• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 2,403 Views, 42 Comments

Friendly Competition - JeSuisLaPorte

Two best friends, a whole new world, new bodies, nowhere to go. They have nothing but their pony fantasies to carry on. This is going to be good.

  • ...

3. Hot dawg! We're vibin' at school!

Following the Diamond Bitchara smackdown, Fluttershy took the two beaten fillies back home to tend to their wounds. The two small ponies had many bruises that needed attention.

“Now now, watch your language you two. Even if Diamond Tiara is not a very nice pony doesn’t mean you get to speak ill of her. I hope that experience didn’t make you scared of the school. I know there are a lot of nice foals around your age. Maybe you could try again to socialize and make new friends?”

She prescribed some pain killers to dull their bruises and placed some plasters on the parts that bled.

Eugene didn’t care that his pride was bruised by two fillies. One of his dreams was happening before his very eyes; Fluttershy was taking care of him. The pain was slowly fading away while his attention was reported in those magnificent and intense cyan eyes of her.

“...Thank you so much, Sh-utterfly”. Said Eugene with a barely perceptible and weakened voice.

“Oh goodness...” It would appear she’s still dazed. These fillies sure did a number on them. Thankfully, Bo Peep seemed to be in better condition.

“Oh, th-thank you for taking care of us.” Bo awkwardly fumbled, grasping her hurt head.

Fluttershy gave the poor filly a comforting smile. “Now, it is important that you don’t provoke other ponies. Some can get violent.”

“I got a first-row seat to a presentation on violence. I think I know a thing or two about that.”

These fillies were strange to say the least. Fluttershy couldn’t wrap her head around it but these two seemed a lot smarter than foals their age. Especially the way Bo talked, it felt like a mare talking through a child’s voice.

Poh broke out of her daze. “Well, if only a conversation with Diamond Bitchara was a painful failure, I don’t know how we will survive for more than 5 days in this place. Bo, I think we will need to change our act dude. Perhaps isolation could work?” Realising he wasn’t getting enough attention from the lovely pegasus, Poh dropped on her side, grasping her body. “Argh! Oh my ... my ribs hurt so bad. I think one broke.”

Bo stretched her limbs, cringing at the pain. Nevertheless, she smiled upon seeing the feeble act of her friend. “Don’t be such a baby, ribs grow back.” She turned to Fluttershy. “No, they don’t.”

“Now, now; there’s no need to isolate yourself. Every town has a few bad apples, but that doesn’t mean everypony will want to hurt you. I know a group of nice fillies who will surely be happy to meet you.” Fluttershy comforted, holding Poh by the cheeks.

Having an intense look down on her face, Poh was blushing and slowly reach her hoof on Fluttershy’s nose and booped her with a childish and excited laugh. “I boops you! Hihi.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Aren’t you an affectionate little pony?”

“Fuck yeah.”

The mare’s eyes narrowed. “Now, let’s talk about your language. No fillies should be talking this dirty, okay? Those are not pretty words to use, and they will do little to improve your speech. Let’s make it a rule to always avoid these words, okay?”

“You see, those words came from my father. That was all his fault, not mine. But, what the fuck... Oh, hum sorry. What the hay should I say instead?” Poh blurted out in a panic. He had made his pony waifu disappointed!

Bo Peep facehoofed, looking away in embarrassment. “Keep digging that hole, bud...”

“Even if they came from your father, it doesn’t mean you get to use them. It’s you who ultimately decides to use these bad words. I want you to make a conscious effort to stop for me, okay?”

“Fuck it. I’ll try. Oh shit, oh fuck I'm sorry... Godamnit. Argh!” Eugene put one of his hoofs in his mouth to make him stop speak without thinking.

Fluttershy frowned, a slow feeling of defeat taking over her. “That’s a terribly start, but a start nonetheless.” Her eyes moved to Bo Peep, who has been silent this whole time. “That goes for you too.” Though this filly was noticeably better at keeping her potty mouth in check.

“I know, I know.” She pouted. It’s a common occurrence with foals; they never like to be told what to do, and that is even when they want to do it originally.

To remedy this, Fluttershy gave the more eloquent filly a bright smile. “Come now, I’ll make you lunch.”

As the two fillies slowly and painfully get up from their bed, they start to have a competition to see who would arrive in the kitchen first. None of them won, they tied. It was quite the spectacle for the kind mare. She noticed just how bad these fillies were at running and that wasn’t just because of their injuries. They way the galloped was off, uncoordinated.

Oh dear, they might have some problem with their motor control. Fluttershy cringed at the thought of having to help them learn how to simply gallop. Taking on two fillies was already a daunting task in of itself, but to have two fillies with slight disabilities wasn’t much of a welcome addition.

