• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 1,113 Views, 6 Comments

You Are My Sunshine - HiddenEntity

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Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away

It was a long day in the hospital. Sunny was in a room by herself without any objects she could visibly hurt herself with. Hitch watched over her with Doctor Hammer Kneedock. "Is she going to be alright?" Hitch asked.
"She'll live. Probably not very happily, but close." Hammer replied solemnly.
"What happened that made her want to die?"
"The loss of her father."

"Of course."

It was a long day in the prison cell. Argyle sat alone, jotting down mental notes on the pair pegasi guards before him. "Hey, what's your name?" he asked the blue mare.
"I'm Guard Zoom Zephyrwing. You better not be trying any funny business, mister. I've seen it all; throwing apples, insulting me and my partner, all sorts of stuff. You better-"
Zoom was cut off abruptly by Argyle holding an orange outside the bars. "Here. You've been watching me all day and you haven't had a single thing to eat."
Zoom was taken aback by the sentiment. "Are you trying to poison me, Mister Starshine? I knew you weren't be be trusted!"
Argyle felt betrayed. "No, no, not at all, Miss Zoom! I'm simply trying to be kind to you. Besides, you would have seen if I was poisoning an orange."
Zoom squinted warily, and took the orange before her.
"After all, you can't fight fire with fire." Argyle smiled.

Zipp sat in her room all by her lonesome, paging through the notebook the prisoner Argyle had given her. Are Earth Ponies really this nice? She thought to herself many similar thoughts, and then slammed the notebook shut. She knew what she had to do. It was time...

...to stage a breakout.

Zoom took a bite of the orange discreetly.
Suddenly a voice spoke before them.
"You are dismissed." Zipp stood before the two guards.
"Excuse me, madam?"
"I said, you are dismissed." Zipp's eyes filled with the same fire Argyle had seen before.
"Very well, Princess." Zoom bowed, and led her partner away from the cell.

"What are you doing?" Argyle whispered.
"Breaking you out."
"Wh- Breaking me out?? Your mother will be furious!"
Zipp looked him dead in the eyes.
"I don't care."

Her hoof slammed the hoof recognition panel, opening the cell. "Come with me."
Argyle followed the young pegasus out of his cell, and down the hallways of the palace.

It wasn't long before they ran into trouble. There was Zoom and her partner standing in the corridor. "And just what do you think you're doing, missy?"
Zipp froze, then screamed, "Run!"
Zipp and Argyle turned and ran like fugitives, which they currently were at that moment. Zoom's voice behind them shouted, "We need reinforcements, the prisoner has escaped!" The castle seemed to stir to life, and guards all around the palace began to surround them at every corner they turned. They dodged, they weaved, but still, Zipp and Argyle couldn't escape the guards. Argyle knocked over a nearby vase, crashing into the floor with a shattering ear shattering crash. The pegasi guards around them stopped and covered their ears with agony. Zipp seemed relatively unaffected however. "Out the door there!!" She yelled. The two blasted out onto the landing before them. It was no landing, however. It was a cliff path. "Oh my word, this is perfect, follow me!" Zipp smiled as she trotted down the mountainside, Argyle close behind in tow. Zipp heard a yelp. She turned in time to see Argyle's back hoof slip off the edge, then the other, and his eyes widened in fear. "Help me." He seemed to plead. The rest of him tumbled off the edge down into the abyss below. Zipp's eyes filled with tears, and felt her heart break as she heard his body crash into the rocks below. "ARGYLE!!" She screamed in pain for the loss of the one she was trying to save.