• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 2,402 Views, 42 Comments

Friendly Competition - JeSuisLaPorte

Two best friends, a whole new world, new bodies, nowhere to go. They have nothing but their pony fantasies to carry on. This is going to be good.

  • ...

1. Oh nyo! We're fillies now!

Life can be strange sometimes. It can be filled with ups and downs. Some people win the lottery, others make breakthrough in science or medicine. But for two particularly autistic persons, life can be a dream. A bizarre dream they didn’t actually want to happen but can make the most of it.

Two great friends since middle school gathered to watch another episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It became a sort of tradition to watch a couple of episodes together at night and poke fun at what they saw. They were currently at the second episode of season two, and were loving every minute of it, though they had a tendency to be quite... crude in their comments.

They were so open to this subject that they talked multiple times about the many erotic dreams and fantasies they had about the show and more specifically, the main leads. One adored Fluttershy and the other, Applejack.

“Hey Eugene, what would do if you, like, went to a subway station and saw this really shady guy that told you to go inside the men’s bathroom for a lifechanging experience. So you go inside the bathroom, and you find Fluttershy, tied up and gagged inside one of the stalls. What would you do?” The other friend, Jon asked. It was a normal occurrence to get into these rather bizarre hypotheticals. He loved to spice things up, even if he sometimes tried too hard to make one of the options seem more favorable than the other. The fun lied in the insane scenarios he could conjure from the gutters of his mind.

His friend laughed as he imagined the scenario play in his head. “Jackpot.” Eugene responded with a grin.

“So, you choose the Quagmire option?” Jon followed, unsurprised. “Okay, but what if you can choose to free her. And if you free her, she will marry you. What would you do?”

“I’d still drug her and put her inside a cage. That way, she will be mine forever. No witnesses, easy pocket mare pussy.” Eugene confidently answered, much to the silent horror of his friend.

"O-Oh, okay..."

But then, something strange happened in the episode. Discord stopped taunting Twilight Sparkle. Instead, he flew over to the camera and stared directly at whoever was watching. It wasn’t in the episode; Jon knew that for it wasn't his first time watching unlike his friend. He was the My Little Pony expert, and he certainly knew that Discord wasn’t about to break the fourth wall like this.

The Lord of Chaos tapped the screen, smirking. “There isn’t enough chaos around here. Thankfully, I already know the remedy to this problem. You see, Twilight, things are about to get even weirder in Ponyville.” He stuck his arm out. They broke from the confines of the televisions and grabbed a hold of the two friends. With one mighty pull, the two humans were transported inside the screen, into another world.

Swinging around an endless vortex of madness, they felt an excruciating pain, a pain strong enough to knock them unconscious.

"Have you heard of homo-sapiens, Twilight? Oh, what am I saying; of course you don't."

When Jon and Eugene woke up, they were laying on the ground inside the Everfree forest. To make matters worse, their bodies didn’t feel quite right. They couldn’t feel their fingers, nor could they get up. The trees around them were gigantic, towering over their seemingly tiny frames.

Horribly confused, Jon looked to his friend. But all he saw instead of his best friend was a pony. A small, green pony with a black mane.

Eugene stood up only to fall on his butt. His body didn’t want to stand up apparently. In fact, it felt weird just to stand on his legs, like there was an invisible wall constricting his body. Looking down, he realised he had no fingers anymore, but it didn’t hurt. He didn’t lose them through normal means, no. His body was no longer the same. Falling on his back, he looked down and saw something else in place of his pride and joy.

“Holy shit, it looks like I have 4 legs, a-and a pussy!" He screamed as he touched his new private area. "What the fuck is going on Jon? Where the fuck are we?” He said in a voice that wasn’t his. It was high and squeaky. The voice of a little girl, not of the admittedly not so manly man he once was.

“Wha-how, h-how the fuck should I know?!” Jon shouted in disbelief, staring at his new hooves. Even his voice was different, sounding similar but slightly different to his friend. “This isn’t right! Are we dreaming?”

Eugene had an idea to test if this strange happening was a reality, or the mere work of their imagination. "Wait, I think I have an idea! Punch me in the face, like hard, man! It will surely wake me up. Just try using those ... uh, hooves?”

