• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,601 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 21: Temptations

Chapter 21: Temptations

The moon guided Luna throughout the night and back to the Empire. She could not ignore the fear or dread in her heart, nor could she ignore what the corruption could do to Equestria. She loved Sombra as she had loved no other before, but this had to stop. Already Luna could see black crystals starting to sprout through patches of earth, threatening fields and homes.

The Nightmist needed to be defeated, along with the amulet, and then, perhaps, Sombra would be freed along with Equestria.

I have to hope I can still save him, Luna told herself as she drew closer to the Empire. There was a chill in the air, and she realized that it no longer appeared to be spring. It was as if winter had decided to come early and encompass the land surrounding the Empire. Snow flew through the air, biting at her wings and nose, but she flew on, using a shield to protect her from the elements.

Had I known that Sombra had changed this much, I never would have left him, she tried to convince herself, but Luna knew that was a lie. As she had told him and Celestia, her duty was to Equestria first and her heart next.

Then why do I feel as if I have betrayed him? she wondered. He had needed her help, and she’d turned her back on him, because she had thought it was the right thing to do. I never realized sacrificing him meant I would endanger Equestria.

Luna set her jaw.

No, she would not allow the destruction to come to pass. She would speak to him and bring him back to the light.

And if she couldn’t…she would destroy him.

Luna whimpered.

She didn’t want to raise hoof or horn against him, but if he was too far gone, she would have to let him go entirely.

The moon had lowered in the sky, but had not quite set yet; her adrenaline had made her fly faster than she had expected. The white wind swirled around her and threatened to throw her off course, but Luna flew through it unto she reached what once had been the shields of the Empire. She set her gaze on the palace, and her stomach dropped with dread.

No longer was there an elegant, beautiful blue and white crystal palace before her. Now, it was twisted with black onyx, looking more like a nightmare than a dream. Hideous watchtowers with unicorn guards looked out over the once peaceful land. Black crystals had arisen throughout the Empire, and even from Luna’s vantage point, she could see the ponies slowly trudging along with heavy bonds on neck and hoof. Worse, she could see that the crystal in their coats had faded, just like Sombra’s. Their manes and tails drooped instead of being bound up with lovely headpieces and elegant braids.

Luna shook her head and flew straight towards the palace. She waited for some sort of attack to repel her, but any unicorn she saw below just stepped aside and let her pass unmolested. Perhaps she had been right to tell Celestia that Sombra would let her come freely. They surely would have ambushed Celestia by now.

She banked to the left and headed for the balcony where she found a familiar tan unicorn waiting for her. Her eyes darted briefly beneath the palace, but there was no sign of the crystal heart. Luna hesitated then landed on the balcony a fair distance away from the pony.

“Quill,” she said bluntly in greeting.

Quill just smiled back at her. She looked different now, her mane left free instead of in its tight bun. It flowed elegantly around her face and brushed against the golden necklace with the red ruby she wore. Luna eyed it warily, but Quill only laughed. “Peace, Princess. It is a paltry piece of jewelry; it will not harm you. Come. King Sombra has been waiting for you.”

King Sombra?” Luna asked.

“Indeed. Surely you must realize there is no Queen, so there must be a leader. King Sombra has graciously taken the role in the Empire.”

“I’m certain,” Luna grumbled and followed Quill inside. She folded her wings along her sides and tried not to shiver as she stepped through the now blackened halls. All the brightly colored crystals had been replaced by onyx. She realized that it reminded her of her night sky, and she found it oddly beautiful.

Quill stopped in front of her suddenly, and Luna looked up to find Sombra sitting upon a magnificent yet terrifying throne of onyx. It twisted and curled around him, almost like a gaping mouth with fangs. The only color came from the large pink gem near the top of the throne that sparkled and stung her eyes. Sombra perched beneath it, his head raised regally. A fierce crown now adorned his brow, and his eyes seemed redder than they had been before. In fact, the pupils were no longer circles but rather…serpent like.

“Your highness,” Quill said and bowed deeply.

Sombra looked at her then lifted his eyes when he saw Luna. Instantly, the regality vanished, and a big smile spread across his muzzle. He ran down his throne and trotted towards her, looking like an eager foal ready to present a precious gift to her. “Luna!” he cried, the red fading somewhat from his eyes. He reached for her, but Luna withdrew before he could touch her. He frowned. “What is it? Did any of my guards attack you?”

