• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 1 - The First Encounter.

Chapter 1 - The First Encounter.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" Shouted the queen as she flew out of the castle window and away from Canterlot along with her army thanks to Cadance and Shining armor's powerful spell, kicking in all directions in a futile attempt to stop.

After several seconds flying at high speed, the queen began to skim the treetops slowing her speed before coming to a complete stop and crashing to the ground shatteringly.

"Ugh!." She mumbled after being unconscious for a few minutes slowly getting up as her body was sore and brushing off a bunch of branches and leaves she had tangled in her mane.

"Stupid Cadance with her stupid hot boyfriend and her stupid love magic." The queen mumbled angrily as she continued to remove branches from her mane. "They ruined all my plans."

"My plan was perfect, PERFECT, they just didn't have to do anything, but nooooo, that intrusive mare and her goofy friends had to show up."

The queen having finished cleaning herself from the local flora and dust, began to scour the area in search of her subjects or if she could find any landmarks to know where exactly she was.

"Hey, useless fools!" Shouted the queen. "Your queen is calling you." She continued walking through the forest trying to figure out where she was. "I need to find better assistants, these wouldn't recognize a good plan even if it bit them in the face."

Chrysalis had been walking for quite a while now and was able to find a clearing and a river which served as a reference point to know that she didn't fly too far from Canterlot, so in an hour of flying she could make it back to the city, but she was too tired and sore to fly back so it would take a good couple of hours to walk back, already close to the city she was more likely to find some of her changelings.

"This is stupid, where are my minions?." The queen asked herself very annoyed. "Minions, your queen is hungry, where are you?" Shouted the queen very annoyed at not being able to find any of her subjects.

After an hour more walking much more tired and irritated the queen stopped at a stream to rest a little and drink something, seeing the sky she thought she was going to have to walk in the forest, it was going to get dark long before she arrived at Canterlot.

"Stupid Cadance, stupid forest, stupid branches, stupid Cadance." Mumbled the queen as she gathered some branches with her magic. "Stupid minions, stupid Twaila Sparky, or whatever her name is, stupid firewood."

The queen was able to gather some wood and lit her campfire as the sun was disappearing over the horizon, she had a couple of large leaves to lay on and she was able to steal the love of some small animals she found around, so she wouldn't be too hungry tonight.

Chrysalis was lying in front of the fire resting when she heard the cries of someone, very carefully she approached slowly making as little noise as possible until she found the source of such whining, it was a small unicorn of brown color, the mane, and tail of very short light blue color and still, without its Cutie Mark, it also carried a small bag hanging with the figure of Celestia on it, something repulsive for the queen.

"MAMA!." Cried the little unicorn crying as he walked awkwardly through the forest, his eyes watering profusely while he had one of his hooves extended forward, something that caught the queen's attention a little.

"MOM, WHERE ARE YOU?" Cried the little unicorn again as he stumbled over branches and small stones, he walked very slowly until he reached a tree and groped it with his hoof, then turned in a random direction and walked again.

"This is excellent, easy prey, I can either attack him and steal all his love or hide and wait for the little one's mother to show up, then I would have two prey and a lot more love to feed on, yes, I better hide and wait." The queen followed her plan and hid in the bushes without ever losing sight of the young unicorn, but after almost an hour of hiding the queen lost her patience.

Coming out of her hiding place the queen approached directly to the little one from behind imposing her presence to cause terror in the little creature when he turned around and saw that he was in front of the queen of the changelings herself, Chrysalis stopped a little more than a meter away from the unicorn.

The little being was still wandering aimlessly with its hoof pointing straight ahead, crying and calling for its mother until it turned and walked straight towards the queen, something Chrysalis expected to happen, the unicorn kept walking until its hoof touched one of the queen's paws, Chrysalis was surprised that the little unicorn wasn't scared of her presence, it's as if it didn't realize she was there.

"mom i-i-is that you?." The unicorn asked between cries as he wiped his nose with his hoof before touching the queen with the same hoof, disgusting the queen.

"No little one, I'm afraid I'm not your mother, I am the queen of the-."

"Ma'am, c-could you help me?, I'm lo-lost and I can't find my mo-mother." Interrupted the little unicorn at the queen before wiping his nose with his hoof again, but this time the queen took a step back before being touched again with a hoof full of pony snot.

"Ma'am, are you there?, ma'am ple-please help me, I'm lost." Said the little guy somewhat desperately looking in all directions and feeling the air with his hoof walking forward in the direction of the queen, who moved to the side.

