• Published 13th Mar 2024
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My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 6: Dressing in Musical Style

The next day Colorgroove, Vinyl and the Doodlebops were heading to Rarity's shop. He didn't why they were going there so Colorgroove needed to know why.

"Hey Vinyl? Why are we heading to Rarity's shop? My clothes aren't torn or anything." Colorgroove asked.

"Oh no it's not that. I was suggesting that we get you a style that suits you better. Nothing wrong with your leather jacket and pants but I'm thinking a groovy outfit would work with you better." Vinyl explained.

"Oh like a different look huh? Ok I get. Well my jacket was getting a bit stale so I guess a different look would be better." Colorgroove admitted.

"You know that reminded me of the time we all tried different looks. I was hard rock, Rooney was hip hop, and Deedee was country." Moe added.

"No kidding. That sounded like fun." Colorgroove smiled.

They continued walking til they all came closer and when it finally came into view it looked like what they'd expected it to be, a building shaped like a carousel, although it was what he'd expected it to be he was still puzzled by it.

"Geez, I never thought that her shop would be in the form of a carousel." Colorgroove said.

They laughed and headed inside. In there was all sorts of different outfits to try on. But for right now there wasn't one that interested him to wear. Then coming downstairs was Rarity and she was excited to see Vinyl here.

"Vinyl! I'm glad you came here. Is there anything I can help you with?" Rarity asked.

"Yes. I was wondering if you can make Colorgroove a jazzy outfit for him to wear? Like a ostentatious affair complete with a cape and a humongous belt with eagle-hanging conchos? I think he look handsome in that." Vinyl said blushing.

"Ooh. So you wanna get his attention do you?" Rarity smirked. "Well I can certainly do that. Just give me two hours and I will have this all ready."

Rarity went upstairs to prepare her work. And then Vinyl came to Colorgroove.

"Hey. I talked to Rarity and she'll have an outfit ready for you in two hours. We'll just hang here til then." Vinyl said.

"Ok Vinyl. That works for me." Colorgroove nodded.

So they all sat down and Colorgroove used his powers to summon everyone some headphones so they can listen to some music. Then after an hour they see a group of ponies entering and Colorgroove was the first one to greet them. Two of them were stallions and the other two were mares.

"Oh hi there. If you happen to be looking for Rarity she's a little busy right now on something." Colorgroove said.

"Man. That stinks. We were really hoping she wasn't too busy. We need some new outfits for our latest music video. We are the Fab Four. Names are Dancer, Dubstep, Moonwalk, and Groover." He introduced.

"Oh well nice to meet you. Maybe I can help you out. What kind of outfits are you looking for?" Colorgroove asked.

"Well each of us likes a different style of music. Me for example I like some rock and roll music. So I was hoping I can find an outfit that fits the rock and roll type." Dancer answered.

"Rock and roll you say? Well maybe I can make you one." Colorgroove offered.

Then his necklace glowed and he conjured a ball of red music energy and placed it in Dancer's chest. Then the magic glowed around him and when it died down he was wearing a cool rock and roll outfit. He had on a sleeveless leather jacket, A red shirt with a guitar on it, black pants with a chain and black boots. Also his hair was in a Mohawk dyed in the colors of flames.

"Wow! Now THAT is definitely rock and roll material!" Dancer smiled.

"You look like a rockstar! I love the look!" Moe said.

"Thanks mister!" Dancer replied.

"Alright. Who's next? Who wants a cool musical look from Colorgroove?" He asked.

"Oh do me man! I love hearing some hip hop! So any chance you can make me have on a hip hop outfit?" Dubstep asked.

"Sure!" Colorgroove said. He then conjured a ball of purple music energy and placed it in his chest. After the magic faded he was now wearing a purple shirt with graffiti design, gold chains on his neck, gangster glasses, A purple cap backwards and holey pants with dope kicks.

"Oh yeah peeps! I feel funky fresh now!" Dubstep said.

"Ok darling. Do me. I have always enjoyed country music. So can you make me a cowgirl outfit?" Groover asked.

"You got partner!" Colorgroove replied. He now conjured a ball of orange music energy and placed it in her chest. When they magic died down she now had on a cowgirl vest, a cowgirl hat and boots, pink pants and cowgirl pads on her arms.

