• Published 14th Dec 2022
  • 4,884 Views, 447 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 20 - The mother and the sister.

Chapter 20 - The mother and the sister.

Cheerilee had gotten up early this day as she wanted to catch the first train to Crystal's empire because she had gotten an audience with Cadance at noon and did not want to be late, Clear Spark was excited to hear the news but was still sleeping when Cheerilee went to see him to his bed, the teacher arranged all her things and made sure she had in her bag the scroll written by Petal Dance and the foal's medical record and how he had improved.

As dawn broke with the sun peeking over the horizon Cheerilee was heading to the train station carrying a sound asleep foal on her back, she was carrying some food for the trip for when Clear Spark woke up, and as they boarded the train they were the only passengers, five minutes later the train left for the crystal empire.

At about ten thirty in the morning, the train arrived at its destination and Cheerilee got off with Clear Spark on her back, the colt had just woken up and had already eaten what Cheerilee brought him for breakfast and now they were both going to the castle to talk to the princess of love.

"Hello, my name is Cheerilee and I have an audience with Princess Cadance at twelve o'clock sharp." Said the teacher to one of the guards at the entrance.

"Good day, follow this path and down the hall, you will find an office where you can give all your information before seeing the princess."

"Thank you." Cheerilee did as the guard instructed and was already in a special room waiting to be called, there were also other crystal ponies and some magnates, nothing out of the ordinary for a princesses day, and a few minutes later she was called but not to the throne room as she expected, but to Flurry Heart's room.

The room was easily the size of the Ponyville school or maybe bigger, toys everywhere and Princess Cadance was playing with her little daughter who had a Petling between her little hooves, the young princess had the collection almost complete in a corner, Cadance stood up with Flurry between her hooves and approached Cheerilee.

"Greetings, I am Cadance, princess of the crystal empire and this little foal here is my daughter Flurry Heart, I was told that you came all the way from Ponyville to talk something with me." The princess was known throughout Equestria and so was little Flurry, but she had to follow the protocol of introduction.

"Yes princess, my name is Cheerilee and this little guy is my back is Clear Spark, and I would like to talk something privately with you concerning...you know who." Cheerilee and Clear Spark's name was also mentioned many times between the princesses but the teacher thought it would still be appropriate to introduce herself to a regent.

Cadance's loving look changed to one of annoyance as she heard the pony's words and knew who she was referring to, she didn't want to know anything about Chrysalis but she could give her a couple of minutes of her time to listen to her.

"Thorax." Said the princess with a smile looking at a unicorn standing by the door. "Could you take care of Flurry and little Spark for a moment?."

The unicorn nodded and took Flurry between his hooves and guided Clear Spark over to where the Petlings were, the three began to play animatedly amidst the army of stuffed animals.

"I wouldn't imagine that you being a princess would need a babysitter." Cheerilee commented.

"He showed up along with others for the audition and Flurry immediately took to him, plus he's very good with all the foals and charges less than the others, it's like he just wants to make Flurry happy."

Cheerilee's sharp mind worked very quickly upon hearing the princess's words and from what she knew of Red Bug and Chrysalis living in Ponyville, she got a very clear idea of who Flurry Heart's new nanny was.

Cadance led Cheerilee to a table away from the little ones where there was some fruit and other things to eat and the two sat down to talk.

"I know you want to talk about Chrysalis, and that is a topic that is not to my liking so I would like to keep this conversation brief." Cadance said pointedly.

"I'd like to know why you brought charges against Chrysalis for crimes committed long before all of this happened?"

"She impersonated me on my wedding day and tried to marry my husband to seize the throne and conquer Equestria, I believe that is more than a necessary reason to imprison her, but the current law does not allow me to press charges about what happened in Canterlot that day because according to our law that was not listed as a crime, so I had to seek other means."

"You know as well as I do that changelings need love to subsist and she admitted to me that that was not one of her better plans and had she thought more about it she would have taken another path, a more peaceful one."

"Remember also that she foalnap that little boy and feels no remorse for separating him from his mother."

