• Published 11th May 2015
  • 14,090 Views, 3,289 Comments

Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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5. For Canterlot! - Part 1

It was going to be a long day. I was tired and irritable due to not being able to sleep much after reading the report that somepony had casually slipped under my door. The same report that had become something of an obsession for me.

This was far different than what the intelligence section had been feeding me in both detail and delivery. Nothing previous had been shared anywhere but in their secured facility. Everything I had was hoofwritten from memory.

The other eye opener was that this was a recent report, not one carefully delayed for my consumption. If I were to guess, in the normal course of business, I wouldn’t be receiving this data for at least another week or two.

What struck me the most, however, was that nothing was redacted. The report was fully intact with a level of detail I couldn’t have previously dreamed of. This was the real thing. How or why it had come to me was a mystery, but it was definitely appreciated.

My relationship with Sergeant Major Granite was excellent, but not so much that he’d take this kind of career risk for me. At least… I didn’t think so. I also couldn’t just ask him about it. What an awkward—

“Sir!” Miley Hooves shouted as she burst through my doorway without knocking.

It wasn't unusual for Miley to forego proper door procedure, but she looked genuinely panicked. “What’s happened?”

She pointed a hoof in the general direction of outside. “We’re under attack!”

“Under attack?” I repeated in surprise as adrenaline started to kick in. “Form up in the princess’s chambers, send a runner to summon every other guard. Go immediately.”

Miley quickly saluted and rushed off, leaving my door open. I spared just a moment to throw the report in my bottom desk drawer before galloping out into the hall. There were palace guards scrambling everywhere, and many of them were looking out the windows instead of going to their posts. I had no idea where their officers were, but I had a job to do.

The doors to the princess’s chambers were open but still guarded. My house guards, at least, were professional enough to mind their duty. They stood to attention as I hurried through. The princess was out on the balcony with Radiant Orchid and I joined them.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said as I surveyed Canterlot. The situation was clearly serious, but I was having a hard time accepting the threat.

The city was under attack, but not by changelings, gryphons, or any aggressor I'd expect. No, we were being assaulted by giant cockatrices.

Princess Luna looked down at me. “They are reacting to a fast-moving celestial body of extreme evocational significance.”


Radiant Orchid clarified, “A big comet is giving them superpowers.”

That made more sense. “I see. So we’re dealing with extreme magic here?”

“Verily,” the princess replied.

My house guards were starting to arrive, filling the room. As they crowded into the princess’s chambers, they got into line and stood at attention. Their eyes were flicking towards the windows, but that was forgivable.

“Alright, we should get the princess inside and down into the basement,” I ordered. “They’re still at the outskirts of the city, so we should have plenty of time.”

“Not this time, Silent Knight,” Princess Luna said with a toss of her mane. “Our city is under attack. Celestia has joined the battle and so shall we! There will be no hiding this day.”

I gawked at her. As every reason why she should do the exact opposite jumped to the forefront of my mind, she met my eyes with an intense determination.

“I will not hear otherwise,” she commanded in a voice that was just shy of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

It was still enough to make me drop into a bow. “Alright, I can accept this request as long as you agree to some rules.”

“I will, but first, my armor, please!” she called as she swept past Orchid and me.

I followed along behind her. After the trip to Nordanver, Princess Luna had commissioned a suit of armor for herself. I think it was part of the way she dealt with the horror she had seen. It was also reasonable for her to have her own protection.

Protection was an understatement when it came to this suit, however. It was a masterpiece far beyond even mine. The finest smiths in all of Equestria had forged it for her and the brightest alchemist had strengthened it. Until now, it had merely sat on a stand in the back of her chambers. Today was the day that would change.

The aesthetic for Princess Luna’s armor had been designed to match ours, with polished plates of dark and light purple hues—byzantium and heliotrope, as I recall. Her hoofguards extended further up her legs than ours, and there were little flourishes that had no protective value but looked nice. With her size and regal stature, she cut quite an imposing figure when she wore it.

“Iridescence, help the princess with her armor,” I ordered.

She nodded. “Yes, sir. Princess, if you’ll follow me.”

While the two of them tended to that task, I turned to face my section. They looked ready for the opportunity to get back into combat. What were giant cockatrices compared to a changeling attack or gryphon ambush?

“Listen up, ponies. Today is going to be a little different than usual. We have an opportunity to play offense. We’re going to help the city guard push these magic-fueled monstrosities out of Canterlot. At the same time, we are going to be careful as we do it. Our number one priority is to protect the princess. Don’t forget that fact for an instant.”

