• Published 26th May 2014
  • 75,141 Views, 2,906 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Two to tango, three to get married.

Anon is currently in the garden resting his back against a tree. He’s just looking out onto the horizon in thought. He doesn't know what to think anymore. He came to this world thinking he would get a fresh start, yet he soon found no difference from his world and this one. So he fell back on his old mentality. To keep everyone at arm's length. To seclude himself. His life was simple and he was content with it being that way.

Then Celestia came. She just wouldn't leave him alone. Always coming by and asking him how many friends he made. Always taking the time out of her life to see him, to talk to him. Then she became part of his life, as much as he hates to admit it. She was just that one thing that never left. Every day, he would ready his table for her arrival, and she never missed a day.

Then he realized that she is a friend. A certain hope built inside of him that day. Perhaps things would be different this time. Perhaps he could have a more social life. It was that hope that blinded him, made him forget about all the things the other ponies did to him. How could he have been so naive? To think that he could trust another creature. He shouldn't be surprised, actually. In the end, everyone becomes a problem.

Yet, why does he hurt so much inside? He knew this would happen and yet the pain doesn't subside. Why does he not leave, even though his body is screaming at him to get up and walk to the train station? Perhaps Celestia is a bigger part of his life than he cares to admit. Perhaps that small hope she created would die if he were to leave. He doesn't know, he doesn't even have the slightest clue.

To make things worse. He can't stop thinking about what he said to the both of them before he left. “Princess.” Why did he add their titles? He knows exactly why and it causes his heart to ache from the thought alone. He did it to hurt them. He wanted to hurt them in a very personal way. By adding their title, he alienated them, as he has been alienated many times before.

He knows their weaknesses. Celestia spent an entire day telling him how she detests her title. She told him that one of her small dreams was to hear Twilight call her by her name. That they’ve known each other for so long she sadly hoped that Twilight would drop her title all on her own. That dream never came true. Twilight continues to call her Princess. That’s all she ever was. Her teacher and ruler.

Anon knows all too well that he struck them in the heart with what he said. While it will hurt Celestia, he isn't ignorant in the fact that Luna is probably faring worse. Being her only friend, to have him alienate her in such a way will tear her apart. In the moment, he thought it would make himself feel better. Yet, as he sits here, his heart hurts more than he can bare.

What is he going to do? Can he truly forgive them for what they’ve done? He brings his knees to his chest as he rests his chin on one. A sad sigh leaves him. He doesn't know, and that troubles him the most.

Celestia sits upon her throne as she has done many times before. However, this is the only day she closed her court. The guards can feel that something is on the forefront of their leader's mind. She just sits on her throne, face blank of all emotion. They don't know when it will happen, but something big is going to take place.

Celestia simply keeps her gaze on the throne room door, her mind thinking back to the few hours that have passed. Luna and herself sitting in a state of shock in Anon’s room after he left. Those parting words burning in their minds. It didn't need to be said. They knew what they did was horrible. That still doesn't mean they didn't speak.

“This is a prank.” Luna looks to her sister with a frightened look. “You put Anon up to this, right?”

“No,” Celestia answers as she hardens her princess mask.

Luna feels her eyes clamp shut as her tears start to flow down her cheeks. No! She hasn't lost her only friend! This can't be happening! She quickly looks to her sister in hope as a thought pops into her mind.

“He will forgive us, correct? Anon will not leave us,” she tries to convince herself.

Celestia’s mask holds firm, even as her tears roll over cheeks.

“I don't know, sister.” Her bottom lip starting to tremble. “I honestly don't know.”

It wasn't too long after that Luna teleported herself to her room. Celestia can't blame her either. She would’ve done the same, but she waits here in the hope that Anon will come to her. She doesn't know if he already left, but she can't stand the thought if he did. She knew that Anon would react badly. Yet she still did what she did. She wouldn't blame him if he chose to hate them.

She had to know. Now that she does, she can begin with other things, even if Anon never accepts her or Luna as his friends again. She will make sure that justice is brought to those that have wronged him, his list being a proclamation of their guilt. No pony is above the law, not even herself. To think the Elements would cause Anon harm made her sick to her stomach.

