• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,605 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 4: The Coronation

Chapter 4: The Coronation

“I should return to the palace and prepare for the coronation,” Luna said reluctantly as she climbed to her hooves. Sombra rose with her and glanced back to the houses as the ponies began to stir.

“Yes…Ambersong and Blue Belle will be wondering where I have gone.” He shifted awkwardly on his hooves. “Thank you for this night, Luna. I can’t recall the last time I did not feel quite so…alone.”

Luna bowed her head and smiled. “Thank you as well. I…look forward to our training sessions.” She hesitated for a moment then tapped her horn against his. “Until tonight,” she said and spread her wings. Before Sombra could reply, she took to the sky and flew back towards the palace. She watched the ponies come alive below, but unlike how she normally felt after a long night alone beneath the moon, today she was filled with joy.

Celestia was waiting for her on the balcony when she arrived. Her sister looked well rested, her pink mane sparkling in the sunlight. Celestia lifted an eyebrow at her and stepped aside as Luna landed. “Where have you been?” Celestia asked, though not in an accusatory sort of tone.

“With a friend,” Luna replied, beaming. “Do you remember that unicorn that caused the barrel to light on fire last night? Well, I found him sitting alone, and we spent the entire night talking.” She grinned. “He actually enjoys my night, Sister. So few do.”

Celestia smiled, but it looked a little forced. “I am glad that you were able to meet with him. Now, Sister, you should rest, or you may not possess enough strength to help me change Prince Agate Shield. The coronation will commence this afternoon, and you look as if you are ready to fall asleep on your hooves.”

It was not until the words were spoken that Luna realized just how tired she felt. She looked at herself in the reflective crystal wall of the palace and saw the dark bags beneath her eyes. “Oh, I suppose you are right, Tia.” She shook her head then smiled and reared up to give her sister a happy nuzzle on her cheek. “Wake me in time for the ceremony,” she said and trotted happily inside. She went to the room she and Celestia shared and removed her crown, neck regalia, and hoof-shoes. She set these aside and used her magic to draw the curtains in the room, shutting it away into darkness.

Luna settled down on the warm, comfortable bed and curled up, the smile never leaving her face even as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


Had Sombra possessed wings, he thought he would have flown to the heavens out of sheer joy. He had never thought it possible that a beautiful Princess such as Luna would even spare a second for him. Instead, she had spent the entire night at his side, teaching him beginning lessons of magic and telling him about her life in Canterlot. He realized that, though Luna was much more powerful than him, they were not so different. They both struggled with magic, and they both had lost their parents when they were young. While he could commiserate the latter with Ambersong and Blue Belle, it was different sharing that same sorrow with Luna.

He practically pranced back to the house, his head raised high as the sun warmed him. Crystal ponies watched him curiously as he passed them, their eyes darting periodically to his reformed horn. It felt….thrilling to realize he could actually use his magic again. Luna had told him that he could probably control the wild bursts of power now. No more flaming barrels, though he had to admit that that mishap had certainly turned into a triumph.

He was still smiling when he entered the house and found Blue Belle making breakfast while Ambersong tried to piece his vase back together. They both looked up at him, and just when Ambersong seemed ready to let into him about not having fixed anything, the red stallion’s words froze in his mouth, and he blinked in surprise.

“What happened to your horn?” he asked in wonder.

“Luna fixed it,” Sombra replied as he sat down near the table, his heart filled with a giddiness he had not felt for some time.

Blue Belle and Ambersong exchanged quick looks. “Luna?” they asked together.

“As in Princess Luna?” Ambersong amended.

Sombra nodded and touched his horn carefully as if afraid it would break again. “Yes.” He explained to them how he had gone out into the fields last night and how the Princess had found him. “We talked the entire night,” he said with a happy smile. “And then she offered to teach me how to use my magic.”

“Wow!!!” Blue Belle shouted and flapped her wings. “Do you think she would teach me how to fly? Do you? Do you?”

Ambersong cleared his throat. “Blue Belle, I think this is something special just for Sombra and the Princess.”

“Aww!” Blue Belle flopped back down to the ground with a pout. “But why can’t I learn?”

Ambersong rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Sombra. “So….”

“So what?” Sombra asked.

“Are you going to see her again soon?”

Sombra’s face lit up at the implication. He swallowed and rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. “We…are supposed to meet tonight…so she can give me another lesson. Watch.” He looked at the broken vase that Blue Belle had shattered. Squinting, he concentrated on the broken fragments and willed his magic to mend them. He pictured what he wanted, just as Luna had suggested, and a soft green light flowed from his horn and wrapped around the vase. In an instant, the pottery fused back together.

