• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 2,446 Views, 42 Comments

Friendly Competition - JeSuisLaPorte

Two best friends, a whole new world, new bodies, nowhere to go. They have nothing but their pony fantasies to carry on. This is going to be good.

  • ...

2. Oh mah gawd! We're in Ponyville!

Morning came, Fluttershy woke up early. Opening her eyes, she almost had a heart attack when she couldn’t see the two fillies in her bed. Panicking, she lowered the sheets and was met by two cute shapes cuddled against her rear end and crotch. “Aw, you were cold, weren’t you?”

The mare carefully navigated out of the bed without waking up the two fillies even though one was holding onto her crotch with impressive strength for a foal. “Oh my, you sure are clingy.” Fluttershy gingerly removed the hooves before she made her leave. The two ponies would surely be hungry once they woke up. She’ll take care of that.

Jon was the first to wake up. He was rather disturbed not to hear his alarm clock blasting as usual. It was... strange to wake up so peacefully and not have to go to work cleaning the McDonald’s shitters. Opening his eyes, he realised he was super close to his sleeping friend. Fluttershy had moved away! The tip of their muzzle was touching. Staring at his sleeping friend was weird but being this close to him; Jon had a cute idea.

Backing away, he raised a hoof and booped his friend on the muzzle. “I boops you!”

Eugene flinched, snapping back to reality thanks to his friend’s intervention. “What... Did you just booped me? Oh my god that’s like in the series! A dream comes true. Now, it’s my turn!”
as Eugene slowly approach his hoof in the direction of Jon’s muzzle but completely miss and poke his eyes instead. “I boops- oh shit.”

Startled by the pain, Jon rolled back and fell off the bed, landing on the ground with a loud thud. Just then, Fluttershy returned with a large plate in her hooves. “Morning, sleepy heads! I- Oh dear!” Placing the plate on the bed, she rushed to the downed filly who wasn’t moving one inch. “A-Are you okay?”

Eugene was hanging on the edge of the bed, worried. “He isn’t okay! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt Jon I swear, my hoof is just stupid like that.”

“I think he gouged my eye!” Jon cried out in his blind panic, clutching his hurt eye.

Fluttershy smiled gently. “Oh, I’m sure your eye is fine. Here, let me see.” she reassured, carefully pulling the filly’s hoof away. Her injured eye was a little red, but mostly fine.

“I-Is it?” Jon asked, struggling to maintain his eye open.

“Yes. It’s perfectly fine, my little filly.” She caressed the poor little thing, calming her down. “See? It was just an unfortunate accident, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you fell.”

“Look, stop being a bitch dude.” Eugene shouted, sit in the near end of the bed, being jealous to not be the center of the attention of his dear and sweet favorite pony in Equestria. He wanted to be caressed by the best pony.

Jon glared. “You’re just jealous she isn’t paying attention to you! You just ruined your precious dream because you’re so damn clumsy!” The transformed human was surprised with himself. That was a childish response, petty in nature. Could it be that their new body is taking a toll on their mind?

Then, Eugene had a brilliant idea! He proceeded to simply beat the shit of himself. Thankfully, Fluttershy stopped him before he could cause any bad damage. “Now, now. I understand you’re all want me to take care of you, but that doesn’t mean you should hurt yourself, okay? I’ll help you both equally, so you’ll have no reasons to be jealous.”

At that the end of that sentence, Jon and Eugene stared intensely, knowing that a friendly competition between them had just begun. A battle for Fluttershy’s affection. Blood and cum are the name of the game.

“Anyhow, I prepared breakfast for you. After you’ve eaten, we’ll go find your parents. Oh, I can’t imagine how worried they must be. Um, I don’t want to feel like I’m pressing you, but we don’t want them to be scared, don’t we?” Fluttershy said as she placed the injured filly back on the bed, smiling awkwardly.

As none of the friends answered Fluttershy question, Jon tapped the shoulder of Eugene to provoke a reaction.

“Oh, hum yeah, sure!”

