• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Bless This Home, Our Home

Elma strolled through the metal streets of Abinadi. She wasn't alone. A good half of the Noble Jury trotted alongside her. It didn't make the trip any less nerve-wracking. In jittery little bursts, Elma flung her gaze left and right, spotting groups and clusters of turtles watching from blacksmith shops, eateries, storefronts, and libraries. Dozens upon hundreds of pairs of reptilian eyes watched the changeling's every step. The turtles murmured amongst themsleves, their scaled expressions bright and full of wonder.

Elma glanced up. She passed under metal-laced apartment buildings where young hatchlings gazed out the windows with wide glossy eyes. She shuddered, hanging her head slightly towards the floor as she trotted along. Eagle Eye caught up with her and gave the shape-shifter a reassuring touch with his hoof. Collecting her breath, Elma stood up straight and proceeded forward.

At the rear of the group, Rainbow Dash hovered alongside Roarke. The two lingered so far back that they mixed with the crowd of turtles shuffling curiously after the changeling. Without taking her eyes off of Elma, Rainbow spoke aside to the Searonese mare.

"You know, you barely know Elma. Nopony will fault you if you wanna go back to the ship."

"This is my place," Roarke said in a neutral tone.

"You sure of that?"

"Aren't you?"

Rainbow squinted aside. "For real, Roarke. What brings you out here? So far from the ship and all your stuff?"

"Somepony had to bring half of your friends to Boxer via the transport."

"That's not what I mean. This kind of thing totally isn't your bag," Rainbow said, squinting at the metal mare. "What are you hoping to get from this?"

"To be honest, Rainbow Dash, I'm not entirely sure," Roarke muttered. Her lenses twitched as she trotted along, facing forward. "Let's just say I've grown tired of making hypotheses in my life."


"Besides. Elma's part of the crew, is she not?"

"I'd say she is."

"Then my duty is here with her," Roarke droned unemotionally. "Where she needs me."

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Pilate's right. You have changed."

"Are we supposed to be keeping score?"

"Well... uhm... no. But—"

"But nothing." Roarke gestured ahead. "Observe. Something is transpiring."

Roarke and Rainbow Dash came to a stop. Ahead of them, in the centermost portion of the metal plate upon which the visitors and citizens stood, a clearing had formed in the crowd. Elma stood in place... for she was staring at a full line of snapping turtles with shells of matching color and pattern. Reptiles both young and old stared at her. Their expressions were mixed—but most blinked with bright eyes and gaping beaks. On top of two of the turtles, baskets were rigged with seats for tiny, drooling hatchlings. Three whole generations of a single family had gathered, numbering no less than thirty.

Elma exhaled. She plopped back on her haunches, her lips quivering. "Kelvin... Belinda... Squire... Aunt Alessa..." She gulped, her eyes wandering from one hauntingly familiar face to another. "Naidre... Uncle Hector... Sven..." Suddenly, she gasped, and her green eyes watered upon the sight of four young adult snapping turtles staring steadily at her.

Belle leaned against Pilate as both gazed at the scene. Eagle Eye leaned in. "Are those her...?"

Belle nodded. "I do believe so," she whispered.

All the while, Elma was steeling herself. She stood back up and trotted forwards the group.

The turtles' eyes darted back and forth, gawking at the changeling's features. It was suddenly apparent that they were just as anxious as her.

This brought Elma's words out with a quivering exhale: "I know whom you all are hoping to see," she murmured. "But... I cannot help you there. All I would offer is a facade... a shade of the mother you once knew when I..." Elma winced, gritted her teeth, and squeaked, "...when she hatched you." Clearing her throat, she courageously continued. "But what I can offer is her memories... her feelings... and her adoration—for each and every one of you." Sniffling, she smiled and gazed lovingly at each face. "Claude... Helene... Rheba... little Maven." Elma shuddered. "Her every waking thought was centered on you and your own children. She dreamt of you. She sobbed over you. And the first and last thing she wanted out of life was to return to you after her long and treacherous journey. But... but th-that cannot be. And... I am sorry... I am so so sorry for th-that..."

The crowd gathered around the scene was dead silent as Elma broke down into quiet sobs. She hiccuped for breath, wiped tears away from her black face, and continued.

"But while I may not be able to bring your beloved Elma Boreal back, I can bring you her knowledge. I can bring you her joy. And I can bring you her love." She gave a fanged smile as more tears rolled down her face. "And she had so... so much love to give. Of all the creatures I could have been made to be, she was the greatest blessing. And if it is in my power to bring that blessing to you, then I will do everything in my power to make it so. I may not have a name... or a home... or a family... but if I can make sure that the thoughts and hopes of Elma come here to her home to rest, then I can finally be at peace with myself."

Silence. There were a few errant coughs, but nothing more was said.

Fidgeting, Elma sadly shook her head. The sound of shuffling footsteps shook her out of her melancholy. She looked up and twitched to see all four children gathered around her.

One reached a hand out and caressed Elma's face. A female turtle tearfully smiled. "You're not the only who can now have peace," she said. "And, if you want, you can have a home as well."

Elma clenched her jaw. She looked to her side as another turtle came in, rubbing the side of his face against her shoulder. The other two approached, laying their hands on her. As Elma found herself more and more collectively embraced by the Boreals, she cracked a weak smile. It didn't last long, for she was soon sobbing with joy. Her black face billowed in and out of a scaled beak, but soon—with a shuddering breath—she relaxed in their company, adrift in a natural black carapace supported by their arms.

Bellesmith sniffled, leaning her smiling face against Pilate's mane. Eagle Eye had to contain his squeals while the crowd around the courtyard broke into soft and endearing applause.

Rainbow Dash exhaled from where she hovered. In the pale glow of the cold Alafreo afternoon, she felt strangely warm. She looked up at the sun, squinting into its golden glaze beyond the misty mountain clouds. A smile overwhelmed her, and she closed her eyes while drifting through the air.

"Yeah... that's more like it..."

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