• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,099 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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51. The Honeymooners

Spoiled. Crystal was going to be spoiled.

That was the only thought in my head while we stood in the courtyard, watching as two palace guards pulled up with one of Princess Celestia’s chariots. There was a large ‘Just Married’ banner on the back with all kinds of sparkly, multi-colored streamers attached.

We were going to be flown to Colton Head Island by royal guards in a princess’s chariot. It was ridiculous.

“How uncomfortable is this making you right now?” Iridescence whispered from beside me. Despite partying late, she was already up, in armor, and running the unit.


She happily patted me on the head. “Good. Let Crystal be a princess for a few days. If her wealthy parents didn’t make her a gold digger, the princesses won’t.”

I glanced at her and then smiled. “No, I suppose you’re right. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” She shifted, looking away from me. “So, when you get back… You’re really going to leave?”

“Yeah… I really am sorry.”

She just nodded. “Me, too. But I get it.”

After an awkward pause, I asked, “Could somepony pack up my office for me? I know this is going to sound stupid, but I don’t want to do it myself. Just, please put everything in boxes and leave them at my… at Winterspear’s place.”

She winced. “That’s a pretty tough order, but yeah. I’ll find somepony to do it. I don’t think I could do it myself, partner.”

Partner. My first partner. My only true enlisted partner. Without warning, I turned and wrapped my hooves around her tightly and whispered, “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She held me tightly before finally pulling back. “Okay, we need to stop. The day just started, and I can’t spend the whole morning crying. We’ll be fine. We’ll see each other. I’m dating your sister, after all.”

I chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, you are. Treat her right, okay? And my niece, too. She’s going to be quite a demanding lady and she needs a firm hoof.”

Iridescence gave me a shove. “Your niece, huh? Already laying claim to her?”

“You saw what happened at the wedding when Crystal tossed the bouquet. It was like it sought Winterspear out specifically. It wasn’t just luck.”

The unicorn’s cheeks turned red and she whispered, “I hope you’re right.” Then she pointed past me. “Your ride is ready. Have a good trip.”

“We will, I promise. See you later.”

I turned and took a few steps. Before I could get too far, Iridescence called after me, “Silent Knight, just…”

I stopped to look back. “Yes?”

She stood at attention. “It has honestly been a pleasure to serve with you. If it wasn’t for you, I’d never have come back, and I would have turned out like my sisters. I’m truly sorry I did what I did, but I think it worked out better this way. So, I need you to know that I will treat her right. Always. I swear.”

I smiled. “I know you will. I never had any doubts. Thank you for being my friend and if you ever need a job let me know. I’ll see you soon.”

She nodded, and I trotted out to the chariot. It was loaded with luggage and my wife, who gave me a concerned look.

“You look sad,” she said softly. “Is everything alright?”

I climbed up into my place beside her and slipped my wing around Crystal. “Life is full of change, and sometimes that’s sad. We said goodbye, but it’s just see you later. Besides, everything will always be fine now.” I nosed the top of her head. “I have you.”

The mare melted against me and set her hoof over mine. “Well… okay, then.”

Looking to the two palace guards hitched in front of me, I said, “Alright, fellas, to Colton Head Island.”

“Yes, sir!” they replied in unison before galloping forwards and taking off.

Equestria grew distant beneath us as we were taken far and away from Canterlot. Crystal filled the time with idle but excited conversation about our wedding. She was still caught up in the little details, laughing as she recalled Velvet’s face when she’d thrown the bouquet right at her as a joke.

I didn’t remember half as much as Crystal did. I remembered the way she looked coming down the aisle, and that was enough for me. It was more than enough. More than I deserved.

Before we knew it, we were beginning our descent. We shifted to our respective sides of the chariot to watch as Colton Head Island came closer into view.

The island was, in a single word, beautiful. It was just off the east coast of Equestria and had, for the most part, been left in its natural state. Even during the winter months, it was fairly warm. Although not warm enough to get into the ocean.

We didn’t have much to unpack after landing, so it only took a few moments until we were alone outside the bungalow that would be home for the next three weeks.

“This is more like it,” I said aloud to myself as I looked it over. It was small, simple, and fitting for a pony of my station.

Crystal’s ear flicked. “It’s cute. A little small compared to where you normally take me.”

Great. Thank you, Princesses. “I—”

The mare put a hoof over my mouth and giggled. “I’m kidding! It’s perfect. It’s all we need! Just think, you and I alone for three full weeks. No writing, no guarding, nothing!”