While she doesn't know what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash did to Anon, she does have an understanding of what Rarity, Applejack and Twilight did to him. Twilight. She hangs her head in shame at those memories. How did she fail so much as a teacher? It’s going to hurt, but Celestia already has plans for what to do. As for Rarity and Applejack, well, she’s still working on those.

Celestia will sit here and plan. Waiting, hoping Anon will come back.

Blueblood is having a great day! When he woke up this morning, he spoke to his maid without yelling at her. This is something huge for him and he knows his Aunty will be proud! He feels so good right now that he is in the garden to look for some of his animals to talk to. He knows they will be interested to hear this good news of his.

As Blueblood makes his way toward the garden, he decides he doesn't want a guard as an escort. While his Aunty sends one with him wherever he goes, he feels he can handle himself today. If anything, this morning is proof that he is growing! As he moves through a patch of bushes, he takes notice of something on the wind. A voice?

He lowers himself closer to the ground and sneaks toward the sound. Quickly, he ducks behind some nearby bush. He looks over and spots somepony he knows. It’s Anon. Why is he out here?

“So I have no idea what to do.” He hears Anon speak.

As Blueblood looks over the bush more, he spots Philomena resting on Anon’s knee. Why is Philomena outside? She usually stays in Aunty’s room. Philomena looks over toward him as Anon follows her gaze. Blueblood ducks behind the bush again in a failed attempt at hiding.

“Blue?” Anon calls out.

Darn, he’s found. Blueblood rises to his full height and walks through the bush towards Anon.

“Hello,” he says, trying to hide his embarrassment.

“What brings you out here?” Anon asks, ignoring the fact Blueblood was eavesdropping.

“I-uh..” He looks around unsure. He takes a few deep breaths and tries what he did this morning. “I talked to a maid this morning. All by myself.”

Anon gives him a small smile. “Good job, Blue.”

Blueblood feels a little more at ease now. He walks closer to Anon and takes a seat in front of him. He reaches out and pets Philomena with his hoof.

“Why is Philomena here?” Blueblood asks.

Anon shrugs. “I don't know. I was sitting here alone and this bird landed on my knee.”

Blueblood looks appalled. “This isn't some bird! This is Philomena!”

Anon looks to the bird as it gives him a nod. He reaches out and scratches the bird under the chin.

“Philomena, aye?” he speaks to the bird. She leans into his hand more as she gives a soft coo. “What is it?” Anon asks.

“She’s a phoenix,” Blueblood answers. “My aunty told me that she found her a few years before Discord’s reign.”

Anon lifts his eyebrow as he looks to Philomena. That would make this bird as old, if not older than Celestia.

“So, this bird is immortal as well?”

Blueblood nods with pride. The fact that he knows all this makes his day seem even better.

“Yup. She’s been with Aunty for a very long time.”

Anon feels a small chuckle leave him as he looks at Philomena.

“I guess that explains why you came here.”

Philomena nods at him.

“Why were you talking to her?” Blueblood asks.

“Just needed someone to talk to about a problem.” Anon answers.

“What about Aunty? Why not talk to her?” he asks confused.

Anon hesitates some as he looks to Philomena. “She’s the problem. It’s complicated to explain.”


“I don’t think it’s right to burden you with my troubles,” Anon states.

“But I asked.”

“That still doesn't mean I should.”


Anon buries his annoyance. He knows Blueblood is only curious.

“Where I come from, everyone keeps to themselves.”

“So how do you solve problems?”

Anon rubs the back of his neck. “A lot of us just solve it on our own.”

Blueblood isn't sure how to take that statement. A single pony can't solve every problem. His aunty told him that if he ever needs help for something he couldn't do, then he should ask a pony to help.

“So, if you solve things on your own, why are you here talking to Philomena?”

Blueblood sure knows how to ask the right questions. Even though they are simple in nature, they are really throwing Anon for a loop.

“Because I don't know what to do,” Anon says with a sigh.

“Shouldn't you ask for help then?”



