• Published 16th Aug 2016
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Dusk Shine in pursuit of Happiness - bigsnusnu

Dusk Shine is sent to Ponyville to discover what is friendship. But could a colt that doesn't recognize the friendship, recognize love?

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Chapter 7 - High-speed Pranking!

High-speed Pranking!

"So tell me Dusk, would you like to prank some ponies?" Rainbow Dash asked with a sinister smile.

"Eh?" Said Dusk, taken aback by such a question. Pranks? What on earth is this mare thinking!? Dusk thought, standing before the persistent look of the pegasus, decided to answer sensibly. "I... I don’t think that's such a good idea ..."

"Hmph! I knew you'd say no." Rainbow Dash said, turning around with feigned resentment. "I knew you were just a good little boy... I bet you always follow everything your teacher tells you to do when she tells you to, just like a foal."

Rainbow Dash's words hit Dusk right where it hurt. The unicorn on any other occasion would have recognized when someone was trying to manipulate it, but this time, after Rainbow Dash had called him 'effeminate', 'cute little girl' and 'foal' today, he really wanted to prove that he WAS manly and could be a bad boy if he wanted to.

"And what did you have in mind?" Dusk answered coldly, thinking; "This mare will not belittle me!"

"Bingo!" Rainbow Dash thought as she continued smiling sinisterly at Dusk.

"It's simple," the pegasus said turning back around to Dusk and Spike excitedly. "Only I know that you two aren't criminals like everyone believes, so we'll trick the ponies looking for you. We'll pretend that you're attacking me and scare the heck out of them!"

A great silence followed after Rainbow Dash's lively words.

"That... that's a terrible idea!" Spike said, annoyed after hearing her idea. "We don't wanna make the guards angry or cause a panic!"

"That's great, but don't worry about the guards because there aren't any," Rainbow Dash said with enthusiasm. "Ponyville is a quiet town, without any need for guards or police, so the mayor asked the weather patrol to watch over the town and warn everypony if we saw trouble. So if we frighten one or two pegasi on the weather patrol, it won't be much of a fuss. And it would be funny to watch 'em in a panic!"

Dusk and Spike looked at each other, it was obvious they both thought it was a bad idea. If they didn't clear up this misunderstanding soon, the whole situation could worsen for them.

"What's the matter? Are you a colt or a chicken?" Rainbow Dash asked grinning at Dusk.

"You're obviously trying to provoke us," Spike said firmly. "But we're not falling for it, right Dusk?"

"You're on!" Dusk answered sharply, with a fire in his eyes. "I'll prove to you that I'm no foal!"

Spike faceclawed in frustration, he couldn't believe his clever and sly brother would fall for her games so easily.

"All right! I'll go get the victims." Rainbow Dash said excitedly. "When I'm back with them, you pretend to be thieves or something and attack me."

Then the pegasus spread her wings and like a rainbow colored flash, flew off into the center of town, leaving Dusk and Spike completely alone.

Spike waited a few seconds to make sure Rainbow Dash had gone far enough, then spoke again.

"I think we'd better go while we still can," Spike whispered to Dusk. "If we do what she tells us, we'll just get into even more trouble."

"No way! I'm going to prove her wrong! "Dusk said filled with determination. "I'll make that pegasus eat her words!"

Spike thought about contradicting his brother and to keep running, but apparently Dusk was determined to prove it to Rainbow Dash that he was not a foal or effeminate. That and Spike knew that look, his brother had something in mind.

"What are you planning?" Spike asked curiously.

"She wants a bad boy, right?" Dusk said as a slow sinister grin formed on his lips. "I'll give her a bad boy..."

Rainbow Dash had reached the center of town and was flying all over looking for some known weather patrol pony.

"There they are!" Rainbow Dash said to herself after seeing a pair of pegasus fly by, both mares were moving clouds from one place to another all over the town, one of them had the bluish lilac skin and a wild mane of silver and white, the other had pale aquamarine skin and a well cut blond mane.

"Hey! Cloudchaser! Helia!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Hello Rainbow! What's going on?" cried the messy mane of hair, that was Cloudchaser.

"I ... I saw that colt we're looking for!" Rainbow Dash said feigning fear.

"The colt we're looking for? What do you mean?" Helia the blonde pegasus asked.

Rainbow Dash was puzzled for a second, she expected a better reaction from the mares, a reaction of fear or at least interest, however that wouldn't happen, to her disappointment, since unlike Rainbow Dash, who had taken to heart her search and surveillance for criminals, the other members of the weather patrol had given up the search the first day after only a couple of hours, since there had never been a crime in Ponyville and all thought that the 'criminal' had only been an exaggeration on the mayor's part.