When Princess Luna returned fully dressed in her armor, my attention shifted to her. “The rules are as follows: you will remain with Iridescence and her squad at all times. You will not charge off on your own. You will not overextend. If things get too dangerous, we will drag you out of the streets and into the basement, kicking and screaming if we have to. Am I being clear?”

She blinked a few times at me. I think she sometimes forgot that I was more than just her royal guard. I was also her friend who wasn't afraid to speak to her like that. It was necessary so that she understood the gravity of this situation.

"Yes," she finally said with a nod.

I nodded back and turned to the unit. “Sergeant Iridescence, as you might have already guessed, you’re with the princess. Diamond formation. No pony gets further than two meters away from her.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied.

“Sergeant Hooves, I want a wide external perimeter around Alpha Squad. If they’re out of sight, collapse in. Try not to let anything get through.”

“Understood, boss.”

“Sergeant Stone, you’re with me. We’re going to be the vanguard. I’ve got an idea that I think just might work on our giant friends.”

“I like the sound of that,” he replied.

With a motion towards the door, I ordered, “Alright, everypony, move out. Let’s keep to an orderly fashion. Look fearless, angry, and professional. The palace guard might need some inspiration.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, all of the ponies fell in and started marching out the door. Radiant Orchid lingered back. When the last tail went through the door, she leaned in and whispered, “You didn’t assign me anywhere. I know we discussed this, but that looked pretty bad.”

“Not my reasoning,” I replied. “I want you on Princess Luna’s flank. If she stops following the rules, subdue her and get her out. I’ll be up front, so it falls on you.”

“Subdue the princess?” she asked incredulously.

“You heard me. If you have to, jump on her back, grab her mane, and ride her into the basement, you do that. You’re the only pony I trust to follow that order.”

Radiant Orchid nodded and turned towards the door. “I think I liked you better when I thought you were a screw-up.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you,” I replied as I trotted quickly beside her.

The palace guard was starting to get organized when we marched through the hallways. Many of the ponies stopped and moved out of the way as my column went by. If any of the House Guard were frightened, they didn’t show it and our air of confidence was infectious.

By the time we reached the courtyard, there were several other officers marshalling their guards for the defense.

“Keep together!” Orchid called sternly as we approached the gate. It had been closed per our standard procedures.

Without missing a beat, I called, “Make way for the princess! Open the gate!”

The guards in the gatehouse didn’t seem to question that order and did as commanded. The drawbridge fell, the portcullis went up, and we marched out into the city proper.

Canterlot was in total chaos, which wasn’t a surprise. Being invaded by giant monsters isn’t a day-to-day occurrence. Most ponies had the good sense to stay indoors, but that didn’t mean there weren’t still some that had been trapped on the streets, uncertain of where to go.

“Silent Knight, on your left!” the princess called. “Be careful, ponies; do not look them in the eyes!”

Quickly, I turned and spotted one of the cockatrices lumbering our way. “Fan out! Stick to the plan! Mountain Stone, with me!”

The House Guard broke into formation exactly as ordered, and I galloped with Charlie Squad towards the beast.

“Keep clear of the legs,” I called before rearing back and pummeling the cockatrice’s lower belly with my forehooves.

Or, well, I tried. Admitting my attack was wholly ineffective isn’t something a royal guard would normally do, but I’m confident the thing laughed at me.

The cockatrice moved far faster than something its size should as it leaned over to peck at me with its huge beak. I leapt into the air to avoid the attack and, while its head was low, Mountain Stone whipped around and landed a ferocious buck right against the cockatrice’s temple.

The overgrown chicken staggered like a drunk and fell over. As best I could tell, it was out cold.

Mountain Stone snorted and trotted past the unconscious heap of feathers and scales. “What’s next?”

“I think we should scare up another target and lead it back to the princess,” I replied. “Her magic will probably pack a big wallop.”

The sergeant nodded and looked to his squad. “Stay close.”

We pressed on further down the street and were caught off guard when two more of the giant fowls appeared from behind a tavern. They squawked and started to charge towards us.

“Fall back!” I called, doing my best to keep my tone firm and full of confidence.

We all galloped towards where the rest of the House Guard had set up their perimeter. As the distance between us and them evaporated I ordered, “Drop!”

The ten of us dropped flat to the cobblestone as one of the two birds behind us was struck by a powerful burst of alicorn magic. It went reeling and collapsed against a nearby building.

