• Published 27th Aug 2014
  • 4,145 Views, 63 Comments

A First Date - BlazzingInferno

It’s Hearts and Hooves Day, and Spike is going on his first date with Rarity. He has a perfect day planned for his perfect mare, so why is something bothering her?

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Something Unexpected

He could hear her sewing machine whirring away from outside the Carousel Boutique. With the flowers cradled under one arm, he raised a hand to knock. His claws hovered a few inches from the door while he contemplated his promise to Twilight. She was right, this was a big step. He was taking Rarity out on a date. Excitement was giving way to nervousness.

His other hand clenched into a fist. “Come on, Spike. Dragon up and knock already!”

He knocked. The thump of claws on wood was a bit softer than he wanted it to be. Still, he heard the sewing machine quiet down and the clip-clop of hooves approach the door.

The handle turned and the door swung open. “I’m sorry, but the shop is closed for the day. If you could kindly…”

Rarity’s boilerplate speech stopped when she saw him. He could feel her gaze drift from his smile to the bouquet in his outstretched hand. Now came the part where he was supposed to say something. He’d practiced this a dozen times in front of the mirror, each time adding a little more chivalry and charm. Faced with the real moment, he could barely do more than stare into her azure eyes.

“H–hi Rarity, happy Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Oh, Spike, these are lovely! I’m dreadfully sorry, I’m running a bit behind schedule this morning. I was supposed to finish up these last minute orders yesterday, but what with the magic fiasco I haven’t had time to box them up.”

For a moment his heart sank. Was this really happening? Did she really have work to do or was this just a ploy to get out of the date? Her sheepish smile could mean so much, or so little.

“It… it’ll go faster with two of us working, right?”

“Spoken like a true gentle-dragon. If we work together we’ll have this finished in no time.”

She led him into the shop, or at least where her shop should’ve been. In its present state it was more of a warehouse. Cardboard boxes and piles of folded clothes were everywhere.

“Would you mind terribly if I started on a flower now, Spike? I know it’s quite unladylike, but I’ve barely found time to eat with all this work in front of me.”

He started to nod, momentarily forgetting that her back was turned. He’d gladly hand her each and every petal if that’s what she wanted.

“Of course! Anything for you, Rarity.”

“Thank you, Spike. I just have to finish hemming this one dress, then all of it gets boxed up and sent on its way.”

She returned to her work table and the sewing machine whirred to life. He pulled a rose from the bouquet and set it next to her.

“For you, my sweet,” he whispered.

She didn’t hear him over the sewing machine and he was glad for it.

“So… what can I do to help?”

“I’m so glad you’re willing to help, Spike, and I’m so sorry our day together is beginning with work. Every garment you see has a slip of paper folded inside of it. That paper has the name and address of the pony that ordered it. If you could pack each one in a box and label it accordingly that would be lovely.”

“Got it.”

He took one last look at her, the perfect form of equine beauty, and turned to face the work ahead of him. The first pile consisted of three dresses, each one in a different color of the same soft fabric. The slip of paper said they were destined for a pony way out in Manehattan. He found an empty box, set the dresses inside, taped it shut, and wrote the address on the top.

Stealing glances at Rarity made the work go quickly. First pack up a box heading to Fillydelphia, then watch her delicately nibbling a rose petal. Pack a box for Canterlot, then watch her inspect a fabric stitch. Write out an address, watch the sun catch her glossy white coat and violet mane. This didn’t feel real. He was going on a date with the most beautiful mare in the world, a mare whose clothing designs were worn all over Equestria. He’d never felt so humbled and honored to be in her presence.

“Don’t screw this up, Spike,” he whispered to himself, “she’s finally going out with you. Don’t blow it.”

His hand reached out and, to his surprise, didn’t find another dress to pack. All the boxes were taped shut, save the one next to the sewing machine.

The final dress floated into the air in a light blue aura and Rarity threw off her glasses. “Et voila! I’ll pack this one and then we can be on our way at last. You’ve been such a dear helping me at the last minute, not to mention bringing me these wonderful flowers.”

“Aww, it’s nothing. I hope you’re still hungry, there’s a table waiting for us at the Far Afield Cafe.”

She spun around in her chair with a huge smile on her face. “Why I haven’t been there in years! Let’s go at once.”


A light blue scarf, the same shade as her cutie mark, floated off a nearby stand and wrapped itself around her neck. “Oh, and one more thing…”

The sign in the shop window glowed blue and flipped around, officially closing the Carousel Boutique for the day.

