• Published 26th May 2014
  • 75,136 Views, 2,906 Comments

How many friends have you made today?! - Sarcastic Brony

Anon likes to keep to himself, but Celestia thinks he should make friends.

  • ...

Skyrim shuffle

Anon is currently resting his back against the throne while tossing a small rubber ball at a wall and catching it. At first, he was well behaved while Celestia went about her court. That didn't last long, as he somehow managed to get his hands on that ball. The thing seems to catch the attention of everypony as they walk in to talk to their Princess. The echo of it bouncing off the ground, then off the wall and back to Anon.

By the sun, it is starting to get on Celestia’s nerves. She has no idea where he even got the ball to begin with. One minute, she is talking to a couple as they request her to be at their wedding, then she looks over to see Anon bouncing that thing away in boredom. She knows that it can get rather stale listening to other ponies talk, but she was hoping Anon would’ve held out a little longer.

Every time that ball bounces off the wall she can feel her ear flick over to the sound. Celestia finds a break in the ponies coming to court. Perhaps this is the time to catch Anons attention.

“Are you hungry?” she asks him.

“Nah,” he mutters out as he continues to toss the ball.

“Are you sure?” she asks again. “It’s almost time to end the court for the day. Dinner is only a few moments away.”


Celestia catches the ball in mid-air before it could return to Anon.

“Are you even listening?” Celestia scolds him.

He turns around to face her. The look he is giving her is one of confusion.

“Element business?” he asks, unsure.


“Something about ponies?”

Celestia lets a tired sigh out. “No.. I asked if you were hungry.”

“Yes!” Anon says as he springs up to his feet. “If we have to stay here any longer, I might slit my wrists!”

Celestia feels a brow raise at that. Anon always has this tendency to say things she doesn't understand. Even make references she’s never heard of.

“What does that mean?” she asks.

Anon looks away. “Human thing. So where we heading?”

Celestia feels herself smile a bit. “I was hoping we could enjoy a meal in my room?”

Anon feels his enthusiasm slip some. What is with ponies always taking him to their rooms? Ever since the Lyra fiasco, he tries his hardest to avoid going into a pony's home, let alone their rooms. Then again, this is Celestia. Anon can say that he does trust her on some level. She’s just being friendly and trying to kill two birds with one stone. Note to self, make sure to say that phrase to Fluttershy at some point.

“Um, sure,” Anon relents.

Celestia feels herself beam at that. “Excellent!” She turns to one of her guards. “Let the ponies know that day court is closed for this evening.”

He gives her a nod. “Very well, Princess.”

Celestia trots happily towards the main door. “Come along, Anon,” she says with joy.

Anon lets out a sigh as he follows after her. “Maybe this wasn't a good idea.”

It actually wasn't that bad of an idea. Anon and Celestia are sitting on her balcony and looking over Equestria as the sun slowly makes its descent. They finished their meals awhile ago and are enjoying the moment.

“Did I ever tell you that the sun moves on its own where I come from?” Anon asks.

Celestia chuckled. “There was a time you told me every moment we met.”

Anon chuckles at that as well. “Well, it’s a tough pill to swallow. You know, magical horse moving giant celestial bodies at her command.”

“That’s how we do it in Equestria, Anon.” Her horn slowly glows as she gets ready to set the sun. “There are times that I do wish for the skies you speak of. Ones that manage themselves,” she says with a tone that spoke volumes about her age.

It’s really easy for Anon to forget that Celestia is more than two thousand years old. She acts so differently when she is away from the public that he honestly still finds himself surprised when he sees this side of her.

“Have you ever thought about taking a break?” he asks her.

“Many days I do. Others I don't,” she admits.

“You ever try?”

She shakes her head. “No, my ponies need me.”

“What about Luna?”

Celestia looks over to him with a questioning look.

“What of her?”

“Well, can't she take the reins for awhile?”

Another saying that leaves Celestia unsure of what Anon means. The only reins she knows of are the ones attached to some rather questionable clothing. Celestia finds her mind flashing to what she would look like if she wore a saddle and reins. It’s very hard to get the Princess to blush, but her thoughts are lighting a fire on her face.

“I-I think you may need to elaborate,” she says with embarrassment.