“No, they did not,” Luna said stiffly and looked him up and down. He scarcely looked like her Sombra anymore, not with that hideous red horn and cruel eyes. Even his coloring had darkened. “Sombra, what have you done here? Where is Gemfyre?”

The glee in his eyes vanished in an instant. He stepped back and stood like a King would before his subject. “Gone,” he said then nodded to the gem above his throne. “Her spirit watches over the Empire as she serves her King.”

Luna stared at the jewel and felt her throat tighten and her eyes water. No…it couldn’t be. What would make him destroy such a loving alicorn? True, she had her faults, but she had done everything to keep the Empire safe.

Gemfyre…this is not a fate I would have wished for you, my dear friend.

“How could you?” Luna whispered before she could stop herself.

“What do you mean?” Sombra laughed. He gestured to the land. “I made this all for you, Luna. You now have a kingdom, and you can be my Queen for all eternity. Don’t you see? Now we can be together!” He reached for her cheek, but she jerked away from him. His frown grew deeper. “What is it?”

“You dare ask me that?” Luna laughed to herself. She eyed the amulet on his neck. The crimson jewel in it pulsed lightly. “I told you I didn’t need a Kingdom, and so you united with the very unicorns that tried to kill us, you killed Gemfyre, and then you enslaved the ponies here. And you dare ask me why I am upset?” She turned her back to him coldly and walked out onto the balcony. She heard Sombra hurry to catch up to her. She stared down at the chained ponies and felt her heart go out to them. Even beneath the moonlight they stumbled along. “Have you given them no respite?”

Sombra looked surprised. “I have forced them to stay up at night so you will no longer be alone, Luna. You see how they stay awake to worship you?”

Luna whirled on them in anger. “This is not worship!” she shouted and pointed at the bedraggled souls beneath them. “This is torture, Sombra. This is never what I wanted, nor is it what you wanted. The real Sombra would have died before he caused so much misery to innocent ponies.”

Sombra glared at her. “I am the real Sombra, Luna. It just took me this long to open my eyes.”

“Your eyes may be open, but your heart is closed,” Luna spat at him. She reached out and gripped his cheeks. “Where is the stallion that I loved? The one who tried to entertain the crystal ponies with music to bring a smile to their faces? The one who would spend the evening with me, either beneath the moon or in your dreams? I want that Sombra back.”

Sombra reached up and pushed her hooves away. “You mean the weak, pathetic one. No, Luna. You need someone stronger to protect you.”

“I can protect myself,” Luna hissed, her eyes taking on a white glow.

Sombra snickered and stepped away from her. “Aye, that is why I had to rescue you from the unicorns, and why I had to defend you and those alicorns months ago. Even then I had power to save you.”

Luna shook her head. “It’s not all about power, Sombra.”

“Isn’t it?” He glanced at her then nodded towards the throne. “Come with me, Luna. Let me show you one thing, and if you still do not believe that what I have done is in the best interests of the crystal ponies and you, then you will be free to leave me to my Empire. Perhaps I will even listen to your reasoning and change my ways…that is what you want, isn’t it?”

Luna opened her mouth to protest, but then she wondered, if she did go with him, and still refused, maybe that would be enough to shake him out of his insanity. “Very well,” she said quietly and followed.

Quill stepped out of the way, but there was still a pleasant smile on her face that Luna very much wanted to smack clean off.

Sombra walked towards his throne and tilted his horn to the pink gem. Black and purple magic flew at the gem and turned it a hideous shade of ebony. A shadow fell across the throne and landed on the ground where a floor opened up beneath them. Luna staggered back and looked at him in surprise. Sombra just smiled. “Come.” He started down the stairs and Luna quietly followed.

The stairs wound round and around, taking them deeper into the palace. “Why are there so many stairs?” she asked.

“We wanted to keep this as far below the kingdom as possible. Only those worthy are allowed to look upon the door.”

“The door?” Luna asked, but Sombra did not elaborate. “Where is the crystal heart?”

Sombra glanced at her. “Safe, far away from prying eyes,” he told her, which was not the answer that Luna had hoped for. Maybe she could dredge the truth out of him if she played along.

They continued walking for what felt like ages until they came to the very bottom of the stairway. The floor was circular, and all that Luna could see was a single door set against a wall. She stared at it then looked at Sombra in confusion. “What is it?”

