• Published 26th May 2014
  • 74,875 Views, 2,904 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Friendship is optional

“Take care, Pinkie,” Anon says just before he walks to the door.

“...You too,” Pinkie answers as Anon walks out of her room.

Pinkie stares at the door a little while in silence. She brings a hoof up to her cheek, the cheek Anon had touched moments before. She feels conflicted inside. Sad about what she’s learned today, but also happy to have Anon as a friend. Anon seems to think it’s over, but Pinkie has the strange feeling that it’s far from. The questions are still gnawing in her mind. She needs to understand why her friends have done what they did to Anon. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding?

Pinkie gets off her bed and walks over to a mirror to clean herself up a little. She looks pretty ragged, but she probably looks better than most ponies will look today. She doesn’t have any time to waste as she walks out of her room, down the stairs and into the main room of Sugarcube Corner. Mrs. Cake is still standing behind the register.

“How are you feeling?” Mrs. Cake asks.

“Better,” Pinkie answers.

“That’s good to hear. Are you going somewhere?”

Pinkie nods. “I need to head out for awhile. Can you and Mr. Cake hold the store down till I get back?”

Mrs. Cake looks around the shop jokingly. “I think we can manage. I’m pretty sure ponies aren’t in the mood for sweets today.”

Pinkie lets out a sigh at that. Deep down, she feels as if she wants to throw a party to make everypony feel better, but today isn’t the day for a party.

“I’ll be back soon,” Pinkie tells Mrs.Cake as she walks to the front door to leave.

Pinkie is standing in front of Rainbow Dash’s house. She’s cringes some at the sound of things being destroyed.

“Rainbow Dash?” she calls out to her.

No response. All she gets in return is the continued sound of things being broken. Pinkie isn’t sure if she should feel sad or relieved. Just thinking about what Rainbow was doing to Anon. Pinkie’s all for pulling a prank on somepony, but not when the only pony having fun is yourself. Not only that, but Rainbow has always taken her pranks too far. Like when she used that thunder cloud on Nightmare Night. Granny Smith probably didn’t appreciate the scare as much as Rainbow did.

There’s no way to get Rainbow’s attention. She might as well check on the others.

Pinkie walks up to the farm house on Sweet Apple acres. She gives a few knocks on the door and waits. She doesn’t wait long as Big Mac answers the door.

“Can I help you?” he asks in his heavy southern drawl.

“I wanted to check up on Applejack.”

A small frown grows on his face as he steps aside and nods his head towards the inside. Pinkie walks past him and notices the sound of a voice talking.

“I couldn’t even believe my ears when I heard the Princess say those things.” An aged voice speaks up. “My granddaughter hurting another creature because of something so petty.”

Pinkie walks further into the living room and finds Applejack laying on the couch and Granny Smith by her side nursing a shockingly large bruise on her body. Pinkie has to hold back a gasp as she looks at Applejack. The entire front of her chest is black, the bruise extends up a large portion of her neck and around her stomach.

“All my years, I’ve never heard of a pony so stubborn,” Granny continues, having not noticed Pinkie. “I thought I raised you better! This world is big, Applejack. There are probably minotaurs out there that grow apples. Saying we grow the best is not only insulting to them, but anypony else that grows as well. Not only that, but not all ponies like eating apples. What you gonna do when you meet one of them, huh? Kill em?”

“I-I know, Granny. I’m sorry, I really am.” Applejack winces some at the pain in her chest.

Granny Smith shakes her head. “Shouldn’t be saying sorry to me. Shoulda said it to that tall fella. He’s the one you kicked.”

“I-I tried to, but he didn’t let me,” Applejack tries to defend.

“Well, I can’t rightly say I blame him. You feel like forgiving the Princess right now?” Applejack doesn’t say anything. “That’s what I thought. You know the story, Applejack. The Princess is the one who gave us this land. That’s a lot of responsibility. The Apples are well known around Equestria. You can’t be acting out so much. Plus you’re an Element! You shouldn’t be so darn hard headed.”

“I know,” Applejack admits.

“The Princess sure gave you a lesson to think about. From the looks of it, you’ll be in bed for a few weeks.”

Applejack lets out a sad sigh. She then looks over when she notices Pinkie standing there.

“Hey there, Pinkie,” Applejack tries to sit up, but is pushed back down by Granny Smith. “Heh, I’m kinda stuck here for the moment. What brings you around?”

Granny Smith looks over at Pinkie and notices a certain look on her face. She’s seen that look before in her many years on this land. She turns to face her grandson, Big Mac.

“Mac, can you help me in the kitchen for a bit? I need to start supper and your sister won’t be eating solids for awhile.”

