• Published 27th Aug 2014
  • 4,146 Views, 63 Comments

A First Date - BlazzingInferno

It’s Hearts and Hooves Day, and Spike is going on his first date with Rarity. He has a perfect day planned for his perfect mare, so why is something bothering her?

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Preparation and Promises

Spike couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t stop smiling either. He folded his arms behind his head and listened to the stillness of the night.

“Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day.”

The only response was the soft sound of Twilight breathing. He grinned all the same.

“Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day and I’ve got a date with Rarity!”

He’d said it a hundred times already and it still didn’t feel real. Saying it a hundred more wouldn’t help. Instead he stood and walked over to Twilight’s desk and looked over her unfinished letter to the Princess. He knew every word of it, and yet it still felt good to see it all written down.

He skimmed over most of the letter. He didn’t need to revisit Twilight’s attempt at emotive magic and all the insanity that resulted. What he wanted to see was a footnote nestled in the very last paragraph: “the only positive effects of my experiment are the removal of such dangerous spell books from general library circulation and, interestingly enough, netting Spike a date for Hearts and Hooves Day.”

Once again his grin took over. He wanted to dance and sing. It took all of his self control to not jump onto Twilight’s bed and try to convince her to celebrate with him. He couldn’t celebrate yet though, and not just because the sun wasn’t up.

This was his first and possibly only chance with Rarity. She’d granted him more than just a quick dinner or walk in the park; the entire day was theirs to spend in each other’s company. Everything needed to go perfectly, and for that to happen he needed to start getting ready right now.


Twilight stretched in bed and yawned. Birds were twittering outside her window in the early morning light.

“Morning, Spike.”

Her assistant’s usual assertions that it was too early never came. He must’ve been up too late last night. She should’ve just written that letter herself rather than keep him up.

“It’s Hearts and Hooves Day, aren’t you excited?”

Again, there was no response.


Finally she sat up. Spike’s bed, just beyond the baseboard of her own, came into view. All she saw was a discarded pillow and blankets in disarray.

“That’s strange. He hasn’t gotten up before me in… well… ever.”

She folded his blankets and fluffed his pillow with a bit of magic. Up early or not, it wasn’t like him to leave his bed unmade.

A quick inspection of their living area turned up a few more clues, but no dragon. A toothpaste tube missing a cap here, a towel on the floor there, and an assortment of other signs pointed to Spike leaving in a big hurry.

“Spike?” Her tone had shifted from curiosity to concern.

The library’s front door slammed below her. She raced down the stairs and found Spike leaning against the door, catching his breath.

“Spike, there you are! You had me worried.”

Spike smiled as he caught his breath. “It’s Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“You’re not meeting Rarity until ten, why get up so early?”

“I had to, Twilight. I had to be at the Far Afield Cafe as soon as it opened so I could make reservations for brunch, I had to be first in line at the Ponyville theater to buy tickets for tonight, and I had to be first in line at Rose’s flower stand so I could get these.” He held up a bouquet of red roses and purple irises.

One whiff of the flowers was all it took to get Twilight thinking about breakfast. “I’m impressed Spike, you really thought this… wait, how did you afford such an expensive-smelling bouquet, not to mention a pricey restaurant and theater tickets?”

He tried to hold back a yawn. “By getting up super extra early to hunt gems. Digging them up in the dark wasn’t fun, but it’ll all be worth it though when I’m gazing into Rarity’s eyes…” His voice trailed off and, judging by the vacant look on his face, his mind wasn’t far behind.

“Stay with me, Romeo. We need to go over a few things first.”

“I’m way ahead of you; I even made a list.”

She took the proffered scroll with her magic and unrolled it. “Let’s see; arrive with flowers at ten, brunch at ten fifteen, window shopping until one, a play from one to four–”

“They’re doing The Pony of the Opera, she loves that one!”

“Uh huh… cook her dinner from four to six, walk her home. Wow Spike… I knew you were excited, but… wow. You really thought this through.”

He grinned, this time with a bashful shrug and a glance at the floor. “I’ve sort of been planning this for years, just in case.”

She rerolled the list and give it back to him. “That’s why we need to talk.”

“What about? I’ve got this, Twilight, I thought of everything.”

“All except for the what happens if today doesn’t go like you want it to.”

“Aww, Twilight, don’t make me think about that, not right before.”

“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. How about this: I want you to promise me something, then I’ll just sit back while you finish getting ready.”

Her hoof found its way to his shoulder. He looked into her eyes and saw how much effort she was putting into keeping her worry hidden. She couldn’t keep that under wraps, not from him.

“Anything, Twilight.”

“You’re taking a big step today, and it involves one of our close friends. Whatever happens between the two of you, I don’t want that friendship to end. Just promise me… promise me that, no matter how today goes, you won’t think of yourself as any less of a dragon. You’re my friend, Spike, and with or without Rarity’s affection you’re still an important part of all of our lives.”

His grin, and the giddiness responsible for it, vanished. He started to nod and then decided to hug her instead. “I promise, Twilight. I promise.”

He could feel her nod back. “ Thanks, Spike. Now go sweep Rarity off her hooves.”

In an instant his grin was back. This was going to be the best day ever.