Anon scratches his head some. Perhaps that saying means something here that he is not aware of? This pony land is crazy.

“Um, well. We have horses and we ride them sometimes. The saying of ‘taking the reins’ means to let someone else lead.”

That seems to make more sense to Celestia. It then falls into place what Anon is asking of her.

“Let Luna? No, no, no! She’s still getting settled! I can't just have her take over everything. There needs to be a transition period, informing the ponies, letting th-”

Anon just shakes his head some as Celestia continues to name off reasons why she can't take a break. So much so that Anon decides it’s just best to end it. He gently rests his hand over her mouth.

“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself, not me.” He says as he removes his hand.

Celestia feels her head fall at that. A long, tired sigh escapes her. Anon is right, she is trying to convince herself why she shouldn't take a break. Celestia knows that there is no transition period for the ponies. If she ever took a break, then they would panic. She trusts her sister and knows she would lead well. She just fears what ponies may whisper behind her back. Luna was not one to adhere to a more forgiving policy.

Back in the day, Luna was well known for many beheadings. A practice that has long since been abandoned. Though she wasn't too sure if Luna may reinstate it, if the right noble tried to talk down to her. It’s crossed Celestia's mind more than once.

“I-I don't know.” She relents. “I fear what may come from such a decision.”

Anon shrugs. “Maybe widespread chaos.” Celestia looks at him with a slight panic. He rolls his eyes. “Or maybe nothing will happen. Maybe you will have a nice day relaxing. If there’s any trouble, then Luna or one of the many guards would come calling.”

Celestia hates to admit it, but Anon is starting to make more sense by the second. What he says is true. If Discord himself were to return, she would be informed immediately. It could also put Luna in a more positive light. She is always alone, locked away in her room. Perhaps this could benefit them both?

“I’ll think about it.”

“Whatever,” Anon says passively.

Why is he even trying to convince the Princess to take a break anyways? Sure he cares about her. She is after all one of his very few friends here. He just doesn't feel right. Usually, Anon likes to keep his distance, even with friends. He was never one to get involved with their personal lives. This, this isn't like him. He blames Celestia and how close she is. Maybe he should break it off? She’s making him too soft.

Before he knows it, he might be calling the Elements his friends! Oh, that will be a cold day in hell.

“Are you alright?” Celestia can see that Anon is struggling with something.

“Nothing.” He looks back to the horizon.

Celestia moves closer to him. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” he says with an emotionless tone.

Celestia knows this side of Anon. It’s the same side she saw when he first arrived. Bottling up his emotions. She will admit that since they’ve become friends, Anon has come out of his shell rather quickly. Being more animated and caring. Then there are times like this. Times that he just pulls everything back into himself. She wishes she could help him.

She uses her wing to pull him to her side.

“You have no reason to keep everything inside. Anon.”

Anon quickly stands and breaks from her hold.

“I'm going to take a walk,” he says. “See ya.”

Before Celestia can say anything, Anon is already out the door. She lets out a sad sigh.

“I’ll be here if you need me.” She whispers to no one.

If Anon needed anything right now, it would be a drink. He hasn't had one in forever. The moon is now high in the sky and marking that the night has officially begun. Anon has been trying to find someone around this place to give him directions. Not a single guard was around though, so he just went to wander the streets of Canterlot some. After that talk with Celestia and some brief reflection of the time they spent, Anon has come to the conclusion that she is bad for his health.

He likes who he is and her niceness is literally bleeding into him. If he stays near her for too long, then she might change him more. He hates the thought of it, but he might need to cut ties with her. Which is odd, because he usually doesn't care when he cuts people off. Just thinking how sad it would make her makes him feel bad. Is this how normal people feel about things? He doesn't like it.

He is very confused right now. Before coming to this place, it was easy for Anon to let someone go. He would simply part ways with little to no cares given. So why does he fear to lose Celestia’s friendship? Is it because she is the closest of all the creatures he’s met? Is it because she accepts him and all his faults? He doesn't know, and that is what worries him. He always took pride in the thought that his mind is always constant. Yet, he finds himself questioning everything when she is around. He does things he normally wouldn't do just to make her happy.

He finds himself leaning against a nearby wall as his thoughts take over. He just wishes he could drown all these voices away. They aren't doing him any favors.

