• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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Meet in the Briefing Room

"And just what's going to happen once you get to this... Central Tower?" Ebon asked. "I mean, aside from the Grand Tour—you think they're gonna try and preach their feathery religion to you or something?"

"It's not a religion, really," Rainbow said as she paced across the Noble Jury's mess hall. Through the portholes, starlight glittered across the misty sky of Durandana. Torchlight dotted the trees from the many wooden houses and platforms where the pegasi were retiring for the night. "It's simply their way of life... their life-blood..."

Ebon smirked. "I stand by what I said."

"Look, we gotta be careful with these guys," Rainbow said, spinning about. "For their sake, I mean. Sure, they're all rough and tough pegasi, but they've been living by themselves for so friggin' long that I'm a little bit freaked out about what the knowledge of the outside world could do to them."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Rainbow," Pilate said. "Not to mention an example of intelligent foresight. But I think you could stand to give the psyche of these Durandanans more credit."

"Especially since it's rather clear just what they believe in," Bellesmith said.

Rainbow glanced at her. "What do you mean by that?"

Belle shrugged. "Isn't it obvious? All this speak of the 'Valkyrie' and this apparent worship of Sunlight..."

"I get it, Belle," Rainbow said, nodding. "They're totally descendants of Commander Hurricane's pegasi from ancient Equestria."

"Seriously, though..." Josho glanced up, brow furrowed. "That's a bit of a friggin' stretch. Do we really know that?"

"The connections are simply too numerous," Pilate said.

"And it's not like they're direct descendants of the pegasi who supposedly broke up Urohringr," Eagle Eye said. "I mean... unless they're secretly ravenous zombies."

"Maybe in bed they are," Zaid said.

"Zaid..." Belle sighed.

"What?" Zaid shrugged. "Don't tell me that you of all ponies aren't the least bit shaken in your can-can about that!"

Belle's ears folded. "I do admit... I was stricken back by their lax views on affection, family, and... br-breeding." She cleared her throat. "But like Rainbow Dash said. This is simply their way of life. From what we can all tell, it's working out for them just fine." She glanced up at the others. "Who are we to judge another culture based solely on our differences?"

"But we don't know their whole 'culture' yet," Josho remarked. "Not at least until Rainbow Dash makes her trip to Central."

"So you're all for her going, old stallion?" Eagle asked.

"Hell, they seem to love her to death!" Josho exlaimed. "Let her go to the middle tower and learn what she can from these... 'gray feathers.' I'm sure Rainbow wouldn't mind stretching her wings a little... especially with those of her own kin."

"They're not exactly 'my own kin,'" Rainbow said.

"But you agree that they're probably descendants of Commander Hurricane!" Props said, blinking brightly. "How kinnier can you get than that?"

"Don't deny it, Rainbow," Eagle said with a smile. "Today's the happiest any of us have seen you in a long time. Even on our good days."

"Did you get a chance to talk to Celestia about what you've found?" Pilate asked.

Rainbow sighed, glancing towards the corner where the Sword of Solstice rested along with her saddlebag. "No... There wasn't a moment all day when I was left alone. These ponies are clinging to me like manure on velcro."

"G-good manure, r-right?" Ebon smiled crookedly.

"To be honest, I'm a little scared of telling Celestia of who and what I've found," Rainbow said. "The idea of distant relatives of Equestria living thousands upon thousands of miles away?" She grimaced. "And in such isolation and... and ignorance too?"

"But they're doing remarkably well for themselves, Rainbow," Belle said. "And—aside from meat eating and an apparent lack of family structure—they appear to be embodying the concepts of Harmony. I mean, just look at the paradise they've maintained in this crater after all these years!"

"How'd they even get here anyways?" Props asked. "Did Hurricane just swoop by this crater and drop them off?"

"Doesn't seem like a general to do," Josho said. "Also, wasn't Hurricane sworn to guard over the dark heart of Stratopolis with all of the devices at her disposal?"

"You..." Eagle trembled slightly. "You d-don't think that the Durandanans went AWOL, do you?"

"No..." Rainbow shook her head. "I don't believe that."

"Don't believe it or don't want to?" Josho asked.