“It’s something Quill and I worked together to make,” Sombra explained and went to the door. He stroked it with a hoof. “This door can reveal to you what may come to pass if you continue on your path. It can show you your worst nightmares and help you understand what it is you must do to free yourself from them.” He sighed whimsically. “When I look upon it now, I see a bright future for both of us, and for the Empire. Once the ponies understand that I am trying to help them, then all will be well. They well come to love us both, and then there will be peace.”

Luna lifted an eyebrow at him. “And why would looking upon this door convince me that what you have done here is just?”

Sombra sighed. “Because if you do not take this kingdom, then you shall have none at all. Surely by now you must realize that your sister is the real ruler of Equestria. The ponies bathe in her light and shun your moon. You can be a Queen with me. You will never have to bow down to any other alicorn, not even your sister.” He looked sadly at her. “I can give that to you, Luna. I can give you the power to keep the moon high for all eternity so that the ponies worship only you.”

“I…” Luna swallowed. “My sister loves me and respects my position. She would never turn against me like that.”

“Are you so sure?” Sombra asked cryptically. He sent the same black magic to the crystal above the frame, and the door swung open. “Step through and see for yourself what may come.”

Luna swallowed hard and stared at the white light flickering beyond the entrance. This could be a trap, but she somehow felt that Sombra would not do that to her. Had he wanted her subdued, he would have ordered the unicorns to do it already.

She took a breath, and walked through.

Luna found herself standing in the royal castle where she and Celestia had grown up when they were fillies. They’d abandoned it some time ago after they had founded Canterlot, but it still looked the same. The windows stood high and wide, letting sunlight pour into the room. Tapestries of the histories of the alicorns hung along the walls. The rugs upon the floor were beautiful shades of pinks and purples with a glowing sun etched into them.

Luna smiled, feeling a bit comforted at the image. It had been years since she had stepped hoof in the castle.

Yet, as she looked around, she noticed a distinct difference. Where once there had been equal tapestries of the sun and moon, and representations of their parents, she found only the sun and her mother’s magnificent glow. Her father’s presence was nowhere to be found.

Luna frowned in concern and started to walk slowly through the Great Hall. At the end of it, she saw the pedestal that held the Elements of Harmony. Their golden arms sparkled in the sun and held the very weapons that defended Equestria from chaos and tyranny.

Celestia stood beside it.

“Tia?” Luna asked as she looked around. “What has happened here?”

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked in a dry tone. She walked around the pedestal and strode slowly towards Luna. Her vibrant pink mane and tail flowed around her as she came to stand within the sunlight. The regalia she wore looked brighter and more elegant. Her crown was bigger and bore the colors of the Elements. Now that Luna really looked at her, it appeared as if her sister was covered in gold armor and prepared for battle.

“Where are the moon tapestries?” Luna whispered. “Why have they been hidden?”

“Luna…dear Luna,” Celestia chuckled and shook her head. “For years I have allowed you to rule the night.”

Allowed me?” Luna blinked in surprise. “Sister, we’re meant to rule Equestria together.”

“Why?” Celestia replied. She raised her hoof to the sun. “I can raise both sun and moon and dot the sky with stars. What can you do, little sister? My power has always far surpassed your own.”

Luna gulped hard. “That’s…not true. In the evening, when the moon is bright, I am the strongest—”

“Or so you think,” Celestia snorted. “You’re pathetic. You’re always whimpering and begging for ponies to grovel at your hooves. Why should they when I am so much more majestic than you?” Celestia brushed past her roughly and narrowed her eyes. “You never listen to my commands, and when you are supposed to visit ponies’ dreams, you are off being selfish, visiting only those few who you think are interesting or worthy of your help. No wonder they don’t love you.”

“Tia!” Luna cried, appalled. “Yes, I may want ponies to adore me just as they love you, but I help them as well! They—”

Despise you,” Celestia hissed and leaned towards Luna. “How can they love a pony they never see except when she sends them dark nights and terrible dreams?”

Luna’s eyes filled with tears. How could Celestia say such terrible things? She brought good dreams to the ponies of Equestria! She loved and cherished them! All she wanted was their affection in return, nothing more! “How can you be so cruel?”