Big Mac looks to his grandmother and gives a nod. Granny Smith works her way out of her seat and starts walking past Pinkie.

“Call if you need anything,” she says just before Big Mac and herself leave the two alone.

Pinkie walks over to Applejack's side and looks at the large bruise. She can feel her eyes start to water some. She doesn’t feel like this is right, but at the same time, she does. Seeing her friends in pain isn’t what she wants, but she knows that what they did was wrong as well. Applejack notices Pinkie’s sadness.

“Don’t you worry none. It looks worse than it actually is.” Applejack is lying, but she’s trying to cheer her friend up.

Pinkie reels her emotions back in. She needs to know.

“Applejack, I have to know. Why did you hurt Anon? I know that many of the ponies didn’t like him, but, I like him. Is he really that bad? Is he so different that nopony can see him as a friend?”

Applejack’s head lowers at her friend's tone. It’s hard to see a pony like Pinkie in such a sad mood. Applejack lets out another sigh.

“I honestly can’t tell you, Pinkie. The day he came around wasn’t the best for me.” Applejack looks off in the distance as that day plays out in her mind.

“Are you kidding me, Big Mac?” Applejack asks in irritation.

“Nope,” he shakes his head.

Applejack rubs the side of her head with a hoof. She doesn’t need this right now.

“So there’s nothing you can do without that plow being fixed?”

Big Mac nods. “Eyup.”

“We can’t afford a new one right now, brother. The roof is leaking, so we need to get that fixed. Then I also have to make sure that all the wagon wheels are replaced as well. We don’t got bits for all this stuff!”

Big Mac just stands there and stares at her.

“I know, I know.. Without the plow, we can’t plant the new trees.”


Applejack lets out a sigh. “I’ll figure something out. Just go out and buck some apples. I’ll look over the plow.”

Big Mac gives a nod and walks out of the barn. Applejack didn’t want to hear this today. It’s starting to get around that time of the year when the Apple family needs to plan their resources right. Apples sell, but they don’t sell as well as she’d like. She feels her concentration break as the barn door flies open.

“Anon is here!” Applebloom yells.

Oh great, what can that creature want?

“Go inside, Applebloom. I’ll see what it wants.”

Applejack walks out of the barn and outside. It’s not hard to notice that tall standing creature that is waiting out by her home. She can see the creature shaking his head as Granny Smith tries to tell him something.

“-ank you, but I’m just here to see Applejack.” Applejack can hear the creature as she walks closer.

“Well, if you change your mind, then don’t hesitate to ask.” Granny Smith points over to Applejack. “Looks like she’s coming over.”

Anon turns around and decides to walk over to meet Applejack.

“What brings you here?” Applejack asks in a harsh tone.

Anon seems to walk slower as he comes a little closer to her.

“Just wanted to see what this place was all about. Pinkie told me that you grow apples.”

Applejack feels a brow raise. Why is this creature here again? To learn about apples? She gets the feeling that isn’t what he’s looking for.

“That we do. So why are you here?”

Anon shrugs. “Just interested is all.”

Applejack doesn’t trust this creature. Even if the Elements didn’t affect him, she always feels as if something is off about him. He never acts like a pony and seems to be thinking more than he lets on. As if he’s plotting.

“Well, follow me and I’ll show you around.”

Anon doesn’t respond, so she leads him away from the farm house and toward the many trees they have. Wouldn’t want to have this creature near Applebloom.

Applejack rubs the bruise on her chest.

“When he said those things, about how I couldn’t know that my apples are the best. I-I just lost it. The entire day piled up and I just lashed out.” She looks up at Pinkie. “I didn’t mean to do it. Honest. I just… wasn’t thinking is all.” She winces as she applies too much pressure on her bruise. “I guess he probably felt the same way, maybe even worse. I just up and attacked him without any warning.”

Pinkie thinks back to when Anon came back to her room. When she asked him how he got hurt, he just told her that he ran into a pole. Pinkie believed him, but now she understands that all those lies he told her was his way of protecting her. In a weird way, Anon did care about her, even back then.

“He was really hurt back then. He couldn’t move for a month after that. I was so scared when the bruise started to set in. I knew he didn’t run into a pole like he told me. The rumors after that confirmed it, but I still couldn’t believe it. I just thought it was the usual gossip that went around,” Pinkie says aloud.

Applejack shakes her head. “I tried, Pinkie. I tried to stop the rumors, I tried to say I was sorry, but.. Anon, he isn’t a pony. He has this… this way about him that I’ve never seen in a pony before. Like he wants to never forgive, just because..”

Pinkie thinks back to a conversation that still hurts her deeply to this day.

“I want him out, Pinkie.” Mr. Cake says.