“Now then, a-um...” Fluttershy blinked. She wanted to call the one on the right by her name but... she didn’t know their name. In fact, she didn’t believe they even told her their names? “Oh dear, um, I believe I don’t know your names. Could you tell me, please?”

Eugene was quick to answer whilst Jon was thinking things through. “Indeed, you’re right! My name represents my magnificence and the perfection of my soul. They call me the great and powerful Euge-”

Jon slapped his friend, pulling him closer. “Come on, man. You know we can’t use our real names. They could suspect something or get all sorts of funny ideas about us. Think of something, just anything that passes as a pony name. I’m figuring one out right now.”

“Oh yeah, you’re right. My name is actually ... Poh.” Eugene responded with a soft voice.

“And he was trained by master Shifu.” Jon mused.

Fluttershy blinked, somewhat surprised by the right filly’s name, but she figured she was just from elsewhere. “Okay, and what about you?”

Jon panicked. He hasn’t figured out a name yet! Put on the spot, he looked at his body, searching for a defining feature he could name himself after. Nothing, not even a cutie mark. He was a blank flank. Oh, wait... “I-I’m Bo... I guess. N-No, wait! It’s Bo Peep.” He cringed internally, disappointed by his lack of foresight. Had he thought this through, he would have a name prepared in advance.

“Okay, hm. Bo Peep and Poh.” Fluttershy repeated to engrave their names in her mind. “Those are pretty names.”

As Jon was relieved that Fluttershy believed their admittedly poorly constructed lie, Eugene was trying his best to not choke out laughing, amused by the ridiculous name they gave themselves.

After this awkward moment, the two fillies finally ate the delicious breakfast prepared by the kind pegasus. Her cooking was top notch, and thankfully suited to their secretly omnivorous diet. Then, Fluttershy took them outside, as promised, to search for their parents, something the two small ponies knew in advance was a futile endeavor. The first place they went to was Mayor Mare’s office, a smart decision indeed.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any record on these fillies, Fluttershy. I’ve never seen them before.”

Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth “Oh my, there are truly no ways to find their parents then?”

Mayor Mare cringed. “I’m afraid not. Unless we know where they came from, there’s not much use in searching around.”

Jon and Eugene exchanged concerned glances. “Oh yeah. They don’t know our parents aren’t inside a TV screen.” Jon said to his fillyfied friend.

Mayor Mare frowned. “Due to the absence of their parents, we could take them to an orphanage, if there are no volunteers to adopt these young fillies of course.”

Jon narrowed his eyes. Oh no, they weren’t going there! They had another option, one that seemed much more favorable. But to get there, they’ll need to appeal to Fluttershy’s emotions. “You go first, dude. Convince her to adopt us. C’mon, that’ll be like, your dream, to be adopted by Fluttershy, right?”

“Ok I got this. Hum, Fluttershy?” The kind mare turned her attention to the green filly she now knew as Poh. The small pony gave her the puppy eyes. “I know you did a lot recently by accepting to giving a place to eat and sleep for the night, but without you, we will have to live somewhere else, maybe on the streets. Is it much to ask you to adopt us? Please? We promise we will be helping you at your house and not being a nuisance at all. P-weeeeease?”

Jon awkwardly inched closer to his friend, giving an adorable look to the shy pegasus.

Mayor Mare raised an intrigued eyebrow. That filly sure seemed to have an interesting vocabulary, sounding much more mature than other ponies her age.

Fluttershy wanted to help them, but to take care of two fillies, even for a short amount of time is no easy feat. It’s much more demanding than tending to her animals, that she learned the hard way. But still, her goodwill wouldn’t allow these two parentless fillies to live in the streets or in an orphanage all by themselves. “Um, w-well... I guess I could foster them, maybe. U-Until you can find a good family that’ll take care of them.”

On the outside, Eugene looked fairly serene. But on the inside; he was screaming in joy.

Jon smirked, a subtle sign of a higher intelligence behind those cutesy eyes. “Oh, thank you miss Fluttershy! You’re the best!”

Mayor Mare fumbled through her desk, taking out a document. “That’s good! I’ll prepare the legal documents to cement you as their foster carer until we can find an appropriate family.”