Ah, yes, vacation. I was really growing to love that word. I would guard Crystal, of course, but there was something nice about doing nothing. Well, not doing nothing, just doing nothing productive.

I nuzzled her cheek warmly. “I really like the alone part. The island is pretty empty this time of year, from what I’ve read.”

She nodded. “It’s not very typical to travel for Hearth’s Warming, I know. Think about it, we are having our first one as a married couple here, plus your birthday, and the new year!”

“That’s a lot packed into a short period of time.”

Crystal looped her forehooves around my neck. “Well, as a newly married couple, I think we should have time away from everypony else so that we can get to know each other.”

“We don’t know each other?”

The mare giggled and smooched my cheek. “Of course not! We haven’t really lived together. We’ve never been together for weeks and weeks uninterrupted! Now you’re going to find out all of my secrets.”

Secrets? She had secrets? I had secrets, but they were military secrets. “What secrets do you have?”

“The secrets that mares keep from stallions until after they’re married, of course!”

My heart started to beat a little faster. “What are those?”

She smiled at me, but it wasn’t reassuring at all. “Oh, don’t worry, sweetie. We have three weeks. I’ll break them to you slowly.”

And suddenly I was scared.

Nonetheless, our first week on the island was delightful. The temperature was numerous degrees warmer than Canterlot and while the sea breeze blew constantly, it wasn’t bitter cold. Crystal had only needed a scarf.

We spent time together just doing simple things: trotting on the beach, galloping around the nature trails, and visiting all of the local restaurants. I was again questioning why I had any ambitions at all.

As we stood on the beach and gazed out at the ocean one afternoon, I asked, “If I quit my job, could we live here on your book royalties alone?”

Crystal snorted and lightly pushed me with a hoof. “No. Well… yes, but no! I love having you around, but you’d get too restless. You’d turn into a menace on this island. You’d be tackling ponies for violating minor laws.”

“I would not!”

“Yes, you would.”

Alright, so she knew me pretty well. I would probably get bored. Unless the island had a local Armada league… Hmm.

Crystal peered at me. “What, you’re not going to argue?”

“Nah, you’re right. I just think we need to go shorter periods of time between vacations.”

“Said the stallion who is the reason we don’t go as often.”

Teasingly, I flicked my tail at her side. “I’m learning!”

She giggled. “Yes, yes. You’re doing very well. Now, come on, I’m ready to go back to the bungalow.”

Back to the bungalow? It wasn’t even dinner time. “Are you tired?”

She shook her head. “No, I just want to go back for a bit.”

Enabling nod took over for me and we headed back. There was a look on her face I couldn’t quite place but was certain I’d seen before. It seemed like she had something she wanted to say. She didn’t look worried, though, so I assumed it wasn’t bad.

Maybe it was a new secret. So far, mare secrets weren’t that bad. Certainly not like mine.

Once we were inside, Crystal smiled and nuzzled my cheek. “And to think, I get you all to myself for two more weeks.”

“Yes! And there is so much to do. I didn’t want to fill the first week up, but I have our itinerary for the last two. Tours, history talks, spas, and things like that.” I hurried to the table, picked up all of my documents and brought them back for her to see. “I picked things I knew you’d like.”

Crystal looked at the itinerary and then smiled at me. “Or.”

“Or?” I asked, my ears falling some.

“Or you can toss those and spend the next two weeks in bed with me.”

“Crystal, I worked hard on this! I’m not going to spend two weeks just sleeping in bed with—oh!”

The papers fell to the floor. I put on the most suave stallion look I could and then let enabling nod take over again. He could handle this.

Truly, we had found paradise on the island. Not because it was warm in the winter or because of the beautiful beaches. It was because Crystal and I were there alone. As far as we knew, the rest of the world didn’t exist, and that was fine with me.

I just hated that it was coming to an end. Soon, the chariot would land outside the bungalow and take us back to our normal lives. I’d grown attached to the one we’d made here. Sure, we hadn’t done as much sightseeing as I’d had planned, but that was okay.

My new bride was nestled into a pile of pillows, and I had my head against her chest, listening to her soft heartbeat. She stroked one hoof through my mane and held me close, making it difficult to focus on anything but the present moment.

Her voice quietly interrupted my lack of thoughts. “Silent?”


“Do you really believe you’re going to die on your job? I mean, be killed on duty?”

Just like that, the euphoric bliss drained away. She was still stroking my mane, but it was harder to enjoy it.