“But he didn’t mean anything by it!” Pinkie stomps her hoof.

Mr. Cake shakes his head. “I knew it was bad to take that thing in from the very start. Now he’s trying to take my wife from me.”

“Honey, I think you’re just emotional right now.” Mrs. Cake tries to calm her husband down. “Anon’s been rather nice since he started living here. He even told me that he didn’t know that what he said meant something else.”

“I don’t trust him and I want him out. There’s nothing that will change my mind.”

“But this isn’t fair! Anon di-”


All three of them look back to see Anon standing by the door. Pinkie notices that Anon is holding a suitcase in his hand.

“What are you doing?” Pinkie walks up to him.


“What? Why?!”

Anon just shrugs. “I am no longer welcome here. There’s no reason to stay.”

“Where will you go?” Pinkie asks.

“I don’t know, I’ll think of something.”

Pinkie can feel her eyes start to well up. “But I don’t want you to go.”

Anon doesn’t answer her as he looks over to the Cakes.

“Thank you for the hospitality, limited it may have been.”

Anon then turns around and walks out the door.

“Anon, wait!” Pinkie runs after him.

Pinkie can see that Anon is already down the street. She quickly trots over to him and stands right in front of him.

“You don’t have to go!” she yells.

“I do.”

“We can go to Twilight! I’m sure she’ll take you in.”

Pinkie notices that the air around her seems to get colder.

“I’d rather live in the Everfree Forest.”

“Why?” Pinkie asks.

Anon lets out a sigh. “Pinkie, have you ever heard of something called spite?”

Pinkie shakes her head.

“What’s spite?”

“I’m not surprised, I’ve yet to see a pony show this emotion. It’s a human thing. If something hurts another as much or more than what we feel, then we do it, even if they are sorry for it or even if it makes no sense. There’s no rhyme or reason for it.”

Pinkie doesn’t know what Anon is talking about.

“Just come back. I know I can talk the Cakes into taking you back.”

Anon looks down at Pinkie.

“I know you could, but I won't.”


“Out of spite.”

With that, Anon walks past Pinkie and toward town hall.

Pinkie thinks she understands it now. Even though leaving put Anon into a bad spot, it also made Pinkie very sad. The Cakes had to put up with Pinkie being sad, getting orders wrong and just not wanting to do anything for a few months. In an indirect way, Anon made them feel pain back. Pinkie can now see how horrible spite can be, but it’s all Anon had.

He couldn’t strike back physically, so he played on a more emotional level. Applejack wanted to forgive him, so he avoided her, probably making her feels worse as the time went on. Pinkie doesn’t like this spite. It seems so mean, but it only happens when Anon’s been hurt. She’s so confused.

“I gotta go,” Pinkie says.

“Pinkie, wait,” Applejack calls out to her. “I’m really sorry. I am, for everything.”

“..I know you are, Applejack,” Pinkie says just before she walks out.

Pinkie finds herself standing at the front door to Carousel Boutique. The sounds of her friend Rarity crying can be heard from within. There’s really no use in talking to Rarity. She’s probably on her couch eating ice cream. She knows that the punishment given to Rarity wasn’t as bad as it sounds. Rarity can still make dresses and lots of ponies will come to her for her expertise.

It’s just that she won't be as famous as she would’ve liked. Giving Rarity time to think is far better than going in there and having her complain about how horrible Anon is. Without a doubt, Pinkie knows that’s what Rarity would do if she were to go in there right now. Maybe she’ll come back later when Rarity has calmed down. She will admit that the reason Luna said Rarity did what she did makes her sick to her stomach.

Pinkie is walking down the road to Fluttershy’s home. As the small cottage comes into view, Pinkie notices something standing at Fluttershy’s door. She makes sure to walk slower to see who it could be. She feels a good amount of surprise when she instantly recognizes Anon standing there. As she gets closer, she can see how conflicted he looks.

What is he doing here? She stops a yard or so away and just stands there watching. She can see that Anon is thinking hard about something. Is he looking to cheer Fluttershy up, just like he came to her? Anon just lets out a sigh and turns away from the door and walks off into the distance. Pinkie wishes that ponies could see this side of him.

She lived with him long enough to see those fleeting moments when he shows his real self. She could tell how much he wanted to knock on that door, but he stopped for some reason. Anon is filled with so much good, but he’s too afraid to let it out. Pinkie walks up to the cottage and knocks on the door. A small bear is the one that answers the door.

“Is Fluttershy in?” Pinkie asks.

It nods its head and moves away from the door. Pinkie walks inside to see her friend lying in the center of the room on the floor, surrounded by animals and crying quietly to herself. Fluttershy looks up at Pinkie.