"We both know she has been living a peaceful life in Ponyville for months and has taken excellent care of Clear Spark, the little one loves her and misses her, don't you think that should be considered and put the foal's welfare above other things."

"It is possible in some cases but I am not going to release her on some assumption, Clear Spark himself has said he wants to return to his mother and Chrysalis continued to lie to him by telling him she was sick and could not return, there is a distressed mare out there looking for her son because of a liar who fortunately is now in prison, so I am sorry but I am not dropping the charges."

"I must tell you that you are wrong about that mare and Chrysalis, and I can prove it to you."

Cheerilee opened her bag and took out some papers, parchments, and some pictures of Chrysalis and Clear Spark in Ponyville, and presented them to Cadance, the intrigued princess started going through the pictures and medical papers until she came to a letter written on hoof by a mare, and the moment she started reading it Cheerilee began to talk.

"Chrysalis told me this story the same day I met her, it's not a pretty story but it's the truth, the first time she found Clear Spark crying alone in the woods and helped him look for his mother with the intention of..."

Cadance took some time going through all the papers and couldn't believe the story, as a mother her heart couldn't accept it either, it had to be a lie.

"You really want me to believe that...to believe all of this?" Cadance asked somewhat annoyed.

"If you want you can investigate everything I said yourself and you'll realize it's true."

Cadance stood up abruptly from the table very upset.

"I can't believe any of this, I won't believe any of this, I know what that harpy is capable of and I won't give her any chance to continue ruining lives with her presence."

"Okay, I understand what you want to tell me and I must respect your position." Cheerilee said calmly as she gathered up all the papers and tucked them safely inside her bag before standing up from the table.

"But before I retire I would like you to think not as a princess, think as a mother what would you have done if you had fallen in the forest and Flurry Heart had been the abandoned filly."

Cheerilee walked over to where Clear Spark was and helped him settle on her back, the colt was a little disappointed to have to leave but knew they had all day to stroll around town.

Cadance, still annoyed, just watched as Thorax played with Flurry to command his army of stuffed animals.

It had already been two days since Cheerilee visited Cadance in the crystal empire. She still didn't know if her words convinced the princess to change her mind, she would find out on Saturday when she visited Chrysalis in Canterlot. Still, now she had another important matter and she was at the station waiting for the train to arrive, AppleJack had offered to take care of little Spark for today, making Apple Bloom extremely nervous.

The teacher was worried because Red Bug said that they would meet that same day to talk to Twilight and try to convince her to change her mind, but the teacher had been waiting since early in the morning and two trains had already arrived and left from the station and Red Bug was not on any of them.

"Cheerilee, what are you doing here?, I've been looking for you all morning." Said a voice from behind the teacher's back.

Cheerilee turned and saw Red Bug in her pony costume wearing a long dress accompanied by Big Mac.

"What time did you get here?, I've been waiting all morning for your train."

"I came from Big Mac's house."

"And why did you come from Big Mac's farm?" The teacher asked intrigued.

Red Bug and Big Mac turned totally red with embarrassment and averted their gazes.

"...OHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh..." Cheerilee said as she realized what had happened. "We'd better...go to Twilight's."

"We'd better." Red Bug said goodbye to his giant boyfriend and walked with Cheerilee to Twilight's castle.

"So... how..." Cheerilee tried to say.

"Awesome." Replied the changeling.

In a couple of minutes, they arrived at the castle and Cheerilee walked over to knock on the door, moments later Spike opened it.

"Hello Cheerilee, hello Red Bug, what are you doing here?" The dragon asked.

"Hi Spike, we're here to talk to Twilight, is she available?." Cheerilee replied.

"Spike who is it?" a voice asked from the hallways.

"It's Cheerilee and a changeling who want to talk to you."

"A WHAT?." Twilight shouted before teleporting in front of the door with her horn glowing brightly, only to see Cheerilee standing next to a mare in a beautiful floral dress. "Spike I thought you said you saw a changeling." Twilight said angrily as she lowered the intensity of her horn's glow.

"I said it, she's Red-."