With the initial problem of their not so present parents out of the way, little remained in the way of the two deceiving fillies. They could now stay with Fluttershy for days, perhaps even weeks. In a way, Eugene’s dream came true; he was living with the Element of kindness herself, albeit much being smaller than he wanted.

As Fluttershy signed the documents, the eyes of Eugene started to sparkle even more. At the second that she placed the pen, Eugene ran and hugged her neck, not willing to let her go, which seemed like an eternity.

“Oh my, you’re very affectionate!” Fluttershy glanced over Bo Peep who was observing them with great intent, but didn’t seem like he wanted to join.

As she finally got him off her neck, he was so excited that dancing was the only solution to expulse all the simp concentrated energy. However, Eugene’s new body came with many hiccups. He was a filly now, and with it came all the kinks of this small form. In no time, he burned through all his energy, leaving him very tired. He fell asleep on the floor of the mare’s office.

“Oh, shit.” Jon muttered, surprised to see his friend pass out that easily. Moreover, he was somewhat disturbed to find his sleeping friend adorable. It didn’t feel like he was staring at Eugene anymore. To him, she was Poh. And Jon was Bo Peep. Gah! It was confusing him, her. What’s his pronouns again?

Fluttershy guided Jon and the exhausted Eugene on her back along Ponyville, heading straight for the one place she knew they could fit in; the schoolhouse. Throughout the way, Jon made a conscious effort to keep his tail low, so that it would hide his lady parts. It just felt wrong to be walking out in broad daylight naked! In the show, they obviously didn’t have their private parts dangling around but here, it didn’t feel like they were in a little girl’s show anymore. This was reality, as hard to believe as that was.

“Now, fillies. It is very important that you do not miss out on your education. Today, we’re just visiting around but soon, you’ll have to go there and catch up with your class, okay?”

Jon frowned, feeling embarrassed to step inside a schoolyard. He felt way too old to be doing this. It was endearing at first to be treated as a little girl but now? It just felt humiliating and condescending. “Yeah, sure... Gonna learn about math. Woohoo.”

At that time, Eugene woke up from his nice little good and enchanting nap. Stretching, he stood on his rear, realising he was on Fluttershy’s back! Pulling back, he unintentionally placed more pressure on his newly acquired lady parts and felt a strange sensation, the likes of which a child shouldn’t be feeling. He blushed in response to this accidental vaginal rubbing, closing his legs awkwardly.

Jon widened his eyes. “You dirty little rugrat...”

Eugene regained his composure fairly quickly, hiding his blush behind his big hooves. “B-Bro, you can’t just except Fluttershy to do all the work. I’m only taking advantage of every part of her body one at a time baby.”

Jealousy reflected in Jon’s eyes. If only he could do that with the mare of his choice. “Is that how you plan on losing your virginity?”

“Hm?” Shit! Fluttershy heard that! “Did you, um, say something?”

“Oh, n-no. I was... talking to, eh, Eu-Poh.” Jon fumbled.

Eugene had a more eloquently prepared response. “No that’s not what you think mommy! We were only discussing about the chance of finding a boyfriend at the school we will be for the next days. That's one of my biggest dreams.”

“Boyfriend?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Coltfriend.” Jon corrected.

“Ah. I wasn’t expecting you two to already be thinking about that sort of thing. D-Don't take it the wrong way, it’s just that... not many fillies talk about finding coltfriend at such a young age.”

“So ... does that mean that the concept of “boy” doesn’t exist in Equestria?”

“Dumbass, are you mayhap on the spectrum, dear old friend?” Jon taunted with a smirk on his adorable filly face.

Fluttershy stepped, her voice remaining as soft as ever. “Now, now. Let’s not break into a fight. You’re about to meet your new classmates once they’ve finished their lesson! I know some of them and I can assure you; they’re really nice.”

Eugene gave Jon a very intense look. The gaze of a mighty simp. “And that’s where she’s wrong, my friend. I am indeed ready to go to war about the thing I do believe in. So don’t even dare touch any part of her body, she’s mine, bitch!” He exclaimed right before he went back to falling asleep on her back with a small happy and greedy look on his face.

