• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,601 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 16: Banishment

Chapter 16: Banishment

“What do you have to say for yourself, Mystic Topaz?” Queen Gemfyre asked with bite in her voice.

Sombra sat in the throne room with ten Canterlot guards, all unicorns both of the sun and moon, while the pegasi guarded the door just outside.

Mystic Topaz sat chained in the center of the room with Gemfyre, Celestia, Luna, and Sombra surrounding him. Quill hovered near Gemfyre, scribbling down information. A few of the crystal guards also lingered near Celestia’s entourage, leaving Luna’s more in the shadows.

Mystic Topaz sniffed and rubbed his nose with a chained hoof. The armor had been plucked from his body along with the necklace. He hardly looked like the vengeful tyrant with his scrawny form and frail limbs. “I have told you, my Queen, I do not remember what has happened to me. The last I recall, I went to the crystal caves with my sister to explore. We’re gypsy ponies, trying to find specific crystals to help us with our craft. I remember walking into a room and then…” Mystic Topaz gripped his head. “And then I remember being in pain and feeling Princess Celestia rolling me over.” He went the ground and bowed before all three alicorns. “Your highnesses…whatever I may have done, I swear to you, I was not aware of my actions. Please, forgive me…”

Sombra snorted, not believing him in the slightest. How could a pony not remember his own actions and how he’d performed such atrocities against the alicorns of Equestria? And yet, even as he glared at the stallion, he saw the softness on Gemfyre’s face.

Hmph, he thought bitterly. She acts with compassion to a stallion who nearly killed a Princess, and yet she scorns me for my magic and horn. What a fair Queen, she is.

The Queen stepped down from her throne and lifted Mystic Topaz’s chin very gently. Tears streaked down the white pony’s face, his blue eyes blinking rapidly to clear them. “Princess Luna, please tell us again what you heard when you were taken by the unicorns.”

“Whispers…voices,” Luna replied quietly. She looked much better than she had when Sombra had rescued her. She had the light back in her eyes, and though she appeared tired, she still sat tall on a cushion near her sister. “I felt the presence of the Nightmist when I spoke to him and his compatriots. They all had red eyes, the same red that appeared in the necklaces that they wore, and the one that they strapped on me.” She eyed Mystic Topaz. “I don’t feel that darkness from him anymore.”

Gemfyre sighed and pulled her hoof back. “What is your sister’s name?”

“Moonstone,” Mystic Topaz replied quickly. “I…I do not remember seeing her when I woke up in the cave. She has a coat like mine, but her mane and tail are silver.”

Sombra thought back to the ponies that had attacked Luna. He leaned forward. “I saw one like that when I rescued the Princess. The mare was conjuring the magic with the others; she was the first one I struck, and once she fell, so did the others.”

Gemfyre shot him a look then nodded briefly.

Mystic Topaz released a quiet sob. “My Queen, please, have mercy on me and my sister. If she has done anything against your highness, then she was not in her right mind. She is a soft soul…would never hurt a fly.”

Gemfyre sighed and looked him over. “What do you think?” she asked of Luna and Celestia.

Both Princesses looked at each other before the elder spoke. “I believe what he says, but I think it would be prudent to keep him captive for a time until we can be certain the Nightmist will not claim him again.”

“Hm,” Gemfyre pondered. “I do not know how safe he will be here if the Nightmist lingers so close.” She glanced briefly at Sombra before turning her gaze back to Mystic Topaz.

Luna shifted. “Celestia and I could escort him back to Canterlot and hold him there for a time. He will be separated from the Nightmist, and therefore he may have more time to recover. Perhaps he will even recall his memories.”

“But look at what he’s done!” Sombra cried. “He almost killed you, Luna!”

Princess Luna,” Gemfyre corrected harshly.

Luna held up a hoof. “This is true, but I do not think it was really Mystic Topaz. I do not think this is his true nature.” She glanced at the weeping stallion with sympathy. “We must give him a chance.”

