• Published 13th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 7: Meeting Octavia and The Show

With Twilight and her other friends they were all on the train heading to Canterlot. Reason why is because they are wanting to see how things are going with The Canterlot Symphony Sea. But as they were traveling they keep hearing some tapping sounds. Applejack looked under the table and saw her feet wearing some purple shoes and moving.

"Twi. Can't you stop dancing?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not dancing." Twilight denied.

"Then how come your feet are?" Applejack asked again.

She looked down and Twilight saw that her feet were indeed moving.

"Oh yeah. I don't know. They just kept on dancing ever since I placed these shoes on. They're quite nice." Twilight answered.

Applejack decided to roll with it and the train continued onward to Canterlot. Sure enough after an hour they all arrived. They all got off the train and looked around. As Twilight looked around, everything looked absolutely perfect. She strolls toward the orchestra, where the various musicians talked amongst each other. Among the orchestra is one of the most well-known cellists in the group: Octavia Melody.

“Good morning, every pony,” Twilight greeted.

“Good morning, Princess Twilight,” The musicians answered, in unison.

“How are things going?”

“Just about to practice promptly,” Octavia smiled, with a lovely British accent.

"Although Miss Twilight? Why are you dancing when no music is playing? You feeling well or are you under a magic spell?" A mare named Beauty Brass asked.

"I'm feeling fine. Besides I think I like dancing in my new shoes." Twilight said.

"Hey girls? Where's Rarity, Vinyl and Colorgroove? Aren't they supposed to come here to help us?" Fluttershy wondered.

"Yeah. Where are they?" Pinkie agreed.

"Right here my dear!!" A voice said

They turned and saw Rarity, Vinyl, Colorgroove and The Doodlebops all riding in the air on their surfboards. They got close enough to the girls and Colorgroove jumped off and his board disappeared. They the others jumped off and their boards disappeared too.

"Well I'll be! Were you air surfing here?" Applejack asked.

"And did you get a new look? That is an awesome outfit your wearing!" Rainbow replied.

"You betcha! Vinyl loved the feeling of the breeze in the air. And yes. I thought a different look would be nice to have." Colorgroove said as he spotted Octavia. "Well. You must be Octavia. Vinyl told me all about you."

"She did? Well I certainly am grateful to meet you. We are practicing for the special concert tonight and we have our music sheets ready but I don't know if the instruments are ready." Octavia worried.

"That won't be a problem. Since I've have the power of music maybe I can see how to get the instruments ready." Colorgroove suggested.

So using his powers he magically got out a baton and once he waved it in the air a ball of rainbow light came and hit every instrument and they floated above the ground. Everyone gasped in surprise seeing that. He then went on the podium and prepared himself.

"Alright now I'll conduct something and sing a tune. Just to make sure that everything is ready." Colorgroove said.

And like that he waved his arms and swung his baton. Then music played and he sang.


As he sang he also danced while swinging his baton. Twilight was still dancing but Rooney got a little suspicious of those shoes she's wearing. The instruments were all playing wonderful and even the musicians decided to sing too! When the song ended he posed and the instruments came floating down and all the musicians grabbed their right ones and Colorgroove got off the podium.

"Wow! First you used music to make Fluttershy a beautiful garden, then you made surfboards for us so we didn't have to take the train, and now you conducted an orchestra without the musicians playing the instruments! Is there anything you can't do?!" Vinyl squealed.

"Probably not Vinyl. Although Twilight? Why are you still dancing? The song's over." Colorgroove said.

"I know. I don't wanna stop. These shoes are so nice and I love dancing in them." Twilight said as she left the group and went to prepare. While dancing.

"Uh Colorgroove? Can I have a word will you?" Rooney asked.

"Yeah. What's going on?" Colorgroove said.

"Do you think that those shoes she was wearing were familiar?" Rooney asked.

Colorgroove took some time to think about what he said. "Now that you mentioned it yeah. Those shoes are purple and they were familiar to the ones in the story."

"Wait. Colorgroove. You don't think that Twilight is wearing the cursed shoes like in the story?" Moe asked.

"Those did look similar to the story. But I'm not sure just yet. I tell you what. You guys keep an eye on Twilight and lemme know if these shoes really are the same cursed ones from the story." Colorgroove suggested.