“I-I’m sorry, Pinkie, but I don’t think I want a party today,” Fluttershy says past her tears.

“I didn’t come by to throw you a party. I just wanted to check up on you.”

Pinkie walks closer to her friend and lays on the ground in front of her.

“That’s nice of you, but I think I want to be alone right now,” Fluttershy says.

“Are you sure?” Pinkie has a feeling that she doesn’t want to be alone.

Fluttershy is about to nod her head, but she stops. She smells something. She leans slightly closer to Pinkie and takes a small breath in.

“What’s that scent?” she asks, finding it familiar.

Pinkie looks down to her barrel and takes in a small breath. She then recognizes what Fluttershy is smelling. When Anon hugged her, he left a very faint scent on her.

“I-It’s Anon,” Pinkie answers hesitantly.

She then notices as all the animals in the room leer at her. Maybe that’s why Anon decided to leave?

“He’s.. really nice, isn’t he?” Fluttershy asks.

Pinkie returns her gaze to Fluttershy. A certain look is behind her eyes right now, almost as if she is reaching for something.

“He is. He really is.” Pinkie scoots a little closer to Fluttershy. “He’s so nice and sweet, but, in a different way.”

Pinkie notices Fluttershy’s eyes start to water.

“Am I a bad pony?” she asks Pinkie.

“Why would you ask that?” Pinkie isn’t sure why Fluttershy of all ponies would ask that.

Fluttershy faces the floor. “I haven’t stopped thinking about that day, the day Anon came to my home.” Her eyes start to lightly glisten. “He was so nervous when he came to see me and after he told me about his problem, I knew that I had to help him.” Fluttershy covers her eyes with her hooves as she starts crying. “He looked so relieved when I said I was going to help him, but then things got out of hoof. When I saw Angel laying on the floor, I didn’t know what to think. I thought he was a big mean monster and I used the stare on him.”

Pinkie can only sit there and listen to Fluttershy as she lets everything out.

“A-After he left, Angel told me what he did. I felt so horrible! I tried to go and talk to him, but every time our eyes met, I could see the fear in him...” She looks up at Pinkie with her tears falling. “He wasn’t even scared of me. He was scared of himself! I could see that and it hurt so much.”

Pinkie moves a little closer and gently wraps her friend into a hug.

“Am I a bad pony?” Fluttershy asks again as she cries into Pinkies chest.

“No, I just think one bad thing lead to another. Anon doesn’t blame you, I swear.”

Fluttershy looks up at Pinkie. “How can you know that?”

Pinkie thinks it’s best for Fluttershy to know.

“I saw Anon standing outside of your door.”

“Really?” Fluttershy looks genuinely shocked. “Why didn’t he knock?”

Fluttershy notices how Pinkie casts a glance at all the animals in the room.


“I could see that he wanted to make sure you were alright,” Pinkie adds. “Anon is really sweet, but he’s sweet in a different way. Sometimes he’s too scared to show the real him.”

“Why?” Fluttershy asks clearing her tears away.

“I don’t know. Maybe he just doesn’t like being hurt. So when he acts the way he does, ponies aren’t hating him, they’re hating the idea of him.”

Fluttershy is actually surprised how mature and insightful Pinkie is right now. Is this because of Anon as well?

“I guess so,” Fluttershy says.

“I swear he isn’t mean. On purpose, at least.”

“I wish I could tell him how sorry I am.” Fluttershy moves away from Pinkie. “I don’t think now would be a good time.”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Maybe later.”

Fluttershy nods slightly at that. “I should probably get packed.” She sniffles a little. “I’ll be heading to Canterlot soon.”

Pinkie leans in once more to give her friend a hug.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’ll keep an eye on your place as well.”

“Thank you, Pinkie.”

Pinkie lets go of her friend and moves away.

“I’ll leave you to pack,” Pinkie says.

“Ok,” Fluttershy whispers.

Pinkie knows that Fluttershy will want to spend the rest of her time with her animals, so she doesn’t want to overstay her welcome. Pinkie shows herself out. At least she knows that Fluttershy isn’t blaming Anon for what is happening to her. Still, there is one more pony that Pinkie wants to talk to. A pony that’s caused Anon significant harm.

Pinkie is standing in front of Golden Oaks Library. Usually, this would be a place she could go to enjoy some time with her friend, Twilight. Now, many of the places she once thought were open and loving places are now seen in a much darker light. She feels her heart ache as she imagines what Anon must’ve suffered from behind these walls.

She understands now why he didn’t want to go back to this place. It hurts so much to think about this, but she can’t ignore it. She can’t play it off as a trick of her mind or gossip from around town. This is real and she needs to face reality. She gulps one last time as she raises her hoof and knocks on the door a few times. The door opens and what Pinkie finds is something that makes her mane flatten.