Ambersong’s mouth dropped open and Blue Belle just gaped.

Magnificent,” Ambersong exclaimed. “Do you know what this means, Sombra? We could get twice, no, thrice the amount of audience members with this kind of magic!”

Sombra frowned. “I….do not think that is what my magic is intended for, nor is that why Luna taught me.”

Ambersong scoffed. “Why show you how to use magic if you’re not going to take advantage of it? We could earn more bits and gems…we could escape this place and make a living on our own.”

Sombra scuffed the floor with a hoof. “But…maybe I don’t want to leave. If Luna—”

“The Princess is not going to stay here just for you,” Ambersong muttered. “She has her duties in Canterlot. Be content with the lessons she teaches you, then be on your way. Make a life for yourself, because we have not found it here.”

Sombra’s joyful mood soured as he listened. No, Luna would not stay here just to train him. That would be selfish of her, and of him if he asked. “Maybe…maybe I can go to Canterlot.”

Ambersong laughed. “And what would you do there, short of parlor tricks? She’s a Princess; she has her duties to all the ponies of Equestria, not just to you.”

Anger rippled through Sombra. He stomped forward, brushing past Ambersong and Blue Belle roughly.

“Hey!” Blue Belle cried then looked over her shoulder and watched Sombra storm away.

Sombra shut the door to his room loudly behind him and sat on his bed. Even as he curled up, he could hear Blue Belle and Ambersong in the other room.

“You were really too harsh with him,” Blue Belle commented softly.

“Best someone tell him now before he becomes infatuated with the Princess as many others have. She has no time for him, and besides, he’s like us, Blue Belle, just a simple pony. He could offer nothing to her, and neither could we. I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“You already hurt him,” Blue Belle scolded. “I’m going flying.”

There was the click of the door, then all was silent.

Sombra muttered something to himself and settled his chin on the side of his bed. Perhaps Ambersong was right, but he hadn’t even considered what would happen between him and Luna come tonight. All he knew was that he was happy to have her as a teacher. She was beautiful…wonderful. She deserved a better pony than him, but why were such thoughts plaguing him? It wasn’t as if he was…well, in love.

I just have to get through the day and the coronation, and then I can see her again tonight, he reminded himself fervently. For now, I need to sleep; otherwise I will be of no use to any pony tonight.

With his thoughts still lingering on Luna, he fell into a deep sleep.


“Luna? Luna, it’s time.”

Luna opened her eyes and rolled quickly to her hooves as Celestia nudged her shoulder. By the position of the sun, Luna could tell it was nearing late afternoon. The ceremony would be held shortly. She scurried over to a mirror and quickly donned her crown and regalia. She shook out the tangles in her mane and looked at herself. The dark bags were gone, much to her relief, and she looked more awake than she had in the past few days. She smoothed out her coat a little more and added a little extra shimmer to her mane and tail.

“Preening yourself for someone in particular?” Celestia asked from the door, a tiny smile on her muzzle.

“It’s a coronation, Tia,” Luna laughed. “We are to look our best, are we not?”

She went to a trunk that they had brought with them and opened it with a tiny twitch of her horn. A beautiful blue gown with silver stars on the trimming lay within. She stood still as she magicked the clothing onto her body, careful not to catch her wings beneath the folds of cloth. She bound a black-laced corset, which seemed to be the current style for unicorns, around her waist and looked down at herself. Frankly, she would rather not wear the gown, but it was expected of the royal sisters.

Celestia herself was swathed in reds, oranges, and yellows, making her look like a living sun herself. Her golden crown gleamed proudly, as did the amethyst jewel at its heart.
Luna sighed wistfully and shook her head. “You look beautiful, Tia.”

“As do you, Luna.” Celestia stepped forward and draped her neck over Luna’s. “Shall we go and greet the soon to be crowned King?”

Luna nodded.

They departed from the room and walked through the winding halls to the quarters that hosted the prince. Celestia opened the door and guided them inside.

Prince Agate Shield stood before a mirror, struggling with the sword on his hip. A lovely pink earth pony, his wife Princess Nebula, swatted his hoof away as he fidgeted. Crystals adorned her white and pink mane, while a pearl and golden gown flowed across her body, covering her cutie mark which Luna knew to be a swirl of purple and blue stars with a deep pink heart. She walked around him, her swollen belly hanging low as she looked him up and down.

“Stop that,” she scolded him and used her teeth to loop the last hole. “You’ve ruffled your feathers, dear.”

The Prince looked over his shoulder and sighed. “I don’t have time to brush them down a second time.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Celestia said as she approached, both royal ponies oblivious to the arrival of the sisters.