Sombra gritted his teeth but kept a comment to himself. He thought it was folly, but it was not his decision, unfortunately.

Celestia waved to the guards. “Please take him and prepare him to journey to Canterlot. We will depart shortly.” She glanced at Gemfyre. “I think there is something else we should address,” she began as Mystic Topaz was carted out of the room. “Luna came here because we received information that the Empire was under attack. We were told you asked for Luna’s help specifically. Yet, by your surprise when we arrived, I suspect you did not make this decree?”

Gemfyre lifted a wrinkled eyebrow. “Is that so? Might I see this letter?”

Luna pointed to Quill. “She had it in her haversack when we left, but I suspect it was destroyed in the attack.”

Quill paused in her writing and looked up as the three alicorns stared at her. Her face whitened. “You do not think that I forged that letter, do you?”

Luna frowned. “Considering it did not come from Gemfyre.” She turned to the Queen and recited the contents of the letter. The longer Luna spoke, the darker Queen Gemfyre’s gaze became as she stared at Quill. “Quill said that she was sent with the letter.”

“I was!” Quill cried as she dropped the parchment and quill she’d been holding. “A guard said that the Queen had the letter written while I was otherwise indisposed. I thought it strange that she did not ask me to write it for her, but he assured me that it was from the Queen, and that she would be cross with me if I wasted time and did not bring it to the Princesses. It even had her royal seal, so I thought nothing of it!” Quill fell to the ground, hoofs splayed before her. “My Queen, I live only to serve you. I never would think of betraying you. Please, I beg you to trust me.”

Queen Gemfyre breathed out sharply and took a step towards Quill. “And what guard was it that said I had the letter written?”

“Heartstone, your Majesty.”

Gemfyre glanced around at her personal guards. “See to it that Heartstone is detained until we can question him.” She eyed Quill. “You will join him in the dungeons after this meeting, Quill, until I can deem that what you have said is true.”

“Yes, my Queen,” Quill replied with a bowed head. She stepped back, allowing two of Gemfyre’s guards to stand on either side of her.

Gemfyre sighed. “It is a sad day in Equestria when I cannot even trust my own subjects. At least one of the unicorns has been captured; I hope that you, Celestia, and your sister are able to extract more information from him.”

“As do I,” Celestia replied. She tilted her head towards Luna. “You said that the ones who captured you forced you to wear a necklace. Where is it now?”

Luna opened her mouth then closed it slowly. “I dropped it in the cave. I…I did not think to bring it. Forgive me, Sister.”

Sombra went to open his mouth to tell them he had the necklace, but something stole his speech. He grunted in surprise and felt something tug lightly at his mane.

No, keep it hidden,” the voice whispered. “You can protect it. If it falls into the wrong hooves, it can hurt the Princesses and Queen.”

Sombra slowly closed his mouth.

Gemfyre and Celestia exchanged a grave look. The former lifted her head. “It must be found before it can be used against any of us again. If that necklace can steal our power, there is no telling what else it may be able to do..” She rubbed her forehead with a hoof. “There is a final matter we must discuss.”

“Yes…there is,” Celestia said tersely. The two alicorns turned and faced Sombra while Luna just looked at them in surprise.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked quietly. She glanced at Sombra then faced her sister. “Celestia?”

But Celestia stepped past her and looked down at Sombra. “How was it that you were able to change to rescue Luna?”

Sombra was surprised by the question, or rather by the vehemence in the Princess’ voice. What reason did she have to be angry? Luna was safe, wasn’t she? “I went to the crystal cave and…and I found a pocket of magic that allowed me to change. I can release the power and become my old self, however,” he added quickly.

Gemfyre flared her wings a little. “What sort of power, Sombra?”

“I…” Sombra swallowed hard. “It...I...that is…” He sighed and huffed a steading breath. “It was the Nightmist. It offered to give me the strength to free Luna, and then it would release me. I have only to ask.”