"The criminals! Remember!! The ones on the 'Wanted' posters!" Rainbow Dash insisted, somewhat irritated that her co-workers had forgotten so quickly.

"Oh yeah! I remember...! What about them?" Helia asked nonchalantly.

"I saw them! They're at the entrance of town! Come on! "Rainbow Dash said quickly, trying to urge her companions.

However both mares continued to float where they were and only looked at each other.

"It's not right to leave a job half-done," Helia said to her partner.

"Yeah... Although... It might be entertaining to see this colt the mayor made us look for and see why he scared poor All Aboard." Cloudchaser replied with a small laugh.

"Hmm... yeah, could be fun... Okay, come on!" Helia replied to Cloudchaser smiling.

"Uh... Okay... Follow me," Rainbow Dash said lightly, slowly flying back to Dusk.

Rainbow Dash's initial enthusiasm vanished as she realized her companions weren't scared at all, worse yet, they were excited and smiling. Rainbow Dash's plan was to mentally prepare them so it would be easy to scare them, but that didn't worked. Now Rainbow Dash knew that with such a cheerful atmosphere it'd be impossible to scare them when they saw harmless Dusk and his talking pet iguana Spike, she knew that as soon as they got to Dusk, this joke would become a fiasco...

Finally Rainbow Dash and company got to where she had left Dusk and Spike. The place was deserted, with no sign of either of the two fugitives.

"Where did you see them?" Cloudchaser asked, looking around as she landed next to the others.

"Huh... they should be around here..." Rainbow Dash replied, not knowing what to do. She wasn't sure if Dusk and Spike were hiding or if they simply ran, ether way, Rainbow Dash felt depressed. Since if they had fled that would mean they tricked her, and if they were hiding, it'll only be a matter of time before they jumped out trying to scare them, then Cloudchaser and Helia would make fun of her for believing that something so simple would frighten them.

"Maybe they ran away, hehe," Helia said giggling at the end.

"Yeah, or they might not even be real," Cloudchaser continued, looking to Rainbow Dash smiling. "Did you just want to scare us, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash had a bad poker face, she'd been caught, it'd be best to admit this was all a bad joke that went wrong.


As soon as Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to speak, huge green flames came out of nowhere and surrounded the three mares. The three gave little jumps of surprise and immediately saw, with a fright, they were completely surrounded by flames.

"W-What's going on?" Helia asked fearfuly.

"I-I don't know." Rainbow Dash replied, looking around, trying to see where the fire had come from. "Did those two do this?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

Out of nowhere, the sky darkened as if everything had been covered by a great shadow, then they began to hear something like the growls of animals.

"Hunger... I Hunger..." They began to hear a deep voice in the distance.

The three mares were paralyzed by the sounds and that voice.

"Blood... I want your blood..." They heard the voice again, a voice that seemed to come closer and closer.

Rainbow Dash's companions took steps back in fear and continued to stare where the voice was heard. In front of them, Rainbow Dash was motionless, totally tense, staring purposefully at the same spot, but she could not see anything since the flames prevented her.

"W-Will it really be Dusk?" Rainbow Dash thought, she was beginning to doubt whether this was all part of the joke or whether they should really be running right now.

"Food... I smell food..." The dark voice was even louder, it was right in front of them, behind the flames.

Helia and Cloudchaser embraced as they trembled with fear. Rainbow Dash swallowed heavy, realizing that it was impossible for a simple pony like Dusk to do something this frightening, so she turned to her companions.

"COME ON! LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!" Rainbow Dash shouted at her companions.

However, instead of doing what Rainbow Dash said, they were both paralyzed with fear, staring at what was behind her, their terrified eyes widened. Rainbow Dash slowly turned her head to see why. There it was right front of her, crossing the flames like a demon of the pit, it was an enormous being, which seemed to be a totally black colt, as if it were living shadow of the dark flames. They could only now distinguish three things on him, an ugly scar on his cheek, fierce fangs, and furious white eyes that shone in the gloom, terrifying them all the more.

Rainbow Dash's blood froze, this was really happening! It was impossible for this demon to be Dusk!

"You will be my first prey..." said the pony-demon, lifting his hoof aiming for Rainbow Dash.

Instantly a force unknown to Rainbow Dash grabbed her body and dragged her against her will to the pony-demon, leaving her face to face with it. Immediately, not knowing what else to do, Rainbow Dash could only close her eyes tight, she had to accept it, she was afraid.