Anon rubs his face some. “Humans don't like to ask for help.”

“Well, that doesn't make sense. So how are you supposed to fix your problem if you can't ask for help or solve it yourself?”

Anon slumps against the tree some as Philomena flies off his knee and lands on Blueblood’s back.

“What do you want me to say, Blue? I don't know how to fix my problem.”

“Well, it sounds like you need help.”

That word again. Why does it fill Anon with such anger?

“I don't need help.”

“Everypony needs help sometimes.” Blueblood says. “When I get hurt, I talk to the doctor. When I’m hungry, I see the cook.”

What the hell is going on here? How is Blueblood making so much sense right now? Anon is actually feeling like the idiot here.

“It’s not the same thing, Blue. Again, it’s hard to explain.”

“So what’s the problem?”

It seems Blueblood won't let up if Anon doesn't say something.

“Celestia wants to help me.”

Anon watches as Bluebloods face shows more confusion.

“Aunty wants to help and that’s a problem?”



A sigh leaves Anon. “I don't like being helped. If she helps me then she will ask for a favor later.”

“That doesn't sound like something Aunty would do,” Blueblood says, feeling a little sad to hear that.

Why does Anon feel worse now!? Is it because Blueblood has a more pure outlook on life or is it because deep down Anon knows he’s right.

“I-I know she wouldn't,” Anon admits,

“So why not accept her help?” Blueblood pushes.

That’s the real question, isn't it? Why doesn't Anon just accept her help. He knows that she wouldn't turn on him. He knows Luna wouldn't either. Still, all he knows is betrayal. Pounded into him through life. To accept this so easily wouldn't be something he does.

“I’m afraid, Blue,” Anon says in a whisper. “I’ve spent my entire life not accepting another person's help. What if I stop being what makes me me? What if by accepting Celestia's offer to help, I end up some other person inside?”

Blueblood isn't too sure how to answer that.

“It does sound scary, not being yourself anymore.” Blueblood gives a nod. “But, isn't it also scary not being more than yourself? Aunty always tells me that growth is good for ponies.” His face falls slightly. “I-I know I have problems, ponies don't need to tell me. Yet, I try. I try every day to get better. It’s scary to think I will be different, but, I’ll be different in a good way.”

Who would’ve thought that Blueblood could be so insightful? Anon can only look to Blueblood in surprise as his words slowly sink in. He’s right, in more ways than one. While his life alone always gave him comfort, he can't deny that he enjoys his time with Celestia and Luna more. They’ve changed his life and he cannot deny that. Perhaps that small hope inside of him is the product of his own growth?

Anon finds his eyes meeting Philomena’s. On a primal level, he feels as if he can hear the birds own thoughts. A certain understanding in his own feelings. It lasted for only a fraction of a second, but he knows what he needs to do. Philomena gives him a shallow nod as she takes to the sky. Anon stands up and lays his hand atop Blueblood’s mane.

“You’re right, Blue.” He pats him a few times before taking off. “I’ll see you around.” Anon adds as he gives Blueblood a small wave.

Blueblood’s lips slowly turn to a smile as he watches Anon walk away. He did it! He helped somepony! Just like his aunty helped him all those years ago! She will be proud, he knows she will.

Luna lay upon her bed in the fetal position. She stopped crying awhile ago. All she can do now is lay in bed and think about what she’s done. She broke her only friend's trust. Her eyes slowly threaten to start the waterworks as she thinks over what he said. She doesn't want to lose him. He means everything to her. He understands her, listens to her. Kindred spirits in more ways than one.

“Please don't leave Us, Anon,” Luna whispers to herself.

“Language, Luna.”

Luna freezes up at that voice. She slowly rolls over to face the door to her room. Standing at the side of her bed is him. Anon stands there with a certain fire in his eyes. Oddly enough, Luna does not feel any fear. She feels a great amount of relief. She quickly sits up and clears her face.

“Anon, I didn't hear you knock,” Luna says, trying to play as if everything is alright.