The other was pelted with a hail of crossbow bolts. They didn’t cause much in the way of damage, but I guessed being stung by half a dozen bees at once wouldn’t go unnoticed. The effect certainly forced the cockatrice to pause. That hesitation was long enough to allow Princess Luna to power back up and knock the creature out cold with another burst.

“Huzzah! Find us another, Silent Knight!”

“Aye, Princess!” I responded before taking to the air to survey the battle. Civilian ponies were scrambling everywhere. Units of city guards were moving through the streets doing their best to get them out of harm's way while simultaneously driving the creatures back.

They were doing the first task very well. The latter was lacking, but city guards weren’t equipped to face giant magical creatures. That was all the more evident when I saw an extra-large cockatrice approaching a small squad of guards one street over. At least three of them looked injured.

“Mountain Stone! One street north. A real big one! Meet me there and hurry! We have sisters in danger,” I ordered.

“Yes, sir,” he called as his squad took off at a gallop.

I circled the cockatrice once to get at its back before diving straight at it. There was little chance I’d be able to stop it on my own, but I wanted to distract it from the injured ponies. The big beast staggered when I slammed into its back, knocking most of the wind out of me. I fell onto the street, landing heavily in my armor.

My goal had been to get its attention, but what I’d done was make it angry. I scrambled as I tried to get back on my hooves while desperately trying to catch my breath. All I could really do was scoot back. At least the guards were now safe.

The beast had found its footing and turned to stomp towards me. When its foot rose, several ponies sounded off with war cries and came galloping out of a side alley.

Mountain Stone and his squad arrived just in time. They smashed the cockatrice’s other leg with a series of bucks and shoulder checks and sent it sprawling.

Battle Ready and Astral Bolt helped me up and we started moving away. I coughed a few times before finding my voice. “Fall back! Lead it to the others.”

As fast as we could, we headed down the alley. The extra-large cockatrice had already recovered and was gaining on us. In a fit of rage, it smashed its way down the narrow passage, doing extreme damage to the two buildings that framed it.

“Incoming!” I heard Miley shout as we fanned out once we’d cleared the alley.

All of the guards lifted their crossbows and I could see Princess Luna’s horn illuminating.

“Drop!” I called.

A hail of bolts flew over our heads and hit the charging cockatrice. All were ineffective… the thing just kept coming. Somehow it even anticipated the princess’s attack and ducked the magical bolt. It barreled forwards and smashed into Miley’s perimeter, knocking three ponies aside like ragdolls.

Ironclad shouted, “Medic!”

The cry sent fear through me. I saw Starry, Lavender, and Risky lying there, and a gryphon rapidly closing the distance between it and… “Princess!” I shouted in warning, my blood running cold.

There was just too much momentum behind the beast for anypony to have a chance to stop it. Firn Bristle threw herself in front of it, bracing herself for a blow that never came. The cockatrice instead slammed into a glowing royal blue shield.

Iridescence stood defiantly at the princess’s side, her horn burning brightly to project the spell. Her magic gave out almost immediately, but it had been enough. The force had been stopped.

A moment later, Princess Luna’s horn erupted in black fire and a beam of light exploded into the creature. In an instant, the cockatrice was off its feet and sailing away. Not just away from us, but away from the city.

Everything went silent for a moment as I got up and looked around. I was in Canterlot, I kept reminding myself. Not Nordanver. “Report! How are the wounded?”

Oopsie Daisy called back, “Three down here. A few broken bones, but stable.”

“All minor here, sir!” Nova shouted.

“Good here, sir,” Golden Touch said off to my right. Somehow the creature had missed trampling the ponies that were lying on the ground.

I nodded. Sweat was clinging to my coat, and not just from the exertion. “Alright, Iridescence, have two of your ponies help the wounded to the palace. Mountain, pick three to fill in for the perimeter. Everypony take a quick breather and keep a sharp eye out. We’ll get started again in a moment.”

My orders were being carried out, and Orchid walked up to offer me her canteen. “They look silly but they’re no joke,” she said softly.

After taking a quick drink, I shook my head. “No. I guess they’re not.”

“You’re doing fine. Although, with all due respect, sir, be sure not to lead from too far up front. If you go down it will demoralize the section. Sometimes you need to know when to let others take the risks.”

I glanced at her and paused to mull over her words. It seemed like my job to lead by example, but when she put it like that, she had a good point. Finally, I nodded. “You’re right, First Sergeant.”

She gave me a pleased look, then steeled her expression and turned away. “Alright, ponies, let’s not get too comfortable. We don’t know how long we have until the next encounter. Lightning Flash, Thunder Tumble, get up there and spot for us. I want to know if any of those things gets within a block of this position.”