“I did and sometimes I do, yes,” I said carefully. “I’m honestly not sure, though. Stratus survived a lot worse than I did and ended up living a decently long life. For me, I’m just not the sort of pony that is blind to the idea. It never crossed my mind that it could never happen to me.”

Her hoof stopped, and she said in a soft voice, “I guess that makes sense.”

Was this just an idle curiosity, or the conversation we should have now that we were newlyweds? I turned my head to look up at her to see that her expression was guarded. “Are you truly sure you can live with that possibility?”

Crystal linked her hooves behind my head and squeezed me close. “Live with it? Not really, but I accept it as reality.” There was a small hitch in her voice as she continued, “I try not to think about it, but if you did die, what am I supposed to do? What about me?”

That was a painful question. It hit me the same way it had when Jet Set had made it clear that my life was not my own to do with as I pleased once I was married.

I breathed in her soft, floral scent. “I’m not wholly sure, honey, but I want you to be happy if I did. I realize you’d be hurt, but on my honor, I’d want you to live the best life you could. So much so, that even if you met somepony else, I’d want you to remarry and live.”

Her grip loosened slightly. “Is that so?”

“Honestly, yes. I hate the idea of somepony else getting his hooves on you, but your happiness is more important to me.”

“Is that so? Or are you subtly telling me, your new wife, that if I die, you’re going to run out and immediately find a new mare?”

My ears flattened to the sides. Was this what marriage was going to be like? Wild conversation swings and questions I couldn’t answer correctly no matter how logical I was?

Then again, her tone had shifted slightly. It was more upbeat. Perhaps she wanted me to be silly. I could do that.

“Well, I mean not immediately. I’d at least wait a week or so before I found somepony new. After all, I’ve learned I’m not meant to be alone.”

Crystal swatted the back of my head. “You’re already planning it! You cad! Who is the mare, I’ll go fight her!”

I took a deep sigh and shrugged. “You can try, but you’ll lose. You see, my dear, it is the fair Sunny Day, and she is an excellent warrior.”

My wife snorted. “You are dreaming. Sunny Day is more mare than you could ever handle. And besides, she already has two loves. What are you going to do about that?”

That was an easy one to answer. “It’s an infiltration. With three ponies already, what is one more? Would it really make a difference? I’d just show up and, eventually, they’d probably just roll with it.”

“I see. And what about Soarin? How are you going to deal with that?”

I had to bury my face against the warm coat of her chest. I didn’t want her to see me grin. “Then I’d have somepony to brohoof.”

Crystal gasped, thwapped me on the side of the head, and tried to push me off. “You cad!”

Before I could retaliate, there was a firm knock at the door. I met Crystal’s eyes and we shared a brief look of regret. Neither of us wanted to go home, but we couldn’t stay there forever. No matter how much I wanted to.

“Coming,” I called. I stood up and offered a hoof to my sad-eyed bride. “It had to end eventually.”

Crystal looked at my hoof as though it were throwing insults at her. “If we just stay very quiet and still, maybe they’ll leave without us.”

I chuckled. “Unlikely.”

With a long sigh, Crystal took my hoof, grumbling to herself. Not that I’d accuse her of unladylike language, but one word I caught made my ears twitch.

I nuzzled her cheek once she was upright and said, “Just remember that after this, we’re moving to the Crystal Empire.”

There was a pause that was just long enough for me to worry. I’d meant to get her excited with that idea. Maybe she didn’t want to move after all. She had said it was okay, but that didn’t mean it was.

“The Crystal Empire,” she finally said with a wistful sigh. “I can hardly believe we’re really going to live there. It’ll be like living in a jewelry box.”

The tension left my shoulders, and I went over to pick up our luggage and hold the door open for her. I was glad she saw the move as a good thing. Someday, I would, too.

We loaded our things and climbed onto the chariot. The guards took flight, and we watched Colton Head Island start to grow distant behind us out the window.

I tried not to think too much. While Crystal dozed off next to me, I forced my mind to go blank. It was better than worrying about things that were, now, beyond my control. I was leaving and that was for the best.

Emptying my head of thoughts made the trip go faster. Crystal eventually woke up, and we finished the ride in a companionable silence. She seemed content to just snuggle against me, and that was more than fine in my book.

When we landed in the courtyard within the Canterlot Castle walls, I unloaded the chariot and waved the palace guards off. “Thanks, you two. Have a good day.”

They nodded and trotted off to put the chariot in the stable. Crystal watched them go, then sidled closer to me and said, “So…”

My ear flicked. “So?”

She paused, then asked, “What now?”