Anon doesn't say anything as he rests a single knee onto her bed. She raises a brow at this action. Before she can react, Anon grabs hold of her and brings her to his chest. Luna is in a great deal of shock at Anons forwardness. She’s never known him to ever start a hug on his own. She nuzzles into his chest as he holds her.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I didn't mean what I said,” Anon says.

“No, it should be I that is sorry, Anon. I shouldn't have shared your own dreams with my sister,” Luna says with sadness. “We understand if you wish to never be our friend again.”

She can feel his grip on her tighten.

“I don't want to lose you as a friend, Luna. I’m afraid, to be honest..” He admits with shame.

“Afraid of what?”

“Losing myself.”

Luna looks up to him puzzled.

“What does that mean?” She asks.

“I think it will be best if I tell you and Celestia at the same time.”

“Very well.” Luna nuzzles her face into Anons chest once more before he pulls away.

“I’ll bring Celestia to the dining hall. I’ll tell you both everything there.”

Luna gives a nod. “I will be there.”

Anon gives a nod as he takes his leave. Luna knows that something serious is going to happen soon. Yet, she can't help the large smile on her lips. The worries that plagued her the entire morning are gone. Anon is still her friend. That’s all she needs to know.

Celestia still sits upon her throne in thought.

“The Princess has requested that no visitors are to enter the throne room,” Celestia hears one of her guards by the door speak.

“Get out of my way.”

She doesn't get a chance to speak out as she finds Anon shoving her guard out of the way as if he were but a foal. Celestia finds her mind wondering how he has become so strong. All the guards around ready themselves to detain him, but with a wave of her hoof they stand their ground. Anon doesn't hesitate as he approaches the throne. A certain look the Princess can't place on his face.

She just holds her mask as firmly as she can. That look in his eyes, a certain determination behind it. He doesn't even stop at the foot of her throne as he walks all the way up to her. They are practically face to face now as Anon stands there.

“What br-”

Celestia finds her voice go out as her mind tries to process what is happening. It isn't very hard to understand. Anon is hugging her. She really can't find any words for this moment. Nothing really needs to be spoken as Celestia wraps her wings around Anon. She can feel some tears slowly working their way over her cheeks as the weight lifts from her shoulders.

“I guess I haven't been a very good friend,” Anon says.

“No, no! You’ve bee-”

Anon leans back some so he can face Celestia. When she looks into his eyes she silences herself. He needs to tell her something. That much is clear from his eyes alone.

“I haven't. Friendship is about trust. It’s about give and take. I haven't allowed you to give. What we had wasn't a friendship, not really.” He looks away. “I know you want to help, Tia. That’s just the pony you’ve always been.” He locks eyes with her again. “I’m not mad at you or Luna. I don't want to lose what we have.”

He slowly pulls away from her. She can feel her wings wanting to pull him back, but she reluctantly lets him go. He rubs the back of his neck.

“We can't be friends if we’re not honest with each other.” A sigh leaves him. “I’ll tell you and Luna everything. What happened with the Elements and the ponies of Ponyville. No lies, no tricks. I think it’s the least I can do.”

Celestia isn't sure what to say, she just finds it best to keep silent for now.

“I’ll meet you and Luna in the dining hall.”

“I’ll be there,” Celestia finally says.

Anon gives a nod as he makes his way out of the throne room. Once he leaves, Celestia looks to one of her guards.

“Have everypony clear out of the dining hall. Not a single soul will be present,” she commands.

He gives a salute. “Understood!”

Celestia looks back to where Anon left. She still holds her princess mask on, but her lips are turning up into a smile. One problem is solved, yet another one is still present. She rises from her throne as she readies for the talk that is about to happen.

Author's Note:

Another chapter? WTF is this madness! Well, yeah. I've been on a 'How many friends have you made today?!' kick. I finish one chapter and then I have to write the next. How long will this last? I don't know.

Anyways, this chapter came out well. A lot better than my other versions, I can tell you that. So, till next chapter!

P.S So much character building. Where is da comedy!

P.P.S I'll probably do some edits after posting, so, yeah. If you're a huge grammar nazi, feel free to point out mistakes..