“Yes, ma’am!” they replied before flying up.

I took my own advice and caught my breath. When I felt less winded, I flew up after Lighting and Tumble to get another good look at the city. The battle was still raging on. There were cockatrices and royal guards everywhere fighting it out in small skirmishes. That was when it dawned on me that this wouldn’t be a quick fight.

Far to the west, the sun was just starting its descent towards the horizon. The cover of night might be turned to our advantage, but I wasn’t certain the cockatrices would be impacted.

My attention shifted a few streets over when the distant sounds of screams reached my ears. A single royal guard was galloping with a herd of colts and fillies. Two cockatrices were chasing them and shortening the distance to their prey quickly.

“We need to move immediately!” I shouted down to the others. “There are foals in danger!”

With a mighty flap of her wings, Princess Luna left her escort and joined me in the sky. She followed my gaze and immediately took off in the direction of the young ponies.

“Princess, wait!” I called after her before cursing under my breath. “Sergeant Orchid, follow us as best you can. Pegasi, with me!”

The momentary lull in the action was now shattered, and everypony that could fly took to the sky with me as we chased after the princess. Down below, I could hear Orchid screaming orders to try and keep the galloping ponies in some form of order.

We closed the distance quickly. It took everything I had just to keep close to Princess Luna. When we drew near our foes, her horn lit up and another great lance of magical energy leapt forth and struck the lead cockatrice.

“Get the foals!” I shouted to the other pegasi and they dove towards the street.

I similarly turned my attention to the little ponies, trusting that, in this one moment, Princess Luna would be safe.

With precision and care, each guard swooped down and scooped up a foal or two, spiriting them towards our unit. The second cockatrice was gaining on the remaining pony, the lone guard who’d tried to help the young escape. I could see Princess Luna was still powering up and didn’t want to take the risk of her missing.

My course took me straight to the guard and I wrapped both forelegs around their middle. I pumped my wings as hard as I could, doing my best to lift us both from the cobblestone street while she squealed in surprise.

It was slow going, since carrying a pony while flying in armor is a challenge. Carrying a royal guard who was also in armor is near impossible, even for a stallion of my size. Luck was on my side, however, as this particular guard was smaller than normal.

When my strength gave out, we came to a crash landing in one of the city’s many green spaces. We were lucky, however, as the cockatrice was far away and likely on the receiving end of Princess Luna’s wrath.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

The little blue guard squirmed out from under me and gasped. She was trembling all over, so much so that her armor rattled. “I think so. Are the foals okay?”

“Yeah, we got them all.”

“Good.” She flopped over into the grass, seeming content to just lay there. It dawned on me then: I knew this particular guard.

“Warrant Officer Azurite?”

She looked over my way and just nodded.

“What are you doing out here? You’re a pony resources specialist!”

Her eyes went wide and she looked almost… offended. “The city is under attack! Do you think I could live with myself if I just stayed in my office and hid?”

I got up and brushed myself off before offering her a hoof. “I wouldn’t have lost any respect for you if you had… but in all honesty, you’ve earned a lot more of it now.”

Azurite took my hoof and pulled herself up. She was still trembling all over, but that didn’t bother me. Smart ponies get afraid. Fear is good. Fear keeps us alive.

“Come on, we need to get back to my unit. Brave or not, you shouldn’t be out here alone.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied softly and we headed back the way we’d came.

Radiant Orchid had reformed the perimeter and was standing with the princess. The two cockatrices were nowhere to be seen.

“Report,” I called.

“All foals accounted for, the princess is unharmed, minor wounds only, sir.”

“Good. Oopsie Daisy, Ironclad, and Starlit Veil, I am temporarily assigning you to Warrant Officer Azurite.” I shifted to look at the little blue mare. “Take the foals and go to the palace. I want you to get them down to one of the central rooms in the basement and protect them.”

She looked up at me and nodded. “Yes, sir. Alright everypony, let’s get moving. Stay together, little ones.”

While we watched them go, I caught a look from Radiant Orchid. She was eyeing the foals with a worried furrow of her brow. It was the look of a mother who suddenly realized the same could be happening to her own offspring.

I knew what she was thinking, and I didn’t blame her. We had a duty to the princess, however, so I shook my head no. Her eyes closed briefly and then, just like that, the expression was gone, replaced by the look of a hard and determined House Guard sergeant.

Author's Note:

Giant cockatrices? A magic comet? Where did I come up with this? This is a nod to the comic book actually. It seemed like something that Silent Knight would probably notice so I wanted him to have a part of it!

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