“No more dressmaking or distractions. Today, Spike, is just for you and I. Are you ready to go?”

Spike’s smile said it all. He’d been ready for years.


Ponyville’s streets were busy. By the time they reached the restaurant the crowd consisted entirely of couples. Everypony with a significant other seemed to be out on the town this morning, and Spike couldn’t have been prouder to be part of it.

The Far Afield Cafe was so crowded that the line stretched out the door. They took their position at the back and Rarity drummed her hooves excitedly. “This is such a lovely treat, Spike. Have you ever eaten here before?”

“Not really… a table here costs a whole lot of gems.”

“It is on the pricey side, but once you’ve tasted the food you’ll forget all about the expense.”

Spike held back a yawn. He wouldn’t forget getting up before the sun just to afford their Hearts and Hooves Day special; brunch for two for one fixed, and enormous, price. That didn’t matter though; this was more than a meal, this was him taking Rarity on the date of her dreams.

“So what should…”

As he turned to look at her he saw something unexpected. For a moment she’d been looking into the distance and chewing on her lip. Something was bothering her. Was he making her uncomfortable? Was she embarrassed to be out in public with him? He didn’t dare ask, for fear of breaking the magic spell they were under. All his dreams of romance were riding on this date, and he wasn’t ready to wake up yet.

She turned back to him, smiling her best. “What was that, Spikey-wikey?”

“I… uh… it was really okay to leave all the boxes inside your shop?”

“Yes dear, quite all right. My mailmare knows I have a big shipment this time every year and it’s gotten big enough in recent years that I’ve just given her a key to the front door. Enough talk of business; what else do you have planned for us today?”

“I figured after brunch we can do some window shopping, then I have tickets for The Pony of the Opera, and then I was going to cook a romantic dinner.”

Her veiled discomfort vanished in a smile and slight blush. “Why Spike, you really do know how to treat a lady. This day is going to be simply divine.”

Another pony spoke up in front of them. “Good afternoon, do you have a reservation?”

They looked up and realized just how quickly the line had moved. They were at the front, standing in front of the host’s podium. The bespectacled pony standing behind it was eyeing them, Spike in particular, with mild curiosity.

Spike smiled with utmost confidence. “Yep, the reservation’s under my name, Spike.”

The host glanced down at the podium and flipped through a book of hoofwritten names and dates. “Spike… let me see… here we are. Sir, are you aware of the time?”

“Of course I am, it’s…” He glanced at a clock on the wall and stopped short. It was ten forty-five. Taking care of the dress orders had cost them a half hour.

“Sir, your reservation was for ten fifteen. I’m afraid your table’s been–”

Spike grasped the podium’s edge and pulled himself up to eye level with the host. “Listen, I know we’re late, but you’ve just got to have a free table. I made a promise to my special some…”

He glanced back at Rarity before continuing. If she objected to what he’d been about to say, it wasn’t clear. She was still wide-eyed over him challenging the host.

“… I made a promise to Rarity that we’d have brunch here. I’ll pay any price.”

The host sighed. “You’re lucky that I was about to give away another no-show’s table. Follow me.”

Spike dropped back to the ground and tried to slow his rapid heartbeat. That effort failed the moment Rarity’s nose brushed his cheek. “My hero.”

He couldn’t recall much of the next thirty seconds. For all he knew the host teleported them to a table in the corner of the restaurant, one of the few that had a view of the streets outside. Menus were placed in front of them that, thankfully, didn’t have any prices listed. He’d paid in advance for their meal and anything on the menu was fair game.

Rarity disappeared behind her raised menu. “Hmm… What are you in the mood for, Spikey?”

Spike looked over their choices and, to his dismay, didn’t see anything that involved jewels. Worse still, he didn’t see any of his favorite standbys like pancakes or waffles. Every name and description was a jumble of foreign words.

“Uh… you’ve been here before, what should I get?”

“Well, the selection today is a bit different from what I remember, but I think I’m going to try the eggs suzette with plum clafoutis.”

He’d only understood ‘eggs’ and ‘plum’. “That… sounds good. I’ll try it too.”

While she gave the menu a second look, he turned his attention to the window. The streets were still crowded and the line to get into the restaurant was even longer. Some couples would be waiting a very long time just to talk to the host. His attention drifted to Rarity’s reflection in the glass. From this angle he could see her studying the menu, or at least pretending to. She was chewing on her lip again and her eyes were darting around in a panic.