The little unicorn walked passing within inches of the queen without realizing it, never lowering its hoof and looking in all directions, the queen raised an eyebrow intrigued by the little one's attitude.

"Ma'am, are you there, please help me, ma'am?." The young unicorn kept walking and calling out to the queen somewhat more desperately until he tripped over a rock and fell sharply to the ground hitting the dirt hard causing a slight chuckle from the queen at the little unicorn's clumsiness.

The unicorn lay on the ground crying harder without moving. "MOMMY WHERE ARE YOU, I'M COLD AND HUNGRY, MOMMY." The unicorn shouted before continuing to cry uncontrollably.

The queen had already gotten bored of waiting and stood in front of the young unicorn, which from her position looked at the black hooves of the queen directly, Chrysalis bent down a little and opened her muzzle to absorb the love of the little unicorn, which showed no interest in the queen and just kept crying and calling her mother.

"Little one, are you not afraid of me?" Chrysalis asked the young unicorn inches away, she wanted to know why the unicorn was not afraid of her, maybe she lost her imposing figure or it was something else, but in any case, she could get that information before stealing the little unicorn's love.

"Lady is that you?, please help me look for my mom, I'm cold and lost." Said the little unicorn standing up quickly and unintentionally hitting the queen on her nose with his horn.

"Aaaahhh!." Cried the queen from the pain taking a step back and rubbing her nose. "What's your problem, did you not see me?" Asked the queen in annoyance.

"I'm sorry." Replied the unicorn wiping his nose. "I didn't see you, I'm blind." The little unicorn sat on its haunches wiping its eyes, which the queen could see clearly for the first time, they were clear eyes with completely gray pupils.

"Are you blind, and are you here alone?" Asked the queen very surprised when she realized the state of the little unicorn.

"Yes, my mom drops me off at school every day and in the afternoons she picks me up, but today she wanted us to go through the forest to get some fresh air and she left something in the house and told me to wait for her here, and I waited for her here, and she's still not back, and I'm hungry and cold and...and...and... MAMAAAAAA!" The little unicorn again cried disconsolately in front of the queen for not finding his mommy.

Chrysalis was already too upset about what happened today to tolerate a crying little pony, let alone when it wasn't her fault, she had to stop the whining somehow.

"Stop crying already little one." Said the queen sharply to the little guy to stop crying, to which the unicorn stopped long enough to raise his head and listen to the queen. "If I promise to help you find your mother, will you stop all this whining?" The queen asked angrily.

The little unicorn wiped his tears again and nodded his head.

"Well, look... I mean... it's too late now to wander in the forest looking for your mother and I have my camp near here, we'd better spend the night there and tomorrow morning I'll help you look for your mother, ok?".

"But surely my mommy is worried looking for me now."

"Surely she is talking to some city guard telling her that you got lost and they will look for you early tomorrow morning, besides I don't want to spend the night awake looking for a mare, we'll do it in the morning."

"O-okay." Nodded the unicorn.

"Good, now follow me." Said the queen before setting off and walking towards her camp when she heard some wailing behind her.

The little unicorn had its head down and was stomping the ground in a sorrowful manner as it tried to mumble something.

"Is something wrong?" Asked the queen raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know how to walk alone, my mommy always carries me when we go out somewhere."

The queen approached the unicorn and stood in front of him. "And how is she supposed to do that?."

"She lets me bite her tail so I can follow her anywhere."


The unicorn nodded, and the queen watched him for a few seconds without saying anything.

"You are useless, you know that?."

"I can do a lot of things, like... math, I know the names of the capitals and other things." Replied the offended unicorn.

"All foals your age can do all that." The queen's words further lowered the foal's spirits to the point where his lips were beginning to twitch to cry again.

"Don't you dare cry again." Said the queen pointing her hoof at the little unicorn. "Open your mouth and bite my tail hard, not too hard so it doesn't hurt but don't let go."

The queen took the tip of her tail and put it in front of the unicorn's snout, who bit it without a second thought before nodding his head and mumbling something as he did so, the queen didn't understand what he said but assumed it was a sign that he was ready to go.

"Okay, let's go." Said the queen as she set off, feeling her tail pull the little unicorn who was trying to keep up with her with difficulty, the queen seeing this slowed her pace and matched it with the little unicorn's advance. "It won't take long, walk carefully and I'll show you the stones on the path."

The little unicorn nodded his head again and stammered something, then closed his eyes and continued to follow the queen without letting go of her tail.

I hope that the mare's love is gigantic because all this is making me very hungry. Thought the queen as she walked along dragging a small unicorn with her.

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