“Ahah, I’m faster than you, nerd! See y’a at the finish line.” Poh gloated, oblivious to the reality that they tied.

“I’m going to cum in your mouth when you’re sleeping.” A most unusual and bizarrely sexual comeback from Bo. Fluttershy’s mind drew a blank as she tried to process what she had just heard. Eventually, she chose to believe that she must have misheard the filly and that her mind was just playing dirty tricks on her.

“So, by winning, you will be giving me a reward? Thank you, dude, I was in fact thirsty.”

And there was the fact that they kept referring to each other as dude or bud. Maybe these fillies were tomcolts? That would explain the masculine pronouns and their crudeness to an extent...?

Nevertheless, Fluttershy continued with her promise. “For lunch, I’ll prepare you a nice creamy, healthy, and delicious little soup.”

Poh sat at the table, eagerly awaiting her meal. “Cool! I suppose ... And what do we eat with the soup?”.

“Hm? It’s just the soup.”

“What do you mean it's just soup? Do we have something else after that? Like a T-bone steak, or a cheeseburger you know?”

Fluttershy blinked. She’s never heard of a cheeseburger. It sounded close to hayburger, but with cheese instead, maybe? The disturbing part, however, was that the filly asked for a T-bone steak. It sounded carnivorous and very un-ponylike. “Well, um... there will be no need for that. The soup is very nutritious. It contains all sorts of vegetables that’ll fill your hungry stomach in no time!”

“But where’s the grease, the fat, the salt, the sugar and stuff? I mean, this is just some stupid vegetables...” Poh complained, letting her face slowly fall on the table out of sheer disappointment.

That was enough. She had to put her hoof down. This filly was smart in the way she weaved around her want. “Poh, we are not getting you a hayburger. It’s not a healthy meal. It’s filled with all sorts of fat that are harmful. I want nothing but the best for you two. I only ask that you trust me.”

Eugene looked down at his soup. He wasn’t happy to be missing out on a hayburger, the closest thing around here to a cheeseburger. He felt like he would soon miss his dear human foods. He slowly ate his soup and making some grumpy noises along the way.

“Actually, that was kinda good. How did you make it so flavorful Fluttershy? What’s the secret?”

Fluttershy giggled, happy to see Poh come around. “The secret ingredient is love, Poh!”

As Eugene drank the last sip of the soup, he put his face in the bowl and accidentally got some of the soup in his nostrils. He snorted, pulling his head back as he saw snot in his soup. Suddenly, he wasn’t hungry anymore. So was his dear friend Jon who saw everything, gagging.

“Oh, dear...” Fluttershy cringed, feeling her stomach turn at that horrid sight.

Eugene was terribly ashamed of himself and was hiding in his hoofs to try to avoid the look of the other ponies. “I-I-I'm s-o sorry. I hope it doesn’t stain the secret ingredient, right?”

“Oh, no no no. The secret ingredient is still there. I’ll just... get you something to wipe your face. Don’t rub it on you, okay?” Fluttershy flew away in search of a tissue, throwing away the empty box of tissues in the trash.

Jon left the table, opting to leave his friend there. “And I’m going to vomit somewhere else.”

After Jon had regurgitated his entire meal in the toilet, he crumbled in the bathroom, sick. He was not expecting his body’s reaction to be so visceral. Then again, he was no man anymore, he was a cute little filly that had a nasty potty mouth. Staring in the mirror, he finally understood why Fluttershy found him so cute. His new filly form was the purest and most adorable thing he had ever seen.

It was a strange feeling to look at his reflection and see something he couldn’t register as himself. It was like an out of body experience. That wasn’t him, yet it was. Jon touched his puffy cheeks, gushing over his adorable face. He let out an amused laugh, which came out as a cute giggle in his filly voice. Not bad indeed.

As he kept on looking at his new face, a dirty question came to mind. His adult mind was still intact even after being transferred into a filly. He could still be aroused... In that case, he’ll probably need to find a discreet place at night to get a little dirty. It’ll feel wrong at first, considering he’s now a cute filly, but hormones are hormones. He can’t go against their will. Of course, there was still the hooves problem and how that would hinder his playtime.

But with time, he’ll get good at it.

Returning downstairs, Jon found a thankfully cleaned Eugene and Fluttershy waiting for him. “Alright now fillies, it is time to return to school. We’ll present ourselves to Miss Cheerilee for today and then you'll be attending your first class. It is very important that you get familiar with your new school before you start.”

“May you stay with us pw-ease? I really don’t know if we will be beaten again by those meanie little ponies... I just feel more reassured by your presence.” Eugene pleaded, giving Fluttershy the puppy eyes.

“Of course I’ll stay with you, my little pony. I won’t leave your side, I promise.” The mare affirmed, radiating such kindness.

