• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 1,137 Views, 6 Comments

You Are My Sunshine - HiddenEntity

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You Make Me Happy

"Just a little further!" Argyle grunted as he pulled himself up a rocky mountainside. The legend of Canterlot engraved in his mind, he was determined to find the fabled lost city on the mountaintop. He continued to struggle up the loose rocks, pebbles bouncing down into the canyon behind him. "Almost there..." he heaved as he crawled up onto the flat surface before him. Breathing heavily, he stood, and admired the view as the glory of the clouds stood almost within hoof's reach.

"It's... beautiful.." he sighed. It was everything he had wished and more. Suddenly, a loud thud sounded behind him. A soft whimper followed by a wail of pain made Argyle whip around to see what had happened.

A teenage pony, almost the size of his daughter, Sunny, laid on the ground. Her fur shone white in the morning light, and her hair whipped up into a bulb of magenta strands, a soft cyan stripe running up the side. Her bright blue eyes glinted with a fire Argyle had never seen, a flame of kindness, yet still fierce. He attempted to come closer, to help her.

The teenage pony flared her wings outward, the light dancing them with violet and blue. Argyle gasped softly, a kind smile upon his face. "Get away from me, you dirty Earth Pony!" she yelled. Argyle was taken aback. The pegasus began to stand, but collapsed before she could get upright. She howled in pain as she fell down, her right foreleg limp as a bag of oats.

Argyle winced as the pony before him forced herself to stand again. He rushed to her side and let her lean against his side. The pegasus reluctantly put a wing over Argyle's back for stability.
"I told you to stay away." She glared.
"Well I wasn't going to leave you here, now, was I?" Argyle chuckled.
"Fine." The pegasus groaned. "We'll go that way." She pointed with a hoof off into the distance, down the trail nearby.