Jon stared at his hooves, raising an eyebrow. How was he supposed to hit his friend in the face when he can’t even stand up? The best thing he could do was crawl pathetically over to him, readying his fingerless fist. “I don’t know, looks real to me, but I’m gonna punch you just in case it works out.” There wasn’t much conviction in his squeaky little bitchy voice.

So, Jon raised his hoof, weirded out by the fact he couldn’t close his fingers to form a fist, and struck. But during the blow, the new balance of his body got the better of him and he fell, his hoof landing not on his friend’s face but on his new “delicacy”.

Eugene’s pussy made a wet sound as it was struck. “Hmpf. What the fuck was that dude? I said in the face! Do you know the difference, or are you that much of a virgin?” He shouted, his face turning as red as a tomato.

Jon blinked in horror. He touched his friend on the private area! To make things weirder, he blushed. He shouldn’t be feeling this, yet it would appear his sexual orientation remained unchanged even after the gender change. But what about Eugene? He didn't really want to know. “I-I’m sorry. I was aiming for your face. Just, uh, t-tripped while I was going for the swing. Not! That it matters anyway, we’ve got a bigger problem.” He waved his hooves around his body.

“Ok, I guess. But let's that keep it between us, ok? Alright, let's head out. Maybe there is surely someone to help us out?” Eugene proposed, looking around the dark forest. Things were looking rather grim for the two former humans. The entire world had impossible geometry. Hills twisted into a loop that defied gravity itself. Chocolate milk rained from the sky and the leaves were made of cotton candy.

Jon cringed as he looked at his now defiled hoof. “I mean I guess, but I suppose people would be more worried about the fucked up Green Hills looking loops and the chocolate rain.” Trying out his new pony body, he noticed he had wings too. He was more than a pony, he was a pegasus! And the fact that they are small and have squeaky voices would make them... fillies instead of mares? Different gender and different age, they were both far removed from their true selves. The complete opposite even! All that remained of their human origin was their mind.

Eugene eyeballed his friend’s new wings, green with jealousy. “Hey, why do I have nothing special about me? I mean, you have wings and shit and I'm kinda just ... Cringe.”

Jon’s eyes widened as he begun to understand the gravity of their situation. Pegasus, filly, chaotic environnement, passing through the television. Could it be that they have entered... the world of Equestria during the season 2 premiere? But that’s impossible! It’s just a cartoon, an invention. How could they be? What’s going on? “Holy shit, dude. I-I think... we ARE in My Little Pony.”

Eugene gasped, excitement coursing through his body. “No way! That so cool dude. I’ll Shotgun Fluttershy’s house. Only when I will figure out how to walk.” All these months of listening to his friend’s hypotheticals got him riled up at the mere thought of acting upon them.

Jon sighed. “C’mon, what about literally everything else? We’ve lost our families, our homes, our computers and all you care about is having f-fucking sex with Fluttershy? You don’t even have a dick anymore! Plus, you’re a filly, how are you going to get her attention?”

Eugene smirked. Tapping his head mockingly, he stared at his friend with a look that screamed victory in advance. “Oh, yeah, you’re right. But that doesn’t mean that my love isn’t worth it in a different body. My mentality stays the same. Just living with her would be a blessing, bro. Don’t you understand? That the meaning of my life. And basically, as an adult in a child’s body, if she loves me, it’s okay right?”

Jon cringed. Not sure if he wanted to have this debate right now. Yet, he was the one that always talked about these ponies in a dirty way. Maybe there are some positives to this situation. If he focused on them like his friend, maybe the pain won’t manifest. “Sure... I guess we can go to Fluttershy. We pretty much need some help, like, badly. We can’t walk for shit and we’re practically disabled.”

“Ok, here we go. Hum ... Where's her house actually? I don’t really seem to recognize where we are.” Eugene asked as he looked around the chocolate milk filled forest.

Jon raised an eyebrow, gazing behind. There was an upside-down house floating in the air among other distortions in reality. He sighed, “Seems obvious to me.” But before they could move, Jon licked some of the chocolate milk. Gotta take advantage of all that chaos, right?

And so, the two crawled in direction of the house. Little by little, they learned to trot as a filly. It was like crawling on all four but with extra steps. The chaotic magic in the air seemed to have chased the danger of the Everfree away for there were no monsters around. No manticore, no Timberwolf, nothing. They were lucky after all!