"Hey!" A voice whispered in front of her. Rainbow Dash slowly opened one eye. She was still facing the pony-demon, but now that she was face to face she could see the monster better. The pony-demon was shorter than it appeared to be, in fact it was only a little taller than Rainbow Dash, up close, she could see that his skin was not all black, but rather dark purple, as if it were lighter but covered in shadow. Also past the brightness of the eyes, Rainbow Dash could see the eyes did indeed have color, a certain color of purple. Finally if he had his fang and scar removed and his body shone with natural light, that pony-demon was someone she knew, IT WAS DUSK!

"So... Who's the chicken now?" Dusk whispered with a mischievous smile.

"D-Dusk?" Rainbow Dash asked uncertainly, still disbelieving what she saw.

She stared at him, her lip still trembling a little with fear. Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe she'd been fooled by that clumsy colt! Besides... the bad boy look really looked great on him. The mare couldn’t help blushing a little as she thought "This guy actually cooler than I thought."

Finally Rainbow Dash had recovered enough to speak, but was interrupted by Dusk.

"Play along," Dusk whispered again to Rainbow Dash, leaving her confused.

It only took a second for Rainbow Dash to realize that they were still joking and that Helia and Cloudchaser were still staring in terror as the 'pony-demon' had her in it's clutches.

"HUNGER...!" Dusk shouted in a deep voice, as he took Rainbow Dash in his hoofs, bent her quickly and bit her throat, while still in visual contact with the two frightened mares.

The bite to the neck took Rainbow Dash completely by surprise, she was paralyzed before Dusk's intrepid move. Rainbow Dash's neck was obviously safe, Dusk didn't really bite her, but the pegasus could feel the unicorn's soft lips on her neck, something that gave a strange sensation, a new feeling that was... enjoyable!?

"AHH!" Rainbow Dash pretended to scream as she got bitten, a great performance if the pegasus wasn't totally blushing.

"KYAAA!" Helia and Cloudchaser screamed in unison as they spread their wings and flew off in tears.

Once they flew away, Dusk stopped 'biting' Rainbow Dash while what was left of the green flames died down and the shadow that covered everything along with Dusk's body, and his fake facial features, disappeared, leaving Dusk with his usual look.

"HAHAHAHA!" Spike laughed loudly, he had been hidden behind a tree. "That was hilarious! Did you see them run!"

"Yeah not bad, right?" Dusk smiled at his partner.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash was still perplexed to see how her companions had fled in terror.

"That... WAS AMAZING!" Rainbow Dash shouted with a big smile, wide eyed looking at Dusk. "How'd you do all that? The fire and the shadows everywhere! Even that scar and the fangs!"

"Well, the flames were made by Spike, it would have been dangerous if it had been real fire, but that's magic fire, it can be used without burning anything, you would have realized it if you'd touched it, that's how I walked through it." Dusk replied with a smile, he loved to explain things. "The rest was just advanced illusion magic, it's not my forte, but I can still use it a bit and it works so long as the targets aren't too close."

"That was great! Who'd know you're really a terrifying dragon!" Rainbow Dash said playfully striking Spike, giving a small smile of pride to the little dragon. "I never would have thought you could do that!" Finished saying Rainbow Dash with a huge smile looking at Dusk.

He was about to say, "She's really cute when she smiles." Then it hit him, Dusk immediately remembered when he had said that she wasn't at all cute, a memory that really started to bothered him.

"So... were you scared too?" Spike asked Rainbow Dash with a mischievous look.

"W-What are you talking about? I knew it was you from the beginning!" Lied Rainbow Dash slightly flushed. "Although... you took me by surprise biting my neck." As she finished speaking, the pegasus touched her neck and looking away as she blushed even more.

Dusk couldn't see it, but Spike would have sworn that for a second he saw Rainbow Dash smile as she touched where Dusk had bit her.

"Anyway..." Rainbow Dash said quickly, turning back to Dusk with a mischievous little smile. "It was okay, for a chicken."

"Well, your victim performance leaves much to be desired, MISS Rainbow Dash." Dusk replied with the same mischievous smile.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds until they couldn't hold it, they both started laughing.

"All right! To our next victim!" Rainbow Dash said afterwords, spreading her wings and flew low and slow for Spike and Dusk to follow. "Do not ask, just follow me."

Spike had already forgotten all the resentment he had toward the pegasus, he followed first. While Dusk stood for a moment thinking and pondering how this situation with Rainbow Dash had taken a turn, in what seemed to be them becoming friends without even intending to, unlike Fluttershy and Applejack... or perhaps he had made these ties on his own without thinking of the Princess’s task? Everything that happened with these three mares... Did he still do it because of the obligation to do his task? He was not sure now. Finally, Dusk decided to leave those thoughts for later and for now, just follow Rainbow Dash and see who would be their next victim.

"Are you sure about this?" Dusk asked uncertainly.