“Oh dear... she’s terribly exhausted. The poor little thing.” Fluttershy gently placed the filly under a tree. “Here, Bo, could you be a dear and keep an eye on your friend while I go get some important things done? The other foals should be coming out soon. It will be very important to introduce yourself to them.”

Jon sighed. Yeah, sure. Leave all the work to me. He lightly kicked the sleeping filly. “That I can do.” Now left by his or her(?) lonesome, Jon glanced over Eugene, sleeping peacefully. The ex-human was annoyed his friend’s antics as of late. He was doing everything in his power to create some sort of competition between the two. A battle to seek Fluttershy’s attention, their new foster mother.

Lowering his gaze, Jon landed on something that startled him. In that position, Eugene’s new vagina was fully revealed. Being the good friend he was, he looked away, cringing at that sight. He never asked for that, to see his friend’s private parts. He looked so alien to him now, it was crazy to even remember yesterday. Gone were their penises, they now had to welcome their new “door” of sensual sensation for they were probably stuck with it for the rest of their ponified lives.

Jon decided to look down, where his new genitals lied. It was alien, worrying yet enticing all the same. He never knew what it was like to have a vagina. He couldn’t feel his missing penis anymore, this new control he had was weird and unintuitive. It was going to take a lot of time to adjust to this new body.

Out of curiosity, Jon lifted a hesitant hoof and gently poked at his vagina. To his surprise, it winked. He began prodding at it, curious to see how far he can go until he went a little too deep. That was when the ecstasy hit. A feeling that was all too familiar to him, so much so that it made him blush. A little worrying that he had to basically fist himself to get the same result, but at least, he could still do it. O-Okay, I’ll save that for later.

Next, he had another thing to play with; his wings. Through some intense concentration, he was finally able to move them, and flap them helplessly. Sadly, he couldn’t get off the ground. Oh great. I hope I don’t end up like Scootaloo, no offense to you, girl.

Looking back at Eugene, Jon was fed up with babysitting him and chose to wake his friend up in the least respectful way possible, with a slap on the pussy. “Snap back to reality.”

The poor guy woke up in sweat, no longer looking so serene. “Hum... Is there something you wanted to tell me? Oh, and for the next time, you know you can wake me up by tapping my shoulder. Not that alien oyster looking thing we call a pussy?”

“Nothing. Oh, and for the next time, you know you can just NOT fall asleep on me like that?” Jon glowered out of spite.

Eugene gave a sly smile. "You know I can’t do that. Our mother is so hot that she makes me faint. You can just go see another pussy if you can’t endure me.”

“The biggest pussy here is the virgin that can’t keep their shit together when they see a fucking vagina.” Jon barked, flicking his tail at his friend.

Eugene jerked back, startled by the sudden sight of his friend’s private parts. He wasn’t going to let him have the last laugh. “The biggest pussy here is someone who when a situation forced him to pull a name out of his ass, chooses fucking Bo Peep.”

“That’s the name of a Toy Story character. You chose to name yourself after a character portrayed by Jack Black. Who are you to judge my name?” Jon snarked.

"Any fucking way, I bet my left testicle that Poh would beat the shit out of your character.”

“Eesh, you can’t bet what you don’t have.”

Right during their argumentation, an unknown voice came from their backs. A whinny, annoying and mocking voice that could only belong to one little bastard.

“Look Silver Spoon, some new fillies in Ponyville. Oh, and it look like they don’t have any cutie mark. That’s. Sooo. Lame. What are you two cringe ponies doing anyway?”

Jon snorted, leaning close to his friend’s ear. “Oh hey look; it’s Diamond Bitchara.”

Diamond Tiara gasped, outraged by this sign of defiance. “Hum, excuse you? What did you just call me?”

Jon booped the pink filly. “Diamond Bitch-ar-a, pussy.”

Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you know who pays for the school in Ponyville? That’s right, it’s her mother! If you even try to bully us, we’ll get you kicked out of the school. How about that, hm?”