Spike is standing there with red eyes.

“P-Pinkie, why are we leaving?” he asks with a slight stutter.

Pinkie hates this. She wants to make everything better. To throw a party and see everything go back to normal. Back to when Anon would stay home and she would come and visit. Back to when she would throw parties for all her friends and the ponies around town. Back to a time when things were innocent. It’s gone. Those times are gone and will never come back.

Pinkie reaches out and hugs Spike. Spike cries into her coat as he wraps his arms around her. There aren’t any words that Pinkie can say to make it all better. Spike is just one of many ponies that will suffer due to what her friends did to Anon. It’s not fair to them, but that doesn’t mean Anon is the bad guy. Many ponies may see it that way, but he isn’t.

“It’s alright, Spike,” Pinkie coos softly. “You’re just leaving for a little while. You’ll be back before you know it.”

Spike looks up at Pinkie.

“Why do we have to leave in the first place?” he asks.

Pinkie looks past him inside of the library.

“I don’t think it’s my place to tell you. Is Twilight in?” she asks.

Spike nods. “Shining is talking to her.”

Spike lets go of Pinkie. Pinkie feels like she should say something, but what can anypony say to make it hurt less? There isn’t anything she can say. She lets out a sigh as she walks past Spike. One wrong word will set him off, so she might as well say nothing at all.

“I still don’t understand,” Pinkie hears a sad sob from Twilight’s room.

“How can you not understand? I’ve been sitting here saying the same thing over and over,” a masculine voice speaks up.

Pinkie didn’t know that Twilight had a brother. She wishes that they could’ve met under better circumstances. Pinkie continues to walk up stairs slowly as she listens to them talk.

“I did what I did for Equestria!” Twilight shouts. “Why can’t any pony see that?”

“What you did was wrong!” Shining shouts back. “How would you feel if I held you down and did whatever I wanted!?”

“If it was to help Equestria as a whole then I wouldn’t care!”

“Not everyone is like you! Equestria is a place where any creature can come here and find safety! You took that away from Anonymous!”

“I didn’t do anything that others haven’t done to newly discovered species of plants!” Twilight retorts.

“Plants, Twilight!” Shining feels his anger growing. “Anonymous isn’t a plant!”

“The only reason we know that now is because of my research!”

“Are you serious right now?” Shining scoffs. “How far off the deep end have you gone? I knew I should’ve made you talk to ponies more.”

“You aren’t my mom or dad!”

“Don’t worry. When we get back to Canterlot I’ll be sure to tell them everything!”

Pinkie was taking shorter steps the entire time they talked. She isn’t sure if she should be here anymore.

“Get in here,” she hears Shining call out to her. “I know you’re there.”

Pinkie walks around the corner and sees Shining Armor standing in the center of the room looking in her direction. Twilight is sitting on her bed with red eyes. She looks over at Pinkie and feels her features soften.

“Oh, Pinkie. Spike didn’t tell me you were here,” she says.

“He, um, seems a little down.” Pinkie looks between Twilight and Shining.

Shining's been keeping eye contact with Pinkie this entire time.

“Why are you here?” he asks.

“This is my home, she can be here is she wants,” Twilight says.

“This isn’t your home anymore,” Shining shoots back.

Pinkie notices a strand of Twilight’s mane pop out of place.

“I-” The both of them face Pinkie. “I wanted to talk to you about Anon, but it looks like you’re busy.”

“No, I would like to hear what you have to say,” Shining says with genuine interest as he faces Pinkie.

Pinkie isn't sure if she should be doing this right now, considering the circumstances, but this may be her only chance. She looks over at Twilight as she continues to face Pinkie.

“Why did you hurt Anon?”

Pinkie's question is simple, but Twilight looks nervous now as she faces her friend. She can see that Pinkie isn’t the same mare she spoke to earlier today. For the first time today, Twilight actually feels as if she did something wrong, the pained look on her friend's face being enough to send doubt into her heart. She clears her throat some as she properly faces her friend.

“I used him for scientific research. I needed to know how his species operates. How they managed to make all those amazing things he talked about. Imagine how much Equestria would benefit from what Anon knows.”

Pinkie feels her head hang lower as she listens to Twilight talk. She doesn’t know what to say anymore. She feels sick to her stomach, like that time she ate those baked bads Applejack made. Twilight can only sit there and look at her usually upbeat friend acting beyond sad. Now that she thinks about it, her friend was trying to tell her today about why she was wrong about Anon.