“Then ask,” Celestia said shortly.

Sombra stared indignantly at the sun Princess. He saw the way she stood over him, her eyes filled with scorn and disgust. Sombra’s stomach twisted, and his anger grew. What right did she have to judge him? He had saved an alicorn, and all they could do was look upon him as if he was a filthy cretin!

“I will,” he said stiffly.

“Now,” Gemfyre ordered, echoing Celestia’s command.

Luna looked at them in fright. “Celestia, Gemfyre, stop this. He meant no harm. He just…” She swallowed. “Sombra….can…can you let it go? Please?”

Sombra gaped at Luna in surprise. “You wish me to be weak so that I cannot protect you?”

“No,” Luna said with a shake of her head. “I wish you to be yourself, Sombra. They warned you what could happen if you accepted the help of the Nightmist.” She walked slowly towards him, despite the way Celestia shifted to try to get between them. “I do not want it to corrupt you, Sombra.”

“I’m perfectly fine,” Sombra said darkly. “It was my choice to change, and it will be my choice when I relinquish the magic.”

Gemfyre stomped a hoof down. “Then do it. If you wish to remain in this Empire, then you will release the Nightmist now.”

Sombra took pause at that. If he wished to remain in the Empire? He stood rigidly between the Queen and Luna, his eyes darkening. He saw a flicker of red appear before his eyes, but he pushed the power back. “What do you mean by that, my Queen?” He spoke the words more snidely than he meant.

Gemfyre just glared at him. “Exactly what I said. I will not have the Nightmist running rampant through my Empire. Either you release it, or you will be cast out, Sombra.”

“You can’t!” Luna insisted. “He saved me.”

“And that dark magic surrounding him could destroy us all,” Gemfyre argued sharply. “I will not have it infecting my crystal ponies. Change back!” she shouted.

“No!” Sombra roared back before he could stop himself. He stomped his hoof, purple magic flickering around his leg. “I will not change, not until I know I can protect Luna and the Empire. There are still unicorns out there. I was able to defeat them with my magic. You need me, as does Luna. I can fight back.”

“Not beside us,” Gemfyre retorted. “I can already see that the Nightmist is twisting you to its own design. I’m sorry, Sombra, but if you will not obey…”

“I’m no one’s pawn,” Sombra snarled. He took a step towards Gemfyre. Instantly, the guards drew close, but Sombra did not try to stop them. “How can you refuse my help? You and the mighty Celestia cannot even defeat the unicorns. I can. You need me!”

“That we do not,” Celestia snapped back at him. “If Gemfyre seeks to banish you from the Empire, then I will see to it that it happens.”

Sombra turned vicious eyes on Celestia. “I would like to see you try, your highness.”

“Stop!” Luna cried and ran forward. She looked between Celestia and Gemfyre, putting her back to Sombra. “Please, don’t do this. He…he’s just confused, Gemfyre. He’ll let go of the darkness.” She turned to look at him with large eyes. “Please Sombra, just let it go.”

“No.” Sombra took a step back. “I would have thought you of all ponies would understand, Luna. As Sombra alone, I am useless, but like this…” he held up a hoof, letting purple magic swirl around it. “I can stop anyone from hurting you ever again.” He lowered his hoof slowly. “Come with me.”

What?” Luna gasped.

“Come….with me,” Sombra said again. “If I am to be banished, then travel with me. I will show you the kind of stallion I can be. I swear it. You’ll have nothing to fear so long as I am around.”

Celestia roughly pushed Luna back and pointed her horn at him. “She is not going anywhere.”

Sombra’s ire rose instantly. “That is her decision. You do not speak for her, Celestia.” He lowered his head slightly, the tip of his horn glinting. “Now…back down. I do not want to fight.”

“Get out,” Gemfyre hissed. When Sombra didn’t move, she flapped her wings and stormed forward. “Get out!”