"Yes, he was the one who started it all, so we'll scare him and then explain that it was all just a joke and that you're not criminals," whispered Rainbow Dash.

Dusk, Spike and Rainbow Dash were hiding behind a bush, all three watched their next target, All Aboard.

"Do we do the same thing as before?" Dusk asked Rainbow.

"Yeah, but I'll show up later, pretending I'm just walking by, then you attack me," Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

"So... leave the bite out this time?" Dusk asked not wanting Rainbow Dash to get angry with him.

"NO!" Rainbow Dash said quickly, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I-I-I mean no... it adds realism, I think we should leave that part as is, just... be gentle..." This last phrase Rainbow Dash said very low, looking away.

Dusk couldn't help but blush, for a second time the extroverted pegasus seemed so tender and delicate.

Finally Dusk got up and looked at Spike.

"When I give you the signal," Dusk told him as his horn glistened.

All Aboard was on his way back to the train station, he had gone out to eat something before the last train of the day arrived in Ponyville, the innocent train attendant was walking totally unconcerned when a sudden shadow seemed to cover the sky, immediately green flames prevented him from moving forward and strange noises began to be heard. Poor All Aboard glanced around frightened as Dusk slowly approached as Spike and Rainbow Dash held in their laughter behind the bush.

"Hunger... I hunger..." Dusk began to speak in a deep voice as he approached All Aboard.

The train attendant nearly dropped his glasses as his eyes opened with terror and he stepped back.

"Blood... I want your-" Dusk could not complete his scary phrase, for from a distance he was interrupted by a loud cry.

"THERE IT IS! GET HIM!" Came a voice from the heavens.

Dusk was completely frozen when he saw almost a dozen pegasi were rushing him from the sky, immediately this interruption made Dusk's illusion fall apart, returning him to normal. The pegasi, both colts and mares, fell upon Dusk as they all grabbed him, trying to immobilize him.

"W-What's...?" Dusk asked confused once he was able to speak after being grabbed.

"We got you, you damned cannibal!" Said a dark gray-skinned pegasus with a short Mohawk of grayish-pale blue color, glaring at Dusk.

"Yes! He was the one who ate poor Rainbow Dash!" Said a pegasus in back, tears in her eyes. Dusk was able to lift his head a little to see that it was one of the mares he had frightened before.

"He... He's the fugitive who was a prisoner from Canterlot!" Said All Aboard, he had been surprised by the whole situation but now that he could see Dusk better, he recognized him.

"Wait! It's all a misunderstanding!" Shouted Dusk, trying to free himself.

For their part, Rainbow Dash and Spike watched the whole situation, they stopped laughing as soon as the ponies tackled Dusk.

"Come on Spike, we need to clear this up!" Rainbow Dash said quickly.

However, Spike instead of standing up began to touch everywhere, as if looking for something, his face showed that he was scared.

"Rainbow... I lost the photo... I don't know where I left it!" Spike said with fear to the pegasus.

This was a problem, that photo was the key to proving they weren't prisoners and that Dusk was the student of the princess, without that photo it would be really hard for Rainbow Dash to prove that Dusk wasn't a criminal, but at least she could save him from being tried for cannibalism.

"Wait here Spike!" Rainbow Dash said, coming out of the bush towards the others.

"HEY, leave him alone!" Shouted Rainbow Dash, flying to where they were holding Dusk.

All the pegasi were surprised to see her rainbow mane approach.

"RAINBOW DASH! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Cried Helia, jumping to embrace Rainbow Dash.

"Duh! Of course." Rainbow Dash said. "Seriously it was just a joke, he was just helping me play a prank!" Rainbow Dash pointed at Dusk.

The pegasus gave each other different looks, some were confused, some were annoyed and some were even smiling, while Helia began to cry while the other victim, Cloudchaser, looked angrily at Rainbow Dash.

"That was a very bad joke!" Said Cloudchaser annoyed.

"Yeah... maybe it got outta hoof a bit..." Rainbow Dash said regretfully, who then glanced sideways at Dusk and added. "I'm sorry, it was all my idea, please forgive me."

With the atmosphere a little more relaxed some ponies stopped holding Dusk, however not all did, the train manager spoke up before the rest.

"Wait a second!" All Aboard shouted, he didn’t understand anything that was happening right now. "I do not know what's going on here, but what I do know is that HE is a dangerous fugitive." He finished, pointing at Dusk.

"It's true! He appeared on the 'Wanted' posters!" Added another Pegasus after recalling seeing Dusk's face.