Twilight ignored her, though. She knew that the Princess was coming that day with Anon. She knew that the Princess wanted her to use the Elements on Anon. All of these things she knew and yet none of them were correct. As it turns out, the Princess was there to teach them a lesson the entire time. Is what she did truly wrong? She thinks back to that day and really thinks.

“I still don’t understand,” Twilight says with irritation. “How can your people create something that allows each of them to access a large collection of information gathered from all over the world instantly?”

Anon shrugs. “I can’t answer that, Twilight. We’ve made a lot of things and most humans on the planet couldn’t explain how most of the things they use work. If you’re lucky, maybe they could give you a basic rundown, but even then, they probably can’t even tell you how to make the tools that are used to repair the tools used to make that stuff.”

Twilight can feel her brain getting itchy the more she talks to Anon. It started out well enough the first few weeks, but the more she learned, the more was left unanswered. Anon spoke of so many great things, things that ponies couldn’t even possibly imagine. Things that could change her world. Yet his memories are faulty. Subject to degradation.

She needs to remove this element and try to access the potential goldmine that lies within him. Not only that, but he’s been showing some odd physical changes that seem to not be normal, if the things he told her are as accurate as he thinks. A few tests can help her solve these problems. Anon has been willing so far. She doesn’t see why he wouldn’t be willing to give her what she wants.

She rises from her seat and casts her magic on Anon, lifting him into the air and walks toward her basement.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” Anon asks in an unusually flat tone.

“I have work to do.”

“That doesn’t answer my que-”

Twilight opens the door into her basement and continues deeper as she thinks over what she’ll need to do. She’ll need to take a few biological samples to check and see how Anon runs on a physical level. She uses her magic to lay Anon onto a table and straps him in so he can't move too much. She wouldn’t want to accidentally hurt him when she takes a sample.

“I need to get results,” she mumbles to herself as she turns away from Anon to look at all of her equipment.

She swears she hears something muffled in the background, but her mind is too focused to really pay attention. She takes the helmet she used on Pinkie at one point and straps it onto Anon’s head. She only briefly looks down at him and notices something is off about him. She doesn’t linger thought as she turns back to monitor his brain waves. Seems they were peaking awhile back, but now they are rather flat, as if he is in a trance of some sort.

Interesting. She walks over to one of her shelves and pulls out a small needle and vial. A blood sample is needed, then maybe some hair and muscle. Twilight can feel the excitement building inside of her at possibly learning something that nopony has ever learned before. Surely the Princess will praise her for this.

Twilight feels her mind start to slowly turn the details that she ignored at that time. The look of fear on Anon’s face. How he struggled in the beginning. How he told her to let him go with that subtle inkling of panic under his breath. How after awhile, he just stopped moving and responding to anything she did. She can feel some tears building in her eyes. No, she, she didn’t mean for this to happen. She tortured him. By Celestia, she actually made another creature suffer. She places a hoof over her mouth to stop herself from spewing onto her bed.

She hangs her head in shame as a few tears fall onto her hooves. Shining feels his anger melt away as he sees his sister crying. He walks over to her bed and takes her into an embrace. Twilight looks up at her brother.

“I-I.. and-d”

“I know, Twilight,” Shining says as he holds his sister tightly. “What I said earlier. I wasn’t saying it to get you angry. I love you, Twilight. It’s just, what you did was wrong and now, well now I think you understand."

Twilight can only bury her head into her brother's chest. She doesn’t believe this. She can’t believe what she did. Pinkie turns around and decides to leave. There’s nothing else left here for her to do.

“Don’t worry, Twily. We’ll work this ou-”

Shining stops as his horn lights up.

“Shining?” Twilight questions.

Shining shakes his head. “Just a message.” He looks over at the door to see the tail end of the mare from before. “Pinkie.”

Pinkie stops as she hears her name, but she doesn’t move.

“Message from the Princess. Anonymous has invited you to join him at the castle for his birthday.”

Pinkie feels her eyes start to water as a sad smile grows on her lips.

“I’ll be sure to ta-”

Shining doesn’t get another word out as Pinkie runs off and out the door. He wants to give chase, but he feels his sister place a hoof on his chest.

“Don’t worry about her. She’ll make it there.” Twilight looks up to her brother. “Shining..”

“Yeah?” He looks down to Twilight.

“Do you think I can ever be forgiven for what I did?”

Shining looks past his sister.

“I think you can, given time.”

Twilight returns her head to her brother's chest. She swears she’ll make it better. Even if it takes her a thousand years.

Pinkie is running as fast as her hooves can carry her, tears flying into the wind that rushes past her. The more she runs, the more she can feel her hooves lighten. The more she thinks about Anon, the more her mane brightens. Pinkie can see the chariot outside of Anon’s home on the horizon start to become larger as she gets closer. She can feel her usual smile on her lips, because this is not the end of Anon’s story. No, this is just the beginning.