Celestia laughed and stood above her. She spread her wings, the radiant sun glinting off of the pristine feathers. Her horn started to sparkle and hiss with magic. “There only needs to be one Princess in Equestria, and that Princess shall be me!” She reared back and sent a solar beam at Luna.

Luna screamed and staggered back, but the golden light swirled around her and struck her back and head. She fought to get free, but her magic would not come to her. It almost felt as if the amulet held her captive again. The light blinded her and caused her to stumble and fall. When at last she was freed, Luna blinked weakly and stared at herself in a mirror on a wall.

Her wings and horn were both gone.

She was an earth pony.

“No…No!” Luna cried and reached for her head. “Celestia, please, no, give them back. I’m the Princess of the night!”

“No more!” Celestia barked. “Guards!”

Eight sun guards ran into the room at her behest. They surrounded Luna as she struggled to push herself to her hooves.

“Take her to the dungeon,” Celestia sniffed. “Her worth is meaningless now.”

The guards grabbed Luna before she could stop them and started to drag her away. “Celestia! Celestia, please! Sister!”

But Celestia turned her back on her and walked towards the Elements of Harmony. The crown, the sixth Element, lifted from its resting place and settled on Celestia’s brow in place of her other tiara. One by one, the Elements circled around her, and she looked back at Luna with a malevolent smile.

“No!” Luna shrieked again.

Suddenly, she found herself standing, not in the castle, but beside Sombra. She ran from the door and look at a wall of crystals to find that her wings and horn were still intact. She touched both frantically, panting as the shock started to ebb. “Wh-what was that?”

“Your worst nightmares,” Sombra explained sympathetically. “Your sister has already tried to stop you from leaving the castle because you are not strong enough. How long before she decides you are not worthy of your title, Luna? If you stay here, she can’t take that away from you.”

Luna breathed heavily and lowered her head. It had felt so real…and believable. How many times had Celestia told her she was too weak to travel somewhere? How many times had Luna feared that she would be forgotten in the night by the Equestrians, including Celestia?

A tear trickled down her cheek.

Sombra’s hoof reached out to brush it away. “Look at the crystals,” he urged.

Luna swallowed and slowly lifted her head. Sombra’s amulet glowed and he let its magic brush along her and the crystal. As she watched, her reflection grew until she was nearly as tall as Celestia. Her coat darkened and her mane became even more ethereal than her sister’s. Armor with the symbol of the moon decorated her chest, and a helm rested beautifully upon her dazzling blue mane.

It was the same image she remembered seeing in the crystal caves, and yet this time, she could not turn away from it.

“This is what you can become if you accept my help,” Sombra told her. “You will be stronger than your sister and even more beautiful. She will never be able to take the moon away from you again. You can make it last forever, and then together, we can rule over the rest of Equestria.”

Luna slowly pressed her hoof to the crystal; her reflection did the same and seemed to smile at her. She looked beautiful…terrifying…but beautiful. There was a powerful elegance in her stance that demanded attention and respect. She had never looked like this, nor had she ever exuded such strength.

Sombra’s promises were so tempting.

I can become her. Celestia will never scorn me again.

She swallowed and looked at Sombra. “But how can I…transform?”

“My amulet will help,” Sombra told her simply. “It’s already infused with your magic. All I have to do is use it, and I can change you.”

Luna stared at the amulet and watched its heart glow. This was all that she needed? If she could become this mare…this…Nightmare Moon, maybe then the ponies would stop falling asleep and leaving her to walk the night alone. Sombra wanted her to be revered, but in her current form, maybe it was not possible.

She touched the amulet and swallowed.

“M-may I see it?” she asked of Sombra. “So that I might feel its power?”

Sombra hesitated. He looked down at his amulet then up to Luna. The distrust slowly faded, and he reached up to his neck. “Of course, my Queen.” He pulled the amulet off, and Luna felt some of his power fade. The ruby glinted as he handed it to her.

Luna took it and stared into its depths.

Set me free, and I will make you invincible,” a familiar female voice whispered to her. “You can be happy and no longer be a slave to Celestia. Bond with me, Luna.”

Luna took a breath and brought the amulet towards her.

She thought of her sister and how Celestia had tried to hold her back.

She thought of Gemfyre and how she’d ruined Sombra’s life and scorned Luna’s love for him.

She thought of the ponies who fled from her night.

And then she thought of Equestria itself.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered and wrapped her magic around the amulet, entrapping it in an azure ball.