"It's... It's just a misunderstanding," said Dusk quickly, already feeling dizzy with so much attention and so many ponies around him. "I am a student of magic in Canterlot, my teacher sent me here by mistake, I even have proof that-" Dusk stopped talking since while they all looked at him, Rainbow Dash beckoned him not to speak as soon as he mentioned 'Proof'.

"Proof? What proof? "All Aboard asked, looking sharply at Dusk.

Dusk's mind quickly began to theorize what was happening. There must have been a reason why Spike didn’t come out to prove his innocence or even Rainbow Dash could have brought and shown the photo if Spike had any setbacks, "There must be a problem I don't know about". Dusk thought, he therefore decided that it would be best to remain silent.

"Well? So you have no proof that you're a Canterlot student?" All Aboard asked again, answered by Dusk's silence. "If you have nothing else to say, then we'll take you to the mayor!"

Then All Aboard began to walk towards the city hall, followed by the pegasus who continued to hold Dusk tightly and carried him, while Rainbow Dash began to talk with her companions, trying to convince them that Dusk was not a bad guy. As soon as they began to move, Spike peered out of the bush ready to go out and help his brother, however Dusk, who was the only one who had his eyes turned back and could see Spike, nodded his head not to leave , So Spike remained watching as they took his brother away like a criminal.

As soon as they arrived at the mayor's office, they all came in and were greeted with surprise by a mare in cream-colored skin and gray mane, and wearing a collar and a green tie. At the attentive gaze of the mare, All Aboard approached her and commented on the whole situation, the mayor's eyes widened as she finally understood this bizarre situation.

"I am Mayor Mare of Ponyville." The mare finally said. "And All Aboard here, who is a trustworthy colleague and friend, informed me a few days ago that you came as a prisoner from Canterlot. Is that right?"

Dusk, who had just been let go by the pegasi, stood up and thought carefully about what he should say, since he understood that even if he didn’t look it, they were all judging him at that moment.

"Good evening, Mrs. Mayor," Dusk greeted respectfully with a bow. "it's true that I was sent here tied up in a sack, but that was not because I was dangerous or a criminal, my teacher just played a bad prank on me. I wanted to explain the whole situation as soon as I arrived, but the train attendant fled before I could say anything. Besides, I spent the first two days of my stay on the outskirts of town, only today had I learned that everypony was looking for me like a fugitive."

"And you have evidence to support what you say?" Asked the mayor.

"No..." Dusk answered timidly. "But you don’t have proof either that I'm a criminal, do you? Apparently they are all only acting out of fear, and not because they had anything founded on proof."

The mayor was a bit surprised by this response, glancing at All Aboard who avoided eye contact and looked away. Then she turned to look at Dusk, in her opinion the unicorn didn’t seem like a delinquent at all, however she couldn't trust a book by it's cover and although it was true that they had no evidence that he was a criminal, he came to town like one and that made the ponies very suspicious.

"Well..." The mayor finally said after a long consideration. "I'll send a messenger to Canterlot to confirm whether or not you're a student there, but until they return you must wait in… a jail cell, okay?"

Dusk almost burst out laughing as the mayor finished speaking, was she really asking him if he agreed to it or not? He was supposed to be a prisoner! They shouldn't have to ask him if he agreed with his sentence or not, and it seemed as if the mayor had never used the word 'jail cell' in her life. Was this town really so peaceful? Dusk finally decided to agree and just play along.

"Okay," Dusk replied with another bow.

"WAIT A SECOND!" Rainbow Dash shouted from the back, she had been listening intently to the mayor's verdict. "I want you to lock me up, too."

They all stared at her in astonishment.

"What are you talking about?!" Dusk and the mayor asked in unison.

"I was the one who got him in trouble, I was the reason to he played pranks instead of setting things staight, so I want to wait with him until he proves his innocence," said Rainbow Dash seriously.

"I... I don't think that's necessary, besides it shouldn't take very long-" The mayor said before Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"I insist!"

The mayor stood staring at Rainbow Dash, as a good mayor she knew every pony who lived in town, so she knew that the rainbow-colored pegasus was stubborn once she made up her mind, so she decided not to fight it or contradict it.

"Okay, whatever you want," the mayor said with a sigh, lowering her head. "Wait here, I'll go get the keys to the cell."

As the mayor retired to one of her offices, while All Aboard continued to watch Dusk while the pegasi all said goodbye to Rainbow Dash, while they did Dusk couldn't stop looking at the pegasus that for some reason didn't want to leave him. Once they all said goodbye to the Rainbow Dash, the pegasi retreated and the mayor approached Dusk.

"Sheesh!" Sighed Rainbow Dash resignedly as she approached. "Some of my team mates were real mad about that prank, now I'll have to do extra shifts at work to make it up to them."