Author's Note:

This chapter may be a bit of a surprise for many of you out there. If you liked this story, then I'm proud to announce the official sequel to "HMFHYMT". If you perhaps liked the way this story ended, then you can rest easy knowing that the sequel is not mandatory. However, if you're someone who's craving more from the "How many-verse", then follow the link down below to start Anon's newest adventure in Canterlot.

How many have you forgiven today?

Comments ( 240 )
Pause #1 · Apr 27th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Good to see that "half" of them have at least understood and come to terms with what was wrong.

I thought this story was over and then you go and write a sequel.........you are my fav author for today

Shining Armor should record this talk with Twilight and play her this some months of socializations later. As warning what you can be if you don't watch yourself.

WHOA! Hang on! Whoa! I thought this story was finished! Another chapter? Let's do this!



JBL #5 · Apr 27th, 2015 · · 19 ·

And then the Cults of the Sun and Moon track down the the Mane Six sans Pinkie and brutally murder them. The end. :trollestia:

It's great to see that you are still working on this fic, keep up the great work!

*reads added chapter and news about the sequel as well as the new How Many-Verse*

I'd kiss you right now if I knew where you lived and left a less creepy comment.

As for the review with the chapter itself, it was all in all pretty good. A few grammar mistakes here and there but nothing to complain about.

And though I found the Mane Six's (excluding Pinkie naturally) 'redemption arc' starting a little too swiftly for my tastes, it was still pretty good since it was only on the characters who did show some measure of guilt beforehand. Except for Twilight, who technically was the one who had the biggest belief that she was in the right, so it seems a little too fast and kinda strange for her to realize she was at fault. Especially so early (for me anyway) after her 'talk' with Princess Celestia.

Hmm, although that could be explained by having it revealed later in the sequel that she has one, or several, disorders making her act like that. Mood swings, bipolarity, schizophrenia, possibly even sociopathy.

It would make a lot more sense in her actions, and a possible explanation as to why she's so much better at magic than others. I've heard that some people with autism can become geniuses in certain areas, but mostly on those areas alone.

Anyway, this was still a good chapter, and even though it's three in the morning where I am and I only got seven hours of sleep last night I am still gonna check out the sequel! I mean, who needs moderation anyway!!!

You rock dude, peace out!

I think sadly the only one to die is going to be Anon, by Rainbow Dash's hooves

God YES!!!A sequel,you sir just made my day:pinkiehappy:

This story to me is FANTASTIC!!! Thank you so much for writing it! I am now going to go and read the VERY FIRST CHAPTER of the next story in line!!! It is really sad what happened. But at the same time I kinda wonna see how this affects the Main Six later down the line. I hope we come back to that later. I wonna know what happens to Dash, I mean her dreams where crushed completly, whatever will she do now?

And the revilations that some of them got because of this chapter was amazing, I liked the part with Twilight a lot it was very well done; Rarity is just kinda lucky really, I mean she could have had it so much worse then she does....

In Twilight's defense, how was she supposed to know that Anon wasn't actually a plant?

When he said stop. That's how.

Pretty sure plants don't talk. Unless they ask you to feed them, but that's probably a mean green mother from outer space.

It's so satisfying to see the punishments in effect.:eeyup:

Well this isn't this fine and dandy and damningly depressing. Looking forward towards the next chapter.

It's just so good, I wish I could say more but there is no need for it. You are just so good at conveying emotions and making the story so intriguing to read. Just... keep being awesome!

I'm much happier with this ending. Bravo writer. Bravo to the editors and pre-readers. Excellent job.

i'm going to re-read this story ^_^ it's just so good i have to read it again :D

I wasn't expecting Twilight's realisation to be that quick; given what we've seen of her so far, I'd have expected it to take more time. *Shrugs*
Still, sequel!!! :pinkiesmile:

On to the sequel!

I hope you are writing a sequel because you want to, not because people demanded it. I've seen too many good authors waste away and give up because they worked on a sequel they never wanted to in the first place. if you don't enjoy writing it you'll never finish it. Sorry for being a downer, but if you do want to write it then I'm all for it!

I MUST READ THE SEQUEL!!!:flutterrage:

Fuckin a man DAT ending doe. On to Da sequel

"How many lover's"

I knew it! I bloody well knew it!

5914430 Why was your comment to me removed? What was it about?

5913399 I know this reference! I've been in that production! I played Seymour!

I feel hip, and modern now, despite that reference being from the 80s.

i really do like how you tied everything together and gave some semblance of closure.

Huzzah. Nice ending here. Brings some nice closure. Loved it. Onto the sequel!