"Good idea. But let's prepare for the concert." Deedee agreed.

Soon everyone agreed and they helped finished preparing for the upcoming Canterlot Symphony Sea.

Night came in and we see all the ponies in their seats. Even the guests of honor also known as Celestia and Luna were in their seats too. Then on stage, Colorgroove appears before the audience, who applauds as he walked toward the center of the stage. He was the host and narrator of the concert for tonight. After bowing once or twice, he picks up a microphone and introduces the first number.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We like to welcome you all here tonight for Canterlot's first ever Symphony Sea. And tonight you will witness the birth of a new magic that's been discovered by me. Safe, and fun magic for everyone. So without further ado let's start off with the can can." Colorgroove replied.

Using his magic he once more got out his baton and the same ball of rainbow light hit every instrument and they floated above the ground. Everyone gasped in surprise seeing that. He then conducted the orchestra and they started playing.


As the music was playing rainbow music notes came out of each instrument and floated above the audience. Then to everyone's surprise the music notes danced! Soon everyone decided to join in the fun too! Then after the music ended the notes disappeared and everyone clapped for that as Colorgroove bowed.

"Thank you everyone. But we ain't done. Now ladies and gentlemen. For this next song I wish for all of you to take your partners." Colorgroove said as everyone did what he said. "Wonderful. Now were all gonna dance as the music plays from a famous composer named Johann Strauss II. It's time for the Tales of the Vienna Woods."

Turned back to the instruments and conducted again.


As he played the music the rainbow music notes came out and started forming a vision of them being in the woods and waltzing away. They simply were enjoying the lovely tune and after it finished the woods disappear and everyone clapped again for another wonderful song.

A few hours went by and everyone was nearing the end of show. Colorgroove faced them again with a smile on his face.

"Well. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the show. But before we end things off there is one more song I like to do. And it features my friends The Doodlebops. See when I first started using my music powers I thought I was never gonna be able to use them well. But then as I kept trying I started getting better every day. So this last song is 'When Your Good at Something'." Colorgroove said as the curtains rose revealing the Doodlebops and Colorgroove took his place and they started playing and singing.


Then the song began as Deedee started off. And soon Colorgroove did the Celebration dance that went along with it. First he clapped his hands, then he raised the roof, and finally he star jumped. He proceeded to repeat that dance a few times and when the song ended they all posed and everyone applauded and left Canterlot.

With Colorgroove he told the Doodlebops to head back to Vinyl's house so they can rest up after a wonderful performance they did tonight. Then Colorgroove saw Vinyl coming towards him and gave him a hug.

"Colorgroove you rockstar stud. You really gave everyone a concert they'll never forget. I'm so glad you came here. I never knew that you have so much control over your power that you used the music to spread joy to others. And that is what I like about you." Vinyl smiled.

"Well thank you Vinyl. I try hard." Colorgroove said.

"You most certainly do. Hey um Colorgroove? I was thinking of a way to repay you back for all the wonderful stuff you did with the music. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight at the Tasty Treat?" Vinyl asked blushing.

"You know what? Yes. Yes I would love to have dinner with you at this Tasty Treat tonight. But I got an idea to dress for the occasion." Colorgroove answered.

So he took Vinyl by her waist and she placed her hands on his shoulders and together they both spun around and a bright sapphire light surrounded the two and when it died down they both had on fancy clothes. Colorgroove had on A white tuxedo and Vinyl had on A sapphire dress.

"Oh my. You certainly are full of surprises aren't you?" Vinyl flirted.

"I sure am. Now let's head to the Tasty Treat for dinner." Colorgroove replied as he summoned his surfboard once again and allowed Vinyl to get on first. "After you."

"Thank you. What a gentleman." Vinyl smiled as she got on.

Colorgroove was the last to get on the surfboard and Vinyl held on to Colorgroove as he focused on lifting it up and they air surfed all the way to the Tasty Treat. Colorgroove is gonna have a nice time with Vinyl tonight and he knows that too. But in his mind there was something familiar about the shoes Twilight was wearing earlier. He would definitely need to ask Rooney later if he was right about them being the same ones from the story.

Author's Note:

Vinyl and Colorgroove are on A date! But he better be aware of the shoes Twilight is wearing and ask the Doodlebops if it is the same ones from the story.