Then, a large rainbow appeared in the air, striking the earth with impressive force. Immediately after, all the chaotic magic around disappeared as the rainbow spread to every corner of this new world. The forest was back to normal and thus, dark again. "Oh shit, I think the episode's over. Discord's fucking gone." Jon theorised. Thankfully, they didn’t have much distance left to travel.

An hour later, they found what they were looking for. Fluttershy’s cottage! Eugene smirked as he laid his eyes upon the timid mare heading home. “*breath in* ... Ok, I got this.” He knocked on the door in a hesitant and febrile way.

Jon rolled his eyes. What is he expecting will happen? Get a date? Nah, it's straight to the orphanage for us.

The door opened, revealing a tired Fluttershy. The gentle mare looked down at the small filly at her doorstep, mildly confused at the little thing that was staring at her with so much... admiration in her eyes? “U-Um, h-hello? How can I help you?”

“Hey yo what up!” His eyes widened as he realised how wrong he sounded with his new voice. “Oh wait... Hum hello?” Eugene said in a cutesy, girlish way. “We are new to the city, and we need some help. You see we are kinda... lost.” Eugene said with a timid laugh.

Jon awkwardly waddled up to his friend and stuck to him like glue, smiling innocently. “We were lost in the scary Everfree forest and we’re hungry. Can you give us something to eat?”

Eugene whispered. “Yeah, like Fluttershy’s ass.”

Fluttershy looked around nervously. “Oh, gosh, um, wh-where are your parents?”

Eugene was quick to answer. “Well, you see, they said they were going to purchase some milks at the nearby convenience store, and they never came back.”

Jon blinked, his eyes wide open. Why was he throwing shade at his own parents? He had no reasons to, yet he did. “W-Well, mine were, um, n-no they just disappeared one day when they were going to Manehattan. They didn’t abandon me, though, unlike him. Her.”

“Actually, my dog ate mine.” For that alone, Eugene was slapped across the face by his dear friend.

“Pardon my friend. He’s a compulsive liar, and an idiot too. Can’t keep a consistent narrative.” Jon glowered.

The poor mare was bombarded with all sorts of questions. Horrified and worried for these poor girls, she stepped back and opened her door. “Oh dear, you poor things. Come in, I’ll make sure you’re all nice and well. Oh, the Everfree forest is a really scary place, you two must be tired.”

“Oh, thank you so much Fluttershy, you’re the kindest pony ever! We are so grateful of your hospitality.” Eugene exclaimed happily, shaking with sheer excitement.

The kind mare was a little disturbed, that filly already knew her name!

Jon smiled warmly, aiming to calm her down. “You’re so nice, miss! Can we stay with you?”

Fluttershy blinked, thinking about the filly’s question. She wasn’t sure if she was okay with letting them stay, but if it was just for a couple of hours, until they get back their strength... “Um, okay. You look like you could use some rest.”

The two transformed humans followed the mare in. The cottage was nice and cozy, but most importantly filled with all sorts of animals. Ranging from bunnies to squirrels to even a bear. “Okay, my little critters. Make some space for our guests. They’re really tired. I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

The animals begrudgingly left their comfortable seats for the two awkward mentally challenged fillies. They trotted strangely, unsure in their moves as they sloppily crawled over to the couch.

Jon took a deep breath of relief, happy to be away from the grass. He hated to stand on any grassy ground without shoes on. Even worse when he had his arms touching the ground too. “Finally, we can relax. Uh, and thanks, miss.”

Eugene tapped his friend on the shoulder, a sly smile drawing upon his now adorable face. “Hey, dog, distract her for a second. I’m going to enjoy this...”

“Okay, Fluttershy enjoyer.“ Jon facehoofed, immediately sensing a disaster in the making. “Um, hey miss? Can you get us something to drink? We’re fucking thirsty! I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“... I mean, that’s okay with me.”

Jon sighed. “It’s okay with her.”

Eugene smiled. “It’s okay with her? No shit, Sherlock.” His friend facehoofed.

Fluttershy’s eye twitched. These fillies sure had an awful potty mouth. Maybe she can help with that. “I’ll be right back!”

As the kind mare left to fetch two glasses of water, Eugene smushed his face in the couch with grace to breath in its odor that maybe contained the sweet and delicious praise he was seeking. Fluttershy’s butt, of course!