Sombra hissed in rage and swung his head, sending a blast of black and purple magic at Gemfyre. Celestia was there to block it in an instant, and she lashed out at him with a powerful solar beam. The light smacked into his chest and sent him flying across the room and into a nearby wall. He struck it hard and crumpled to the ground, sending three guards scattering. Five more advanced on him, their horns directed at his heart.

“STOP!” Luna boomed again, her voice reverberating around the hall. She ran towards Sombra, but Celestia was there to block her.

“Can’t you see what it’s doing to him?” Celestia insisted as she pushed Luna back. “He’ll turn against you, too, if you let him. You have duties to Equestria, Sister, not to him.”

“Let go,” Luna snapped and shoved her sister aside. She approached Sombra on timid hooves. “Sombra…”

Sombra rolled carefully back to his hooves. He felt battered and wounded of both body and heart. The armor on his chest had crumpled somewhat, but had protected him from the majority of Celestia’s blow. “Please, Luna…come with me.”

Luna’s eyes filled with tears of sorrow. She lowered her head, and he thought that perhaps she was just upset that she would be parted from her sister once she agreed to go with him. But the longer he watched her, the more he realized a strange, unsettling conviction came to her face. “I can’t…” she whispered. “I…I have my duties to Equestria. I can’t betray the rest of the ponies of the land…and I can’t risk being infected too and becoming a servant of the Nightmist.”

Sombra stared at her, feeling his heart shatter. “But you can betray our love?” he whispered. No…no, this wasn’t his Luna. This was her sister trying to twist her mind. “Don’t listen to them,” he pleaded. “They would use you to their own whims. I love you, Luna. I will cherish you and protect you for the rest of my days, I swear it. Please, my Princess of the night, come with me.” He held out a hoof to her. “We understand each other better than anyone else will ever understand us. They have scorned me since the day I was born, and yet I still risk my life to protect the Empire and you. I am not evil…I am a warrior that they wish to banish because of a power they fear. I want nothing more than to keep order in Equestria and be with you.” He saw Gemfyre and Celestia shift closer, but Luna stayed between them and him. “Please.”

“I…I can’t,” Luna whimpered and stepped away from him. “You’re not the Sombra I know and love. You have to release that wicked power inside of you, then we can be together, Sombra. Not like this.”

Sombra could not believe what he was hearing. He’d scarified himself to save her, and she was going to cast him aside like this?

Perhaps you are not good enough. You are neither alicorn nor Prince. She shuns you, just as Celestia and Gemfyre do.

Sombra shivered at the voice. It was true, though. What did he have to offer? She had all Equestria to govern. He couldn’t even give her a kingdom.

He swallowed a lump in his throat and stared only at his Luna. “That is your decision?”

Luna gave a pained nod of her head.

Gemfyre and Celestia just grinned grimly behind her.

Sombra glared at them then looked at Luna. “One day…I will give you a kingdom so that you may be my Queen. I have nothing to offer you now…but you shall have a castle and ponies to rule.”

“Sombra…” Luna whispered. “I just want you.”

“If that were true…you wouldn’t turn against me now,” Sombra said quietly.

Luna hid her face and Celestia moved in front of her, blocking her from Sombra’s sight. He glowered, but before he could say anything, Gemfyre was there as well.

“Guards, escort this pony from the Crystal Empire.”

“You will regret this,” Sombra growled before he could stop himself. As two guards moved to drag him away, he narrowed his eyes at the Queen. “This will not be the last you see of me.”

“I suspect not,” Gemfyre said coldly. “I will have you know, the only reason I do not destroy you now, is to spare Luna’s feelings. I knew your heart was black. Ever since that first blast of magic that almost killed the colt, you have been on a path to darkness. The Nightmist only needed the proper host.”

Sombra smiled coldly. “Apparently you were not good enough for it.”

Gemfyre clenched her teeth. “Be gone, outcast…traitor.”

Sombra just laughed at her and let the guards force him outside. As he was forced out of the door, he looked back one last time to stare at Luna. “I will keep my promise. You shall have a kingdom!”