"My name is Red Rose, and I'm a changeling druid when we play Ogres & Oubliettes." Said the mare with a smile.

"Ohh... sorry if I made you girls startle a little." Twilight said apologetically. "What can I do for you."

"We'd like to have a word with you if you have time." Cheerilee said

"Now I was a little busy but it would be nice to take a break and chat for a while, Spike could you fix us something to drink, please follow me to the library girls." Twilight turned and walked around turning her back to the group and rounding a corner.

Red Bug, very annoyed, smacked the back of Spike's head, "Spike you know you're supposed to keep who I am a secret."

"Sorry, I forgot."

"Do you two know each other?"

"We play Ogres & Oubliettes with a couple of changelings, Big Mac, and Derpy every week, of course I know her."

"Just remember to keep it a secret or I'll never heal you in combat again."

"Ok ok, I said I was sorry." An annoyed frustrated Spike headed for the kitchen in search of something to drink while the two mares went to the library where Twilight was and sat down at the table across from her.

"Tell me what you want to talk about?."

"What's your opinion on Crystal Ivy?". Cheerilee asked immediately putting Twilight in a bad mood.

"Chrysalis deceived us all for months betraying our trust and not to mention she almost destroyed my brother and Cadance's wedding." Twilight replied.

"You're talking about Chrysalis, I asked you about Crystal Ivy." Replied Cheerilee.

"It's the same mare, and you know it."

"So Chrysalis didn't take care of Clear Spark?, didn't take him to school every day?, didn't participate in the parties?, didn't help fight that hydra?."

"That mare fooled us all and can't be trusted."

"Do you think she doesn't deserve another chance?" Red Bug asked.

"You know her past, you know she's where she belongs now." Twilight replied.

"Then Princess Luna didn't deserve another chance either?, you knew her past." Red Bug commented.

"That's different, she-."

"And Discord is different too?, or Starlight?, tell me what makes them different." Cheerilee asked.

"She... is a changeling and they are only good for one thing." Answered the princess in an annoyed way.

"So you think changelings are just parasites who are only good for stealing love."

"I know it will sound ugly but I can't see her as anything other than a manipulative monster who only serves to steal love."

"I understand."

Red Bug got up from her seat and approached Twilight until she was a couple of steps away before dropping her disguise and showing her true form damaging the dress a bit in the process, Twilight jumped in fright and immediately got into a defensive stance.

"Cheerilee go behind me, I'll protect you." Said the princess without taking her eyes off her enemy.

"I'm not going to do that Twilight." Replied the teacher.

"But she is a changeling and they are surely planning another invasion."

"You're wrong Twilight, just like you're wrong about Chrysalis, they're not planning to invade anyone."

"And how can she be so sure."

"Listen to her Twilight, she wouldn't have revealed herself like this if she didn't have something important to tell you."

Twilight looked carefully at the changeling in front of her who hadn't moved an inch.

"My real name is Red Bug and I am a changeling with a degree in Psychology from one of the hives, I met a beautiful stallion who is in love with me and I am in love with him, he knows who I am and he doesn't care that I am different, neither do the friends I made here in Ponyville and I am tired of hiding like all the changelings out there."

The changeling walked out of the room past a somewhat surprised and confused princess.

"Where do you think you're going!" Twilight shouted turning her body around and getting back into a defensive stance.

"I'm going to the farm to apologize to AppleJack for ruining her pretty dress and to say goodbye to Big Mac." The changeling sighed before covering herself in green flames and transforming back into the chestnut-colored mare. "Bye Spike." She finished saying before retreating.

"See you Red B... Rose." Replied the dragon returning with several glasses of fruit juices.

Cheerilee stood up from her seat and stood in front of Twilight.

"You know Twilight, of all the princesses I thought you would be willing to give Chrysalis a second chance as you did with everyone else, but I guess I was wrong, you do judge a book just by its cover, even after you've seen its contents."

Cheerilee also walked past Twilight saying goodbye to Spike and leaving the castle.

Twilight understood very little of what had happened but had a lot to think about.

Author's Note:

Cheerilee knows how to hit hard. :moustache:

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