"Yeehaw!!! I reckon you found me a rootin tootin good outfit!" Groover said as a cowgirl.

"Ok I'm last. Colorgroove. I love listening to disco music. So can you try to make me a disco outfit?" Moonwalk asked.

"I gotcha covered little lady!" Colorgroove said. He summoned the last ball which is full of blue music energy and placed it in her chest. Once it finished transforming her she had on A groovy blue shirt with iconic white boots, hoop earrings, and printed shift dress.

"Wow! I look cool! Thanks Colorgroove!" Moonwalk smiled.

"You know what? Seeing you all in those different looks makes me wanna sing a song! And we'll do a dance called the 4-Style!" Moe said.

"That's exactly what were thinking! Let's do it!" Dancer smiled.

So Colorgroove blasted some rainbow energy at the light and once it hit it the music started playing and the Doodlebops and Colorgroove started singing.


They were all dancing and singing about how it's fun to use your imagination and trying new looks. And on some cuts we see Colorgroove dancing with The Fab Four. First they started by digging their heels, then they scratched the record, next they shook their hair, and finally then spun around and posed then repeated the process. Vinyl couldn't deny that this tune was quite catchy and joined in the fun. After the song ended they all posed. And suddenly to their surprise the magic formed into a tape and landed in Moonwalk's hands.

"Wow. That was a great song! And did it secretly record everything we did?" Moonwalk asked.

"I guess it did. Looks like my magic has more than more ability. It's so crazy and fun that I probably want to keep it. The magic I mean." Colorgroove answered.

"Well thanks again man. And you guys?" Groover said and looked at the Doodlebops. "Thanks for the song."

The four left as Colorgroove and The Doodlebops waved goodbye. Then they all sat back down and continued waiting for Rarity. Another hour passed and she came down with the outfit all ready.

"Ok darling. I have your outfit done." Rarity said.

"Thanks Rarity. Now let's see how this looks on me." Colorgroove smiled.

Then he spun around and around til the clothes came on him and took off his old ones. He was now wearing a jumpsuit with some rainbow stripes, rubies on the collar and complete with a red cape and a humongous belt with eagle-hanging conchos on the pants. He even switched out his old sunglasses with some better cool looking shades. Everyone saw the outfit and were in awe.

"Dude! You are so good looking!" Vinyl said.

"Wow! You look better than before! That look really fits you!" Deedee complimented.

"Thanks guys. I think so too. Now is there anything else that we should do today?" Colorgroove asked.

"Well I did mention that Octavia was preparing for the upcoming Canterlot Symphony Sea. And Twilight happens to be in charge of it. Why don't we head there and see how everything is going?" Vinyl suggested.

"Great idea! We'll head down to the train station and make our way there!" Rarity said.

"That won't be necessary Rares. Besides I have a better idea to get there." Colorgroove replied.

He used his magic to summon his surfboard. But then he realized the others with him. So he decided to clone it and out appeared five other surfboards with their respective colors and symbols. Rarity grabbed the white one, Vinyl got the sapphire one, Deedee got the pink one, Rooney had the blue one and Moe got the orange one. Then they all headed outside and stepped on them.

"How's a surfboard going to get us there?" Rarity asked.

"You'll see. Watch." Colorgroove said.

He focused on the board and it started floating in the air and then the same thing happened with the others. Everyone had to keep their balance on it and were surprised. But not more than Vinyl.

"So you're saying were gonna air surf to Canterlot? That's is the most wicked idea yet! I love it!" Vinyl smiled.

"I thought you would Vinyl!" Colorgroove agreed.

"Wow! This is awesome! I always wanted to try air surfing!" Moe beamed.

"Well now you're gonna get the chance to try it out! Canterlot! Here we come!!" Colorgroove declared.

And so everyone slowly started moving and went faster and headed straight to Canterlot! What will Colorgroove do now once at Canterlot? And will he get suspicious of Twilight's shoes that may be similar to the ones that were in the story?

Author's Note:

Colorgroove is really getting the hang of his powers! But what might happen at the concert in Canterlot?