• Published 27th Aug 2014
  • 4,141 Views, 63 Comments

A First Date - BlazzingInferno

It’s Hearts and Hooves Day, and Spike is going on his first date with Rarity. He has a perfect day planned for his perfect mare, so why is something bothering her?

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Fire Lake

“Spike! Spike please come back!”

He’d been hearing Rarity say that for minutes on end now. For a while her voice had been fading away into the distance, and now it was getting louder. He wouldn’t look back, not when he could just keep walking and staring at his feet.

His head bumped against something and he staggered backward. As soon as he took a breath he recognized Rarity’s intoxicating perfume. Special somepony or not, crying in front of her was embarrassing.

“Spike, I understand that you’re upset but you’re clearly overreacting.”

“Just let me go, Rarity. I get why things have been weird for you today. It’s… it’s okay. I’ll just leave you alone.”

He started to walk and once again his head knocked against her. Her hoof met his shoulder. “Spike, I know you’re not a child. If you spent half as much time with Cheerilee as you do with the rest of us she’d know that too.”


“Come now, I insist we sit down and talk this over.”


“This looks like an excellent spot.”

He looked up and realized how right she was. They’d collided in front of Sugarcube Corner and, miraculously enough, one of the coveted outdoor tables was unoccupied.

They sat and, after wiping his eyes, he stared at her. “Just tell me the truth, Rarity, what’s been so wrong about today?”

She shut her eyes. “You might not believe me, but absolutely nothing.”

“Then how come you looked upset when we were waiting in line at the restaurant, or when we were ordering?”

“Because… because Cheerilee and I have more in common than I thought. Neither of us wanted to ruin yet another Hearts and Hooves Day by being alone.”


“Just before you and Big Mac arrived she was telling me how long it’s been since she’s gone out with anypony at all. No matter how long it’d been for her, I’m sure my record’s longer.”

“That’s impossible; you’re a gorgeous, smart, generous…”

“It’s not that simple, Spike. Remember when I told you about my rise to the height of fashion? I’ve poured myself into my career ever since I was a filly. I never took much time for romance, and when I did it always ended in disaster.”

“But it’s Hearts and Hooves Day. You mean nopony ever just showed up out of the blue with flowers?”

“Perhaps some did, but I took little notice. In my experience Hearts and Hooves Day is more suited to celebrating love than finding it. Most years I spend Hearts and Hooves Day pouring myself into my work, just like I was this morning when you arrived. I hide myself away for the day and then buoy myself up for the rest of the year with ridiculous fantasies like marrying a prince. I wanted today to go well so badly, Spike… I’ve driven myself half mad with worry that I’d spoil it all, and now I fear I have.”

A single tear slid down her face. He leaped up and offered her a napkin.

“Please don’t cry, Rarity. I don’t want you to have a bad Hearts and Hooves Day, not today or ever again.”

The napkin floated out of his claws in her magic aura. “That’s sweet of you, Spike. I knew the moment you arrived with roses this morning that today would be special.”

“I might not be a prince, or even a pony, but you’ll always be my princess.”

Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Thank you, Spike.”

They sat there for a few minutes, doing nothing more than sitting. At some point her hoof found its way into his claws, and they were both happier for it.

The sound of glass sliding across wood broke the spell. They looked up and saw Mrs. Cake nosing a pair of chocolate milkshakes onto the table. “Just a little something for the happy new couple. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.”

She winked at them and walked away.

It took him a moment or two to understand the gesture. Mrs. Cake just gave them each a free milkshake, referred to him and Rarity and a couple, and didn’t give him a weird look. It took a moment more to find his voice.

“Thanks, Mrs. Cake! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!”

When he turned back Rarity was sniffing her glass. “Mmm. I really should watch my figure more closely, but… well I wouldn’t want to be rude.”

She grabbed the straw and started drinking. He watched her down the milkshake, sincerely doubting there was anything she could do that’d detract from her beauty.

“Aren’t you going to drink yours, Spikey?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, definitely.”

This was nice, even if he wasn’t holding her hoof anymore.

“So, my dear Spike, it appears we need a new activity for the remainder of the day.”

“Yeah. Sorry I don’t have a backup plan. Maybe I should’ve listened to Twilight after all on that one.”