“Yipee! Oh, thank you, thank you so much!” Eugene shouted as he run toward her to give her a neck hug, hanging there for a good moment.

Jon sighed, it was weird to see his friend act like a literal baby to get the mare’s attention. He was practically shaming himself just for her love, and that was something Jon was irked by. “Gee, you sure are a nice pony, Fluttershy!” Still, if he was going to play this game, then he should expect some fierce competition. Jon nuzzled Fluttershy, rubbing it in Eugene’s face.

Eugene stare intensely at Jon with a a contempt looking in his face and poke his eyes intentionally. “Don’t you know who she is? Don’t even dare touching her with ya filthy and disgusting little hooves!”

Before the little Bo could respond, Fluttershy raised her voice. “No fighting, please! I love you both equally, there’s no need to be fighting for my affection, okay?”

Thus, the two friends signed a non-existent peace treaty, for now.

Returning to the school, Jon and Eugene fearfully avoided Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who were gathering the entire class to watch their butler do some tricks, which got a slight chuckle out of the two. They remembered that amusing episode of season four.

Thankfully, Fluttershy provided a nice cover for them, avoiding the ire of the two bullies as they headed inside the school, their safe zone. “Alright, girls. We’re about to meet Miss Cheerilee. I want you to be super nice when talking to her, okay? She will be your teacher for the upcoming years. So, Eugene, can you promise me to watch your language please?”

The little Poh smiled awkwardly. “... I’ll try my best, I promise, mom.”

Entering the class, the three saw Cheerilee correcting some exams during recess. Now was the time to make a good impression before their new teacher. They were not going to screw this up.

But still, before they approached her, Jon whispered in his friend’s ear. “Smash or pass?”

Eugene gave him a knowing smile. “Why is it a question? Do you really think I’m going to refuse the hand of this elegant lady? Double smash for me, with whipped cream and a cherry on top.”

“Of course, we’ll share the ‘elegant lady’ together, ay?”

The two fillies winked at each other.

Cheerilee spotted Fluttershy and the two accompanying fillies. “Oh, hello there, Fluttershy! I see you’re, uh, you have two fillies with you...”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, well... they knocked on my door one day and apparently don’t have any parents or relatives to go to. So, I’m taking care of them for the time being.”

“For life, that’s what she meant.” Eugene clarified, nuzzling Fluttershy like a kitten.

The cerise mare giggled. “I see they’re rather affectionate!” She approached the two fillies, leaning to get a closer look at the cute ponies. “Hi there! My name is Cheerilee. What are your names?”

“Hello! I’m the student of Shifu and my name is Poh...” The little filly proudly exclaimed.

Their new teacher was amused by the filly’s apparent love for martial arts movies. “That’s a nice name! And what about you?”

Looking at how his friend did it, the other filly wanted to bring her own flavor to the table. “Hi! I’m Bo Peep, I can’t wait to start learning with you!” Nailed it.

Cheerilee gushed. These two fillies were simply adorable! “Aw, I always love to help a filly with learning!”

“Hum, sorry Cheer-oli ... Choorilee ... Hum, Miss Cheetos, when will be the dinner break? I’m really hungry.” Poh stumbled, looking increasingly more nervous with each failed attempt.

Cheerilee ignored this awkward fumble and answered the filly’s actual question with her usual joyful attitude. “Well, this is the dinner break. But if you’re still hungry, you can always bring a snack in class as long as it isn’t a noisy one like chips.”

Poh turned to her foster mother, wagging her tail excitedly. “Oh, oh oh! Fluttershy, did you bring us by chance a snack?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh d-dear... Um, I didn’t think to bring a snack for you. I’m sorry.”

“Oh ... That's ok, I knew I should’ve fully eaten my soup.”

“And I knew I shouldn’t have barfed in your toilet.” Bo Peep stated bluntly.

The two mares blinked, struggling to process the bluntness of the cute filly. Eventually, Cheerilee cleared her throat and resumed. “Well, in any case, classes should be in session soon. You can stay and try to learn with the other students. Um, do they have any pencils and notebooks?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Thankfully, I did.” She opened her saddlebag, revealing its content to the fillies. “Here is your school equipment!”

“Oh, and there is glue stick too! Awesome.” Poh said by grabbing it and start to slowly consume it like a delicacy.

Bo Peep cringed, feeling her face growing hot simply by being associated with this dumbass. With each stupid skit her friend did, she wanted to hop on a rocket and fly to the moon to curl up in a foetal position and cry.

With the glue smeared all over his face, he wanted to share with his friend. “Hey bro, this thing is bussin’ you want some?”

“I’d rather not stuff my face with the cum sti-oh... Oh.” Bo blushed. The two mares stared at her with incredulous looks. In that very moment, she wanted to die.