“Oh.” I blinked and tilted my head in thought. “Well, I guess we start packing. I’m going to go check in with Iridescence for the last time to make sure the unit is fine. Then I’ll come help you pack.” I glanced at our things. “Can you manage the luggage?”

Crystal puffed her chest out. “Can I manage the luggage? Good stallion, I’ve been working out for two weeks straight. I’m in the best shape of my life! I can manage the luggage.” It all illuminated in her pink magic and lifted off the ground. “See you at home.”

We shared a brief kiss and then she was on her way while I headed inside. The palace looked… normal. All of the Hearth’s Warming decorations were gone and it was back to business as usual.

Iridescence was in her office and smiled when I came in. “Welcome back! How was it?”

I grinned. “Wonderful! I almost didn’t come back.”

“Oh yeah? What did you do?”

Don’t say Crystal Wishes, don’t say Crystal Wishes. “Crystal—” No! “...and I did some galloping on all of the nature trails. We trotted the beach a lot. It was pretty and decently warm. No swimming, though.” Better.

Iridescence’s brow lifted, and she shrugged. “As long as you two had fun. I had your office packed as you asked. It was…” She sucked in a breath. “Well, it was bad. I asked Miley to do it. Miley made Div do it. While he was doing it, Miley and I went down there… Princess Luna was there.” She shook her head. “Look, it’s done, but it was a mess.”

“I appreciate it.” My ears flicked back and I dropped my eyes. “Sorry you had to go through that.”

She nodded. “Yeah… anyway, happy belated birthday. Consider that your gift. Also, the boss wants to see you. It doesn’t have to be now, just… before you go.”

“Waiting isn’t going to make it any easier,” I said with more confidence than I felt. “I’ll go now. Crystal and I will be at Winterspear’s place tonight. Why don’t you three come over, too? We’ll spend some time together.”

Iridescence nodded. “We’ll be there. Good luck.”

Yes, good luck. I was going to need it. I tried to keep myself calm as I headed down the hall to see Princess Luna.

When I turned the corner, a small brown hoof reached out from one of the doorways, grabbed me and attempted to pull me over. I didn’t fight it but I didn’t go along with it, either.

The hoof, unsurprisingly, belonged to Miley and she was huddled in the doorway of a conference room. “Don’t go,” she said in the most pitiful voice.

I opened my mouth, but there were no words. My chest was tight with regret. Miley had been one of the first guards I’d worked with. We’d been together for almost as long as Iridescence and I.

To see her looking so upset with tears rolling down her cheeks was painful. My nose was twitching as I tried to hold back my own emotions. Most everypony else was dealing with this in a quiet way. Evidently, that wasn’t Miley’s plan.

I collapsed down onto the ground beside her and pulled her into my hooves. She started to sob immediately as I whispered, “It’s okay.”

“No, no, it isn’t! You’re leaving and everything is going to change! How is it going to be okay?”

“It will, I promise, Miley,” I said, but even I could hear the lack of confidence in my voice.

She jabbed me in the ribs with a hoof. “You don’t believe that!”

“I do! It will be okay! Just… just not immediately, alright? This is going to feel bad for a little while, but we’ll get on fine. Your new lieutenant will be great, and we can still see each other. The train ride isn’t that long. You can visit me with Runic, or even alone if you want.”

Miley shook her head, her cheeks rubbing tears against my coat. “I don’t like this. You’re the boss. You’re supposed to be the boss. We’ll be lost without you.”

Now, that put fire in me. I slipped my hooves under Miley’s forelegs and pushed her back, forcing her to look me in the eyes.

“That isn’t true, Miley Hooves. You know better than that. We’ve worked too hard together for you to think you can’t function without me. If that is the case, it means I was a failure.”

Her eyes went wide. “No! You’re great!”

“No, we’re great. All of us. I’ve worked really hard to make this group of ponies as strong as possible. You’ll carry on without me. You’ll excel without me. You’re going to do the best job you can, alright?”

She nodded and whispered, “Alright… but when can I come see you?”

“As soon as you want.”

She squirmed in my grip so she could hug me tightly again. “Is next week too soon?”

I shook my head. “Not at all, you can come help me unpack.”

“Okay.” She sighed before pulling back and rubbing her eyes. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” I replied, rubbing her mane. “I need to go see the princess. I imagine she’s upset, too.”

Miley nodded. “She is. Good luck.”

Good luck, again? Why were they wishing me luck? How upset could one mare be, even if she was an alicorn?

Author's Note:

I highly recommend Colton Head Island, it is amazing ^_^

Oh yeah, and some other things happened.

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