“Is that you, Anonymous?” A British-like tone calls out.

Anon groans on the inside. He knows this voice all too well. He looks over to his left and finds Rarity standing right there. He doesn't even answer her as he turns away and walks in the opposite direction she is coming from. He hopes she will understand the gesture, but that doesn't seem likely as he hears the sound of her hooves trotting up to him.

“Anon, please let me talk to you,” Rarity pleads.

“Nothing to talk about.” He says emotionlessly. “What happened happened.”

Rarity feels her heart burn a little inside at his dismissive attitude. She just wants to apologize to him for what happened, yet he never hears her plea. She quickly trots ahead of him to block his way.

“Anon, I just want to say how sorry I am for what happened between us. If you would please just give me a second chance, I swear we can be friends!”

Anon looks down to Rarity with cold eyes. Not a single emotion showing through. While ponies eyes show a great deal of emotion, humans tend to have a deeper look when you gaze into their eyes. Anon always held a calculating look when he talked to ponies. This, though, his eyes are blank. Not a single thing is being shown, and that makes Rarity nervous.

“I don't want to be your friend. I don't want your friends as my friends. I don't care if you’re sorry, and this conversation is over,” Anon says with a steady tone.

He brushes past Rarity as she just stands there. She isn't sure what to say about that. She can't fault Anon either. She feels horrible about what she did to him. What they all did to him.

Celestia is really worried about Anon. So much so that she went to her sister's room to talk to her. She can sense her sister awake and waiting for her. Luna has always been good at knowing when Celestia needed her company most. Celestia doesn't pause as the doors to Luna’s room open for her. They gently close behind her as she spots her sister lying on a large pillow in the center of the room. Another pillow is waiting for her as well.

“Good night, Sister.” Celestia says with a quick nuzzle to Luna as she takes her seat.

“Good night to you as well, Sister.” Luna says with a small smile.

Luna knows that her sister has something on her mind. This is the reason why she decided to wait in her room till she arrived.

“What troubles your mind, Tia?” Luna asks.

Celestia lets out a small sigh. “Anon.”

Luna gives a nod. “We understand. His reservations are holding him from truly connecting with another pony.”

Celestia shakes her head some. “It’s not just that. Anon seems to have a genuine hate for ponies. He tries to hide it, but I can see right through him” She looks up to her. “What happened to him? It was only a day ago that Anon told me that Twilight actually experimented on him against his will.” She looks away in shame. “Why has he kept such a thing from me? What else has gone on from beyond my sight?”

Luna feels uncomfortable with the questions her sister is asking. Being a princess of the night, she can enter into any creature's dream world. Anon, his dreams are always nightmares. When she came to save him from these dreams, he got angry, telling her that it is his problem to handle. She’s tried to get him to talk about what happened to bring about these terrors, yet he always held his tongue.

“He doesn't sleep much,” Luna admits. “He is plagued with nightmares. They vary in context, but most of them fit a main theme.” She looks up and locks eyes with her sister. “They center around our subjects, the Elements being the largest influence. Anon has told us his enemies list, yet he never goes into great detail about what happened.”

“Do you think the others hurt him?” Celestia asks concerned.

“That, I cannot answer. Anon has always kept his secrets close. We may never know, lest he reveals them himself.”

Celestia can't help but worry over Anon. She just wants him to be happy and healthy. The fact that he holds these strong emotions inside isn't good for him.

“Tell me about his dreams.” Celestia looks to her sister. “I wish to hear them myself.”

Luna looks out her balcony door toward the moon.

“Very well.” She lets out a long sigh as she looks over to her sister. “The first time I met Anon in his dreams was only a week or so after his arrival.”

Author's Note:

Wow, this is starting to be a tough fic to write.. Mostly because I never intended to continue it, but well, here we are! So, yeah. I had to rewrite this particular chapter a few times. This is the best of the versions made. I hope I'm starting to build more character to Anon, as well as Celestia in this chapter. Mainly Anon though. He definitely needed some more depth and I hope this delivers that.

On a side note. I've been banned from derpibooru.org for 1,000 years. So, this following chapter is not brought to you by some kind of AnonxCelestia image. Sorry about that.