Rainbow squinted at him. "Wouldn't it be really silly for them to exalt this 'Valkyrie' persona while admitting that they screwed her over eons ago?"

"It could possibly explain the adamance of their fealty," Pilate said. "Guilt only gets stronger through the years. Maybe they deem this crater as their 'prison.'"

"Doubtful, beloved," Bellesmith spoke up. "After all, what about the 'Gold Lights' that they're emphatic about guarding?"

"I've got an even scratchier question!" Props said with a bounce. "If they didn't ditch their posts and they weren't dropped off here on purpose—"

"Like if they simply broke off from the rest of Stratopolis?" Zaid remarked.

"—yeah!" Props nodded. "How could they have landed here? It's not like Stratopolis was capable of splitting up..." Her eyes darted amongst the other Jurists. "Is it...?"

"Maybe a piece broke off?" Eagle said. "And then crash landed here?"

"Yeah!" Ebon nodded. "It could explain the crater, right?"

"Pffft. If all of Stratopolis crash-landed here, then sure," Rainbow said. "I dunno if you ponies have noticed, but it's a pretty dang big crater."

"I don't think the local geography can be penned on a piece of Stratopolis," Pilate thought out loud, rubbing his chin. "The nature of the impact is so great that I doubt any pegasi 'riding' the falling object would have survived the blast—or anything else in this landscape for that matter. And yet, here and today, the place is lush with vegetation and animals. If a piece of Stratopolis caused this impact, where did all the wildlife come from? It surely wasn't on board the Sentinel, and it's not like the pegasi—who couldn't have survived the impact—planted the seeds all on their lonesome."

"What are you thinking, Pilate?" Belle asked.

"Quite simply that whatever caused this impact was incalculably long ago," the zebra said. "In an age so far gone that it allowed this unique ecosystem to develop here in the interim. I think the Durandanas are all outsiders—in that they stumbled upon this place just like we did, and due to the nature of the elements surrounding the crater, they've been stuck here, bound to a social system that they themselves had to construct in order to survive."

"So, how and why did a bunch of Commander Hurricane's ponies end up in this crater of all places?" Rainbow asked.

"Perhaps that's something you yourself can discover for all of our weary minds," Pilate said with a smile. "After you've paid a visit to Central and—perhaps—witnessed these 'Gold Lights' for yourself."

"And you can tell them all about their distant shiny Princess!" Props exclaimed.

Everypony was silent.

Props fidgeted. "What?"

"I... I don't know, Props..." Rainbow winced. "I think I better learn about all they've got to tell me before... uhm..." She gulped. "Before I tell them anything."

"But they need to know, right?" Props leaned forward. "They need to know about their queens of alicorn hotness!"

"I... really don't know if they need to know... at least not yet," Rainbow said. "I wanna talk to Celestia about it. Maybe I can slip a few words in the morning before First Light and when Sivrem arrives."

"I'm sure speaking to her can only help, Rainbow," Belle said. "We understand your concern. We don't want anything to shake up the world that the Durandanans have established here."

"Believe me, I wanna tell them everything about Equestria. But..." Rainbow fidgeted. "What good is it gonna do, y'know? I mean... they're so happy here. They're perfect... perfect pegasi." A weary smile, but then it faded. "What good is it gonna do to let them know that they're really just long-lost birds estranged from a kingdom so far away it would take them forever to fly to by wing alone?"

"Certainly a valid question," Pilate said. "Not to mention a tough one. I suggest you sleep on it."

"Might I remind everypony that we're not exactly here to enjoy a vacation," Josho grunted. "Isn't Chrysalis off in Val Roa somewhere, making life a living hell for innocent ponies?"

"Without the aid of her brood," Ebon said. "Remember?"

Eagle Eye squirmed uncomfortably, silently.

"Even still, we've got bigger fish to fry." Josho turned to gaze at Rainbow. "No offense, but we can't spend forever on the minnows."

"I know. I know." Rainbow sighed. "But I can't just ignore these ponies, especially if it's true that they're Equestrians at heart." She paused, blinking. "Say..." She looked up. "Anypony seen Roarke?"

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