wouldn’t mind, but you’ve cut me out of the loop. We’re family. This is a partnership, but now your little stormtrooper has gone wildly off course.”

My eye twitched and I stood tall. “Luna had nothing to do with this! I did it without her knowledge. She’s not to blame.” Oh, honest mouth, that was stupid.

The alicorn princess stood, her wings ruffling before spreading wide. She loomed over me. “I am angry with you enough as it is! Don’t dare try and assert yourself now. You will stay quiet while I think!

Her aura hit me like a physical force and I immediately prostrated myself. I heard armor groan behind me as Sunny did the same.

“Yes, Princess,” I whimpered.

Then she started to pace back and forth. “I’m so very disappointed. This is not harmony! Just or not, your job or not, we don’t just go about flippantly killing! That is disharmony. You understand that, right?”

Should I answer? I should—

“Of course you do! You know better.” She huffed something like a sigh. “I get it. He was a bad guy. He tried to assassinate Luna and you… well, you love her.” The alicorn’s feathers ruffled and her wings slowly came to her sides. She sighed and looked to Luna. “This is why you can’t let them get this close. They can’t help themselves. They’ll do anything for you. Anything at all.”

Princess Luna nodded softly. “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t… I’m not as good at this as you are.”

“No, you aren’t… yet.” Princess Celestia slipped over to hug her sister. “I have centuries of experience, and I’ve made a whole lot of mistakes getting here. And I didn’t have anypony to help me, but I am here to help you. It pains me that I have to remind you of this fact so frequently.”

They embraced, which was lovely, but I still wasn’t sure what was going to happen to me.

Princess Celestia’s expression hardened again as she stood and came over to where I cowered on the floor, her aura still washing over me. “And you, little pony, are a hoofful.” She shook her head. “No, I’m not going to give you to the gryphons. Not because I want to spare you, though I do. And not because I don’t want to break my sister’s heart, though I don’t. I won’t give you to them because I truly believe it wouldn’t matter. A death for a death is disharmony. It doesn’t make the world better. You know that now, don’t you?”

My head drooped. “Yes, very much so.”

“Then that is settled. We know King Kronson is up to something and we will have to weather this storm. Unfortunately, our ally King Ranald is going to take the brunt of it. Although, again, I suspect that may have always been the plot. You just gave him what he wanted. We’ll have to wait and see what that is.” She then turned her back and started to head towards her bedroom.

Sunny softly asked, “Princess? What do I do with Silent Knight?”

Princess Celestia stopped and looked over her shoulder. “You do nothing. You forget what you learned today and do nothing. You will not tell your commanders or anypony else. There is nothing of value to be done, and I suspect we’ll have need of him later. Help him pack his things, hug him, and send him off to the Crystal Empire, where I suspect he’ll keep my niece quite safe. I can only hope he executes his duty with less zeal than he has here.”

The aura dissipated, and the strength returned to my legs. “Princess, I am so sorry. I really am. Please don’t h—” I cut myself off. It would be a stupid thing to say. I should just shut up.

The alicorn turned fully and shook her head. “I don’t hate you, Silent Knight. I am just extremely disappointed.” A smile graced her lips but didn’t reach her eyes. “Though, in truth, I don’t even fully blame you. Some things can’t be helped. You made a mistake. A big one. One that cannot be undone, but this is Equestria. If we don’t offer forgiveness, who will? If we judge you by a sole action, no matter how misguided, how are we different?

“Say your goodbyes and go. It is time for you to do so. This will pass, as all things do. Good day.”

She disappeared into her bedroom and closed the door, leaving the three of us there to feel awful. At least, I knew I did, and I was certain Princess Luna did, too.

Sunny came over to hug me and whispered, “You’re an idiot… but I’d have killed the bastard, too, if you’d dropped him in front of me...” She squeezed me tight. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too, Sunny. Are you going to help me pack like she said?” I asked, trying to put a little humor into my voice.

The mare snorted. “No. I’m mad at you. Going to be for a little while. I’ll see you later, though.” She kissed my cheek and left me alone with Princess Luna.

I swallowed and slowly made my way over to her, hooves dragging. I’d gotten away with it. That was what some ponies would think: I’d gotten away with it.

It was a horrible feeling. A feeling that could likely spiral me if I wasn’t careful. I’d need Mindful Soul or some other counselor in the Crystal Empire now more than ever.

Princess Luna was still looking down. I set a hoof on hers. Thankfully she didn’t pull it away as she whispered, “She’s very upset.”

I nodded.

“Not just at you.”

I nodded.

“I’ve made several mistakes.”


The princess sighed and nodded. “We’ve made several mistakes.”

“I’m going to need more therapy. Maybe you should go, too?”

Princess Luna’s head came up and she looked at me funny. “Me, go to therapy? No. I’ll just have to spend more time with my sister. Which, it seems, is going to be mandatory for a bit.”

My head tilted. “Oh?”

“Yes, I told her what I did to you. I now have to take her course in the ethical usage of advanced magics at the School for Gifted Unicorns.”

I really didn’t know how to react to that. A small part of me wanted to laugh, but that seemed wholly inappropriate. “Are… Are you being funny right now?”

“I wish I was. She was so angry that I didn’t want to argue. Maybe I could use the class…” Her head shook, and she squeezed my hoof. “It’s time for you to go.”

“It feels anything but.”

Princess Luna shrugged. “Your punishment, then. Exile to start your new life.”

“It seems like a weak punishment.”

“There may be more in time. We’ll not know for sure. She said that disharmony has a cost.” She lowered her eyes again. “You must go, though. For your sake and mine.”

Her words cut deeply, but I hugged her anyway. “I’m sorry.”

“Me, too.” She set a hoof on my back without really hugging me back, then withdrew. “Go and be happy. I’ll miss you, but please try not to dwell on this. Dwelling isn’t healthy.”

“I’ll do my best, I promise,” I whispered before squeezing her once more. Then I pulled away and bowed. “See you later, Princess.”

“Until then, Silent Knight.”

Then I left. The chambers. The palace. Canterlot. My friends and family. My princess.

I left it all.

Author's Note:

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