"Hey, Rainbow Dash..." said Dusk timidly. "Why'd you blame yourself for what happened? You can leave no problem, it's not right for you spend a night in jail all because of me."

Rainbow Dash stared at him for a second before hitting him in the head with her hoof.

"Don't say that, I told you, I was the one who insisted that you were playing around instead of clearing things up, besides I don't think it's too bad to spend a night in jail, now I'll really be bad girl." Rainbow Dash said with smile, winking at Dusk. "We started this together and we'll finish it together, I never abandon my fri-" Rainbow Dash was interrupted by the mayor's voice.

"Here it is!" Said the mayor, wearing a key ring with a rusty key on her snout. "Nobody has occupied that cell for years, I had a hard time finding the key."

When the mayor came back, All Aboard said goodbye to her and left the mayor's office, giving a sideways glare at Dusk, then Mayor Mare asked Dusk and Rainbow Dash to follow her to the cell, the pegasus did with a smile and the unicorn with a look of confusion, wishing he knew how Rainbow Dash was going to finish that sentence.

Finally they came to a small hallway of the town hall, which was a single cell with iron bars, a bed and a small window with bars looking out. With some effort the mayor opened the rusty cell door.

"I'm not sure if this cell has ever been used," the mayor said as she opened the door. "But even if it is not used, I always give the order to keep it clean, so prisoners won't complain about being in a dirty cell."

"Wait a second!" Rainbow Dash said, looking into the cell. "Is there only one cell?"

"Eh... yes, it's never used, so it would be wasteful to have two." The mayor replied. "Is there a problem?"

Rainbow Dash gave a fleeting glance into the cell again, specifically toward the bed.

"N-No, no problem, hahaha..." the pegasus laughed nervously.

Soon as Dusk Shine and Rainbow Dash entered the mayor locked the cell. Dusk stood still looking at the place as Rainbow Dash took a few steps and stretched her wings.

"There's not much room, but at least we won't have to wait here long," said Rainbow Dash. "If the messenger flies as fast as I do, they should be back from Canterlot in a couple of hours at most."

Then a sudden revelation popped into Rainbow's mind, a revelation that made her tremble.

"Umm... Mrs. Mayor?" Rainbow Dash asked through the bars to the mayor, who was already retiring. "Who did you send as a messenger to Canterlot?"

The mayor stared at her as if the answer were obvious.

"Well, the mailmare, Derpy," the mayor replied, then continued walking while Rainbow Dash reeled shocked.

"NOOO! Not her!" Shouted Rainbow Dash as she dragged her hoofs down her cheeks with a dramatic face.

Immediately the pegasus jumped up and landed in the bed, with her legs stretched out and face buried in the pillow.

"I take it back," said Rainbow Dash, her voice barely understood as she spoke into the pillow. "Get comfortable, we'll spend a lot of time here."

"What are you talking about?" Dusk asked, who did not understand what was happening and was perplexed by Pegasus's attitude.

"Derpy is the most clueless pegasus who ever lived in Ponyville." Rainbow Dash replied standing up. "Hopefully she'll be flying to Las Pegasus right now."

"But Las Pegasus is in the opposite direction," said Dusk.

"Exactly," said Rainbow Dash, who was still remembering when she asked Derpy to deliver a letter to Cloudsdale, and Derpy had sent a telegram a week later from Manehattan saying she was lost.

Now Dusk understood why Rainbow Dash had acted so dramatically, if what he said was true, neither of them had a hope of leaving that cell soon.

"Psst!" There was a noise from outside, causing Dusk and Rainbow Dash's ears to rise on alert.

Dusk went to the window to see outside through the bars. Coming out of a bush (which was apparently becoming a habit) just below the cell window, was Spike.

"Hey! So they locked you up? "Spike asked.

"What do you think!?" Dusk snapped, that was a stupid question, as he could see that Dusk was speaking from behind bars in a cell.

"And how long will it be?" Spike asked, who didn't seem very upset that his brother was locked up.

"I don't know, apparently it could be quite some time, days even." Simply answered Dusk.

"So then... what's keeping you from getting out?" Spike asked confused.

Dusk didn't respond immediately, he understood what the little dragon was referring to. The point was the procedures to keep him prisoner had been as careless as his arrest, proof of that; the mayor had not placed a magic inhibitor on his horn, so Dusk could teleport easily out of prison, at any Moment, if he wanted to. Something, in fact, that had crossed the mind of the unicorn, however things had changed when Rainbow Dash joined to be arrested with him, because although it was true that he could teleport both of them out of prison, to flee that way could be problematic, not so much for Dusk, who had a priority to fulfill the task of the princess and return to Canterlot, but for Rainbow Dash, who had a job and a reputation to keep here in Ponyville.