“Hm. Good shit. I’m sad the sudden teleportation didn’t transport our cellphones, because that’s a great point of view.” Eugene remarked as he looked at the distracted mare.

Curious, Jon followed his eyes only to notice that because of their short sight, they had a clear view of the mare’s rear end as she left the living room. “I... I’m not gonna complain, actually.”

“Here we go, sleepy heads!” Fluttershy gave a bright smile as she offered the two fillies their much-needed glass of water.

Jon and Eugene struggled at first to drink their cup. They raised their arm towards the drink, only to remember “Oh yeah, no fingers”. They awkwardly wrapped their fetlock around the glass and drank it in record time as it made a somewhat disgusting glurp sound.

“Thank you, mommy. O-o wait, um...” Eugene immediately regretted letting his subconscious get the best of him. As the blush got more and more intense in his pony looking face, he looked away out of shame.

Jon was not spared from this second-hand embarrassment, facehoofing to hide his own blush.

“Oh, um... d-do you know where your mommy is?” Fluttershy asked after taking in the filly’s strange misstep.

Jon blinked. “Actually, we’re not related. Two different mommies.” He cringed internally at the idea of saying mommy after the bizarre connotation his friend put on the word.

Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth. “Oh my. Well, if you know where they are, I’ll help you reunite with them.”

Eugene thought deeply before talking in the most cutesy, childlike voice possible. “Oh, thank you so much, m’lady. Can I sleep with you? I’m feeling scared alone in the dark... and Jon is stinky. P-wease?”

“Hey! I’m not stin...” Jon’s eyes widened as he realised two could play at that game. He chuckled, putting on a sad voice. “Me too. I don’t like sleeping alone...” He reached out to her, a desperate look on his face.

“Hey! I was the first to say it. Don’t you know the rule of the shotgun? I basically own her bed, dawg. Finders keepers!”

“You can’t shotgun it! That can only be decided with rock, paper, scissors- oh shit...”

The fierce competition between the two fillies aroused some concerning questions. Fluttershy’s eyes darted from one filly to the other as they continued their banter. “Now, now, girls. I’ll let you both sleep in my bed, okay? It’ll be just for tonight and tomorrow, we’ll go looking for your parents.”

“Yippee!” The two fillies shouted out of excitement, hoof bumping. They had achieved the ultimate victory for now, to sleep with Fluttershy. But they could still do more. In due time, they know they can go farther than that.

When night came, the two fillies tucked inside Fluttershy’s bed. The kind mare stayed on the middle, so that her warmth could spread to each of the girls. It made her nervous, having to watch over two foals, but to know that it would be temporary eased her worries.

Little did she know, they were imps disguised as innocent fillies, for Eugene snuck under the blankets when she was asleep. He inched lower and lower until he saw it. A divine sight in the dark, the moon shining just enough light for him to see what he had always wanted to see up close; his favorite pony’s pretty pussy. Sadly, he couldn’t let go of his virginity today. Not with this tiny squeaky body, at least.

Then, a little shape poked out from the other side. Eugene saw his friend looking at him with curious eyes. In that very moment, the two realised they had the same idea. Jon blinked, trying to get a good view of the other side without waking up the mare. “Mind if we, um, switch place? Pwease? You have the money shot, pal.”

“No way man. Perhaps in another time, my guy.”

Author's Note:

Jesuislaporte A.K.A The Applejack enjoyer
Okay so... this story is very much unlike anything else I've written. One day, I asked my best friend what he would do if we suddenly turned into Anon fillies. I joked about writing that idea with him and he was totally on board. Thus, this is a collaboration between me and my best friend (Eugene, not our real names, obviously). He wrote all his dialogues, some of Fluttershy's and some of the narration while I did the rest. Updates should be slow, but it doesn't matter. We're having fun writing this so, that's all that matters in the end, ay?

Anonymous Eugene A.K.A My Fluttershy enjoying friend
Effectively, it is fun to write a story with somebody else, but this one is fucking cursed. And I can't take this story too seriously. I mean, I have a hard time deciding if I should take this seriously or not. Put my actual thoughts in it. So, for those who didn't like my story, I promise you're going to get fucked well. There are no after-sales services. - Les Tutos DVD
Je vous aime, putain!