In an instant, Agate Shield and Nebula bowed their heads. A crystal fell from Nebula’s carefully fashioned mane, and she tried not to wince as it came to rest at Luna’s hoof.

Celestia shook her head. “This is your day, not ours,” she said. She brushed her horn along Agate Shield, causing all of his feathers to settle in place. “I believe the transformation may very well upset your preening, but nonetheless, you look ready to assume the throne.”

“I hope that I am,” Agate Shield said and swallowed deeply. “My mother seems so convinced that I have found my path…my destiny, but I fear that I might fail the ponies here. They respect and revere my mother, most of them anyway. What have I done to warrant their respect?”

“Agate….” Nebula whispered. She drew close to her husband and nuzzled his chin. “Through every difficult decision your mother has had to make in regards to the Crystal Empire, you have been there at her side to support her. You have helped ponies build or rebuild their homes. You have devoted yourself to their needs and have even been found in the fields, tending to the crystal fruits and vegetables when crops are abundant. They deserve you as their Prince.”

Agate Shield did not look so certain. Luna glanced at her sister, but when she did not speak, Luna stepped forward.

“If you are questioning yourself and your merit, then that shows you do care for your ponies,” Luna offered. “Queen Gemfyre would not pass her title down to you if she did not think you were ready. Have faith in yourself, as your mother has faith in you.”

The Prince took a steadying breath and smiled warmly at Luna. “Thank you, your highness. That means more to me than words can express.”

Princess Nebula nodded her thanks as well.

Celestia glanced outside the window and raised her wings. “It is time, dear Prince. Come. The ponies await your coronation.”

Together, the royal Princesses and the future rulers of the Crystal Empire descended the stairs and walked out into the warm sunlight. Luna looked around and felt her eyes widen at the sight of all the ponies that had gathered to bear witness to the coronation. There weren’t just Crystal Ponies here any longer, but many from all around Equestria. Pegasi littered the sky, their wings creating an extra breeze that stirred manes and tails down below. Unicorns mingled with earth ponies, those that were of the Empire, and those that were not. She wondered if they should have held the coronation at Canterlot, but since the Prince would rule the Empire, well, then it only served to reason that it should be held here.

A purple-hued carpet had been laid out before them leading to a magnificent stage near the crystal heart. Queen Gemfyre already awaited them with Quill hovering behind her. The Queen looked magnificent. She wore a white dress that changed color when it caught the rays of the sun. Her mane and tail were both filled with glittering gems. A blue cape, clasped at the front with a gem that resembled her cutie mark, flowed down her back and even covered part of her tail.

Quill looked paltry in comparison, with only a couple of diamonds to decorate her mane.

Luna glanced up nervously at her sister, but Celestia just smiled and leaned down to whisper into her ear.

“Together, Luna. We can do this, together.”

“I know,” Luna whispered back, though she still trembled inwardly.

She stepped onto the stage after her sister and glanced out across the vast array of ponies. She did not know for whom she searched until her eyes settled on Sombra standing with the pegasus Blue Belle and the earth pony, Ambersong she thought, on either side of him. Luna smiled in spite of herself and stood on the right side of Prince Agate Shield. Princess Nebula joined them slowly, her pregnant belly weighing her down as she came to stand beside Queen Gemfyre.

Queen Gemfyre stepped forward and raised a hoof, silencing the murmurs of all the ponies.

“This is a momentous day for the Crystal Empire,” the Queen began in a clear, elegant voice, forgoing the Canterlot speech, possibly so as not to deafen her audience. “For centuries, I have ruled over the ponies here, but now my time has reached its end, and the Empire deserves a younger stallion who can carry on my ideologies, but shape them to accommodate the ponies here. With the aid of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, my son, Prince Agate Shield, will take my place and become King of the Crystal Empire.”

All around, the crystal ponies cheered and raised their hooves or heads in joy. The other ponies joined in the celebration, but Luna noticed that there were some who remained quiet, either out of respect to the Queen, or because they did not share the same sentiments as their fellow ponies. She frowned to herself, but her attention was quickly jerked away as Celestia cleared her throat.

Luna turned to her sister and watched the Prince step forward with his head raised. He looked proud and powerful, but being so close to him, Luna could tell that his hooves shook lightly beneath him.

“It won’t hurt,” Celestia promised him in a whisper that carried to Luna. Her pink eyes caught Luna’s blue and she nodded. “It’s time.”

