• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 25 - The end of the trial and the talk.

Chapter 25 - The end of the trial and the talk.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning and everypony was present in the court except for Petal Dance, Celestia, and the judge, none of the three figures had arrived at 9 am as the judge had indicated the day before and no one knew why they were missing.

The door of the office was opened and everyone stood up, the judge went up to her seat and looked at everyone in the room, she looked a little tired and irritated.

"I am very tired and I will try to explain everything as simply as possible, and since I don't want to have to do it individually to each lawyer, to MS Chrysalis, and the jury, I will tell them all at the same time and I hope they will be prudent and keep discretion."

Everyone in the courtroom murmured as to what the judge was referring to, will an accident have happened to Petal Dance?.

"Last night I was sleeping when Petal Dance came to my house and almost kicked the front door in, of course, I opened it and immediately Petal Dance threw herself on the floor telling me a story that she had never cared about Clear Spark and everything she had said in court was lies, she showed me a sack full of money that she was going to use to pay ponies to be witnesses on her behalf, from all the evidence shown at the trial and the way she spoke last night I didn't have much room to doubt her word."

"Your honor, this is unpresentable and I would like to speak to my client to find out-."

The judge raised her hoof indicating to Petal Dance's attorney to calm down and allow her to finish what she was saying.

"Bottom line, Petal Dance last night insisted on dropping the foalnapping charge on Chrysalis, and insisted that I immediately put her in jail for foal care neglect, so counselor, I admire and appreciate that you risked your career following our code where everypony is entitled to a defense, whether they deserve it or not, and to your good fortune you no longer have to defend that mare." The lawyer sighed relaxed and put his things away. "And Ms. Chrysalis, you are free to go and join your son, you have left no doubt that you will be a good mother and I wish you luck in the future for both of you, case closed." The judge banged the gavel and picked up her papers before returning to her office.

The whole group approached the queen and hugged her for the victory even though no one knew why Petal Dance had changed her mind and no one at the moment cared to find out.

Chrysalis for her part did not understand what had happened but she had won, for all intents and purposes of the law, she is free and she is a mother, now she could go wherever she wanted and do whatever she pleased, and in her mind, there was only one place she wanted to be.

"I must go." Said the queen rising from her seat.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"I must go see my son, I have an important conversation with him." Replied the queen somewhat nervously.

"I'm going with you, I told you I would support you when you talk to him and that's what I'm going to do." Replied Cheerilee

"Thank you." The queen hugged her friend and walked quickly out of the court when she heard a voice call out to her.

"Ms. Chrysalis, may I have a word with you, judge to queen if I may."

The queen approached the judge alone, thinking that something bad had happened, will it start all over again?.

"Is something wrong judge?" The queen asked with concern.

"Nothing to worry about." Said the judge approaching the queen and speaking very softly. "It's just... I have a... friend and her boyfriend is a... he's not a normal pony, and she wants to know if... it's biologically possible for them to... you know... if they can..."

"A mare can have intercourse with a male changeling with no problem, but if it's a stallion and the changeling is a female, it's a little more complicated to get action in bed, I hope that information will be helpful to your friend." Chrysalis knew exactly which mare the judge was referring to.

"Great, thank you for your help, have a nice day." Replied the judge with a smile and retreated to her office.

"Did something bad happen?" Red Bug asked the queen who was on her way back after talking to the judge.

"The talk of the bug and the fruit." Replied the queen, to which Red Bug quickly understood but left the whole group in doubt. "So shall we go?" Asked the queen.

"We're all with you." Twilight replied.

"I'll go talk to the judge to make sure everything is correct and give my signature if necessary." Pistil said before heading to the judge's office together with Petal Dance's lawyer, it was curious to see two such different beings sharing the same principles of justice.

Chrysalis nodded her head and walked purposefully through the castle in the direction of where she knew her son was, but each step was slower and less confident, each step made her heart pound harder and filled her with nervousness, she didn't want to do this, but she had to, as she turned in the direction of the castle she knew her son was in, She didn't want to do this, but she had to do it, when she turned the last corner she leaned on the wall to get herself together and breathe, her friends were next to her supporting her, she was not alone, she kept walking and slowly opened the door where her son was, in front of him was Princess Luna, both playing with some Petlings.

Luna stood up and approached the queen. "Nice to see you Chrysalis, good that everything went well for both of you." Said the princess in a low voice so as not to disturb the little one playing.

"What are you doing here Luna?" Asked the queen in the same tone.

"I was waiting for you, I knew you would come here when the trial was over, and I'm here to give you my support and also to play with Clear Spark for a moment, I gave him a very special Petling, limited edition, I have a friend who makes them and he asked me for help to move to Canterlot, in return I asked him for something unique to commemorate Clear Spark's new life."

