• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 6,469 Views, 11,170 Comments

Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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Take Off or Shove Off

With bright spurts of crimson manaflare, three cloaked figures descended on a temple floating along the far side of the maelstrom. Two landed nimbly while a third collapsed, panting through his silver mask.

"Do not embrace weakness, brother," one of the standing figures said to the one on the ground. "Razzar needs our unwavering courage. Especially now."

The third figure stood up on wobbly knees. "Praise Quezaat... I did not think our packs would have the fuel for that last trip."

"It matters little. This place presents new danger. We need air superiority again."

One figure spoke into his wrist communicator. "Vaughan, we have arrived, brother. Razzar remains on the central structure. We need to rendezvous with him as soon as possible."

Silence... save for the constant hush of rain.

"Vaughan. Come in, brother. Are you there?

"We landed on the right platform, did we not? Shouldn't the ship be here?"

"And it is," another said, gesturing past a throng of granite columns. "Look." The three masked reptiles gazed upon the glossy, bulbously shape vessel parked amidst the debris. "It lies dormant."

"As Razzar commands it."

"I mean all of its lights are off. I detect no power from within the vessel whatsoever."

"Perhaps it is for the best." One Lounge member trotted forward, approaching the starboard side of the vessel. "Those vicious creatures are out there, and unnatural lights might attract them."

"All the better for us to take off and assist in our brother in need."

"I whole-heartedly agree. Vaughan!" One figure snarled into his communicator. "Show yourself! This is urgent!

POW! A stream of crimson energy flew in from behind, ricocheting off the Lounge's wrist and disentigrating his communicator.


The other two spun, unholstering their weapons—

P-POW! A figure squatting in the shadows fired a manarifle again.

One reptile was knocked back to the ground while the other had his weapon melted within a blink. He hissed in pain, being forced to drop the pistol.

"How good of you breeders to finally join me," the figure from the shadow droned.

The naga on the ground sat up with a rattling mask. "Vaughan?! Is that you, brother?!"

"No, brother. And yet... yes..." The figure stepped forward and peeled its mask off. Roarke's scowling face glared at them. Moisture clung to her eye-lenses as she said, "Our romp through the clouds is over. However, I need you for one last task."

"One last task...?

Another reptile shook his fist and snarled. "We will not follow the rules of a scale-less pony—" An energy blast burned the hood off his cloak. He shrieked with a shrill breath and struggled to cover his exposed scales.

"Quite frankly, I don't need all three of you alive. So don't tempt me anymore than you already have..." Roarke cocked her rifle. "Razzar's stayed behind where the monsters are spawning, yes?"

The other two naga slowly, slowly nodded.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised." She tapped a button at the waist of her cloak.

With swirling bands of amber light, the Lounge's skystone ship came alive. Its forward dome rolled back, exposing the interior platform and the entrance beyond.

"Get on board," Roarke grunted, waving with her rifle. "Our business in Stratopolis isn't over."

While two naga nervously scampered on board, the third who struggled with his hood glanced down to scowl at the bounty hunter. "Quezaat frowns on you for this deception, Vaughan."

"The name is Roarke Most Rare," she grunted, training the rifle's sight on his chest. "If you like, I'll carve that into your corpse's chest, and we'll see how happy that makes your bashful lizard god."

"Again!" Prowse shouted.

"Nnngh!" Props yanked a lever along the far end of the Tarkington's engine room.

The mana crystals on the center dais pulsed with purple light, fluctuated, and faded. All was dark once more in the center of the rain-pelted ship.

"Bollocks!" Prowse spat, hobbling over on his prosthetic. "I don't bloody understand! The crystals are fully charged! They should provide plenty of power!"

"Uhhhh..." Props glanced over nervously. "Unky Prowsy?"

"Thrust the lever again! Better yet! Let me do it—" He moved to shove her out of the way.

But Props shoved back. "Hey! Cool your sexy head!"

"We c-can't fail now!" Prowse spat. "I promised Aatxe that I'd fly the survivors to safety on this hunk-o-junk! I won't let the lad down!"

"And you're not gonna!" Props slid her goggles up and gazed at his eyes. "We just gotta go about it more gently, is all!"

"Say what, lass?!"

She smiled. "I know it sounds crazy, especially for you, Unky Prowsy, but there's a lot to be said about delicate engine work."

Prowse squinted at her. "Who are you and what have you done with my niece?"

"Shhhh..." She tapped his stubbly chin and backtrotted to the lever array. "Just watch!" Taking a deep breath, she gripped the lever, counted down to herself, and gave it a yank.

Sparks flew. The crystals fluctuated once more, their purple light intensifying and fading within seconds.

Before Prowse could say anything, Props was diving across the room, sliding to a stop beneath the center dais. Using her teeth, she yanked a panel open, reached in, and pulled out a cluster of wires. She detached a few of them, sweating from the supremely intricate work.

Gradually, the manacrystals stopped dimming. The mana conduits weren't overloading this time. Finally, as the light became a constant glow, Props reattached the wires with a splash of tiny sparks. Holding her breath, she scurried back over to the wall, retracted the lever, then pulled it back halfway.


The lights of every console flashed on throughout the ship. The Tarkington came to life, its engine maintaining a constant hum.

"Bloody hell..." Prowse grinned wide. "Where'd you learn to operate like that!"

Props hopped up with a bright smile. "Nancy Jane's smile!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Uhm..." Props rubbed one leg with another, blushing. "It's a long story." She gulped. "And most times a sweaty one."

"Hey Blondie!" From outside, Josho's voice could be heard shouting, "Are we a go, yet?!"

"Rest your bulging flank, ya tyke!" Prowse hollered in Props' place. "We still gotta test the main control system—"

"Buck that! It's now or never!"

"Look, ya trigger happy buffoon! You can't rush this—"

"A new wave of those freaks is coming! Our window has come and gone!"

To that, Props gasped with wide, glistening eyes.

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