The moment Sombra left the room, Luna rounded on her sister in rage. “How could you?!”

“He’s already lost to us, Luna,” Celestia said calmly as she took a seat beside Gemfyre. “I warned you what he was like when he was a colt. Did you expect him to become any different?”

“He sacrificed his heart to save me!” Luna cried “Does that hold no merit? Will you lend him no kindness for the protection of your sister?” Luna shook her head as the tears burned her eyes. “His heart and spirit are still there, but you won’t even give him a chance.”

Gemfyre pointed at her. “I warned you. I warned you both what would happen if you let the Nightmist take you. It’s a threat to the Empire.”

“You just wanted an excuse to get rid of him,” Luna spat.

“Luna!” Celestia snapped.

Luna glared at her sister and laid her ears back. “Hypocrites. Why did you not banish yourself, Gemfyre, when the Nightmist spoke to you?”

“Because I never gave into its urgings as Sombra has,” Gemfyre replied haughtily. “Otherwise, both you and Celestia would be dead. It preys on the lonely and consumes the weak of heart. Sombra is lost, Luna. Even if he lets that power go, it will forever haunt him.

“Then he died to save me,” Luna whispered. When neither Celestia nor Gemfyre said anything, Luna spun on her hoof and ran from the room with her sister shouting behind her. She dashed through the halls blindly, her hooves clacking against the crystal. She didn’t know where she was planning to go. All she knew was that she had to get out of the palace before she said or did something she’d regret.

It’s not his fault. He never would have done it had I not been in danger.

The guilt threatened to swallow her up, and she choked back a sob as she ran outside. She made it to the field of grass just in time to see the guards throw Sombra outside of the border. Crystal ponies had gathered to watch, including Ambersong and Blue Belle. Luna looked around at the staring eyes, heard their whispered voices of disgust. She whirled on them without thinking and flared her wings, causing lightning to flash behind her as her rage overwhelmed her.

“BACK TO THY HOMES!” she boomed in the Canterlot voice.

With gasps and whimpers, all the ponies fled, save for Ambersong and Blue Belle. The two turned to face her, and Luna went to them without much preamble.

“What has happened to him?” Luna asked. “How long has he been hearing the voices?’

“Ever since he returned from the cave,” Ambersong told her. He reached out to drape a hoof around Blue Belle’s shoulders as she wept. “He started to grow distant, and then when we performed for the ponies, he kept saying they were laughing at him, though that was untrue. The other night….” He looked at Blue Belle. “He lost his temper and nearly destroyed our home. Princess, I have never seen him like this before.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Blue Belle sniffed.

Luna shook her head. “It’s the Nightmist. He…accepted its offer.”

“Noooo,” Blue Belle moaned and pressed her head into her hooves. “There’s nothing we can do. He’s gone…he’s gone. Oh, Sombra!”

Ambersong stroked her mane. “He…may not be too far gone, Blue Belle. If we can pull him back…remind him of who he is, then maybe, maybe he’ll let go of the magic confusing him.”

Luna looked between them urgently. “Would you both be willing to help me? I can enter his dreams and encourage him there, but you two would have to do it face-to-face.” She glanced at the shields. “But that will require you to leave the Empire.”

Ambersong’s eyes flashed with resolution. “If it means we can save our friend, then so be it; we will brave the elements beyond the shield.”

Blue Belle scrubbed tears from her eyes. Suddenly, she threw herself at Luna and hugged her tightly. “Bring him home. We miss him.”

Luna slowly reached up to stroke the pegasus’ back. “I know, Blue Belle…I miss him too.”

Oh how she missed him. She looked up at the sky and watched the moon hang lazily above them. She stared at it and hoped that Sombra would use its guiding light to find some place peaceful to rest tonight.

May it guide you through the darkness and bring you joy in your sorrow, Luna prayed. And may you one day return home to me.