Sombra gave a start. “What are you doing?”

“Stopping you from destroying what’s left in your heart…and in mine.” Luna swung her head up and shot the amulet into the air and out the door. She sent it into the sky, throwing it far from the Crystal Empire where it could not be used by tainted unicorns. She was so focused on the magic that she did not hear Sombra move until he slammed into her and sent her crashing into the crystal wall. Her head struck it roughly, and she collapsed.

“What have you done?!” he screamed, repeating her earlier accusations.

Luna shook her head and staggered back to her hooves, her right wing aching from the blow. “I had to get rid of it, Sombra, before it completely destroyed you.”

He stared after it then looked at her in rage. “You were supposed to be my Queen.”

Luna gave a sob-like laugh. “I will never be your Queen if it means the deaths of the innocent. Goodbye, Sombra.” She spread her wings and kicked off of the ground, ignoring the pain that streaked through her right wing. Sombra screamed beneath her, but she ignored him and flew towards the still open door. The tears ran down her cheeks and stung her vision.

No matter how evil he is now, I can’t destroy him, not by myself, she realized. Even without the amulet, the Nightmist was so strong…and it was still Sombra. She had to get that amulet to a safer place before it was discovered.

She flew through the door and went for the crystal that had once been Gemfyre. She reached out for it, ignoring Quill’s shout of rage. Luna worked it free and turned towards the balcony.

A blast of dark magic hit her in the back and sent her tumbling to the ground. The crystal bounced out of her hooves and rolled across the floor. Luna gasped in pain, her flesh sizzling along her spine. Her wings flopped uselessly as she rolled onto her side. She groaned and found Sombra standing before her with dark magic flowing around his body.

What?! How could he have beaten her here? Unless he’s learned to teleport…

Luna cursed and reached out for the crystal, but Sombra kicked it away and grabbed her chin in his hoof. “If you will not be my Queen willingly, then I will make you my Queen.”

Luna stared at him in confusion until his eyes turned crimson, and purple and black smoke flew from his horn and towards her face. Luna jerked away, but not before the magic struck her and started to toy with her thoughts.

“You will obey me,” Sombra hissed as if from a distance.

Luna fought the control he threatened to place upon her. It urged her to obey and love him unconditionally as her King, but she could not, nay, would not! He would destroy Equestria. He would destroy her!

She struggled to resist, a sweat breaking out over her brow.

“Obey me!” Sombra roared at her.

“NO!” Luna broke free of his hold as white light filled her eyes. She flapped her wings, dragging herself backwards as she faced him. “THY TYRANNY SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED!” she cried.

Any doubts that she might have had about destroying Sombra were suddenly clouded by rage and betrayal. She threw her magic at him, fighting to burn through the shields he ignited. Her powers splashed around them, but some broke through and streaked across his sides and legs. Sombra howled in pain, but Luna kept lending her magic into the attack, even as tears of grief flowed down her cheeks.

“You will not win,” a voice, very much unlike Sombra, sounded from his muzzle. He peered at her with a pure red eye, green light flickering at the corner, and stepped forward into the attack. Smoke rose from his hooves and shot at her.

Luna called on her shield, but the dark magic pierced through and struck her instead. She yelled and gasped when the smoke twisted around her legs and her right wing, bending it painfully against her side. A tendril twisted around her throat and jerked violently. The white light faded from her eyes as she hit the ground in front of him, bound tightly in the ebony and violet magic.

“You think you can overthrow me?” Sombra growled at her and tightened the hold until she struggled to breathe. He lifted the magic and threw her. She skidded across the floor and into the throne, clacking her face and shoulder against. Blood dripped down her forehead and stung her left eye. Luna fell back to her side and gasped for breath as Sombra stalked towards her. “You’ve betrayed me.”

“You have betrayed yourself,” Luna panted as she tried to get back to her hooves, but the smoke just bound her again. “The moment you allowed that Nightmist to take you, you destroyed yourself.”

Sombra seethed and shoved her back against the throne by her throat. The power fizzled around his red eyes. “I can kill you with a gesture of my horn.”

Luna coughed and glared back at him. “Then who will be left to love you?” she asked, which was not the question she had expected. “You’ve pushed all those you love away…Ambersong…Blue Belle. Will you destroy me as well and leave your heart broken?” She sucked in a breath and moaned as the world began to grow hazy.