Eugene’s face darkened. His cutesy tone dropped to a more ominous one. “Hey daddy chill, we didn’t even make it to school. Yet you think that taking our right to education away is scary? Try to imagine this, okay? Right as you try to go to sleep at midnight, in the dark you will see some shadowy figure. For once, they won’t be some silly phantom or goblin. That will be me with my crowbar and I will fucking be ready to take your kneecaps.”

Diamond Tiara slapped Eugene across the face. Due to his lack of balance, he fell down like a ragdoll. “Hm, knew it. You’re all bark and no bite.”

“Oh believe you me, when I’ll find you, they will need to glue you back together ... In hell!” Eugene muttered. Despite his bravado, he was holding back his tears as best as he could. It wasn’t easy, given his filly body was terribly sensitive.

Diamond Tiara scoffed. What even was a hell?

Jon, on the other hoof, felt differently about the situation. He felt his cheeks grow warm. Damn, that’s hot. N-Not that I want to enact upon it. Even just thinking about doing it is wrong and making me feel like shit. Remember; Applejack’s the way to go. Maybe Fluttershy is things don’t work out. Another change brought by his new body perhaps? A shameful one, indeed. “Well, you got us, uh, Tiara. I guess we’ll just bury the hatchet and move to other things.”

“Not so fast, blank flank.” Diamond Tiara held a hoof out, stopping the two fillies form escaping their grasp just yet. “Our school, our rules. You’ll have to listen and do everything we tell you to, m’kay?”

Eugene stood up, rubbing his injured cheek. “Damn, didn’t know there was slavery here in Ponyville. I guess you can learn something by living with people in real life.”

“Oh yeah, th-that, uh, that’s a pretty good. No, yeah.” Jon leaned close to his friend. “We’re joining the fucking Cutie Mark Crusaders, screw these two.” He turned back to the two bullies. “Alright, we’re gonna follow your rules.”

“And before I-”

“We.” Silver Spoon added.

“-let you go, we’ll need to know who you are.” Diamond Tiara puffed her chest, doing her best to look imposing, which had the adverse effect on the two fillies.

“Don’t you know who I am? I’m the student of master Shifu, bitch! My name is Poh.” Eugene answered with unbridled confidence.

“Who even is master Shifu?” Diamond asked, perplexed.

Eugene feigned outrage. “How dare you be that ignorant! He was the student of Master Oogway.”

Diamond was starting to see red. Her patience waned. “Wh-What? That doesn’t answer my question at all! And who is Oogway?!”

Jon responded, though not without bursting into laughter. “He would be your mother.”

The pink filly winced. “Enough! You, your name, right now!”

Jon groaned. “Gee... No need to be so aggressive. I’m Bo Peep.”

Silver Spoon readjusted her glasses. “Alright, now scram already. You’ve crossed the line far too many times.”

As the two friends left, Jon had a funny, dirty idea. A final taunt against their new bullies. “You with me?” His eyes pointed at their flanks.

Eugene smirked. “That would surely be a pleasure.”

Right as they passed by them, Bo and Poh spun around and gave the two bullies a slap on the flank. “Goodnight, girls. We’ll see ya tomorrow.”

Fluttershy gasped. She was only gone for twenty minutes and already her two fillies were hurt, badly. Their cute little faces were bruised, simply pitiful to look at. “Oh my goodness, what happened to you two?”

“Diamond Bitchara.”

Author's Note:

Jesuislaporte A.K.A The Applejack enjoyer
So, we filled this chapter with more sexual remarks and vaginas. I'll take the blame, all that stuff was me. Honestly, we both liked how this chapter turned out more than the first one. So yeah, enjoy the weirdness, consume the Anon filly.

Eugene A.K.A The Fluttershy enjoyer
I would first say that this chapter was extremely fun to write and if the erotic content already bothers you, it's not going to get any better. Sorry. Quick note: As I write this note, it's 3:44 a.m. and we're stoned.
Je vous aime, putain! - Les Tutos de Camille