"I think it would be best to stay here." Dusk said finally, glancing at the pegasus keeping him company, listening attentively to what Dusk and Spike were talking about. "I don't want to cause any more problems."

Spike looked at him confused for a moment, then gave a heavy sigh and scratched his head.

"If you think that's best... but then, what do I do?" Spike asked, simply deciding to trust his brother.

"It would be best if you take the money we have and go to the inn for the night," Dusk pointed out thoughtfully. "Although there is still the problem of your face on those ‘Wanted' posters, ponies may be scared of you or want to arrest you too."

"That's no problem," said Rainbow Dash, behind Dusk, still listening to the whole conversation. "As long as you pay the landlord he won't care who you are, and no one in the town took those ‘Wanted' posters seriously, apparently the only one seriously looking for you two was me." Rainbow Dash finished, somewhat embarrassed.

"So... I guess I'll do that..." Spike said after a while, still uncomfortable leaving Dusk in a cell.

"Yes, it's for the best, you stay out of trouble, and we'll see you tomorrow." Dusk said he seemed to read Spike's mind.

Dusk stretched one of his legs through the bars and Spike stretched his claw clenched into a fist, they both bumped their limbs and said good-bye, then Spike glanced around and began to sneak toward the entrance of town as the sun began slowly to set, making way for the night.

"So the kid's gone?" Rainbow Dash asked after Dusk stopped looking outside. She smiled seeing how close they were.

"Yeah, I guess he's having a hard time leaving me in here, he's a loyal friend after all." Dusk replied with a loving smile, which as soon as he mentioned the word 'loyal', could not help but think of Rainbow Dash and her gesture towards him. "If I'd asked him, Spike would've spent the night sleeping in that bush, but it's best he sleep in a comfortable bed, after all he's still just a baby dragon."

"And speaking of sleeping ..." Dusk suddenly added. "How will we sleep?"

"Eh?" Rainbow Dash stared at him for a long while with wide eyes. She did not open her mouth, but thousands of ideas passed through her head, ideas that had never passed through her head before or that in a billion years could she say out loud. Finally she swallowed hard and spoke.

"Y-You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Rainbow Dash said with a slight tremor in her voice as she looked away to avoid Dusk's gaze. "It's not like you want us to sleep together, right? HAHAHA! Hehe...! ..." she finished with a fake laugh that ended quickly.

"N-No! I wasn’t insinuating anything like that," Dusk said quickly, his cheeks flushed. "But if someone should sleep on the floor, that should be me! After all, I am a colt and you're a lady. "

Dusk's last few phrases made Rainbow Dash quickly change character.

"Don't treat me like I'm some damsel in distress!" Rainbow Dash shouted angrily, approaching Dusk and touching him hard with her hoof. "YOU will sleep in the bed and I will sleep on the floor. End of discussion!"

Then Rainbow Dash turned and laid on the floor, facing the opposite wall.

Dusk was confused again, after all he just wanted to be chivalrous with the Pegasus. Finally he was also annoyed at not being able to understand that pony and laid back on the bed, wanting to fall asleep fast so that he could wake up the next day sooner.

Night had already fallen, it had been a long time since Dusk and Rainbow Dash had stopped talking, Dusk had remained motionless trying to fall asleep and Rainbow Dash was still lying on the floor her back to Dusk. As for Dusk, the annoyance of not being able to understand the pegasus was dissipating as he reviewed in his mind the encounters that had happened with the mare since they had met that day, however as much as he tried to think of the good times, he always came back to the same memory, one that bothered and persecuted him continually, that memory of when Dusk had been aggravated and shouted at Rainbow Dash that she was not cute at all, he still couldn't forgive himself for being so angry and to have said something like that to a mare, that was something that Princess Celestia would never approve of.

Suddenly, noises pulled Dusk away from his thoughts, Dusk slowly opened one eye to see what was happening. On the floor, in front of him Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and tried to settle on the floor, after she changed position she was quiet again, a few seconds later and she repeated the same routine, the same shifting routine she repeated all over the floor.

"What the heck? How uncomfortable is the ground? She was the one who wanted sleep there in the first place." Dusk thought as he watched the pegasus move uneasily.

Dusk just stared at her for a while until an idea hit him. An Earth pony or even a unicorn wouldn't have much trouble sleeping on the floor! But she's a pegasus! She was accustomed to sleeping in soft clouds!

Dusk sat up and started to offer the bed up again, but he knew that would only start another argument with Rainbow Dash, so he looked out the window, trying to think of another solution, a solution that appeared just as Dusk looked to the sky.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash cursed having to sleep on the uncomfortable floor, more and more she moved, but couldn't find a point where she didn't feel uncomfortable. Then she began to think about her house and her comfortable bed of clouds that would be all alone this night.