“Ah! Gottem.” Poh exclaimed, spitting out some glue in the process.

Cheerilee rapidly intervened to stop the awkward situation “Please don’t eat your glue stick, it is highly toxic and could make you sick.”

Bo Peep smacked the glue stick out of her friend’s hoof, unamused. “Stop it, go get some help.”

Eugene desperately tried to grab the glue stick as it was falling on the ground but failed. “NO! My glue! You fu-... unpleasant person.”

“What the hay is a person?” Bo asked before Cheerilee or Fluttershy could.

The teacher cleared her throat, getting the attention of the two fillies. “Anyway, class should resume soon. The desks in the back are yours.” Cheerilee pointed at said desks, but Poh was too absorbed by the sad death of her glue stick to notice.

Bo Peep sighed, feeling like her friend is once again trying to sabotage everything. Then again, what did she expect? At every single recess in middle school, Poh would always look for somebody to mess with. His friend is the living definition of schadenfreude. “Ah shit, here we go again...”

When the fillies sat down far away from the two mares, Fluttershy blushed, embarrassed by the volatile nature of the two ponies she chose to foster. “Gosh, I-I'm sorry if they came across as rude. They’re a bit strange, b-but they’re quite lovely if you give them the chance.”

Watching her new students get accustomed with their new school, Cheerilee took a deep breath. “I’m sure they are. I just hope they won’t disrupt the whole class. They seem rather simple minded at times.”

“Hey Peep, look at that sharpie, it smells exactly like marshmallow!” Eugene exclaimed as he took a deep breath in.

Jon, however, heard what Cheerilee said. Ouch. Simple minded, us? Nah, I think we’re just suffering from brainrot. At least, that’s what’s happening to Eugene. His simp energies are off the fucking chart. “You’re a dumbass.”

“What, don’t tell me you dislike that smell? And see there is also blueberry, strawberry and even chocolate! Come on dude, just sniff one, that will surely change your unfounded opinion.”

Jon blinked, not believing his ears. “Whadafuq, bro? I can’t smell for shit. I told you that a hundred times already.”

Eugene’s vision turned red. “Shame on you, that will be a regretful moment when that yellow female genitalia will be in front of your face, and you won’t smell shit.”

“Way to dog on my disability.” Jon stared at Fluttershy, watching her leave before he decided to try out a little something. “Dude, if Fluttershy jumped off a cliff, would you follow her?”

“If she would go, that would be the loneliest day of my life... So, if she was going to die, I wanna die with her.” Eugene responded with conviction much to the dismay of his friend.

“Eugene! Don’t jump off a cliff! That’s stupid!”

Eugene closed his eyes, holding a hoof to his filly heart. “In a pony world where the element of kindness ceases to exist, is there really a reason to continue living? It will be a city of crime and chaos, between animals and ponies. I would be honored to take her hand and walk away in a better place where I know my loved one will be with me for eternity.”

“What’s that about a cliff?”

The two friends froze for a brief moment. Cheerilee had seemingly teleported before them, her curious eyes now upon them.

Without skipping a beat, Jon pointed at his friend. “Poh wants to jump off a cliff.” Eat it, bitch.

Cheerilee’s heart skipped a beat. “What? Poh, why do you want to jump off a cliff?”

“Well, if you summarise it like that, sure. But that was a highly intellectual philosophy discussion about taking a risk of our own life to save somepony. And that somepony was so important that I thought living in Ponyville without her was worthless.”

Oh. The cerise mare breathed a sigh of relief. She should have seen it coming. Just two foals having an amusing conversation that leads nowhere. “Well, it’s nice that you’re having such intellectual debates, but class is about to start in under a minute. It wil be nice if you would pay attention to today’s lesson.”

“What will it be about?” Jon asked curiously.

“Sexual education.” Cheerilee responded brightly. “It is very important that foals learn about the way their body works.”

Jon and Eugene blinked. Did they heart that right? Their first class... and it’s going to be rather suggestive.

Jon smirked. “Nice.”

Eugene took on a more philosophical look, or at least what he believed constituted as one. “It seems that our destiny is really doing well its thing.”

“Nah, bro. We’re doing destiny right now.”

Author's Note:

Jesuislaporte A.K.A Applejack Enjoyer
This keeps on getting more cursed with each chapter and I love it. Prepare thy nuts. It's time we learn about the pussy! Yes, we are going to learn about the vagina! We are going to learn about hormones! We are going to learn about the poopoo doodoo hole. And we will most certainly be talking about le sex.

Eugene A.K.A Fluttershy Enjoyer
With each chapter, I get more and more confused, I don't know if I should devote my love to Fluttershy or keep it stupid and light. Next chapter, it will be Cutie Mark Crusading time, baby.
Je vous aime, putain! - Les Tutos