“Actually I’m glad you don’t. It seems to me that you put together a wonderful date for me, not so much for you or us.”

“But I love doing stuff for you.”

“That’s not the same. Tell me, could you even pronounce what we ate for brunch?”

“Oh that’s easy, it was eggs su… suzzy? With plum…”

She giggled. “The Far Afield Cafe is lovely, but I’m well aware that it’s outside of your price range. Did you really want to go window shopping, or see The Pony of the Opera?”

“Sure, with you.”

“And without me?”


“Precisely. If we’re to do anything more today I want it to be something that doesn’t involve you indulging my every whim. I want to spend time getting to know the real Spike.”

He ran a claw against the undulating pattern on his milkshake glass. “Something I’d like… one of my hobbies… I don’t think you’d want to hear about comic books, or penmanship… we already helped out a couple friends, and I’m cooking you dinner later. I guess there is one thing, but we’d have to walk into the forest for a while and I know you don’t like getting dirty.”

“Nonsense. If you’ve willing to take on the maître d’ at one of the fanciest restaurants in town, then I can certainly handle a little dirt.”


Rarity held up muddy hoof and shivered. “I do believe I said a little dirt, Spikey-wikey. Just a little.”

Spike was a few steps ahead of her on the path through the trees. He turned back and smiled. “Heh, sorry. We’re almost there.”

“And what, I may ask, is all the way out here that’s appropriate for Hearts and Hooves Day?”

He parted a few tree branches and stood aside. “You’ll see.”

The scene just beyond the tree line belonged in a watercolor painting. The meadow of flowers nearly glowed in the late afternoon sunshine and ended in a mountainside with a large cave opening. The roof of the cave glowed with the ever changing reflections of moving water.

“This is a gorgeous place, Spike. I know I promised to leave business out of today, but I do believe I’m seeing the inspiration for my new spring line.”

“It’s a pretty meadow, but that’s not why I brought you here.”

“Oh, and what could be more romantic than a picturesque scene like this?”

“You’ll see, just follow me to the mouth of the cave.”

He hurried through the field of flowers and stopped at the cave opening, which also happened to be the shore of a subterranean lake.

She stood next to him and watched the sunlight dance against the waves. “This is indeed worth the walk, Spike. I never took you to be one for scenic views.”

“I’m not, really. Sure this place is pretty, but the lake’s the reason I come here.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s water surrounded by rock. It’s the perfect place to practice.”

Before she could respond, he took a deep breath and spat out green fire. This wasn’t the haphazard blaze that delivered Twilight’s letters to Princess Celestia. This fire burned for a fraction of a second and then left a perfectly formed pattern of smoke.

Rarity started open mouthed as a diamond shape, exactly like her cutie mark, floated across the water and caught the reflected sunlight light.

“Why Spike, that’s amazing!”

He grinned. “I’ve… kind of been working on that one for a while. Same goes for this one.”

He breathed fire again, this time forming a heart. “I’ve never brought anypony here, not even Twilight. The water and the rock keeps things safe, and being out in the forest means I don’t get embarrassed when I mess up.”

“Can you do more?”

He rubbed his claws together. “Sure. Here’s a new one I’ve been working on.”

This time no discernible shape followed the fire. An ugly white blob glided across the water instead. He grinned sheepishly. “I guess I need to practice that one some more.”

“Cheer up, Spike. I had no idea you were so artistic.”

“If you like that, you should see my penmanship. After writing all those letters to the Princess I…”

Her lips touched his cheek and drained all thoughts from his mind. “Thank you for sharing something so special with me, Spikey-wikey.”

This wasn’t the first time she’d kissed him on the cheek, and yet this one felt like so much more than just a token gesture of appreciation. He stared into her eyes and wished he’d turned his head at just the right moment.


“Yes, Spike?”

“Remember when I first asked you out, when I asked if you’d be my special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day?”

“Yes, and I’m so glad you did.”

“Does this mean we’re… what I mean is… Will you be my special somepony tomorrow, and the day after that…”

She nodded. “As long as you’ll be my dragon prince.”


“Or would you prefer special somedragon?”

“Anything, call me anything.”

“In that case, I believe my prince promised to cook me dinner and then, being the gentle-dragon that he is, might be so kind as to walk me home?”

He bowed and kissed her hoof. “Of course, my princess.”