Luna drew in a deep breath. She could do this. With Celestia at her side, she could help her sister change the Prince. She took a step back and lifted her horn with Celestia. Her sister’s horn glinted gold and Luna leant her blue magic. Luna shut her eyes and once more tapped into the recesses of magic inside of her.

She felt Celestia’s magic bind with hers and settle on the Prince. It took more energy than Luna had expected to begin the transformation, but she pushed all of her energy into it. She opened her glowing white eyes and watched as blue and gold lights danced around the prince’s purple body. He stood still, but his eyes had grown wide. The ponies in the crowd gasped in awe as the Princesses’ magic started to lift him off of the stage and into the air in front of them.

Luna smiled to herself and looked across to Celestia who returned the grin. Luna started to return her gaze to the Prince when a crimson ball of light streaked across her vision and struck Celestia in the neck. The blow knocked her sister sideways, breaking the magic that she had melded with Luna’s.

Luna cried out in alarm and tried to support the Prince, but just when she thought her magic would hold him, something molten struck her in the neck and side. She staggered and fell to her side as the stinging magic took hold. Briefly, she scented putrid burnt feathers and fur. In a daze, she watched the Prince fall and witnessed Celestia stagger back to her hooves and create a shield in front of him and Princess Nebula.

“Luna! Rise!” Celestia shouted at her.

Luna grunted and shoved herself upright. She looked out into the crowd and gaped as several unicorns launched magic at their alicorn rulers. She lifted her horn, creating a shield similar to Celestia’s. The unicorn magic was strong, but the sisters were stronger, Luna hoped. The attack had just surprised them, and though the magic still burned painfully, she held her ground, protecting both the Prince and Princess.

Suddenly, Queen Gemfyre leapt from the stage and flashed both wings and horn at the attacking unicorns. They looked up and diverted their magic to the Queen to stop her as her teal power streamed down to engulf them. Luna could have laughed. Surely not even a group of unicorns could defeat the eldest alicorn.

Luna glanced back at Agate Shield and was relieved to see that he appeared unhurt, if not dazed. His wings remained, but there was still no horn upon his brow. “Are you injured?” she asked.

“No,” he replied, though he looked shaken. He planted himself in front of Nebula.

Luna was about to suggest he retreat to the palace when she felt something strange happen to her magic. It was as if someone, or something, was yanking against it and going so far as to pull it out of her. The magic that went to her shield started diverting in another direction. She frowned in confusion and searched the ponies until she found five unicorns focusing only on her. Their horns glowed crimson and worked together to drain her of her magic. Each one wore a golden necklace with a glowing ruby at its heart. It reminded Luna of something, but she was too distracted to solidify the memory.

No, Luna thought in shock. That was not possible! She looked sharply at Celestia and saw that her sister struggled as well with her magic. Even Gemfyre was having trouble warding off the attacks. The Queen had landed, and it appeared her teal magic had done nothing but scorch the ground where the unicorns had stood. Several of them turned their powers against the Queen, draining her as they did the royal sisters.

What sort of magic allows unicorns to steal the powers of alicorns? Luna wondered.

She thought quickly, trying to come up with a way that they could defeat these unicorns. She swallowed hard then suddenly released the hold she had on her magic. The shield protecting her broke and flew towards the five unicorns. They cried out in alarm, the volume of magic threatening to consume them. They broke the hold they had on her and scattered briefly, but Luna could already feel their power building up a second time to ensnare her.

I will not allow it, Luna thought coldly. She joined her sister’s side and took a breath. They had wasted so much magic already trying to change Agate Shield; of course the unicorns would choose to strike now.

Earth ponies and pegasi fled, leaving the unicorns in easy view. The five that bore necklaces stood close together, but the remaining unicorns wearing lesser rubies stood scattered amongst the retreating crowd. Gemfyre ran towards them and swiped out her horn, sending magic streaking into three and throwing them off of their hooves. She did the same to another group, but the five gathered unicorns focused their attention on her, and Gemfyre began to falter.

“How is this possible?” Luna rasped to Celestia.

Her sister could only shake her head and ducked another red blast. She leapt sideways and tried to release her renowned solar beam, but the magic sputtered at the tip of her horn. Celestia cursed then cried out as another blast struck her in the cheek. She staggered, and it was only with Quill’s help that she did not fall.

Luna looked back to the traitors in time to see a green orb crash into one of the unicorns attacking her.

Sombra broke through the crowd and shouted to the scattering ponies.

“Your Princesses and Queen need your aid! Do not turn your back on them, Equestrians! They have defended you, now it is your turn to defend them! Fight!” He swung his head around, and the green and blue fireworks Luna had taught him to fire last night exploded amongst three of the scattered unicorns, sending them shrieking and running.