My only complaint with this chapter was passing over Rainbow's part. Besides Twilight, Rainbow Dash's punishment was the most severe, so I would have liked to have seen the aftermath like we did with Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight.

Man, I'm not sure how to feel about this story.
The interactions between luna, cel and anon are a joy to read, but its so strange reading about this storys version of themane 6.
They seem simmilar but twisted, more selfish or petty then their canon counterparts.
It's rather jarring i guess? Was there any particular reason to make them the antagonists? As opposed to other ponies?

Well... that's as much closure as we can get from the mane 6, isn't it?
Some of those we see the reasoning even if it was still uncalled for. And Twi's way of finally finding out... shattering her worldview, but making her relaize she did something terrible.
I dare to say you did a great job. Also nice way of saying that spite in here is a trait only Anon has - it also explains why they can forgive each other so easily while he just holds it in.
All in all, great conclusion to this story, and onwards to the next one right away! :pinkiehappy:

5915658 Dude, the acts you have them COMMITTING are incredibly, horribly exaggerated and flanderized. That's where character bashing begins.



I'm sorry, what was that?


Capt. James T. Kirk. didn't come to mind.

I thought of Kurtz from Heart of Darkness and decided to drop the "z".


5916821 A seemingly poor attempt at humour.

I decided to read this after seeing the sequel on the front page. I had no idea what to expect. I am soooooo glad i found this and binge read it. I will list it as my third favorite story i have ever read, andit may move up in the list upon reading its sequel. Thank you for this wonderful story...
This last chapter really pulled it all together for me.

Huh... this was perhaps the most OOC story I ever read.


How did you make those custom tags for Anon and featured?

Photoshop and imgur.

I'm kinda interested on a more detailed description of RD and Rarity, although I think I remember a part where it shows Rarities logic, but I still want to hear a little more on RD though

I wouldnt mind this story so much, if it didnt present the Mane Six so out of character. The only IN character things throughout the entire story was AJ lashing out after having a bad day, and Fluttershy using the stare unintentionally. Luna and Celestia are more objective than that, and wouldnt crush the dreams and lives of six ponies, much less the elements, out of the spite of one ungrateful human. Rarity wouldnt intentionally put someones life in danger just to force them to buy new clothes. Rainbow Dash would know better than to hit someone with lightning, ANYONE, seeing as how she only scares them with it as evidenced by Nightmare Night. Pinkie wouldnt turn her backs on her friends. And Twilight wouldnt strap someone down without their prior consent.

And the protagonist... well if I got into him I would be typing this for hours.

So, I have to disagree. While the earlier chapters are enjoyable, this story is far from brilliant. It represents an uncharacteristic story that I cannot enjoy.

So, while I do respect that some people will enjoy this story, I myself cannot, and I am glad to see it over. As for the sequel... well, judging from the name, Ill rant even more if I read that.

Pause #50 · Apr 29th, 2015 · · 4 ·

Lets break this down because I'm tired of people throwing out OOC so casually these days.

Celestia and Luna didn't not "crush the lives and dreams" of the Mane 6. They did this to themselves. Their punishments was long overdue because in reality the amount of things they get away with is ridiculous. "Heroes of Equestria" should only cover for so much.

Rarity did not intentionally send him to almost die. She has had only one experience with Diamond Dogs before this in which they barely did anything to her and were offput just by her whining. They were borderline harmless at the time and when Rarity sent Anon, she expected at worst he'd end up with ruined clothes, not to end up a bloody mess.

Rainbow Dash, as you said, would never intentionally hit someone with lightning but it doesn't mean there isn't a danger of a possible slip up. She was trying to scare him but lightning carries a high chance of fatality to a human being, but Rainbow doesn't care. She dislikes Anon and has no trust for him and thinks in her head that even if he does get hit he would eventually walk it off like a pony. Her ignorance doesn't realize that not everyone is a pony and lightning isn't the same for non-ponies.

Twilight is the closest to "OOC" but she isn't. Sarcastic Brony more along the lines stretched her character to the limit if at anything. There is a reason Lesson Zero is consistently referenced because it shows just how far or how unhinged Twilight can go, how obsessed she is with studies, and how obsessed she is with pleasing Celestia. As someone who practically mind controlled many ponies to fight over a doll in order to make a friendship report on time to avoid "displeasing" Celestia, I can see her going this far when confronted with an entirely new species who speaks of amazing wonders from his homeworld.

Lastly, Pinkie is not abandoning her friends. They did wrong. She's allowing due punishment. Standing by friends when they're doing or destructive behavior whether to themselves or others is not loyalty or friendship. Its just enabling bad behavior.

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