Sombra’s expression froze for a moment. He stared at her, the magic floating around his red gaze. Slowly, he lowered his hoof, setting her carefully on the ground. He stared at her, and for a brief instant, Luna thought that Sombra had come back to her.


“Go...” he whispered, his eyes flickering between his once beautiful green and the hateful red. He tossed his head, freeing her from the smoke. “Luna…Luna, go!”

“What are you doing?!” Quill shouted at him. “Kill her! Kill her before she kills you!”

“Silence!” Sombra roared and cast his magic at Quill, sending her flying out onto the balcony.

Luna didn’t hesitate. She ran past him and grabbed Gemfyre’s crystal with a swoop of magic. She heard Sombra yell and shout behind her, but whatever words he said, she did not hear. She fled onto the balcony and spared Quill one glare before she jumped into the sky.

Her right wing barely held her. She fell several feet before she was able to catch herself and urge her weak body forward. The crystals seemed to rumble around her, and as she flew, they tried to reach up and grab her. Luna shattered three with her magic and dodged two more, but her energy was already waning. She looked to the moon and saw it begin to set, but the sun still had yet to arise.

Luna flew onward, passing through the Empire and into the snowy storm just beyond. The cold wind weakened her wings and made her wounds ache so much that she wanted to land and hide until the pain lessened. But she knew that whenever the darkness claimed Sombra again, she would be hunted.

Oh, Tia, forgive me, she thought then blinked through the blood freezing over her eye.

Tia…Luna glanced at the moon. Perhaps her spell had not yet allowed Celestia to wake. Maybe she still dreamed.

With what little energy she still had left, Luna sent her ethereal self forward while her body limply flew through the sky. She reached across Equestria until she found Celestia’s sleeping mind. Luna was not gentle as she broke through the dream and tumbled to the ground near her sister’s side. Celestia stood beside a stallion and a mare, her back to Luna.

Luna coughed and slowly righted herself, though her hooves shook beneath her. “Celestia…”

Her mouth fell open as she realized who stood with her sister.

To her right was a white mare with a mane and tail like the sun. They blazed orange, red, and held a hint of purple. Her wings likewise glimmered like fire. The stallion to Luna’s left was taller and embraced starlight in his night-like wings. His entire body was such a dark blue it was almost black. His majestic mane waved around his face, much like Luna’s. Both wore crowns upon their heads, one of sun, and one of moon. They smiled kindly down upon her.

“Mother…Father?” Luna whispered.

“Sleep, my little Luna,” her father told her in his deep voice and strode forward. He ran his hoof along her mane. “You have endured much, haven’t you?”

Luna’s eyes grew damp. “I don’t know what to do, Papa. I love him…but…he’s lost to me. I…I can’t do this alone.”

“Then don’t,” her mother replied just as gently. The elegant pony of the sun came to her side and nuzzled her cheek. “Trust in your sister as she trusts in you.”

Luna sniffled and wrapped her forelegs around her mother’s neck. She cried into the mare’s warm mane then looked at Celestia. “Sister, forgive me.”

Slowly, Celestia turned, and there was nothing but compassion in her eyes. “There is nothing to forgive,” Celestia told her and lowered her head to touch her nose to Luna’s. “I should have listened to you. Oh my sister…where are you? I will find you.”

Luna sent an image to Celestia of where she had flown, and where she would no doubt soon crash land.

Celestia’s eyes flashed gold, and she nodded. “I will come, Sister. Rest.”

“I don’t want to go,” Luna said as she reached for her father next.

Her parents smiled and nuzzled her again.

“Sleep,” they both said as the world started to shimmer around her.

“Don’t go,” she pleaded, but the colors began to blur, and her mother and father were lost as Celestia awoke.

Luna opened her eyes in time to see the ground meet her. Her wings had given out, and there was nothing left to do but tuck and roll. Her body bounced three times before she came to rest on her side with the crystal next to her hooves. The snow chilled her and built up around her battered form. Each tear that fell turned into a crystal upon her cheek. She rolled onto her back and stared up into the sky as the moon slowly fell and the sun cut through the darkness to send a warm ray of light across her.

Luna’s eyes fluttered, and when she opened them next, she saw a white form with a wavy pink mane land above her.

“Rest,” the soothing voice whispered. “You’re safe.”

Luna closed her eyes and finally obeyed.