Hesitantly at first, the loyal unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies turned back to the fray and started to charge the attacking unicorns. Some of the alicorns’ defenders were rendered senseless immediately, but others broke through to accost the unicorns. Sombra led the fight, tossing magic haphazardly back and forth. From above, Blue Belle twirled and dove towards a pile of unicorns.

“Pegasus ball!” the mare cried and slammed into three unicorns, sending them tumbling. One stallion tried to attack her, but Ambersong pulled the flugelhorn off of his back and blew loudly into the unicorn’s ear, sending him stumbling sideways and into one of his companions.

A unicorn rounded on Sombra and lashed out with a beam of crimson light. It skimmed past his shoulder as he ducked then rose to his hooves sharply, his horn glowing brilliant green, though nowhere near as brightly as his enemy’s. The unicorn sneered and reared back, but as the red magic went flying towards Sombra, a white shield suddenly snapped around the black stallion. The crimson blast exploded, leaving Sombra unharmed.

Luna looked back in surprise to find Quill fueling the shield with her pristine magic. Quill gave the Princess a weak wink then turned her shield to another pony once Sombra found his hooves again.

Prince Agate Shield flew from the stage and landed amongst two unicorns as they threatened a young crystal mare. He turned and bucked one in the face then struck the other with his front hooves, sending the unicorn’s spell flying off into the sky. With a snort, he ran to help the rest of his subjects.

In the middle of the carnage, a white unicorn stepped forward. His body was swathed in red armor, and a helm covered his face, save for his glowing crimson eyes. He wore a necklace that was silver and black, though it did not glow like the others. He turned to Luna and Celestia especially and narrowed his red eyes.

“The time of the alicorns has reached its end, and our brethren will rise again without your tyrannical rule. Let those who hope for a world without alicorns know that Mystic Topaz will guide them into that future. Until then, death to the alicorns!”

He swung his head back, and magic exploded around him. In a flurry of his power, he disappeared, along with his five main followers. Those that remained quickly cast their magic to vanish, leaving all of the alicorns free of their control.

Luna gasped out a breath and sat back on her haunches, stunned. Celestia leapt from the stage and went to Gemfyre, helping her up with head and shoulder. The Queen rose slowly, her face the picture of rage and even a hint of fear.

Guards had poured out to surround the Princesses and Queen, though where they had been during the attack, Luna did not know. She glanced at her side where the first bit of magic had struck her and saw a burn through her dress and against her fur and flesh. It still hurt…she was not accustomed to being injured.

“Luna!” a familiar voice called, followed by the shouts of the guards.

“Stay back!”


Luna found the guards descending upon poor Sombra who looked the picture of worry.

Luna quickly jumped down and moved through the guards. “AWAY!” she thundered at them in Canterlot speech until they parted and let Sombra through. He was panting, his eyes wide, and his complexion a little pale, perhaps from using too much magic.

“You’re hurt!” he exclaimed, his eyes darting to her side and neck.

Luna reached out and touched his shoulder when he tried to get close to inspect the injuries. “I will heal soon. Sombra….thank you,” she said, her voice thick with emotion. “I…I have never felt magic like that. No one has ever been able to fight my sister and I in such a way, no one save Discord.”

Sombra shook his head. “When I saw you fall…I just…I grew so angry. I thought they meant to destroy you, and I could not stand idly by and let it happen.” He breathed out and looked down at her as she shifted her wings to make certain they had not been damaged as well. “I was so afraid for you.”

Luna gave a nervous laugh. “I was afraid too….” She sighed and lifted her head to touch her horn to his. However, he moved his head just a fraction too far, and her muzzle brushed against his instead. Luna’s cheeks reddened and she swallowed deeply. “Thank you. Had you not stepped in, I do not know—”

“Luna!” Celestia’s sharp voice caught her.

Luna looked up and saw her sister herding Gemfyre and her family into the palace with the guards and Quill surrounding them. Both Celestia and Gemfyre looked exhausted, and their once magnificent gowns were torn and singed. A wound on Celestia’s cheek wept crimson blood that stained her beautiful white fur.

Luna hesitated and looked back to Sombra. “Come with me,” she said.

“What? In there?” he asked, motioning after Celestia.

Luna nodded emphatically. “Yes, of course. You were the one who encouraged the other ponies to help us. I am certain the Queen would like to give you her thanks.”

Sombra shifted on his hooves nervously, but when he did not refuse, Luna smiled and nudged him with her shoulder.

“Come,” she ordered him and followed her sister.

After a moment of hesitation, Sombra joined her.