His pulse quickened and his breath wasn’t far behind. Talking seemed to work before, maybe it would again.

“So Rarity, could you… tell me about yourself?”

He could hear the tension leaving her. Even before she lowered the menu he knew she’d be smiling again.

“What would you like to know, Spike? We already know so much about each other.”

“Well… how did you get your start in dressmaking?”

She touched her hoof to her cheek and looked off into space. “I suppose I’ve never mentioned that, have I? To tell you the truth, Spike, I rarely dwell on it anymore.”

“You don’t have to explain if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“No, no, it’s quite all right. It’s not an uncomfortable subject, or rather it shouldn’t be. One of my golden rules of business has always been to look forward and not back; it’s served me well over the years.”

“I’ll say, you’re sending stuff to ponies all over Equestria.”

“Yes, and I wish I could say that was always the case. Although I grew up in Ponyville, my favorite times as a filly were our summers in Manehattan visiting my aunt. She was the fashionista I wanted to grow up to be. She gave me my love of fashion, my mannerisms, my dialect…”

“Your dialect?”

She winked and, for a moment, dropped it entirely. “Yes, my choice of words. When it comes to the higher class, the ponies I wanted to make dresses for most of all, I knew I needed to speak like them to be taken seriously. Being a trendsetting fashionista means talking like one.” His jaw dropped. “That’s amazing! You just chose start speaking like that?”

“It took years of practice and nearly drove my parents mad. Nowadays it’s just second nature.”

“When did you open your shop?”

“Not soon enough, that’s how it felt at the time. Once I set my sights on the world of professional design, I spent every free moment gathering gems and making dresses in my bedroom. One fine day I finally had enough saved to open the Carousel Boutique.”

“That’s a terrific story Rarity; you’re a self-made pony.”

Her smile faltered. “The memory isn’t as wonderful in my eyes. When I think back to those early days, what I remember most is all the nights I came home covered in dirt and grime just for the sake of a few more gems. To this day I don’t like being dirty; everypony else just assumes I’m that uptight and prissy.”

“Wow… I’m sorry Rarity. It’s still a good story though, I think you should be proud.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for, Spike. It’s just the past, and it’s led to a wonderful present.” She batted her eyes and made him blush.

“Do any of our other friends know?”

“About my rough start? Fluttershy knows nearly everything. I tend to prattle on during our regular trips to the spa. Whenever I feel the slightest bit dirty or out of sorts I can always count on her to listen and not tell, just like I can count on you.”

He could spend an eternity in this moment. That sour look of hers before must’ve been his imagination. They were out on a date together having a wonderful time; it was just that simple.

A waiter approached their table and gave them the same curious look as the host. “Good morning madame and… dragon. Have you made a selection?”

Rarity gave him a goodnatured smile. “Why yes, I believe we have.”

She ordered something and Spike listened intently. There was no way he’d be able pronounce those words, and he knew it.

“Excellent choice, madame. And for you, Sir?”

“I’ll have… what she said.”

A moment later they were alone again. She gave him that special smile that seemed to be reserved for him alone.

“Enough about me, Spike. I insist that you tell me about your adventures in Canterlot prior to moving to Ponyville.”

“Me? Well let’s see… Twilight actually hatched me during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The Princess raised me but Twilight visited every day. Eventually I asked to be her assistant and the Princess said that would be great. Every since then I’ve been helping her with her studies, cooking, cleaning… whatever she needs.”

“Do you know anything of your dragon parents?”

“Not really. I asked the Princess once, she said my egg was found abandoned in the forests outside Canterlot.”

She held a hoof over her open mouth. “Oh, Spike…”

“It doesn’t really bother me. I wouldn’t trade my time with Princess Celestia and Twilight for anything. They’re like… they’re like my mom and big sister.”

She giggled. “I wasn’t aware I was on a date with the son of royalty.”

“Huh, I never thought of it that way. I guess I just see myself as Twilight’s assistant.” He leaned in to whisper. “When she’s in the middle of a big project, I think she’d forget to eat if I wasn’t there to remind her.”

She stifled a laugh. “I don’t think anypony that knows her would be surprised.”


“Yes, Spike?”

“Are you… having a good time? Because if you’re not I wouldn’t want–”

She reached across the table and put a hoof over his mouth. “I’m having a lovely time. This is simply the best Hearts and Hooves Day I could ask for.”