• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 158 Views, 3 Comments

My Little Pony and The Doodlebops: The Magic of Music - Big Imagination E

Join the Doodlebops and there friend Colorgroove as they head to Equestria and make magic with music!

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Chapter 2: Arrived and Meeting Vinyl Scratch

The next day Colorgroove was still sleeping in his bed til the alarm clock woke him up. He hit it turning it off and got dressed for today. Then he grabbed the diamond music note but when he looked at it he saw that it became a necklace!

"What is this? It's now a necklace? When did it become a necklace?" Colorgroove thought.

He didn't know why but decided to roll with it. So he placed the necklace on him and headed out. But what he didn't know is that the necklace started glowing. He walked down to the park where he saw many kids playing but decided to keep on going. Then as he stretched his arm his hand glowed a rainbow color and blasted something and opened a portal! He stood in shock seeing it!

"Holy Mother of Megazon!!" Colorgroove shouted. "What is that?! When did a portal appear out of nowhere just now?!"

Then the portal started getting stronger and Colorgroove tried getting out of it but the wind was too strong and pulled him in and he screamed in the portal til he reached the light on the other end.

The portal reopened and Colorgroove came out and landed on the ground. Then he hit his head on a tree and something orange went in his hair. He was groaning in pain. As he got up he looked around seeing the new surroundings in front of him. He appeared to be in a forest.

"Ow man. Where am i?" Colorgroove asked. "I better look around."

So he walked out of the forest and into the opening. Once he was he saw a village and a nice one at that. But what he saw was not people but anthro ponies walking around and enjoying their day.

"Okay? I'm in a place where I see ponies. Keep going man. Keep going." Colorgroove said to himself.

He kept on walking til suddenly he bumped into someone. They both fell down and Colorgroove who recovered saw who he bumped into. It was a unicorn mare who had a cream white coat, and shoulder length, sapphire and light blue hair. She was almost as tall as he was. She wore dark blue short-shorts, which left nothing to the imagination, and a tiny white tank top, which he thought looked at least one, maybe two sizes too small for her. He couldn’t see her eyes, as they were hidden behind a pair of stylish dark purple shades, and over her ears, she wore a pair of headphones. Only one pony in Ponyville wore shades and headphones like that. The popular and highly outgoing party pony and DJ, DJ Pon-3, or known by her true name, Vinyl Scratch. He immediately gasped and went to her.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry miss! I didn't see you there! Are you alright?" Colorgroove asked as he helped her up.

"Yeah I'm ok. I really should pay attention and take my headphones off but.." She said but stopped as she stared at him.

"Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around." She asked.

"You can definitely say that. I'm Colorgroove. But I have no idea where I am right now." He introduced.

"Well nice to meet you Colorgroove. I'm DJ Pon-3. But you can call me Vinyl Scratch." She said.

"Vinyl Scratch huh? Nice name. It totally fits you. I actually listen to a lot of music myself. But I haven't have the slightest clue where I am." Colorgroove said.

"You're in Equestria. More specifically Ponyville. I was actually on my way to meet Twilight and her friends for a surprise were planning for Fluttershy. It's her birthday today." Vinyl explained.

"Ok good to know. And who's Twilight? And Fluttershy?" Colorgroove asked.

"I take it you never seen them have you?" Vinyl asked as Colorgroove nodded no which gave her the answer. "No worries. You stick with me and I'll introduce you to them."

"Well considering I will be here for awhile I say I don't have any other option. Alright let's go meet your friends." Colorgroove responded.

"Great! Come on Colorgroove!" Vinyl said in excitement.

"Oh and um Vinyl? If it's ok maybe I can help figure out what surprise we plan for this Fluttershy." Colorgroove suggested.

"Sure you can. It be nice of you to help us plan something special for Fluttershy. Now come along man you'll love my friends." Vinyl said.

Colorgroove didn't want to be rude so he followed where Vinyl is going. The two were still walking til they saw a castle in the shape of a tree covered in purple crystals. When Colorgroove saw it he was staring at it in awe knowing it was a beautiful sight.

"Would you look at that? A castle in the shape of a tree. That's something you don't see everyday. It looks amazing!" Colorgroove commented.

"I'm like your loving the view. But wait til you see the inside and fun fact one of my friends who happens to be a princess lives in there." Vinyl said.

"A princess you say? Now that is something I wish to see." Colorgroove smiled.

"Well let's go in." Vinyl said as she opened the door.

She allowed Colorgroove to go in first and Vinyl closed the door and walked with him. Then they arrived at a room and saw five other ponies and a dragon were discussing something. They too were anthro ponies and when they saw Colorgroove with Vinyl they stood in shock seeing a human. This made him a little uncomfortable.

"Oh please don't scream." Colorgroove thought to himself.

Author's Note:

So he met Vinyl Scratch! Next he will get to know the others and will receive a special surprise went he meets three familiar people!