"Hey! Rainbow Dash!" Dusk whispered.

"What'd you want?" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed, she turned to look at him.

As soon as she did, Rainbow Dash's mouth fell open and her eyes wide with surprise, before her was a small cloud that occupied almost half the cell, it had a lilac sheen as Dusk's magic contained it and kept it from rising.

"W-Wha-where did you get it?" Rainbow Dash asked, stunned.

"It was floating nearby." Dusk answered with a small smile, pointing to the window. "So I borrowed it, hopefully the weather patrol will forgive me, but it's to help so there partner sleep more comfortably. So, would it help?"

"Help? Of course!" Replied Rainbow Dash with a big smile. "You have no idea how uncomfortable it is to sleep on the floor!"

Rainbow Dash climbed into the cloud and began pounding it with her hooves to make the cloud lower and fixed to the floor. For his part, Dusk was very happy when he saw her smile, then remembered his mistake, telling her that she wasn't cute. "I really was a fool." Dusk thought. "YES, Rainbow Dash definitely is cute."

"Take this," said Dusk once the mare had completely accommodated her cloud, passing the blanket over to her. "Clouds must be cold at night, this will help."

Rainbow Dash was stunned for a second, not by the blanket, but by the fact that Dusk had realized that she was so uncomfortable and that he'd helped her without her asking him.

"Thank you..." Rainbow Dash timidly said as she took the blanket, her heart beat faster for some reason.

For Rainbow Dash, for a second, everything was rosy, until a sudden idea struck her, sending her out of her reverie.

"Wait a second!" Rainbow Dash said annoyed. "Are you being a gentlecolt to me again!?"

Dusk was paralyzed on the spot, everything had worked so well, why should they have the same argument and end up being upset again? Why is mare so against chivalry!?

"Well? Why did you help me?" asked Rainbow Dash, only more annoyed by Dusk's silence. "Is it because I am a mare? Is it because you think I'm helpless? Is it because you think colts are stronger than mares? Why!?"

Dusk didn't know what to answer, with every 'Why' that Rainbow Dash said, Dusk was more insecure about how to answer, for a second he thought of asking 'Because we’re friends?' But that's not true, was he? No matter if he was, Dusk immediately discarded the thought.

"WHY!?" Rainbow Dash asked angrily.

Dusk didn’t know what to answer, so he just spoke without thinking, with that single memory in his mind that kept bothering him constantly and he wanted to correct it.

"BECAUSE YOU’RE CUTE!" Dusk responded with a shout, something that even surprised himself.

Rainbow Dash fell silent immediately, totally puzzled, she expected any answer, but "cute" anything but that!

They both remained frozen where they were without blinking, Rainbow Dash with a face of complete perplexity and Dusk just as perplexed but totally blushing from the shame of what he had just said. After several seconds that seemed timeless, Rainbow Dash quickly turned, hitting Dusk with her tail.

"Idiot!" Rainbow Dash said, taking the blanket and lying on the cloud, turning her back on Dusk again.

Dusk only hung his head with great disappointment. He couldn't believe he had shouted Rainbow Dash was 'cute', especially when she had warned him she'd hit whoever said she was cute. Dusk decided not to say anything else and just lay in bed, now he didn't have any remorse of having told Rainbow Dash that she wasn't cute, but now Pegasus was mad at him again.

As the night wore on and Dusk was finally falling into sleep, Rainbow Dash was still wide awake, covered by the blanket as she stared at the wall. Dusk couldn't see her face, the pegasus had gone to bed so quick leaving her back to him again, why? She didn't want him to see how she was now, totally blushing.

Now Rainbow Dash couldn't fall asleep. She had been told many things in her life: great, fast, friendly, athletic, cool, etc. But no one had ever called her 'cute'. This was something she never thought would happen so she always thought that if someone dared call her cute (Especially a colt), she'd hit him, but now a colt had called her cute and instead of hitting him, all she did was blush as her heart beat louder and louder and her mind was filled with images of Dusk smiling at her.

"Stupid Dusk." Rainbow Dash whispered to herself, covering her flushed face with the blanket.

And so, the first night Dusk had spent with the rainbow haired, Rainbow Dash, ended. The Pegasus that didn't like being treated like a lady, but who certainly still had the heart of one.

#End of Chapter 7

Author's Note:

3 mares candidates to be 'friends', who will be the next to meet our hero :)

Thank you so much to Ecchidonzablue for his help with the translation to English =D
So if you liked, thank Him to it too ;)

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