"Did you know that the changelings are slowly starting to live with the ponies?." Chrysalis thought that was a well-hidden secret that only she and the changelings knew.

"Of course, how do you think I got the information about your new life so fast?, and now the changelings as they know that you can live quietly without fear of hiding, many will take your example and slowly lose their fear and show themselves as they really are."

Luna moved closer to Chrysalis and hugged her tightly.

"You unknowingly changed everyone's world for the better and I am eternally grateful to you for that." Luna let go of the queen and turned her gaze to the foal who was playing happily. "But now it's time for you to finish changing your world for the better and we are with you to help you."

"Thank you, Luna." Said the queen with a smile.

Chrysalis slowly approached her son while all her friends stayed a little further back to give them some privacy, Clear Spark was playing with her new Petling which was a little bigger than the others and had the shape of a certain queen.

"H-hello little .... did you miss me?." Said the queen nervously.

"Ms. Chrysalis?" Asked the colt raising his head and looking in the direction of the voice that spoke to him.

"The one and only."

"Ms. Chrysalis, I missed you so much." Shouted the colt getting up and running towards the queen until he bumped into her and hugged her. "I missed you very very very very very much."

"I missed you too little one." Said the queen hugging the colt back.

"I was told that you were in prison because you did something very bad and then you were released, and then you went to prison because you separated me from my mo-." The colt was silent and hugged the queen very tightly, the queen could feel the pain of the colt in the embrace and hugged him tightly too.

"Clear... honey... I have something important to tell you."

"I did something wrong didn't I?, that's why my mommy doesn't want me with her right?."

"No honey, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just..."

"It's because I'm always getting lost in the city, mommy always got mad when I got lost."

"It's not that either, it's just that your mother..."

"It's because I'm blind, mommy always got mad at me because I'm blind, I know that's why she doesn't love me, IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THE SAME, SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME BECAUSE I'M BLIND, I COULD NEVER DO ANYTHING ALONE AND THAT'S WHY NO ONE LOVES ME-."

"STOP!" Shouted the queen startling everyone and stopping Clear Spark before he continued talking and hugged him tightly. "Please don't go in that way, please don't." Said the queen softly with tears in her eyes as she slowly stroked her son's head. "Please you must understand that none of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong, please...I want you to understand that...please."

The queen kept caressing her son while they both cried, Chrysalis tried to contain herself but it was useless, she didn't know how to comfort her son and she couldn't stop crying, she tried to tell him the truth in the best possible way but she had failed, luckily she wasn't alone.

"What Chrysalis is trying to say is that some mares like Petal Dance were not born to be mothers, and other mares were born to be mothers, Chrysalis is one of them and she is willing to be your mother if you let her." Said Red Bug approaching.

"B-but I'm blind, and I'm always going to-."

"Everyone is different in one way and another, you are a unicorn and Chrysalis is the queen of the entire race of changelings, you're two completely different beings but that didn't stop you from being able to live together and bring out the best in each other." Twilight replied.

"Plus you have other qualities that no one else has, you're smart, you're a quick learner, you're easy to make friends with, you know a lot about botany, you have an impressive smell, I wish your audition was better for my classes but your knowledge in history can easily put professors from the most prestigious universities in Equestria to shame." Cheerilee commented.

"From the first day Chrysalis saw you she cared about you, and she hasn't stopped, she fought for you every day and never gave up, she didn't know it but she had an emptiness in her heart that you filled with your love, maybe now you don't understand it but the one who is hugging you right now is your real mother and no matter what you say or do, she is not going to stop loving you." Luna said finally approaching the group.

Chrysalis was still full of tears as she hugged and caressed her little boy, she was grateful to have such good friends and wanted to tell them but her dry throat wouldn't let her speak, Clear Spark with tears in her eyes buried his face in the queen's chest.

"Please don't leave me." Said the colt crying.

"I'm never going to." Replied the queen in kind.

This was not the conversation the queen expected to have with her son, but it was a conversation that both needed to hear, the girl's words reached deep into both of their hearts making them understand that there was always someone by their side to help them in difficult times and that they would never be alone, after a few minutes Red Bug, Cheerilee, Twilight, and Luna left the room leaving Chrysalis and Clear Spark hugging and sharing the love they felt for each other.

The next morning Chrysalis was walking happily through the castle with Clear Spark on her back, both had a bright future ahead of them.

"So what do we do now...Mom?" Clear Spark asked as they walked out through the castle gates.

"First we go back to our home in Ponyville, after that...I don't know, we have a world waiting for us."

Author's Note:

When Chrysalis says these words "Please don't go down that road, please don't", it is because she knows those feelings and doesn't want Clear Spark to fall into the same depressive void that she fell into when she thought she was not important in the world. :pinkiesad2:

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