• Published 3rd Mar 2022
  • 1,157 Views, 6 Comments

You Are My Sunshine - HiddenEntity

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How Much I Love You

Sunny's eyes filled with tears as she placed the stool. The rope hung from the ceiling, smiling maliciously and laughing at her despair. She climbed upon the wooden equipment and fitted the noose over her head. I'm coming, Daddy. She kicked the stool out from under her and dropped with a scream. A singular tear drained from her eye, as her neck strained under her body weight. "Hck-- Hcckkkk---!!" Sunny tried to gasp as her eyes began to overflow, her lungs burning.

No, wait, I don't want this!! She began to choke out little sobs as she flailed in the air, trying to escape her self-ordained fate. The rope whispered in her ears, telling her to stop resisting. No! I can't! I never should have done this!

She thought of all the wonderful things she could have done. All the smoothies she could have tried. All the little children she could have helped. All the ponies she could have helped save from fear. All those dreams faded away because she decided to end it all. The rope whispered again. "Give up," it cackled, "give up and succumb to the darkness!"

Sunny hacked and suffered as she felt the rope constrict tighter and tighter. Her coat began to wear away and began to cause rope burn. Sunny's eyes blinked over and over, the light filling her room turning green and grey. Everything was over. She could do nothing. Her hooves flopped crazily as she felt her brain begin to ache. Sunny's vision began to fade as she fought to stay conscious. No.. please... not like this.... And still, the rope laughed. Sunny's body fell limp, the summer sun flooding her room illuminating her unconscious body.

Hitch heard a yelp from upstairs, as something fell down with a loud clunk. He thought Sunny was up to some shenanigans again and decided he would go and try to help her out. Sunny, you always did the strangest things, he thought. You always knew how to make someone happy. He smiled softly to himself as he climbed the steps. Something felt off. Creaking was heard as he took steps. He stopped a moment, and the creaking continued. It's not the stairs.. Hitch thought. He began to walk faster, and faster, until he was sprinting up the staircase for reasons he knew not.

And then he saw her. Hanging. Her head was limp, her body hanging below. "SUNNY!!" Hitch screamed, and immediately began to pull her down, tears filling his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no!!!" His voice cracked as he sobbed over her. "Sunny, please, wake up, don't leave me like this, please!!"